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TEDTalks, Rick Warren – Living a life of purpose (2006)

Rick Warren – Living a life of purpose (2006)

I'm often asked, you know, what surprises you about the book?

And I said, that I got to write it. I would have never imagined that, not in my wildest dreams did I think -- I don't even consider myself to be an author. And I'm often asked, why do you think so many people have read this? This thing's selling still about a million copies a month. And I think it's because spiritual emptiness is a universal disease. I think inside at some point, we put our heads down on the pillow and we go, "There's got to be more to life than this." Get up in the morning, go to work, come home and watch TV, go to bed, get up in the morning, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed, go to parties on weekends. A lot of people say, "I'm living." No, you're not living -- that's just existing. Just existing. I really think that's there's this inner desire. I do believe what Chris said. I believe that you're not an accident. Your parents may not have planned you, but I believe God did. I think there are accidental parents, there's no doubt about that. I don't think there are accidental kids.

And I think you matter. I think you matter to God, I think you matter to history, I think you matter to this universe. And I think that the difference between what I call the survival level of living, the success level of living and the significant level of living is, do you figure out, what on Earth am I here for? I meet a lot of people who are very smart, and say, "But why can't I figure out my problems?" And I meet a lot of people who are very successful, who say, "Why don't I feel more fulfilled? Why do I feel like a fake? Why do I feel like I've got to pretend that I'm more than I really am?" I think that comes down to this issue of meaning, of significance, of purpose. I think it comes down to this issue of why am I here? What am I here for? Where am I going? These are not religious issues -- they're human issues.

I wanted to tell Michael before he spoke that I really appreciate what he does, because it makes my life work a whole lot easier. As a pastor, I do see a lot of kooks. And I have learned that there are kooks in every area of life. Religion doesn't have a monopoly on that, but there are plenty of religious kooks. There are secular kooks, there are smart kooks, dumb kooks. There are people -- a lady came up to me the other day, and she had a white piece of paper -- Michael, you'll like this one -- and she said, "What do you see in it?" And I looked at it and I said, "Oh, I don't see anything." And she goes, "Well, I see Jesus," and started crying and left. I'm going, OK, you know. Fine. Um. Good for you.

When the book became the best-selling book in the world for the last three years, I kind of had my little crisis. And that was, what is the purpose of this? Because it brought in enormous amounts of money. When you write the best-selling book in the world, it's tons and tons of money. And it brought in a lot of attention, neither of which I wanted. When I started Saddleback Church, I was 25 years old. I started it with one other family in 1980. And I decided that I was never going to go on TV, because I didn't want to be a celebrity, I didn't want to be a, quote, "evangelist, televangelist" -- that's not my thing. And all of a sudden, it brought a lot of money and a lot of attention. I don't think -- now, this is a worldview, and I will tell you, everybody's got a worldview.

Everybody's betting their life on something. You're betting your life on something -- you just better know why you're betting what you're betting on. So, everybody's betting their life on something, and when I, you know, made a bet, I happened to believe that Jesus was who he said he was. But everybody's got -- and I believe in a pluralistic society -- everybody's betting on something. And when I started the church, you know, I had no plans to do what it's doing now. And then when I wrote this book, and all of a sudden it just took off, then I started saying, now, what's the purpose of this? Because as I started to say, I don't think you're given money or fame for your own ego, ever. I just don't believe that. And when you write a book that the first sentence of the book is, "It's not about you," then, when all of a sudden it becomes the best-selling book in history, you got to figure, well, I guess it's not about me. That's kind of a no-brainer. So, what is it for?

And I began to think about what I call the stewardship of affluence and the stewardship of influence. So I believe, essentially, that leadership is stewardship. That if you are a leader in any area -- in business, in politics, in sports, in art, in academics, in any area -- you don't own it, you are a steward of it. For instance, that's why I believe in protecting the environment. This is not my planet. It wasn't mine before I was born. It's not going to be mine after I die. I'm just here for 80 years and then that's it.

I was debating the other day on a talk show, and the guy was challenging me and go, "What's a pastor doing on protecting the environment?" And I asked this guy, I said, "Well, do you believe that human beings are responsible to make the world a little bit better place for the next generation? Do you think we have a stewardship here, to take the environment seriously?" And he said, "No." I said, "Oh, you don't?" I said, "Let me make this clear again. Do you believe that as human beings -- I'm not talking about religion -- do you believe that as human beings, it is our responsibility to take care of this planet and make it just a little bit better for the next generation?" And he said, "No. Not any more than any other species." When he said the word "species," he was revealing his worldview. And he was saying, "I'm no more responsible to take care of this environment than a duck is." Well now, I know a lot of times we act like ducks, but you're not a duck. You're not a duck. And you are responsible -- that's my worldview. And so, you need to understand what your world is, the worldview is.

The problem is most people never really think it through. They never really -- they never really codify it or qualify it or quantify it, and say, "This is what I believe in. This is why I believe what I believe." I don't personally have enough faith to be an atheist. But you may, you may. Your worldview, though, does determine everything else in your life, because it determines your decisions, it determines your relationships, it determines your level of confidence. It determines, really, everything in your life. What we believe, obviously -- and you know this -- determines our behavior, and our behavior determines what we become in life.

So all of this money started pouring in, and all of this fame started pouring in, and I go, what do I do with this? My wife and I first made five decisions on what to do with the money. We said, "First, we're not going to use it on ourselves." I didn't go out and buy a bigger house. I don't own a guesthouse. I still drive the same four-year-old Ford that I've driven. We just said, we're not going to use it on us. The second thing was, I stopped taking a salary from the church that I pastor. Third thing is, I added up all that the church had paid me over the last 25 years, and I gave it back. And I gave it back because I didn't want anybody thinking that I do what I do for money -- I don't. In fact, personally, I've never met a priest or a pastor or a minister who does it for money. I know that's a stereotype. I've never met one of them. Believe me, there's a whole lot easier ways to make money.

Pastors are like on 24 hours a day call. They're like doctors. I left late today. I'd hoped to be here yesterday, because my father-in-law is in his last, probably, 48 hours before he dies of cancer. And I'm watching a guy who's lived his life -- he's now in his mid-80s -- and he's dying with peace. You know, the test of your worldview is not how you act in the good times. The test of your worldview is how you act at the funeral. And having been through literally hundreds if not thousands of funerals, it makes a difference. It makes a difference what you believe.

So, we gave it all back, and then we set up three foundations, working on some of the major problems of the world: illiteracy, poverty, pandemic diseases -- particularly HIV/AIDS -- and set up these three foundations, and put the money into that. The last thing we did is we became what I call "reverse tithers." And that is, when my wife and I got married 30 years ago, we started tithing. Now, that's a principle in the Bible that says give 10 percent of what you get back to charity, give it away to help other people. So, we started doing that, and each year we would raise our tithe 1 percent. So, our first year of marriage we went to 11 percent, second year we went to 12 percent, and the third year we went to 13 percent, and on and on and on. Why did I do that? Because every time I give, it breaks the grip of materialism in my life. Materialism is all about getting -- get, get, get, get all you can, can all you get, sit on the can and spoil the rest. It's all about more, having more. And we think that the good life is actually looking good. That's most important of all -- looking good, feeling good and having the goods. But that's not the good life. I meet people all the time who have those, and they're not necessarily happy. If money actually made you happy, then the wealthiest people in the world would be the happiest. And that I know, personally, is not true. It's just not true.

So, the good life is not about looking good, feeling good or having the goods, it's about being good and doing good. Giving your life away. Significance in life doesn't come from status, because you can always find somebody who's got more than you. It doesn't come from sex. It doesn't come from salary. It comes from serving. It is in giving our lives away that we find meaning, we find significance. That's the way we were wired, I believe, by God. And so we began to give away, and now after 30 years, my wife and I are reverse tithers -- we give away 90 percent and live on 10. That, actually, was the easy part. The hard part is, what do I do with all this attention? Because I start getting all kinds of invitations. I just came off of a nearly month-long speaking tour on three different continents, and I won't go into that, but it was an amazing thing. And I'm going, what do I do with this, this notoriety that the book has brought?

