GLUPE GREŠKE kojima sebi otežavate život
STUPID|MISTAKES|by which|yourself|make harder|life
||||gør det sværere|
DUMME FEHLER, die einem das Leben schwer machen
ГЛУПЫЕ ОШИБКИ, которые усложняют себе жизнь
STUPID MISTAKES that make your life harder
Dragi moji, dobro mi došli!
Dear|my|well|to me|you have come
My dear ones, welcome!
Ja sam Slavica i ovo je moj YouTube kanal
I am Slavica and this is my YouTube channel
i ovde svakog četvrtka dobijate razne
and|here|every|Thursday|you receive|various
and here every Thursday you will receive various
interesantne i korisne savete
interesting and useful tips
kako da kreirate život
how to create a life
i posao koje ćete da obožavate.
and|job|that|you will|to|love
and a job that you will love.
U današnjem videu radi se o tome
In|today's|video|it is|reflexive pronoun|about|that
In today's video, it is about
da u stvari mi jako često
the fact that we very often
zafrkavamo sebe
we joke|ourselves
mess with ourselves.
onim što razmišljamo.
that|what|we think
about what we think.
Znači, da naša razmišljanja često
This means that our thoughts often
nisu uopšte korisna
are not|at all|useful
are not useful at all
da kreiramo svoj život
for creating our life
kakav zaista želimo da bude
what kind of|really|we want|to|be
the way we truly want it to be.
i da nas ona sprečavaju u tome.
and that they prevent us from doing so.
Razna istraživanja su pokazala, u stvari,
Various studies have shown, in fact,
da naše blagostanje,
that our well-being,
naš uspeh, naša sreća
our success, our happiness
mnogo više zavise od našeg načina razmišljanja
depend much more on our way of thinking.
nego od okolnosti.
but rather from circumstances.
Kažu čak da okolnosti utiču na to
They say|even|that|circumstances|influence|on|it
They even say that circumstances affect
samo 20%
only 20%
a 80 % način na koji mi razmišljamo.
and 80% the way we think.
E sad,
Šta je u stvari problem? Problem je u tome što mi
What|is|in|fact|problem|The problem|is|in|that|that|us
What is the problem, really? The problem is that we
mi tokom vremena usvojimo razne obrasce razmišljanja
we adopt various patterns of thinking over time
neke, u stvari, navike
some, in fact, habits
kako mi procenjujemo stvari,
how we assess things,
kako razmišljamo o stvarima,
how|we think|about|things
how we think about things,
koje nam uopšte nisu korisne.
which|to us|at all|are not|useful
which are not useful to us at all.
I vrlo često ih uopšte nismo svesni
We|very|often|them|at all|are not|aware
And very often we are not even aware of them
i zato ne možemo ni da ih promenimo.
and|that's why|not|we can|either|to|them|change
and therefore we cannot change them.
I što je još gore, mi ih čak
And what is even worse, we even
vrlo često razmišljamo o tome
very|often|we think|about|it
very often think about them.
da mi ne možemo da se promenimo,
that we cannot change,
a u stvari, možemo!
but|in|fact|we can
but in fact, we can!
I u tome i jeste stvar svega što ja ovde radim
And that is the essence of everything I do here
da promenite način na koji razmišljate o sebi i svojim mogućnostima.
to change the way you think about yourself and your possibilities.
Zato danas hoću da vas uputim na nekoliko
That's why|today|I want|to|you|direct|to|several
So today I want to point you to a few
tih grešaka u razmišljanju
those thinking errors
koje su ključno važne
that are critically important
koje se sigurno i vama dešavaju
which|(reflexive particle)|surely|and|to you|happen
that surely happen to you as well
a razni naučnici su, na primer,
and various scientists have, for example,
razni psiholozi, na primer,
various psychologists, for example,
Albert Ellis i Aaron Beck
Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck
oni su započeli razmišljanje na tu temu
they started thinking on that topic
kako, u stvari, iracionalni način razmišljanja
how, in fact, irrational ways of thinking
i te neke naše greške u razmišljanju utiču
and some of our thinking errors affect
na to da se osećamo nelagodno
how we feel uncomfortable
da čak kreiramo strahove u našem životu
that|even|we create|fears|in|our|life
that we even create fears in our lives
i da to onda pokreće određenu spiralu
and that this then triggers a certain spiral
u našem životu
in our lives
koja dovodi do jednog lošeg stanja i
which leads to a bad state and
do toga da ne možemo da uspemo da
to the point where we cannot succeed in
ostvarimo svoje ciljeve uopšte.
we achieve|our|goals|in general
let's achieve our goals in general.
