(442) Orphans - YouTube
(442) Orphans - YouTube
(442) Sieroty - YouTube
(442) Yetimler - YouTube
اسمعني جيدًا
Listen to me carefully
إن فعلتها مرة أخرى فلن أرحمك أبدًا يا عبد الله
|||||I will not spare you||||
If you do it again, I won't let you get away with it, Abdullah
Do you get that?
يجب أن تتعلم يا معاذ كيف تدير المزرعة جيدا مثلي
||||||manage|the farm||
You have to learn how to run the farm efficiently like me, Moaz
نعم، يا أبي
Yes, father
لقد حان وقت الغداء هيا لندخل المنزل يا معاذ
It's lunch time, Let's go into the house, Moaz
هل أنادي على عبد الله حتى يأكل معنا؟
|I call||||||
Shall I call Abdullah to eat with us?
لا، اتركه يعمل وسوف نرسل له مع طعام العمال
|let him|||||||the workers
No, let him work and we'll send him food with that of the workers
لقد تم التحميل، يا سيدي
||the download||
-The car have been loaded, sir
خمسمائة ورقة ثمن محصول بستانك
||||your orchard
Here is 500 pounds for your garden's harvest
وأين ثمن محصول بستان أخي؟
Where is the money for the harvest of my brother's garden?
رحمه الله، لقد كان نعم الرجل
May Allah have mercy upon his soul! He was such a great man!
وهذه ألف وخمسمائة ورقة
Here you go 1500 pounds
ثمن محصول بستان أخيك
for the harvest of your brother's garden
أه، شكرا لك
Oh, thank you
يا معاذ
Oh Muadh
يا معاذ
Oh Muadh
نعم، يا أبي
Yes, father!
تعالَ يا بني لكي ترى ما أحضرته لك اليوم من هدايا وملابس جديدة
||||||I brought||||gifts||
Come here my son and see the presents and new clothes that I've brought you
السلام عليكم يا عمَّاه
Peace be upon you, Uncle!
وعليكم السلام ماذا تريد يا عبد الله؟
Allah's peace be upon you What do you want, Abdullah?
ملابسي بليت يا عمَّاه ولم تعد تحتمل غسلها
|are worn out||||||washing it
My clothes are worn, uncle They can no longer be washed
وماذا تريدني أن أفعل لك؟
What am I supposed to do about it?
لقد علمت أنك حصلت على نقود -محصول بستان أبي-رحمه الله
I learned that you got money for the harvest of my father's garden -may Allah have mercy upon his soul
وأريد جزءًا منها حتى أشتري ملابس جديدة
I want||||||
I want some of it to buy some new clothes
أتحاسبني يا عبد الله على بيع محصول أبيك؟
you blame me|||||||your father
Are you calling me to account for selling your father's harvest, Abdullah?
لا، لا، لا أبدا
No, not at all!
لم أقصد محاسبتك يا عمَّاه
||your accounting||
I didn't mean to call you to account, Uncle!
وماذا تقصد إذًا؟
What do you mean then?
على أية حال
لم يأتِ بأكثر من مائة ورقة
I sold it for only one hundred pounds
ولقد حفظتها لك في خزانتك
|I saved it|||
I've kept it for you in your safe
بعد خصم مصاريف طعامك وشرابك
|after deducting|||
after subtracting the costs of your food and drink
جزاك الله كل خير، يا عماه
May Allah reward you well, Uncle
هيا انصرف الآن
|let's leave|
You may go now
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
أرأيت ما أحضرته لك من ملابس جديدة؟
Did you see||||||
Have you seen the new clothes that I got you?
أرني يا أبي، فأنا متشوق جدا لرؤيتها
Show them to me, Father I am so excited to see them!
السلام عليكم
Peace be upon you
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
Allah's peace and blessings be upon you!
!يا مرحبًا بالضيوف
||the guests
أخبرني كيف حالك، يا جعفر؟
Tell me how you are doing, Jafar?