And being a pastor, I started reading the Bible. There's a chapter in the Bible called Psalm 72, and it's Solomon's prayer for more influence. When you read this prayer, it sounds incredibly selfish, self-centered. It sounds like, he says, "God, I want you to make me famous." That's what he prays. He says, "I want you to make me famous. I want you to spread the fame of my name through every land, I want you to give me power, I want you to make me famous. I want you to give me influence." And it just sounds like the most egotistical request you could make if you were going to pray. Until you read the whole psalm, the whole chapter. And then he says, "So that the king" -- he was the king of Israel at that time at its apex in power -- "so that the king may care for the widow and orphan, support depressed, defend the defenseless, care for the sick, assist the poor, speak up for the foreigner, those in prison." Basically, he's talking about all the marginalized in society.

And as I read that, I looked at it, and I thought, you know, what this is saying is that the purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence. The purpose of influence is not to build your ego, or your net worth. And, by the way, your net worth is not the same thing as your self-worth. Your value is not based on your valuables, it's based on a whole different set of things. And so the purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence. And I had to admit, I can't think of the last time I thought of widows and orphans. They're not on my radar. I pastor a church in one of the most affluent areas of America -- a bunch of gated communities. I have a church full of CEOs and scientists. And I could go five years and never, ever see a homeless person. They're just not in my pathway. Now, they're 13 miles up the road in Santa Ana. So, I had to say, "OK, I would use whatever affluence and whatever influence I've got to help those who don't have either of those. " You know, there's a story in the Bible about Moses. Whether you believe it's true or not -- it really didn't matter to me. But Moses, if you saw the movie, "The Ten Commandments," Moses goes out, and there's this burning bush, and God talks to him. And God says, "Moses, what's in your hand?" I think that's one of the most important questions you'll ever be asked. What's in your hand? Moses says, "It's a staff. It's a shepherd's staff." And God says, "Throw it down." And if you saw the movie, you know, he throws it down and it becomes a snake. And then God says, "Pick it up." And he picks it back up again, and it becomes a staff again. Now, I'm reading this thing, and I'm going, what is that all about? OK. What's that all about? Well, I do know a couple of things. Number one, God never does a miracle to show off. It's not just, "Wow, isn't that cool?" And, by the way, my God doesn't have to show up on cheese bread. You know, if God's going to show up, he's not going to show up on cheese bread.


OK? I just, this is why I love what Michael does, because it's like, OK, if he's debunking it, then I don't have to. But God -- my God -- doesn't show up on sprinkler images. He got a few more powerful ways than that to do whatever he wants to do. But He doesn't do miracles just to show off.

Second thing is, if God ever asks you a question, He already knows the answer. Obviously, if He's God, then that would mean that when He asks the question, it's for your benefit, not His. So, He's going, "What's in your hand?" Now, what was in Moses' hand? Well, it was a shepherd's staff. Now, follow me on this.

This staff represented three things about Moses' life. First, it represented his identity. He was a shepherd. It's the symbol of his own occupation. I am a shepherd. It's a symbol of his identity, his career, his job. Second, it's a symbol of not only his identity, it's a symbol of his income, because all of his assets are tied up in sheep. In those days nobody had bank accounts, or American Express cards, or hedge funds. Your assets are tied up in your flocks. So it's a symbol of his identity, and it's a symbol of his income. And the third thing: it's a symbol of his influence. What do you do with a shepherd's staff? Well, you know, you move sheep from point A to point B with it, by hook or by crook. You pull them or you poke them, one or the other. So, He's saying, "You're going to lay down your identity. What's in your hand? You've got identity, you've got income, you've got influence. What's in your hand?" And He's saying, "If you lay it down, I'll make it come alive. I'll do some things you could never imagine possible." And if you've watched that movie, "Ten Commandments," all of those big miracles that happen in Egypt are done through this staff. Last year, I was invited to speak at NBA All-Stars game. And so, I'm talking to the players, because most of the NBA teams, NFL teams and all the other teams have done this 40 Days of Purpose, based on the book. And I asked them, I said, "What's in your hand? So, what's in your hand?" I said, "It's a basketball, and that basketball represents your identity, who you are. You're an NBA player. It represents your income. You're making a lot of money off that little ball. And it represents your influence. And even though you're only going to be in the NBA for a few years, you're going to be an NBA player for the rest of your life. And that gives with you enormous influence. So, what are you going to do with what you've been given? " And I guess that's the main reason I came up here today, to all of you very bright people at TED, is to say, "What's in your hand?" What do you have that you've been given? Talent, background, education, freedom, networks, opportunities, wealth, ideas, creativity. What are you doing with what you've been given? That, to me, is the primary question about life. That, to me, is what being purpose-driven is all about. In the book I talk about how you're wired to do certain things, you're shaped. This little cross takes spiritual gifts, heart, ability, personality and experiences. These things shape you. And if you want to know what you ought to be doing with your life, you need to look at your shape. What am I wired to do? Why would God wire you to do something and then not have you do it? If you're wired to be an anthropologist, you'll be an anthropologist. If you're wired to be an underseas explorer, you'll be an undersea explorer. If you're wired to make deals, you make deals. If you're wired to paint, you paint.

Did you know that God smiles when you be you? When my little kids were little -- they're all grown, now I have grandkids -- I used to go in and sit on the side of their bed, and I used to watch my kids sleep. And I just watched their little bodies rise and lower, rise and lower. And I would look at them, this is not an accident. Rise and lower. And I got joy out of just watching them sleep. Some people have the misguided idea that God only gets excited when you're doing, quote, "spiritual things," like going to church or helping the poor, or, you know, confessing or doing something like that. The bottom line is, God gets pleasure watching you be you. Why? He made you. And when you do what you were made to do, He goes, "That's my boy. That's my girl. You're using the talent and ability that I gave you." So my advice to you is, look at what's in your hand -- your identity, your influence, your income -- and say, "It's not about me. It's about making the world a better place. " Thank you.


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Rick Warren – Living a life of purpose (2006) |Warren|vivre|||| Rick|Warren|||||Meaningful direction Rick Warren||||||propósito Rick|||||| ||||||Zweck des Lebens |Warren||||| ริค|||||| リック|||||| Rick Warren|Warren|||||propósito Rick Warren – Ein Leben mit Sinn leben (2006) Rick Warren – Living a life of purpose (2006) Rick Warren - Vivir una vida con propósito (2006) Rick Warren - Vivre dans un but précis (2006) Rick Warren - Vivere una vita di scopo (2006) リック・ウォレン - 目的のある人生を生きる (2006) 릭 워렌 - 목적이 있는 삶 (2006) Rickas Warrenas - Gyvenimas pagal paskirtį (2006) Rick Warren - Życie zgodne z przeznaczeniem (2006) Rick Warren - Viver uma vida com objectivos (2006) Рик Уоррен - Жизнь по предназначению (2006) Rick Warren - Amaçlı bir hayat yaşamak (2006) Рік Уоррен - Життя з метою (2006) 里克·沃伦——过有目标的生活 (2006) 里克-沃伦--过有目标的生活(2006 年)

I’m often asked, you know, what surprises you about the book? |||||ce qui||||| ||||||surprises|||| ||||||iznenađuje|||| ||||||sorprende|||| |||تو||||||| ||||||ทำให้ประหลาดใจ|||| ||||||驚き|||| よく聞かれるんだけど、この本で驚いたことは? Perguntam-me muitas vezes: o que é que o surpreende no livro? Мене часто запитують, знаєте, чим вас дивує книга?