Ja ću danas da vam navedem nekoliko
I|will|today|to|you (plural/formal)|mention|several
Today, I will point out a few
od tih grešaka u razmišljanju
of those thinking errors
kako biste vi obratili pažnju da li se to i vama dešava
how|would|you|pay|attention|whether|question particle|reflexive pronoun|that|also|to you|happens
so that you can pay attention to whether this is happening to you as well
i na kraju ću vam dati
and|at||I will|to you|give
and in the end, I will give you
ideju šta da radite s tim, kako možete sebi da pomognete
an idea of what to do with it, how you can help yourself
da izađete iz tih negativnih obrazaca
to get out of those negative patterns
koji vam u stvari
which|to you|in|fact
that actually
čine život teškim
make your life difficult
otežavaju vam nepotrebno život
unnecessarily complicate your life
i sprečavaju da budete i da
and prevent you from being and becoming
postanete ono što zaista želite da postanete.
what you truly want to become.
Prvi taj obrazac koji je
The first|that|form|which|is
The first pattern that is
greška, kojom mi u stvari sami sebe
mistake|by which|we|in|fact|ourselves|ourselves
a mistake, by which we actually
zafrkavamo ponekad,
we joke|sometimes
fool ourselves sometimes,
je ideja o tome
is the idea about this
sve ili ništa.
all or nothing.
Kao: "Ako se sad ne desi ovo, onda nikad ništa neće da bude"
Like|If|reflexive particle|now|not|happens|this|then|never|anything|will not|to|be
Like: "If this doesn't happen now, then nothing will ever happen"
Kao da je u pitanju
As if it is about
nešto što utiče na celu našu budućnost.
something that affects our entire future.
Na primer, ili: "Ako me sada ne prime na ovaj posao, kraj je mog života"
For example, or: "If I am not hired for this job now, my life is over."
"Moja budućnost je upropaštena"
"My future is ruined."
"Ako sada dobijem otkaz, onda me nikad u životu niko neće primiti" i tako dalje.
If|now|I receive|termination|then|me|never|in|life|no one|will|hire|||
"If I get fired now, then no one will ever hire me in my life," and so on.
Znači, problem je u tome što ljudi na osnovu tih nekih
So|problem|is|in|that|that|people|on|the basis of|those|some
So, the problem is that people, based on those kinds of
razmišljanja, donose zaključke koji
thoughts, draw conclusions that
koji onda važe za čitavu
which then apply to the whole
Kao da je to tačno i da može da se primeni na čitavu budućnost.
As|that|is|it|true|and|that|can|to|reflexive particle|applied|to|entire|future
As if that is true and can be applied to the entire future.
"Ako se sada razvedem, više nikada neću naći partnera"
If|reflexive pronoun|now|divorce|ever|never|I will not|find|partner
"If I get divorced now, I will never find a partner again"
I to ste verovatno čuli ljude da govore
And you have probably heard people say that.
a možda ste i sami bili nekada u tome.
and maybe you have been in that situation yourself.
I to onda pokreće spiralu
And that then triggers a spiral
emocija, strahova
emotion|of fears
of emotions, fears
postupaka koji ne vode u blagostanje
actions that do not lead to well-being
i koji su stvarno samo štetni.
and that are really just harmful.
Na primer, još jedna od tih grešaka u razmišljanju je
For example, another one of those thinking errors is
Kada se nešto nekome desi,
When|(reflexive particle)|something|to someone|happens
When something happens to someone,
on onda razmišlja da se to samo njemu dešava.
he|then|thinks|that|himself|it|only|to him|happens
they then think that it only happens to them.
