나의 대학시절, 열 번째-30
my|college years|ten|th
Meine College-Jahre, Zehnte - 30
Мои студенческие годы, 10-30
My college days, the tenth-30
나의 대학시절, 열 번째
my|college years|ten|tenth
My college days, the tenth
탄광을 나온 우리는 모두 눈만 반짝반짝하고 얼굴은 물론 온몸이 새까만 석탄덩이였다.
the coal mine|coming out of|we|all|only eyes|sparkling|face|of course|whole body|pitch black|was like a lump of coal
Having come out of the coal mine, we all had sparkling eyes, but our faces and indeed our whole bodies were as black as coal.
정말 한심한 몰골이였다.
really|pathetic|was a sight
It was truly a pathetic sight.
자기 얼굴은 못 보지만 상대방의 얼굴을 보면서 자신의 얼굴을 짐작해 보았다.
my|face|not|see|the other person's|face|while|my own|face|guessing|I saw
I couldn't see my own face, but I tried to imagine it by looking at the other person's face.
곧바로 목욕탕으로 달려가 몸을 씻고 작업복을 빨았다.
immediately|to the bathhouse|ran|body|washed|work clothes|washed
I immediately ran to the bathhouse to wash my body and clean my work clothes.
목욕탕에 들어가 작업복을 벗어 보니 겉 옷만 새까만 게 아니라 속내의 까지도 새까맣게 되어 있었다.
in the bathhouse|entering|work clothes|taking off|I saw|outer|clothes|black|thing|not|inner|even|black|was|was
When I entered the bathhouse and took off my work clothes, I found that not only the outer clothes were pitch black, but also the insides were completely black.
몸에 비누칠을 몇 번씩 해가며 닦았으나 석탄가루가 살에 깊숙이 배였는지 잘 닦아지지 않았다.
on my body|with soap|several|times|while|I scrubbed|coal dust|on my skin|deeply|was embedded|well|was not coming off|did not
I scrubbed my body several times with soap, but the coal dust seemed to have penetrated deep into my skin and wouldn't come off easily.
몸을 닦은 뒤 옷을 갈아입고 아침 식사를 하기 위해 식당으로 날아갔다.
my body|washed|after|clothes|changing|breakfast|meal|to do|in order to|to the restaurant|flew
After washing my body, I changed clothes and flew to the dining room for breakfast.
식당에는 ‘영양식당' 이라는 간판이 내걸려 있었다.
the restaurant|'nutritional restaurant'|called|sign|was hung|was
The restaurant had a sign that read 'Nutritional Restaurant.'
그날 아침은 새해 아침 특식이였다.
that day|morning|new year|morning|was a special meal
That morning was a special meal for the New Year.
돼지고기국, 튀김, 그리고 사과와 누런 사탕가루가 나왔다.
pork soup|fried food|and|with apple|yellow|sugar powder|came out
Pork soup, fried food, and apples with yellow sugar powder were served.
사회에서는 구경할 수도 없는 사탕가루와 고기국을 받고 우리들은 감격해 하며 고생한 보람이 있다고 생각했다.
in society|seeing|possibility|not having|candy powder and|meat soup|receiving|we|being moved|while|having struggled|worth|is|thought
Receiving sugar powder and meat soup, which we couldn't even see in society, made us feel grateful and think that our hardships were worthwhile.
사탕가루는 물에 타서 입에 칠하듯이 아껴 먹었다.
the powdered candy|in water|mixing|in my mouth|as if applying|sparingly|I ate
The sugar powder was mixed with water and savored as if applying it to our mouths.
그때 입안에서 녹는 달콤한 맛은 지금까지도 잊을 수가 없다.
that time|in my mouth|melting|sweet|taste|even to this day|forgetting||not
The sweet taste that melted in my mouth at that time is something I still can't forget.
사과 역시 모두들 감히 아까워서 깨물지를 못했다.
Everyone was too hesitant to take a bite of the apples.
과일을 구경한 것이 얼마만인지 몰랐다.
the fruit|having seen|thing|how long|I did not know
I didn't realize how long it had been since I had seen fruit.