And I said, that I got to write it. et|||||||| そして、私が書くことになったと言ったんだ。 E eu disse que tinha de o escrever. І я сказав, що маю це написати. I would have never imagined that, not in my wildest dreams did I think -- I don’t even consider myself to be an author. |||||||||||||||||me considère||||| ||have||imagined|that||||wildest|dreams||||||||||||author ||||||||||||||||||||||نویسنده |||||||||najluđim||||||||||||| |||||||||hoang dã||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||betrachte||||| |||||||||più sfrenati||||||||||||| ||||想过|||||最疯狂的|梦中||||||甚至|认为|||||作者 |||||||||บ้าคลั่งที่สุด|||||||||||||นักเขียน Nunca teria imaginado isso, nem nos meus sonhos mais loucos pensei - nem sequer me considero um autor. And I’m often asked, why do you think so many people have read this? |||||||think|||||read| This thing’s selling still about a million copies a month. |chose|||||||| |it|||||||| ||vendendo||||||| ||||||میلیون||| |stvar|prodaje|||||kopija|| |cosa|||||||| ||卖|||||本|| |річі|||||||| |cosa|||||||| This thing's selling still about a million copies a month. And I think it’s because spiritual emptiness is a universal disease. et|||c'est||||||universelle|maladie |||||spiritual|||||condition ||||||||||doença |||||精神|空虚||一种|普遍的|疾病 |||||duhovna|praznina|||| |||||tinh thần|trống rỗng||||bệnh ||||||vuoto spirituale|||| |||||روحانی|خالی بودن|||| ||||||vacío|||| E penso que isso se deve ao facto de o vazio espiritual ser uma doença universal. І я думаю, що це тому, що духовна порожнеча — це універсальна хвороба. I think inside at some point, we put our heads down on the pillow and we go, "There’s got to be more to life than this." |||||||||glave|||||||||||||||| ||心里||某个|||||||||枕头|||||||||||| |||||||||||||cuscino|||||||||||| |||||||||cabeças||||travesseiro|||||||||||| Ich denke drinnen, irgendwann legen wir unsere Köpfe auf die Kissen und sagen: "Es muss mehr im Leben geben als das." Я думаю, что в какой-то момент мы опускаем голову на подушку и говорим: "В жизни должно быть что-то большее, чем это". Get up in the morning, go to work, come home and watch TV, go to bed, get up in the morning, go to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed, go to parties on weekends. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||télévision|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nei fine settimana A lot of people say, "I’m living." No, you’re not living -- that’s just existing. non||||c'est||exister Just existing. |être I really think that’s there’s this inner desire. je||||||intérieur|désir ||||||interno|desejo 私は本当に内なる欲求があると思います。 I do believe what Chris said. ||||Chris| 私はクリスが言ったことを信じています。 I believe that you’re not an accident. ||||||slučaj ||||||accident ||||||un incidente あなたは偶然ではないと信じています。 Your parents may not have planned you, but I believe God did. |||||วางแผนไว้|||||| あなたの両親はあなたを計画していなかったかもしれませんが、私は神がそうしたと信じています。 I think there are accidental parents, there’s no doubt about that. ||||slučajni||||sumnje|| ||||accidentels||||doute|| ||||zufällige|||||| ||||genitori accidentali|||||| 偶然の親がいると思いますが、それは間違いありません。 I don’t think there are accidental kids. |||il y a||accidentels| 偶然の子供は存在しないと思います。

And I think you matter. et|||| ||||importo Und ich glaube, Sie sind wichtig. I think you matter to God, I think you matter to history, I think you matter to this universe. ||||||||||||||||||svemiru ||||||||||||||||||univers And I think that the difference between what I call the survival level of living, the success level of living and the significant level of living is, do you figure out, what on Earth am I here for? ||||||||||||||||||||||značajna||||||||||||||| et|||||||ce que|||||||||succès||||||significatif|||||est-ce que||comprends||quoi|||||| ||||||||||||||life||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||estou||| そして私が生存レベルの生活、成功レベルの生活、そして重要なレベルの生活の違いは、あなたが「私は一体何のためにここにいるのか?」を見つけられるかどうかだと思います。 I meet a lot of people who are very smart, and say, "But why can’t I figure out my problems?" ||||||qui||||||mais|pourquoi|||résoudre||| ||||||||||||||||descobrir||| 私は非常に賢い多くの人々に会いますが、彼らは「でも、なぜ自分の問題を解決できないのか?」と言います。 Я встречаю много очень умных людей, которые говорят: "Но почему я не могу разобраться в своих проблемах?" And I meet a lot of people who are very successful, who say, "Why don’t I feel more fulfilled? |||||||||||||pourquoi|||||épanoui ||||||||||||||||||fulfilled ||||||||||||||||||realizados ||||||||||||||||||ispunjen ||||||||||||||||||erfüllt ||||||||||||||||||realizzato そして、私は非常に成功した多くの人々に会いますが、彼らは「なぜもっと充実感を感じないのか?」と言います。 Conheço muitas pessoas que têm muito sucesso e que dizem: "Porque é que não me sinto mais realizado? И я встречаю многих очень успешных людей, которые говорят: «Почему я не чувствую себя более удовлетворенным? І я зустрічаю багато людей, які є дуже успішними, які кажуть: «Чому я не відчуваю себе більш задоволеним? Why do I feel like a fake? ||||||lažnjak pourquoi||||||faux なぜ私は偽物のように感じるのだろう? Why do I feel like I’ve got to pretend that I’m more than I really am?" ||||||||giả vờ||||||| |||||j'ai|||faire semblant||||||| ||||||||vortäuschen||||||| なぜもっと自分が本当である以上のものを装わなければならないと感じるのだろう? I think that comes down to this issue of meaning, of significance, of purpose. |||||||||||značenja|| |||||||||sens||signification|| |||||||||||Bedeutung||Zweck それは意味、重要性、目的の問題に帰着すると思います。 Я думаю, что это сводится к вопросу о значении, значении, цели. I think it comes down to this issue of why am I here? |pense||||||question||||| Penso que tudo se resume a esta questão: porque é que estou aqui? What am I here for? Where am I going? These are not religious issues -- they’re human issues. ce sont|||religieuses|problèmes||| ||||questões|||

I wanted to tell Michael before he spoke that I really appreciate what he does, because it makes my life work a whole lot easier. ||||Michael|||||||||||||||||||| ||||Michael||||||||||||||||||||plus facile ||||マイケル|||||||||||||||||||| |ต้องการ||||||||||||||||||||||| Queria dizer ao Michael, antes de ele falar, que aprecio muito o que ele faz, porque facilita muito a minha vida. Я хотел сказать Майклу, прежде чем говорить, что я действительно ценю то, что он делает, потому что это облегчает мою жизнь. As a pastor, I do see a lot of kooks. ||pasteur|||||||fou ||religious leader|||||||eccentric people ||pastor|||||||malucos |||||||||luđaka |||||||||Spinner ||pastore|||||||strani personaggi |||||||||怪人 |||||||||психів Como pastor, vejo muitos malucos. Как пастор, я вижу много куков. Як пастор, я бачу багато куків. Với tư cách là một mục sư, tôi thấy rất nhiều kẻ lập dị. And I have learned that there are kooks in every area of life. |||||||luđaka||||| |||appris||||||||| |||||||недоумки||||| И я узнал, что есть куки во всех областях жизни. Religion doesn’t have a monopoly on that, but there are plenty of religious kooks. ||||||||||beaucoup||| |||||||||||||kooks ||||||||||muitos||| ||||monopol||||||||| |||||||||||||Spinner |||||||||||||fanatici religiosi Die Religion hat darauf kein Monopol, aber es gibt viele religiöse Spinner. 宗教はそれに対して独占権を持っているわけではありませんが、宗教的な変わり者はたくさんいます。 There are secular kooks, there are smart kooks, dumb kooks. ||laïque||||||débiles| ||||||||bobos| ||sekularnih||||||glupi| ||säkular||||||| |||||||||strambi ||ทางโลก|คนเพี้ยน|||||| Es gibt säkulare Spinner, es gibt kluge Spinner, es gibt dumme Spinner. 世俗的な変わり者、賢い変わり者、ばかげた変わり者もいます。 Є світські куки, є розумні куки, тупі куки. There are people -- a lady came up to me the other day, and she had a white piece of paper -- Michael, you’ll like this one -- and she said, "What do you see in it?" ||||femme||||||||||||blanc||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||คุณจะ|||||||||||| 人々がいます -- 先日、ある女性が私のところに来て、白い紙を持っていました -- マイケル、これはあなたが好きだと思います -- 彼女は言いました、「これに何が見えますか?」 Есть люди - на днях подошла ко мне женщина, и у нее был белый лист бумаги - Майкл, вам понравится этот, и она сказала: «Что вы видите в нем?» And I looked at it and I said, "Oh, I don’t see anything." ||มองดู|||||||||| And she goes, "Well, I see Jesus," and started crying and left. ||||||Isusa|||plakati|| ||||||Jésus||a commencé||| ||||||イエス||||| ||||||||เริ่มร้องไห้||| I’m going, OK, you know. Fine. amende Um. hum Good for you.

