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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Reading Comprehension: Language Learning Goal 2 (1)

Reading Comprehension: Language Learning Goal 2 (1)

We have to read a lot in order to get better at the

language that we're learning.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

Today, and I'm going to talk, this is the second in my series of videos about

my hierarchy of goals, the main goals that I have when I learn a language, and

today I'm going to talk about reading.

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So, uh, the first sort of goal that the, you know, I've worked towards in learning

languages is to acquire words and bear in mind that all these different goals

are very much interrelated, but these are sort of the goals that I pursue.

The second goal is reading and I'll explain.

In order to learn words, we, first of all, have to read them.

It's a lot...

I don't say we have to, we can also hear them and eventually learn them,

but it's an awful lot easier in my experience if I can also read them.

If I just hear them, it's difficult for me to remember them.

Reading gives them form.

Uh, it's easier for me to remember the word.

I identify the written word with the word that I hear.

Um, reading is easier than listening.

I can work my way through a text at LingQ, look up every word.

Let's say I'm in sentence mode, it's a brand new language and if there's

seven words in that sentence, I can look up each word and I can kind of

figure out what the sentence means.

Fuzzy, maybe not totally clear, but I have a sense of what that sentence means.

I have a sense of which words, you know, correspond to the

verb, to the noun and so forth.

So the reading is easy.

If I just heard, heard those words, I wouldn't be able to do that.

So reading is a sort of a step towards being able to understand what you hear.

This is interesting because of course, historically, and from an evolutionary

perspective, we weren't, as, as human beings, we weren't designed to read.

Uh, for the vast majority of our existence, even as you know, our

ancestors, uh, you know, in the evolutionary chain and even as human

beings, it's only in the last 5,000 years that writing has existed.

And for most of that period, a very small percentage of the population

read, books were very expensive.

It was very expensive to print.

This became, you know, it became more widespread with the development

of different methods of printing initially in China and then

in Europe with, um, Gutenberg.

And so...

but, and, but even after that, it was a small percentage of people who read.

So for the human brain to be able to decipher, to convert sort of written

lines or, uh, drawings, uh, in a text to convert that into meaning and also

into sound is an amazing achievement.

Uh, and so for us, when we learn to write even in our own language, that's

a major, um, process, uh, in terms of getting our brains to adapt to something

that they weren't used to doing.

And many people have difficulty reading.

Uh, now, to make reading easier I've always felt that it's important to

combine the audio with the reading so that, you know, it's like, if you're

playing um, a musical instrument if you have heard the tune, it's easier

to play that tune on the piano or on the guitar, whatever it might be,

because you have an idea of what it is.

You're trying to, what sort of music you're trying to make.

Similarly with reading if you can hear what it is you're trying to

read, you have a little bit of momentum going into the reading.

So I always combine audio with text.

I, I certainly in an early stage in my learning, I want to be able

to do both listen and read, but I know that in order to get good at

the language, I have to read a lot.

And if I look at my statistics in LingQ uh, even in Arabic and Persian, which

are the two most recent languages, I've read about 500,000 words in each of them,

and LingQ measures uh, not only when you read something for the first time, but

also when you read it for a second and the third time, which I do, and I'll get

into this sort of strategy of reading.

But even when I feel that I'm struggling to make progress, I know that every

time I'm doing either something new, which therefore would have a lot of

unknown words that I'm looking up, you know, blue words, or if I'm rereading

something that I've read before, because there's still lots of words that are

now yellow words that I have looked up, but I still don't know those words.

And it's just a process of reading again, reading something that I've read.

I'm consuming those words.

My brain is slowly, slowly getting used to reading in that language.

Uh, this is particularly true if the writing system is different.

And, uh, even though say the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used for

Russian and Ukrainian, Tajik other languages, um, is not that different

from our, uh, Latin alphabet.

But if I'm reading in Arabic or Persian, Or Korean or Japanese or Chinese, every

time I'm reading, I'm helping the brain get used to this new writing system.

Even if I know theoretically what the letters represent, I continue

to confuse them because there I'm still fighting to decipher them.

Whereas if I'm reading them in my own language or my own writing system,

it's instant, the, the, you know, the meaning of those letters is, is instant.

Um, and, and I think this might be similar to, you know, the situation

of people who struggle with dyslexia.

And so they're fighting to decipher each word whereas a fluent reader just

immediately converts the word to meaning.

Uh, when we're reading in a foreign language, I find that we're always

sub vocalizing, so that the sound of the word is very important to us.

Uh, when we read it in our own language, um, I think it's just an instant meaning.

How did we get that way?

Because ever since childhood, we've been reading in that

writing system in that language.

And so it's just, it's just a matter of the brain is so used to it.

So therefore we have to read a lot in order to get better at

the language that we're learning.

So if I say I'm at 500,000 words in Arabic or Persian, I had a million

and a half words read at least according to statistics on LingQ in

languages, like say Czech or Russian, this doesn't account for the reading

that I do away from the computer.

