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Brains On! Podcast, Understanding coronavirus and how germs spread (2)

Understanding coronavirus and how germs spread (2)

Both: Going Viral with Kara and Gilly!

Gilly: ‘Sup Kara, how's things?

Kara: Good - yeah. I've been infecting a new friend. It's going well but I hope they don't get sick of me.

Gilly: Uh, Kara are you trying out your stand up material on me again?

Kara: Yeah! I'm performing tomorrow night at the Snot Factory!

Gilly: Well, that joke was a little on the nose.

Kara: I'd rather be IN the nose. Eh? !

Gilly: You're a dork but I love you.

Kara: Aw.

Gilly: So - we got some fan mail.

Kara: FAN MAIL! Ohh yeah!

Gilly: Let's see - whoa. OK.

Kara: Is it -- what is it?

Gilly: It's like a bunch of questions. Here - let me play them.

Asher: Hi, my name's Asher from Los Angeles, California. How do viruses move from one person to another?

Finn and Ellis: Hi, this is Finn and Ellis and we want to know how are viruses formed?

Anna and Charlie: This is Anna and Charlie and our questions are what are viruses, how do they make people sick and are they alive?

Amelia and Isaac: Hi my name's Amelia. And I'm Isaac. How does your body react to a virus and why?

Kara: Cute. Love it.

Gilly: Yeah. Super cute. OK -- so, here's the QnD --

Kara: -- Quick and Dirty --

Gilly: -- On us viruses. We're ultra-tiny, microscopic bits of genetic material. Are we living? Are we dead?

Kara: Meh - it's not really clear.

Gilly: Kinda depends on your definition of living.

Kara: So true. What is clear though, is we need to invade a living cell to make more of ourselves.

Gilly: Exactly. And that's where you come in, Viralinos -- our wonderful, dedicated friends of the pod.

For us to spread - we need to travel from one infected person to another. And in humans, we like to do that in viral droplets!

Kara: Viral droplets are like carpools for viruses -- but instead of SUVs and minivans -- it's spit and boogers.

Gilly: The only way to travel.

Kara: When someone sneezes or coughs - they shoot out these little droplets of saliva or mucus full of viruses.

Gilly: Sometimes we land straight in a mouth!

Kara: GOAL!

Gilly: Or up a nose or in an eye. Your average cold or flu virus can only infect you if it gets in one of those places.

Kara: It's mouth, nose or eye -- or kiss your infecting days goodbye!

Gilly: Right -- but after a cough most of the time we land on the floor.

Kara: Womp womp.

Gilly: Or a wall. Or a table. Whatever.

Kara: Viral droplets don't have GPS - so it's literally a toss-up.

Gilly: BUT - some viruses can survive several hours or even days outside a body. So say you pick up something from the floor. Or touch that table.

Kara: Ohhh. I like where this is going.

Gilly: Then we get on your hand…

Kara: Uh-huh...

Gilly: And then you take your hand…

Kara: Oh I love this part!


Kara: YUSS! We're in!

Gilly: And you thought you were just biting your nails or picking your nose.

Kara: Or stroking your teeth for good luck.

Gilly: Kara - humans don't do that.

Kara: I have no idea what they do, they're so weird.

Gilly: Truth! Well, once we're in that's when we shine!

Kara: And by shine, she totally means we try to sneak inside one of your cells and turn it into a virus factory.

Gilly: Sometimes your body's immune system stops us before we really spread.

Kara: Boo!

Gilly: But other times -- we make it to a cell. You have so many - it's no biggie. We just hack it so it makes viruses.

Kara: And when that viral cell factory is totally full of new viruses - it explodes! But you know, in a fun way.

Gilly: Well, the cell dies.

Kara: Fun for us I mean.

Gilly: Right right right. It is fun! Viruses shoot out everywhere! We infect new cells and that's how you get sick!

Kara: Yep. Then - it's your turn to give us a ride on a viral droplet to our next destination.

Gilly: Road trip!

Kara: Hey Gilly - you know what a virus's favorite road movie is?

Gilly: What?

Kara: Sneezy Rider!

Gilly: Please don't put that in your stand up set. Anyway, after the break -- when bodies fight back!

Kara: Keep listening!

Kara: We wanna give a special shout out to today's sponsors:

Both: People who don't cover their mouths!

Gilly: They have been with us since the very first episode and, I mean this, we wouldn't be here without them.

