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Science in English, 02. Math isn't hard, it's a language Part 2

02. Math isn't hard, it's a language Part 2

We need to take a language approach to math urgently because too many kids are lost and are anxious about math and it doesn't have to be that way! I worked with an angry, frustrated high-school student once who couldn't pass algebra because she only knew 44% of her multiplication facts. I told her:

"That's like trying to read and only knowing 44% of the alphabet. It's holding you back." She couldn't factor or solve equations and she had no confidence in Math. As a result, this teenager had no confidence in herself. I told her:

"We have to start with multiplication because once you know all your facts by heart, everything gets easier, and it'll be like having a fast pass to every ride of Disneyland." (Laughter)

What do you think?" And she said: "Ok." So she systematically learned her times tables in 4 weeks and yes, even multiplication has language embedded in it. You'd be surprised how many kids don't realize 7 times 3 can be spelled out as "seven times" 3, which just means 3 seven times, just like this. So when kids see it this way, they quickly realize that repeated addition is slow and inconvenient, so they gladly memorize that 3 seven times always gives you 21.

So for this teenager who was at risk of dropping out, becoming fluent and confident in multiplication was a game changer. Because for the first time she could focus on problem solving instead of counting on her fingers.

I knew she had turned the corner when she figured out that a 2-year car lease at $445 a month would cost you $10,680 and she looked at me disapprovingly and said:

"Mr Polisoc, that's expensive!" (Laughter)

At that moment, math was no longer causing problems for her, but she was using math to solve problems as a responsible adult would. As an educator, it's my duty to challenge kids to reach higher, so I leave you with this challenge. Our country is stuck at 26% proficiency, and I challenge you to push that number higher. This is important because mathematical thinking not only builds young minds, but our kids need it to imagine and build a future that doesn't yet exist. Meeting this challenge can be as simple as apples + apples. Insist that we teach Math as a human language and we will get there sooner, rather than later.

Thank you!


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02. Math isn't hard, it's a language Part 2 02. Mathematik ist nicht schwer, sie ist eine Sprache Teil 2 02. Las matemáticas no son difíciles, son un lenguaje Parte 2 02. les mathématiques ne sont pas difficiles, c'est une langue Partie 2 02.数学は難しくない。 02. Matematika nėra sunki, tai kalba 2 dalis 02. A matemática não é difícil, é uma linguagem Parte 2 02. Математика - это не сложно, это язык Часть 2 02. Matematik zor değildir, bir dildir Bölüm 2 02. Математика - це не складно, це мова Частина 2 02. 数学并不难,它是一门语言 第 2 部分 02.数学并不难,它是一种语言 第 2 部分

We need to take a language approach to math urgently because too many kids are lost and are anxious about math and it doesn't have to be that way! |||||||||dringend||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||urgentemente|||||||y|||||||||||| Necesitamos adoptar urgentemente un enfoque lingüístico de las matemáticas, porque demasiados niños están perdidos y sienten ansiedad ante las matemáticas, ¡y no tiene por qué ser así! Нам срочно нужно применить языковой подход к математике, потому что слишком много детей теряются и испытывают тревогу по поводу математики, а так быть не должно! I worked with an angry, frustrated high-school student once who couldn't pass algebra because she only knew 44% of her multiplication facts. Una vez trabajé con una estudiante de secundaria enfadada y frustrada que no podía aprobar álgebra porque sólo sabía el 44% de las operaciones de multiplicación. I told her:

"That's like trying to read and only knowing 44% of the alphabet. "Es como intentar leer y saber sólo el 44% del alfabeto. "Это все равно что пытаться читать и знать только 44% алфавита. It's holding you back." |te está deteniendo|| She couldn't factor or solve equations and she had no confidence in Math. ||break down|||||||||| No sabía factorizar ni resolver ecuaciones y no tenía confianza en las Matemáticas. As a result, this teenager had no confidence in herself. ||||adolescente||||| I told her:

"We have to start with multiplication because once you know all your facts by heart, everything gets easier, and it'll be like having a fast pass to every ride of Disneyland." "Tenemos que empezar con la multiplicación, porque una vez que te sepas todas las operaciones de memoria, todo será más fácil, y será como tener un pase rápido para todas las atracciones de Disneylandia". "Мы должны начать с умножения, потому что, когда вы знаете все факты наизусть, все становится проще, и это будет похоже на быстрый пропуск на все аттракционы Диснейленда". “我们必须从乘法开始,因为一旦您一心了解所有事实,一切都会变得容易,这就像快速进入迪士尼乐园的每趟旅程一样。” (Laughter)

