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Interesting facts, 11 Surprising CLIMATE CHANGE Effects

11 Surprising CLIMATE CHANGE Effects

These are 11 surprising effects of global warming and the climate change its causing.

Because it hasn't been getting cold enough during the winter to kill them all off, bark beetles have decimated an area roughly the size of Washington State since 1996.

And since trees need CO2 to live, the rising levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere is actually making trees grow more quickly. In 2010 Pakistan looked like a haunted house after extreme monsoons poured almost a decade's worth of rain on parts of the country in just one week.

The water was so slow to recede that millions of spiders resorted to building massive webs throughout the trees. And ticks that carry and transmit lyme disease are thriving in a warming climate increasing their range and amount of people they can infect. "Lusher" vegetation growth typically associated with the United States is now becoming more common in Canada.

Another good reason to contemplate a move to Canada is that, due to the extreme weather events of recent years, homeowner insurance rates are rising up to 10% in the United States. The president of the tiny island of Kiribati has a plan to move his entire country's population of 103,000 people to Fiji's main island, buying 6,000 acres there to give his citizens a place to escape to should already threatening sea levels eventually flood Kiribati completely.

All the melting ice that's causing sea level rise is opening up new, shorter shipping routes through the arctic, allowing certain nations to move goods to each other more quickly.

With warming water temperatures, pink salmon are now spawning earlier than previously recorded.

Scientists have linked this behavioural change to a shift in the genetic makeup of the fish. Because habitat loss is causing its number of prey to dwindle, tiger attacks on humans on India's Sundarban Islands have been increasing as the jungle cats are forced into villages to look for food.

And scientists have found that an increase in temperatures has caused some fish, amphibians, and reptiles that live in warming climates to grow into smaller-sized adults than they normally would be. If these facts surprised you as much as they surprised me, like this video to help more more people see and understand the interconnectivity of our planet.

Thanks for watching, for The Daily Conversation, I'm Bryce Plank

11 Surprising CLIMATE CHANGE Effects 11 Überraschende Auswirkungen des KLIMAWANDELS 11 sorprendentes efectos del CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO 11 effets surprenants du CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE 11 zaskakujących efektów ZMIANY KLIMATU 11 Efeitos surpreendentes das ALTERAÇÕES CLIMÁTICAS 11 удивительных последствий изменения климата 11 个令人惊讶的气候变化影响

These are 11 surprising effects of global warming and the climate change its causing. Toto je 11 překvapivých účinků globálního oteplování a změny klimatu, které jsou jeho příčinou.

Because it hasn’t been getting cold enough during the winter to kill them all off, bark beetles have decimated an area roughly the size of Washington State since 1996. |||||||||||||||кора|||истребили||||||||| ولأنه لم يكن باردًا بدرجة كافية خلال فصل الشتاء لقتلهم جميعًا ، فقد قضت خنافس اللحاء على مساحة تقارب مساحة ولاية واشنطن منذ عام 1996. 冬の間は十分に寒くならず、すべてを殺すことができなかったため、キクイムシは1996年以来、ワシントン州とほぼ同じ大きさの地域を間伐しました。

And since trees need CO2 to live, the rising levels of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere is actually making trees grow more quickly. そして、木は生きるためにCO2を必要とするので、大気中の二酸化炭素ガスのレベルの上昇は実際に木をより速く成長させています。 In 2010 Pakistan looked like a haunted house after extreme monsoons poured almost a decade’s worth of rain on parts of the country in just one week. |||||призрачный||||муссоны||||десятилетия|||||||||||| |||||||||monsoons|||||||||||||||| V roce 2010 vypadal Pákistán jako strašidelný dům poté, co extrémní monzuny za pouhý týden vylila na část země déšť v hodnotě téměř deseti let. 2010年、パキスタンは、極端なモンスーンがわずか1週間で国の一部にほぼ10年分の雨を降らせた後、お化け屋敷のように見えました。