Kara: Whether you're a virus planning a trip by sneeze, cough, spittle or explosive burp -- People Who Don't Cover Their Mouths is your best bet for getting to your destination.

Gilly: They've got sick people around the globe who just don't cover their face holes. So no matter where you're headed, there's probably a person not covering their mouth to help you get there.

Kara: Get a 10 percent discount on your next trip by entering the code GOING VIRAL.

Both: Bon voyage!

Gilly: And we're back!

Kara: So yeah, like we were saying it's all fun and games until the human body starts fighting back.

Gilly: Uch, immune systems are the WORST.

Kara: Yeah, you humans have cells that are specifically bent on destroying us foreign invaders. And it's hard not to take it personally.

Gilly: Seriously, like what did I ever do to you? I mean, we just want to, like, take over your cells. You have lots of them. I don't want to say it's greedy -- but maybe it's a little greedy?

Kara: Your immune system has a bunch of ways of fighting back. Like when you get a fever -- that's your body making it very unpleasant and hot for us.

Gilly: And all that extra snot makes it harder for us to attach to your cells.

Kara: And you know when you feel all tired? That's your body focusing on getting rid of us -- I mean, hello! You don't have endless amounts of energy. You need to pri-or-i-tize.

Gilly: And those aches? Your body is making more cells to fight us off.

Kara: So when you think about it, it's not really us making you feel like poop. It's your own body.

Gilly: Accurate. To be fair, if it didn't stop us we'd take over your entire body. We're ambitious.

Kara: In conclusion, thanks for nothing, humans!

Gilly: Alright, that's all we have time for today.

Kara: Yeah, this is getting me all worked up. I need a break.

Gilly: Until next time, we're gonna hang out on a door handle!

Kara: Byeeee!

Molly: You can learn more about how your immune system springs into action in our episode “How do flu vaccines work?”

Gus: Go check it out! And, Molly, lets…

Molly: Sanitize that microphone those viruses were using?

Gus: Yes.

Molly: Good idea.

[Brains On cue]

Molly: Ok Gus, are you ready to hear the Mystery Sound again?

Gus: Yes.

Molly: All right, here it is:

[Mystery sound]

Molly: Last time you thought maybe a photocopier or a scanner, do you have any new thoughts?

Gus: Well, what's that called when… it's an MRI, right? Where you get put into that big tube-like machine? I thought it might be something like that.

Molly: All right well, the answer is: it's a… automatic hand sanitizer dispenser.

Gus: Ohhhh!

Molly: So it's one of those machines where you stick your hand under and it squirts out some hand sanitizer right into your hand.

Gus: Yeah, they have those at the zoo up the hill from my house at the bird feeding exhibit.

Molly: Yeah. They are very handy to have around, especially these days when people are talking about washing their hands and keeping them very clean to stop this virus from spreading.

Molly: Like we mentioned -- the coronavirus seems to hit grown-ups harder than kids.

Gus: Yeah, and even though most people have gotten better, a virus-like this can be especially dangerous for older adults and people already dealing with other medical issues.

Molly: Right. So it's up to all of us to stop this virus from spreading.

Gus: That's why we're sharing this important message from two stars of the WHF.

Molly: World Handwashing Federation!

[Wrestling music]

Hygiene Hank: Listen here Coronavirus -- Hygiene Hank has some words for you.

PJ McSuds: That's right - and you're gonna feel the wrath of me -- PJ McSuds. Boo yah!

Hygiene Hank: We're gonna tag team this situation and body slam you back into oblivion pal!

PJ McSuds: We're gonna dropkick you into the dark ages!

Hygiene Hank: We're gonna sanitize you into smithereens!

PJ McSuds: Coronavirus -- when we're done with you, you'll be the one needing lots of fluids and two weeks bedrest. Boo yah!

Hygiene Hank: First off we're gonna hit ya where it hurts -- on our hands!

PJ McSuds: That's right, we're gonna scrub our mitts for 20 seconds -- AT LEAST!

Hygiene Hank: And we're gonna make sure we wash our nail beds, our knuckles and all those little nooks and crannies where cowards like you like to hide!

PJ McSuds: PJ McSuds likes to sing her ABCs to make sure she's washing long enough. Boo yah!

Hygiene Hank: Oh yeah, that's a jam! And Hygiene Hank likes to hum happy birthday…

PJ McSuds: Mmmhm

Hygiene Hank: -- TWICE!

