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Mille Fabulae, Fabulae 61-80

Fabulae 61-80

61) Vulpes Sanguine Madens

Vulpes gallum gallinaceum rapuerat et voraverat. At canis fortis hanc vulpem, recenti sanguine adhuc madentem, occupat et vorat, membra dente crebro discerpens.

Ab alio exspectes, alteri quod feceris.

62) Vulpes et Lupus apud Iovem

Convenerant lupus et vulpes adire Iovem ut ab eo peterent ambo quod sibi quisque deesse existimabat: lupus rapax, calliditatem vulpis; vulpes callida, lupi vires et impetum; sic fore ut singuli abundantius praedas facerent. Respuit crudelium animalium vota Iuppiter, utpote iniusta et iniuria proximis suis. “Ab origine mundi singulis animantibus largissime data munera, non uni omnia,” respondit.

63) Vulpes Aemula et Lupus

Lupus praedam multam in cubili congregaverat ut plures menses haberet quo vivere posset. Vulpes ad eius cubile venit et, aemula, lupo dixit, “Quia non vidi te per tot dies, merito tristis fui.” Cui lupus, ut agnovit livorem, ait, “Non ad me sollicita venisti, sed ut aliqua rapias.” His verbis vulpes irata, pastorem adiit. “Agis mihi gratias,” inquit, “si tibi inimicum gregis tui hodie in manus tradidero, ut iam non sis sollicitus?” Pastor ait, “Ego serviam tibi, et siquid volueris tibi tradidero.” Tunc clausum illa ostendit lupum, quem lancea ille peremit, et aemula vulpes se de alieno saturavit. Deinde ipsa in venatorem cum incideret, deprehensa a canibus et laniata, sic ait, “Ego male feci et male modo pereo, quae alterum laesi.”

64) Vulpes in Puteum Delapsa et Lupus

Vulpes, cum in puteum fortuito incidisset, lupum in ripa praetereuntem vidit rogavitque ut funem sibi compararet opemque daret ad se ipsam a tanto periculo extrahendam. Cui lupus, “Miserrima vulpes, condoleo tuum infortunium. Dic, precor, quomodo in hunc puteum incidisti?” Respondebat vulpes, “Non opus est ambagibus. Quin tu funem comparato, et deinde omnia tibi in ordine expediam.”

Qui in imminentibus versantur periculis non verba superflua, sed praesentes suppetias quaerunt.

65) Vulpes et Lupus in Fossam Delapsus

Lupum in fossam lupariam delapsum vulpes conspicata, irridebat et circum oras et fossae marginem laetabunda saltitabat, stolidum animal illum appellans, qui hominum fraudes non animadvertisset. Dum sic ergo lasciva gestiret, subsidens terra eam traxit in praeceps. Quam delabentem lupus conspicatus, “Maximum,” inquit, “nunc mortis meae solacium ad Manes feram, videns vulpem, quae me irridebat, mecum pereuntem.”

66) Vulpes et Lupus in Lardario

Lupus obviavit vulpi, dicens ei, “Magnam famem habeo, nec scio ubi quicquam praedari potero.” Cui vulpes, “Si vis me sequi, satis abunde reficiemur.” Respondit lupus, “Libenter sequar. Eamus citius, quia fames me cruciat.” Duxit igitur eum vulpes ad lardarium, et intrat prius ipsa per quoddam foramen, et lupus post eam, sed cum magna angustia, quia foramen erat valde strictum. Invenerunt magnam copiam carnium et piscium. Vulpes vero, memor stricti foraminis per quod oportebat eam reverti, moderate sumpsit. Lupus quidem ingrossavit se ad plenum. Auditur interim tumultus a familia, et veniunt famuli cum canibus et fustibus; intrant lardarium. Vulpes autem hoc audiens fugit ad foramen et exivit. Lupus vero, volens exire nec valens prae ventris grossitudine, capitur, fustigatur, et canum dentibus discerpitur.

67) Vulpes, Lupus, et Pisces

Lupus obvians vulpi ait, “Compater, unde venis?” Et vulpes, “Pisces optimos cepi et sufficienter comedi.” Quaesivit lupus, “Quomodo cepisti?” Ait vulpes, “Caudam in aquam posui, diu tenui, pisces caudae adhaeserunt et traxi eos ad terram et comedi.” Et lupus, “Numquid sic ego pisces capere possum?” Ait vulpes, “Optime poteris, cum sis fortior quam ego.” Perrexit ergo lupus festinanter et caudam in aquam posuit et diu tenuit donec esset congelata. Post longam moram, voluit caudam extrahere, credens quod multitudo piscium ei adhaereret, sed non potuit propter gelicidium quod caudam tenuit. Detentus est ibi usque mane et venerunt homines et lupum fere usque ad mortem fustigaverunt. Et cum vix evasisset, maledixit compatri suo, qui pisces sibi promisit et verbera et vulnera persolvit.

68) Vulpes, Lupus, et Panarium

Vulpes piscem comedebat iuxta flumen; lupus autem partem ab ea petebat. Vulpes ait, “Docebo te artem piscandi, et sic capies pisces et manducabis. Sed panario opus tibi est.” Abiens autem lupus ad vicum, furatus est panarium, et attulit vulpi. Vulpes panarium ligavit ad caudam lupi valde fortiter et dixit ei, “Vade per aqam, trahens panarium, et ego retro te vadam, submovens pisces.” Lupus autem trahebat per flumen panarium et vulpes caute lapides in panario ponebat. Cum autem plenum esset, vulpes abiit ad vicum et dixit hominibus, “Ecce lupus, qui oves, qui agnos, qui omnes bestias vestras comedit, nunc etiam a flumine vestro pisces extrahit.” Tunc omnes, cum gladiis, fustibus, et canibus, exierunt ad lupum et usque quasi ad mortem percusserunt.

69) Vulpes, Lupus, et Puteus

Vulpes casu cecidit per unam situlam in puteum. Venit lupus et quaerebat quid faceret ibi. Quae ait, “Bone compater, hic habeo multos pisces et magnos; utinam mecum partem haberes!” Et ait lupus, “Quomodo possem illuc descendere?” Ait vulpecula, “Supra est una situla; pone te intus, et venies deorsum.” Et erant ibi duae situlae; quando una ascendit, alia descendit. Lupus posuit se in situlam et descendit; vulpecula in alia situla ascendit. Et quando obviaverunt sibi, ait lupus, “Bone compater, quo vadis?” Et ait vulpes, “Satis comedi et ascendo. Tu descende et invenies mirabilia.” Descendit miser lupus nec invenit aliquid nisi aquam. Venerunt mane rustici et extraxerunt lupum et usque ad mortem verberaverunt.

70) Vulpes, Lupus, et Caseus

Dum putei liquor placidus lunae plenae simulacra speculo suo redderet, vulpes ieiuna illuc forte accessit, victum quaeritans; fames malesuada eam perpulit ut caseum pinguem super summis aquis innatare crederet. Vulpes ergo, cum itus facilis esset situlis duobus qui vices alternabant, in situlum ad marginem elatum sese iniicit. Sed sic delapsa, mox errorem suum luget et se perituram deputat. Iam biduum consumptum erat cum lupus tandem advenit. Quem vulpes conspicata, “In situlum,” ait, “te cito immitte; caseus opimus hic mihi repertus est. Comedi quantum cupiditas mea voluit; nunc satura, cogor hunc caseum deserere, sic abrasum, ut vides,” luna scilicet decreverat, et simul lunae imago. Lupus credulus obsequitur; sursum propellit vulpem et, parum anxia quid lupo fieret, vado haerentem liquit.

71) Vulpes, Lupus, et Asini Privilegium

Leo edixit ut omnia animalia coram eo comparerent et, illis congregatis, petiit si quis abesset. Asinus vero aberat, in quodam prato viridi et delectabili se depascens. Pro quo producendo, lupum tamquam fortem et vulpem tamquam prudentem transmittebat. Qui, accedentes ad asinum, sibi nuntiarunt ut, more aliorum, coram domino suo compareret. Asinus respondens dixit se tali privilegio tutum, quod ab omnibus edictis exemptus fuerat. Nuntii petierunt ut eius privilegium legerent, quod asinus concedebat. Altercatione quidem exorta inter lupum et vulpem quis eorum legeret, sors cecidit super vulpem, quae privilegium sibi demonstrari petiit. Cui asinus dixit, “Sub pede dextro lege confidenter.” Asinus sic vulpis accedentis oculos percutiendo avulsit. Unde lupus praecavens dixit, “Qui clerici probantur peritiores, non sunt in opere cautiores.”

