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TED: Ideas worth spreading, Paul Kemp-Robertson: Bitcoin.Sweat.Tide. Meet the future of branded currency

Paul Kemp-Robertson: Bitcoin.Sweat.Tide. Meet the future of branded currency

So if I was to ask you what the connection between a bottle of Tide detergent and sweat was, you'd probably think that's the easiest question that you're going to be asked in Edinburgh all week.

But if I was to say that they're both examples of alternative or new forms of currency in a hyperconnected, data-driven global economy, you'd probably think I was a little bit bonkers. But trust me, I work in advertising. (Laughter) And I am going to tell you the answer, but obviously after this short break. So a more challenging question is one that I was asked, actually, by one of our writers a couple of weeks ago, and I didn't know the answer: What's the world's best performing currency? It's actually Bitcoin. Now, for those of you who may not be familiar, Bitcoin is a crypto-currency, a virtual currency, synthetic currency. It was founded in 2008 by this anonymous programmer using a pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. No one knows who or what he is. He's almost like the Banksy of the Internet. And I'm probably not going to do it proper service here, but my interpretation of how it works is that Bitcoins are released through this process of mining So there's a network of computers that are challenged to solve a very complex mathematical problem and the person that manages to solve it first gets the Bitcoins And the Bitcoins are released, they're put into a public ledger called the Blockchain, and then they float, so they become a currency, and completely decentralized, that's the sort of scary thing about this, which is why it's so popular. So it's not run by the authorities or the state. It's actually managed by the network. And the reason that it's proved very successful is it's private, it's anonymous, it's fast, and it's cheap. And you do get to the point where there's some wild fluctuations with Bitcoin. So in one level it went from something like 13 dollars to 266, literally in the space of four months, and then crashed and lost half of its value in six hours. And it's currently around that kind of 110 dollar mark in value. But what it does show is that it's sort of gaining ground, it's gaining respectability. You get services, like Reddit and Wordpress are actually accepting Bitcoin as a payment currency now And that's showing you that people are actually placing trust in technology, and it's started to trump and disrupt and interrogate traditional institutions and how we think about currencies and money. And that's not surprising, if you think about the basket case that is the EU. I think there was a Gallup survey out recently that said something like, in America, trust in banks is at an all-time low, it's something like 21 percent. And you can see here some photographs from London where Barclays sponsored the city bike scheme, and some activists have done some nice piece of guerrilla marketing here and doctored the slogans. "Sub-prime pedaling." "Barclays takes you for a ride." These are the more polite ones I could share with you today. But you get the gist, so people have really started to sort of lose faith in institutions. There's a PR. company called Edelman, they do this very interesting survey every year precisely around trust and what people are thinking. And this is a global survey, so these numbers are global And what's interesting is that you can see that hierarchy is having a bit of a wobble, and it's all about heterarchical now, so people trust people like themselves more than they trust corporations and governments. And if you look at these figures for the more developed markets like U.K., Germany, and so on, they're actually much lower. And I find that sort of scary. People are actually trusting businesspeople more than they're trusting governments and