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01.Speaking, 44.Dealing with Mental Health

Christian: So recently, I've been coming across a lot of mental health posts on social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. And I've just been wondering, what is mental health? Could you please explain it to me?

Tahia: Sure. So in a nutshell, mental health is about the day-in, day-out state of our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. But unfortunately, we tend to neglect our mental health and brush it aside until it snowballs into a more serious problem and even a mental health disorder in some cases.

Christian: Wow. Okay. Could you please explain what is a mental health disorder, and what kind of different mental health disorders are there?

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Tahia: So, everybody experiences mental health issues, but for some people, they might have a mental health disorder genetically, or for some people, they might develop mental health disorders over time. So there are about five categories of mental health disorders, I would say. The first one is mood disorders like depression and bipolar, where you can be really happy one moment and extremely sad the next, and this can actually start interrupting your day to day life and your ability to complete simple tasks. There's also psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, where you can hallucinate. There's body disorders like anorexia and body dysmorphia, which affects the way that you look at yourself physically and ultimately affects how you psychologically perceive yourself. There are also cognitive disorders, which are issues relating to learning difficulties, Alzheimer's and things like this. And then the final, perhaps most common area of mental health disorders is anxiety, which includes things like social anxiety and OCD, which stands for obsessive compulsive disorder. So this could be for example, obsessively cleaning, because you feel as though if you don't clean, you're being lazy or you feel like you can't be productive. So that's kind of the five different categories of mental health disorders that I think are out there at the moment.

Christian: Wow. That's very interesting. And I do think that I have social anxiety because whenever I go out, I tend to get very nervous and sweaty. So for someone like me and for other people that may have other mental health disorders, what can we do to improve our mental health?

Tahia: Well, depending on what you think you're struggling with, there are loads of different techniques and specific things that you can do to tackle them. So, for example, have you seen fidget toys recently on social media?

Christian: Yeah, I have.

Tahia: So, fidget toys are a really good way to just manage your anxiety. So, for example, my little sister loves using fidget toys when she's speaking or when she's thinking about something that's making her feel stressed out. It's just a way of physically releasing some of the energy that you have built up inside of you because of your anxiety.

Christian: Wow. That's amazing. I think I'm going to have to buy one.

Tahia: Definitely. I would recommend it. But apart from more specific things that you can do, I have some general advice. I think that we really have to take care of our physical health, meaning exercising and eating and drinking the right foods and lots of water. We also have to make sure that we're spending time with our friends and families and then we take time for ourselves. I personally love meditating as this is me time. And I also like doing self care activities like putting on a mask and going to the salon to look and feel good. I would really recommend that you spend a lot of me time and do have a self-care activity that you care about. What activity would you do?

Christian: I think I would do meditating, but I'm not too sure how to do it. Could you please explain to me how I could meditate?

Tahia: Sure. There are loads of useful apps that you could use that gives you tips and techniques on how to meditate. One that I use is Balance, and it teaches me how to use breathing techniques to manage my stress. For example, by breathing in for four seconds, holding my breath for seven seconds and breathing out for eight seconds, which is called the 4-7-8 technique. You should definitely try that.

Christian: Amazing. I will definitely try that. Thank you.

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Christian: So recently, I've been coming across a lot of mental health posts on social media, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. Christian: Recentemente, tenho-me deparado com muitas publicações sobre saúde mental nas redes sociais, como o Instagram, o Twitter, o Facebook e o YouTube. Крістіан: Останнім часом я натрапив на багато публікацій про психічне здоров’я в соціальних мережах, таких як Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube. And I've just been wondering, what is mental health? Y me he estado preguntando, ¿qué es la salud mental? І я просто задавався питанням, що таке психічне здоров’я? Could you please explain it to me?

Tahia: Sure. Tahia: Sicher.| So in a nutshell, mental health is about the day-in, day-out state of our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. |||summary||||||||||||||||| En pocas palabras, la salud mental es el estado diario de nuestro bienestar emocional, psicológico y social. Em suma, a saúde mental diz respeito ao estado quotidiano do nosso bem-estar emocional, psicológico e social. Отже, у двох словах, психічне здоров’я – це повсякденний стан нашого емоційного, психологічного та соціального благополуччя. But unfortunately, we tend to neglect our mental health and brush it aside until it snowballs into a more serious problem and even a mental health disorder in some cases. |||||||||||||||sich aufbaut|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||condition||| Pero desafortunadamente, tendemos a descuidar nuestra salud mental y la dejamos de lado hasta que se convierte en un problema más serio e incluso en un trastorno de salud mental en algunos casos. Але, на жаль, ми схильні нехтувати своїм психічним здоров’ям і відкидати його вбік, поки воно не переросте в більш серйозну проблему, а в деяких випадках навіть у психічний розлад.