72) Vulpes, Lupus, et Tria Vera

In lupum vulpes quae inciderat misella, vivam se ut caperet precabatur neque vetulam interimeret. Qui “Si mihi tres,” ait, “easque veras dixeris sententias, per Panem vitae parcam tuae.” Vulpes contra, “Utinam primum non fuisse obviam factus mihi! Dein utinam occurrisses caecus! Et super his habe,” inquit, “tertiam: utinam non ad seriorem pervenias aetatem nec mihi denuo obviam occurras!”

73) Vulpes et Nauta

Vulpes, volens mare transire, rogavit nautam ut se transferret; quod, naulo constituto, nauta fecit. Cum autem iam ad aliud litus ventum fuisset, nauta petiit naulum. At vulpes minxit super caudam et aspersit oculos nautae et quasi excaecavit eum, et saltavit ad terram extra navem. Et dixit nauta, “Malum salarium reddidisti mihi.” Cui vulpes, “Aliter fieri non potuit, iuxta illud quod scriptum est: Servitium, dico, perdit qui servit iniquo.”

74) Lupus et Nauta

Lupus, in aliam regionem transiturus, venit ad fluvium et nautam rogavit ut ipsum in navicula sua transportaret; “Dabo,” inquit, “quod volueris; tantum me recipiat navis.” Iussus est ergo intrare, et navis soluta est a litore. Tunc ait lupus homini, “Dic modo quid mercedis tibi daturus sum.” “Tria vera,” inquit, “mihi dicas pro pretio.” Placuit hoc lupo, et statim unum protulit: “Bene facit, qui benefacit.” Post haec, medio iam in flumine transito, protulit secundum: “Qui sic non facit, peius facit.” Homo exegit tertium. Cui lupus, “Tertium non habeo prae manibus, sed interim quod litori approximamus, inde cogitabo.” Illis ergo prope litus factis, lupus saltu se de nave extulit et, in sicco constitutus, “Quidquid boni perverso fit,” ait, “perditum est ex integro.”

75) Lupi et Rusticus

Rusticus arietem excoriatum portavit ad forum, quem lupi consequebantur. Quibus rusticus, “Quamdiu me sequi proponitis?” Cui lupi, “Quamdiu? Quamdiu arietem portabis.” Et ait rusticus, “Malo arietem dimittere quam tales comites habere.” Et statim arietem proiicit.

76) Lupus et Puer Mendax

Puer mendax, qui patris gregem pascebat, libenter alios ludificabatur. Aliquando ingentem clamorem sustulit, “Auxilio venite; lupus adest!” Accurrunt propere rustici et ridentur. Proximo mense, hunc dolum repetivit. Paulo post, re vera lupus apparet. Iam rursus clamat, “Auxilio venite; lupus adest!” At nemo accurrit. Maiore voce clamat, lacrimat, eiulat; frustra omnia. “Tertium nos decipere vult,” inquiunt rustici. Ita lupus in gregem irrupit et plurimas oves dilaniavit.

77) Lupus Parvulus et Pastor

Pastor, lupum parvulum cum invenisset, eum penes se enutrivit ac, ubi adolevit, pecudes ex vicinis armentis rapere docuit. Quod lupus cum egregie didicisset, “Cave,” olim pastori ait, “ne me rapiendi artem postquam docueris, multas ex tuis gregibus oves desideres.”

78) Lupus cum Canibus Nutritus

Pastor, cum lupi catulum recens natum invenisset, sublatum una cum canibus nutrivit. Postquam autem adolevit, si lupus aliquis forte rapuisset ovem, eum ille quoque cum ceteris canibus insequebatur. At si quando canes eum insequi non valerent et defessi redirent, ipse tamen pergebat donec illum assecutus, secum utpote lupus praedae particeps esset, atque deinde revertebatur. Sin autem lupus nullus in gregem insiliens ovem abripuisset, tum ipse furtim necabat et una cum canibus comedebat; donec pastor, re cognita, eum arbori suspensum occidit.

79) Lupi et Canes, Amici

Lupi canibus olim dixere, “Quid, cum omnino nobis similes sitis, eadem quoque nobiscum mente ut fratres non estis? Et sane nihil a vobis, nisi voluntate, discrepamus. Nos enim in libertate vivimus, vos hominibus subiecti et servi, verberibus obnoxii, vinculis ad collum pressi, et custodiendis gregibus addicti; cum vero cibum sumunt, vobis ossa tantum obiiciunt. Quapropter si nostra vobis amicitia grata est, greges omnes in nostram potestatem tradite omniaque communia erunt, atque nobiscum ad satietatem vescemini.” His dictis paruere canes sed, vix in speluncam cum lupis ingressi, statim ab ipsis dilacerati sunt.

80) Lupus et Canes Duo

Lupus, ex alta specula contemplatus canes geminos, gregis ovium custodes, inter se pugnantes et sese mutuis morsibus dilacerantes, spem concepit posse tuto oves invadere. Magno igitur impetu in oves delatus, cum unam oppido pinguem rapuisset, concite fugiebat. Canes, id conspicati, omissa domestica pugna, lupum fugientem assecuti, tantis illum affecere vulneribus ut vix posset evadere. Cum autem mox ab alio lupo interrogaretur cur solus gregem esset adortus, ubi tam validi erant propugnatores, “Domestica,” inquit, “pugna deceptus sum.”

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Fabulae 61-80 故事集 Stories fábulas Geschichten 61-80 Tales 61-80 Cuentos 61-80 Histoires 61-80 Storie 61-80 61~80話 Verhalen 61-80 Histórias 61-80 Оповідання 61-80 故事 61-80

61) Vulpes Sanguine Madens ||沾滿鮮血 Fox|with blood|Dripping with blood ||血に酔った Raposa|Sanguin|sanguinária 61) Blood-soaked fox 61) Raposa Sanguinária

Vulpes gallum gallinaceum rapuerat et voraverat. ||家禽的|抓住了||吞食了 The fox|rooster|domestic fowl|had seized||had devoured it ||鶏|||食べてしまっていた |galo|gallináceo|raptou||devorara Ein Fuchs hatte ein Huhn geschnappt und verschlungen. A fox had snatched a chicken and devoured it. キツネが鶏を奪って食べてしまった。 A raposa havia capturado e devorado um galo. At canis fortis hanc vulpem, recenti sanguine adhuc madentem, occupat et vorat, membra dente crebro discerpens. ||||狐狸|新鮮的||仍然|濕透的|佔據||吞食|肢體||頻繁地|撕裂 |dog||||||||seizes||devours|||frequently|tearing apart ||||||||血にまだ濡れている||||肉体|||引き裂いて ||forte||raposa|recente||ainda|sangrando|ocupa||devora|membros|dente|frequentemente|desmembrando Doch ein starker Hund packt diesen noch von frischem Blut durchnässten Fuchs, verschlingt ihn und zerreißt ihm mit den Zähnen die Gliedmaßen. But a strong dog seizes this fox, still wet with fresh blood, and devours it, tearing its limbs with its teeth. しかし、強い犬がこのキツネを捕まえ、まだ新鮮な血に濡れている状態で食べて、しばしば歯で切り刻んだ。 Mas um cão forte ataca essa raposa, ainda ensanguentada, e a devora, despedaçando suas membros com frequência com os dentes.

Ab alio exspectes, alteri quod feceris. ||期望||所做之事|所做的 ||期待する||| |||a outro||fizeres Sie müssen damit rechnen, was Sie einem anderen angetan haben. You must expect, what you have done to another. 他の者を期待するな、あなたがしたことは他の者にも行われる。 Espere de outro o que você fez a um outro.