leaders. So what's starting to happen, if you think about money, if you sort of boil money down to an essence, it is literally just an expression of value, an agreed value So what's happening now, in the digital age, is that we can quantify value in lots of different ways and do it more easily, and sometimes the way that we quantify those values, it makes it much easier to create new forms and valid forms of currency. In that context, you can see that networks like Bitcoin suddenly start to make a bit more sense. So if you think we're starting to question and disrupt and interrogate what money means, what our relationship with it is, what defines money, then the ultimate extension of that is, is there a reason for the government to be in charge of money anymore? So obviously I'm looking at this through a marketing prism, so from a brand perspective, brands literally stand or fall on their reputations. And if you think about it, reputation has now become a currency You know, reputations are built on trust, consistency, transparency. So if you've actually decided that you trust a brand, you want a relationship, you want to engage with the brand, you're already kind of participating in lots of new forms of currency. So you think about loyalty. Loyalty essentially is a micro-economy. You think about rewards schemes, air miles. The Economist said a few years ago that there are actually more unredeemed air miles in the world than there are dollar bills in circulation You know, when you are standing in line in Starbucks, 30 percent of transactions in Starbucks on any one day are actually being made with Starbucks Star points. So that's a sort of Starbucks currency staying within its ecosystem. And what I find interesting is that Amazon has recently launched Amazon coins. So admittedly it's a currency at the moment that's purely for the Kindle. So you can buy apps and make purchases within those apps, but you think about Amazon, you look at the trust barometer that I showed you where people are starting to trust businesses, especially businesses that they believe in and trust more than governments So suddenly, you start thinking, well Amazon potentially could push this. It could become a natural extension, that as well as buying stuff -- take it out of the Kindle -- you could buy books, music, real-life products, appliances and goods and so on. And suddenly you're getting Amazon, as a brand, is going head to head with the Federal Reserve in terms of how you want to spend your money, what money is, what constitutes money. And I'll get you back to Tide, the detergent now, as I promised. This is a fantastic article I came across in New York Magazine, where it was saying that drug users across America are actually purchasing drugs with bottles of Tide detergent So they're going into convenience stores, stealing Tide, and a $20 bottle of Tide is equal to 10 dollars of crack cocaine or weed. And what they're saying, so some criminologists have looked at this and they're saying, well, okay, Tide as a product sells at a premium. It's 50 percent above the category average. It's infused with a very complex cocktail of chemicals, so it smells very luxurious and very distinctive, and, being a Procter and Gamble brand, it's been supported by a lot of mass media advertising. So what they're saying is that drug users are consumers too, so they have this in their neural pathways. When they spot Tide, there's a shortcut They say, that is trust. I trust that. That's quality. So it becomes this unit of currency, which the New York Magazine described as a very oddly loyal crime wave, brand-loyal crime wave, and criminals are actually calling Tide "liquid gold" Now, what I thought was funny was the reaction from the P&G spokesperson. They said, obviously tried to dissociate themselves from drugs, but said, "It reminds me of one thing and that's the value of the brand has stayed consistent." (Laughter) Which backs up my point and shows he didn't even