3 zamke u koje MENTALNO JAKI ljudi nikad ne upadaju
3 Fallen, in die GEISTLICH STARKE Menschen niemals tappen
3 traps that MENTALLY STRONG people never fall into
Dragi moji, dobro mi došli!
Dear|my|well|to me|arrived
My dear ones, welcome!
Ja sam Slavica Squire i ovo je moj YouTube kanal
I am Slavica Squire and this is my YouTube channel
i četvrtkom uvek za vas imam korisne savete
and|on Thursdays|always|for|you|I have|useful|advice
and every Thursday I always have useful tips for you
kako da kreirate život i posao koje ćete da obožavate.
how|to|create|life|and|business|that|you will|to|love
on how to create a life and business that you will love.
U današnjem videu
In today's video
pričam o tri stvari
I talk|about|three|things
I talk about three things
koje su zaista nešto uobičajeno
that are really quite common
i mnogi ljudi
and many people
naročito ljudi koji nisu mentalno jaki,
especially|people|who|are not|mentally|strong
especially people who are not mentally strong,
vrlo često upadaju u te zamke
they often fall into these traps
i to ih koči u životu da postanu srećni i uspešni.
and it holds them back in life from becoming happy and successful.
Zato ću ja danas pričati sa vama koje su
That's why|I will|I|today|talk|with|you|which|are
So today I will talk to you about what these
to zamke, da biste ih prepoznali i
the|traps|to|you would|them|recognized|and
traps are, so you can recognize them and
šta raditi kada uhvatite sebe da ste upali u tu zamku.
what|to do|when|you catch|yourself|that|you are|fallen|into|that|trap
what to do when you catch yourself falling into that trap.
Jer, u principu, koristićemo metod koji koriste mentalno jaki ljudi.
Because|in|principle|we will use|method|that|use|mentally|strong|people
Because, in principle, we will use the method that mentally strong people use.
šta oni u stvari rade u takvim situacijama.
What they actually do in such situations.
Pogledajte obavezno video do kraja
Watch|обязательно|video|until|the end
Make sure to watch the video until the end.
pritisnite SUBSCRIBE i pritisnite zvonce
Press SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell.
kako biste uvek dobijali informacije kada
So you always receive notifications when
izađe nešto novo.
something new||
something new comes out.
I da krenemo odmah!
And let's get started right away!
Dakle, prva stvar koja
So, the first thing that
koja je jedna ogromna zamka koja nas koči da napredujemo u životu,
is a huge trap that holds us back from progressing in life,
i ja to na svakom koraku vidim,
and I see it at every step,
a to je da se predaje odgovornost nekom drugom
and|that|is|to|oneself|surrenders|responsibility|to someone|other
and that is to pass the responsibility to someone else
za nešto što se dešava.
for|something|that|reflexive particle|happens
for something that is happening.
Kao: "Pa nisam ja kriva... Ne mogu ja ništa za to..."
Like|Well|I am not|I|guilty|No|can|I|anything|for|that
Like: "But it's not my fault... I can't do anything about it..."
"Kriva je država... Moji roditelji su krivi..."
The guilty|is|state|My|parents|are|guilty
"The government is to blame... My parents are to blame..."
"Kriv je moj muž... Moj šef..."
"My husband is to blame... My boss..."
"Moja firma je katastrofa..."
My|company|is|a disaster
"My company is a disaster..."
Kriv je neko drugi.
is guilty|is|someone|other
Someone else is to blame.
"Kriv je neko drugi", znači: "Nije moja odgovornost"
guilty|is|someone|else|means|It is not|my|responsibility
"Someone else is to blame" means: "It's not my responsibility"
Ako nije moja odgovornost, onda sam ja nemoćan i ja tu ne mogu ništa.
If|is not|my|responsibility|then|I am|I|powerless|and|I|here|not|can|anything
If it's not my responsibility, then I am powerless and I can't do anything about it.
I to je ogromna zamka!
And that's a huge trap!
Mentalno jaki ljudi ne upadaju u tu zamku.
Mentally strong people do not fall into that trap.
Ne! Šta u stvari oni rade?
No! What do they actually do?
Oni rade ovako: "Ok, dešava se to što se dešava..."
They|work|like this|Ok|happens|reflexive pronoun|that|what|reflexive pronoun|happens
They do it like this: "Okay, this is happening..."