بخير حال، يا سيف
I'm doing very well, Saif
تفضلا تفضلا
Come in! Come in!
كيف حالك يا جعفر؟
How is it going, Jafar?
لقد جئنا لنطمئن عليك، وعلى ولدك معاذ
|we came|||||
We've come to check on you, and your Son Moaz
ولنطمئن عل حال ابن أخينا عبد الله
we will be assured||||||
and to see how is our nephew, Abdullah doing
أين هو؟
Where is he?
ربما يلعب في البستان
|||the garden
May be he's playing in the garden
ها هو قادم، يا أبي
Here he is, Father
ها هو
Here he is
ما له تظهر عليه علامات التعب، والإرهاق؟
Why does he look so tired?
نظف مخزن الفاكهة
|the fruit store|
He has been cleaning the fruits warehouse
نظف مخزن الفاكهة
|the fruit store|
He has been cleaning the fruits warehouse?!
كيف تجعل طفلًا يعمل مثل هذا العمل الشاق!؟
||a child|||||hard work
How could you make a child do such a hard labor!
لقد أردت أن أجعل منه رجلا يعتمد على نفسه حين يكبر
I wanted to make a man out of him. A man who can depend on himself when he grows up.
ولماذا لم تجعل ولدك معاذًا رجلًا يعتمد على نفسه حين يكبر أيضًا؟
Why don't you make a man out of your son Moaz so that he can depend on himself when he grows up too?
ل..ل..لأنه.. معاذ أه لأنه مازال صغيرا عن عبد الله
B-b-b-because Moaz is still younger than Abdullah
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you
مالك قد نحل جسمك جدًا؟
||lost weight||
Why did you lose so much weight?
ألا تأكل جيدًا؟
Don't you eat well?
إنني آكل مع العمال ولا يتركون لي ما يكفيني من الطعام
||||||||enough for me||
I eat with the workers and they don't leave me enough food
ولماذا تأكل مع العمال، يا بني؟
Why do you eat with the workers, Son?
إن عمي جعفر يقول
Uncle Jafar says
أن هذا يجعل العمال يحبونني
it will make the workers like me
مما يساعدني على تعلم العمل في البستان بسرعة
|helps me||||||
which will help me to get the knack of working in the garden fast
كيف تفعل هذا؟
How could you do this?
لما لم تجعل ابن أخيك يشارككم طعامكم؟
|||||share with you|
Why didn't you let your nephew eat with you?
أه، لقد كنت أظنه يستحي من الأكل معنا
ah, I thought he was too shy to eat with us
وأنه يفضل هذا
and that he prefers it this way
لماذا لم تغير ثيابك؟
|||your clothes
Why haven't you changed your clothes?
لا أملك غيرها، يا عماه
I don't have anything else to wear, Uncle
ولماذا لا تشتري ثيابا جديدة، يا عبد الله؟
Why don't you buy new clothes, Abdullah?
طلبت هذا من عمي جعفر
I asked my uncle Jafar to buy me new ones
فنهرني وقال لي إن محصول أبي بيع بمائة ورقة فقط
he scolded me|||||||one hundred||
but he scolded me and said that my father's harvest was sold for only 100 bills
وهذا لا يكفي لشراء أي ملابس جديدة
and it won't be enough to buy any new clothes
مائة ورقة فقط!؟
Just 100 bills!?
ولكنني قابلت (عبد الخالق)
|||the Creator
but I met (Abdul Khalek)
وقال لي إنه دفع لك ألفًا وخمسمائة ورقة
|||||one thousand||
and he told me that he paid you 1500 bills
-ثمنًا لمحصول بستان أخيك -رحمه الله
|the produce||||
for our brother's harvest -may Allah's mercy be upon his soul-
فأين الباقي؟
So where|
Where is the rest?
b-b-b-b-because..... ah
أنترك لك الوصاية على ابن أخينا اليتيم
||||||the orphan
We've given you the guardianship over our orphan nephew
لترعاه وتحفظ حقوقه وتنميها له
to care for||||
and you were supposed to take good care of him and his property and invest his money
!فتصنع به صنيعك هذا
||your deed|
yet you ended up doing this to him!
