#1 - 젊은 날에는 젊음을 모른다
young|days|youth|do not know
muda|hari-hari|masa muda|tidak tahu
#1 - In youth, one does not know youth.
수다로 읽다의 진행자입니다.
with chatter|reading|I am the host
È il moderatore della lettura.
I am the host of 'Reading with Chatter'.
어, 오늘은 수다로 읽다의 첫 시간인데요.
oh|today|with chatting|reading|first|class
Uh, today is the first session of 'Reading with Chatter'.
우선 만나서 반갑습니다.
first|meeting|nice to meet you
First of all, it's nice to meet you.
첫 시간이니만큼 방송에 대한 간단한 설명을 먼저 드리겠습니다.
first|class|about the broadcast|regarding|simple|explanation|first|I will give
Since this is our first session, I will give a brief explanation about the broadcast.
이 방송은 소설가 김영하 씨의 팟캐스트를 듣고 시작하게 되었는데요, 김영하 씨는 예전부터 낭독에 대한 애정을 많이 보여줬어요.
this|broadcast|novelist|Kim Young-ha|Mr/Ms|podcast|listening to|started|was|Kim Young-ha|Mr/Ms|from a long time ago|to reading aloud|about|affection|a lot|has shown
This broadcast started after listening to novelist Kim Young-ha's podcast, and Kim Young-ha has shown a lot of affection for reading aloud for a long time.
글을 모두가 알지 못 했던 과거에는 일상적인 풍경이었던 책을 함께 읽는 낭독이라는 문화가, 요새는 흔치 않게 되버린 걸 안타까워 하면서 자신의 신간 소설을 낭독회와 함께 발표하기도 하구요.
the writing|everyone|knows|not||in the past|ordinary|scenery|book|together|reading|reading aloud|culture|nowadays|rare|not|become|thing|regrettable|while|one's own|new|novel|reading event|together|also presenting|is
He feels regret that the culture of reading books together, which used to be a common sight in the past when not everyone could read, has become rare these days, and he also presents his new novel along with a reading event.
그런 식으로 낭독 문화의 저변을 확대하는 그런 노력을 많이 했습니다.
that|way|reading|of culture|base|expanding|such|efforts|a lot|was made
In that way, I have made a lot of efforts to expand the base of the reading culture.
근데 최근에는 팟캐스트를 통해서 책을 읽어주고 계시더라구요.
But recently, I have seen that they are reading books through podcasts.
(‘계시더라고요’가 맞는 표현이지만 많은 사람들이 ‘구요’를 씁니다.)
|correct|expression but|many|people||
(While '계시더라고요' is the correct expression, many people use '구요'.)
그래서 저도 참 매력적인 일이라고 생각을 해서 따라하게 됐습니다.
so|I also|really|attractive|job|thought|and|follow|became
So I also thought it was a very attractive thing and decided to follow suit.
저는 책 뿐만 아니라 칼럼이나 기사 등 잡다한 글을 읽고 잠깐 얘기를 나눠보는 시간을 가지겠습니다.
I|book|only|not|column or|article|etc|miscellaneous|writings|reading|briefly|conversation|having|time|will have
I will take some time to read not only books but also various writings such as columns and articles, and have a brief conversation.
생각해 보면 누군가 글을 읽어주고 그걸 듣는다는 건 참 호사스런 취미인 것 같아요.
think|if|someone|text|reads to me|that|listening to|thing|really|luxurious|hobby|thing|seems
When I think about it, having someone read to you and listening to it seems like a really luxurious hobby.
우선은 인건비가 들어가잖아요.
first|labor cost|is incurred
First of all, it involves labor costs.
참 멋있죠?
really|is cool
Isn't that cool?
기품 있고.
하, 저만 그런가요.
ha|only me|is it so
Am I the only one who feels this way?