Again, I read on my iPad or in LingQ in order to look up words because I, I find

it frustrating to be reading, uh, and, and having a lot of words that I don't know.

But once I get good enough in a language, I like to read on paper because

that's, you know, you have no help.

You have, there's no audio, there's no text to speech.

You can't look up words.

You just have to fight your way through this text on paper.

And I've always felt that when I am first able to read a whole book from

cover to cover paper book, conventional book in a language, that's a major

achievement, a major milestone.

I'm not there in Arabic and Persian.

There are just far too many words that I don't know, but I continue reading.

That's probably, you know, every day I read some and either I'm looking up

words because it's, you know, there's a lot of blue words, unknown words, or

it's material that I've read before.

Perhaps moving some of the yellow words along and status

moving them perhaps to known.

So I spend a lot of time reading and, you know, because it's so often the

case in language learning once we get past that first stage where we

suddenly discover this language and we understand a few things and we can

say a few things and we're very happy, then we hit that long period where

we're slowly acquiring these, you know, lower frequency words, which we know.

So during that period, it's very important to have a sort of a reinforcement to

convince yourself that you're actually doing something and I'm getting somewhere.

And, and I've always felt that, you know, we need measures of

our activity level because if we are active, we will be learning.

And in that regard to the number of words, read, which we track at

LingQ, uh, even the number of words, you know, that you have looked up.

In other words, the LingQs create.

These are all indicators of how active you are.

And so the reading is a big activity at LingQ.

It's one that's helping your brain get used to the language and it's a measure

of how active you are with the language.

And, uh, I will get onto the other goals like listening, uh, which

is easier to do because I can do it while I'm doing other tasks.

But reading does require actually being in front of either be reading from

the book or you're reading on the iPad or on the computer or using LingQ, or

you're using some other method to read.

It's something that is dedicated.

You cannot be reading and driving at the same time.

I don't recommend that.

Uh, so, but reading, uh, you know, it's, it's it's, if we look at reading aside

from language, Illiteracy, um, people who read well by and large do better.

That's not to say that people who don't read well are bad people, many

people who don't read well are very successful in a variety of fields.

Over all people who read well do better, you know, academically,

professionally, socially, and so forth.

So reading is very important and people who read well, read a lot

and the same with language learning.

If you want to learn the language well, you need to read a lot.

And the reading can be either rereading, you know, easy material, which I

still find myself doing both, you know, uh, some of the learner books

in Persian, I still read through.

Because to reinforce certain structures of the language and a, and I'll read

the mini stories again, uh, because there's still words there that I still

can't remember, but I'm, I vary that with, you know, reading new material

that has more blue words in it.

And of course the, the feeling we have when we see that the pages, even if

I, if I bring in a newspaper article in Persian and I see that the pages

there's fewer and fewer blue words.

Uh, there are more and more white words that are known.

So you have that sense of the, the pages on LingQ becoming

lighter and lighter in color.

And that's an indication that you are getting somewhere, even

though at times you may struggle to understand you may struggle to speak.

So I guess my message is that, that in my hierarchy of goals, if the first

goal is to acquire more words, Uh, the main way of acquiring that, those new

words, passive vocabulary is reading, reading in combination with listening,

but I can't do it without the reading.

And the amount of reading we do on LingQ is easily measured.

So it's, it's sort of a measure of how active you are.

It's an indication that you are moving forward in the language, even

though sometimes you think you aren't.

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Reading Comprehension: Language Learning Goal 2 (1) Leseverstehen: Sprachlernziel 2 (1) Comprensión lectora: Objetivo de aprendizaje lingüístico 2 (1) Compréhension de la lecture : Objectif d'apprentissage linguistique 2 (1) Comprensione della lettura: Obiettivo di apprendimento linguistico 2 (1) 読解力言語学習目標2 (1) 독해력: 언어 학습 목표 2 (1) Czytanie ze zrozumieniem: Cel kształcenia językowego 2 (1) Compreensão da leitura: Objectivo de Aprendizagem de Línguas 2 (1) Понимание прочитанного: Цель изучения языка 2 (1) Okuduğunu Anlama: Dil Öğrenme Hedefi 2 (1) Розуміння прочитаного: Мета вивчення мови 2 (1) 阅读理解:语言学习目标 2 (1) 閱讀理解:語言學習目標 2 (1)

We have to read a lot in order to get better at the Mums ir daudz jālasa, lai labāk apgūtu Musimy dużo czytać, aby stać się lepszymi w grze.

language that we're learning. lingua che stiamo imparando. valodu, ko mēs mācāmies. język, którego się uczymy.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Hello|||| Cześć, tu Steve Kaufmann.