62) Vulpes et Lupus apud Iovem ||||朱庇特 ||Lobo||Júpiter 62) The fox and the wolf with Jupiter 62) A Raposa e o Lobo diante de Júpiter

Convenerant lupus et vulpes adire Iovem ut ab eo peterent ambo quod sibi quisque deesse existimabat: lupus rapax, calliditatem vulpis; vulpes callida, lupi vires et impetum; sic fore ut singuli abundantius praedas facerent. |||fox||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| they had convened||||to approach|||||||||||||greedy wolf||||||||||be so|||more abundantly|| 集まった|||||ジュピター||||||||||||貪欲な|狡猾さ|||||||||||||| conveniam|||||||||pedissem|ambos||a si mesmos|cada um|faltar|considerava||rapaz|astúcia|rapaz||astuta|lobo|||ímpeto|assim|seria||indivíduos|abundante|presas|pedissem ||||拜见|||||請求|兩者||自己||女神|認為||貪婪的|狡猾狡詐|狐狸||狡猾的||力量||衝擊力||將會||||獵物|獵取獵物 Der Wolf und der Fuchs hatten vereinbart, zu Jupiter zu gehen und ihn zu fragen, was ihm ihrer Meinung nach fehlte: der gefräßige Wolf, die List des Fuchses; listige Füchse, Wölfe, Stärke und Angriff; es wäre so, dass jeder mehr reiche Beute machen würde. The wolf and the fox had agreed to go to Jove to ask from him what each thought he lacked: the ravenous wolf, the cunning of the fox; cunning foxes, wolves strength and attack; it would be so that each one would make more abundant spoils. 狼と狐は、互いに自分に欠けているものを求めて、ジュピターに会いに行った。狼は狐の狡猾さを、狐は狼の力と突進を考え、そうすることでそれぞれがより多くの戦利品を得るだろうと考えた。 O lobo e a raposa concordaram em ir a Júpiter para pedir a ele o que cada um deles achava que estava faltando: o lobo voraz, a astúcia da raposa; a raposa astuta, a força e o ataque do lobo; assim, seria que cada um deles faria presas de maneira mais abundante. Respuit crudelium animalium vota Iuppiter, utpote iniusta et iniuria proximis suis. |殘酷的||祈願||因为|不公正的|||鄰近的人| Rejects|cruel|of the animals|||as being||||nearby ones| 拒んだ|残酷な||祈り||||||| rejeitou|cruel|dos animais||Júpiter|visto que|injusta||injúria|aos seus próximos| Jupiter weist die Wünsche grausamer Tiere als ungerecht und unrechtmäßig gegenüber seinen Nachbarn zurück. Jupiter rejects the wishes of cruel animals, as unjust and wrongful to his neighbors. ジュピターは、彼らの近親に対する不正で不当な要求を拒否した。 “Ab origine mundi singulis animantibus largissime data munera, non uni omnia,” respondit. ||世界的||||數據|禮物||一者|一切事物|回答道 |||||very generously|||||| |起源|||||||||| „Seit Anbeginn der Welt wurden jedem Lebewesen großzügig Geschenke gemacht, nicht allen nur einem“, antwortete er. "From the beginning of the world gifts have been most generously given to each living thing, not all to one," he answered. 「世界の始まりからすべての生き物に対して、十分に与えられた贈り物は、すべての生き物に平等に与えられるものではありません」と答えた。

63) Vulpes Aemula et Lupus |競爭者|| Fox|Rival|| |アエムラ|| 63) Rival foxes and wolves 63) キツネとオオカミ

Lupus praedam multam in cubili congregaverat ut plures menses haberet quo vivere posset. ||大量的|||||||||| ||||the den|||||||| ||||巣|||||||| The wolf had gathered a lot of prey in his bed so that he would have several months in which to live. オオカミは巣に多くの獲物を集めて、数ヶ月間生き延びることができるようにしていました。 Vulpes ad eius cubile venit et, aemula, lupo dixit, “Quia non vidi te per tot dies, merito tristis fui.” Cui lupus, ut agnovit livorem, ait, “Non ad me sollicita venisti, sed ut aliqua rapias.” His verbis vulpes irata, pastorem adiit. |||den of||||||||||||||||||||anger|||||||||||||||| |||巣|||||||||||||当然||||||認識した|子羊|||||心配して||||何か|奪う|||||牧者| The fox came to his bed and, his rival, said to the wolf, "Because I have not seen you for so many days, I have deservedly been sad." To whom the wolf, as he recognized the bruise, said, "You did not come to me worried, but to steal something." The fox, enraged at these words, went to the shepherd. キツネは彼の巣にやって来て、友人としてオオカミに言いました。「あなたをこんなに長い間見なかったので、悲しい気持ちでした。」それに対してオオカミは、嫉妬を認めて言いました。「あなたは私を心配して来たのではなく、何かを奪うために来たのです。」この言葉に腹を立てたキツネは、羊飼いのもとに向かいました。 “Agis mihi gratias,” inquit, “si tibi inimicum gregis tui hodie in manus tradidero, ut iam non sis sollicitus?” Pastor ait, “Ego serviam tibi, et siquid volueris tibi tradidero.” Tunc clausum illa ostendit lupum, quem lancea ille peremit, et aemula vulpes se de alieno saturavit. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||closed|||||||he killed||||||| |||||||群れ|||||渡す|||||心配||||仕えます|||何か|||||閉じられた|||||槍||許可|||||||満たした "Will you thank me," said he, "if I deliver the enemy of your flock into your hand this day, so that you will no longer be troubled?" The shepherd said, "I will serve you, and whatever you want I will deliver to you." Then she showed him the wolf, whom he killed with his lance, and the rival fox satiated himself with the stranger. 「私に感謝しなさい」と彼は言った。「もし私があなたの羊の敵を今日あなたの手に渡したら、もう心配しなくて済むでしょう?」 羊飼いは言った、「私はあなたに仕えますし、もし何かあなたに渡したいものがあれば渡します。」すると彼女は閉じられたところにいる狼を見せ、彼は槍でそれを打ち取り、ライバルの狐は他人のことで腹を満たした。 Deinde ipsa in venatorem cum incideret, deprehensa a canibus et laniata, sic ait, “Ego male feci et male modo pereo, quae alterum laesi.” ||||||caught||||torn|||||||||||| |||||落ちる|||||傷つけられた|||||||||死ぬ|||傷つけた Dann selbst, als sie einen Jäger überfiel, von den Hunden gefangen und zerfleischt wurde, sagte sie: „Ich habe Unrecht getan und komme auf unrechte Weise um, weil ich einem anderen Schaden zugefügt habe.“ Then she herself, when she fell upon a hunter, was caught by dogs and mauled, said thus, "I have done wrong, and I perish in a wrong way, because I have injured another." 次に彼女はハンターに遭遇し、犬に捕まえられ、引き裂かれた時、こう言った。「私は悪いことをした、そして今私は悪く死ぬ。私は別の者に傷を与えた。」

64) Vulpes in Puteum Delapsa et Lupus ||井戸|落ちた|| 64) The fox fell into the well and the wolf 64)井戸に落ちた狐と狼

Vulpes, cum in puteum fortuito incidisset, lupum in ripa praetereuntem vidit rogavitque ut funem sibi compararet opemque daret ad se ipsam a tanto periculo extrahendam. |||井戸|偶然|||||||||||用意してくれる|助け||||||||引き上げる The fox, having accidentally fallen into a well, saw a wolf passing by on the bank, and asked him to get him a rope and give him help to extricate himself from such danger. キツネは偶然に井戸に落ちて、岸を通り過ぎるオオカミを見て、彼にロープを用意してくれるように頼み、自分をその大きな危険から救出してくれるように助けを求めた。 Cui lupus, “Miserrima vulpes, condoleo tuum infortunium. ||||||不運 To which the wolf said, "Poor fox, I sympathize with your misfortune." オオカミは言った、「かわいそうなキツネよ、お前の不幸を同情する。」 Dic, precor, quomodo in hunc puteum incidisti?” Respondebat vulpes, “Non opus est ambagibus. ||||||||||||circumlocutions |祈る|どうして|||井戸|落ちた||||||遠回り Tell me, I pray thee, how didst thou fall into this well? The fox replied, “There is no need for detours. キツネは答えた、「細かいことを言う必要はない。」 Quin tu funem comparato, et deinde omnia tibi in ordine expediam.” |||compare||||||| |||比較して||||||| But you procure the rope, and then I will arrange everything for you in order. あなたがロープを結ぶとき、私はすぐにすべてを整理します。

Qui in imminentibus versantur periculis non verba superflua, sed praesentes suppetias quaerunt. ||||||||||assistance| |||||||||現在の|| Those who are engaged in impending dangers do not seek superfluous words, but present supplies. 差し迫った危険に直面している者たちは、無駄な言葉ではなく、実際の助けを求めます。

65) Vulpes et Lupus in Fossam Delapsus |||||落ちた 65) The fox and the wolf fell into the pit 65) キツネとオオカミが掘りに落ちた