Pa na primer,
So for example,
prijavi se za neki posao i tamo ga ne prime
apply|reflexive pronoun|for|some|job|and|there|him|not|accept
apply for a job and they don't accept him there
Ne prime ga možda zato što su prestali da primaju nove saradnike
He|accepts|him|maybe|that's why|that|they|stopped|to|accept|new|collaborators
They might not accept him because they stopped taking new collaborators
ili zato što je kriza nastupila ili šta ja znam,
or because a crisis has occurred or who knows,
ali taj misli da je do njega.
but he thinks it's because of him.
"Opet se meni to dešava"
Again|(reflexive particle)|to me|that|happens
"This is happening to me again"
"MENI se samo to dešava"
to me|reflexive pronoun|only|that|happens
"This only happens to me"
Dobije na primer, kaznu za parkiranje i kaže
He/She receives|for|example|fine|for|parking|and|says
For example, he gets a parking ticket and says
"Samo meni! Evo, svi su tu parkirani"
Only|to me|Here|everyone|are|here|parked
"Only to me! Look, everyone is parked here"
"Samo ja dobijem tu kaznu"
"Only I get this ticket"
Ili na primer,
Or for example,
pozove na primer prijateljicu i kaže
he calls|for|example|friend|and|he says
calls a friend for example and says
"Volela bih da se nađemo večeras i da idemo na kafu"
I would love|conditional particle|to|ourselves|we meet|tonight|and|to|we go|for|coffee
"I would love to meet tonight and go for coffee"
a prijateljica kaže: "Jao, stvarno nemam vremena"
and|my friend|says|Oh no|really|I don't have|time
and the friend says: "Oh, I really don't have time"
i možda stvarno nema vremena, jer ima neke druge planove,
and|maybe|really|doesn't have|time|because|has|some|other|plans
and maybe she really doesn't have time, because she has other plans,
"Eto, neće sa mnom da se vidi"
"See, she doesn't want to meet with me"
"Ona mene ne voli. Ne voli sa mnom da provodi vreme"
"She doesn't love me. She doesn't want to spend time with me."
i tako dalje. Znači jednostavno sve što se dešava
and|so|on|It means|simply|everything|that|reflexive particle|happens
and so on. So simply everything that is happening
nekako misle da je
somehow|they think|that|is
they somehow think is
u vezi sa njima.
related to them.
A vrlo često nije.
And|very|often|is not
And very often it isn't.
I to im onda povlači tu spiralu da misle da nešto
And that then pulls them into this spiral of thinking that something
s njima nije u redu i znate, to već ide
with|them|is not|in|right|and|you know|that|already|goes
is wrong with them and you know, that already goes
dalje i opet dovodi do toga da
further and again leads to the fact that
jednostavno ne možemo da ostvarimo ciljeve
simply|not|we can|to|achieve|goals
we simply cannot achieve our goals
i ne možemo da
and|not|we can|to
and we cannot
budemo osoba kakva želimo da budemo, zato što
we are|person|what kind of|we want|to|be|that's why|because
we become the person we want to be, because
pravimo tu grešku u proceni
we make|that|mistake|in|judgment
we make that mistake in judgment
takozvana greška u proceni.
the so-called mistake in judgment.
Ili, takozvana kognitivna distorzija.
Or, the so-called cognitive distortion.
I još jedna koju bih rado pomenula
I|another|one|whom|I would|gladly|mentioned
And one more that I would like to mention
A to je
And that is
ili pravljenje od komarca magarca.
or making a donkey out of a mosquito.
Desi se jedna stvar i to je onda "katastrofa"
happens|reflexive pronoun|one|thing|and|that|is|then|catastrophe
One thing happens and then it is a "catastrophe"
"Ako se to desi, to je katastrofa, to je pitanje života i smrti"
If|reflexive particle|that|happens|it|is|catastrophe|it|is|question|of life|and|death
"If that happens, it is a catastrophe, it is a matter of life and death"
"To je nešto najgore što može da se desi".
It|is|something|worst|that|can|to|(reflexive particle)|happen
"That is the worst thing that can happen."
I sigurna sam da poznajete takve ljude i da znate tačno o čemu pričam.
I|sure|am|that|you know|such|people|and|that|you know|exactly|about|what|I am talking
And I am sure you know such people and that you know exactly what I am talking about.