Christian: Wow. Christian: Wow. Okay. Ok. Could you please explain what is a mental health disorder, and what kind of different mental health disorders are there? |||||||||||||||||Störungen|| Чи могли б ви пояснити, що таке розлад психічного здоров’я та які існують різні розлади психічного здоров’я?

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Tahia: So, everybody experiences mental health issues, but for some people, they might have a mental health disorder genetically, or for some people, they might develop mental health disorders over time. Tahia: Entonces, todo el mundo experimenta problemas de salud mental, pero para algunas personas, pueden tener un trastorno de salud mental genéticamente, o para otras personas, pueden desarrollar trastornos de salud mental con el tiempo. Тахія: Отже, усі відчувають проблеми з психічним здоров’ям, але в деяких людей вони можуть мати генетичні розлади психічного здоров’я, або в деяких людей у них можуть розвинутися психічні розлади з часом. So there are about five categories of mental health disorders, I would say. Así que hay aproximadamente cinco categorías de trastornos de salud mental, yo diría. The first one is mood disorders like depression and bipolar, where you can be really happy one moment and extremely sad the next, and this can actually start interrupting your day to day life and your ability to complete simple tasks. |||||mental health conditions||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| El primero es trastornos del estado de ánimo como la depresión y el trastorno bipolar, donde puedes estar muy feliz en un momento y extremadamente triste al siguiente, y esto puede interferir en tu vida diaria y tu capacidad para completar tareas simples. Перший – це розлади настрою, такі як депресія та біполярний розлад, коли ви можете бути справді щасливими в один момент, а наступного – дуже сумним, і це може фактично почати переривати ваше повсякденне життя та вашу здатність виконувати прості завдання. There's also psychotic disorders like schizophrenia, where you can hallucinate. ||psychotische|||Schizophrenie||||halluzinieren Існують також психотичні розлади, такі як шизофренія, коли ви можете галюцинувати. There's body disorders like anorexia and body dysmorphia, which affects the way that you look at yourself physically and ultimately affects how you psychologically perceive yourself. Існують розлади тіла, такі як анорексія та дисморфія тіла, які впливають на те, як ви дивитеся на себе фізично, і, зрештою, на те, як ви сприймаєте себе психологічно. There are also cognitive disorders, which are issues relating to learning difficulties, Alzheimer's and things like this. |||mental processes||||||||||||| También hay trastornos cognitivos, que son problemas relacionados con dificultades de aprendizaje, Alzheimer y cosas por el estilo. Існують також когнітивні розлади, які пов’язані з труднощами в навчанні, хворобою Альцгеймера тощо. And then the final, perhaps most common area of mental health disorders is anxiety, which includes things like social anxiety and OCD, which stands for obsessive compulsive disorder. |||||||||||||不安||||||||強迫性障害|||||| Y por último, quizá el área más común de los trastornos mentales es la ansiedad, que incluye cosas como la ansiedad social y el TOC, que significa trastorno obsesivo compulsivo. І останньою, можливо, найпоширенішою сферою розладів психічного здоров’я є тривога, яка включає такі речі, як соціальна тривога та ОКР, що означає обсесивно-компульсивний розлад. So this could be for example, obsessively cleaning, because you feel as though if you don't clean, you're being lazy or you feel like you can't be productive. ||||||執拗に||||||||||||||||||||| Podría ser, por ejemplo, limpiar obsesivamente, porque sientes que si no limpias, estás siendo perezoso o sientes que no puedes ser productivo. Таким чином, це може бути, наприклад, нав’язливе прибирання, тому що ви відчуваєте, ніби ви не прибираєте, ви лінуєтеся або вам здається, що ви не можете бути продуктивними. So that's kind of the five different categories of mental health disorders that I think are out there at the moment. Éstas son las cinco categorías de trastornos mentales que creo que existen en la actualidad. Тож, на мою думку, наразі існує п’ять різних категорій розладів психічного здоров’я.

Christian: Wow. That's very interesting. Eso es muy interesante. And I do think that I have social anxiety because whenever I go out, I tend to get very nervous and sweaty. |||||||||||||||||||||汗をかいた Y sí creo que tengo ansiedad social porque siempre que salgo, tiendo a ponerme muy nerviosa y a sudar. І я дійсно думаю, що у мене є соціальна тривога, тому що коли я виходжу на вулицю, я дуже нервую і спітнію. So for someone like me and for other people that may have other mental health disorders, what can we do to improve our mental health? |||||||||||||||conditions||||||||| Отже, що ми можемо зробити, щоб покращити своє психічне здоров’я для таких людей, як я та інших людей, які можуть мати інші розлади психічного здоров’я?