Lupum in fossam lupariam delapsum vulpes conspicata, irridebat et circum oras et fossae marginem laetabunda saltitabat, stolidum animal illum appellans, qui hominum fraudes non animadvertisset. |||wolf's den|||||||the edges||||joyfully|||||||||| ||溝|||||||周りの|辺り||溝|縁|楽しそうに|跳んでいた|愚かな|||呼んで|||詐欺|| When the fox saw the wolf fall into the wolf's ditch, he laughed and danced joyfully around the edges and edge of the ditch, calling him a stupid animal who had not noticed the tricks of men. 狐は、落ち込んでいる狼を見つけて、彼を嘲笑し、喜んでその周りを跳ね回り、「人間の罠に気づかない愚かな動物」と呼びかけていた。 Dum sic ergo lasciva gestiret, subsidens terra eam traxit in praeceps. |||lascivious|was writhing|subsiding|||||headlong ||||||||引きずった|| While she was thus frolicsome, the subsidence of the earth drew her into a precipice. そのようにして彼女が無邪気に振る舞っていると、地面が彼女を引きずり下ろした。 Quam delabentem lupus conspicatus, “Maximum,” inquit, “nunc mortis meae solacium ad Manes feram, videns vulpem, quae me irridebat, mecum pereuntem.” |||||||死||慰め||マネス|運ぶ|||||||死ぬ When he saw the wolf falling down, he said, "I will now take the consolation of my death to the Spirits, seeing the fox that was laughing at me, passing away with me." 狼は彼女が落ちていくのを見て、「これは私の死に対する最大の慰めだ。私を嘲笑っていた狐が、私と一緒に滅びていくのを見るのだ」と言った。

66) Vulpes et Lupus in Lardario ||||ラルダリオ 66) Fox and Wolf in Lardarius

Lupus obviavit vulpi, dicens ei, “Magnam famem habeo, nec scio ubi quicquam praedari potero.” Cui vulpes, “Si vis me sequi, satis abunde reficiemur.” Respondit lupus, “Libenter sequar. |met the||||||||||anything|hunt||||||||||we will be refreshed|||| ||||||||||||獲物を捕る||||||||||私たちは満たされる|||| The wolf met the fox, saying to him, "I am very hungry, and I do not know where I can get anything." To which the fox said, "If you are willing to follow me, we shall be sufficiently refreshed." The wolf replied, “I will gladly follow. オオカミはキツネに出会い、「私は大きな飢えに苦しんでおり、どこで何かを捕らえられるのかわからない」と言った。するとキツネは、「私について来たら、私たちは十分に満たされるだろう」と答えた。オオカミは「喜んでついていくよ」と言った。 Eamus citius, quia fames me cruciat.” Duxit igitur eum vulpes ad lardarium, et intrat prius ipsa per quoddam foramen, et lupus post eam, sed cum magna angustia, quia foramen erat valde strictum. |faster||||||||||lard house||||||||||||||||||||narrow |速く||||苦しめる|||||||||||||||||||||苦しみ|||||狭い Let us go quickly, for I am tormented by hunger.” The fox therefore led him to the barn, and she entered first through a certain hole, and the wolf after her, but with great difficulty, because the hole was very narrow. 「早く行こう、なぜなら飢えが私を苦しめているからだ。」そこでキツネはオオカミを肉屋に連れて行き、まず自分がある穴を通って入った。オオカミもその後に続いたが、非常に苦しむことになった。なぜなら、その穴は非常に狭かったからだ。 Invenerunt magnam copiam carnium et piscium. |||肉|| They found a great abundance of meat and fish. 彼らは大量の肉と魚を見つけた。 Vulpes vero, memor stricti foraminis per quod oportebat eam reverti, moderate sumpsit. ||mindful|of the hole|of the opening||||||| ||思い出して|厳しい|||||||| But the fox, mindful of the narrow opening through which it was necessary to return, took it moderately. 実際、キツネは厳格な隙間を思い出し、そこから戻らなければならなかったので、控えめに食べた。 Lupus quidem ingrossavit se ad plenum. ||he swelled||| ||太った||| The wolf indeed grew full of himself. 実際にオオカミは自分を満腹にしました。 Auditur interim tumultus a familia, et veniunt famuli cum canibus et fustibus; intrant lardarium. |||||||servants|||||| ||騒音||||||||||| Meanwhile a commotion is heard from the family, and the servants come with dogs and clubs; they enter the larder. その間、家族からの騒音が聞こえ、使用人たちが犬と棒を持ってやってきます; 彼らは塩漬け肉庫に入ります。 Vulpes autem hoc audiens fugit ad foramen et exivit. ||||||||出た But the fox, hearing this, ran to the hole and went out. Lupus vero, volens exire nec valens prae ventris grossitudine, capitur, fustigatur, et canum dentibus discerpitur. |||||not able||||||||| |||||強くて||||||||| But the wolf, desiring to go out and not being able to withstand the fatness of his belly, is caught, whipped, and torn to pieces with the dogs' teeth.

67) Vulpes, Lupus, et Pisces 67) Fox, Wolf, and Fish

Lupus obvians vulpi ait, “Compater, unde venis?” Et vulpes, “Pisces optimos cepi et sufficienter comedi.” Quaesivit lupus, “Quomodo cepisti?” Ait vulpes, “Caudam in aquam posui, diu tenui, pisces caudae adhaeserunt et traxi eos ad terram et comedi.” Et lupus, “Numquid sic ego pisces capere possum?” Ait vulpes, “Optime poteris, cum sis fortior quam ego.” Perrexit ergo lupus festinanter et caudam in aquam posuit et diu tenuit donec esset congelata. |coming|||my brother|||||||||||asked||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||stronger|||he proceeded|||hastily|||||||||||frozen |||||||||||||||尋ねた|||捕まえた||||||置いた||持っていた|||捕まえた||捕まえた||||||||||||||||||||||||||急いで|||||||||||冷凍 Der Wolf, der den Fuchs traf, sagte: „Kamerad, wo kommst du her?“ Und der Fuchs: „Ich habe den besten Fisch gefangen und genug gegessen.“ Der Wolf fragte: „Wie hast du es bekommen?“ Der Fuchs sagte: „Ich steckte meinen Schwanz ins Wasser, ich hielt ihn lange, der Fisch klebte am Schwanz und ich zog ihn an Land und fraß ihn.“ Und der Wolf sagte: „Kann ich so Fische fangen?“ Der Fuchs sagte: „Das wird dir gut gelingen, denn du bist stärker als ich.“ Da ging der Wolf schnell und steckte seinen Schwanz ins Wasser und hielt ihn lange, bis er gefroren war. The wolf meeting the fox said, "Comrade, where did you come from?" And the fox, "I caught the best fish and ate enough." The wolf asked, "How did you get it?" Said the fox, "I put my tail in the water, I held it for a long time, the fish stuck to the tail and I pulled them to land and ate them." And the wolf said, "Can I catch fish like this?" Said the fox, "You will be able very well, since you are stronger than I." So the wolf went quickly and put his tail in the water and held it for a long time until it was frozen. オオカミはキツネに出会い、「兄弟よ、どこから来たの?」と言った。キツネは「最高の魚を捕まえて十分に食べた」と答えた。オオカミは「どうやって捕まえたの?」と尋ねた。キツネは「尾を水に入れて長い間持っていたら、魚が尾にくっついてきたので、それを引っ張って陸に引き上げて食べた」と言った。するとオオカミは「私もそうやって魚を捕まえられるのだろうか?」と聞いた。キツネは「もちろん君はできるよ、君の方が私より強いから」と言った。そこでオオカミは急いで尾を水に入れ、長い間持っていたが、尾が凍りついてしまった。 Post longam moram, voluit caudam extrahere, credens quod multitudo piscium ei adhaereret, sed non potuit propter gelicidium quod caudam tenuit. ||||||||||||||||gelatin||| |||||引き出す||||||付いている|||||氷のようなもの|||持っていた Nach langem Zögern wollte er seinen Schwanz herausziehen, weil er glaubte, dass eine Vielzahl von Fischen an ihm festhielten, aber er konnte es nicht, weil das Gelee den Schwanz festhielt. After a long delay, he wanted to pull out his tail, believing that a multitude of fish were clinging to him, but he could not because of the jelly that held the tail. 長い時間が経った後、魚がたくさんくっついていると信じて尾を引き抜こうとしたが、尾を持ち続けたことで凍りついてしまってできなかった。 Detentus est ibi usque mane et venerunt homines et lupum fere usque ad mortem fustigaverunt. He was detained||||||||||almost|||| ||||||||||||||打ち叩いた He was kept there until morning, and the men came and flogged the wolf almost to death. そこに朝まで留められ、人々がやって来てオオカミをほぼ死に至るまで叩いた。 Et cum vix evasisset, maledixit compatri suo, qui pisces sibi promisit et verbera et vulnera persolvit. |||he had escaped||||||||||||pays ||||呪った||||||||||傷|支払った And when he had scarcely escaped, he cursed his compatriot, who had promised him fish, and paid for his blows and wounds. そして、彼が辛うじて逃れたとき、彼は自分に魚を約束した同胞に呪いをかけ、鞭打ちと傷を支払った。

