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2023Q2 - 6 Minute English, 230525 Can climate change cause more disease?

230525 Can climate change cause more disease?


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Beth.


And I'm Neil.


Here at 6 Minute English, we discussed animals adapting their behaviour in response to climate change in earlier programmes, but we didn't focus on one species in detail.

So, in this programme, we'll take a look at an especially unwelcome insect: the mosquito.


Every year, mosquito-borne diseases kill around three-quarters of a million globally, with most deaths occurring in children under five.


With warming temperatures, mosquitos are now spreading to new areas, including Europe.

We'll hear about dengue fever, one of the diseases they bring, and as usual, we'll learn some useful new vocabulary as well.

But first, I have a question for you, Neil.

Dengue isn't the only sickness mosquitos spread, so which of the following is also a mosquito-borne disease? Is it:

a) ebola, b) cholera, or. c) malaria?


I think the answer is c) malaria.


OK, Neil, we'll find out later in the programme.

One country at the forefront of the problem is Indonesia which, in recent years, has seen a surge in dengue-related deaths.

Here's Dr. Dewi Iriani, a paediatrician in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, speaking with BBC World Service programme, The Climate Question.

Dr. Dewi Iriani:

Fever and muscle aches are common symptoms for a viral infection.

But if they're accompanied by symptoms, for example red spots on the skin, or maybe there is a fever that lasts for three days, we can suspect that it's dengue fever. Day five to seven is the critical window for a dengue fever patient.

Sometimes parents don't know about this critical window, and when they bring the child to the hospital, it's difficult for us to help.


Dr. Iriani describes the symptoms of dengue – the signs that indicate the presence of a disease in your body.

These include fever, when your body temperature is higher than normal, and your heart beats very fast.


Dengue is not fatal - if you receive treatment quickly.

There is a critical window between days five and seven of the infection when a patient needs treatment to survive.

A critical window refers to a limited period of time during which action must be taken to achieve a certain result.


Dengue cases in Indonesia have now grown to over 150,000 and many blame climate change.

Periods of drought, when little rain falls, force people to collect drinking water in buckets, giving mosquitos places to breed.


According to Professor Manisha Kulkarni, an epidemiologist from the University of Ottawa, higher temperatures also mean higher rates of replication, something she explained to Paul Conolly, presenter of BBC World Service's, The Climate Question.

Manisha Kulkarni:

The higher the temperature, the quicker that the mosquito can actually replicate that virus within its body, and then be able to transmit it back to another host when it bites.

Paul Conolly:

Manisha also talked about the link between poverty and dengue, which is an important part of this jigsaw isn't it, because as more and more people move to cities and live in cramped conditions, with poor sanitation, then more and more people are exposed to dengue, so there's something of a domino effect here.


Dengue spreads when an infected mosquito bites a host – an animal that another animal lives on or uses for food.

And Professor Kulkarni is concerned about poverty as much as climate change.

She calls it an important part of the jigsaw, an idiom meaning a part of a complicated situation that helps you understand it.


Poverty forces many Indonesians to move into crowded cities with poor sanitation.

These provide the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos creating a domino effect - a situation in which something bad happens, causing further negative consequences.


The domino effect means that dengue is spreading not just in Asia, but in parts of the world which didn't have it before, including France, Spain, and Italy.

But the news isn't all bad.

Fortunately, technology is getting better at slowing the spread, including early warning systems that can predict dengue outbreaks months in advance, and the ongoing work to produce a vaccine.

All of which, hopefully, mean an end to dengue, and similar diseases… speaking of which, Beth, what was the answer to your question?


I asked you to name another mosquito-borne disease, besides dengue.


And I said malaria.


Which was the correct answer! Dengue, malaria, and yellow fever are all diseases spread by mosquitoes.

Right, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme, starting with symptom – a sign of the presence of a disease in your body.


A fever is a medical condition which increases your body temperature and heartbeat.