PJ McSuds: Whoa -- You're an animal Hank!

Hygiene Hank: I KNOW!

PJ McSuds: And hear this Coronavirus -- we might even use hand sanitizer on you!

Hygiene Hank: Oooh yeah. It's gonna be the kind with at least 60 percent alcohol -- because we know that's the kind that wipes out little nitwits like you.

PJ McSuds: But don't you think for a minute we're just gonna sanitize and forget about washing -- because PJ McSuds and Hygiene Hank know that handwashing is still the NUMBER ONE way to get rid of viruses -- but sometimes we can't find a sink, so we sanitize.

Hygiene Hank: Nail on the head PJ. Nail on the head. And you know what else we're gonna do my compadre?

PJ McSuds: Oh do I ever.

Hygiene Hank: We're going to hit you with our famous…

Both: Power Elbow!

PJ McSuds: KA POW! That's when we sneeze or cough -- right into our elbows!

Hank Hygiene: That way if we're sick we don't spread you and your puny little friends around in the air!

PJ McSuds: No way brother!

Hygiene Hank: Are we gonna wear masks PJ McSuds?

PJ: Only if we're sick Hank. Because most masks don't really stop viruses from getting to you.

Hygiene Hank: But they do seem to help if you're sick and you don't want to spread it.

PJ McSuds: But most of the time -- you can try to stay safe by standing 3 to 6 feet away from someone who might be sick.

Hygiene Hank: But PJ, I got a serious question here my friend -- what if we're working in a hospital?

PJ McSuds: You mean, like when PJ McSuds moonlights as a nurse?

Hygiene Hank: Of course I do PJ!

PJ McSuds: Well -- if someone is sick with coronavirus and PJ McSuds is caring for them, then PJ McSuds wears... an N95 mask!

Hygiene Hank: No! Not the --

PJ McSuds: YES - the N…

Hygiene Hank: Ohhh no.

PJ McSuds: Ninety…

Hygiene Hank: Let ‘em have it compadre...

PJ McSuds: ...FIVE!

Hygiene Hank: BOOM. THERE IT IS! The gold standard for healthcare professionals.

But regular ‘ol blokes, or even super wrestlers like me -- we don't need that. Because you know what coronavirus -- we have another way to knock you out.

PJ McSuds: That's right, we're gonna pin you down for the count with our famous finisher! The N-T-O-F...


Hygiene Hank: That's where we don't touch our face with our hands…. unless we've washed them…

PJ McSuds: Yeah, that's pretty much it. Just use a tissue instead bruh.

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Understanding coronavirus and how germs spread (2) Verständnis des Coronavirus und der Ausbreitung von Krankheitserregern (2) Coronavirus y su propagación (2) コロナウイルスと感染経路の理解 (2) Compreender o coronavírus e a forma como os germes se propagam (2) Koronavirüsü ve mikropların nasıl yayıldığını anlamak (2) 了解冠状病毒和细菌如何传播 (2)

**Both:** __Going Viral with Kara and Gilly__! ||病毒式||||

**Gilly:** ‘Sup Kara, how's things? Gilly: Hey Kara|What's up|||

**Kara:** Good - yeah. I've been infecting a new friend. ||感染||| ||anstecken||| It's going well but I hope they don't get sick of me.

**Gilly:** Uh, Kara are you trying out your stand up material on me __again__?

**Kara:** Yeah! I'm performing tomorrow night at the Snot Factory! ||||||鼻涕| ||||||Comedy club|

**Gilly:** Well, that joke was a little on the nose.

**Kara:** I'd rather be __IN__ the nose. __Eh? !__

**Gilly:** You're a dork but I love you. |||傻瓜|||| |||Trottel||||

**Kara:** Aw.

**Gilly:** So - we got some fan mail.

**Kara:** FAN MAIL! Ohh yeah! I understand!|

**Gilly:** Let's see - whoa. OK.

**Kara:** Is it -- what is it?

**Gilly:** It's like a bunch of questions. Here - let me play them.

**Asher:** Hi, my name's Asher from Los Angeles, California. Asher|||||||| How do viruses move from one person to another?

**Finn and Ellis:** Hi, this is Finn and Ellis and we want to know how are viruses formed? a person's name||||||||Ellis: Hello|||||||||

**Anna and Charlie:** This is Anna and Charlie and our questions are what are viruses, how do they make people sick and are they alive?