68) Vulpes, Lupus, et Panarium |||panther |||パンナリウム 68) The Fox, the Wolf, and the Barn 68) 狐、オオカミ、そしてパン

Vulpes piscem comedebat iuxta flumen; lupus autem partem ab ea petebat. ||was eating|||||||| ||||||||||求めていた The fox was eating fish by the river; and the wolf demanded a portion from her. 狐は川のそばで魚を食べていた; しかし、オオカミは彼女から一部を求めていた。 Vulpes ait, “Docebo te artem piscandi, et sic capies pisces et manducabis. |||||||||||you will eat ||||||||捕まえる||| The fox said, “I will teach you the art of fishing, and so you will catch fish and eat them. キツネは言った、「釣りの技術を教えてあげる、そうすれば魚を捕まえて食べることができる。」 Sed panario opus tibi est.” Abiens autem lupus ad vicum, furatus est panarium, et attulit vulpi. |breadbasket|||||||||||||brought to| |||||||||村|||||| Aber du brauchst Brot.“ Und der Wolf ging ins Dorf, stahl das Brot und brachte es dem Fuchs. But you need bread.” And the wolf went to the village, stole the bread, and brought it to the fox. 「しかし、お前にはパンが必要だ。」そう言って、オオカミは村に行き、パンを盗んでキツネに持ってきた。 Vulpes panarium ligavit ad caudam lupi valde fortiter et dixit ei, “Vade per aqam, trahens panarium, et ego retro te vadam, submovens pisces.” Lupus autem trahebat per flumen panarium et vulpes caute lapides in panario ponebat. ||tied|||||||||Go|||||||behind|||removing the fish|||||||||||||| ||結びつけた||||||||||||||||戻る|||移動させる||||||||||慎重に|石||| Der Fuchs befestigte den Korb sehr fest am Schwanz des Wolfes und sagte zu ihm: „Geh über das Wasser und ziehe den Korb, und ich werde hinter dir gehen und den Fisch bewegen.“ Nun schleppte der Wolf den Korb über den Fluss und die Füchse legten sorgfältig die Steine in den Korb. The fox tied the basket to the wolf's tail very strongly and said to him, "Go across the water, pulling the basket, and I will go behind you, moving the fish." Now the wolf was dragging the basket across the river, and the foxes were carefully placing the stones in the basket. キツネはパンをオオカミの尾に非常に強く結びつけて言った、「水の中を行って、パンを引きずり、私はお前の後ろを歩いて、魚を取り除くよ。」オオカミは川の中でパンを引きずって歩き、キツネは慎重にパンの中に石を置いていた。 Cum autem plenum esset, vulpes abiit ad vicum et dixit hominibus, “Ecce lupus, qui oves, qui agnos, qui omnes bestias vestras comedit, nunc etiam a flumine vestro pisces extrahit.” Tunc omnes, cum gladiis, fustibus, et canibus, exierunt ad lupum et usque quasi ad mortem percusserunt. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||went out||||||||struck |||||||村|||||||||子羊|||獣|||||||||引き上げる||||||||||||||||叩いた Und als er satt war, ging der Fuchs ins Dorf und sagte zu den Leuten: „Seht, der Wolf, der eure Schafe, eure Lämmer und all eure Tiere frisst, holt jetzt auch Fische aus eurem Fluss.“ Dann gingen alle mit Schwertern, Knüppeln und Hunden zum Wolf und schlugen ihn wie zu Tode. And when he was full, the fox went to the village and said to the people, "Behold, the wolf that eats your sheep, your lambs, and all your animals, is now also taking fish from your river." Then all, with swords, clubs, and dogs, went out to the wolf, and smote him as if to death. しかし、満杯になったとき、狐は村に行き、人々に言った。「見よ、狼が、あなたの羊、子羊、すべての獣を食べ、今やあなたの川から魚をも引き上げている。」それで皆は剣や棒、犬を持って狼のところへ出て行き、ほぼ死ぬまで叩いた。

69) Vulpes, Lupus, et Puteus 69) The fox, the wolf, and the well 69) 狐、狼、そして井戸

Vulpes casu cecidit per unam situlam in puteum. |by chance||||sack|| |||||小さな石||井戸 A fox accidentally fell through a bucket into a well. 狐は偶然、一つのバケツを通って井戸に落ちた。 Venit lupus et quaerebat quid faceret ibi. The wolf came and asked what he was doing there. 狼が来て、そこで何をしているのかを尋ねた。 Quae ait, “Bone compater, hic habeo multos pisces et magnos; utinam mecum partem haberes!” Et ait lupus, “Quomodo possem illuc descendere?” Ait vulpecula, “Supra est una situla; pone te intus, et venies deorsum.” Et erant ibi duae situlae; quando una ascendit, alia descendit. |||brother in Christ|||||||if only|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||兄||||||||||持っている||||||||||||||置いて||||来る|下に|||||||||| She said, "Good fellow, here I have many fish and large ones; I wish you had a part with me!” And the wolf said, "How could I get down there?" Said the fox, “There is one bucket above; put yourself in, and you will come down.” And there were two buckets there; when one ascends, the other descends. 彼女は言った、「親愛なる友よ、ここにはたくさんの大きな魚がいる;あなたも私と一緒に一部を持っていてくれたらいいのに!」狼は言った、「どうやってそこに降りることができるのか?」小狐は言った、「上に一つのバケツがある;その中に入って、下に降りてくる。」そして、そこには2つのバケツがあった;一つが上がると、もう一つが下がった。 Lupus posuit se in situlam et descendit; vulpecula in alia situla ascendit. ||||||||||バケツ| The wolf put himself in the bucket and went down; the fox climbed into another bucket. 狼はバケツの中に身を置き、降りて行った;小狐はもう一つのバケツに上がった。 Et quando obviaverunt sibi, ait lupus, “Bone compater, quo vadis?” Et ait vulpes, “Satis comedi et ascendo. ||||||||||||||||上ります And when they met him, the wolf said, "Well, my friend, where are you going?" And the fox said, “I have eaten enough and I am going up. そして彼らが出会ったとき、オオカミは言った、「親愛なる兄弟、どこへ行くの?」そしてキツネは言った、「もう十分食べたので、登ります。」 Tu descende et invenies mirabilia.” Descendit miser lupus nec invenit aliquid nisi aquam. ||||驚くべきこと|||||||| You go down and you will find wonderful things.” The poor wolf went down and found nothing but water. 「あなたは降りて、素晴らしいものを見つけるでしょう。」哀れなオオカミは降りていったが、水以外の何も見つけることができなかった。 Venerunt mane rustici et extraxerunt lupum et usque ad mortem verberaverunt. ||||||||||打った In the morning the peasants came and dragged out the wolf and beat it to death. 朝になると農夫たちがやって来て、オオカミを引きずり出し、死ぬまで叩き続けた。

