¿Cuál fue la primera planta?
Was war die erste Pflanze?
Quelle était la première plante ?
Qual foi a primeira planta?
Каким было первое растение?
What was the first plant?
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Gabriel García Marqués las usó como elementos importantes de sus novelas. Pablo Neruda se
Gabriel|García|Márquez|them|he used|as|elements|important|of|his|novels|Pablo|Neruda|himself
Gabriel García Márquez used them as important elements in his novels. Pablo Neruda was inspired by them.
inspiró en ellas. Monet plasmó su encanto en 250 pinturas de su jardín. Y no solo hacen
he inspired|in|them|Monet|he captured|his|charm|in|paintings|of|his|garden|And|not|only|they make
Monet captured their charm in 250 paintings of his garden. And they not only make our world a beautiful place, thanks to them we are here alive and kicking.
de nuestro mundo un lugar bonito, gracias a ellas estamos aquí vivitos y coleando.
of|our|world|a|place|beautiful|thanks|to|them|we are|here|alive|and|thriving
Currently, we know about 390,900 species of plants, some have been here for a long time.
Actualmente conocemos unas 390 900 especies de plantas, algunas han estado aquí por mucho
currently|we know|about|species|of|plants|some|they have|been|here|for|a long time
tiempo y han cambiado muy poco. Algunas plantas superan por varios millones de años a esos
time|and|they have|changed|very|little|Some|plants|they surpass|by|several|millions|of|years|to|those
time and have changed very little. Some plants are millions of years older than those
animales que llamamos fósiles vivientes. Pero ¿cómo surgieron? y
animals|that|we call|fossils|living|But|how|did they arise|and
animals we call living fossils. But how did they arise? And
¿Cuál fue la primera planta? Hace muchísimo tiempo... bueno no tan atrás
what was the first plant? A long time ago... well, not that far back
en el tiempo. Hace unos 3400 millones de años, más o menos, ya había vida en la Tierra
in|the|time|About|some|million|of|years|more|or|less|already|there was|life|on|the|Earth
in time. About 3.4 billion years ago, more or less, there was already life on Earth.
y existían diferentes organismos procariotas viviendo en el agua. De esos organismos surgió
and|there existed|different|organisms|prokaryotic|living|in|the|water|From|those|organisms|it emerged
and there were different prokaryotic organisms living in the water. From those organisms emerged
uno capaz de aprovechar la luz solar y el agua para producir energía y asegurar su
one|capable|of|to harness|the|light|solar|and|the|water|to|to produce|energy|and|to ensure|its
one capable of harnessing sunlight and water to produce energy and ensure its
supervivencia. Era el comienzo de la fotosíntesis. Esta primera fotosíntesis era anoxigénica,
survival|It was|the|beginning|of|the|photosynthesis|This|first|photosynthesis|it was|anoxygenic
survival. It was the beginning of photosynthesis. This first photosynthesis was anoxygenic,
es decir, no producía oxígeno como desecho, como lo hacen las plantas.
it is|to say|not|it produced|oxygen|as|waste|as|it|they do|the|plants
that is, it did not produce oxygen as a waste product, as plants do.
Después de un tiempo surgió la fotosíntesis oxigénica, una bacteria fue capaz de utilizar
after|of|a|time|there arose|the|photosynthesis|oxygenic|a|bacterium|it was|capable|of|to use
After a while, oxygenic photosynthesis emerged, a bacterium was able to use
el agua y la luz solar para producir su alimento, pero ahora, como deshecho producía oxígeno.
the|water|and|the|light|solar|to|to produce|its|food|but|now|as|waste|it produced|oxygen
water and sunlight to produce its food, but now, as waste, it produced oxygen.
Este organismo capaz de realizar fotosíntesis oxigénica era una cianobacteria, muy similar
this|organism|capable|of|to perform|photosynthesis|oxygenic|it was|a|cyanobacteria|very|similar
This organism capable of performing oxygenic photosynthesis was a cyanobacterium, very similar
a las cianobacterias que existen hoy en día. Podemos encontrar cianobacterias vivas y en
to|the|cyanobacteria|that|they exist|today|in|day|We can|to find|cyanobacteria|alive|and|in
to the cyanobacteria that exist today. We can find living cyanobacteria and in
forma de fósil en los estromatolitos. Las capas inferiores son organismos calcificados
form|of|fossil|in|the|stromatolites|The|layers|lower|they are|organisms|calcified
fossil form in stromatolites. The lower layers are calcified organisms
que vivieron hace millones de años y las superiores son organismos vivos.
that|they lived|ago|millions|of|years|and|the|superior|they are|organisms|living
that lived millions of years ago and the upper layers are living organisms.