"Na neke stvari ja mogu da utičem"
"There are some things I can influence"
"Na mnoge stvari mogu da utičem, a na neke ne mogu".
On|many|things|I can|to|influence|but|on|some|not|I can
"There are many things I can influence, and some I cannot."
Ali razlika između onih koji su slabi i onih koji su jaki je
But|the difference|between|those|who|are|weak|and|those|who|are|strong|is
But the difference between those who are weak and those who are strong is
šta rade u situaciji kada se dešava nešto na šta ne mogu da utiču.
what|do|in|situation|when|(reflexive pronoun)|happens|something|on|what|not|can|to|influence
what they do in a situation when something happens that they cannot influence.
Slabiji kažu: Šta ću ja jadan, nisam ja kriv.
The weaker|say|What|will|I|poor|am not|I|guilty
The weaker ones say: What can I do, I'm not to blame.
Ja ne mogu, to nije do mene...
I|not|can|that|is not|up to|me
I can't, it's not up to me...
A mentalno jaki ljudi kažu
And mentally strong people say
Ok, dešava se to što se dešava,
Ok|happens|reflexive pronoun|that|what|reflexive pronoun|happens
Ok, it is happening what is happening,
I understand
I understand.
I razmišljam kako ja ipak
And I think how I still
bez obzira na sve
regardless of everything
bez obzira na situaciju u zemlji
regardless of the situation in the country
bez obzira na to ko su moji roditelji,
regardless of who my parents are,
bez obzira
na muža, bez obzira na šefa,
of my husband, regardless of my boss,
bez obzira na firmu
regardless of the company
kako ja ipak mogu da uradim svoj deo
how I can still do my part
sve što je potrebno
everything I need
da postanem srećan i uspešan.
to become happy and successful.
Šta je moj deo?
What is my part?
To znači, preuzimam odgovornost za sebe
That|means|I take|responsibility|for|myself
That means, I take responsibility for myself
preuzimam odgovornost za svoj život
I take|responsibility|for|my|life
I take responsibility for my life
preuzimam odgovornost
I take|responsibility
I take responsibility
kako ću ja da se
how I will behave
ponašam, šta ću ja da uradim
I behave|what|will|I|to|do
what I will do
u određenim situacijama na koje možda ne mogu da utičem.
in|certain|situations|to|which|perhaps|not|I can|to|influence
in certain situations that I may not be able to influence.
Ali mogu da utičem na to šta ću ja da uradim.
But|I can|to|influence|on|that|what|I will|I|to|do
But I can influence what I will do.
Tako da, vodite računa o tome da kad god
So|that|you take|care|about|it|that|whenever|ever
So, keep in mind that whenever
upadnete u to: Šta ću ja jadna, pa ne mogu to,
you fall|into|that|What|will|I|poor|well|not|can|that
you fall into this: What will I do, poor me, I can't do that,
nije do mene, nisam ja kriva...
is not|to|me|am not|I|guilty
it's not up to me, I'm not to blame...
da postavite sebi to pitanje: šta ipak možeš?
to ask yourself this question: what can you still do?
Šta možeš TI?
What can YOU do?
Ima li nešto što propuštaš? A sigurno ima.
Is there|question particle|something|that|you are missing|And|surely|there is
Is there something you are missing? And there surely is.
Uvek ima, jer to je recept za uspeh i za sreću.
There is always something, because that is the recipe for success and happiness.
Ok, i druga stvar
Okay, and the other thing
a to je zavist.
is envy.
To srećem na svakom koraku.
I encounter that at every turn.
Znate, vide nekoga tamo ima lep auto
You know|they see|someone|there|has|nice|car
You know, you see someone over there with a nice car.
lepo živi, nešto i odmah počne da se pljuje po njemu.
They live well, and immediately people start to talk bad about them.
"On kompenzuje nešto. Ružan je."
"He's compensating for something. He's ugly."
"Mator je... Glup je..."
Old man|is|Stupid|
"He's old... He's stupid..."
Nemam pojma, odmah mu se nešto prišije.
I have no|idea|immediately|to him|reflexive pronoun|something|happens
I have no idea, they just start to label him right away.
A u stvari se samo radi o zlobi
And|in|fact|reflexive pronoun|only|is about|about|malice
And in fact, it's just about malice.
i o zavisti.