전에 <책 읽어주는 여자 - 더 리더 The Reader> 라는 그런 영화도 개봉을 했었는데 외국에서는 이런 일이 종종 있기도 하는가 보죠.
before|book|reading|woman|the|reader|||called|such|movie|released|was|in foreign countries|such|events|often|happens||seen
There was a movie called <The Reader> that was released before, and I guess such things happen often abroad.
사실 우리는 어렸을 때 이런 호사를 누린 적이 있습니다.
actually|we|when we were young|at the time|this|luxury|enjoyed|experience|have
In fact, we enjoyed such luxuries when we were young.
부모님이 책을 읽어주시잖아요.
my parents|book|read to me
My parents read books to me.
뭐, 연기도 하시구요.
what|acting|you do
Well, they also act.
그런 식으로 누려왔지만 이제는 쉽지가 않죠.
that|way|have been enjoying|now|not easy|is
I have enjoyed it that way, but it's not easy anymore.
이제는 그렇게 할려면 벼룩시장(생활정보신문)에 광고를 내면 할 수 있을까요.
now|that way|if you want to do||||advertisement|if you place|can|possibility|be
Now, if I want to do that, can I place an ad in a flea market (lifestyle information newspaper)?
돈도 들고 쉽지 않겠죠.
money|carrying|not easy|it will be
It will cost money and it won't be easy.
그래서 제 방송이 반의 반이나마 비슷한 분위기를 느낄 수 있게 해줬으면 좋겠습니다.
so|my|broadcast|half|even a fraction of|similar|atmosphere|feel|possibility|to be|would be able to|good
So I hope my broadcast can give you at least a fraction of that atmosphere.
부담 없이 편하게 들어주세요.
burden|without|comfortably|listen to me
Please listen comfortably without any pressure.
오늘 읽어드릴 글은 젊은 날에는 젊음을 모른다는 글입니다.
today|I will read|text|young|days|youth|do not know|
The text I will read today is about how in youth, one does not know youth.
한 번 들어보시죠.
one|time|let's listen
Let's listen to it once.
젊은 날에는 젊음을 모른다
young|days|youth|do not know
In youth, one does not know youth.
데모니, 공부니, 연애니, 여행이니 온갖 일을 했지만 정작 제대로 한 일은 하나도 없는 상태로 스무 살을 보내고 나니 방과 후 학교 건물 모퉁이를 돌아 소각장이 있는 뒤쪽 공터로 들어간 것처럼 갑자기 한없이 조용하기만 한 스물한 살 시절이 찾아왔다.
the demonstration|studying|dating|traveling|all kinds of|work|did|actually|properly|one|thing|not even one|not|state|twenty|year|spending|after|after school|after|school|building|corner|turning|incinerator|is|back|to the empty lot|entering|like|suddenly|endlessly|only quiet|one|twenty-one|year|time|came
I did all sorts of things like demonstrations, studying, dating, and traveling, but after spending my twenties without really accomplishing anything, I suddenly found myself in a twenty-one year old phase that was endlessly quiet, as if I had turned the corner of the school building after class and entered the empty lot behind the incinerator.
스물한 살은 내게 아무런 기억도 남겨놓지 않았다.
twenty-one|years old|to me|any|memory|left behind|did not
My twenty-one years left me with no memories at all.
왜냐하면 스물 한 살에 내가 했던 일들은 이미 스무 살에 한 번씩 다 겪어본 일들이었기 때문이다.
because|twenty|one|at the age of|I|did|things|already|twenty|at the age of|one|once|all|experienced|things were|because
Because the things I did at twenty-one were already experiences I had gone through once at twenty.
데모나 공부나 연애나 여행이나, 그 어떤 것이나.
the demonstration|studying|dating|traveling|that|any|thing
Whether it was demonstrations, studying, dating, or traveling, any of those.
그러고 나니 권태라는 게 뭔지 알 수 있을 것 같았다.
after that|I|boredom|thing|what|know|possibility|be|thing|seemed
Then I felt like I could understand what boredom was.