A critical window is a limited period of time during which action must be taken to achieve the desired outcome.


The word host has several meanings, but in biology it's a plant or animal that another plant or animal lives on as a parasite or uses for food.


The idiom part of the jigsaw,or part of the puzzle, means a part of a complicated situation that helps you to understand it.


And finally, one negative event causing another, which in turn causes another, can be called a domino effect.

Once again, our six minutes are up. Goodbye!



230525 Can climate change cause more disease? |||||doença 230525 ¿Puede el cambio climático provocar más enfermedades? 230525 気候変動は病気を増やすか? 230525 Czy zmiany klimatu mogą powodować więcej chorób? 230525 氣候變化會導致更多疾病嗎?


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Beth.


And I'm Neil.


Here at 6 Minute English, we discussed animals adapting their behaviour in response to climate change in earlier programmes, but we didn't focus on one species in detail. |||||||||comportamento|||||||||||||||||

So, in this programme, we'll take a look at an especially unwelcome insect: the mosquito. |||||||||||indesejado|||mosquito


Every year, mosquito-borne diseases kill around three-quarters of a million globally, with most deaths occurring in children under five. |||transmitidas|||||||||||a maioria|||||| 每年,由蚊子传播的疾病导致全球约75万人死亡,其中大多数死亡发生在五岁以下的儿童。


With warming temperatures, mosquitos are now spreading to new areas, including Europe. ||||||espalhando|||||

We'll hear about dengue fever, one of the diseases they bring, and as usual, we'll learn some useful new vocabulary as well. |||dengue||||||||||||||||||

But first, I have a question for you, Neil.

Dengue isn't the only sickness mosquitos spread, so which of the following is also a mosquito-borne disease? Is it:

a) ebola, b) cholera, or. |a) ebola||cólera| c) malaria? |malária


I think the answer is c) malaria.


OK, Neil, we'll find out later in the programme.

One country at the forefront of the problem is Indonesia which, in recent years, has seen a surge in dengue-related deaths. ||||vanguard|||||||||||||aumento||||

Here's Dr. Dewi Iriani, a paediatrician in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, speaking with BBC World Service programme, The Climate Question. |||||pediatra|||indonésia|||||||||||

Dr. Dewi Iriani:

Fever and muscle aches are common symptoms for a viral infection. |||dores||||||| 发烧和肌肉疼痛是病毒感染的常见症状。

But if they're accompanied by symptoms, for example red spots on the skin, or maybe there is a fever that lasts for three days, we can suspect that it's dengue fever. ||||||||||||||||||||dura|||||||||| Day five to seven is the critical window for a dengue fever patient.

Sometimes parents don't know about this critical window, and when they bring the child to the hospital, it's difficult for us to help. |||||||janela|||||||||||||||


Dr. Iriani describes the symptoms of dengue – the signs that indicate the presence of a disease in your body.

These include fever, when your body temperature is higher than normal, and your heart beats very fast. ||||||||||||||batimentos||


Dengue is not fatal - if you receive treatment quickly. |||fatal|||||

There is a critical window between days five and seven of the infection when a patient needs treatment to survive. |||||||||||||||||tratamento||

A critical window refers to a limited period of time during which action must be taken to achieve a certain result. |||||||||||||||||atingir|||


Dengue cases in Indonesia have now grown to over 150,000 and many blame climate change. |||||||||||culpam||

Periods of drought, when little rain falls, force people to collect drinking water in buckets, giving mosquitos places to breed. ||a seca||||||||||||baldes|||||reproduzir 在干旱时期,降雨很少,人们不得不用水桶来收集饮用水,这为蚊子提供了繁殖的场所。


According to Professor Manisha Kulkarni, an epidemiologist from the University of Ottawa, higher temperatures also mean higher rates of replication, something she explained to Paul Conolly, presenter of BBC World Service's, The Climate Question. ||||||epidemiologista|||||||||||||replicação||||||||||||||