Today, and I'm going to talk, this is the second in my series of videos about Šodien, un es runāšu, šis ir otrais no manas video sērijas par to. Dzisiaj będę mówił, jest to drugi z mojej serii filmów na temat

my hierarchy of goals, the main goals that I have when I learn a language, and |jerarquía|||||||||||||| manu mērķu hierarhiju, galvenos mērķus, kas man ir, mācoties valodu, un moja hierarchia celów, główne cele, które mam, kiedy uczę się języka, oraz 我的目标层次,学习语言时的主要目标,以及

today I'm going to talk about reading. šodien es runāšu par lasīšanu. Dzisiaj porozmawiam o czytaniu.

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So, uh, the first sort of goal that the, you know, I've worked towards in learning |||||||||||||к|| |||||||||||||vers|| Pirmais mērķis, pie kura, ziniet, es strādāju, lai apgūtu... Więc, uh, pierwszym celem, nad którym pracowałem podczas nauki 所以,呃,你知道的,我在学习中努力实现的第一种目标

languages is to acquire words and bear in mind that all these different goals ||||||||mente||||| |||adquirir|||tener en cuenta||||||| valodas ir apgūt vārdus un paturēt prātā, ka visi šie dažādie mērķi

are very much interrelated, but these are sort of the goals that I pursue. |||взаимосвязаны||||||||||преследую |||interdépendants|||||||||| |||connected to||||||||||aim for |||interligados|||||||||| |||eng miteinander verbunden|||||||||| |||interconnesse||||||||||perseguo |||相互关联|||||||||| |||関連している|||||||||| |||interrelacionados||||||||||persigo ir ļoti cieši saistītas, bet tie ir mērķi, kurus es cenšos sasniegt.

The second goal is reading and I'll explain. Otrais mērķis ir lasīšana, un es paskaidrošu.

In order to learn words, we, first of all, have to read them. Lai iemācītos vārdus, vispirms tie ir jālasa.

It's a lot... Tas ir daudz...

I don't say we have to, we can also hear them and eventually learn them, Es nesaku, ka mums tas ir jādara, mēs varam arī tos dzirdēt un galu galā iemācīties,

but it's an awful lot easier in my experience if I can also read them. |这||||||||||||| |||horrível||||||||||| bet, pēc manas pieredzes, tas ir daudz vieglāk, ja es varu tos arī izlasīt.

If I just hear them, it's difficult for me to remember them. Ja es tos tikai dzirdu, man ir grūti tos atcerēties.

Reading gives them form. Lasīšana tiem piešķir formu.

Uh, it's easier for me to remember the word. Man ir vieglāk atcerēties vārdu.

I identify the written word with the word that I hear. Es identificēju rakstīto vārdu ar dzirdēto. 我用我听到的词来识别书面词。

Um, reading is easier than listening. Um, lasīt ir vieglāk nekā klausīties.

I can work my way through a text at LingQ, look up every word. |||||à travers|||||||| Es varu strādāt ar LingQ tekstu, apskatīt katru vārdu.

Let's say I'm in sentence mode, it's a brand new language and if there's ||||||||новый||||| Pieņemsim, ka es esmu teikuma režīmā, tā ir pavisam jauna valoda, un, ja ir. 假设我处于句子模式,这是一种全新的语言,如果有

seven words in that sentence, I can look up each word and I can kind of |||||||調べる|||||||| septiņi vārdi šajā teikumā, es varu meklēt katru vārdu un es varu sava veida 那句话中的七个词,我可以查每个词,我可以

figure out what the sentence means. noskaidrot, ko nozīmē šis teikums.

Fuzzy, maybe not totally clear, but I have a sense of what that sentence means. неясно|||||||||||||| Uncertain|||||||||||||| vago|||||||||||||| Neskaidrs, varbūt ne līdz galam skaidrs, bet man ir priekšstats, ko šis teikums nozīmē.

I have a sense of which words, you know, correspond to the |||||||||relate to|| Man ir sajūta par to, kuri vārdi, jūs zināt, atbilst. 你知道,我知道哪些词对应于

verb, to the noun and so forth. darbības vārds, lietvārds, lietvārds un tā tālāk. 动词、名词等等。

So the reading is easy. Tātad lasīšana ir vienkārša.

If I just heard, heard those words, I wouldn't be able to do that. ||||||||ne serais||||| Ja es tikai dzirdētu, dzirdētu šos vārdus, es to nespētu izdarīt.

So reading is a sort of a step towards being able to understand what you hear. ||||una especie||||hacia||||||| Tātad lasīšana ir sava veida solis ceļā uz spēju saprast dzirdēto.

This is interesting because of course, historically, and from an evolutionary ||||||||||эволюционной ||||||||||évolutionnaire ||||||||||evolutionary perspective ||||||||||evolutiva ||||||||||evolutionär ||||||||||進化的 Tas ir interesanti, jo, protams, vēsturiski un no evolūcijas viedokļa.

perspective, we weren't, as, as human beings, we weren't designed to read. перспективы|||||||||созданы|| perspektīvu, mēs nebijām, jo mēs kā cilvēki neesam radīti, lai lasītu.