**Amelia and Isaac:** Hi my name's Amelia. And I'm Isaac. How does your body react to a virus and why?

**Kara:** Cute. Love it.

**Gilly:** Yeah. Super cute. OK -- so, here's the QnD -- ||||Quick and Dirty

**Kara:** -- Quick and Dirty --

**Gilly:** -- On us viruses. We're ultra-tiny, microscopic bits of genetic material. Are we living? Are we dead?

**Kara:** Meh - it's not really clear. |Not impressive||||

**Gilly:** Kinda depends on your definition of living.

**Kara:** So true. What __is__ clear though, is we need to invade a living cell to make more of ourselves. |||虽然|||||||||||||

**Gilly:** Exactly. And that's where __you__ come in, Viralinos -- our wonderful, dedicated friends of the pod. ||||||维拉利诺斯|||忠诚的|||| ||||||loyal podcast listeners|||||||

For us to spread - we need to travel from one infected person to another. And in humans, we like to do that in viral droplets! ||||||||||Tröpfchen

**Kara:** Viral droplets are like carpools for viruses -- but instead of SUVs and minivans -- it's spit and boogers. ||飞沫|||||||||||||唾液|| |||||Fahrgemeinschaften|||||||||||| |||||shared rides||||||large family vehicles||||||

**Gilly:** The only way to travel.

**Kara:** When someone sneezes or coughs - they shoot out these little droplets of saliva or mucus full of viruses. |||||||||||||||粘液|||

**Gilly:** Sometimes we land straight in a mouth!

**Kara:** GOAL!

**Gilly:** Or up a nose or in an eye. Your average cold or flu virus can only infect you if it gets in one of those places.

**Kara:** It's mouth, nose or eye -- or kiss your infecting days goodbye!

**Gilly:** Right -- but after a cough most of the time we land on the floor.

**Kara:** Womp womp. ||哇 |Disappointment or failure.|Disappointment sound effect.

**Gilly:** Or a wall. Or a table. Whatever.

**Kara:** Viral droplets don't have GPS - so it's literally a toss-up. ||||||||||抛掷|

**Gilly:** BUT - some viruses can survive several hours or even days outside a body. So say you pick up something from the floor. Or touch that table.

**Kara:** Ohhh. |I see I like where this is going.

**Gilly:** Then we get on your hand…

**Kara:** Uh-huh...

**Gilly:** And then you take your hand…

**Kara:** Oh I love this part!


**Kara:** YUSS! |Yes! We're in!

**Gilly:** And you thought you were just biting your nails or picking your nose.

**Kara:** Or stroking your teeth for good luck. ||das Streicheln|||||

**Gilly:** Kara - humans don't do that.

**Kara:** I have no idea what they do, they're so weird.

**Gilly:** Truth! Well, once we're in that's when we shine!

**Kara:** And by shine, she totally means we try to sneak inside one of your cells and turn it into a virus factory.

**Gilly:** Sometimes your body's immune system stops us before we really spread.

**Kara:** Boo! |嗨

**Gilly:** But other times -- we make it to a cell. You have so many - it's no biggie. We just hack it so it makes viruses.

**Kara:** And when that viral cell factory is totally full of new viruses - it explodes! But you know, in a fun way.

**Gilly:** Well, the cell dies.

**Kara:** Fun for us I mean.

**Gilly:** Right right right. It __is__ fun! Viruses shoot out everywhere! We infect new cells and that's how you get sick!

**Kara:** Yep. Then - it's __your__ turn to give us a ride on a viral droplet to our next destination.

**Gilly:** Road trip!

**Kara:** Hey Gilly - you know what a virus's favorite road movie is?

**Gilly:** What?

**Kara:** Sneezy Rider! |嗓子疼|骑士

**Gilly:** Please don't put that in your stand up set. Anyway, after the break -- when bodies fight back!

**Kara:** Keep listening!

**Kara:** We wanna give a special shout out to today's sponsors:

**Both:** People who don't cover their mouths!

**Gilly:** They have been with us since the very first episode and, I mean this, we wouldn't be here without them.

**Kara:** Whether you're a virus planning a trip by sneeze, cough, spittle or explosive burp -- __People Who Don't Cover Their Mouths__ is your best bet for getting to your destination. |||||||||打喷嚏|咳|唾液|||打嗝|||||||||||||||

**Gilly:** They've got sick people around the globe who just don't cover their face holes. So no matter where you're headed, there's probably a person not covering their mouth to help you get there.