When the book became the best-selling book in the world for the last three years, I kind of had my little crisis. |||||meilleure|||||||||||||||||crise |||||||||||||||||tipo||||| Als das Buch in den letzten drei Jahren zum meistverkauften Buch der Welt wurde, hatte ich sozusagen meine kleine Krise. Когда книга стала самым продаваемым изданием в мире за последние три года, у меня случился небольшой кризис. And that was, what is the purpose of this? Because it brought in enormous amounts of money. ||||énormes||| Porque trouxe enormes quantidades de dinheiro. When you write the best-selling book in the world, it’s tons and tons of money. |||||||||||||des tonnes|| |||||||||||toneladas|||| Quando você escreve o livro mais vendido do mundo, são toneladas e toneladas de dinheiro. And it brought in a lot of attention, neither of which I wanted. ||||||||ni|||| E isso atraiu muita atenção, nenhuma das quais eu queria.||||||||nenhum|||| E trouxe muita atenção, nenhuma das quais eu queria. When I started Saddleback Church, I was 25 years old. ||||église|||| |||Saddleback Church||||| |||Saddleback||||| |||Saddleback||||| |||Saddleback||||| |||Saddleback||||| Als ich die Saddleback Church gründete, war ich 25 Jahre alt. Quando comecei a Igreja de Saddleback, eu tinha 25 anos. I started it with one other family in 1980. ||||||famille| Comecei com uma outra família em 1980. And I decided that I was never going to go on TV, because I didn’t want to be a celebrity, I didn’t want to be a, quote, "evangelist, televangelist" -- that’s not my thing. ||ai décidé|||||||||||||||||célébrité|||||||||télévangéliste|||| |||||||||||||||||||poznata osoba|||||||||televangelist|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Evangelist, Fernsehprediger|Fernsehprediger|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||evangelista televangelista|televangelista|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||传教士|电视布道者|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||evangelista|televangelista|||| E decidi que nunca iria aparecer na televisão, porque não queria ser uma celebridade, não queria ser um, entre aspas, "evangelista, tele-evangelista" - isso não é para mim. І я вирішив, що ніколи не піду на телебачення, тому що я не хотів бути знаменитістю, я не хотів бути, цитую, "євангелістом, телепроповідником" - це не моє. And all of a sudden, it brought a lot of money and a lot of attention. ||||soudain||||||||||| |||||||||||||||注目 І раптом це принесло багато грошей і багато уваги. I don’t think -- now, this is a worldview, and I will tell you, everybody’s got a worldview. |||||||vision du monde||||||tout le monde||| |||||||perspective||||||||| |||||||visão de mundo||||||de todos||| |||||||svjetonazor||||||svi||| |||||||Weltanschauung|und||||||||Weltanschauung |||||||||||||tutti hanno||| Ich glaube nicht - das ist eine Weltanschauung, und ich sage Ihnen, jeder hat eine Weltanschauung. 私は思わない -- これは世界観です、そして私は言います、誰もが世界観を持っています。 Eu não acho -- agora, isso é uma visão de mundo, e eu vou te dizer, todo mundo tem uma visão de mundo. Я не думаю - теперь это мировоззрение, и я скажу вам, у всех есть мировоззрение. Я не думаю... це світогляд, і я вам скажу, у кожного є світогляд.

Everybody’s betting their life on something. |klađenje|||| |parie|||| |wetten|||| |scommettendo|||| |apostando|||| 誰もが何かに人生を賭けています。 Todo mundo está apostando sua vida em algo. You’re betting your life on something -- you just better know why you’re betting what you’re betting on. |||||||||||||||klađenja| |||||||||||||||parie| |risking||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||wetten| |||||||||||||||apostando| Sie setzen Ihr Leben auf etwas - Sie sollten nur besser wissen, warum Sie auf etwas setzen, worauf Sie setzen. あなたは何かに人生を賭けています -- だから、あなたが何に賭けているのか、その理由を知っておいた方がいいです。 Você está apostando sua vida em algo -- você só tem que saber por que está apostando no que está apostando. Вы ставите свою жизнь на что-то - вам просто лучше знать, почему вы ставите на то, на что ставите. Ви ставите своє життя на щось - вам просто краще знати, чому ви ставите те, на що ви ставите. So, everybody’s betting their life on something, and when I, you know, made a bet, I happened to believe that Jesus was who he said he was. ||||||||||||||opkladu|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||pari|||||||||||| ||Wetten||||||||||||||passierte|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||that Jesus was||||||| ||apostando||||||||||||aposta|||||||||||| Jeder wettet also sein Leben auf etwas, und als ich eine Wette einging, glaubte ich zufällig, dass Jesus der war, der er zu sein behauptete. But everybody’s got -- and I believe in a pluralistic society -- everybody’s betting on something. |||||||||société|||| ||||||||多元的||||| ||||||||pluralista||||| ||||||||pluralističko||||| ||||||||pluralistischen||||| ||||||||多元化||||| Aber jeder hat - und ich glaube an eine pluralistische Gesellschaft - jeder wettet auf etwas. But everybody's got -- and I believe in a pluralistic society -- everybody's betting on something. Але кожен має - і я вірю в плюралістичне суспільство - кожен робить ставку на щось. And when I started the church, you know, I had no plans to do what it’s doing now. |||||||||||de plans|||||| |||||igreja|||||||||||| 教会を始めたとき、今のようなことをするつもりは全くなかったんです。 And then when I wrote this book, and all of a sudden it just took off, then I started saying, now, what’s the purpose of this? |||||||||||||||||||dire|||||| |||||||||||plötzlich|||||||||||||| そしてこの本を書いたとき、突然それが大ヒットして、次に考え始めました。これの目的は何だろう? Because as I started to say, I don’t think you’re given money or fame for your own ego, ever. |||||||||||||||||ego| |||||||||||||gloire||||| ||||||||||||||para|||| なぜなら、私はお金や名声は自分のエゴのために与えられるものではないと思い始めたからです。 Тому що, як я почав говорити, я не думаю, що тобі ніколи дають гроші чи славу за власне его. I just don’t believe that. And when you write a book that the first sentence of the book is, "It’s not about you," then, when all of a sudden it becomes the best-selling book in history, you got to figure, well, I guess it’s not about me. |||||||||||||||||||||||||devient|||||||||||||je suppose|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||suponho|||| Und wenn man ein Buch schreibt, dessen erster Satz lautet: "Es geht nicht um dich", und wenn es dann plötzlich zum meistverkauften Buch der Geschichte wird, dann muss man sich denken: Na ja, es geht wohl nicht um mich. И когда вы пишете книгу, первое предложение которой гласит: «Это не о вас», тогда, когда она внезапно становится самой продаваемой книгой в истории, вы должны понять, ну, я думаю, что это не так. обо мне. That’s kind of a no-brainer. |||||odluka |||||choix |||||Kinderspiel |||||obvious choice |||||é óbvio Isso é meio óbvio. Это не просто. Це якась безглуздя. So, what is it for? Então, para que serve?

And I began to think about what I call the stewardship of affluence and the stewardship of influence. ||||||||||||l'affluence|||||influence ||||||||||management||wealth|||management|| ||||||||||administração||||||| ||||||||||upravljanje|||||||utjecaja ||||||||||quản lý||sự thịnh vượng|||||sự ảnh hưởng |||||über|||||Verantwortung||Wohlstand||||| ||||||||||gestione||||||| ||||||||||管理||富裕||||| ||||||||||administración||||||| Und ich begann darüber nachzudenken, was ich den Umgang mit dem Wohlstand und den Umgang mit dem Einfluss nenne. そして、私は自分が呼ぶ「富の管理」と「影響の管理」について考え始めました。 E comecei a pensar no que chamo de administração da prosperidade e da influência. І я почав думати про те, що я називаю керуванням достатку та управлінням впливом. So I believe, essentially, that leadership is stewardship. |||||vođenje|| |||||le leadership|| |||||Führung||Verwaltung |||||||responsible management |||||||administração 私は、本質的にリーダーシップは管理であると信じています。 That if you are a leader in any area -- in business, in politics, in sports, in art, in academics, in any area -- you don’t own it, you are a steward of it. ||||||||||||politique||le sport|||||||||||||||intendant|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||steward|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||guardião|| ||||||||||||||||||akademskoj zajednici|||||||||||steward|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||người quản lý|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Verwalter|| ||||||||||||||||||accademia|||||||||||custode|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||administrador|| もしあなたがビジネス、政治、スポーツ、アート、学問、いかなる分野においてもリーダーであれば、それを所有しているのではなく、それの管理者であるということです。 Если вы лидер в любой области - в бизнесе, в политике, спорте, искусстве, академиках, в любой области - вы не владеете им, вы его управляющий. For instance, that’s why I believe in protecting the environment. |||||||zaštitu|| |||||||protéger|| Например, именно поэтому я верю в защиту окружающей среды. This is not my planet. It wasn’t mine before I was born. It’s not going to be mine after I die. ||||||||meure I’m just here for 80 years and then that’s it.

