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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), How Left/Right Partisanship Starts a Civil War in Spain | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1936 Part 2 of 3 - YouTube (2)

How Left/Right Partisanship Starts a Civil War in Spain | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1936 Part 2 of 3 - YouTube (2)


For one, the battle lines for future conflict have been drawn. On one side a revolutionary

front of workers committed to all-out war. On the other hand, forces of 'order' systematically

repressing their enemies with industrial terror.

Another effect is that, like the rightwing "accidentalists", many on the left decide

to retreat from revolutionary violence. The ideal of left unity remains but it is taking

on a parliamentary form. This is encouraged by the Soviet Union who are now advocating

popular fronts, which even include liberals and social democrats, to counter the fascist

surge. Such a Popular Front is established in January 1936 as a broad coalition in the

election the following month. They win, but by a hair-thin majority of only one-hundred-fifty-thousand

votes. Furious, many on the right now abandon their legalist strategy and take up with the

catastrophists. The CEDA gives up on parliamentary politics and many of its members give up on

the movement and flock to the Falange.

Spain is now entering its most violent phase so far. The spring sees high-profile assassinations

from both the right and left. Paramilitaries loyal to Falangism, Carlism, or Alfonsism

sow terror on the Spanish streets. The CNT are now staging strikes to an unprecedented

degree and street battles are a part of daily life. Even in the Cortes itself things are

getting out of hand with confrontational exchanges and promises of violence between rival politicians.

The military is also becoming an increasing threat. With rumours of a coup flying, the

government now move to counter any hostile threat. Many officers are demoted or transferred

to the far-reaches of Spain. Franco is sent to the Canary Islands. He will spend most

of his time there learning English and playing golf. The governments fears aren't actually

misplaced, though. The rumours are true- top officers and generals have been planning a


But has the crumbling Popular Front regime acted quickly enough to save itself?

In its short life of just five years, the Second Spanish Republic has seen violence

and ideological strife on an unprecedented scale. Uprisings, violent strikes, assassinations,

and street fights have become a daily part of life. Thus far, governments have held on

thanks to the disorganization of the opposition on one side, and the shaky loyalty of the

military on the other. But both these uncertain defences are melting away. A military coup

is in the works, delayed only by the cold feet of certain officers and generals. When

it arrives, will be a bloody, brutal battle waged on the back of the Spanish civilian

population. Political activists on both sides and world leaders will use it as a proxy for

the general struggle of the 1930s. It will inspire literature, art, and polarized public

opinion, dividing the world ever further as we spiral into global catastrophe.

If you'd like to learn even more about civil strife between fascists, socialists, and pretty

much every political color there is then check out our video on the 1930s Austria, you can

click right here.

Our Patron of the week is Mario Slavic. It is because of our patreon supporters that

we can continue making quality history content such as this so be like [!!!] and join us

at patreon.con or timwghost.tv.

And when you think of Spain in the mid 30s, don't forget the old proverb- “Presto

hay un bastón, para dar al perro”. Someone who wants to be cruel will find things to

be cruel about. Salud!

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How Left/Right Partisanship Starts a Civil War in Spain | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1936 Part 2 of 3 - YouTube (2) Cómo el partidismo izquierda/derecha inicia una guerra civil en España | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1936 Parte 2 de 3 - YouTube (2) Comment les partisans de gauche et de droite déclenchent une guerre civile en Espagne | ENTRE 2 GUERRES I 1936 Partie 2 de 3 - YouTube (2) 左派と右派の対立がスペインで内戦を引き起こす|BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1936 Part 2 of 3 - YouTube (2) 좌파/우파 당파가 스페인에서 내전을 일으킨 방법 | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1936 2부/3부 - YouTube (2) Kaip kairiųjų/dešiniųjų partiškumas sukėlė pilietinį karą Ispanijoje | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1936 Part 2 of 3 - YouTube (2) Jak lewicowa/prawicowa partyzantka rozpoczęła wojnę domową w Hiszpanii | MIĘDZY 2 WOJNAMI I 1936 Część 2 z 3 - YouTube (2) Como o partidarismo de esquerda/direita dá início a uma guerra civil em Espanha | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1936 Parte 2 de 3 - YouTube (2) Как левая и правая партизанщина начала гражданскую войну в Испании | МЕЖДУ ДВУМЯ ВОЙНАМИ I 1936 Часть 2 из 3 - YouTube (2) Як ліві/праві партизани розпочали громадянську війну в Іспанії | МІЖ ДВОМА ВІЙНАМИ I 1936 Частина 2 з 3 - YouTube (2) 左/右党派之争如何引发西班牙内战|两次世界大战之间,1936 年,第 2 部分(共 3 部分) - YouTube (2) 左/右黨派之爭如何引發西班牙內戰|兩次世界大戰之間,1936 年,第 2 部分(共 3 部分) - YouTube (2)

effects. Primeiro, as linhas de batalha para o conflito futuro foram traçadas. De um lado, um fronte revolucionário

For one, the battle lines for future conflict have been drawn. On one side a revolutionary

front of workers committed to all-out war. On the other hand, forces of 'order' systematically |||||全面|||||||||| de trabalhadores comprometidos à guerra total. Do outro, forças da "ordem" reprimindo sistematicamente seus inimigos com terror industrial.

repressing their enemies with industrial terror.

