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365 Short Essays, 30. Parent-Teacher Conferences

30. Parent-Teacher Conferences

When parents send their children to school, often they don't know what happens day to day. Parents rely on what their children tell them about how they are doing and what they are learning. Generally schools will host parent-teacher conferences at least twice a year. Parent-teacher conferences are short meetings between parents and their children's teachers. Usually parent-teacher conferences are held when teachers give out a student's grades for the term. The parent-teacher conferences give teachers an opportunity to let parents know how their child is doing. A teacher will let a parent know the student's strengths and bring to the parent's attention any problems with grades or behavior. The meetings also offer parents the opportunity to ask questions and see what their child is learning.

When it is almost time for parent-teacher conferences, the school will send parents a note and usually give them an appointment time. There are appointments during the day and in the evening. Evening appointments are used for parents who work during the day. Parent-teacher conferences do not last very long. Normally they do not last longer than 10 minutes. This is why it is important for parents to make sure they arrive at their appointments on time and come prepared with questions. If a parent needs more than 10 minutes, he or she should try to schedule another meeting with the teacher. Keeping a teacher for more than 10 minutes when there are parents waiting is disrespectful.

Most children do not go along with their parents to the meetings. This allows both the parent and teacher to talk honestly about the child's progress without making the child feel bad. Usually a teacher will offer advice to the parent on how to support their child's education.

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30. Parent-Teacher Conferences 30.親と教師の会議 30. Veli-Öğretmen Konferansları 30. Батьківські збори

When parents send their children to school, often they don't know what happens day to day. 親が子供を学校に通わせるとき、彼らはしばしば毎日何が起こるかを知りません。 Parents rely on what their children tell them about how they are doing and what they are learning. |||||||||||||in addition to|||| 親は子供たちが彼らがどのようにやっているのか、そして彼らが何を学んでいるのかについて彼らに話すことに依存しています。 Generally schools will host parent-teacher conferences at least twice a year. |||organize|||meetings||||| 通常、学校は少なくとも年に2回、親と教師の会議を主催します。 Parent-teacher conferences are short meetings between parents and their children's teachers. 親と教師の会議は、親とその子供たちの教師の間の短い会議です。 Usually parent-teacher conferences are held when teachers give out a student's grades for the term. 通常、親と教師の会議は、教師が学期の生徒の成績を発表するときに開催されます。 The parent-teacher conferences give teachers an opportunity to let parents know how their child is doing. 親と教師の会議は、教師に子供がどのようにやっているかを親に知らせる機会を与えます。 A teacher will let a parent know the student's strengths and bring to the parent's attention any problems with grades or behavior. ||||||||||and also||||||||||| 教師は保護者に生徒の長所を知らせ、成績や行動に関する問題があれば保護者の注意を引きます。 The meetings also offer parents the opportunity to ask questions and see what their child is learning. ミーティングはまた、親に質問をしたり、子供が何を学んでいるのかを見る機会を提供します。

When it is almost time for parent-teacher conferences, the school will send parents a note and usually give them an appointment time. 親と教師の会議の時間になると、学校は親にメモを送り、通常は予約時間を与えます。 There are appointments during the day and in the evening. 日中と夕方に予約があります。 Evening appointments are used for parents who work during the day. 夕方の予定は、日中に働く親のために使用されます。 Parent-teacher conferences do not last very long. 親と教師の会議はそれほど長くは続きません。 Normally they do not last longer than 10 minutes. 通常、それらは10分より長くは続かない。 일반적으로 10 분 이상 지속되지 않습니다. This is why it is important for parents to make sure they arrive at their appointments on time and come prepared with questions. そのため、保護者は時間どおりに予定に到着し、質問に備えておくことが重要です。 그렇기 때문에 학부모가 약속 시간에 정시에 도착하고 질문을 준비하는 것이 중요합니다. If a parent needs more than 10 minutes, he or she should try to schedule another meeting with the teacher. 親が10分以上必要な場合は、教師との別の会議をスケジュールするようにしてください。 Keeping a teacher for more than 10 minutes when there are parents waiting is disrespectful. 両親が待っているときに10分以上先生を続けることは無礼です。 부모님이 기다리고있을 때 교사를 10 분 이상 두는 것은 무례합니다.

Most children do not go along with their parents to the meetings. ほとんどの子供たちは両親と一緒に集会に行きません。 대부분의 아이들은 부모와 함께 집회에 참석하지 않습니다. This allows both the parent and teacher to talk honestly about the child's progress without making the child feel bad. これにより、親と教師の両方が、子供を気分を害することなく、子供の進歩について正直に話すことができます。 이를 통해 부모와 교사는 자녀를 기분 나쁘게 만들지 않고 자녀의 진행 상황에 대해 정직하게 이야기 할 수 있습니다. Usually a teacher will offer advice to the parent on how to support their child's education. 通常、教師は子供の教育を支援する方法について親にアドバイスを提供します。