Kada ljudi imaju utisak da
When people have the impression that
eto, ako se to desi
well, if that happens
to je onda smak sveta
it|is|then|end|of the world
then it is the end of the world.
kraj sveta, gotovo je
end|of the world|it's over|
the end of the world, it's over
sa nama, sa životom, sa poslom,
with us, with life, with work,
sa svim i svačim je gotovo
it's over with everything and anything
i vrlo često ljudi to
and very often people use that
u braku, u poslu koriste
in|marriage|in|work|they use
in marriage, in work.
i to im jako, jako smeta, zato što
and|that|them|very|very|bothers|that's why|because
and that really, really bothers them, because
to jednostavno nije tako.
it|simply|is not|that way
it's just not like that.
i ne razmatraju uopšte
and|not|consider|at all
and they don't consider at all
činjenicu da je njihov sud
the fact that their judgment
pogrešan i da
is wrong and that
jednostavno preteruju
they simply|exaggerate
they simply exaggerate
i da prave od nečega malog nešto veliko.
and make something small into something big.
To je nešto zbog čega bih ja volela da vi zaista
It|is|something|because|of which|I would|I|liked|to|you|really
This is something I would like you to really
promislite o tome da li vi to radite.
think|about|that|whether|question particle|you|it|do
think about whether you do this.
Da li vi to sebi radite?
Do|question particle|you|that|to yourself|do
Are you doing this to yourself?
a onda i svima onima koji su vama važni za vaš život.
and then to all those who are important to you in your life.
Ono što je, takođe, jedna greška u razmišljanju
What is also a mistake in thinking
su generalizacije.
is generalizations.
Kada na osnovu jednog iskustva
When|on|the basis of|one|experience
When based on one experience
na osnovu jednog nečega što se desilo,
on|the basis of|one|something|that|(reflexive particle)|happened
based on one thing that happened,
vi pomislite
you think
da je sve bezveze i to zauvek.
that everything is pointless and it will be forever.
I to je stvarno velika šteta.
And that is really a great shame.
Ali mnogi ljudi razmišljaju na taj način.
But many people think that way.
Pa ne znam, žena ako je imala
well|not|I know|woman|if|she|had
Well, I don't know, if a woman has had
jednom nekog bezveznjaka, onda
once with some jerk, then
poveže za ceo život da su svi muškarci bezveze.
they connect it for a lifetime that all men are jerks.
Što je velika šteta, jer postoje divni muškarci.
What|is|great|shame|because|there are|wonderful|men
Which is a great shame, because there are wonderful men.
Ili, na primer,
Or, for example,
ako je jednom imala problema sa
if she once had problems with
ljudima iz HR-a, misle da su oni svi onako
to people|from|||they think|that|are|they|all|like that
people from HR think that they are all like that
hladni i bezobrazni
cold and rude
nekako nelojalni i
somehow disloyal and
da nisu kako treba.
that|are not|how|should
that they are not as they should be.
Što uopšte nije tačno!
What|at all|is not|true
Which is not true at all!
I tako dalje. Znači ima puno stvari
And|so|on|means|there are|many|things
And so on. So there are many things.
Nešto se jednom desi i onda kao:
Something|(reflexive particle)|once|happens|and|then|like
Something happens once and then it's like:
to je zauvek tako i
that's forever like that and
i svi su takvi
and|everyone|are|like that
everyone is like that.
To su sve stvari koje čine da se ne osećamo dobro
These are all things that make us feel bad.
da upadamo u strahove
to|fall into|into|fears
to fall into fears
da upadamo u ideju o tome da nismo dovoljno dobri
to|fall|into|idea|about|that|to|we are not|good enough|good
to fall into the idea that we are not good enough
i da nas jednostavno sprečava da ostvarimo svoje ciljeve
and that it simply prevents us from achieving our goals
a uopšte nije tačno!
but|at all|is not|true
and that is not true at all!