I was debating the other day on a talk show, and the guy was challenging me and go, "What’s a pastor doing on protecting the environment?" ||débattais||||||||||||me mettait au défi||||||||||| ||discussing||||||||||||||||||||||| ||debatendo||||||||||||||||||||||| ||razmišljao||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||mục sư||||| ||discutendo||||||||||||||||||||||| And I asked this guy, I said, "Well, do you believe that human beings are responsible to make the world a little bit better place for the next generation? |||||||||||||||odgovorni||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||génération |||||||||||||esseri umani||||||||||||||| Do you think we have a stewardship here, to take the environment seriously?" ||||||vastuu ympäristöstä|||||| ||||||||||||sérieusement ||||||Verantwortung|||||| ||||||responsabilità|||||| Glauben Sie, dass wir hier eine Verantwortung haben, die Umwelt ernst zu nehmen?" Как вы думаете, у нас есть руководство, чтобы серьезно относиться к окружающей среде? " Як ви думаєте, чи є у нас відповідальне ставлення до довкілля?» And he said, "No." I said, "Oh, you don’t?" I said, "Let me make this clear again. ||||||clair| Do you believe that as human beings -- I’m not talking about religion -- do you believe that as human beings, it is our responsibility to take care of this planet and make it just a little bit better for the next generation?" ||||||||||||||||||||||responsabilité|||||||||||||||||| ||||||esseri umani|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Верите ли вы, что как люди - я не говорю о религии - вы верите, что как люди мы обязаны заботиться об этой планете и сделать ее чуть лучше для следующего поколения? " And he said, "No. Not any more than any other species." ||||||vrsta ||||||espèce Not any more than any other species." When he said the word "species," he was revealing his worldview. |||||vrsta||||| ||||||||révélait|| ||||||||offenbarend|| ||||||||revelando|| And he was saying, "I’m no more responsible to take care of this environment than a duck is." ||||||||||||||||patka| ||||||||||||||||canard| ||||||||||||||||duck| ||||||||||||||||anatra| ||||||||||||||||pato| 彼は言っていました、「私はこの環境を世話する責任は、アヒルがそうするのと同じくらいにはありません。」 E ele dizia: "Eu não tenho mais responsabilidade de cuidar desse ambiente do que um pato tem". Well now, I know a lot of times we act like ducks, but you’re not a duck. ||||||||||||||||patka ||||||||||||||||canard |||||||||||anatre||||| ||||||||||||||||pato さて、私たちがアヒルのように行動することが多いのは知っていますが、あなたはアヒルではありません。 Bom, eu sei que muitas vezes agimos como patos, mas você não é um pato. You’re not a duck. あなたはアヒルではありません。 Você não é um pato. And you are responsible -- that’s my worldview. And so, you need to understand what your world is, the worldview is.

The problem is most people never really think it through. Проблема в тому, що більшість людей ніколи про це не думають. They never really -- they never really codify it or qualify it or quantify it, and say, "This is what I believe in. |||||||||qualifient|||quantifient||||||||| ||||||formalize|||define|||measure||||||||| ||||||kodificiraju||||||kvantificiraju||||||||| ||||||kodifizieren|||qualifizieren|||quantifizieren||||||||| ||||||codificano||||||quantificano||||||||| ||||||koodata||||||||||||||| 彼らは決して本当に -- 彼らはそれを法制化したり、資格を与えたり、数量化したりすることはなく、「これが私が信じていることです」と言います。 Eles nunca realmente -- nunca realmente o codificam, o qualificam ou o quantificam, e dizem: "Isso é no que acredito." На самом деле они никогда - они никогда не кодифицируют это, не квалифицируют и не определяют это количественно, и говорят: «Это то, во что я верю». Вони ніколи по-справжньому... вони ніколи по-справжньому не кодифікують це, не кваліфікують і не вимірюють, і не кажуть: «Це те, у що я вірю. This is why I believe what I believe." これが私が信じている理由です。 Isso é por que acredito no que acredito." I don’t personally have enough faith to be an atheist. ||osobno|||||||ateist ||personnellement||assez|foi|||| |||||||||ateo |||||fé||||ateu 私は個人的に無神論者になるだけの十分な信仰を持っていません。 Pessoalmente, não tenho fé suficiente para ser ateu. Я особисто не маю достатньо віри, щоб бути атеїстом. But you may, you may. Your worldview, though, does determine everything else in your life, because it determines your decisions, it determines your relationships, it determines your level of confidence. ||||||||||||||||||||određuje|||| ||||||||||||détermine||||détermine||relations||détermine||||confiance ||jedoch||||||||||||||||Beziehungen|||||| It determines, really, everything in your life. |određuje||||| |détermine||||| |determines||||| What we believe, obviously -- and you know this -- determines our behavior, and our behavior determines what we become in life. |||||||||||||ponašanje||||||

So all of this money started pouring in, and all of this fame started pouring in, and I go, what do I do with this? ||||||affluer|||||||||||||||||| ||||||flowing in|||||||||||||||||| ||||dinheiro||entrando|||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||dolaziti|||||||||| ||||||strömen|||||||||||||||||| ||||||tulvimaan|||||||||||||||||| Отже, всі ці гроші почали надходити, і вся ця слава почала надходити, і я думаю, що мені з цим робити? My wife and I first made five decisions on what to do with the money. We said, "First, we’re not going to use it on ourselves." ||||||para|||| I didn’t go out and buy a bigger house. |||||||plus grande| Eu não saí para comprar uma casa maior. Я не пошел и купил дом побольше. I don’t own a guesthouse. ||||maison d'hôtes ||||lodging facility ||||pousada ||||gostionicu ||||Ich besitze keine Pension. ||||una pensione ||||casa de huéspedes Eu não possuo uma casa de hóspedes. I still drive the same four-year-old Ford that I’ve driven. ||||||||Ford||| ||||||||Ford|||conduit |continue to|||||||car||| ||||||||Ford||| ||||||||Ford||| Eu ainda dirijo o mesmo Ford de quatro anos que tenho dirigido. We just said, we’re not going to use it on us. Wir haben nur gesagt, dass wir es nicht gegen uns verwenden werden. The second thing was, I stopped taking a salary from the church that I pastor. ||||||||plaću|||||| |||||ai arrêté|||salaire|||||| ||||||||Gehalt|||||| ||||||||||||||pastor ||||||||stipendio|||||| Zweitens habe ich aufgehört, ein Gehalt von der Kirche zu beziehen, in der ich Pastor bin. Third thing is, I added up all that the church had paid me over the last 25 years, and I gave it back. ||||ai additionné||||||||||||||||| Drittens habe ich alles zusammengezählt, was die Kirche mir in den letzten 25 Jahren gezahlt hat, und habe es zurückgegeben. A terceira coisa é que somei tudo o que a igreja me pagou nos últimos 25 anos e devolvi. Điều thứ ba là, tôi đã cộng tất cả những gì nhà thờ đã trả cho tôi trong 25 năm qua và tôi đã trả lại. And I gave it back because I didn’t want anybody thinking that I do what I do for money -- I don’t. |||||||||personne||||||||||| y|||||||||||||||||||| Und ich habe es zurückgegeben, weil ich nicht wollte, dass jemand denkt, dass ich das, was ich tue, für Geld mache - das tue ich nicht. E devolvi porque não queria que ninguém pensasse que faço o que faço por dinheiro - não faço. In fact, personally, I’ve never met a priest or a pastor or a minister who does it for money. |||||||svećenik||||||||||| |||||||prêtre||||||ministre||||| |||||||padre||||||||||| Ich persönlich habe noch nie einen Priester, Pastor oder Pfarrer getroffen, der das für Geld macht. Na verdade, pessoalmente, nunca conheci um padre, um pastor ou um ministro que o faça por dinheiro. Насправді особисто я ніколи не зустрічав священика, пастора чи служителя, які б робили це за гроші. I know that’s a stereotype. ||||stéréotype ||||estereótipo ||||stereotip ||||khuôn mẫu ||||stereotipo ||||ステレオタイプ I’ve never met one of them. Believe me, there’s a whole lot easier ways to make money.