And about envy.
I zavist je zaista
And envy is really
što kažu: đavolja rabota.
what|they say|devil's|work
what they say: devil's work.
Ne treba vam to! To je
No|need|to you|that|It|is
You don't need that! That's
osećaj koji vas drži
the feeling that holds you
u tom nekom
in that certain
položaju da ste nemoćni.
position|that|you are|powerless
position that you are powerless.
Šta rade u stvari
What|they do|in|fact
What do mentally strong people
mentalno jaki ljudi
actually do?
umesto toga što rade slabići da
instead of|that|that|weaklings|do|
instead of what weaklings do
onda ogovaraju, pokazuju prstom,
then|gossip|they point|with a finger
then gossip, point fingers,
i kao objašnjavaju to na neki način
and|like|they explain|it|in|some|way
and somehow explain it
for no reason
jaki ljudi
strong people
koji verovatno koračaju svojom stazom uspeha
who|probably|walk|their|path|of success
who are probably walking their path to success
možda i ako još nisu, ali koračaju,
maybe|and|if|yet|they are not|but|they are walking
maybe even if they haven't yet, but they are walking,
Kažu: A vidi ti njega!
They say|And|look at|you|him
They say: Look at him!
On je uspeo i pored svega da ostvari svoj cilj.
He|(past tense marker)|succeeded|and|despite|everything|to|achieve|his|goal
He succeeded despite everything to achieve his goal.
I ja ću tako, svaka mu čast!
I will do the same, hats off to him!
Verovatno je puno radio
Probably|he|a lot|worked
He probably worked a lot
verovatno je zaslužio
he probably deserved it
i ja ću tako!
and|I|will|like that
and I will too!
Znači, uspešne ljude koji
So, successful people who
nešto imaju
something|they have
have something
uzimaju kao inspiraciju
they take as inspiration
a ne da pljuju po njima
and not to spit on them
jer to je stvarno nešto što vas drži
because that is really something that keeps you
kao da vi ne možete.
as if you can't.
Ok, pogledajte nekoga ko je
Ok|look at|someone|who|is
Okay, look at someone who is
pošteno i lepo zaradio
fairly and nicely earned
svoj auto,
his car,
svoj stan, šta god...
his apartment, whatever...
i kažite: Kad može on, mogu i ja. I ja ću tako!
and|say|When|can|he|can|and|I|I||will|like that
and say: If he can do it, I can too. I will do it like that!
Postavite sebi cilj
Set|to yourself|goal
Set a goal for yourself
i krenite putem ostvarivanja tih ciljeva.
and start on the path to achieving those goals.
I treća stvar koju bih volela da sa vama prođem
I|third|thing|that|would|like|to|with|you|go through
And the third thing I would like to go through with you
a to je
ta zavisnost od mišljenja drugih ljudi.
the dependence on the opinions of other people.
Ogromna količina ljudi, pa čak i porodice cele
Huge|number|of people|even|including|and|families|whole
A huge number of people, even entire families
stalno se upravljaju po tome šta će ljudi da kažu
constantly|reflexive pronoun|are guided|by|that|what|will|people|to|say
they are constantly guided by what people will say
"Jao, nemoj to, šta će reći ljudi?!"
Oh no|don't|that|what|will|say|people
"Oh no, don't do that, what will people say?!"
"Pa nemoj ovo, šta će ljudi reći?"
well|don't do this|this|what|will|people|say
"Well, don't do this, what will people say?"
I onda se strašno plaše
I|then|themselves|terribly|are afraid
And then they are terribly afraid
da imaju bilo kakav cilj
to have any kind of goal
jer gde ćeš ti to?
because|where|will you|you|that
because where will you go?
Šta će ljudi da ti se smeju
What|will|people|to|you|reflexive pronoun|laugh
What will people laugh at you for?
jesi ti normalan, ti si budala!
are you normal, you are a fool!
