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TED-Ed, Romance and revolution: the poetry of Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans

Romance and revolution: the poetry of Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans

Pablo Neruda published his first collection of poems at age 19.

He went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature—

and also rescue 2,000 refugees,

spend three years in political exile,

and run for president of Chile.

A romantic and a revolutionary,

Neruda was one of the most celebrated poets of the 20th century,

but also one of the most accessible and controversial.

Originally written in Spanish,

his poems often use straightforward language and everyday experience

to create lasting impact.

Neruda was born Ricardo Eliezer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto

in a small Chilean town in 1904.

His father didn't want him to be a poet,

so at sixteen he began to write under the pen name “Pablo Neruda.”

The poems in his early collection "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair"

were tender and perceptive,

illuminating the subtleties of love and enchantment.

In "Poem VI," for example, he writes:

“Tu recuerdo es de luz, de humo, de estanque en calma!/

Más allá de tus ojos ardían los crepúsculos.”

Later, he poured this attention to detail into poems of appreciation

for everyday objects.

Many of the 225 short poems in his collection "All the Odes"

are dedicated to the assortment of small,

apparently insignificant items that surround us,

from a pair of shoelaces to a watermelon.

An onion is más hermosa que un ave/ de plumas cegadoras,

while a tuna in the market is a bala del profundo/

océano, proyectil natatorio, te vi, muerto.

Despite this early literary success,

Neruda struggled financially,

and took a series of diplomatic jobs in places such as Burma, Indonesia,

Singapore and Spain.

In 1936, while Neruda was working at the consulate in Madrid,

civil war broke out

and the government was overthrown by a fascist military dictatorship.

Neruda organized an evacuation of refugees from Spain to Chile,

saving 2,000 lives.

Over a period of twenty years,

Neruda captured his experiences abroad in a three volume poetry collection

titled "Residence on Earth."

Many of these poems were experimental and surreal,

merging epic landscapes, supernatural themes,

and feelings of longing with discussion of political strife

and a poet's responsibility to speak out against injustice.

In “I Explain a Few Things”

he lingers on haunting details of the destruction of the Spanish Civil War.

For the rest of his life,

Neruda remained committed to revolutionary ideals.

His politics led to several years of exile

before he was able to return to Chile in 1952.

While in exile,

he published his influential "Canto General."

The book attempts to retell the entire history of Latin America through poetry,

touching on everything from its flora and fauna

to its politics and wars,

but above all paying homage to the common people

behind its civilizations' achievements.

Although he continued to travel,

after returning from exile

Neruda lived in Chile for the rest of his life.

In 1970, at age 66,

Neruda ran for president of Chile before yielding to Salvador Allende

and becoming his close advisor.

But in 1973, Allende was overthrown in a military coup by General Augusto Pinochet.

Neruda died in the hospital a couple of weeks later.

Because of the timing of his death so soon after the coup,

rumors swirled that he had died of sadness or even been assassinated,

but the hospital recorded his cause of death as cancer.

Today, Neruda's lines are recited at protests and marches worldwide.

Much like his life,

Neruda's poems bridged romance and revolution

by emphasizing the everyday moments worth fighting for.

Romance and revolution: the poetry of Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans ||Revolution und Romantik||Dichtung||Pablo Neruda|Neruda|Ilan Stavans| Romantik und Revolution: Die Poesie von Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans Ρομαντισμός και επανάσταση: η ποίηση του Πάμπλο Νερούδα - Ilan Stavans Romance y revolución: la poesía de Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans Romance et révolution : la poésie de Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans Romanticismo e rivoluzione: la poesia di Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans ロマンスと革命:パブロ・ネルーダの詩-イラン・スタヴァンス 로맨스와 혁명: 파블로 네루다의 시 - 일란 스타반스 Romantika ir revoliucija: Pablo Nerudos poezija - Ilan Stavans Romans i rewolucja: poezja Pabla Nerudy - Ilan Stavans Romance e revolução: a poesia de Pablo Neruda - Ilan Stavans Романтика и революция: поэзия Пабло Неруды - Илан Ставанс Romantizm ve devrim: Pablo Neruda'nın şiiri - Ilan Stavans Романтика і революція: поезія Пабло Неруди - Ілан Ставанс 浪漫与革命:巴勃罗·聂鲁达的诗歌 - 伊兰·斯塔万斯 浪漫與革命:巴勃羅聶魯達的詩 - 伊蘭斯塔萬斯

Pablo Neruda published his first collection of poems at age 19. |||||||Gedichte||

He went on to win the Nobel Prize in Literature— ||||||Nobelpreis für Literatur||| Затем он получил Нобелевскую премию по литературе.

and also rescue 2,000 refugees, а також врятувати 2000 біженців,

spend three years in political exile, провести три роки в політичному засланні,

and run for president of Chile. и баллотироваться в президенты Чили.