Pastors are like on 24 hours a day call. Les pasteurs||||||| Pastors||||||| Pastori||||||| Pastoren||||||| i pastori||||||| los pastores||||||| Pfarrerinnen und Pfarrer sind sozusagen 24 Stunden am Tag im Einsatz. Пасторы как на 24 часа в сутки звонят. They’re like doctors. ||médecins I left late today. Я ушел сегодня поздно. I’d hoped to be here yesterday, because my father-in-law is in his last, probably, 48 hours before he dies of cancer. |||||||||||||||||||meurt|| Ich hatte gehofft, gestern hier zu sein, denn mein Schwiegervater hat seine letzten, wahrscheinlich 48 Stunden vor seinem Krebstod hinter sich. Я надеялся быть здесь вчера, потому что мой тесть находится в его последнем, вероятно, за 48 часов до того, как он умрет от рака. And I’m watching a guy who’s lived his life -- he’s now in his mid-80s -- and he’s dying with peace. |||||qui||||||||milieu|||||| |||||||||||||||||||paz И я наблюдаю за парнем, который прожил свою жизнь - ему сейчас за 80, и он умирает с миром. You know, the test of your worldview is not how you act in the good times. Wissen Sie, der Test für Ihre Weltanschauung ist nicht, wie Sie sich in guten Zeiten verhalten. The test of your worldview is how you act at the funeral. |||||||||||funérailles |||||||||||Beerdigung |||||||||||funerale |||||||||||funeral And having been through literally hundreds if not thousands of funerals, it makes a difference. |||||des centaines|||||funérailles|||| ||||||||||funerals|||| ||||||||||funerali|||| |||||centenas|||milhares|||||| Und nachdem ich buchstäblich Hunderte, wenn nicht Tausende von Beerdigungen miterlebt habe, macht es einen Unterschied. E ter participado literalmente de centenas, se não milhares, de funerais faz diferença. It makes a difference what you believe. Faz diferença no que você acredita.

So, we gave it all back, and then we set up three foundations, working on some of the major problems of the world: illiteracy, poverty, pandemic diseases -- particularly HIV/AIDS -- and set up these three foundations, and put the money into that. |||||||||||||||||||||||l'illéttrisme|la pauvreté||maladies|particulièrement|VIH|SIDA|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||Analphabetismus||Pandemie|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||HIV/AIDS|HIV/AIDS|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||analfabetismo||malattie pandemiche|||||||||||||||| |nós||||||||||||||||||||||analfabetismo|||||||||||||||||| Also gaben wir alles zurück und gründeten drei Stiftungen, die sich mit einigen der größten Probleme der Welt befassten: Analphabetismus, Armut, pandemische Krankheiten - insbesondere HIV/AIDS - und gründeten diese drei Stiftungen, in die wir das Geld steckten. Então, doamos tudo, e depois criamos três fundações, trabalhando em alguns dos principais problemas do mundo: analfabetismo, pobreza, doenças pandêmicas - particularmente HIV/AIDS - e criamos essas três fundações, e investimos o dinheiro nisso. Vì vậy, chúng tôi đã trả lại tất cả, và sau đó chúng tôi thành lập ba quỹ, giải quyết một số vấn đề chính của thế giới: mù chữ, nghèo đói, đại dịch bệnh -- đặc biệt là HIV/AIDS -- và thành lập ba quỹ này, và đặt tiền vào đó. The last thing we did is we became what I call "reverse tithers." ||||||||||||dîmeurs ||||||||||||tithers |||||||||||invertidos|dízimos |||||||||||Umgekehrte Zehntengeber|Gegenteilige Zehntengeber ||||||||||||decimatori inversi ||||||||||||十分之一奉献者 ||||||||||||diezmadores Das letzte, was wir taten, war, wie ich es nenne, "umgekehrte Zehnte" zu geben. The last thing we did is we became what I call "reverse tithers." Lo último que hicimos fue convertirnos en lo que llamo "diezmos inversos". Останнє, що ми зробили, це те, що я називаю «зворотними десятинами». Điều cuối cùng chúng tôi làm là chúng tôi trở thành cái mà tôi gọi là "phần mười ngược". And that is, when my wife and I got married 30 years ago, we started tithing. |||||||||marié|||||donner la dîme ||||||||||||||giving 10% ||||||||||||nós||dízimo ||||||||||||||zehnten ||||||||||||||decima ||||||||||||||diezmo Als meine Frau und ich vor 30 Jahren heirateten, haben wir angefangen, den Zehnten zu geben. E isso é, quando minha esposa e eu nos casamos há 30 anos, começamos a dizimar. Và đó là khi tôi và vợ kết hôn cách đây 30 năm, chúng tôi bắt đầu dâng phần mười. Now, that’s a principle in the Bible that says give 10 percent of what you get back to charity, give it away to help other people. ||||||Bible||||pourcent|||||||||||||| Agora, isso é um princípio na Bíblia que diz para dar 10 por cento do que você recebe de volta para caridade, dar para ajudar outras pessoas. Đó là một nguyên tắc trong Kinh thánh nói rằng hãy dành 10% số tiền bạn nhận được để làm từ thiện, hãy cho đi để giúp đỡ người khác. So, we started doing that, and each year we would raise our tithe 1 percent. |||||||||||||pourcent ||||||||||||Zehnt| ||||||||||||tithe| ||||||||||||decima| ||||||||||||diezmo| Also begannen wir damit, und jedes Jahr erhöhten wir unseren Zehnten um 1 Prozent. Então, começamos a fazer isso, e a cada ano aumentaríamos nossa décima em 1 por cento. Vì vậy, chúng tôi bắt đầu làm điều đó và mỗi năm chúng tôi sẽ tăng phần mười của mình lên 1%. So, our first year of marriage we went to 11 percent, second year we went to 12 percent, and the third year we went to 13 percent, and on and on and on. |||||mariage|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||marriage|||||||||||||||||||||||| Vì vậy, năm đầu tiên của cuộc hôn nhân chúng tôi đạt 11%, năm thứ hai chúng tôi đạt 12%, và năm thứ ba chúng tôi đạt 13%, v.v. Why did I do that? Because every time I give, it breaks the grip of materialism in my life. ||||||||||chủ nghĩa vật chất||| ||||||||emprise||matérialisme||| ||||||||||Materialismus||| ||||||||presa||||| ||||||||agarre||||| Denn jedes Mal, wenn ich etwas gebe, durchbreche ich den Griff des Materialismus in meinem Leben. Porque sempre que eu dou, quebra o domínio do materialismo na minha vida. Bởi vì mỗi lần tôi cho đi là nó phá vỡ sự kìm kẹp của chủ nghĩa vật chất trong cuộc sống của tôi. Materialism is all about getting -- get, get, get, get all you can, can all you get, sit on the can and spoil the rest. |||||||||||||||||||||gâcher|| |||||||||||||||||||||verderben|| |||||||||||||||||||||rovinare|| |||||||||||||||||||||estragar|| Im Materialismus geht es nur um das Bekommen - bekommen, bekommen, bekommen, bekommen, so viel man kann, alles was man bekommt, auf der Dose sitzen und den Rest verderben. O materialismo é tudo sobre conseguir - conseguir, conseguir, conseguir tudo o que puder, guardar tudo o que conseguir, sentar e estragar o resto. Материализм - это все о том, чтобы получить - получить, получить, получить, получить все, что вы можете, можете все, что вы получите, сядьте на банку и испортите все остальное. Chủ nghĩa duy vật là việc lấy -- lấy, lấy, lấy, lấy tất cả những gì bạn có thể, tất cả những gì bạn có thể lấy, ngồi lên cái lon và làm hỏng phần còn lại. It’s all about more, having more. É tudo sobre ter mais, ter mais. And we think that the good life is actually looking good. E achamos que a boa vida na verdade é parecer bem. That’s most important of all -- looking good, feeling good and having the goods. |||||||se sentir|||||marchandises Das ist das Wichtigste von allem - gut aussehen, sich gut fühlen und die Ware haben. Isso é o mais importante de tudo - parecer bem, sentir-se bem e ter bens. But that’s not the good life. Mas isso não é a boa vida. I meet people all the time who have those, and they’re not necessarily happy. ||||||||||||chưa chắc| ||||||||||||nécessairement| If money actually made you happy, then the wealthiest people in the world would be the happiest. ||||||||les plus riches|||||||| ||||||||reichsten||||||||glücklichsten ||||||||le persone più ricche|||||||| |||||||os|mais ricos|||||||| And that I know, personally, is not true. It’s just not true.