Las cianobacterias no son plantas, son bacterias fotosintéticas, pero estas fueron creciendo
the|cyanobacteria|not|they are|plants|they are|bacteria|photosynthetic|but|these|they were|growing
Cyanobacteria are not plants, they are photosynthetic bacteria, but they began to grow
y reproduciéndose rápidamente. Eran tan exitosas que se empezó a acumular su desecho,
and|reproducing|rapidly|They were|so|successful|that|itself|it began|to|to accumulate|their|waste
and reproduce rapidly. They were so successful that their waste began to accumulate,
el oxígeno. Su rotundo éxito quedó plasmado en las rocas; estas franjas se conocen como
the|oxygen|Its|resounding|success|it remained|captured|in|the|rocks|these|stripes|themselves|they are known|as
oxygen. Its resounding success was reflected in the rocks; these stripes are known as
“Formación de hierro bandeado” y son nuestra fuente principal de hierro. Se formaron
formation|of|iron|banded|and|they are|our|source|main|of|iron|It|they formed
"Banded Iron Formation" and are our main source of iron. They formed
cuando grandes cantidades de oxígeno oxidaron el hierro del agua. El oxígeno era abundante
when|large|quantities|of|oxygen|they oxidized|the|iron|of the|water|The|oxygen|it was|abundant
when large amounts of oxygen oxidized the iron in the water. Oxygen was abundant
no solo en el agua, sino también en el aire y comenzó a reaccionar con la luz solar formando
not|only|in|the|water|but|also|in|the|air|and|it began|to|to react|with|the|light|solar|forming
not only in the water but also in the air and began to react with sunlight forming
la capa de ozono. Esta capa ayudó a que más oxígeno se quedara atrapado en la atmósfera.
the|layer|of|ozone|This|layer|it helped|to|that|more|oxygen|itself|it remained|trapped|in|the|atmosphere
the ozone layer. This layer helped to trap more oxygen in the atmosphere.
Los organismos de ese entonces no estaban acostumbrados a tales concentraciones de oxígeno
the|organisms|of|that|then|not|they were|accustomed|to|such|concentrations|of|oxygen
The organisms of that time were not used to such concentrations of oxygen.
y algunos murieron, pero otros se adaptaron y lo usaron para su beneficio.
and|some|they died|but|others|themselves|they adapted|and|it|they used|for|their|benefit
Some died, but others adapted and used it to their advantage.
Así, la vida siguió cambiando y evolucionando, aparecieron organismos procariotas y eucariotas.
thus|the|life|it continued|changing|and|evolving|there appeared|organisms|prokaryotic|and|eukaryotic
Thus, life continued to change and evolve, with prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms appearing.
Un día cierto organismo eucariota muy glotón se comió una bacteria aeróbica, o sea una
a|day|certain|organism|eukaryotic|very|gluttonous|itself|it ate|a|bacterium|aerobic|or|namely|a
One day a certain very gluttonous eukaryotic organism ate an aerobic bacterium, that is to say a
bacteria que requiere oxígeno para producir energía. Se cree que no se la comió nomás
bacteria|that|it requires|oxygen|to|to produce|energy|It|it believes|that|not|itself|it|it ate|just
bacterium that requires oxygen to produce energy. It is believed that it didn't just eat it
porque tenía hambre, sino porque ambas bacterias tenían una relación simbiótica. Una relación
because|I had|hunger|but|because|both|bacteria|they had|a|relationship|symbiotic|A|
because it was hungry, but because both bacteria had a symbiotic relationship. A relationship
muy estrecha en la que ambos organismos se Nobeneficiaban y dependían de la presencia
very|close|in|the|which|both|organisms|themselves|they benefited|and|they depended|on|the|presence
very close in which both organisms benefited and depended on each other's presence.
del otro. Esa bacteria en vez de ser digerida se fusionó y se transformó en un organelo
of|the other|That|bacteria|in|instead|of|to be|digested|itself|it fused|and|itself|it transformed|into|an|organelle
of the other. That bacteria instead of being digested fused and transformed into an organelle
que hoy conocemos como mitocondria. Te estarás preguntando a dónde vamos con
that|today|we know|as|mitochondria|You|you will be|asking|to|where|we are going|with
that we now know as mitochondria. You might be wondering where we are going with
todo esto, te prometemos que ya casi llegamos. Este organismo glotón decidió comerse otra
all|this|to you|we promise|that|already|almost|we arrive|This|organism|glutton|it decided|to eat itself|another
all this, we promise we are almost there. This gluttonous organism decided to eat another
bacteria y ahora se comió una cianobacteria, esa bacteria fotosintética de la que hablábamos.
bacteria|and|now|itself|it ate|a|cyanobacteria|that|bacteria|photosynthetic|of|the|which|we were talking about
bacteria and now it has eaten a cyanobacteria, that photosynthetic bacteria we were talking about.