**Kara:** Get a 10 percent discount on your next trip by entering the code GOING VIRAL.

**Both:** Bon voyage! |祝|旅程

**Gilly:** And we're back!

**Kara:** So yeah, like we were saying it's all fun and games until the human body starts fighting back.

**Gilly:** Uch, immune systems are the WORST. |呜||||| |Ugh|||||

**Kara:** Yeah, you humans have cells that are specifically bent on destroying us foreign invaders. And it's hard not to take it personally.

**Gilly:** Seriously, like what did I ever do to you? I mean, we just want to, like, take over your cells. You have lots of them. I don't want to say it's greedy -- but maybe it's a little greedy? ||||||贪婪||||||贪心

**Kara:** Your immune system has a bunch of ways of fighting back. Like when you get a fever -- that's your body making it very unpleasant and hot for us.

**Gilly:** And all that extra snot makes it harder for us to attach to your cells. |||||鼻涕||||||||||

**Kara:** And you know when you feel all tired? That's your body focusing on getting rid of us -- I mean, hello! You don't have endless amounts of energy. You need to pri-or-i-tize. |||优先||| |||give priority to|||give priority to

**Gilly:** And those aches? Your body is making more cells to fight us off.

**Kara:** So when you think about it, it's not really us making you feel like poop. |||||||||||||||糟糕 It's your own body.

**Gilly:** Accurate. To be fair, if it didn't stop us we'd take over your entire body. We're ambitious.

**Kara:** In conclusion, thanks for nothing, humans!

**Gilly:** Alright, that's all we have time for today.

**Kara:** Yeah, this is getting me all worked up. |||||||激动| I need a break.

**Gilly:** Until next time, we're gonna hang out on a door handle!

**Kara:** Byeeee! |再见 |See you!

**Molly:** You can learn more about how your immune system springs into action in our episode “How do flu vaccines work?” ||||||||||启动||||||||||

**Gus:** Go check it out! And, Molly, lets… |Molly|

**Molly:** Sanitize that microphone those viruses were using? |消毒||||||

**Gus:** Yes.

**Molly:** Good idea.

**[Brains On cue]**

**Molly:** Ok Gus, are you ready to hear the Mystery Sound again?

**Gus:** Yes.

**Molly:** All right, here it is:

**[Mystery sound]**

**Molly:** Last time you thought maybe a photocopier or a scanner, do you have any new thoughts?

**Gus:** Well, what's that called when… it's an MRI, right? Where you get put into that big tube-like machine? |||||||管子|| I thought it might be something like that.

**Molly:** All right well, the answer is: it's a… automatic hand sanitizer dispenser. ||||||||||||分配器

**Gus:** Ohhhh! |I understand!

**Molly:** So it's one of those machines where you stick your hand under and it squirts out some hand sanitizer right into your hand. |||||||||||||||喷||||洗手液|||| |||||||||||||||dispenses||||||||

**Gus:** Yeah, they have those at the zoo up the hill from my house at the bird feeding exhibit.

**Molly:** Yeah. They are very handy to have around, especially these days when people are talking about washing their hands and keeping them very clean to stop this virus from spreading.

**Molly:** Like we mentioned -- the coronavirus seems to hit grown-ups harder than kids.

**Gus:** Yeah, and even though most people have gotten better, a virus-like this can be especially dangerous for older adults and people already dealing with other medical issues.

**Molly:** Right. So it's up to all of us to stop this virus from spreading.

**Gus:** That's why we're sharing this important message from two stars of the WHF. |||||||||||||World Health Foundation

**Molly:** World Handwashing Federation! |||联合会

**[Wrestling music]** 摔跤|

**Hygiene Hank:** Listen here Coronavirus -- Hygiene Hank has some words for you. 卫生|汉克||||||||||

**PJ McSuds:** That's right - and you're gonna feel the wrath of __me__ -- PJ McSuds. |||||||||愤怒||||PJ McSuds Boo yah! 呜|

**Hygiene Hank:** We're gonna tag team this situation and body slam you back into oblivion pal! ||||||||||||||遗忘|

**PJ McSuds:** We're gonna dropkick you into the dark ages! ||||飞踢||||| |tough fighter|||forcefully send|||||

**Hygiene Hank:** We're gonna sanitize you into smithereens! ||||消毒|||碎片 |||||||tiny pieces

**PJ McSuds:** Coronavirus -- when we're done with you, __you'll__ be the one needing lots of fluids and two weeks bedrest. |||||||||||||||||||卧床休息 |||||||||||||||||||rest in bed Boo yah!