I onda se desi na primer,
And then it happens for example,
sretnu nekog partnera kog vole, ali
they meet|some|partner|whom|they love|but
they meet a partner they love, but
razmišljaju šta će reći ljudi ako baš sa njim budu,
they think|what|will|say|people|if|exactly|with|him|are
they think about what people will say if they are with him,
ili imaju neku super ideju
or|they have|some|great|idea
or they have some great idea
imaju neki talenat, imaju nešto što
they have|some|talent|they have|something|that
they have some talent, they have something that
za čim im srce gori,
their heart burns for,
ali ne usuđuju se ni da probaju da se time bave
but|not|dare|themselves|not even|to|try|to|themselves|that|deal with
but they don't even dare to try to engage in it.
zato što, "šta će reći ljudi, zaboga..."
because|that|what|will|say|people|for God's sake
because, "what will people say, for God's sake..."
"Baš ćeš ti to..."
"You will really do that..."
"Baš tebe čekaju..."
Exactly|you|are waiting
"They are really waiting for you..."
I šta, na primer, ako ne uspem?
And what, for example, if I don't succeed?
Šta ću onda?
What will I do then?
Onda će svi da me ismevaju i da kažu: vidi budale...
Then|will|everyone|to|me|mock|and|to|say|look at|fool
Then everyone will mock me and say: look at the fool...
znali smo da neće uspeti... i tako dalje.
we knew|(past tense marker)|that|will not|succeed|and|so|
we knew he wouldn't succeed... and so on.
Međutim, šta činiti u tim situacijama? Zaista je važno
However|what|to do|in|those|situations|Really|is|important
However, what to do in those situations? It is really important
pogledati u sebe i razmisliti: šta ja u stvari ovde radim?
to look|into|oneself|and|to think|what|I|in|reality|here|am doing
to look within myself and think: what am I actually doing here?
Zbog koga ja radim ovo što radim?
For|whom|I|do|this|that|I do
For whom am I doing this that I am doing?
Jel ovo nešto moje ili samo radim
Is this something of mine or am I just working?
šta će da kaže tata, šta će da kaže mama, šta će da kaže
What will dad say, what will mom say, what will
šef, šta će da kaže komšiluk, šta će da kaže žena,
the boss say, what will the neighbors say, what will my wife say,
šta će da kaže... Ma boli me uvo šta će da kaže!
what will... I don't care what anyone will say!
ko god hoće da kaže! Hoću da živim svoj život
whoever|wants|to say|to|say|I want|to|live|my|life
Whoever wants to say something! I want to live my life.
po svome, pa neka kažu šta god hoće.
by|my own|and|let them|say|what|ever|want
in your own way, let them say whatever they want.
I verujte mi, kad krenete tako,
And|trust|me|when|you start|like that
And believe me, when you start like that,
onda vi razvijate samopouzdanje
then you develop self-confidence
Kad kažete: ja ću da živim svoj život kako meni odgovara.
When|you say|I|will|to|live|my|life|how|me|suits
When you say: I will live my life the way it suits me.
Onda vaše samopouzdanje u stvari
Then your self-confidence actually
nekako da samopouzdanje i drugima.
somehow|to|confidence|and|to others
somehow to self-confidence and others.
Oni osete to vaše unutrašnje samopouzdanje
They feel your inner confidence
i imaju više poverenja u vas.
and|they have|more|trust|in|you
and have more trust in you.
I onda se mnogo mnogo ređe dešava
And|then|reflexive pronoun|much|much|less often|happens
And then it happens much, much less often
da ne uspete zato što imate samopouzdanja
to|not|succeed|because|that|you have|confidence
that you fail because you have confidence.
znate šta radite, zato što imate svoje ciljeve
you know|what|you are doing|that's why|because|you have|your|goals
you know what you are doing, because you have your goals
Znači, prvo razmislite o tome
So, first think about it
šta u stvari vi želite u životu
what do you actually want in life
baš vas briga šta drugi kažu
you really don't care what others say
i baš vas briga
and you really don't care
što, ne znam,
what|not|I know
what, I don't know,
će neki zlobnici i pakosni ljudi da vas ogovaraju,
will|some|malicious people|and|spiteful|people|to|you|gossip
some malicious and spiteful people will gossip about you,
boli vas uvo!
you don't care!
Oni koji vas vole, oni će za vas da se raduju
Those|who|you|love|they|will|for|you|to|reflexive particle|rejoice
Those who love you, they will rejoice for you
Ali to je ono što rade mentalno jaki ljudi kada vide nekoga
But that's what mentally strong people do when they see someone
ko je uspešan i kažu: WOW!
who|is|successful|and|they say|WOW
who is successful and they say: WOW!
E svaka mu čast!