북조선에서는 흔히 과일상점 앞에 과일을 사려는 사람들로 장사진을 이루는 일이 많다.
in North Korea|often|fruit store|in front of|fruit|trying to buy|with people|long line|forming|occurrence|is common
In North Korea, it is common to see long lines of people in front of fruit shops wanting to buy fruit.
과일상점이래야 진열하기 위해 만들어 놓은 수지사과, 수박들과 말린 고사리들 뿐이다.
the fruit store|for display|in order to|made|placed|Suji apple|and watermelon|dried|ferns|only
The fruit shops only have artificial apples, watermelons, and dried fern leaves displayed.
어쩌다가 언 사과라도 팔면 더욱 줄은 길어지는데 그 나마 물건이 모자라 중간에서 떨어져 버리곤 했다.
sometimes|frozen|apple|if I sell|more|line|getting longer|that|at least|item|lacking|in the middle|falling|often|happened
If I happen to sell even a frozen apple, the wait will be longer, but even that, the goods are lacking and I often end up dropping out in the middle.
어느 할머니가 판매원에게,
a|grandmother|to the salesperson
An elderly woman said to the salesperson,
“판매원 아지미, 우리 며늘아이가 임신중이데서 그러는데...꼭 사과만 먹고싶다구 그러잖수.
sales person|Ajimi|our|daughter-in-law|is pregnant|is saying|definitely|only apple|wants to eat|isn't she
"Salesperson, my daughter-in-law is pregnant, and she really wants to eat apples.
며칠째 계속 시내를 쏘다니며 과일 상점을 다 돌아다녔는데도 빈손이야.
for several days|continuously|in the city|wandering around|fruit|shops|all|I have been going around|empty-handed
I've been wandering around the city for days, going to all the fruit shops, but I still come back empty-handed.
언 사과라도 좋으니 몇 알 좀 팔아 주구래.”
any|apple|would be good|few|pieces|a little|sell|please
Even a frozen apple would be fine, so please sell me a few."
하며 통사정을 하는 정경은 얼마든지 볼 수 있다.
while|begging|doing|scene|at any time|seeing|possibility|exists
You can see Jeong-gyeong begging and pleading as much as you want.
어디에서나 그런 광경을 목격할 수 있을 정도로 과일 구하기가 어려웠다.
anywhere|such|scene|witnessing|possibility|being||fruit|obtaining|was difficult
It was so difficult to find fruit that you could witness such scenes anywhere.
그런 사과가 얼지도 않은 채 싱싱하게 우리 손에 들려져 있다니 믿기지 않았다.
such|apple|frozen|not|state|fresh|our|in hand|being held|is|unbelievable|was
I couldn't believe that such apples were fresh in our hands without even being frozen.
집에 돌아와 하루를 쉬고 다음 날부터는 낮교대로 가서 일했다.
at home|returning|for a day|resting|next|from day|day shift|going|worked
After returning home and resting for a day, I started working the next day on the day shift.
처음 갱 속으로 들어갈 때는 얼결에 들어가 일했으나 두 번째 부터는 꾀가 생겨 갱 안으로 들어가기 싫어졌다.
first|mine|into|entering|when|accidentally|I went in|I worked|second|time||cunning|arose|mine|inside|going in|became undesirable
When I first entered the mine, I worked without thinking, but from the second time on, I became clever and didn't want to go into the mine.
3일 동안을 겨우 버티며 탄광 지원을 마쳤다.
three days|during|barely|enduring|coal mine|support|completed
I barely endured for three days and completed the coal mine support.
직접 탄부 일을 체험하고 탄광 일이 얼마나 힘든 것인가를 알았다.
directly|miner|work|experiencing|coal mine|work|how|difficult|it is|I knew
I experienced the work of a miner firsthand and learned how difficult coal mining is.
어떤 탄부에게 탄광일을 기계화 하는 문제를 이야기했더니 그 탄부는 말하기를,
some|miner|mining work|mechanization|to|problem|when I talked to|that|miner|said
When I talked to a miner about the issue of mechanizing coal mining, he said,
“삼신탄광은 석탄 질이 좋아서 일본이 일제 때부터 지금까지 이곳 석탄만 사가고 있지.
the Samshin coal mine|coal|quality|is good|Japan|Japanese colonial rule|since|until now|this place|only coal|buying|is
"Samsin Coal Mine has good quality coal, so Japan has been buying only this coal since the Japanese occupation."
