나의 대학시절, 여덟 번째-28
my|college years|eighth|28
Meine Studienzeit, 8-28
Mis años universitarios, Octavo - 28
Мои студенческие годы, восьмой - 28
My college days, the eighth-28
나의 대학시절, 여덟 번째
my|college years|eighth|ordinal marker
My college days, the eighth
북조선에서는 모든 연료와 많은 동력을 석탄으로 해결한다.
in North Korea|all|fuels|many|power|with coal|is solved
In North Korea, all fuel and much power are resolved with coal.
그래서 매년 석탄 생산량을 높일 데 대한 당 방침이 나오고 그것을 위해 대대적으로 선전 활동을 벌린다.
so|every year|coal|production amount|increase|regarding|about|our|policy|comes out|it|for|on a large scale|propaganda|activities|is carried out
Therefore, every year, the party's policy comes out to increase coal production, and large-scale propaganda activities are carried out for that purpose.
내가 평양외국어대학에 입학하던 해에도, ‘전 인민이 떨쳐나서 석탄 전선을 지원하자'는 당 중앙의 방침이 나왔고 도시에서는 탄광에 물질적인 지원을 하기 위해 인민반을 통해 지원금이나 각종 물자를 걷어들였다.
I|to Pyongyang Foreign Language University|was entering|year|all|people|rising up|coal|front||party|central|policy|came out|in the city|to the coal mine|material|support|to|in order to|through the people's unit|through|support funds or|various|goods|were collected
The year I entered Pyongyang Foreign Language University, the party's central directive came out stating, 'Let the entire population rise up to support the coal front,' and in the city, material support was collected through people's units to provide financial aid and various supplies to the coal mines.
제대 군인과 지방 중학교 졸업생들은 ‘무리 배치'로 탄광에 보냈으며 ‘제대군인 총각영웅 탄부되였네' 라는 노래도 만들어 보급했다.
discharged|soldiers|local|middle school|graduates|group||in the coal mine|were sent|discharged soldiers|young hero|became miners|called|song|created|distributed
Discharged soldiers and local middle school graduates were sent to the coal mines through 'group placement,' and a song titled 'Discharged Soldier Young Hero Coal Miner' was created and disseminated.
탄부들의 영웅적인 작업 환경과 생활을 주제로 한 ‘안녕하십니까' ,‘탄전의 주인들' 이라는 영화를 만들어 관람시킨 후 ‘실효 투쟁'을 벌이기도 했고 중학생과 대학생들에게는 로력 지원에 앞장서 떨쳐나서라고 대대적으로 선동하기도 했다.
of the miners|heroic|work|environment and|living|on the subject of|a|Hello|of the coal mine|owners|called|movie|made|shown|after|effective||also waged||middle school students|to university students|labor|in support|taking the lead|encouraging to rise up|on a large scale|also inciting|
After producing and screening films titled 'How Are You?' and 'The Masters of the Coal Mine,' which focused on the heroic working conditions and lives of the miners, we also launched a 'practical struggle' and extensively incited middle and university students to take the lead in labor support.
겨울방학이 다가오자 우리 학급 영숙이란 애가 다른 학급에서는 모두 탄광에 로력 지원을 나간다고 하는데 우리 학급만 떨어져선 안된다며 탄광 지원에 떨쳐나갈 것을 제기했다.
winter vacation|approaching|our|class|named Young-sook|kid|other|class|all|to the coal mine|labor||going out|is said|our|only class|being left behind|should not|coal mine|to the support|rise up|thing|raised
As winter vacation approached, a student in our class named Young-sook raised the issue that while all other classes were going out to support the coal mines, our class should not be left out and proposed that we also participate in the coal mine support.
토론 끝에 우리 학급에서 8명이 12월 31일 평양 근교에 있는 삼신탄광으로 지원나가기로 결론지었다.
discussion|at the end|our|class|8 students|||Pyongyang|in the vicinity|located|to the Samshin coal mine|decided to volunteer|concluded
After discussion, it was concluded that 8 students from our class would go to support the Samshin Coal Mine located near Pyongyang on December 31.