70) Vulpes, Lupus, et Caseus |||チーズ 70) Fox, Wolf, and Cheese

Dum putei liquor placidus lunae plenae simulacra speculo suo redderet, vulpes ieiuna illuc forte accessit, victum quaeritans; fames malesuada eam perpulit ut caseum pinguem super summis aquis innatare crederet. |well|liquid||||simulacra|mirror||||hungry fox||||food|||deceptive hunger||drove urged|||fat||highest waters||swim| |||穏やか||満月の||||||||||食物|||悪影響||押しやった|||||||泳ぐ|信じる While the calm liquid of the well was reflecting the images of the full moon in its mirror, a hungry fox happened to come thither, seeking food; Her hunger drove her to believe that the fat cheese was floating on the top of the water. 井戸の水が満月の鏡で穏やかに映し出している間に、空腹の狐が偶然そこに近づき、食べ物を探していた。悲惨な飢餓が彼女を駆り立て、脂肪の多いチーズが水の上で浮かんでいると思い込ませた。 Vulpes ergo, cum itus facilis esset situlis duobus qui vices alternabant, in situlum ad marginem elatum sese iniicit. |||going|||buckets|||positions||||||raised|| ||||||||||交替していた||小さな箱|||持ち上げられた|| The fox, therefore, when the going was easy for the two buckets who alternated in turns, threw himself into the bucket raised to the edge. それで、狐は二つのバケツを交互に使うのが簡単だと感じ、バケツの端に自分を投げ入れた。 Sed sic delapsa, mox errorem suum luget et se perituram deputat. ||||||||herself|about to perish|considers ||||過ち|||||死ぬ運命| But having slipped thus, he soon mourns his error, and sets himself to perish. しかし、そうして降りてしまった彼女は、すぐに自分の間違いを悔い、死ぬ運命だと考えた。 Iam biduum consumptum erat cum lupus tandem advenit. |||||||来た Two days had already passed when the wolf finally arrived. 私は二日間消耗していたが、ついに狼がやってきた。 Quem vulpes conspicata, “In situlum,” ait, “te cito immitte; caseus opimus hic mihi repertus est. ||||||||入れて|チーズ||||見つかった| When the fox saw him, he said, "Put yourself into the bucket quickly; This is the best cheese I've ever found. それを見たキツネは、「すぐにこのバケツに投げ込んでくれ、ここに見つけた脂肪分の多いチーズがあるんだ」と言った。 Comedi quantum cupiditas mea voluit; nunc satura, cogor hunc caseum deserere, sic abrasum, ut vides,” luna scilicet decreverat, et simul lunae imago. ||||||||||||scraped off|||||had decreed|||| 喜劇||欲望||||||||||削られた||||もちろん|決めていた|||| I ate as much as my desire desired; now being full, I am forced to leave this cheese, so scratched, as you see," the moon had decided, and at the same time the image of the moon. 私は自分の欲望のままに食べた; 今、満腹になってこのチーズを捨てなければならないのだが、君が見ての通り、すでに削られてしまった。 Lupus credulus obsequitur; sursum propellit vulpem et, parum anxia quid lupo fieret, vado haerentem liquit. |||||||||||||sticking| |||上に|||||不安な||||行く|留まっている|置き去りにした The gullible wolf obeys; He pushes the fox up and, a little worried about what will happen to the wolf, leaves the ford clinging to it. 狼は信じやすく従順である; 上に押し上げ、そして、狼に何が起こるか気にすることなく、彼が立ち往生している川を置き去りにした。

71) Vulpes, Lupus, et Asini Privilegium ||||Privilege ||||特権 71) Privilege of foxes, wolves, and donkeys 71) 狐、狼、およびロバの特権

Leo edixit ut omnia animalia coram eo comparerent et, illis congregatis, petiit si quis abesset. |||||||should appear||||||| |言った||||||||||||| Leo ordered all the animals to appear before him, and when they were assembled, he asked if anyone was absent. 獅子は、すべての動物が彼の前に集まるように命じ、彼らが集まったとき、誰かが欠席しているかどうかを尋ねた。 Asinus vero aberat, in quodam prato viridi et delectabili se depascens. |||||meadow|||delightful||grazing ||いなかった|||||と|楽しい|| But the donkey was away, grazing in some green and pleasant meadow. 本当のロバは、ある美しい緑の草原で草を食んでいた。 Pro quo producendo, lupum tamquam fortem et vulpem tamquam prudentem transmittebat. ||producing||||||||was transmitting ||生産する|||||||| By producing this, he conveyed the wolf as strong and the fox as wise. そのために、狼は強者として、狐は賢者として送られてきた。 Qui, accedentes ad asinum, sibi nuntiarunt ut, more aliorum, coram domino suo compareret. |||||reported||||||| |||||知らせた||ように||||| They, approaching the donkey, told him to appear before his master, after the manner of others. 彼らはロバに近づき、他の者たちのように主人の前に現れるように伝えた。 Asinus respondens dixit se tali privilegio tutum, quod ab omnibus edictis exemptus fuerat. |||||privilege|safe|||||| |||||||||||免除された| The donkey, answering, said that he was safe from such a privilege, because he had been exempted from all edicts. Nuntii petierunt ut eius privilegium legerent, quod asinus concedebat. |求めた||||||| The messengers asked to read his privilege, which the donkey granted. ニュースは彼の特権を読んでほしいと求めたが、それはロバが承諾した。 Altercatione quidem exorta inter lupum et vulpem quis eorum legeret, sors cecidit super vulpem, quae privilegium sibi demonstrari petiit. ||||||||||運命|||||||| A dispute having arisen between the wolf and the fox as to which of them should read, the lot fell upon the fox, which asked to be shown the privilege. 確かにオオカミとキツネの間で誰がそれを読むかについて口論が起こったが、くじ引きの結果キツネに決まり、彼女は自分にその特権を示してほしいと求めた。 Cui asinus dixit, “Sub pede dextro lege confidenter.” Asinus sic vulpis accedentis oculos percutiendo avulsit. |||||||confidently|||||||he plucked |||||||||||近づいている||叩く| To whom the donkey said, "Under the right foot read confidently." Thus the ass struck and plucked out the eyes of the approaching fox. ロバはこう答えた。「右足の下で自信を持って読みなさい。」ロバはそのようにして近づくキツネの目を叩いて引き抜いた。 Unde lupus praecavens dixit, “Qui clerici probantur peritiores, non sunt in opere cautiores.” ||foreseeing|||the clerics|are proven|||||| |||||||熟練者||||| Daher sagte der warnende Wolf: „Die Geistlichen, die nachweislich geschickter sind, sind bei ihrer Arbeit nicht sorgfältiger.“ Whence the wolf, warning, said, "Those clerics who are proved to be more skilled, are not more careful in their work." それゆえ、狼は警戒して言った。「より熟練した聖職者は、仕事において注意深くはない。」

72) Vulpes, Lupus, et Tria Vera 72) The Fox, the Wolf, and the Three Truths 72) 狐、狼、そして三つの真実

In lupum vulpes quae inciderat misella, vivam se ut caperet precabatur neque vetulam interimeret. ||||had fallen|poor little|||||||old woman|she would kill |オオカミ|||||||||||老女| Der arme Fuchs, der über den Wolf hergefallen war, betete, dass er sie lebend ergreifen und die alte Frau nicht töten möge. The poor fox that had fallen upon the wolf prayed that he might take her alive and not kill the old woman. 狼に捕まった不運な狐は、生きたまま捕まえられないように祈り、老女を殺さないように願った。 Qui “Si mihi tres,” ait, “easque veras dixeris sententias, per Panem vitae parcam tuae.” Vulpes contra, “Utinam primum non fuisse obviam factus mihi! ||||||true||opinions||bread|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||だった||| Er sagt: „Wenn ich drei habe“, sagt er, „und du wirst diese wahren Sätze sagen, durch das Brot deines Lebens.“ Der Fuchs hingegen wünschte, er wäre nicht der Erste gewesen, der mir begegnet wäre! He says, "If I have three," he says, "and you will say those true sentences, through the bread of your life." The fox, on the other hand, would that he had not been the first to meet me! 「もし私に三つの言葉を真実として言うなら、命のパンであなたを助けよう」と彼は言った。狐はそれに対して、「最初に私に出会わなかったらよかったのに!」と言った。 Dein utinam occurrisses caecus! ||you had met| お前の||| Dann wünschte ich, du hättest einen Blinden getroffen! Then I wish you had met a blind man! そして、盲人に会っていたらよかったのに! Et super his habe,” inquit, “tertiam: utinam non ad seriorem pervenias aetatem nec mihi denuo obviam occurras!” |||ある||||||||||||| Und darüber hinaus“, sagte er, „haben Sie noch einen dritten: Ich hoffe, Sie erreichen kein ernstes Alter und treffen mich nicht wieder!“ And above these," said he, "have a third: I hope you do not reach a serious age and do not meet me again!” 「そしてこれに加えて、三つ目がある」と彼は言った。「本気で年を取らず、再び私に出会わないことを願っている!」

73) Vulpes et Nauta ||水夫 73) The Fox and the Sailor

Vulpes, volens mare transire, rogavit nautam ut se transferret; quod, naulo constituto, nauta fecit. ||||||||to transfer||fare toll charge|is established|| |||||水夫|||||||| The fox, wishing to cross the sea, asked the sailor to transfer him; which the sailor did, having arranged the charter. キツネは、海を渡りたいと願い、船乗りに自分を運ぶようお願いした。船賃が決まると、船乗りはそれを実行した。 Cum autem iam ad aliud litus ventum fuisset, nauta petiit naulum. |||||||||求めた| But when he had already come to another shore, the sailor asked for a boat. しかし、別の岸に着いたとき、船乗りは船賃を請求した。 At vulpes minxit super caudam et aspersit oculos nautae et quasi excaecavit eum, et saltavit ad terram extra navem. ||||||かけた|||||||||||船の外に|船 But the fox licked his tail and sprinkled the eyes of the sailor and as it were blinded him, and he jumped to the ground outside the ship. するとキツネは尾の上に尿をかけ、船乗りの目を濡らして、まるで盲目にしたかのように、船の外に飛び降りた。 Et dixit nauta, “Malum salarium reddidisti mihi.” Cui vulpes, “Aliter fieri non potuit, iuxta illud quod scriptum est: Servitium, dico, perdit qui servit iniquo.” ||||||||||||||||||Service||||| |||||返した||||別の方法で|||できなかった||||||奉仕|||||不正な And the sailor said, "You paid me a bad salary." To which the fox said, "It could not be otherwise, according to what is written: I say, he who serves the unrighteous loses his service."

