Oeconomia Finniae crevit
Finland's economy grew
Экономика Финляндии выросла
22.12.2006, klo 11.06
Hoc anno oeconomia Finnorum celerius crevit quam antea putabatur.
||economy||faster|grew|than|before|it was thought
This year the Finnish economy grew faster than previously thought.
В этом году финская экономика росла быстрее, чем предполагалось ранее.
Augmentum totius anni aestimatur fore quinque virgula novem centesimarum (5,9%) sive una centesima maius quam adhuc aestate praedictum est.
the increase|of the whole||is estimated|to be|five|parts|nine|of the hundredths|or|one|||||||
The growth of the whole year is estimated to be five points of nine percent (5.9%), or one percent more than was still predicted in the summer.
Рост за весь год оценивается в пять пунктов девяти процентов (5,9%), или на один процент больше, чем прогнозировалось еще летом.
Anno autem proximo augmentum ad solitas tres centesimas (3%) descensurum esse censetur.
||||||||will be descending||
Next year, growth is expected to drop to the usual three percent (3%).
В следующем году ожидается снижение темпов роста до обычных трех процентов (3%).
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Greenpeace de periculis uranii monet
Greenpeace warns of the dangers of uranium
22.12.2006, klo 11.05
Societas Francogallica, cui nomen Areva, consilia uranium in variis Finniae regionibus effodiendi habet.
A French company called Areva has plans to mine uranium in various regions of Finland.
Quam ob rem Greenpeace, ordo circumiectis tuendis, postquam in operas illius societatis accuratius inquisivit, Finnos de insignibus periculis circumiectalibus monuit, quae sanitati hominum propter effossiones uranii imminerent.
|||||surrounding|protecting||||||||||||surrounding|warned|||||excavations||were threatening
For this reason, Greenpeace, an organization protecting the environment, after investigating the activities of that company in more detail, warned the Finns about the significant environmental risks that threatened people's health due to the mining of uranium.
Apud fodinas, quas Areva in Canada et USA habet, materias venenatas in circumiacentia effluxisse; casus cancri et deformitatum congenitarum etiam in locis a fodinis complura chiliometra distantibus auctos esse.
|mines|||||||||toxic|||have flowed out||of cancer|||||||||several||||
At the mines that Areva has in Canada and the USA, toxic materials have flowed into the surrounding area; that the cases of cancer and congenital deformities were increased even in places several kilometers distant from the mines.
Quae cum ita sint, motus populares in Finnia orti sunt, qui fodinis uranii aperiendis vehementer obsistunt
|||||||||||||opening||they resist
This being the case, popular movements have arisen in Finland, which strongly oppose the opening of uranium mines.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
Solstitium hiemale adest
The winter solstice is here
22.12.2006, klo 11.05
Hodie adest solstitium brumale, quo tempore in hemisphaerio septentrionali dies est totius anni brevissimus, nox longissima.
Today is the winter solstice, when the northern hemisphere has the shortest day and the longest night of the year.
In partibus Finniae maxime septentrionalibus nox hiemalis continua plus quinquaginta dies durat.
||||northern||of winter|||fifty||
In the northernmost parts of Finland, the continuous winter night lasts more than fifty days.
In urbe Helsinki aliisque regionibus Finnorum meridionalibus brevissimus anni dies est paene sex horarum.
In the city of Helsinki and other southern Finnish regions, the shortest day of the year is almost six hours.
В городе Хельсинки и других регионах южной Финляндии самый короткий день в году длится почти шесть часов.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
De Nativitate Domini
Of the Nativity of the Lord
22.12.2006, klo 11.04
Perendie (24.12.)
the day after tomorrow
Perendie (24.12.)
erit vigilia Nativitatis Domini.
it will be Christmas Eve.
это будет сочельник.
Iesus Christus natus est in oppido Betlehem vivente adhuc rege Herode, qui ex vita iam anno quarto ante initium aevi nostri decessit.