Uh, for the vast majority of our existence, even as you know, our |||большинства||||||||| |||vasta||||||||| Uh, lielāko daļu mūsu pastāvēšanas, pat kā jūs zināt, mūsu

ancestors, uh, you know, in the evolutionary chain and even as human предки||||||||||| |||||||chaîne|||| |||||||evolutiva|||| priekšteči, eh, jūs zināt, evolūcijas ķēdē un pat kā cilvēku

beings, it's only in the last 5,000 years that writing has existed. les êtres|||||||||| ||||||||||existido būtnēm, tikai pēdējo 5000 gadu laikā ir radusies rakstība.

And for most of that period, a very small percentage of the population |||||||とても||||| Un lielāko daļu šī perioda ļoti neliela iedzīvotāju daļa.

read, books were very expensive. lasīt, grāmatas bija ļoti dārgas.

It was very expensive to print. |||||imprimer Tās drukāšana bija ļoti dārga.

This became, you know, it became more widespread with the development |||||||широкое||| |||||est devenu||répandu||| |||||||common or prevalent||| |||||||ampla difusão||| |||||||weit verbreitet||| |||||||diffuso||| |||||||広まった||| |se volvió||||||más extendido||| Tas kļuva, jūs zināt, tas kļuva plašāk izplatīts līdz ar attīstību. 你知道,随着技术的发展,它变得更加普遍

of different methods of printing initially in China and then |不同|||||||| ||||impressão||||| dažādu drukāšanas metožu sākotnēji Ķīnā un pēc tam 最初是在中国,然后是不同的印刷方法

in Europe with, um, Gutenberg. ||||Гутенберг ||||Gutenberg ||||Gutenberg printing ||||Gutenberg Eiropā ar Gūtenbergu.

And so... Un tā...

but, and, but even after that, it was a small percentage of people who read. ||但是|||||||||||| ||||||||||процент|||| bet, bet, bet, bet, bet pat pēc tam, tas bija neliels procents cilvēku, kas lasīja.

So for the human brain to be able to decipher, to convert sort of written |||||||||расшифровать||||| |||||||||décoder||||| |||||||||interpret text||||| |||||||||decifrar||||| |||||||||解码||||| |||||||||decodificar|||una especie de|| Tātad, lai cilvēka smadzenes varētu atšifrēt, pārvērst rakstīto 所以对于人类大脑来说,能够破译,转换成某种书面形式

lines or, uh, drawings, uh, in a text to convert that into meaning and also |||рисунки||||||||||| |||illustrations||||||||||| |||絵||||||||||| |||desenhos||||||||||| |||||在||||||||| rindas vai zīmējumus tekstā, lai pārvērstu tos jēgā un arī...

into sound is an amazing achievement. 进入||||| |||||réalisation |||||достижение skaņā ir pārsteidzošs sasniegums.

Uh, and so for us, when we learn to write even in our own language, that's |||||||||||||||那 Uh, un tāpēc mums, kad mēs mācāmies rakstīt pat savā valodā, tas ir.

a major, um, process, uh, in terms of getting our brains to adapt to something 一个|||||||||||||| ||||||||amener|||||| |significant||||||||||||| |||процесс||||||||к||| būtisks process, lai mūsu smadzenes spētu pielāgoties kaut kam.

that they weren't used to doing. |他们|||| ||n'étaient||| ko viņi nebija pieraduši darīt.

And many people have difficulty reading. и||||трудности| |许多|||| Un daudziem cilvēkiem ir grūtības lasīt.

Uh, now, to make reading easier I've always felt that it's important to ||||||||считал|||| ||||lecture|||||||| Uh, tagad, lai atvieglotu lasīšanu, es vienmēr esmu uzskatījis, ka ir svarīgi.

combine the audio with the reading so that, you know, it's like, if you're apvienot audio ar lasīšanu, lai, ziniet, tas ir kā, ja jūs esat

playing um, a musical instrument if you have heard the tune, it's easier играть|||||||||||| ||||||||||melodia|| ||||instrumento||||||melodia|| spēlējot um, mūzikas instrumentu, ja esat dzirdējuši melodiju, ir vieglāk.

to play that tune on the piano or on the guitar, whatever it might be, |||melodia||||||||||| atskaņot šo melodiju uz klavierēm vai ģitāras, neatkarīgi no tā, kāda tā būtu,

because you have an idea of what it is. jo jums ir priekšstats par to, kas tas ir.

You're trying to, what sort of music you're trying to make. Jūs mēģināt, kādu mūziku jūs mēģināt radīt. Próbujesz, jaką muzykę próbujesz tworzyć.