So, the good life is not about looking good, feeling good or having the goods, it’s about being good and doing good. Vì vậy, cuộc sống tốt đẹp không phải là trông đẹp, cảm thấy dễ chịu hay có của cải, mà là sống tốt và làm điều tốt. Giving your life away. Giving your life away. Dando a sua vida. Отдавать свою жизнь. Significance in life doesn’t come from status, because you can always find somebody who’s got more than you. A importância na vida não vem do status, porque sempre se pode encontrar alguém que tem mais do que você. Ý nghĩa trong cuộc sống không đến từ địa vị, bởi vì bạn luôn có thể tìm thấy ai đó có nhiều hơn bạn. It doesn’t come from sex. ||||Es kommt nicht vom Sex. ||||sexo Não vem do sexo. It doesn’t come from salary. It comes from serving. |||service Es kommt vom Dienen. It is in giving our lives away that we find meaning, we find significance. Indem wir unser Leben verschenken, finden wir einen Sinn, eine Bedeutung. É dando nossas vidas que encontramos significado, encontramos importância. Именно в том, чтобы отдавать свою жизнь, мы находим смысл, мы находим значение. That’s the way we were wired, I believe, by God. |||||câblés|||| |||||verdrahtet|||| |||||programmati|||| |||||conectados|||| Ich glaube, so sind wir von Gott geschaffen. É assim que fomos projetados, eu acredito, por Deus. Это то, как мы были связаны, я верю, Богом. Я вважаю, що так ми були налаштовані Богом. And so we began to give away, and now after 30 years, my wife and I are reverse tithers -- we give away 90 percent and live on 10. |||||||||||||||||umgekehrte Zehntengeber||||||| E assim começamos a doar, e agora, depois de 30 anos, minha esposa e eu somos dizimistas reversos - doamos 90 por cento e vivemos com 10. Và thế là chúng tôi bắt đầu cho đi, và bây giờ sau 30 năm, vợ tôi và tôi tuân theo luật thập phân ngược -- chúng tôi cho đi 90 phần trăm và sống với 10 phần trăm. That, actually, was the easy part. Essa, na verdade, foi a parte fácil. The hard part is, what do I do with all this attention? A parte difícil é: o que faço com toda essa atenção? Because I start getting all kinds of invitations. |||||||invitations |||||||Einladungen Porque começo a receber todos os tipos de convites. I just came off of a nearly month-long speaking tour on three different continents, and I won’t go into that, but it was an amazing thing. ||||||||||||||continents|||||||||||incroyable| ||returned|||||||||||||||||||||||| Ich komme gerade von einer fast einmonatigen Vortragsreise auf drei verschiedenen Kontinenten, und ich werde nicht näher darauf eingehen, aber es war eine tolle Sache. Acabo de sair de uma turnê de palestras quase um mês em três continentes diferentes, e não vou entrar nisso, mas foi algo incrível. Tôi vừa kết thúc chuyến diễn thuyết kéo dài gần một tháng ở ba lục địa khác nhau và tôi sẽ không đi sâu vào vấn đề đó, nhưng đó là một điều tuyệt vời. And I’m going, what do I do with this, this notoriety that the book has brought? ||||||||||notoriété||||| ||||||||||Berühmtheit||||| |||||||||||essa|||| E estou pensando, o que faço com essa notoriedade que o livro trouxe? И я собираюсь, что мне делать с этим, этой дурной славой, которую принесла книга? І я йду, що мені робити з цим, з цією славою, яку принесла книга? Và tôi sẽ làm gì với điều này, với sự tai tiếng mà cuốn sách đã mang lại?

And being a pastor, I started reading the Bible. Sendo pastor, comecei a ler a Bíblia. There’s a chapter in the Bible called Psalm 72, and it’s Solomon’s prayer for more influence. ||||||||||de Salomon|prière||| |||||||Psalm|||Salomos|Gebet||| |||||||Psalm 1|||of Solomon|||| |||||||Salmo|||de Salomón|||| In der Bibel gibt es ein Kapitel namens Psalm 72, in dem Salomo um mehr Einfluss bittet. When you read this prayer, it sounds incredibly selfish, self-centered. ||||||semble|incrediblement|égoïste|égoïste|égocentrique ||||||||egoistisch|| ||||||||||self-focused ||||||||egoísta||centrado Quando você lê essa oração, soa incrivelmente egoísta, centrada em si mesma. Khi bạn đọc lời cầu nguyện này, bạn có vẻ ích kỷ, tự cho mình là trung tâm. It sounds like, he says, "God, I want you to make me famous." |semble|||||||||||célèbre Soa como se ele estivesse dizendo: "Deus, eu quero que você me torne famoso." That’s what he prays. |||prie |||Das ist, was er betet. |||reza É isso que ele ora. He says, "I want you to make me famous. I want you to spread the fame of my name through every land, I want you to give me power, I want you to make me famous. ||||répandre||||||||pays|||||||||||||| ||||espalhar|||||||||||||||||||||| Ich will, dass du den Ruhm meines Namens in allen Ländern verbreitest, ich will, dass du mir Macht gibst, ich will, dass du mich berühmt machst. I want you to give me influence." And it just sounds like the most egotistical request you could make if you were going to pray. |||||||égoïste|demande||||||||| |||||||egoistisch|||||||||| |||||||self-centered|||||||||| |||||||egotista|||||||||| Until you read the whole psalm, the whole chapter. |||||chapter||| ||||||||capítulo And then he says, "So that the king" -- he was the king of Israel at that time at its apex in power -- "so that the king may care for the widow and orphan, support depressed, defend the defenseless, care for the sick, assist the poor, speak up for the foreigner, those in prison." |||||||roi||||||Israël|||||||||||||||||veuve|||soutienne||défendre||sans défense|||||aider|||||||étranger|||prison |||||||||||||||||||highest point|||||||||||widow||orphan|||||defenseless||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||auge|||||||||||viúva|||||||||||||||||||estrangeiro||| |||||||||||||||||||đỉnh cao|||||||||||góa||mồ côi|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||Israel||||||Höhepunkt der Macht|||||||||||Witwe||Waisen||niedergeschlagenen unterstützen|||Wehrlosen||||||||||||Fremden||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||indefenso||||||||||||||| Und dann sagt er: "Damit der König" - er war damals der König Israels auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht - "damit der König für die Witwen und Waisen sorgt, die Bedrückten unterstützt, die Wehrlosen verteidigt, die Kranken pflegt, den Armen beisteht, für die Fremden und die Gefangenen eintritt." E então ele diz, "Para que o rei" - ele era o rei de Israel na época em que estava no auge do poder - "para que o rei cuide da viúva e do órfão, apoie os deprimidos, defenda os desamparados, cuide dos doentes, auxilie os pobres, fale em defesa do estrangeiro, dos encarcerados." И затем он говорит: «Чтобы царь» - он был царем Израиля в то время на вершине своей власти - «чтобы царь мог заботиться о вдове и сироте, поддерживать депрессию, защищать беззащитных, заботиться для больных, помогать бедным, высказываться за иностранцев, находящихся в тюрьме ". А потім він каже: «Щоб цар» — він був царем Ізраїлю в той час на вершині влади — «щоб цар міг піклуватися про вдову та сироту, підтримувати пригнічених, захищати беззахисних, піклуватися за хворих, допомагайте бідним, виступайте за іноземців, тих, хто у в’язниці». Basically, he’s talking about all the marginalized in society. ||||||bị gạt ra ngoài|| ||||||marginalisés|| ||||||ausgegrenzten|| ||||||disadvantaged groups|| ||||||marginados|| Im Grunde spricht er über alle Ausgegrenzten in der Gesellschaft. Basicamente, ele está falando sobre todos os marginalizados na sociedade. В основному, він говорить про всіх маргіналів суспільства. Về cơ bản, anh ấy đang nói về tất cả những người bị gạt ra ngoài lề xã hội.