Ja stalno govorim mojim polaznicima
I constantly tell my students
na edukacijama
in training
u životu vas neće sprečiti da
in|life|you|will not|prevent|from
in life will not prevent you from
postanete srećni i uspešni
you become|happy|and|successful
becoming happy and successful
nešto što
something that
što ne znate, što niste naučili
what|not|you know|what|you are not|learned
that you do not know, that you have not learned
nego ono u šta 100 posto verujete, a što uopšte nije tačno.
but|that|in|what|percent|believe|and|which|at all|is not|true
but rather what you believe 100 percent, which is not true at all.
To su te gluposti koje mi verujemo o sebi
These are the nonsense we believe about ourselves
a koje uopšte nisu tačne.
and|which|at all|are not|correct
that are not true at all.
Imamo loše procene
We have|poor|estimates
We have poor assessments
ali mi verujemo da su naše procene 100 % tačne.
but we believe that our assessments are 100% accurate.
A vrlo često se varamo!
And we often deceive ourselves!
Koliko se često vama desi da ste pomislili da će nešto biti tako
How much|(reflexive particle)|often|to you|happens|that|you were|thought|that|will|something|be|like this
How often does it happen to you that you thought something would be like this
pa nije bilo tako uopšte?
well|was not|it|like that|at all
but it wasn't like that at all?
Znači, čak se prevarimo i kada nemamo taj obrazac
So|even|ourselves|deceive|and|when|we don't have|that|pattern
So, we even deceive ourselves when we don't have that pattern
a naročito kada ljudi imaju
especially when people have it.
te negativne obrasce razmišljanja
these negative thought patterns
a non-stop se nalaze u iluziji
are constantly in an illusion
svog negativnog razmišljanja
of their negative thinking
o sebi, o svetu i
about themselves, about the world and
o okruženju.
about their surroundings.
Tako da je jako bitno, prva stvar
So it is very important, the first thing
koju možete da uradite, a ovde se postavlja pitanje
which|you can|to|do|and|here|reflexive pronoun|is asked|question
that you can do, and here the question arises
šta možete vi da uradite protiv toga
what can you do about it
prva stvar koju možete da uradite je da
first|thing|that|you can|to|do|is|
the first thing you can do is to
krenete da lovite sebe
you start|to|hunt|yourself
start hunting yourself
da li vi sebe zafrkavate?
do|question particle|you|yourselves|joke
Are you kidding yourself?
Onda kažete sebi: "Ej, aman!"
Then|you say|to yourself|Hey|come on
Then you say to yourself: "Hey, come on!"
"Čemu takva negativna razmišljanja"
What for|such|negative|thoughts
"What is with such negative thinking"
"svakoga dana non-stop"
"every single day non-stop"
Hajde da uhvatite sebe kada razmišljate tako
Let's|to|catch|yourself|when|you think|like that
Come on, catch yourself when you think like that
i onda da se kao malo distsncirate od toga
and|then|to|reflexive pronoun|like|a little|distance|from|that
and then to kind of distance yourself from it
i da postavite sebi pitanje
and to ask yourself a question
da li postoji neki primer kada nije bilo tako?
(verb to be)|question particle|exists|some|example|when|(verb to be) not|was|like that
is there any example when it wasn't like that?
Jel bila neka situacija kada nije bilo tako?
Was|there|any|situation|when|not|was|like that
Was there a situation when it wasn't like that?
Na osnovu kojih kriterijuma uopšte
Based|on|which|criteria|at all
Based on what criteria at all
donosiš taj zaključak da je tako?
do you draw that conclusion?
Na osnovu kojih kriterijuma procenjuješ to?
Based|on|which|criteria|do you evaluate|that
Based on what criteria do you assess that?
Postoje li neki argumenti koji govore
There are|question particle|some|arguments|that|speak
Are there any arguments that say
potpuno suprotno?
the complete opposite?
I postoje li ljudi kojima
And|there are|question particle|people|to whom
And are there people who
koji su, ne znam, dobili otkaz, pa su našli posao?
who, I don't know, got fired, and then found a job?
Ili koji su se razveli, pa su našli ljubav svog života?
Or|who|(auxiliary verb)||divorced|and then|(auxiliary verb)|found|love|of their|life
Or who got divorced, and then found the love of their life?