Similarly with reading if you can hear what it is you're trying to аналогично|||||||||||| Līdzīgi ir ar lasīšanu, ja varat dzirdēt, ko jūs mēģināt lasīt.

read, you have a little bit of momentum going into the reading. ||||一点||||||| |||||||momentum|||| |||||||slancio|||| |||||||ímpeto|||| |||||||импульс|||| lasīt, jums ir neliels impulss, kas dodas uz lasīšanu.

So I always combine audio with text. Tāpēc es vienmēr apvienoju audio un tekstu.

I, I certainly in an early stage in my learning, I want to be able Es, es, protams, esmu agrīnā mācību posmā, es gribu, lai varētu

to do both listen and read, but I know that in order to get good at ||les deux||||||||||||| darīt gan klausīties un lasīt, bet es zinu, ka, lai iegūtu labu

the language, I have to read a lot. valodu, man ir daudz jālasa.

And if I look at my statistics in LingQ uh, even in Arabic and Persian, which Un, ja es aplūkoju savu statistiku LingQ uh, pat arābu un persiešu valodā, kas

are the two most recent languages, I've read about 500,000 words in each of them, ||两个||||||||||| |||||||||||||elles ir divas jaunākās valodas, katrā no tām esmu izlasījis aptuveni 500 000 vārdu,

and LingQ measures uh, not only when you read something for the first time, but ||mesures|||||||||||| ||medidas|||||||||||| un LingQ pasākumi, ne tikai tad, kad kaut ko lasāt pirmo reizi, bet arī tad, kad и LingQ измеряет не только когда вы читаете что-то в первый раз, но и

also when you read it for a second and the third time, which I do, and I'll get arī tad, kad jūs lasīt to otro un trešo reizi, ko es daru, un es saņemšu также когда вы читаете это во второй и в третий раз, что я и делаю, и я получаю

into this sort of strategy of reading. šāda veida lasīšanas stratēģijā. в такую стратегию чтения.

But even when I feel that I'm struggling to make progress, I know that every |||||||борюсь||||||| |||||||lutte||||||| Bet pat tad, kad jūtu, ka man ir grūti gūt panākumus, es zinu, ka katru reizi.

time I'm doing either something new, which therefore would have a lot of |我||||||||||| laiks Es daru vai nu kaut ko jaunu, kas tāpēc būtu daudz

unknown words that I'm looking up, you know, blue words, or if I'm rereading |||||||||||||перечитываю |||||||||||||relisant |||||||||||||再読している |||||||||||||relendo nezināmus vārdus, kurus es meklēju, zilus vārdus, vai arī, ja es pārlasu tekstu.

something that I've read before, because there's still lots of words that are kaut ko, ko esmu lasījis iepriekš, jo joprojām ir daudz vārdu, kas ir

now yellow words that I have looked up, but I still don't know those words. ||||||посмотрел|||||||| ||||||||mas|||||| ||||||查过|||||||| tagad dzelteni vārdi, kurus esmu sameklējusi, bet es tos joprojām nezinu.

And it's just a process of reading again, reading something that I've read. Un tas ir tikai atkārtotas lasīšanas process, lasot kaut ko, ko esmu izlasījis.

I'm consuming those words. |потребляю|| Es patērēju šos vārdus.

My brain is slowly, slowly getting used to reading in that language. |||||se está acostumbrando|||||| Manas smadzenes lēnām, lēnām pierod lasīt šajā valodā.

Uh, this is particularly true if the writing system is different. |||особенно||||||| Uh, tas jo īpaši attiecas uz atšķirīgu rakstības sistēmu.

And, uh, even though say the Cyrillic alphabet, which is used for

Russian and Ukrainian, Tajik other languages, um, is not that different русский|||таджик||||||| |||Tajik language||||||| |||タジク||||||| |||tajique||||||| Krievu un ukraiņu, tadžiku citas valodas, um, nav tik atšķirīgs

from our, uh, Latin alphabet. 从|||| no mūsu latīņu alfabēta.

But if I'm reading in Arabic or Persian, Or Korean or Japanese or Chinese, every Bet, ja es lasu arābu vai persiešu, korejiešu, japāņu vai ķīniešu valodā.

time I'm reading, I'm helping the brain get used to this new writing system. lasot es palīdzu smadzenēm pierast pie jaunās rakstīšanas sistēmas. Пока я читаю, я помогаю мозгу привыкнуть к этой новой системе письма.

Even if I know theoretically what the letters represent, I continue ||||in theory|||||| Pat ja es teorētiski zinu, ko simbolizē burti, es turpinu. 即使我理论上知道这些字母代表什么,我还是继续

to confuse them because there I'm still fighting to decipher them. |||||||||расшифровать| |||||je suis|encore|||| |to perplex||||||||decipher| |confundir||||||||| |||||||||解读| |||||||||decifrar| tos sajaukt, jo tur es joprojām cīnos, lai tos atšifrētu.