Another effect is that, like the rightwing "accidentalists", many on the left decide

to retreat from revolutionary violence. The ideal of left unity remains but it is taking |撤退||||||||||||| da violência revolucionária. O ideal de uma esquerda unida permanece, mas está tomando

on a parliamentary form. This is encouraged by the Soviet Union who are now advocating uma forma parlamentar. Isso é encorajado pela União Soviética, que agora está advogando por frentes populares,

popular fronts, which even include liberals and social democrats, to counter the fascist que até incluem liberais e social-democratas, para conter a onda fascista.

surge. Such a Popular Front is established in January 1936 as a broad coalition in the Uma Frente Popular é estabelecida em Janeiro de 1936, como uma ampla coalizão nas

election the following month. They win, but by a hair-thin majority of only one-hundred-fifty-thousand eleições do mês seguinte. Eles vencem, mas com uma ligeira maioria de apenas 150.000 votos.

votes. Furious, many on the right now abandon their legalist strategy and take up with the Furiosos, muitos na direita agora abandonam sua estratégia legalista e se juntam aos catastrofistas.

catastrophists. The CEDA gives up on parliamentary politics and many of its members give up on

the movement and flock to the Falange. ||||||法兰基

Spain is now entering its most violent phase so far. The spring sees high-profile assassinations |||||||||||||高||

from both the right and left. Paramilitaries loyal to Falangism, Carlism, or Alfonsism

sow terror on the Spanish streets. The CNT are now staging strikes to an unprecedented 在||||||||||||||

degree and street battles are a part of daily life. Even in the Cortes itself things are e batalhas nas ruas são parte da vida cotidiana. Mesmo nas próprias Cortes as coisas estão

getting out of hand with confrontational exchanges and promises of violence between rival politicians. |||||对抗性的|||||||| saindo do controle, com trocas de confrontos e promessas de violência entre políticos rivais.

The military is also becoming an increasing threat. With rumours of a coup flying, the O exército também está se tornando uma ameaça crescente. Com rumores de um golpe surgindo,

government now move to counter any hostile threat. Many officers are demoted or transferred |||||||||||降职||调动 O governo agora se movimenta para conter qualquer ameaça hostil. Muitos oficiais são demovidos ou

to the far-reaches of Spain. Franco is sent to the Canary Islands. He will spend most |||||||||||加那利||||| transferidos para os extremos longínquos da Espanha. Franco é enviado para as Ilhas Canárias. Ele passará

of his time there learning English and playing golf. The governments fears aren't actually a maior parte do seu tempo lá aprendendo inglês e jogando golfe. No entanto, os medos do governo não são realmente extraviados.

misplaced, though. The rumours are true- top officers and generals have been planning a 错位||||||||||||| Os rumores são reais, oficiais do topo e generais estiveram planejando um golpe.


But has the crumbling Popular Front regime acted quickly enough to save itself?

In its short life of just five years, the Second Spanish Republic has seen violence

and ideological strife on an unprecedented scale. Uprisings, violent strikes, assassinations, em uma escala sem precedentes. Revoltas, greves violentas, assassinatos, batalhas nas ruas

and street fights have become a daily part of life. Thus far, governments have held on se tornaram uma parte da vida cotidiana. Até agora, os governos mantiveram-se

thanks to the disorganization of the opposition on one side, and the shaky loyalty of the graças à desorganização da oposição, por um lado, e à lealdade duvidosa do exército, por outro.

military on the other. But both these uncertain defences are melting away. A military coup

is in the works, delayed only by the cold feet of certain officers and generals. When

it arrives, will be a bloody, brutal battle waged on the back of the Spanish civilian

population. Political activists on both sides and world leaders will use it as a proxy for

the general struggle of the 1930s. It will inspire literature, art, and polarized public ||||||||||||两极分化的|

opinion, dividing the world ever further as we spiral into global catastrophe.

If you'd like to learn even more about civil strife between fascists, socialists, and pretty Se gostariam de saber mais sobre conflitos civis entre fascistas, socialistas e praticamente

much every political color there is then check out our video on the 1930s Austria, you can todo espectro político de cores, chequem nosso episódio sobre a Áustria nos anos 30, podem clicar aqui.

click right here.

Our Patron of the week is Mario Slavic. It is because of our patreon supporters that Nosso Patreon da semana é Mario Slavic. É graças aos nossos apoiadores no Patreon que podemos continuar

we can continue making quality history content such as this so be like [!!!] and join us a fazer conteúdo de história de qualidade como esse, seja como Mario e juntem-se no patreon.com ou timeghost.tv.

at patreon.con or timwghost.tv.

And when you think of Spain in the mid 30s, don't forget the old proverb- “Presto ||||||||||||||谚语|

hay un bastón, para dar al perro”. Someone who wants to be cruel will find things to ||拐杖|||||||||||||| "Presto hay un bastón, para dar al perro". Alguém que quer ser cruel, irá encontrar algo para ser cruel. Salud!

be cruel about. Salud!