La cianobacteria evolucionó en lo que hoy conocemos como cloroplasto.
the|cyanobacteria|it evolved|into|what|that|today|we know|as|chloroplast
The cyanobacteria evolved into what we now know as chloroplasts.
Este suceso en el que un organismo integra a otro se le conoce como endosimbiosis y es
this|event|in|the|which|one|organism|it integrates|to|another|itself|it|it is known|as|endosymbiosis|and|it is
This event in which one organism integrates another is known as endosymbiosis and is
la teoría más aceptada para el origen de estos organelos. Seguro que la endosimbiosis
the most accepted theory for the origin of these organelles. I'm sure endosymbiosis
te suena a cuento chino, pero hay bastante evidencia que soporta la teoría. Por ejemplo,
it|sounds|like|story|Chinese|but|there is|quite|evidence|that|supports|the|theory|For|example
sounds like a tall tale to you, but there is quite a bit of evidence supporting the theory. For example,
las mitocondrias y cloroplastos tienen un ADN separado y diferente al del núcleo y
the|mitochondria|and|chloroplasts|they have|a|DNA|separate|and|different|from|the|nucleus|
mitochondria and chloroplasts have separate DNA that is different from that of the nucleus and
está organizado de forma similar al de las bacterias. Cloroplastos y mitocondrias son
it is|organized|in|form|similar|to the|of|the|bacteria|Chloroplasts|and|mitochondria|they are
is organized similarly to that of bacteria. Chloroplasts and mitochondria are
capaces de dividirse independientemente y se dividen de manera parecida a las bacterias.
capable|of|to divide|independently|and|themselves|they divide|in|manner|similar|to|the|bacteria
capable of dividing independently and divide in a manner similar to bacteria.
Si a una célula vegetal se le quitan las mitocondrias o cloroplastos la célula no
if|to|a|cell|plant|itself|to it|they remove|the|mitochondria|or|chloroplasts|the|cell|not
If a plant cell is deprived of mitochondria or chloroplasts, the cell does not
es capaz de producir estos organelos. Pero, volviendo al tema ¿Ya te imaginas que
it is|capable|of|to produce|these|organelles|But|returning|to the|topic|Already|you|you imagine|that
is capable of producing these organelles. But, back to the topic, can you already imagine what
sucedió con este organismo eucariota glotón? ¡Se convirtió en la primerísima planta!
it happened|with|this|organism|eukaryotic|glutton|it|it converted|into|the|very first|plant
happened to this gluttonous eukaryotic organism? It became the very first plant!
Un alga verde unicelular. Con el tiempo, de este organismo surgieron organismos pluricelulares.
a|algae|green|unicellular|With|the|time|from|this|organism|there emerged|organisms|multicellular
A unicellular green alga. Over time, multicellular organisms emerged from this organism.
El fósil del alga pluricelular más antiguo es Bangiomorpha pubescens, tiene unos mil
the|fossil|of the|alga|multicellular|the most|ancient|it is|Bangiomorpha|pubescens|it has|about|thousand
The fossil of the oldest multicellular alga is Bangiomorpha pubescens, it is about a thousand
millones de años de antigüedad. Bah, pero las algas como que no parecen plantas.
millions|of|years|of|antiquity|Bah|but|the|algae|as|that|not|they seem|plants
millions of years old. Bah, but algae don't really seem like plants.
Cómo pasaron de eso a esto. Algunas algas migraron a tierra y conforme
how|they passed|from|that|to|this|some|algae|they migrated|to|land|and|as
How did they go from that to this? Some algae migrated to land and as
lo hicieron cambiaron de forma, así surgieron las primeras plantas terrestres, que probablemente
they|they did|they changed|of|form|thus|they emerged|the|first|plants|terrestrial|that|probably
they did, they changed shape, thus the first land plants emerged, which probably
tenían una forma similar a las plantas hepáticas actuales. Seguían dependiendo del agua para
they had|a|shape|similar|to|the|plants|liverworts|current|They continued|depending|on the|water|to
had a shape similar to current liverworts. They still depended on water to
el transporte de sus nutrientes y por eso vivían en lugares húmedos. No tenían tallos
the|transport|of|their|nutrients|and|for|that|they lived|in|places|humid|No|they did not have|stems
the transport of their nutrients and that is why they lived in humid places. They did not have stems.