Whereas if I'm reading them in my own language or my own writing system, enquanto que||||||||||||| Savukārt, ja es tos lasu savā valodā vai savā rakstības sistēmā,

it's instant, the, the, you know, the meaning of those letters is, is instant. |||||||||||||мгновенный tas ir tūlītējs, tas, tas, jūs zināt, šo burtu nozīme ir tūlītēja.

Um, and, and I think this might be similar to, you know, the situation Um, un, un, un es domāju, ka tas varētu būt līdzīgi, ziniet, situācijai. 嗯,而且,我认为这可能类似于,你知道,情况

of people who struggle with dyslexia. |||||дислексией |||||dyslexie |||||dyslexia disorder |||||dislexia |||||阅读障碍 |||||失読症 cilvēkiem, kuri cīnās ar disleksiju.

And so they're fighting to decipher each word whereas a fluent reader just |||||to decipher||||||| Un tāpēc viņi cīnās, lai atšifrētu katru vārdu, bet tekošs lasītājs vienkārši

immediately converts the word to meaning. uzreiz pārveido vārda nozīmi.

Uh, when we're reading in a foreign language, I find that we're always ||||||étrangère|||||| Uh, kad mēs lasām svešvalodā, es uzskatu, ka mēs vienmēr esam

sub vocalizing, so that the sound of the word is very important to us. |pronouncing|||||||||||| subvokalizācija, tāpēc vārda skanējums mums ir ļoti svarīgs.

Uh, when we read it in our own language, um, I think it's just an instant meaning. |||||||||||||||мгновение| ||||||||||||||||signification Kad mēs to lasām savā valodā, es domāju, ka tā ir tūlītēja nozīme.

How did we get that way? Kā mēs tā nonācām?

Because ever since childhood, we've been reading in that porque|sempre||infância||||| Jo jau kopš bērnības mēs esam lasījuši, ka

writing system in that language. rakstīšanas sistēma šajā valodā.

And so it's just, it's just a matter of the brain is so used to it. |||||||вопрос|||||||| |||||||questão|||||||| Un tas ir tikai jautājums par to, ka smadzenes ir pieradušas pie tā.

So therefore we have to read a lot in order to get better at ||||||||in|to get better|||| |portanto|||||||||||| Tāpēc mums ir daudz jālasa, lai labāk apgūtu.

the language that we're learning. valodu, ko mēs mācāmies.

So if I say I'm at 500,000 words in Arabic or Persian, I had a million ||||||||árabe|||||| Tātad, ja es saku, ka man ir 500 000 vārdu arābu vai persiešu valodā, man bija miljons.

and a half words read at least according to statistics on LingQ in |||||||||source 1||| un pusotru vārdu lasīt vismaz saskaņā ar statistiku par LingQ in

languages, like say Czech or Russian, this doesn't account for the reading ||||||||tient||| valodās, piemēram, piemēram, čehu vai krievu, tas neņem vērā lasīšanas 语言,比如捷克语或俄语,这不考虑阅读

that I do away from the computer. |||loin|du|| ko es daru prom no datora.

Again, I read on my iPad or in LingQ in order to look up words because I, I find ||||||||||per|||||||| Atkal es lasu savā iPad vai LingQ, lai meklētu vārdus, jo es, es uzskatu.

it frustrating to be reading, uh, and, and having a lot of words that I don't know. |разочарующе||||||||||||||| ||||||||avoir|||||||| tas ir nomācoši lasīt, un, un, un, un ir daudz vārdu, ko es nezinu.

But once I get good enough in a language, I like to read on paper because Bet, kad esmu pietiekami labi iemācījies kādu valodu, man patīk lasīt uz papīra, jo Ale gdy już dostanę wystarczająco dobry język, lubię czytać na papierze, ponieważ

that's, you know, you have no help. это|||||| tas ir, ziniet, jums nav nekādas palīdzības.

You have, there's no audio, there's no text to speech. Jums ir, nav audio, nav teksta uz runu.

You can't look up words.

You just have to fight your way through this text on paper. Jums vienkārši ir jāizcīna ceļš cauri šim tekstam uz papīra.

And I've always felt that when I am first able to read a whole book from |||чувствовал|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||from start Un es vienmēr esmu jutusi, ka tad, kad es pirmo reizi varu izlasīt visu grāmatu no

cover to cover paper book, conventional book in a language, that's a major |||||обычная||||||| cover of|||||traditional||||||| vāka līdz vākam papīra grāmatu, parasto grāmatu valodā, kas ir galvenais

achievement, a major milestone. достижение|||этап |||milestone |||marco traguardo||| |||里程碑 |||hito importante sasniegums, kas ir nozīmīgs pagrieziena punkts.

I'm not there in Arabic and Persian. Es neesmu tur arābu un persiešu valodā.

There are just far too many words that I don't know, but I continue reading. |||||||||||||continuo| Ir pārāk daudz vārdu, kurus es nezinu, bet es turpinu lasīt.