Jesus Christ was born in the town of Bethlehem while King Herod was still living, who died in the fourth year before the beginning of our era.
Иисус Христос родился в городе Вифлееме при еще живом царе Ироде, умершем за четвертый год до начала нашей эры.
Annus, quo a Caesare Augusto edictum exiit, ut universus orbis describeretur, veri similiter fuit iam octavus aut septimus ante nostrum aevum.
|||||edict|||||should be described||||||||||era
The year in which the edict was issued by Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be described, was in like manner the eighth or seventh before our era.
Год, в котором Цезарь Август издал указ об описании всего мира, был также восьмым или седьмым до нашей эры.
De censu tum habito etiam in Rebus gestis Augusti imperatoris narratur.
|census|then|taking|||the affairs|deeds|Augustus||it is told
The census taken at that time is also told in the Acts of the Emperor Augustus.
О проведенной в то время переписи рассказывается и в Деяниях императора Августа.
Sexto saeculo ineunte abbas Dionysius Exiguus Iesum anno septingentesimo quinquagesimo tertio ab urbe Roma condita natum esse per errorem iudicavit.
in the sixth||beginning||Dionysius|the Small|Jesus||seventh|||||||||||judged
At the beginning of the sixth century, the abbot Dionysius the Small mistakenly judged that Jesus was born in the year seven hundred and fifty-three, when the city of Rome was founded.
В начале шестого века аббат Дионисий Малый ошибочно решил, что Иисус родился в семьсот пятьдесят третьем году, когда был основан город Рим.
Quae temporis ratio iussu Karoli Magni, imperatoris Francorum, in usum publicum recepta est.
This system of time, by order of Charlemagne, emperor of the Franks, was adopted into public use.
Эта система времени по приказу Карла Великого, императора франков, была принята в общественное пользование.
De die, quo Iesus natus est, in evangeliis nihil narratur.
Nothing is said in the Gospels about the day on which Jesus was born.
В Евангелиях ничего не сказано о дне рождения Иисуса.
Sed saeculo quarto mediante sollemne Nativitatis die vicesimo quinto mensis Decembris (25.12.)
But in the middle of the fourth century, the festival of Christmas on the twenty-fifth of December (25.12.)
Но в середине IV века праздник Рождества двадцать пятого декабря (25 декабря)
celebrari coeptum est, quia lux diei post solstitium augescens etiam lumen caeleste hominibus ortum figurare censebatur.
it began to be celebrated, because the light of the day increasing after the solstice was also considered to represent the rising of the heavenly light for men.
его начали праздновать, потому что дневной свет, усиливающийся после солнцестояния, также считался символом восхода небесного света для людей.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)
De tempestate hiemali
About the winter weather
О зимней погоде
22.12.2006, klo 11.03
Tempestas hiemalis hucusque apud Finnos fuit exceptionalis, nam nives, quae mense Octobri ceciderunt, frigoribus mitescentibus cito diffugerunt neque postea in Finnia meridionali ninxit nisi raro et breviter.
||up to now||||||snow||||fell||mildening||they dispersed||||||||||
The winter weather has so far been exceptional among the Finns, for the snows that fell in October quickly disappeared with mild cold, and afterwards it snowed in southern Finland only rarely and briefly.
Зимняя погода у финнов до сих пор была исключительной: выпавший в октябре снег быстро исчез с легкими холодами, а затем в южной Финляндии снег выпадал лишь изредка и ненадолго.
Meteorologi praedicunt veri similiter dies festos nusquam fere in Finnia futuros esse nivosos, nisi ultra circulum arcticum in regionibus septentrionalibus.
Meteorologists predict that there will be no snowy holidays in Finland, except beyond the Arctic Circle in the northern regions.
Метеорологи прогнозируют, что снежных праздников в Финляндии не будет, за исключением северных регионов за Полярным кругом.
(Tuomo Pekkanen)