Znači, bilo šta ako generalizujete,
So|anything|what|if|you generalize
So, anything if you generalize,
ali postoji barem jedan muškarac na ovom svetu koji nije bezveze
but|there is|at least|one|man|in|this|world|who|is not|pointless
but there is at least one man in this world who is not useless
ili: da li postoji barem jedna ljubazna
or|(particle for yes/no questions)|(question particle)|there is|at least|one|kind (feminine)
or: is there at least one kind
osoba koja radi u HR-u?
a person who works in HR?
Znači, da postavite sebi pitanja
So, ask yourself questions
koja vas teraju
that push you
da razmislite malo dalje
to|think|a little|further
to think a little further
od toga u šta ste se zakopali
from|that|in|what|you|reflexive pronoun|buried
than what you have buried yourself in
a ako je to neko drugi, neko koga volite,
and|if|is|that|someone|other|someone|whom|you love
and if it is someone else, someone you love,
koga cenite i do koga vam je stalo,
whom|you appreciate|and|to|whom|you|is|concerned
someone you appreciate and care about,
i vi vidite da se zakopa u nekoj
and you see that they are digging themselves into some
grešci, da jednostavno ima grešku u razmišljanju koja
mistake, that they simply have a flaw in their thinking that
ga sprečava da postigne svoj cilj,
prevents them from achieving their goal,
postavite mu jedno od ovih pitanja:
Ask him one of these questions:
"Na osnovu čega si to procenio?"
On|the basis|of what|you|that|assessed
"What did you base that on?"
"Koje kriterijume si uzeo?"
"What criteria did you use?"
"Postoje li neki drugi primeri?"
Are there|question particle|any|other|examples
"Are there any other examples?"
"Da li možda ima barem jedan primer"
Do|question particle|maybe|has|at least|one|example
"Is there at least one example?"
"Suprotan od toga" i tako dalje
"Opposite of that" and so on
da pokrenete samo razmišljanje.
to just start thinking.
Nemojte davati argumente
Do not provide arguments
Davanje argumenata će samo
Providing arguments will only
da naiđe na otpor
meet with resistance
nego postavljajte pitanja
but ask questions
jer pitanja pokreću na razmišljanje.
because questions provoke thought.
A pokrenuti nekoga na razmišljanje veliki je blagoslov
And|to inspire|someone|to|thought|great|is|blessing
And to provoke someone to think is a great blessing
naročito ako ste to vi
especially if it is you
ali i za druge ljude je to važno
but it is also important for other people.
naročito u kontaktu sa ljudima koje volite, do kojih vam je stalo
especially|in|contact|with|people|whom|you love|to|whom|you|is|concerned
especially in contact with the people you love, whom you care about
da ih pokrenete na razmišljanje, jer samo onaj ko
to get them to think, because only those who
ko razmišlja
može da promeni mišljenje.
can change their mind.
Onaj ko je u otporu
The one|who|is|in|resistance
Those who are resistant
zato što ste vi rekli: "Nije tako, nego je ovako",
because|that|you (plural)|you (plural)|said|It is not|like that|but|is|like this
because you said: "It's not like that, it's like this"
ne, on ne razmišlja, on se samo brani.
no, he is not thinking, he is just defending himself.
Brani svoje mišljenje. Zato nemojte
Defending his opinion. So don't
argumentovati protiv, nego jednostavno pitajte.
argue against it, just ask.
Osobu pitajte da li postoje neki argumenti
The person|ask|if|question particle|there are|any|arguments
Ask the person if there are any arguments
koji bi možda bili drugačiji.
which might be different.
Nadam se da vam je ovo bilo korisno
I hope|reflexive pronoun|that|to you|is|this|was|useful
I hope this was helpful to you.
i ako jeste, onda
and if it was, then
pritisnite like,
press like,
dajte mi jedan lajk
give me a like.
i pritisnite subscribe
and press subscribe
i zvonce da vas
and the bell to be
obavestimo kad god ima nešto novo
we will inform you|whenever|there is|there is|something|new
notified whenever there is something new
na našem kanalu
on our channel
što može da doprinese
that can contribute
vašem životu, vašem uspehu i vašoj sreći.
in your life, your success, and your happiness.
Vidimo se!
We see|each other
See you!
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