break a sweat when he said that. So that brings me back to the connection with sweat. In Mexico, Nike has run a campaign recently called, literally, Bid Your Sweat. So you think about, these Nike shoes have got sensors in them, or you're using a Nike FuelBand that basically tracks your movement, your energy, your calorie consumption. And what's happening here, this is where you've actually elected to join that Nike community You've bought into it. They're not advertising loud messages at you, and that's where advertising has started to shift now is into things like services, tools and applications. So Nike is literally acting as a well-being partner, a health and fitness partner and service provider So what happens with this is they're saying, "Right, you have a data dashboard. We know how far you've run, how far you've moved, what your calorie intake, all that sort of stuff. What you can do is, the more you run, the more points you get, and we have an auction where you can buy Nike stuff but only by proving that you've actually used the product to do stuff." And you can't come into this. This is purely for the community that are sweating using Nike products. You can't buy stuff with pesos. This is literally a closed environment, a closed auction space. In Africa, you know, airtime has become literally a currency in its own right People are used to, because mobile is king, they're very, very used to transferring money, making payments via mobile. And one of my favorite examples from a brand perspective going on is Vodafone, where, in Egypt, lots of people make purchases in markets and very small independent stores Loose change, small change is a real problem, and what tends to happen is you buy a bunch of stuff, you're due, say, 10 cents, 20 cents in change. The shopkeepers tend to give you things like an onion or an aspirin, or a piece of gum, because they don't have small change. So when Vodafone came in and saw this problem, this consumer pain point, they created some small change which they call Fakka, which literally sits and is given by the shopkeepers to people, and it's credit that goes straight onto their mobile phone. So this currency becomes credit, which again, is really, really interesting. And we did a survey that backs up the fact that, you know, 45 percent of people in this very crucial demographic in the U.S. were saying that they're comfortable using an independent or branded currency. So that's getting really interesting here, a really interesting dynamic going on. And you think, corporations should start taking their assets and thinking of them in a different way and trading them And you think, is it much of a leap? It seems farfetched, but when you think about it, in America in 1860, there were 1,600 corporations issuing banknotes There were 8,000 kinds of notes in America. And the only thing that stopped that, the government controlled four percent of the supply, and the only thing that stopped it was the Civil War breaking out, and the government suddenly wanted to take control of the money. So government, money, war, nothing changes there, then. So what I'm going to ask is, basically, is history repeating itself? Is technology making paper money feel outmoded? Are we decoupling money from the government? You know, you think about, brands are starting to fill the gaps. Corporations are filling gaps that governments can't afford to fill. So I think, you know, will we be standing on stage buying a coffee -- organic, fair trade coffee -- next year using TED florins or TED shillings? Thank you very much. (Applause) Thank you. (Applause)

Paul Kemp-Robertson: Bitcoin.Sweat.Tide. Meet the future of branded currency

So if I was to ask you what the connection between a bottle of Tide detergent and sweat was, you’d probably think that’s the easiest question that you’re going to be asked in Edinburgh all week. だから、もし私がタイド洗剤と汗のボトルの関係が何だったのか尋ねるなら、あなたは一週間中エジンバラで尋ねられるのが最も簡単な質問だと思うかもしれません。