74) Lupus et Nauta 74) The Wolf and the Sailor

Lupus, in aliam regionem transiturus, venit ad fluvium et nautam rogavit ut ipsum in navicula sua transportaret; “Dabo,” inquit, “quod volueris; tantum me recipiat navis.” Iussus est ergo intrare, et navis soluta est a litore. ||||about to cross|||||||||||||||||||receive||||||||||| ||||渡る予定の|||||||||||||||||||受け入れてくれ|船|命じられた||||||||| The wolf, about to cross into another country, came to the river and asked the sailor to transport him in his boat; "I will give," said he, "what you will; so long as the ship receives me. The command was therefore given to enter, and the ship was loosed from the shore. オオカミは、別の地域に渡ろうと、川に来て、船頭に自分を小舟で運んでもらうよう頼んだ。「あなたが望むものを与えます。ただ、船が私を受け入れてくれるだけでいい」と彼は言った。それで、船に乗るように命じられ、船は岸から離れた。 Tunc ait lupus homini, “Dic modo quid mercedis tibi daturus sum.” “Tria vera,” inquit, “mihi dicas pro pretio.” Placuit hoc lupo, et statim unum protulit: “Bene facit, qui benefacit.” Post haec, medio iam in flumine transito, protulit secundum: “Qui sic non facit, peius facit.” Homo exegit tertium. |||||||of the reward|||||||||||||||||||||does good||||||||produced|||||||||extracted| |||||||報酬|||||||||||||||||出した||||利益をもたらす||||||||||||||悪い|||出した| Then the wolf said to the man, "Just tell me what I'm going to pay you." "Tell me three truths," said he, "for a price." This pleased the wolf, and immediately he uttered one thing: "He who does good does well." After this, when he had already crossed the river in the middle, he uttered the second: "He who does not do this, does worse." The man spent the third. その時、オオカミは人に言った、「ただ、君に何の報酬を与えるか教えてくれ。」 「3つの真実を私に教えてくれれば、報酬とする」と彼は言った。これをオオカミは気に入り、すぐに1つを引っ提げて言った: '善を行う者は善を受ける。' その後、すでに川の中間に渡った後、2つ目を引っ提げて言った: 'そうしない者は、より悪くする。' 人は3つ目を要求した。 Cui lupus, “Tertium non habeo prae manibus, sed interim quod litori approximamus, inde cogitabo.” Illis ergo prope litus factis, lupus saltu se de nave extulit et, in sicco constitutus, “Quidquid boni perverso fit,” ait, “perditum est ex integro.” |||||before|||||||||||||||||||he leaped out||||||||||||| ||||||||||岸|近づいている||考えよう|||||||跳躍||||持ち上がった|||陸上|立って|||悪戯な|||||| To which the wolf said, "I have not a third at hand, but in the meantime, as we approach the shore, I will think from there." When they were therefore near the shore, the wolf leapt up from the ship, and, having settled on dry land, said, "Whatever good is done perversely," he said, "is utterly destroyed." するとオオカミは言った、「今手元には3つ目がないが、岸に近づいている間に、それを考えるつもりだ。」 それで岸に近づいていると、オオカミは船から飛び出し、乾いたところに立ち、「どんな良いことでも悪者にとっては、完全に失われるのだ」と言った。

75) Lupi et Rusticus 75) The wolves and the peasant

Rusticus arietem excoriatum portavit ad forum, quem lupi consequebantur. |ram|skinned ram||||||were following ||剥かれた|||||| The peasant brought the flayed ram to the forum, which the wolves were pursuing. 田舎者は皮を剥がれた羊を市場に運び、それを狼たちが追いかけていた。 Quibus rusticus, “Quamdiu me sequi proponitis?” Cui lupi, “Quamdiu? ||How long|||propose||| |||||提案します||| To which the peasant said, 'How long do you intend to follow me?' To which the wolves replied, 'How long? As long as you carry the ram.' 田舎者は言った、「お前たちはどれくらいの間私を追いかけるつもりだ?」 狼たちは、「どれくらい?」 Quamdiu arietem portabis.” Et ait rusticus, “Malo arietem dimittere quam tales comites habere.” Et statim arietem proiicit. ||||||I prefer||to let go||||||||he throws away ||運ぶ|||||羊||||||||| Solange du den Widder trägst.“ Und der Bauer sagte: „Ich würde lieber den Widder gehen lassen, als solche Gefährten zu haben.“ Und sofort warf er den Widder. And the peasant said, 'I would rather let the ram go than have such companions.' And immediately he threw away the ram. 「どれくらい羊を運ぶのか。」田舎者は言った、「こんな仲間を持つくらいなら、羊を手放した方がましだ。」そしてすぐに羊を投げ捨てた。

76) Lupus et Puer Mendax 76) 狼と嘘つきの少年

Puer mendax, qui patris gregem pascebat, libenter alios ludificabatur. |||father's|||||mocked |||||||他人を| The lying boy, who was tending his father's flock, gladly mocked others. 嘘つきの少年は、父の群れを放牧しながら喜んで他の人をからかっていました。 Aliquando ingentem clamorem sustulit, “Auxilio venite; lupus adest!” Accurrunt propere rustici et ridentur. |||||||||quickly|||are laughed |||||来て|||駆けつけた||||笑っている Sometimes he raised a huge clamor, 'Come to help; the wolf is here!' The peasants ran quickly and laughed. ある時、彼は大声で叫びました。「助けて!狼がいる!」急いで農民たちが駆けつけてきて、笑われました。 Proximo mense, hunc dolum repetivit. |||trick| ||||繰り返した The next month, he repeated this trick. 来月、彼はこの策略を繰り返した。 Paulo post, re vera lupus apparet. Shortly after, a wolf actually appears. 少し後、実際に狼が現れた。 Iam rursus clamat, “Auxilio venite; lupus adest!” At nemo accurrit. |||||||||駆け寄る He shouts again, 'Come to help; the wolf is here!' But no one runs. 彼は再び叫ぶ。「助けて来て!狼がいる!」しかし誰も駆けつけなかった。 Maiore voce clamat, lacrimat, eiulat; frustra omnia. ||||he shouts|| |||泣いている||| He shouts with a louder voice, he cries, he howls; everything is in vain. 大きな声で叫び、涙を流し、悲鳴を上げる; 無駄なすべて。 “Tertium nos decipere vult,” inquiunt rustici. the third||||| ||騙す||| "He wishes to deceive us a third time," say the peasants. 「三番目が私たちを欺こうとしている」と農夫たちは言う。 Ita lupus in gregem irrupit et plurimas oves dilaniavit. ||||burst in||||tore apart ||||襲った|||| Thus the wolf burst into the flock and tore apart many sheep. こうして狼が群れに襲いかかり、多くの羊を引き裂いた。

77) Lupus Parvulus et Pastor |little wolf|| |小さな|| 77) The Little Wolf and the Shepherd

Pastor, lupum parvulum cum invenisset, eum penes se enutrivit ac, ubi adolevit, pecudes ex vicinis armentis rapere docuit. ||small wolf||||with him||nurtured|||grew up||||herds of cattle|| ||||||そばに||育てた||||||近くの|家畜|| Als der Hirte einen kleinen Wolf fand, pflegte er ihn ganz nah bei sich, und als er heranwuchs, brachte er ihm bei, den benachbarten Herden Vieh zu stehlen. The shepherd, having found a small wolf, nurtured it at his home and, when it grew up, taught it to seize livestock from neighboring herds. 羊飼いは、小さなオオカミを見つけて、自分の手元で育て、成長すると近くの家畜を奪うことを教えました。 Quod lupus cum egregie didicisset, “Cave,” olim pastori ait, “ne me rapiendi artem postquam docueris, multas ex tuis gregibus oves desideres.” |||excellently||||||||of capturing|||you have taught||||||desire |||優れた||||||||||||||||| Was der Wolf so gut gelernt hatte: „Pass auf dich auf“, sagte er einmal zum Hirten, „damit du, nachdem du mir die Kunst des Vergewaltigens beigebracht hast, nicht viele Schafe aus deiner Herde verlierst.“ When the wolf had learned excellently, he said to the shepherd, 'Beware, once you have taught me the art of raiding, you will miss many sheep from your flocks.' そのオオカミは見事に学んだ後、「気をつけろ」とかつて羊飼いに言いました。「教えた後で私に奪う技を教えたら、お前の群れから多くの羊を失うことになるだろう。」