이건 도무지 환승역 같은 시간이구나, 그런 생각이 들었다.
this|absolutely|transfer station|like|time|such|thought|came
I thought, this is truly a transfer station kind of time.
지루함을 견딜 수 없어 누군가 버리고 간 신문을 집어 들고 대충 훑어본다거나 평소에는 잘 들여다보지 않는 광고판의 글자를 하나하나 읽는다거나 신문 가판대에 서서 믿지 못할 헤드라인을 뽑아놓은 주간 신문의 표지를 바라보며 내용을 상상한다거나.
boredom|endure|possibility|not|someone|leaving|gone|newspaper|picking|up|roughly|glancing through|usually|well|looking closely|not|of the advertisement board|letters|one by one|reading|newspaper|at the newsstand|standing|not believing|impossible|headline|posted|weekly|newspaper's|cover|looking at|content|imagining
Unable to endure the boredom, I pick up a discarded newspaper someone left behind and skim through it, or I read the words on an advertisement board that I usually don't pay attention to, or I stand at a newsstand, looking at the cover of a weekly magazine with unbelievable headlines and imagining the content.
환승역에서 보내는 시간은 대개 그런 일들로 채워지는데, 내게는 스물한 살이 꼭 그랬다.
at the transfer station|spending|time|usually|such|with things|is filled|for me|twenty-one|years old|exactly|was
The time spent at transfer stations is usually filled with such activities, and for me, being twenty-one was exactly like that.
하루는 지루함을 도저히 견디기 힘들어 서울 지도를 들여다보다가 개포동까지 걸어가겠다는 결심을 했다.
one day|boredom|absolutely|enduring|difficult|Seoul|map|while looking at|to Gaepo-dong|to walk|decision|made
One day, unable to bear the boredom any longer, I decided to look at a map of Seoul and resolved to walk all the way to Gaepo-dong.
개포동은 내가 사는 동네 앞을 지나는 버스의 종점이었다.
Gaepo-dong|I|live|neighborhood|in front of|passing|bus|was the terminus
Gaepo-dong was the terminus of the bus that passed in front of my neighborhood.
자로 지도를 재보고 얼추 거리를 계산해보니 해가 지기 전까지는 도착할 수 있을 것 같았다.
with a ruler|the map|measuring|roughly|distance|calculating|sun|setting|before|arriving|possibility|being|thing|seemed
I re-measured the map with a ruler and roughly calculated the distance, and it seemed like I could arrive before sunset.
그러면 반나절은 별 걱정 없이 지낼 수 있을 것 같았다.
then|half a day|without|worry|without|living|possibility|will be|thing|seemed
Then I thought I could spend half a day without much worry.
그렇게 아침에 하숙집을 나서서 걸어갔다가는 그만 압구정동에서 다시 돌아오고 말았다.
like that|in the morning|boarding house|leaving|while walking|just|in Apgujeong-dong|again|returning|ended up
So I left the boarding house in the morning and walked, but I ended up turning back in Apgujeong-dong.
힘들어서, 정말 힘들어서 다시 돌아올 수밖에 없었다.
it was hard|really|it was hard|again|return|no choice but to|was
It was so hard, really hard, that I had no choice but to turn back.
하루를 보내는 일이 그처럼 힘들다는 걸 나는 그때 처음 알았다.
the day|spending|thing|so|difficult|fact|I|at that time|for the first time|knew
I first realized how difficult it is to spend a day at that time.
그 무렵 만난 소설 속의 주인공 중의 하나가 바로 구보 씨다.
that|time|I met|novel|in|protagonist|among|one|exactly|Gubo|Mr
One of the protagonists I met in a novel around that time is Mr. Kubo.
우리나라에는 1930년대 작가로만 알려져 있는 박태원의 중편 소설<소설가 구보 씨의 일일>에 나오는 주인공이다.
in our country|1930s|as a writer|known|is|of Park Tae-won|novella|novel|<The Novelist|Gubo|Mr|||appearing|is the protagonist
He is the protagonist of the novella <The Daily Life of Mr. Kubo> by Park Tae-won, who is known as a writer from the 1930s in our country.