But if I was to say that they’re both examples of alternative or new forms of currency in a hyperconnected, data-driven global economy, you’d probably think I was a little bit bonkers. しかし、もし彼らが、ハイパーコネクトされ、データ駆動型の世界経済において代替的な、あるいは新しい形の通貨の例であると言えば、おそらく私は少しばかだと思うだろう。 But trust me, I work in advertising. しかし、私を信じて、私は広告で働いています。 (Laughter) And I am going to tell you the answer, but obviously after this short break. (笑い)そして私はあなたに答えを教えていきますが、明らかにこの短い休憩の後です。 So a more challenging question is one that I was asked, actually, by one of our writers a couple of weeks ago, and I didn’t know the answer: What’s the world’s best performing currency? だからもっと挑戦的な質問は、実際に私たちの作家の一人が2週間前に尋ねられたものです。私は答えを知らなかった:世界最高の通貨は何ですか? It’s actually Bitcoin. それは実際にBitcoinです。 Now, for those of you who may not be familiar, Bitcoin is a crypto-currency, a virtual currency, synthetic currency. 今、慣れ親しんでいないあなたのために、Bitcoinは暗号通貨、仮想通貨、合成通貨です。 It was founded in 2008 by this anonymous programmer using a pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. それは、2008年に、この匿名プログラマーによって、仮名、中本聡を使用して設立されました。 No one knows who or what he is. 誰が彼または彼が何であるかを知る者はいません。 He’s almost like the Banksy of the Internet. 彼はほとんどインターネットの銀行業に似ています。 And I’m probably not going to do it proper service here, but my interpretation of how it works is that Bitcoins are released through this process of mining So there’s a network of computers that are challenged to solve a very complex mathematical problem and the person that manages to solve it first gets the Bitcoins And the Bitcoins are released, they’re put into a public ledger called the Blockchain, and then they float, so they become a currency, and completely decentralized, that’s the sort of scary thing about this, which is why it’s so popular. そして私はおそらくここで適切なサービスを行うつもりはないだろうが、それがどのように機能するのかについての私の解釈は、Bitcoinsがこのマイニングプロセスを通じて解放されるということだ。だから、非常に複雑な数学的問題を解決するために挑戦されるコンピュータネットワークと、それを解決するための管理をしているBitcoinsとBitcoinsが解放され、Blockchainと呼ばれる公的な元帳に入れられ、その後浮動して通貨になり、完全に分散化されます。これはこれに関する恐ろしいことですそれがとても人気がある理由です。 So it’s not run by the authorities or the state. したがって、当局や州によって運営されているわけではありません。 It’s actually managed by the network. 実際にはネットワークによって管理されています。 And the reason that it’s proved very successful is it’s private, it’s anonymous, it’s fast, and it’s cheap. それが非常に成功した理由は、プライベートだということです。匿名で、速く、安いです。 And you do get to the point where there’s some wild fluctuations with Bitcoin. そして、あなたはBitcoinでいくつかの野生の揺らぎがあるポイントに到達します。 So in one level it went from something like 13 dollars to 266, literally in the space of four months, and then crashed and lost half of its value in six hours. だから1つのレベルでは、13ドルから266ドルへ、文字通り4ヶ月の間に行き、その後6時間で値の半分が墜落して失われました。 And it’s currently around that kind of 110 dollar mark in value. そして、それは現在、その種の110ドルマークの価値があります。 But what it does show is that it’s sort of gaining ground, it’s gaining respectability. しかし、それが示しているのは、それが一種の獲得の土台であり、それは尊敬を得ているということです。 You get services, like Reddit and Wordpress are actually accepting Bitcoin as a payment currency now And that’s showing you that people are actually placing trust in technology, and it’s started to trump and disrupt and interrogate traditional institutions and how we think about currencies and money. あなたはRedditやWordpressのようなサービスを手に入れています。実際にBitcoinを決済通貨として受け入れています。それは人々が実際に技術に信頼を置いていることを示しています。そして、伝統的な機関を切り詰めて尋問し始めます。 And that’s not surprising, if you think about the basket case that is the EU. あなたがEUであるバスケットケースを考えるなら、それは驚くべきことではありません。 I think there was a Gallup survey out recently that said something like, in America, trust in banks is at an all-time low, it’s something like 21 percent. 私は最近ギャラップ調査があったと思うが、アメリカでは銀行の信用度がずっと低く、21%のようなものだと言った。 And you can see here some photographs from London where Barclays sponsored the city bike scheme, and some activists have done some nice piece of guerrilla marketing here and doctored the slogans. バークレイズが街のバイクの計画を後援したロンドンの写真もいくつかあります。ここでゲリラのマーケティングのすばらしさを演出しているスポーガンもいます。 "Sub-prime pedaling." 「サブプライムペダリング」 "Barclays takes you for a ride." 