Manisha Kulkarni:

The higher the temperature, the quicker that the mosquito can actually replicate that virus within its body, and then be able to transmit it back to another host when it bites. |||||||||||replicar|||||||||||||||||||pica 温度越高,蚊子在体内复制病毒的速度就越快,然后在叮咬时将其传播回另一个宿主。

Paul Conolly:

Manisha also talked about the link between poverty and dengue, which is an important part of this jigsaw isn't it, because as more and more people move to cities and live in cramped conditions, with poor sanitation, then more and more people are exposed to dengue, so there's something of a domino effect here. |||||||||||||||||quebra-cabeça|||||||||||||||apertadas||||saneamento|||||||||||||||efeito dominó|| 马尼莎还谈到了贫困与登革热之间的联系,这也是这个拼图中的一个重要部分,不是吗?因为随着越来越多的人搬到城市,生活在拥挤、卫生条件差的环境中,越来越多的人接触到登革热,所以这就像多米诺骨牌效应。


Dengue spreads when an infected mosquito bites a host – an animal that another animal lives on or uses for food. ||||infectado||||||||||||||| 当受感染的蚊子叮咬宿主(另一只动物赖以生存或作为食物的动物)时,登革热就会传播。

And Professor Kulkarni is concerned about poverty as much as climate change.

She calls it an important part of the jigsaw, an idiom meaning a part of a complicated situation that helps you understand it. 她称之为拼图的重要组成部分,这个习语的意思是复杂情况的一部分,可以帮助你理解它。


Poverty forces many Indonesians to move into crowded cities with poor sanitation. |||||||lotadas||||

These provide the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos creating a domino effect - a situation in which something bad happens, causing further negative consequences. ||||procriação|terreno|||||||||||||||||


The domino effect means that dengue is spreading not just in Asia, but in parts of the world which didn't have it before, including France, Spain, and Italy.

But the news isn't all bad. 但并非全是坏消息。

Fortunately, technology is getting better at slowing the spread, including early warning systems that can predict dengue outbreaks months in advance, and the ongoing work to produce a vaccine. felizmente|tecnologia|||||||||precoce|alerta|sistemas|||prever||surto||||||em andamento|||||

All of which, hopefully, mean an end to dengue, and similar diseases… speaking of which, Beth, what was the answer to your question? 希望所有这些都意味着登革热和类似疾病的终结……说到这个,贝丝,你的问题的答案是什么?


I asked you to name another mosquito-borne disease, besides dengue.


And I said malaria.


Which was the correct answer! Dengue, malaria, and yellow fever are all diseases spread by mosquitoes.

Right, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme, starting with symptom – a sign of the presence of a disease in your body.


A fever is a medical condition which increases your body temperature and heartbeat. ||||||||||||batimento cardíaco 发烧是一种会导致体温和心跳增加的疾病症状。


A critical window is a limited period of time during which action must be taken to achieve the desired outcome. ||||||||||||||||||desejado|resultado 关键窗口是一个有限的时间段,在此期间必须采取行动才能实现预期结果。


The word host has several meanings, but in biology it's a plant or animal that another plant or animal lives on as a parasite or uses for food. |||||||||||||||||||||||parasita|||| 宿主这个词有多种含义,但在生物学中,它是指另一种植物或动物作为寄生虫生存或作为食物的植物或动物。


The idiom part of the jigsaw,or part of the puzzle, means a part of a complicated situation that helps you to understand it. ||||||||||quebra-cabeça||||||||||||| 拼图的一部分或谜题的一部分这个习语的意思是,复杂情况的一部分,可以帮助你理解它。


And finally, one negative event causing another, which in turn causes another, can be called a domino effect. 最后,一个负面事件引发另一个负面事件,而这又引发另一个负面事件,这可以称为多米诺骨牌效应。

Once again, our six minutes are up. Goodbye!