구보 씨는 고등학교를 졸업하고 도쿄 유학까지 다녀온 청년이건만 번듯한 직장을 구하지 못하고 밤이면 원고를 쓴다는 핑계로 늦게 잠들어 아침 열한 시나 정오가 되어야만 자리에서 일어난다.
Kubo|Mr|high school|graduated|Tokyo|for study abroad|having gone|although he is a young man|decent|job|finding|not able to|at night|manuscript|writing|as an excuse|late|falling asleep|morning|eleven|o'clock|noon|only|from his place|gets up
Mr. Kubo is a young man who graduated from high school and even studied abroad in Tokyo, yet he cannot find a decent job and excuses himself for writing manuscripts at night, only getting out of bed around eleven in the morning or noon.
요즘에도 이런 청년이 많은데, 구보 씨는 그런 청년들의 원조 격이다.
even these days|such|young man|many|Gubo|Mr|such|of young men|original|is
These days, there are many young people like this, and Mr. Kubo is a pioneer among them.
말하자면 식민지 조선의 ‘폐인‘(요즘 말로)이라고나 할까.
speaking of|colonial|Joseon's|'ruin'|these days|in terms of|as|should be
You could say he is a 'wastrel' of colonial Joseon (in modern terms).
이 소설은 소설가 구보 씨가 정오 가까운 시간에 일어나 다음날 새벽 두 시까지 서울 안을 헤매고 다닌 얘기를 담고 있다.
this|novel|novelist|Gubo|Mr|noon|near|time|waking up|next day|dawn|two|until|Seoul|inside|wandering|was|story|containing|is
This novel tells the story of novelist Mr. Kubo waking up around noon and wandering around Seoul until two in the morning the next day.
시시각각 구보 씨의 머릿속에서 일어나는 여러 사념이 그대로 드러나기 때문에 리얼리즘 소설이 흔하던 당시의 시각에서 보자면 흔치 않은 소설이랄 수 있다.
moment by moment|Gubo|Mr|in his mind|occurring|various|thoughts|as they are|being revealed|because|realism|novel|common|at that time|perspective|if viewed|rare|not|novel|possibility|is
Since various thoughts occur in Mr. Kubo's mind at every moment, it can be considered an unusual novel from the perspective of the realism novels that were common at the time.
그래서 지금 읽어도 너무나 세련된 내성 소설처럼 느껴진다.
so|now|even if I read|very|sophisticated|introspective|like a novel|feels
So even now, it feels like a very sophisticated introspective novel.
예컨데 이런 식이다.
for example|this|is the way
For example, it goes like this.
“어머니는 다시 바느질을 하며, 대체, 그 애는, 매일, 어딜, 그렇게, 가는, 겐가, 하고 그런 것을 생각하여 본다“는 식이다.
my mother|again|sewing|while|what|that|child|every day|where|like that|going|is|and|such|thing|thinking|I think||
"The mother, while sewing again, thinks about where that child goes every day, and such things."
어머니의 탐탁치 못한 심정과 자기도 모르게 내쉬었을 법한 한숨이 이 많은 쉼표 속에 숨어 있다.
mother|displeased|not|feelings|oneself|unknowingly|would have let out|possible|sigh|this|many|commas|inside|hidden|is
The mother's discontent and a sigh that she might have unconsciously let out are hidden within all these commas.
구보 씨가 왜 그렇게 무기력하게 하루를 보내야만 하는지는 누구도 알 수 없다.
Gubo|Mr|why|so|lethargically|day|must spend|in the way|no one|knows|possibility|is
No one knows why Mr. Kubo has to spend his days so lethargically.
