příběh 2
Geschichte 2
Story 2
Storia 2
Historia 2
Daniel se těší na dovolenou v zimě.
||si diverte||vacanza||inverno
Daniel is looking forward to a winter vacation.
Má nějaké volno na zimu.
|some|free time||winter
He has some winter leave.
Dva týdny bude mít volno.
in two|||have|time off
He will have two weeks off.
Ve svém volnu by chtěl někam vyrazit.
||free time|would||somewhere|to set off
||tempo libero||voleva|da qualche parte|partire
He would like to go somewhere in his free time.
Ale neví kam.
But he doesn't know where.
Láká ho Francie.
mi attrae||Francia
He is attracted to France.
Ale Francie je drahá.
But France is expensive.
Letenka stojí moc peněz.
Il biglietto aereo||molto|soldi
A ticket costs a lot of money.
A Daniel se francouzsky nedomluví.
||||won't communicate
|||francese|si intende
And Daniel doesn't speak French.
Rozhodl se studovat, šetřit peníze a zůstat doma.
ha deciso||studiare|risparmiare|soldi|||
He decided to study, save money and stay at home.
Těším se na dovolenou v zimě.
I am looking forward|||||
mi aspetto|||vacanza||inverno
I'm looking forward to a winter vacation.
Mám nějaké volno na zimu.
I have some time off for the winter.
Mám volno na dva týdny.
I have two weeks off.
Chci někam vyrazit.
voglio|da qualche parte|partire
I want to go somewhere.
Ale kam jestě nevím.
But I don't know where else.
Láká mi Francie
mi attira||
I like France
Ale Francie je drahá.
Letenka stojí moc peněz.
Il biglietto aereo|||
A francouzsky se nedomluvím.
|||I won't be able to communicate
|||non mi capirò
And I don't speak French.
Rozhodl jsem se studovat, šetřit peníze a zůstat doma.
ho deciso||||risparmiare||||
I decided to study, save money and stay at home.
Otázky a odpovědi.
Questions and Answers.
1) Daniel se těší na zimní dovolenou.
||si diverte||invernale|vacanza
Na co se těší Daniel?
What is Daniel looking forward to?
Na dovolenou.
Daniel se těší na zimní dovolenou.
2) Daniel má v zimě nějaké volno.
2) Daniel has some time off in winter.
Musí být Daniel celou zimu v práci?
must|be||the whole|||
Does Daniel have to be at work all winter?
Ne, Daniel má v zimě volno.
No, Daniel is off in the winter.
3) Daniel chce někam vyrazit.
||da qualche parte|andare
3) Daniel wants to go somewhere.
Chce Daniel zůstat doma?
Does Daniel want to stay home?
Ne, Daniel nechce zůstat doma.
Chce někam vyrazit.
vuole|da qualche parte|partire
He wants to go somewhere.
4) Daniel neví kam jet.
4) Daniel doesn't know where to go.
Ví Daniel, kam jet?
Does Daniel know where to go?
Ne, Daniel neví, kam jet.
No, Daniel doesn't know where to go.
5) Daniela láká Francie.
5) Daniela attracts France.
Chce Daniel vyrazit do Francie?
||to set out||
Does Daniel want to go to France?
Ano, Daniel chce vyrazit na dovolenou do Francie.
Yes, Daniel wants to go on holiday to France.
6) Francie je drahá.
Je ve Francii levno
It's cheap in France
Ne, Ve Francii je draho.
7) Daniel se nedomluví francouzsky.
||si farà capire|
7) Daniel cannot communicate in French.
Domluví se Daniel francouzsky?
Ne, Daniel se nedomluví francouzsky.
|||will not manage to communicate|
|||si farà capire|francese
No, Daniel doesn't speak French.
8) Daniel se rozhodl studovat, šetřit peníze a zůstat doma.
||ha deciso|studiare|risparmiare|soldi|||
Rozhodl se Daniel studovat francouzštinu?
ha deciso|||studiare|francese
Ano, rozhodl se studovat francouzštinu, šetřit peníze a zůstat doma během dovolené.
|ha deciso||studiare|francese|risparmiare|soldi||||durante|vacanza