What do you think?" And she said: "Ok." So she systematically learned her times tables in 4 weeks and yes, even multiplication has language embedded in it. |||||||||||||||incorporado en|| Así que aprendió sistemáticamente las tablas de multiplicar en 4 semanas y sí, incluso la multiplicación tiene lenguaje incorporado. Так что за 4 недели она систематически выучила таблицу умножения, и да, даже в умножении заложен язык. You'd be surprised how many kids don't realize 7 times 3 can be spelled out as "seven times" 3, which just means 3 seven times, just like this. |||||||||||written out|||||||||||| Te sorprendería saber cuántos niños no se dan cuenta de que 7 por 3 se puede deletrear como "siete veces" 3, que simplemente significa 3 siete veces, igual que esto. 您会感到惊讶的是,有多少个孩子没有意识到7乘以3可以拼写为“七乘” 3,这意味着3乘以七乘,就像这样。 So when kids see it this way, they quickly realize that repeated addition is slow and inconvenient, so they gladly memorize that 3 seven times always gives you 21. |||||||||||||||||||gerne||||||| ||||||||||||||||incómodo|||con gusto||||||| Así que cuando los niños lo ven de esta manera, rápidamente se dan cuenta de que la suma repetida es lenta e inconveniente, por lo que memorizan con gusto que 3 siete veces siempre da 21. 因此,当孩子们以这种方式看待它时,他们很快就会意识到重复加法既慢又不方便,因此他们很乐意记住 3 的七次总是等于 21。

So for this teenager who was at risk of dropping out, becoming fluent and confident in multiplication was a game changer. ||||||||||||||||||||Spielveränderer ||||||||||||||||||||cambio decisivo Para este adolescente, que corría el riesgo de abandonar los estudios, aprender a multiplicar con fluidez y seguridad supuso un cambio radical. Так что для этого подростка, которому грозило отчисление из школы, свободное владение навыками умножения стало решающим фактором. 因此,对于这个有辍学,流利,对乘法充满信心的少年来说,这将改变游戏规则。 Because for the first time she could focus on problem solving instead of counting on her fingers. Porque por primera vez podía centrarse en resolver problemas en lugar de contar con los dedos. 因为这是她第一次可以专注于解决问题,而不是依靠手指。

I knew she had turned the corner when she figured out that a 2-year car lease at $445 a month would cost you $10,680 and she looked at me disapprovingly and said: |||||||||||||||Leasing||||||||||||missbilligend|| |||||||||||||||arrendamiento||||||||||||con desaprobación|| Supe que había doblado la esquina cuando se dio cuenta de que un alquiler de coche de 2 años a 445 dólares al mes te costaría 10.680 y me miró con desaprobación y me dijo: Я понял, что она повернула за угол, когда она подсчитала, что двухлетний лизинг автомобиля по 445 долларов в месяц обойдется вам в 10 680 долларов, и, неодобрительно посмотрев на меня, сказала:

"Mr Polisoc, that's expensive!" |Herr Polisoc|| (Laughter)

At that moment, math was no longer causing problems for her, but she was using math to solve problems as a responsible adult would. |ese momento||||||causando|||||||||||||||| En ese momento, las matemáticas ya no le causaban problemas, sino que las utilizaba para resolver problemas como lo haría un adulto responsable. В тот момент математика уже не создавала для нее проблем, а использовалась для решения задач, как и подобает ответственному взрослому человеку. As an educator, it's my duty to challenge kids to reach higher, so I leave you with this challenge. Como educador, es mi deber retar a los niños a llegar más alto, así que os dejo con este reto. Our country is stuck at 26% proficiency, and I challenge you to push that number higher. |||||skill level||||||||| |||||competencia lingüística||||||||| Nuestro país está estancado en un 26% de competencia, y le reto a que aumente esa cifra. Наша страна застряла на отметке 26 %, и я бросаю вам вызов, чтобы поднять эту цифру выше. This is important because mathematical thinking not only builds young minds, but our kids need it to imagine and build a future that doesn't yet exist. |||due to|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||desarrolla||||||||||||||||| Meeting this challenge can be as simple as apples + apples. reunión||||||||| Insist that we teach Math as a human language and we will get there sooner, rather than later. Insista en que enseñemos Matemáticas como un lenguaje humano y lo conseguiremos más pronto que tarde. Настаивайте на том, чтобы преподавать математику как человеческий язык, и мы придем к этому скорее раньше, чем позже.

Thank you!