That's probably, you know, every day I read some and either I'm looking up Droši vien, ziniet, katru dienu es izlasu kādu un vai nu es meklēju.

words because it's, you know, there's a lot of blue words, unknown words, or vārdus, jo tajā ir daudz zilu vārdu, nezināmu vārdu vai vārdu, kas nav zināmi.

it's material that I've read before. tas ir materiāls, ko esmu lasījis jau agrāk.

Perhaps moving some of the yellow words along and status Iespējams, pārvietojot dažus no dzeltenajiem vārdiem un statusu.

moving them perhaps to known. ||quizás|| pārvietojot tos, iespējams, uz zināmu.

So I spend a lot of time reading and, you know, because it's so often the Tāpēc es daudz laika pavadu lasot un, ziniet, tā kā tas bieži vien ir

case in language learning once we get past that first stage where we valodas apguves gadījumā, tiklīdz mēs pārvaram pirmo posmu, kurā mēs

suddenly discover this language and we understand a few things and we can pēkšņi atklāt šo valodu un mēs saprotam dažas lietas, un mēs varam

say a few things and we're very happy, then we hit that long period where pateikt dažas lietas, un mēs esam ļoti laimīgi, tad mēs nokļūstam tajā garajā periodā, kad

we're slowly acquiring these, you know, lower frequency words, which we know. |慢慢地|||||||||| ||||||bassa||||| ||adquiriendo||||||||| ||приобретаем||||||||| mēs lēnām apgūstam šos, ziniet, zemākas frekvences vārdus, kurus mēs zinām.

So during that period, it's very important to have a sort of a reinforcement to |||||||||||||поддержка| |||||||||||||renforcement| |||||||||||||supportive element| |||||||||||||um reforço| |||||||||||||Verstärkung| |||||||||||||加强措施| |||||||||||||強化| |||||||||||||refuerzo| Tāpēc šajā periodā ir ļoti svarīgi, lai būtu sava veida pastiprinājums, lai

convince yourself that you're actually doing something and I'm getting somewhere. persuade|||||||||| pārliecināt sevi, ka jūs patiešām kaut ko darāt un es kaut kur nokļūstu.

And, and I've always felt that, you know, we need measures of Un es vienmēr esmu uzskatījis, ka mums ir vajadzīgi pasākumi, lai...

our activity level because if we are active, we will be learning. mūsu aktivitātes līmeni, jo, ja mēs esam aktīvi, mēs mācāmies.

And in that regard to the number of words, read, which we track at ||||||||||||teniamo traccia| Attiecībā uz izlasīto vārdu skaitu, ko mēs izsekojam pie

LingQ, uh, even the number of words, you know, that you have looked up. |||||||||||have|| LingQ, pat to vārdu skaits, kurus esat uzmeklējuši.

In other words, the LingQs create. Citiem vārdiem sakot, LingQ rada.

These are all indicators of how active you are. |||показатели||||| |||indicateurs||||| |||signs||||| |||indicadores||||| |||指标||||| |||指標||||| Visi šie rādītāji liecina par to, cik aktīvs esat.

And so the reading is a big activity at LingQ. Tāpēc LingQ lasīšana ir liela aktivitāte.

It's one that's helping your brain get used to the language and it's a measure Tas ir viens no tiem, kas palīdz jūsu smadzenēm pierast pie valodas, un tas ir pasākums.

of how active you are with the language. |||||使用|| cik aktīvi jūs lietojat valodu.

And, uh, I will get onto the other goals like listening, uh, which ||||move|||||||| |||||sobre||||||| Un es pievērsīšos citiem mērķiem, piemēram, klausīšanās, kas...

is easier to do because I can do it while I'm doing other tasks. ||||因为||||||||| |||||||||||||tâches ir vieglāk veikt, jo es to varu darīt, kamēr veicu citus uzdevumus.

But reading does require actually being in front of either be reading from Taču lasīšanai ir nepieciešama reāla atrašanās priekšā vai nu lasīt no

the book or you're reading on the iPad or on the computer or using LingQ, or grāmatu vai lasāt iPad, vai datorā, vai lietojat LingQ, vai

you're using some other method to read. lasīšanai izmantojat kādu citu metodi.

It's something that is dedicated. ||||dédié Tas ir kaut kas, kas ir veltīts.

You cannot be reading and driving at the same time. Nevar vienlaikus lasīt un vadīt transportlīdzekli.

I don't recommend that. Es to neiesaku.