**Hygiene Hank:** First off we're gonna hit ya where it hurts -- on our hands!

**PJ McSuds:** That's right, we're gonna scrub our mitts for 20 seconds -- __AT LEAST!__ ||||||洗||手|||| ||||||clean thoroughly||hands||||

**Hygiene Hank:** And we're gonna make sure we wash our nail beds, our knuckles and all those little nooks and crannies where cowards like you like to hide! ||||||||||||||||||角落||缝隙||懦夫||||| ||||||||||||||||||hidden corners||small hidden spaces|||||||

**PJ McSuds:** PJ McSuds likes to sing her ABCs to make sure she's washing long enough. ||||||||alphabet song||||||| Boo yah!

**Hygiene Hank:** Oh yeah, that's a jam! And Hygiene Hank likes to hum happy birthday…

**PJ McSuds:** Mmmhm ||I agree

**Hygiene Hank:** -- __TWICE!__

**PJ McSuds:** Whoa -- You're an animal Hank! ||||||汉克

**Hygiene Hank:** I KNOW!

**PJ McSuds:** And hear this Coronavirus -- we might even use hand sanitizer on you!

**Hygiene Hank:** Oooh yeah. It's gonna be the kind with at least __60 percent__ alcohol -- because we know that's the kind that wipes out little nitwits like you. ||||||||||||||||||||傻瓜|| ||||||||||||||||||||germs or viruses||

**PJ McSuds:** But don't you think for a minute we're __just__ gonna sanitize and forget about washing -- because PJ McSuds and Hygiene Hank know that handwashing is still the NUMBER ONE way to get rid of viruses -- but sometimes we can't find a sink, so we sanitize.

**Hygiene Hank:** Nail on the head PJ. ||钉子|||| Nail on the head. And you know what else we're gonna do my compadre? |||||||||老兄 |||||||||my close friend

**PJ McSuds:** Oh do I ever.

**Hygiene Hank:** We're going to hit you with our famous…

**Both:** Power Elbow! ||肘子

**PJ McSuds:** KA POW! ||Knockout Action| That's when we sneeze or cough -- right into our elbows!

**Hank Hygiene:** That way if we're sick we don't spread you and your puny little friends around in the air! |||||||||||||微小||||||

**PJ McSuds:** No way brother!

**Hygiene Hank:** Are we gonna wear masks PJ McSuds?

**PJ:** Only if we're sick Hank. Because most masks don't really stop viruses from getting to you.

**Hygiene Hank:** But they __do__ seem to help if you're sick and you don't want to spread it.

**PJ McSuds:** But most of the time -- you can try to stay safe by standing 3 to 6 feet away from someone who might be sick.

**Hygiene Hank:** But PJ, I got a serious question here my friend -- what if we're working in a hospital?

**PJ McSuds:** You mean, like when PJ McSuds moonlights as a nurse? ||||||||兼职|||

**Hygiene Hank:** Of course I do PJ!

**PJ McSuds:** Well -- if someone is sick with coronavirus and PJ McSuds is caring for them, then PJ McSuds wears... an N95 mask!

**Hygiene Hank:** No! Not the --

**PJ McSuds:** YES - the N…

**Hygiene Hank:** Ohhh no.

**PJ McSuds:** Ninety…

**Hygiene Hank:** Let ‘em have it compadre... ||||||buddy

**PJ McSuds:** ...FIVE!

**Hygiene Hank:** BOOM. THERE IT IS! The gold standard for healthcare professionals.

But regular ‘ol blokes, or even super wrestlers like me -- we don't need that. ||老|家伙||||摔跤手|||||| |||ordinary men|||||||||| Because you know what coronavirus -- we have another way to knock you out.

**PJ McSuds:** That's right, we're gonna pin you down for the count with our famous finisher! The N-T-O-F...


**Hygiene Hank:** That's where we don't touch our face with our hands…. unless we've washed them…

**PJ McSuds:** Yeah, that's pretty much it. Just use a tissue instead bruh.