그러나 지질상 난점이 있어 기계화 하지 못하는거야”
"However, there are geological difficulties, so we cannot mechanize it."
하고 말하는 것이였다.
It was something that was said.
구체적으로 지질상의 난점이 어떤것인지는 밝히지는 않았지만 기계화하지 못할 이유가 있는 모양이였다.
specifically|geological|issue|what|revealed||mechanization|unable to|reason|existing|seemed
Although it did not clarify what the specific geological difficulties were, it seemed there was a reason why it could not be mechanized.
인간으로서 오래동안 계속 할 일이 못된다는 생각이 절로 들었다.
as a human|for a long time|continuously|doing|work|cannot|thought|naturally|came to me
The thought that one could not continue doing this for a long time as a human naturally came to mind.
그러나 평생을 탄부로 지내는 사람들은 어떻겠는가.
however|for a lifetime|as a miner|living|people|how are they
But what about those who spend their whole lives as miners?
아마도 속에 든 오장육부까지도 새까말 것 같았다.
maybe|inside|contained|internal organs|completely black|thing|seemed
Perhaps even their internal organs would be completely black.
숨 쉬면서 들여 마시는 석탄가루가 결코 적지 않은 량으로 짐작되였다.
breathe|while|in|drinking|coal dust|never|small|not|amount|was estimated
The amount of coal dust inhaled while breathing is by no means small.
탄광지원은 괴로웠지만 경험상 좋은 교육을 얻었다며 우리 들은 만족해 하였다.
the coal mine support|was painful|based on experience|good|education|I obtained|we|were|satisfied|was
The support from the coal mine was painful, but we were satisfied as we gained good experience.
나도 평양외국어대학 1학년 겨울방학때 통행증을 발급받았다.
I also|Pyongyang Foreign Language University|first year|during winter vacation|a pass|was issued
I also received a pass during the winter vacation of my first year at Pyongyang Foreign Language University.
마침 함경남도 신포에 사는 큰 고모 집 둘째딸이 시집가는데 예장감으로 가져갈 이불감이 없으니 구해 달라는 부탁이 왔다.
just now|South Hamgyong Province|in Sinpo|living|big|aunt|house|second daughter|getting married|as a wedding gift|to take|bedding|there is not|find|asking|request|came
Just then, I received a request from my aunt's second daughter living in Sinpo, South Hamgyong Province, asking for help because she had no bedding to take as a wedding gift.
아버지가 아는 사람을 통해 외화 상점에서 겨우 이불감 한 감을 사서 준비해 놓았던 참이였다.
my father|knowing|person|through|foreign currency|at the store|barely|blanket|one||buying|preparing|had|was
My father managed to buy a piece of bedding from a foreign currency shop through someone he knew and had it prepared.
그렇게 발급받기 힘든 통행증을 내가 학교에서 받아 오자 아버지와 어머니는 무척 기뻐하였다.
like that|receiving|difficult|pass|I|from school|received|when I came|my father and|my mother|very|were happy
When I brought back the travel permit, which was so hard to obtain, from school, my father and mother were very happy.
당시 중학교에 다니고 있던 현수를 데려 가기로 하고 온 가족이 려행 준비를 거들었다.
at that time|to middle school|attending|was|Hyun-soo|take|to go|and|whole|family|travel|preparation|helped
We decided to take Hyun-soo, who was attending middle school at the time, and the whole family helped with the travel preparations.
나는 아이 1명이라고 적어 넣은 내 통행증으로 려행을 한다는 일이 가슴 뿌듯했다.
I|child|as one|written|put|my|with pass|travel|that|matter|heart|was proud
I felt proud to be traveling with my permit, which stated that I was one child.
통행증 발급은 내가 서류상 완전한 성인이 된 것을 의미하기 때문이다.
pass|issuance|I|on paper|full|adult|become|thing|means|because
The issuance of the travel permit meant that I had officially become an adult on paper.
내레이션 : 대남공작원 김현희의 고백, 랑독에 박수현이였습니다.
narration|South Korean agent|Kim Hyun-hee's|confession|in the lecture|was Park Soo-hyun
Narration: Confession of North Korean agent Kim Hyun-hee, read by Park Soo-hyun.
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