Uh, so, but reading, uh, you know, it's, it's it's, if we look at reading aside ух|||||||||||мы||||в стороне |||||||||||||||a parte ||||||||||se|||||à parte |||||||||||||||aparte Tātad, bet lasīšana, ziniet, tā ir, tā ir, ja mēs skatāmies uz lasīšanu no malas.

from language, Illiteracy, um, people who read well by and large do better. ||неграмотность|||||||||делают| ||l'illétrisme|||||||||| ||Lack of reading|||||||||| ||a iliteracia|||||||||| ||Analphabetismus|||||||||| ||文盲|||||||||| ||非識字|||||||||| ||analfabetismo|||||||||| no valodas, analfabētisms, um, cilvēkiem, kas labi lasa, lielākoties klājas labāk.

That's not to say that people who don't read well are bad people, many Tas nenozīmē, ka cilvēki, kuri slikti lasa, ir slikti cilvēki, daudzi no tiem ir slikti.

people who don't read well are very successful in a variety of fields. ||||||||||разнообразии|| ||||||||||||áreas cilvēki, kuri slikti lasa, ir ļoti veiksmīgi dažādās jomās.

Over all people who read well do better, you know, academically, ||||||||||sur le plan académique Kopumā cilvēkiem, kuri labi lasa, klājas labāk, ziniet, akadēmiski,

professionally, socially, and so forth.

So reading is very important and people who read well, read a lot Tātad lasīšana ir ļoti svarīga, un cilvēki, kas labi lasa, daudz lasa.

and the same with language learning. tāpat ir arī ar valodu apguvi.

If you want to learn the language well, you need to read a lot. Ja vēlaties labi apgūt valodu, daudz lasiet.

And the reading can be either rereading, you know, easy material, which I ||||||перечитывание|||||| Un lasīšana var būt vai nu atkārtota lasīšana, jūs zināt, viegls materiāls, ko es

still find myself doing both, you know, uh, some of the learner books |||||tu||||||| joprojām atrast sev darīt gan, jūs zināt, uh, daži no mācību grāmatas

in Persian, I still read through. persiešu valodā, es joprojām lasīt cauri.

Because to reinforce certain structures of the language and a, and I'll read ||укрепить||структуры|||||||| ||strengthen|||||||||| ||reforzar|ciertas||||||||| Tāpēc, ka, lai nostiprinātu noteiktas struktūras valodas un, un es izlasīšu 因为要加强语言的某些结构和一个,我会读

the mini stories again, uh, because there's still words there that I still ||||||那里还有|||||| mini stāsti atkal, uh, jo tur joprojām ir vārdi, ka es joprojām

can't remember, but I'm, I vary that with, you know, reading new material |||||меняю||||||| |||||varío||||||| neatceros, bet es, es to variēju ar, ziniet, lasot jaunus materiālus.

that has more blue words in it. kurā ir vairāk zilu vārdu.

And of course the, the feeling we have when we see that the pages, even if Un, protams, sajūta, kas mums ir, kad mēs redzam, ka lapas, pat ja

I, if I bring in a newspaper article in Persian and I see that the pages |||apporte|||||||||||| Es, ja es atnesu laikraksta rakstu persiešu valodā un redzu, ka lappuses

there's fewer and fewer blue words. |меньше|||| |moins|||| |||menos|| zilo vārdu kļūst aizvien mazāk un mazāk.

Uh, there are more and more white words that are known. Uh, ir arvien vairāk un vairāk balto vārdu, kas ir zināmi.

So you have that sense of the, the pages on LingQ becoming Tātad jums ir sajūta, ka LingQ lapas kļūst par...

lighter and lighter in color. 更浅|||| gaišāku un gaišāku krāsu.

And that's an indication that you are getting somewhere, even Un tas liecina par to, ka jūs kaut ko panākat, pat ja.

though at times you may struggle to understand you may struggle to speak. lai gan reizēm jums var būt grūti saprast, jums var būt grūti runāt.

So I guess my message is that, that in my hierarchy of goals, if the first alors||||||||||||||| Tāpēc es domāju, ka mans vēstījums ir tāds, ka manā mērķu hierarhijā, ja pirmais

goal is to acquire more words, Uh, the main way of acquiring that, those new mērķis ir apgūt vairāk vārdu, Uh, galvenais veids, kā apgūt, ka, šie jaunie

words, passive vocabulary is reading, reading in combination with listening, |||||||||听力 vārdi, pasīvais vārdu krājums ir lasīšana, lasīšana kombinācijā ar klausīšanos, 单词,被动词汇就是阅读,阅读与听力相结合,

but I can't do it without the reading. bet es nevaru to izdarīt bez lasīšanas.

And the amount of reading we do on LingQ is easily measured. |||||||||||medida Un tas, cik daudz mēs lasām LingQ, ir viegli izmērāms.

So it's, it's sort of a measure of how active you are. Tas ir sava veida rādītājs, kas parāda, cik aktīvs esat.

It's an indication that you are moving forward in the language, even |||||||hacia adelante|||| Tā ir norāde, ka jūs virzāties uz priekšu valodas jomā, pat tad, ja jūs

though sometimes you think you aren't. |||believe|| lai gan reizēm tev šķiet, ka tā nav.