Tahia: Well, depending on what you think you're struggling with, there are loads of different techniques and specific things that you can do to tackle them. Tahia: Bueno, dependiendo de lo que creas que te está costando, hay un montón de técnicas diferentes y cosas específicas que puedes hacer para abordarlas. Тахія: Що ж, залежно від того, з чим ви думаєте, що боретеся, є багато різних технік і конкретних речей, які ви можете зробити, щоб впоратися з ними. So, for example, have you seen fidget toys recently on social media? Entonces, por ejemplo, ¿has visto juguetes antiestrés recientemente en las redes sociales? Por exemplo, viu recentemente brinquedos fidget nas redes sociais? Тож, наприклад, ви нещодавно бачили непосидні іграшки в соціальних мережах?

Christian: Yeah, I have. Christian: Sí, los he visto.

Tahia: So, fidget toys are a really good way to just manage your anxiety. Tahia: Los juguetes inquietantes son una buena forma de controlar la ansiedad. Тахія: Отже, непосиди-іграшки — це справді хороший спосіб просто впоратися з тривогою. So, for example, my little sister loves using fidget toys when she's speaking or when she's thinking about something that's making her feel stressed out. Así que, por ejemplo, a mi hermana pequeña le encanta usar juguetes antiestrés cuando está hablando o cuando está pensando en algo que la está estresando. It's just a way of physically releasing some of the energy that you have built up inside of you because of your anxiety. Es simplemente una manera de liberar físicamente algo de la energía que has acumulado dentro de ti debido a tu ansiedad. Це просто спосіб фізичного вивільнення частини енергії, яку ви накопичили всередині себе через тривогу.

Christian: Wow. Christian: ¡Guau! That's amazing. I think I'm going to have to buy one. Creo que voy a tener que comprar uno.

Tahia: Definitely. I would recommend it. ¡Lo recomendaría! But apart from more specific things that you can do, I have some general advice. Pero aparte de las cosas más específicas que puedes hacer, tengo algunos consejos generales. Але крім більш конкретних речей, які ви можете зробити, у мене є кілька загальних порад. I think that we really have to take care of our physical health, meaning exercising and eating and drinking the right foods and lots of water. Creo que realmente tenemos que cuidar nuestra salud física, lo que significa hacer ejercicio y comer y beber los alimentos correctos y mucha agua. Я вважаю, що ми дійсно повинні дбати про своє фізичне здоров’я, тобто займатися спортом, їсти та пити правильну їжу та багато води. We also have to make sure that we're spending time with our friends and families and then we take time for ourselves. También tenemos que asegurarnos de pasar tiempo con nuestros amigos y familiares, y luego dedicarnos tiempo a nosotros mismos. Ми також повинні переконатися, що ми проводимо час з нашими друзями та родиною, а потім ми приділяємо час собі. I personally love meditating as this is me time. Personalmente me encanta meditar, ya que es mi momento. And I also like doing self care activities like putting on a mask and going to the salon to look and feel good. También me gusta hacer actividades de cuidado personal como ponerme una mascarilla e ir al salón para lucir y sentirme bien. А ще мені подобається займатися самообслуговуванням, наприклад надягати маску та ходити в салон, щоб виглядати та почуватися добре. I would really recommend that you spend a lot of me time and do have a self-care activity that you care about. Realmente recomendaría que dediques mucho tiempo para ti y tengas una actividad de cuidado personal en la que te preocupes. Я справді рекомендую вам приділяти багато часу та займатися самообслуговуванням, яке вас цікавить. What activity would you do? ¿Qué actividad realizarías?

Christian: I think I would do meditating, but I'm not too sure how to do it. Christian: Creo que me gustaría meditar, pero no estoy muy seguro de cómo hacerlo. Could you please explain to me how I could meditate? ¿Podrías por favor explicarme cómo podría meditar?

Tahia: Sure. Tahia: Claro. There are loads of useful apps that you could use that gives you tips and techniques on how to meditate. Є багато корисних додатків, якими можна скористатися, які дають поради та методи медитації. One that I use is Balance, and it teaches me how to use breathing techniques to manage my stress. For example, by breathing in for four seconds, holding my breath for seven seconds and breathing out for eight seconds, which is called the 4-7-8 technique. Por ejemplo, al inhalar durante cuatro segundos, retener la respiración durante siete segundos y exhalar durante ocho segundos, lo cual se conoce como la técnica 4-7-8. You should definitely try that. Definitivamente deberías intentarlo.

Christian: Amazing. Christian: Increíble. I will definitely try that. Definitivamente lo intentaré. Thank you. Gracias.