And|every|to him|honor
Well, hats off to him!
To će uraditi ljudi koji
This will be done by people who
nisu zlobni. Oni koji su zlobni i pakosni, baš vas briga!
are not|malicious|They|who|are|malicious|and|spiteful|really|you|care
are not malicious. Those who are malicious and spiteful, you really don't care!
Znači, mentalno jaki ljudi
So, mentally strong people
ne upiru prstom u druge
do not|point|with a finger|at|others
they do not point fingers at others
nego preuzmu odgovornost, koja je u stvari moć za njihov život.
but|they take|responsibility|which|is|in|fact|power|for|their|life
but take responsibility, which is actually power for their life.
Kada preuzmete odgovornost, vi imate moć
When|you take|responsibility|you|have|power
When you take responsibility, you have the power
da vi upravljate svojim životom
to manage your own life
ne zavide drugima, nego se raduju za njih.
they do not envy others, but rejoice for them.
NIsu tužni kad je neko uspešan
They are not|sad|when|is|someone|successful
They are not sad when someone is successful
nego su srećni zbog njega
but|they|happy|because of|him
but they are happy for him
i uzimaju ga kao inspiraciju
and|they take|him|as|inspiration
and take him as inspiration
i na kraju krajeva,
and|at||of the end
and at the end of the day,
boli ih uvo
they couldn't care less
šta će drugi reći. Žive svoj život
what|will|others|say|They live|their|life
what will others say. They live their life
po svome, po svojim vrednostima
by|his own|by|his own|values
according to their own, according to their own values
po svojim merilima
according to their own standards
žive onako kako oni misle da treba
they live|the way|how|they||that|should
they live the way they think they should
bez obzira na to šta će ko da kaže
regardless of what anyone will say
baš ih briga!
they really don't care!
I ja verujem da vam je ovo možda korisno.
I|also|believe|that|to you|is|this|maybe|useful
I believe this might be useful to you.
Ako vam je korisno, pritisnite lajk,
If|to you|is|useful|press|like
If it's useful to you, press like,
A osim toga, ako verujete da znate nekoga
And|besides|that|if|you believe|that|you know|someone
And besides that, if you believe you know someone
kome ovo može biti korisno,
to whom|this|can|be|useful
to whom this could be useful,
obavezno kopirajte link i pošaljite mu.
be sure to copy the link and send it to him.
na Viber ili na bilo šta drugo.
on Viber or anything else.
Zato što ja znam da mnogi ljudi
Because I know that many people
im kažu da im je neko prosledio
to them|they say|that|to them|is|someone|forwarded
tell them that someone forwarded them
moj video i da im je to mnogo značilo.
my|video|and|that|to them|was|it|much|meant
my video and that it meant a lot to them.
da im je to život spasilo. Pre neki dan mi je jedna
that|to them|was|that|life|saved|A few|some|days|to me|was|one
that it saved their lives. The other day one of my
moja polaznica rekla
students told me
njen 85-godišnji otac
her 85-year-old father
joj je rekao: Pogledaj ovaj video, pogledaj šta kaže ova žena.
to her|he|said|Look at|this|video|look at|what|says|this|woman
told her: Look at this video, see what this woman says.
A ona kaže da je bila na dnu
And|she|says|that|was|been|at|the bottom
And she says she was at the bottom.
i da joj je to život spasilo
and that it saved her life
kada je nastavila da gleda moje videe
when she continued to watch my videos
i upisala se kasnije na moju edukaciju.
and later enrolled in my education.
I uskoro je upis na Online program ličnog prosperiteta
And soon there will be enrollment for the Online Personal Prosperity program
koji je za mnoge bio prekretnica u životu
which|is|for|many|was|turning point|in|life
which has been a turning point in life for many
otvorili su oči bukvalno
they literally opened their eyes
i počeli da žive život po svome.
and|started|to|live|life|by|their own
and started living life on their own terms.
Od srca vam preporučujem, kliknite na link dole
From|heart|to you|recommend|click|on|link|below
I wholeheartedly recommend you, click the link below
pogledajte šta se sve radi na toj edukaciji
look|what|reflexive pronoun|everything|is done|in|that|education
see what is being done in that education
prijavite se i vidimo se!
register|reflexive pronoun|and|we see|reflexive pronoun
sign up and see you there!
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