The water was so slow to recede that millions of spiders resorted to building massive webs throughout the trees. ||||||отступить|||||прибегнули||||||| ||||||withdraw|||||||||||| Voda ustupovala tak pomalu, že se miliony pavouků uchýlily k budování mohutných sítí mezi stromy. 水が後退するのが非常に遅かったので、何百万ものクモが木全体に巨大な網を作ることに頼りました。 And ticks that carry and transmit lyme disease are thriving in a warming climate increasing their range and amount of people they can infect. |клещи||переносят|||болезнь Лайма||||||||||||||||| ||||||lyme||||||||||||||||| A klíšťata, která přenášejí a přenášejí lymskou boreliózu, se daří v oteplovacím podnebí, což zvyšuje jejich rozsah a počet lidí, které mohou infikovat. そして、ライム病を運び伝染するダニは、温暖な気候の中で繁栄しており、感染できる範囲と人々の数を増やしています。 "Lusher" vegetation growth typically associated with the United States is now becoming more common in Canada. пышнее|растительность|||||||||||||| Růst vegetace „Lusher“ typicky spojený se Spojenými státy se nyní v Kanadě stává běžnějším. 通常、米国に関連する「より滑らかな」植生の成長は、現在、カナダでより一般的になっています。 "Lusher" vegetatiegroei die typisch geassocieerd wordt met de Verenigde Staten, komt nu steeds vaker voor in Canada.

Another good reason to contemplate a move to Canada is that, due to the extreme weather events of recent years, homeowner insurance rates are rising up to 10% in the United States. ||||||||||||||||||||власник будинку|||||||||| Dalším dobrým důvodem pro uvažování o přesunu do Kanady je to, že kvůli extrémním povětrnostním podmínkám posledních let stoupají sazby pojištění majitelů domů ve Spojených státech až o 10%. カナダへの移転を検討するもう1つの理由は、近年の異常気象により、米国では住宅所有者保険料が最大10%上昇していることです。 The president of the tiny island of Kiribati has a plan to move his entire country’s population of 103,000 people to Fiji’s main island, buying 6,000 acres there to give his citizens a place to escape to should already threatening sea levels eventually flood Kiribati completely. |||||||Кирибати|||||||||||||Фиджи||||||||||||||||||||||| Prezident malého ostrova Kiribati má plán přesunout populaci celé své země se 103 000 obyvateli na hlavní ostrov Fidži. Tam nakoupí 6 000 akrů, aby poskytl svým občanům únikové místo, kde by již hrozící hladiny moře nakonec Kiribati úplně zaplavily. キリバスの小さな島の大統領は、国全体の人口103,000人をフィジーの本島に移し、そこで6,000エーカーを購入して、すでに海面が脅かされているキリバスが完全に洪水に見舞われた場合に市民が逃げられる場所を提供する計画を立てています。

All the melting ice that’s causing sea level rise is opening up new, shorter shipping routes through the arctic, allowing certain nations to move goods to each other more quickly. Všechen tající led, který způsobuje vzestup hladiny moře, otevírá nové, kratší přepravní trasy po Arktidě, což některým národům umožňuje rychlejší přesun zboží k sobě.

With warming water temperatures, pink salmon are now spawning earlier than previously recorded. ||||||||нерестятся|||| Při teplotě teplé vody se růžový losos nyní rodí dříve, než bylo dříve zaznamenáno.

Scientists have linked this behavioural change to a shift in the genetic makeup of the fish. ||||поведенческий||||||||||| Vědci spojili tuto změnu chování s posunem v genetickém složení ryb. Because habitat loss is causing its number of prey to dwindle, tiger attacks on humans on India’s Sundarban Islands have been increasing as the jungle cats are forced into villages to look for food. ||||||||||уменьшаться|||||||Сундарбанские острова|||||||||||||||| Vzhledem k tomu, že ztráta přirozeného prostředí způsobuje zmenšování počtu kořistí, útoky tygrů na člověka na indických Sundarbanských ostrovech se zvyšují, protože kočky z džungle jsou nuceny do vesnic hledat jídlo. Omdat habitatverlies ervoor zorgt dat het aantal prooien afneemt, nemen tijgeraanvallen op mensen op de Sundarban-eilanden in India toe, omdat de jungle-katten in dorpen worden gedwongen om voedsel te zoeken.

And scientists have found that an increase in temperatures has caused some fish, amphibians, and reptiles that live in warming climates to grow into smaller-sized adults than they normally would be. If these facts surprised you as much as they surprised me, like this video to help more more people see and understand the interconnectivity of our planet. |||||||||||||||||||||||взаимосвязь||| Pokud vás tato fakta překvapila stejně jako mě, lajkněte toto video, které pomůže více lidem vidět a porozumět vzájemné propojenosti naší planety.

Thanks for watching, for The Daily Conversation, I’m Bryce Plank