며칠 전 탄광에 다녀온 상급학년 남학생들에게 탄광에 가서 지원하는 방법을 물어 누구를 찾아가 어떻게 해야 하는지 상세히 알아 두었다.
a few days|ago|to the coal mine|who visited|upperclassman|to the male students|to the coal mine|going|applying|method|I asked|whom|to visit|how|should|to do|in detail|I learned|I kept
A few days ago, I asked senior male students who had visited the coal mine how to apply for support there, and I learned in detail whom to approach and what to do.
우리는 12월 31일 저녁에 버스를 타고 삼신탄광을 찾아갔다.
we|December|31st|in the evening|bus|taking|to the Samsin coal mine|went to
On the evening of December 31, we took a bus to Samshin Coal Mine.
뻐스가 평양 교외로 빠져 나가 검정투성이 길로 접어들면서 탄광이 가까워졌다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
the bus|Pyongyang|to the suburbs|was going|out|blackened|road|as it turned|the coal mine|was getting closer|thing|know|possibility|was
As the bus exited the outskirts of Pyongyang and turned onto a pitch-black road, I realized we were getting close to the coal mine.
난생 처음 보는 탄광이라 사방이 온통 시꺼멓게 석탄가루에 덮힌 것을 보고 덜컥 겁부터 났다.
in my life|first|seeing|coal mine|all around|completely|black|with coal dust|covered|thing|seeing|suddenly|fear|arose
Seeing the coal mine for the first time, I was startled to see everything covered in black coal dust.
우선 탄광 당위원회 사무실을 찾아가 당위원장을 만났다.
first|coal mine|party committee|office|I went to|party chairman|I met
First, we went to the office of the coal mine's party committee and met with the party committee chairman.
우리들은 지원 나왔으니 갱 안에서 작업할 수 있도록 해 달라고 요청했다.
we|support|have come|mine|inside|work|able|so that|do|to|requested
We requested that we be allowed to work in the mine since we had come to support.
당 위원장은 달갑지 않은 표정을 지으며 갱 속으로 들어가려면 며칠동안 ‘안전규칙'을 암송하고 몸에 익혀 검열에 통과되여야 들어갈 수 있다고 엄포를 놓았다.
the party|chairman|unpleasant|not|expression|while|mine|into|to enter|for several days||memorizing|in one's body|internalizing|inspection|must pass|entering|possibility|that|threat|placed
The party chairman, with an unwilling expression, threatened that to enter the mine, we would have to memorize and internalize the 'safety rules' for several days and pass an inspection.
우리가 당 중앙의 방침을 내세우며 사정하다시피 졸라댔더니 저녁시간 교대로 들어가도록 승낙하고 탄부 한 사람을 불러 우리를 떠맡겼다.
we|party|central|policy|putting forward|as if pleading|we kept insisting|evening time|in turns|to enter|agreeing|laborer|one|person|calling||entrusted
When we pleaded, citing the directives of the party central committee, he agreed to let us enter in shifts during the evening and called a miner to take us under his wing.
그 탄부는 우리에게 칸데라 불이 달린 모자와 허리에 차는 밥곽만한 크기의 바떼리, 검정색 작업복, 작업 운동화와 마스크를 지급하고 안전규칙을 교양하였다.
the|miner|to us|with a candle|light|attached|hat|to the waist|wearing|the size of a rice container|of size|battery|black|work uniform|work|sneakers|mask|provided|safety rules|educated
The miner provided us with a helmet with a candle light, a battery the size of a lunch box to wear on our waist, black work clothes, work sneakers, and a mask, and educated us on the safety rules.
‘칸데라 불은 항상 착용할 것' ‘작업장 이외의 다른 갱 속으로 절대 들어가지 말것' ‘용변을 볼 때도 다른 갱으로 가지 말 것'
candle'|flame'|always'|wear'|should'|workplace'|other'|other'|mine'|into'|never'|enter'|should not'|when using the restroom'|seeing'|even at the time'|other'|into the mine'|go'|should not'|should'
'Always wear the candle light' 'Never enter other mines except the workplace' 'Do not go to other mines even when using the restroom'
등 안전규칙을 준수할 것을 신신당부했다.
etc|safety rules|to comply with|thing|urged strongly
He earnestly urged compliance with safety rules.