ثم لا تستحي أن تسمعنا هذا الهراء!؟
||||hear us||
And you aren't even ashamed of telling us such nonsense!?
ألا تخاف الله، يا أخي؟
Don't you fear Allah, brother?
كيف فعلت هذا مع اليتيم وهو ابن أخيك؟
How could you do this to your orphan nephew?
-:ألم تسمع قول الله -تعالى
Haven't you heard the words of Allah -the Almighty-:
"وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا مَالَ الْيَتِيمِ إِلَّا بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَن"؟ سورة الأنعام
|||||that which||best||
"And do not approach the orphan's property except in a way that is best"? Surat Al-'An`ām (The Cattle)
!أنا لم أقرب مال ابن أخي
I haven't approached my nephew's money!
ولم تسمع أيضًا قول الله -تعالى- :عن أموال اليتامى
||||||||the orphans
Haven't you heard Allah's -the Almighty- words on the property of orphans:
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَأْكُلُونَ أَمْوَالَ الْيَتَامَىٰ ظُلْمًا"
|||the wealth|the orphans|unjustly
"Indeed, those who devour the property of orphans unjustly
إِنَّمَا يَأْكُلُونَ فِي بُطُونِهِمْ نَارًا ۖ
|||their bellies|
are only consuming into their bellies fire.
وَسَيَصْلَوْنَ سَعِيرًا" ؟ سورة النساء
and they will burn|||
And they will be burned in a Blaze."? Surat An-Nisā' (The Women) (4:10)
لقد أخذته كأجر لي
I took it as a fee
أليس هذا من حقي مقابل ما أبذله من جهد
||||||I exert||
Don't I have the right to take it in return of the effort and time
لتنمية هذا المال والحفاظ عليه؟
to develop||||
that I put into growing this money and keeping it safe?
هذا إذا كنت فقيرًا
This could only be allowed, if you were poor!
وكان ماله يحتاج إلى جهد كبير يشغلك
||||||occupy you
and if you had to put much effort into investing his money and it kept you busy
ألم تسمع قول الله -تعالى- عن أموال اليتامى؟
Haven't you heard what Allah -the Almighty- said about the money of the orphans?
لَا تَأْكُلُوهَا إِسْرَافًا وَبِدَارًا أَن يَكْبَرُوا
|you eat it||||
"And do not consume it excessively and quickly, [anticipating] that they will grow up.
وَمَن كَانَ غَنِيًّا فَلْيَسْتَعْفِفْ
And whoever, [when acting as guardian], is self-sufficient should refrain [from taking a fee]
"وَمَن كَانَ فَقِيرًا فَلْيَأْكُلْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ سورة النساء
||||in a reasonable manner||
and whoever is poor - let him take according to what is acceptable." Surat An-Nisā'
وماذا يعني هذا؟
What does this mean?
أي إن لك إذا كنت فقيرًا
It means that if you were poor
أن تأكل من مال عبد الله بما تعارف عليه الناس
|||||||common practice||
you could take from Abdullah's money according to what's acceptable among people
بلا إسراف فتهلك ماله
without squandering and wasting his money
ولا تقتير فتضر نفسك
||so you harm|
nor skimping on yourself that it may act against your best interest
لكنك بفضل الله تملك من المال الكثير
|thanks to|||||
By the grace of Allah, you are already wealthy
كما أن مال عبد الله لا يحتاج إلى جهد كبير
Moreover, Abdullah's money doesn't require much effort to invest
فعليك أن تستعفف عن مال عبد الله أي تمتنع عنه
||refrain from||||||refrain|
So, you should refrain from taking from Abdullah's money
هل فهمت يا أخي؟
Do you understand, brother?