「バークレイズはあなたを乗せてくれる」 These are the more polite ones I could share with you today. これらは今日私があなたと分かち合うことができるより丁寧なものです。 But you get the gist, so people have really started to sort of lose faith in institutions. しかし、あなたは要点を得るので、人々は本当に制度に対する信仰を失うようになってきました。 There’s a PR. PRがあります。 company called Edelman, they do this very interesting survey every year precisely around trust and what people are thinking. エーデルマンと呼ばれる会社は、毎年このような非常に面白い調査を、信頼と人々が何を考えているかについて正確に行っています。 And this is a global survey, so these numbers are global And what’s interesting is that you can see that hierarchy is having a bit of a wobble, and it’s all about heterarchical now, so people trust people like themselves more than they trust corporations and governments. これは世界規模の調査であり、これらの数字はグローバルなものです。興味深いのは、階層が少しぐらついていることがわかり、それがすべて今度のことです。人々は企業や政府を信頼するよりも自分自身のような人々を信頼しています。 And if you look at these figures for the more developed markets like U.K., Germany, and so on, they’re actually much lower. そして、イギリス、ドイツなどの先進国の市場でこれらの数字を見ると、実際にはかなり低くなっています。 And I find that sort of scary. そして、私はそのような恐怖を見つける。 People are actually trusting businesspeople more than they’re trusting governments and leaders. 人々は実際に政府やリーダーを信頼している以上にビジネスマンを信頼しています。 So what’s starting to happen, if you think about money, if you sort of boil money down to an essence, it is literally just an expression of value, an agreed value So what’s happening now, in the digital age, is that we can quantify value in lots of different ways and do it more easily, and sometimes the way that we quantify those values, it makes it much easier to create new forms and valid forms of currency. それでは、何が起き始めているのですか。あなたがお金について考えるなら、あなたが本質に沸騰した金を並べると、それは文字通り価値のある表現であり、合意された価値です。今、デジタル時代には、さまざまな方法で価値を提供し、より簡単に行うことができます。また、これらの価値を定量化する方法によって、新しいフォームや有効な通貨のフォームを作成するのがずっと簡単になります。 In that context, you can see that networks like Bitcoin suddenly start to make a bit more sense. この状況では、Bitcoinのようなネットワークが突然少し意味をなさないことがわかります。 So if you think we’re starting to question and disrupt and interrogate what money means, what our relationship with it is, what defines money, then the ultimate extension of that is, is there a reason for the government to be in charge of money anymore? だから、もしお金が何を意味しているのかという疑問や疑問や尋問を始めていると思うのであれば、それとの関係、お金を定義するもの、そして最終的な延長は、政府がお金を担当する理由もう? So obviously I’m looking at this through a marketing prism, so from a brand perspective, brands literally stand or fall on their reputations. ブランドの視点から言えば、ブランドは文字通り自らの評判に立ったり、落ちたりします。 And if you think about it, reputation has now become a currency You know, reputations are built on trust, consistency, transparency. あなたがそれについて考えるならば、評判は今や通貨になっています。あなたが知っている評判は信頼、一貫性、透明性に基づいています。 So if you’ve actually decided that you trust a brand, you want a relationship, you want to engage with the brand, you’re already kind of participating in lots of new forms of currency. だから、実際にあなたがブランドを信じると決めたのであれば、あなたは関係を欲し、ブランドと関わりたいと思うなら、あなたはすでに多くの新しい通貨の形態に参加しているのです。 So you think about loyalty. だからあなたは忠誠心を考えます。 Loyalty essentially is a micro-economy. ロイヤルティは本質的にミクロ経済です。 You think about rewards schemes, air miles. あなたは報酬体系、空マイルを考えます。 The Economist said a few years ago that there are actually more unredeemed air miles in the world than there are dollar bills in circulation You know, when you are standing in line in Starbucks, 30 percent of transactions in Starbucks on any one day are actually being made with Starbucks Star points. エコノミストは、数年前、実際には世界の航空マイルの未払い分がドル建てであると言っていましたが、スターバックスに並んでいるときは、スターバックスの取引の30%は実際にはスターバックススターポイントで作られています。 So that’s a sort of Starbucks currency staying within its ecosystem. それは、その生態系内に留まる一種のスターバックスの通貨です。 And what I find interesting is that Amazon has recently launched Amazon coins. 興味深いのはAmazonが最近Amazonのコインを発行したことです。 So admittedly it’s a currency at the moment that’s purely for the Kindle. それは確かに、それは純粋にKindleのための瞬間の通貨です。 