혹자는 일제시대라는 것을, 또 혹자는 대공황에 영향 받은 당시의 경제 사정을 얘기하지만, 내가 보기에는 해방이 됐다고 해도, 또 경제가 호황을 누린다고 해도 구보 씨가 행복해질 것 같지는 않다.
some people|the Japanese colonial era|thing|also|some people|the Great Depression|influence|received|at that time|economic|situation|talk about|I|in my view|liberation|happened|even if|also|economy|prosperity|enjoying|even if|Kubo|Mr|becoming happy|thing|not likely|be
Some talk about the Japanese colonial period, while others mention the economic situation influenced by the Great Depression, but in my view, even if he is liberated or the economy is booming, it doesn't seem like Mr. Kubo will become happy.
문제는 구보 씨가 너무 권태롭다고 생각하는 데 있다.
the problem|Mr Kubo|is|too|bored|thinking|in|
The problem lies in Mr. Kubo's feeling of extreme boredom.
두 번째로 들어간 다방에서 만난, 신문사에 다니는 시인은 구보 씨에게 최근 그가 발표하는 작품이 나이, 분수보다 엄청나게 늙었다고 지적한다.
second|time|entered|in the tea house|met|at the newspaper|working|poet|Mr Kubo|to|recently|he|publishing|work|age|than his peers|extremely|old|points out
The poet he meets in the second teahouse points out to Mr. Kubo that his recent works are incredibly aged for his age and status.
하지만 구보 씨는 이 말에 긍정도 부정도 하지 못한다.
However, Mr. Kubo cannot affirm or deny this statement.
그러자 벗은 구보 씨가 실제로 늙지는 않았으면서 늙음을 가장한다고 고쳐 말한다.
then|naked|Gubo|Mr|actually|not aging||old age|pretending to be old|correctly|says
Then, his friend corrects himself by saying that Mr. Kubo pretends to be old even though he is not actually old.
구보 씨는 뭐라고 항변하지도 못하다가 결국 이 대화가 얼마나 권태로운지 깨닫게 된다.
Gubo|Mr|about what|defending|unable to|eventually|this|conversation|how|tedious|realizing|becomes
Mr. Kubo, unable to argue back, eventually realizes how tedious this conversation is.
구보 씨는 자신이 젊은이인지 늙은이인지 모르기 때문이다.
Gu-bo|is|himself|whether he is young|whether he is old|not knowing|is the reason
This is because Mr. Kubo does not know whether he is a young person or an old person.
자신이 얼마나 젊은지 모를 때, 젊은이는 대개 권태를 느낀다.
oneself|how|young|not knowing|when|young person|usually|boredom|feels
When young people do not realize how young they are, they often feel boredom.
‘젊은 날엔 젊음을 모르고‘, 이렇게 시작하는 노래도 있지만 내 경험에 따르면 그걸 아는 사람이 오히려 더 이상하기만 하다.
young|days|youth|not knowing|like this|starting|song|there is|my|experience|according to|that|knowing|person|rather|more|strange|is
There is a song that starts with 'In youth, we do not know youth,' but in my experience, those who are aware of it are rather more peculiar.
그렇다면 너무 건강하지 않은가?
Isn't that a bit unhealthy?
지금도 서울 거리에서는 또 다른 구보 씨들이 배회하고 있을 것이다.
even now|Seoul|on the streets|another|different|Gubo|people|wandering|will be|be
Even now, there must be other Mr. Kubo wandering the streets of Seoul.
하루를 보내는 일이 얼마나 힘든 것인지 그들은 알 것이다.
the day|spending|thing|how|difficult|it is|they|know|will
They will know how difficult it is to spend a day.
어차피 권태를 피할 길이 없다면 그 권태를 맘껏 누리는 일도 권할 만하다.
anyway|boredom|avoiding|way|if there is no|that|boredom|to the fullest|enjoying|thing|recommending|worthwhile
If there is no way to avoid boredom anyway, it is also worth recommending to fully enjoy that boredom.