إذًا، هل كنت مخطئًا في حق عبد الله؟
Did I wrong Abdullah?
أمازلت تسأل هل كنت مخطئا أم لا؟
Are you still||||||
Are you still asking whether or not you were wrong!?
ما بك يا أخي؟
What's wrong with you, brother?
لقد جعل الله أكل مال اليتيم من كبائر الذنوب
|||||||major sins|sins
Allah has made the sin of consuming an orphan's money among the major sins
،ففي الحديث الصحيح
In the authentic hadith,
-عن أبي هريرة -رضي الله عنه
it was reported by (Abu Hurarirah) -may Allah be pleased with him-
:عن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- قال صلى الله عليه وسلم-
-that the Prophet -PBUH- said: -May Allah's Peace and mercy be upon him
"اجتنبوا السبع الموبقات"
||the major sins
"Avoid the seven destructive things
وذكر منها أكل مال اليتيم
and he mentioned among them devouring the property of an orphan
وقد حذرنا الرسول -صلى الله عليه وسلم- من الاعتداء على حق اليتيم
||||||||aggression against|||
The Messenger -PBUH- has warned us against encroaching upon orphans' rights and properties
He said:
:إني أحرج عليكم حق الضعيفين"
||||the weak
"I have issued a warning concerning (failure to fulfill) the rights of the two weak ones:
"اليتيم والمرأة
Orphans and women."
واعلم يا أخي أن أجر هذه الوصاية كما قال رسول :-الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم
and know||||||||||||||
You must know, brother, the reward for this guardianship, as Allah's Messenger -PBUH- said:-
أنا وكافل اليتيم كهاتين في الجنة"
|and the guardian||||
"I and the one who looks after an orphan will be like this in Paradise,"
"وأشار باصبعيه السبابة والوسطى
|his fingers||
putting his index and middle fingers together."
بل حثنا -صلى الله عليه وسلم- على حسن معاملته
He -PBUH- urged us to treat orphans well
وجعل ذلك سببا في زوال قسوة القلب
and said that it is a way to get rid of hardheartedness
He said:
أدن اليتيم منك وألطفه"
|||be gentle with him
"Bring the orphan close to you, and be kind to him,
وامسح برأسه وأطعمه من طعامك
pat his head, and feed him with the same food you eat.
"فإن ذلك يلين قلبك ويدرك حاجتك
|||your heart||
It will soften your heart and fulfill your need."
!يا إلهي
Oh my!
كيف كان هذا الكلام غائبا عني طوال هذه المدة!؟
How could I be unaware of that all this time!?
جعفر، هل تعلم قدر ثواب من يكفل يتيما في داره؟
||||||takes care of|an orphan||
Jafar, do you know the reward of anyone who takes care of an orphan in his house?
:فلقد قال صلى الله عليه وسلم
Allah's Prophet -PBUH- said:
من ضم يتيما بين مسلمين"
“Whoever embraces an orphan of Muslim parents
في طعامه وشرابه حتى يستغني عنه
||and drink|||
by feeding him and giving him drink until he is independent of him,
."وجبت له الجنة
I made obligatory||
Paradise will certainly be necessary for him."
لقد كنت مخطئا حين أضعت على نفسي هذا الفضل الكبير
||||I wasted|||||
Indeed, I was wrong when I missed this great reward
أرجو أن تسامحني، يا عبد الله
||forgive me|||
I hope you'll forgive me, Abdullah
فقد أسأت إليك
I have wronged you
وأعدكم ألا أعود أبدا إلى ما كنت عليه
I promise all of you not to do it again,
وأن أرعى عبد الله حق الرعاية
|I care for||||care
to take good care of Abdullah,
وأن أحفظ ماله وأسلمه له عندما يبلغ سن الرشد
|||and deliver it||||the age of|maturity age
and to keep his money safe and give it to him when he becomes an adult
لعل الله سبحانه وتعالى يغفر لي ما مضى من إساءة
May Allah forgive my past abuse