So you can buy apps and make purchases within those apps, but you think about Amazon, you look at the trust barometer that I showed you where people are starting to trust businesses, especially businesses that they believe in and trust more than governments So suddenly, you start thinking, well Amazon potentially could push this. あなたはアプリを購入してそのアプリ内で購入することができますが、アマゾンについて考えると、人々がビジネスを信頼し始めている場所、特に政府より信じて信頼しているところで、思考を開始すると、おそらくAmazonがこれを押し進める可能性があります。 It could become a natural extension, that as well as buying stuff -- take it out of the Kindle -- you could buy books, music, real-life products, appliances and goods and so on. あなたは本、音楽、現実の製品、家電製品などを買うことができます。 And suddenly you’re getting Amazon, as a brand, is going head to head with the Federal Reserve in terms of how you want to spend your money, what money is, what constitutes money. そして突然あなたは、ブランドとしてAmazonを手に入れようとしています。あなたはお金をどのように使いたいか、お金は何ですか、お金を構成するのかという観点から連邦準備制度理事会に頭を下げています。 And I’ll get you back to Tide, the detergent now, as I promised. そして、私は約束したように、洗剤であるタイドに戻ってきます。 This is a fantastic article I came across in New York Magazine, where it was saying that drug users across America are actually purchasing drugs with bottles of Tide detergent So they’re going into convenience stores, stealing Tide, and a $20 bottle of Tide is equal to 10 dollars of crack cocaine or weed. これは私がニューヨークの雑誌で遭遇したすばらしい記事です。アメリカのドラッグユーザーは実際にタイド洗剤の瓶で薬を購入していると言われていますので、タイドを盗んでコンビニエンスストアに入っています。ひびのコカインまたは雑草の10ドルに等しい。 And what they’re saying, so some criminologists have looked at this and they’re saying, well, okay, Tide as a product sells at a premium. 彼らは何を言っているのですか。だから、いくつかの犯罪学者がこれを見ていて、そうだと言っています。いいです、商品としての潮はプレミアムで販売しています。 It’s 50 percent above the category average. それはカテゴリの平均より50%高い。 It’s infused with a very complex cocktail of chemicals, so it smells very luxurious and very distinctive, and, being a Procter and Gamble brand, it’s been supported by a lot of mass media advertising. 非常に複雑な化学物質のカクテルが吹き込まれているため、非常に豪華で独特な臭いがあり、プロクター・アンド・ギャンブルのブランドであり、多くのマスコミの広告によって支持されています。 So what they’re saying is that drug users are consumers too, so they have this in their neural pathways. 彼らが言っていることは、薬物使用者も消費者であり、彼らは彼らの神経経路にこれを持っているということです。 When they spot Tide, there’s a shortcut They say, that is trust. 彼らがタイドを見つけたとき、彼らは信頼と言うショートカットがあります。 I trust that. 私はそれを信じている。 That’s quality. それは品質です。 So it becomes this unit of currency, which the New York Magazine described as a very oddly loyal crime wave, brand-loyal crime wave, and criminals are actually calling Tide "liquid gold" Now, what I thought was funny was the reaction from the P&G spokesperson. それで、それはニューヨークの雑誌が非常に奇妙な忠実な犯罪の波、ブランド忠実な犯罪の波として記述されたこの通貨の単位になります、そして犯罪者は実際にタイドを「液体金」と呼んでいます。 P&Gスポークスマン。 They said, obviously tried to dissociate themselves from drugs, but said, "It reminds me of one thing and that’s the value of the brand has stayed consistent." 彼らは明らかに薬物から自分自身を切り離そうとしたが、「それは私に1つのことを思い起こさせ、ブランドの価値は一貫していた」と述べた。 (Laughter) Which backs up my point and shows he didn’t even break a sweat when he said that. (笑い)これは私の言い分を裏付け、彼がそれを言ったときに汗をかくことさえなかったことを示しています。 So that brings me back to the connection with sweat. それで、私は汗とのつながりに戻ってきます。 In Mexico, Nike has run a campaign recently called, literally, Bid Your Sweat. メキシコでは、ナイキは、最近、文字通り、あなたの汗を入札と呼ばれるキャンペーンを実行しています。 So you think about, these Nike shoes have got sensors in them, or you’re using a Nike FuelBand that basically tracks your movement, your energy, your calorie consumption. ナイキシューズにはセンサーが付いているか、基本的に運動、エネルギー、カロリー消費量を追跡するNike FuelBandを使用しています。 And what’s happening here, this is where you’ve actually elected to join that Nike community You’ve bought into it. そして、ここで起こっていることは、あなたが実際に購入したナイキのコミュニティに参加することを実際に選んだ場所です。 They’re not advertising loud messages at you, and that’s where advertising has started to shift now is into things like services, tools and applications. 彼らはあなたに大きなメッセージを広告していません。それは、今や広告がサービス、ツール、アプリケーションのようなものに移行し始めているところです。 So Nike is literally acting as a well-being partner, a health and fitness partner and service provider So what happens with this is they’re saying, "Right, you have a data dashboard. だから、ナイキは文字通りウェルビーイングパートナー、健康とフィットネスのパートナー、そしてサービスプロバイダーとして働いています。だからこそ、「データダッシュボードがあります。 