젊은 날에는 젊음을 모르고 사는 게 가장 자연스러우니까.
young|in my youth|youth|not knowing|living|thing|most|is natural
It is most natural to live without knowing youth in one's young days.
물 론 조금만 있으면 그 때 자신이 얼마나 젊었었는지 곧 깨닫게 될 것이다.
water|theory|just a little|if you have|that|time|yourself|how|young you were|soon|will realize|will be|will be
Of course, it won't be long before they realize how young they were at that time.
믿거나 말거나.
believe|not believe
Believe it or not.
(출처: 김연수(소설가) / 고전에서 만난 사람12 / 샘터 2003.12.
source|||from the classics|met|person 12|Samteo
(Source: Kim Yeon-soo (novelist) / People Met in Classics 12 / Samtoh 2003.12.
네 잘 들으셨는지요.
yes|well|did you hear
Did you hear that well?
이 글은 2003년에 샘터에 실린 <고전에서 만난 사람> 꼭지의 글입니다.
this|article|in 2003|in Samteo|published|<from the classics|meeting|person|of the column|is
This text is from the section <People Met in Classics> published in Samtoh in 2003.
how are you
How is it?
음, 이 글은 소설가 김연수 씨가 쓴 글인데요.
um|this|text|novelist|Kim Yeon-su|Mr/Ms|written|is
Well, this text was written by the novelist Kim Yeon-soo.
본문에 나온 노래는 이상은 씨의 <언젠가는> 입니다.
the text|that appears|song|Lee Sang-eun|Ms|<Someday>|
The song mentioned in the text is Lee Sang-eun's <Someday>.
그 뒤 가사는 이건데요.
The lyrics that follow are as follows.
젊은 날엔 젊음을 모르고 사랑하면 사랑이 보이지 않네.
young|days|youth|not knowing|when loving|love|not visible|is not
In youth, we do not know youth, and when we love, love is not visible.
네, 공감이 되시나요.
yes|empathy|do you feel
Yes, can you relate?
많은 사람들이 공감 하실 거라고 생각 하는데요.
many|people|empathize|will|that|think|I believe
I think many people will resonate with this.
그래서 인간은 후회하는 동물이죠.
That is why humans are creatures that regret.
It's foolish.
어, 요새 종종 접하는 글 중에 하나가 계몽적인 글입니다.
uh|these days|often|encountering|writing|among|one|enlightening|writing
One of the types of writings I often come across these days is enlightening writing.
요새 서점에 가득한 게, 가득한 그, 자기계발서라고 하죠.
these days|at the bookstore|full of|thing|full|that|self-help books|is said to be
What is filled in bookstores these days are those self-help books.
이런 것들이 그런 대표적인 글들인데.
These are representative examples of such writings.
뭐, 꿈을 꾸면 이루어지고 또 어떤 건 간절히 바라면 하늘이 도와준다.
what|dream|if I dream|comes true|also|some|thing|earnestly|if I wish|heaven|helps
Well, if you dream, it comes true, and if you desire something earnestly, the heavens will help you.
뭐, 이런, 황당한 책도 있더라구요.
what|this kind of|absurd|book|exists
Well, there are such ridiculous books.
이글은 그런 그런 계몽적인 글의 반대편에 있는 글입니다.
this article|such||enlightening|of the article|on the opposite side|is|article
This article is on the opposite side of such enlightening writings.
권태로우면 권태를 마음껏 누리라는 이런 불순한 글인데요.
if you are bored|boredom|to your heart's content|enjoy|this|impure|writing
It's an impure writing that says if you're bored, enjoy your boredom to the fullest.
옛날(군사독재 시절)이라면 잡혀갔을 지도 모르는 불건전한 글이죠.
in the past|military dictatorship|era|if|would have been captured|possibly|unknown|unhealthy|writing
This is an unhealthy piece of writing that might have gotten me arrested in the past (during the military dictatorship).
하지만 저는 이런 게 더 좋아요.