y estaban muy limitadas en su tamaño, pero ya habían desarrollado unas estructuras llamadas
and|they were|very|limited|in|their|size|but|already|they had|developed|some|structures|called
and were very limited in their size, but they had already developed structures called
rizoides para asegurarse a las rocas. Poco después de estas surgieron otras plantas
rhizoids|to|to secure|to|the|rocks|Shortly|after|of|these|there emerged|other|plants
rhizoids to anchor themselves to the rocks. Shortly after these, other plants emerged
terrestres como los musgos. La evidencia fósil más antigua de estas primeras plantas terrestres
on land such as mosses. The oldest fossil evidence of these first land plants.
son esporas de hace 470 millones de años. Estas inofensivas plantitas desgastaban rápidamente
they are|spores|of|ago|million|of|years|These|harmless|little plants|they wore out|quickly
they are spores from 470 million years ago. These harmless little plants quickly wore away
las rocas a las que se unían y esto liberaba minerales, los minerales absorbieron grandes
the|rocks|to|the|that|themselves|they joined|and|this|it released|minerals|the|minerals||large
the rocks to which they attached, and this released minerals, the minerals absorbed large
cantidades de dióxido de carbono de forma acelerada. Como consecuencia, estas plantas
quantities|of|dioxide|of|carbon|in|form|accelerated|As|a consequence|these|plants
amounts of carbon dioxide at an accelerated rate. As a consequence, these plants
provocaron una serie de glaciaciones masivas. No hay duda de que cualquier acción puede
they provoked|a|series|of|glaciations|massive|No|there is|doubt|that|that|any|action|it can
caused a series of massive glaciations. There is no doubt that any action can
afectar el clima y tener graves consecuencias, lo estamos viviendo.
to affect|the|climate|and|to have|serious|consequences|it|we are|living
affect the climate and have serious consequences, we are experiencing it.
Afortunadamente muchas plantas sobrevivieron a estos tiempos difíciles y comenzaron a
fortunately|many|plants|they survived|to|these|times|difficult|and|they began|to
Fortunately, many plants survived these difficult times and began to
desarrollar tallos y un sistema para el transporte de nutrientes.
to develop|stems|and|a|system|for|the|transport|of|nutrients
develop stems and a system for transporting nutrients.
Después aparecieron las raíces para absorber nutrientes y más adelante las hojas y luego
later|they appeared|the|roots|to|absorb|nutrients|and|more|later|the|leaves|and|then
Later, roots appeared to absorb nutrients and then leaves.
algunas plantas desarrollaron corteza. Hace unos 354 millones de años las plantas
some|plants|they developed|bark|About|some|million|of|years|the|plants
some plants developed bark. About 354 million years ago, plants
eran la especie reinante, había una gran variedad de plantas, árboles de cincuenta
they were|the|species|reigning|there was|a|great|variety|of|plants|trees|of|fifty
were the dominant species, there was a great variety of plants, trees up to fifty
metros y bosques extensos. Gracias a las plantas había mucho oxígeno, estas condiciones favorecieron
meters|and|forests|extensive|Thanks|to|the|plants|there was|a lot of|oxygen|these|conditions|they favored
meters tall and extensive forests. Thanks to the plants, there was a lot of oxygen, these conditions favored
a algunos organismos. Había libélulas gigantes con setenta centímetros de envergadura, escorpiones
to|some|organisms|There were|dragonflies|giant|with|seventy|centimeters|of|wingspan|scorpions
some organisms. There were giant dragonflies with a wingspan of seventy centimeters, scorpions
igual de grandes y milpiés de dos metros y medio. (ASUSTADO/SARCASMO) Suena maravilloso.
as|as|big|and|millipedes|of|two|meters|and|half|||It sounds|wonderful
just as big and millipedes two and a half meters long. (SCARED/SARCASM) Sounds wonderful.
(VOZ NORMAL) De este periodo proviene la mayor parte de nuestras reservas de carbón, por
||from|this|period|it comes|the|largest|part|of|our|reserves|of|coal|for
(NORMAL VOICE) From this period comes most of our coal reserves, due to
todo el material vegetal que había en ese entonces.
all|the|material|plant|that|there was|in|that|then
all the plant material that existed back then.
En este mismo periodo aparecieron las coníferas y árboles como los ginko y las cykas y poco
in|this|same|period|there appeared|the|conifers|and|trees|like|the|ginkgo|and|the|cycads|and|little
During this same period, conifers and trees such as ginkgo and cycads appeared, and little
a poco fueron ganando terreno hasta volverse cosmopolitas.
to|little|they were|gaining|ground|until|to become|cosmopolitan
They gradually gained ground until they became cosmopolitan.