그는 용변을 본다고 다른 사람들의 눈을 피해 다른 굴로 갔다가 폐갱이 무너지거나 길을 못찾아 헤맨 례를 설명해 주었다.
he|to relieve himself|is|other|people's|eyes|avoiding|another|tunnel|went|mine|collapsing|road|unable to find|wandering|example|explaining|gave
He explained cases where people went to other tunnels to avoid being seen by others while relieving themselves, only to have the mine collapse or get lost.
이미 지원나와 있는 대학생들이 의외로 꽤 많았다.
There were surprisingly quite a few college students already supporting.
우리 일행 중 녀자들만 따로 녀자 대기실로 안내되였다.
our|group|among|only women|separately|women's|to the waiting room|were guided
Only the women in our group were separately guided to the women's waiting room.
녀자 대기실 안은 온돌방으로 되여 있었는데 방 웃목에서는 녀자 대학생 몇 명이 정신없이 곯아떨어져 자고 있었다.
woman|waiting room|inside|heated room|was|was|room|in the upper part|woman|university students|several||obliviously|soundly|sleeping|were
The women's waiting room was heated with ondol, and a few female college students were sound asleep on the floor.
몹시 고단한 모양이였다.
It seemed very exhausting.
한 구석에서는 몇 명의 녀학생들이 교대로 들어가기 위한 준비를 하느라고 야단 법석을 떨었다.
one|in the corner|several|of students|female students|in turns|entering|for|preparation|in order to|commotion|noise|was making
In one corner, several female students were making a fuss preparing to take turns going in.
방을 가로질러 빨래줄이 매여져 있어 세탁한 옷을 널어 말리는 중이였다.
the room|across|laundry line|tied|is|washed|clothes|hanging|drying|was
A clothesline was strung across the room, and washed clothes were being hung out to dry.
엉망진창인 대기실과 그 분위기를 보니 한심한 생각마저 들었다.
messy|waiting room|that|atmosphere|seeing|pathetic|thought|came
Seeing the messy waiting room and its atmosphere made me feel pathetic.
낯설고 한심한 분위기에 압도되여 괜스리 집 떠난 아이처럼 서글퍼지고 작업복을 갈아 입을 마음이 썩 내키지 않았다.
unfamiliar|pathetic|atmosphere|overwhelmed|for no reason|home|left|like a child|becoming sad|work clothes|changing|to wear|heart|very|not inclined|was not
Overwhelmed by the unfamiliar and pathetic atmosphere, I felt sad like a child who had left home for no reason, and I wasn't very eager to change into work clothes.
어쩔 수 없이 다른 애들이 하는 대로 아무 생각없이 작업복으로 갈아입고 마스크를 하고 칸데라 불 모자를 착용한 뒤 허리에 바떼리를 찼다.
unavoidable|possibility|without|other|kids|doing|as|any|thoughtlessly|into work clothes|changing|mask|wearing|candle|fire|hat|wearing|after|to the waist|battery|strapped
I had no choice but to change into work clothes without thinking, just like the others, put on a mask, wore a candela hat, and strapped a battery to my waist.
복장을 다 갖추고 나니 마음도 안정되고 영화에서나 보아 온 영웅적인 탄부가 된 듯한 기분이 들었다.
the outfit|completely|prepared|when|mind|stable|only in movies|seeing|having|heroic|miner|became|like|feeling|felt
Once I was fully dressed, I felt a sense of calm and as if I had become a heroic miner, like those I had seen in movies.
내레이션 : 대남공작원 김현희의 고백, 랑독에 박수현이였습니다.
narration|South Korean agent|Kim Hyun-hee's|confession|in the dialogue|was Park Soo-hyun
Narration: The confession of North Korean agent Kim Hyun-hee, it was Park Soo-hyun in Langdok.
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