A romantic and a revolutionary,

Neruda was one of the most celebrated poets of the 20th century,

but also one of the most accessible and controversial.

Originally written in Spanish,

his poems often use straightforward language and everyday experience у його віршах часто використовується проста мова та повсякденний досвід

to create lasting impact. для создания длительного воздействия.

Neruda was born Ricardo Eliezer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto Pablo Neruda|||||||

in a small Chilean town in 1904.

His father didn't want him to be a poet,

so at sixteen he began to write under the pen name “Pablo Neruda.”

The poems in his early collection "Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair" Вірші його ранньої збірки «Двадцять віршів про кохання та пісня розпачу»

were tender and perceptive, |||einfühlsam були ніжними і проникливими,

illuminating the subtleties of love and enchantment. ||Nuancen||||Verzauberung висвітлюючи тонкощі любові та чарівності.

In "Poem VI," for example, he writes:

“Tu recuerdo es de luz, de humo, de estanque en calma!/ “Tu recuerdo es de luz, de humo, de estanque en calma!/

Más allá de tus ojos ardían los crepúsculos.”

Later, he poured this attention to detail into poems of appreciation Позже он вложил это внимание в детали в поэмы признательности. Пізніше він вилив цю увагу до деталей у вірші вдячності

for everyday objects.

Many of the 225 short poems in his collection "All the Odes" Veel van de 225 korte gedichten in zijn bundel "All the Odes"

are dedicated to the assortment of small, |gewidmet|||Sortiment|| посвящены ассортименту небольших, присвячені асортименту дрібних,

apparently insignificant items that surround us, seemingly|||||

from a pair of shoelaces to a watermelon.

An onion is más hermosa que un ave/ de plumas cegadoras, 洋葱是最美丽的,

while a tuna in the market is a bala del profundo/

océano, proyectil natatorio, te vi, muerto.

Despite this early literary success,

Neruda struggled financially,

and took a series of diplomatic jobs in places such as Burma, Indonesia, і отримав низку дипломатичних посад у таких місцях, як Бірма, Індонезія,

Singapore and Spain.

In 1936, while Neruda was working at the consulate in Madrid,

civil war broke out

and the government was overthrown by a fascist military dictatorship.

Neruda organized an evacuation of refugees from Spain to Chile,

saving 2,000 lives.

Over a period of twenty years,

Neruda captured his experiences abroad in a three volume poetry collection 聂鲁达在三卷诗集中记录了他在国外的经历

titled "Residence on Earth." під назвою «Резиденція на Землі».

Many of these poems were experimental and surreal,

merging epic landscapes, supernatural themes, поєднання епічних пейзажів, надприродних тем,

and feelings of longing with discussion of political strife |||Sehnsucht|||||politische Unruhen і почуття туги з обговоренням політичних чвар

and a poet's responsibility to speak out against injustice.

In “I Explain a Few Things”

he lingers on haunting details of the destruction of the Spanish Civil War. |verweilt||||||||||| він зупиняється на хвилюючих подробицях руйнування громадянської війни в Іспанії.

For the rest of his life,

Neruda remained committed to revolutionary ideals.

His politics led to several years of exile

before he was able to return to Chile in 1952.

While in exile,

he published his influential "Canto General." он опубликовал свой влиятельный "Canto General."

The book attempts to retell the entire history of Latin America through poetry, Книга пытается поведать всю историю Латинской Америки через поэзию,

touching on everything from its flora and fauna затрагивая все, начиная от ее флоры и фауны

to its politics and wars,

but above all paying homage to the common people але перш за все віддаючи шану простим людям

behind its civilizations' achievements.

Although he continued to travel,

after returning from exile

Neruda lived in Chile for the rest of his life.

In 1970, at age 66,

Neruda ran for president of Chile before yielding to Salvador Allende Neruda se presentó como candidato a la presidencia de Chile antes de ceder el puesto a Salvador Allende Неруда балотувався в президенти Чилі, перш ніж поступитися Сальвадору Альєнде

and becoming his close advisor.

But in 1973, Allende was overthrown in a military coup by General Augusto Pinochet.

Neruda died in the hospital a couple of weeks later. Neruda|||||||||

Because of the timing of his death so soon after the coup, Через час його смерті так швидко після перевороту,

rumors swirled that he had died of sadness or even been assassinated, |sich verbreiteten||||||||||

but the hospital recorded his cause of death as cancer.

Today, Neruda's lines are recited at protests and marches worldwide. Сьогодні рядки Неруди декламують на протестах і маршах по всьому світу.

Much like his life,

Neruda's poems bridged romance and revolution Вірші Неруди поєднали романтику й революцію

by emphasizing the everyday moments worth fighting for.