Hace apenas 140 millones de años aparecieron las plantas con flor. Los científicos creen
just|barely|million|of|years|appeared|the|plants|with|flower|The|scientists|they believe
Only 140 million years ago did flowering plants appear. Scientists believe
que las primeras flores quizá tenían un aspecto similar a las magnolias. Aunque las
that|the|first|flowers|perhaps|they had|a|appearance|similar|to|the|magnolias|Although|the
that the first flowers may have looked similar to magnolias. Although the
flores aparecieron recientemente estas fueron tan exitosas que rápidamente se diversificaron
flowers|they appeared|recently|these|they were|so|successful|that|quickly|themselves|they diversified
flowers appeared recently, they were so successful that they quickly diversified.
en hierbas, árboles, arbustos y trepadoras. Hoy en día 9 de cada 10 plantas terrestres
in|herbs|trees|shrubs|and|climbing plants|Today|in|day|of|every|plants|terrestrial
in herbs, trees, shrubs, and climbers. Nowadays, 9 out of 10 terrestrial plants
tienen flores. Pero ¿cómo estamos seguros de que toda esta
they have|flowers|But|how|we are|sure|of|that|all|this
have flowers. But how can we be sure that all this
historia que suena bastante complicada es real y no nos la estamos inventando? No se
story|that|it sounds|quite|complicated|it is|real|and|not|to us|it|we are|inventing|No|I know
story that sounds quite complicated is real and we are not making it up? One cannot
puede estar completamente seguros de todo y aún quedan muchas dudas, pero hay muchísimas
it can|to be|completely|sure|of|everything|and|still|there remain|many|doubts|but|there are|a lot
be completely sure of everything and there are still many doubts, but there are many more
pistas que nos han ayudado a armar el rompecabezas de la historia. Los registros fósiles, los
clues|that|us|they have|helped|to|assemble|the|puzzle|of|the|history|The|records|fossil|the
clues that have helped us piece together the puzzle of history. The fossil records, the
estratos geológicos, el estudio comparativo de la anatomía, fisiología y bioquímica,
geological strata, the comparative study of anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry,
la genética y la aportación de diversas disciplinas nos dan la evidencia que nos permite
the|genetics|and|the|contribution|of|various|disciplines|us|they give|the|evidence|that|us|it allows
genetics, and the contributions of various disciplines provide us with the evidence that allows us
conocer el pasado. Las plantas han estado en la Tierra por millones
to know|the|past|The|plants|they have|been|on|the|Earth|for|millions
to know the past. Plants have been on Earth for millions
de años, algunas se extinguieron y nunca las conocimos, pero todas han contribuido
of|years|some|themselves|they became extinct|and|never|them|we knew|but|all|they have|contributed
for years, some went extinct and we never knew them, but all have contributed
a transformar nuestro planeta y propiciaron las condiciones para que surgieran diversas
to|transform|our|planet|and|they fostered|the|conditions|for|that|they emerged|various
to transforming our planet and created the conditions for various
formas de vida. ¡Curiosamente!
forms of life to emerge. Interestingly!
Cuéntanos cuál es tu planta favorita y recuerda suscribirte al canal para que no te pierdas
tell us|which|it is|your|plant|favorite|and|remember|to subscribe|to the|channel|so that|that|not|you|you miss
Tell us what your favorite plant is and remember to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out
ni un solo video. Le mandamos un saludo a todas las mentes curiosas
not|a|single|video|to it|we send|a|greeting|to|all|the|minds|curious
not a single video. We send a greeting to all the curious minds
que nos apoyan, particularmente a: Alberto Campano, Daniel Guerrero, Erick Hernández,
that|us|they support|particularly|to|Alberto|Campano|Daniel|Guerrero|Erick|Hernández
that support us, particularly to: Alberto Campano, Daniel Guerrero, Erick Hernández,
Familia Rebollo Sainz, Francisco Dueñas, Francisco Tejeda, Luis Malo, Luis Sánchez,
Rebollo Sainz Family, Francisco Dueñas, Francisco Tejeda, Luis Malo, Luis Sánchez,
Noemi Moreno, Pancho, Paulo Reynaldo, Pez goldfish, Raúl Sánchez, Roberto Brücher,
Noemi Moreno, Pancho, Paulo Reynaldo, Pez goldfish, Raúl Sánchez, Roberto Brücher,
Rodrigo Castro, Tania Moreno y Telemilla 90
Rodrigo Castro, Tania Moreno, and Telemilla 90
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