78) Lupus cum Canibus Nutritus |||Nourished |||育てられた 78) The Wolf Raised with Dogs 78) 犬に育てられたオオカミ

Pastor, cum lupi catulum recens natum invenisset, sublatum una cum canibus nutrivit. |||puppy|recently born||||||| 羊飼い||オオカミ|||||||||育てた The shepherd, when he had found a recently born wolf cub, raised it alongside the dogs. 牧師が、オオカミに見捨てられた子犬を見つけて、犬たちと一緒に育てました。 Postquam autem adolevit, si lupus aliquis forte rapuisset ovem, eum ille quoque cum ceteris canibus insequebatur. |||||||||||||||pursued ||||||||羊||||||| Aber als er erwachsen war, verfolgte er, wenn zufällig ein Wolf ein Schaf geschnappt hatte, es auch mit den anderen Hunden. However, after it grew up, if by chance a wolf snatched a sheep, it too would pursue him along with the other dogs. しかし、成長した後、もしオオカミが偶然に羊を襲った場合、彼も他の犬たちと一緒にそれを追いかけました。 At si quando canes eum insequi non valerent et defessi redirent, ipse tamen pergebat donec illum assecutus, secum utpote lupus praedae particeps esset, atque deinde revertebatur. |||the dogs|||||||||||||||as a wolf||of prey|part of the prey|||| |||||||||疲れた||||進んでいた|||追いついた|||||||||戻っていた Aber auch wenn die Hunde irgendwann einmal nicht in der Lage waren, ihn zu verfolgen, und müde zurückkamen, machte er trotzdem weiter, bis er ihn einholte, als ob der Wolf ein Teilhaber der Beute wäre, und dann zurückkehrte. But if ever the dogs were unable to chase him and returned exhausted, he nevertheless continued on until he caught up with him, so that as a wolf he would be a partner in the prey, and then he would return. しかし、もし犬たちが彼を追うことができずに疲れて戻ったとしても、彼はなおも進み続け、ついに追いついたので、オオカミとして獲物の仲間となり、その後戻ってきました。 Sin autem lupus nullus in gregem insiliens ovem abripuisset, tum ipse furtim necabat et una cum canibus comedebat; donec pastor, re cognita, eum arbori suspensum occidit. ||||||||さらってしまった||||殺していた||||||||||||吊るされた| Hatte aber kein Wolf, der in die Herde sprang, ein Schaf geschnappt, tötete er es selbst heimlich und fraß es zusammen mit den Hunden; bis der Hirte, als er davon erfuhr, ihn tötete, indem er ihn an einen Baum hängte. But if no wolf had leapt into the flock and seized a sheep, then he himself was secretly killing and eating it together with the dogs; until the shepherd, having learned of the matter, killed him hanging from a tree. しかし、もしオオカミが群れに飛び込んで羊を奪っていなかったなら、彼はひそかに殺して犬と一緒に食べていた。しかし、牧羊者は事実を知ると彼を木に吊るして殺した。

79) Lupi et Canes, Amici 79) Wolves and Dogs, Friends 79) オオカミと犬、友達

Lupi canibus olim dixere, “Quid, cum omnino nobis similes sitis, eadem quoque nobiscum mente ut fratres non estis? |||||||||you are|||||||| |||言った|||||||||||||| Once the Wolves spoke to the Dogs, 'What, since you are altogether similar to us, do you not share the same mind with us as brothers?' オオカミは犬に言った、「お前たちが私たちと全く同じで、兄弟として私たちと同じ心を持っていないのはなぜか?」 Et sane nihil a vobis, nisi voluntate, discrepamus. |||||||異なります And truly we disagree with you only by choice. Nos enim in libertate vivimus, vos hominibus subiecti et servi, verberibus obnoxii, vinculis ad collum pressi, et custodiendis gregibus addicti; cum vero cibum sumunt, vobis ossa tantum obiiciunt. ||||||||||to blows|subject to whips||||||||addicted to||||||||they throw to you |||||||従属者||||||||押さえつけられた||守ること||||||||||投げる For we live in freedom, you are subject to men and slaves, exposed to blows, pressed with chains around your neck, and devoted to guarding the flocks; when indeed they take food, they offer you only bones. 私たちは自由に生きていますが、あなたたちは人間に従属し、奴隷として、鞭打ちにさらされ、首に鎖をかけられ、群れの守護に捧げられています。彼らが食事をとるとき、あなたたちには骨しか投げ与えられません。 Quapropter si nostra vobis amicitia grata est, greges omnes in nostram potestatem tradite omniaque communia erunt, atque nobiscum ad satietatem vescemini.” His dictis paruere canes sed, vix in speluncam cum lupis ingressi, statim ab ipsis dilacerati sunt. therefore|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||群れ||||支配||||ある||||||||||||||||入ること||||引き裂かれた| Deshalb, wenn unsere Freundschaft für dich akzeptabel ist, gib alle Herden in unsere Gewalt und alles wird gemeinsam sein, und du wirst mit uns essen, bis wir satt sind. Mit diesen Worten machten sich die Hunde bereit, doch kaum hatten sie mit den Wölfen die Höhle betreten, wurden sie von ihnen sofort in Stücke gerissen. Therefore, if our friendship is pleasing to you, hand over all the flocks to our power, and everything will be common, and you will feed with us to satisfaction.” Having said these things, the dogs obeyed, but hardly had they entered the cave with the wolves, they were immediately torn apart by them. したがって、もし私たちの友情があなたたちにとってありがたいのであれば、すべての群れを私たちの支配下に委ねてください。そうすれば、すべてが共通のものになり、私たちと共に満腹になるまで食べることができます。” こう言われて犬たちは従ったが、狼たちの巣穴に入ってすぐに、彼らによって引き裂かれました。

80) Lupus et Canes Duo 80) 狼と二匹の犬

Lupus, ex alta specula contemplatus canes geminos, gregis ovium custodes, inter se pugnantes et sese mutuis morsibus dilacerantes, spem concepit posse tuto oves invadere. |||watchtower||||||||||||||||||||to invade |||見張り台|||||||||||||噛みつき|引き裂いている||||||襲う Als der Wolf von einer hohen Wache die Zwillingshunde, die Hüter der Schafherden, beobachtete, wie sie miteinander kämpften und sich gegenseitig mit ihren Bissen in Stücke rissen, hegte er die Hoffnung, die Schafe in Sicherheit angreifen zu können. The wolf, having contemplated from a high cliff the two dogs, guardians of the flock of sheep, fighting among themselves and tearing each other apart with mutual bites, conceived the hope of being able to safely invade the sheep. 狼は高い見張り台から双子の犬たち、羊の群れの守護者たちが互いに戦い、互いの牙で引き裂いているのを見て、羊を安全に襲えるという希望を抱いた。 Magno igitur impetu in oves delatus, cum unam oppido pinguem rapuisset, concite fugiebat. |||||||||||quickly| ||勢い|||||||||急いで| Therefore, having been carried with great force upon the sheep, after he had snatched away a particularly fat one, he fled quickly. したがって、狼は大きな勢いで羊に突進し、ひとつの非常に肥えた羊を奪い取ると、急いで逃げた。 Canes, id conspicati, omissa domestica pugna, lupum fugientem assecuti, tantis illum affecere vulneribus ut vix posset evadere. |||怠った||||||||||||| The dogs, having seen this, abandoned their domestic fight and pursued the fleeing wolf, inflicting such wounds upon him that he could hardly escape. 犬たちはそれに気づき、家の中の戦いをやめて、逃げる狼を追いかけ、彼にはほとんど逃げられないほどの傷を負わせた。 Cum autem mox ab alio lupo interrogaretur cur solus gregem esset adortus, ubi tam validi erant propugnatores, “Domestica,” inquit, “pugna deceptus sum.” ||||||尋ねられた||||||||||||||| Doch als er bald von einem anderen Wolf gefragt wurde, warum er allein die Herde angegriffen habe, wo die Verteidiger so stark waren, sagte er: „Heimlich“, sagte er, „ich wurde durch die Schlacht getäuscht.“ But when he was soon questioned by another wolf why he had attacked the flock alone, where such strong defenders were, he said, 'I was deceived by a domestic fight.' しかし、別のオオカミに、なぜ単独で群れを襲ったのかと尋ねられたとき、そんなに強力な守護者がいるのに、「家庭内で」と彼は言った、「私は欺かれたのです。」