We know how far you’ve run, how far you’ve moved, what your calorie intake, all that sort of stuff. 私たちはあなたがどこまで走ったか、どこまで移動したか、あなたのカロリー摂取量、そのようなものすべてを知っています。 What you can do is, the more you run, the more points you get, and we have an auction where you can buy Nike stuff but only by proving that you’ve actually used the product to do stuff." あなたができることは、あなたが走るほどポイントが増え、Nikeのものを買うことができるオークションがあります。実際に商品を使って商品を購入したことが証明されただけです」 And you can’t come into this. そして、あなたはこれに来ることはできません。 This is purely for the community that are sweating using Nike products. これは純粋にNike製品を使用して発汗しているコミュニティのためのものです。 You can’t buy stuff with pesos. あなたはペソでものを買うことはできません。 This is literally a closed environment, a closed auction space. これは文字通り閉鎖された環境であり、閉鎖されたオークション空間です。 In Africa, you know, airtime has become literally a currency in its own right People are used to, because mobile is king, they’re very, very used to transferring money, making payments via mobile. アフリカでは、通話時間は文字通りそれ自体の通貨になっています。人々は、携帯電話が王様であるため、お金を移転するのに非常によく慣れています。 And one of my favorite examples from a brand perspective going on is Vodafone, where, in Egypt, lots of people make purchases in markets and very small independent stores Loose change, small change is a real problem, and what tends to happen is you buy a bunch of stuff, you’re due, say, 10 cents, 20 cents in change. そして、ブランドの観点から私の好きな例の一つは、ボーダフォンです。エジプトでは、市場や小さな独立系店で多くの人が買い物をします。緩やかな変化、小さな変化は本当の問題です。一束のもの、あなたは10セント、20セントの変更が必要です。 The shopkeepers tend to give you things like an onion or an aspirin, or a piece of gum, because they don’t have small change. 店主は、小さな変化がないので、タマネギやアスピリン、ガムのようなものを与える傾向があります。 So when Vodafone came in and saw this problem, this consumer pain point, they created some small change which they call Fakka, which literally sits and is given by the shopkeepers to people, and it’s credit that goes straight onto their mobile phone. だから、ボーダフォンが来て、この消費者の苦痛の点を見たとき、彼らは文字通り座って店主によって人々に与えられているファッカ(Fakka)と呼ばれる小さな変化を作りました。 So this currency becomes credit, which again, is really, really interesting. だから、この通貨はクレジットになります。それもまた本当に面白いです。 And we did a survey that backs up the fact that, you know, 45 percent of people in this very crucial demographic in the U.S. そして、私たちは、この非常に重要な人口統計の米国人の45%の人々を裏付ける調査を行った were saying that they’re comfortable using an independent or branded currency. 彼らは独立したまたはブランドの通貨を使用して快適だと言っていた。 So that’s getting really interesting here, a really interesting dynamic going on. それでここは本当に興味深いものになりました。本当に興味深い動向が続いています。 And you think, corporations should start taking their assets and thinking of them in a different way and trading them And you think, is it much of a leap? そしてあなたは企業は資産を取って別の方法で考えて取引するべきだと思っています。 It seems farfetched, but when you think about it, in America in 1860, there were 1,600 corporations issuing banknotes There were 8,000 kinds of notes in America. あなたがそれについて考えてみると、1860年にアメリカでは1,600社が紙幣を発行していました。アメリカには8,000種類の紙幣がありました。 And the only thing that stopped that, the government controlled four percent of the supply, and the only thing that stopped it was the Civil War breaking out, and the government suddenly wanted to take control of the money. そして、それを止めた唯一の事柄は、政府が供給の4%を支配し、それを止めた唯一の事は内戦が打ち切られたことであり、政府は突然その金を支配したがっていました。 So government, money, war, nothing changes there, then. だから、政府、お金、戦争、何も変わらない。 So what I’m going to ask is, basically, is history repeating itself? だから、私が尋ねることは、基本的に、歴史はそれ自体を繰り返すことですか? Is technology making paper money feel outmoded? 紙幣を作るテクノロジーは時代遅れだと感じていますか? Are we decoupling money from the government? 私たちは政府から資金を切り離していますか? You know, you think about, brands are starting to fill the gaps. ブランドはギャップを埋め始めていると思います。 Corporations are filling gaps that governments can’t afford to fill. 法人が満たすことができないギャップを埋めようとしています。 So I think, you know, will we be standing on stage buying a coffee -- organic, fair trade coffee -- next year using TED florins or TED shillings? だから私は、TEDのflorinsやTED shillingsを使って、コーヒーオーガニックの、公正な貿易コーヒーを購入する段階に立っていると思いますか? Thank you very much. (Applause) Thank you. (拍手)ありがとうございました。 (Applause)