But I prefer this kind of thing.
뭐 어쩌겠습니까.
what|can I do
What can you do?
본인이 하고 싶으면 하는 것이고 본인이 마음이 없으면 어쩔 수 없는 거죠.
you|doing|want to|that|is||heart|if not|how|way|no|is
If you want to do it, you do it; if you don't have the heart for it, there's nothing you can do.
그럴 때는 괜한 스트레스를 주는 것보다 젊은 날에는 젊음을 모르는 게, 원래 그렇더라고 하는 게 더 힘을 줄 때도 있는 법이니까요.
that|time|unnecessary|stress|giving|than|young|days|youth|not knowing|thing|originally|is like that|doing|thing|more|strength|giving|times|being|is the way
In such times, it can sometimes be more empowering to accept that youth is often unaware of its own youth, rather than stressing over it unnecessarily.
또 권태롭게 좀 살면 어떻습니까.
also|in a state of boredom|a little|living|how about
And what's wrong with living a bit languidly?
어, 오늘 방송은 방금 나온 <언젠가는>이라는 노래 가사를, 전체를 읽어드리면서 끝맺으려고 합니다.
uh|today|broadcast|just|released|||song|lyrics|in full|while reading to you|I plan to conclude|
Uh, I would like to conclude today's broadcast by reading the entire lyrics of the song <Someday> that just came out.
아마 많이들 들어보셨을 텐데요 혹시 모르시는 분이 있다면 한 번 찾아서 들어보시면 좋을 것 같아요.
probably|many people|have heard|I wonder|perhaps|not knowing|person|if|one|time|searching|you listen|good|thing|seems
You may have heard it a lot, but if there are those who don't know it, I think it would be good to look it up and listen to it.
이 노래 참 좋습니다.
this|song|really|is good
This song is really good.
그러 면 이 가사를, 전문을 읽어드리면서 오늘 방송은 마치겠습니다.
then|if|this|lyrics|full text|while reading to you|today|broadcast|will conclude
So, I will conclude today's broadcast by reading the full lyrics.
<언젠가는> – 이상은
<Someday> – Lee Sang-eun
젊은 날엔 젊음을 모르고 사랑할 땐 사랑이 보이지 않았네
young|days|youth|not knowing|loving|when|love|visible|was not
In my youth, I didn't know youth, and when I loved, love was not visible.
하지만 이제 뒤돌아보니 우린 젊고 서로 사랑을 했구나
but|now|when I look back|we|were young|each other|love|had
But now, looking back, we were young and we loved each other.
눈물 같은 시간의 강 위에 떠내려 가는 건 한 다발의 추억
tears|like|of time|river|on|drifting|going|thing|one|bunch of|memories
What drifts on the river of time, like tears, is a bundle of memories.
그렇게 이제 뒤돌아보니 젊음도 사랑도 아주 소중했구나
like that|now|when I look back|youth|love|very|was precious
So now, looking back, both youth and love were very precious.
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리 어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지만
someday|we|again|will meet|where|going|no one|knows
Someday we will meet again, no one knows where we are going.
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리 헤어진 모습 이대로
someday|we|again|will meet|separated|appearance|as we are
Someday we will meet again, just as we parted.
젊은 날엔 젊음을 잊었고 사랑할 땐 사라이 흔해만 보였네
young|days|youth|I forgot|loving|when|love|common|seemed
In our youth, we forgot our youth, and when we loved, love seemed so common.
하지만 이제 뒤돌아보니 우린 젊고 서로 사랑을 했구나
but|now|looking back|we|young|each other|love|had
But now looking back, we were young and we loved each other.
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리 어디로 가는지 아무도 모르지
someday|we|again|will meet|where|going|no one|knows
Someday we will meet again, no one knows where we are going.
언젠가는 우리 다시 만나리 헤어진 모습 이대로
someday|we|again|will meet|separated|appearance|as we are
Someday we will meet again, just like the way we parted.
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