And as I read that, I looked at it, and I thought, you know, what this is saying is that the purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence. |||||||||||||||||||||Zweck|||||||||||| Als ich das gelesen habe, habe ich mir das angeschaut und gedacht, dass der Zweck des Einflusses darin besteht, sich für die einzusetzen, die keinen Einfluss haben. E ao ler isso, eu olhei para isso e pensei, sabe, o que isso está dizendo é que o objetivo da influência é falar em defesa daqueles que não têm influência. The purpose of influence is not to build your ego, or your net worth. ||||||||||||valeur| |Zweck|||||||||||Vermögen| ||||||||||ou|||valor O propósito da influência não é construir o seu ego, ou o seu patrimônio líquido. Цель влияния не в том, чтобы укрепить ваше эго или увеличить чистый капитал. And, by the way, your net worth is not the same thing as your self-worth. ||||||||||das Gleiche||||| ||||||||||||||self| Übrigens ist Ihr Nettovermögen nicht dasselbe wie Ihr Selbstwertgefühl. E, a propósito, o seu patrimônio líquido não é a mesma coisa que o seu valor próprio. Và nhân tiện, giá trị ròng của bạn không giống với giá trị bản thân bạn. Your value is not based on your valuables, it’s based on a whole different set of things. |||||||biens||||||||| |||||||Wertsachen||||||||| |||||||possessions||||||||| |||||||bienes||||||||| |||||||bens valiosos||||||||| Ihr Wert basiert nicht auf Ihren Wertsachen, sondern auf einer ganzen Reihe anderer Dinge. O seu valor não é baseado nos seus bens materiais, mas sim em um conjunto completamente diferente de coisas. And so the purpose of influence is to speak up for those who have no influence. |||Zweck|||||||||||| E assim, o propósito da influência é falar em nome daqueles que não têm influência. And I had to admit, I can’t think of the last time I thought of widows and orphans. |||||||||||||||les veuves||orphelins |||||||||||||||Witwen||Witwen und Waisen |||||||||||||||widows||orphans |||||||||||||||viúvas||órfãos E eu tive que admitir, não consigo lembrar da última vez que pensei em viúvas e órfãos. Và tôi phải thừa nhận, tôi không thể nhớ nổi lần cuối cùng tôi nghĩ đến những góa phụ và trẻ mồ côi là khi nào. They’re not on my radar. ||||radar ||||auf dem Radar ||||radar Eles não estão no meu radar. Họ không có trên radar của tôi. I pastor a church in one of the most affluent areas of America -- a bunch of gated communities. |||||||||||||||||communautés |||||||||wohlhabend|||||||abgeschottet| |||||||||wealthy|||||||secured communities| ||||||||||||||||cerradas| ||||||||||||||um monte||| Ich bin Pastor einer Kirche in einer der wohlhabendsten Gegenden Amerikas - einer Reihe von Gated Communities. Eu sou pastor de uma igreja em uma das áreas mais afluentes da América - um monte de comunidades fechadas. Я є пастором церкви в одному з найзаможніших районів Америки — купі закритих громад. Tôi làm mục sư cho một nhà thờ ở một trong những khu vực giàu có nhất nước Mỹ -- một nhóm cộng đồng bị kiểm soát chặt chẽ. I have a church full of CEOs and scientists. ||||||PDG||scientifiques ||||||CEOs|| Eu tenho uma igreja cheia de CEOs e cientistas. And I could go five years and never, ever see a homeless person. |||||||||||sans-abri|personne |||||||||||homeless| |||||||||||pessoa sem-teto| E eu poderia passar cinco anos sem nunca ver uma pessoa sem-teto. Và tôi có thể đi suốt 5 năm mà không bao giờ nhìn thấy một người vô gia cư. They’re just not in my pathway. |||||chemin |||||path |||||caminho Họ không nằm trên con đường của tôi. Now, they’re 13 miles up the road in Santa Ana. |||||||Ana|Ana ||||||||Santa Ana ||||||||Ana California ||||||||Ana Bây giờ, họ đang đi được 13 dặm ở Santa Ana. So, I had to say, "OK, I would use whatever affluence and whatever influence I’ve got to help those who don’t have either of those. " |||||||||n'importe quelle||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Wohlstand||||ich habe|||||||||| ||||||||||||qualquer||||||||||qualquer um dos dois|| So, I had to say, "OK, I would use whatever affluence and whatever influence I've got to help those who don't have either of those. " Тож мені довелося сказати: «Добре, я б використав будь-який достаток і будь-який вплив, які маю, щоб допомогти тим, хто не має ні того, ні іншого». Vì vậy, tôi phải nói, "Được rồi, tôi sẽ sử dụng mọi sự giàu có và ảnh hưởng mà tôi có để giúp đỡ những người không có được một trong hai thứ đó." You know, there’s a story in the Bible about Moses. |||||||||Moïse Whether you believe it’s true or not -- it really didn’t matter to me. que|||||||||||| But Moses, if you saw the movie, "The Ten Commandments," Moses goes out, and there’s this burning bush, and God talks to him. ||||||||dix|Commandements||||||||buisson||||| |Moses||||||||the film||||||||bush||||| |||||||||Gebote||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||moita||||| Nhưng Moses, nếu bạn đã xem bộ phim, "Mười Điều Răn," Moses đi ra ngoài, và có bụi gai đang cháy này, và Chúa nói chuyện với ông. And God says, "Moses, what’s in your hand?" I think that’s one of the most important questions you’ll ever be asked. What’s in your hand? Moses says, "It’s a staff. ||||bâton ||||Es ist ein Stab. Moses nói: “Đó là một cây gậy. It’s a shepherd’s staff." ||de berger| ||shepherd's| ||del pastor| é||do pastor| Это пастуший посох". And God says, "Throw it down." |||jette|| Und Gott sagt: "Wirf es hinunter". And if you saw the movie, you know, he throws it down and it becomes a snake. ||||||||||||||||serpent |||||||||throws||||||| And then God says, "Pick it up." And he picks it back up again, and it becomes a staff again. ||prend|||||||||| Now, I’m reading this thing, and I’m going, what is that all about? OK. What’s that all about? Well, I do know a couple of things. Number one, God never does a miracle to show off. ||||||miracle||| ||||||Wunder||| Erstens: Gott tut nie ein Wunder, um damit anzugeben. Thứ nhất, Chúa không bao giờ làm phép lạ để khoe khoang. It’s not just, "Wow, isn’t that cool?" |||waouh||| And, by the way, my God doesn’t have to show up on cheese bread. |||||||||||||pain ||||||||||||Käse| ||||||||por||||pão de queijo| Und übrigens, mein Gott muss nicht auf einem Käsebrot erscheinen. Và nhân tiện, Chúa của tôi không nhất thiết phải xuất hiện trên bánh mì phô mai. You know, if God’s going to show up, he’s not going to show up on cheese bread. |||Dieu|||||||||||||pain


OK? I just, this is why I love what Michael does, because it’s like, OK, if he’s debunking it, then I don’t have to. ||||||||||||||||démystifie|||||| ||||||||||||||||exposing the truth|||||| ||||||||||||||||desmistificando|||||| ||||||||||||||||entlarven|||||| ||||||||マイケル|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||desmitiendo|||||| Я просто, вот почему мне нравится то, что делает Майкл, потому что это нормально, если он разоблачает это, тогда мне не нужно. Я просто ось чому мені подобається те, що робить Майкл, тому що це ніби, добре, якщо він розвінчує це, то мені не потрібно. Tôi chỉ là, đây là lý do tại sao tôi thích những gì Michael làm, bởi vì nó giống như, được thôi, nếu anh ấy vạch trần chuyện đó thì tôi không cần phải làm vậy. But God -- my God -- doesn’t show up on sprinkler images. |||||||||images ||||||||Rasensprenger| ||||||||sprinkler| ||||||||aspersores| ||||não||||aspersor| Aber Gott - mein Gott - ist nicht auf den Bildern der Sprinkleranlage zu sehen. Але Бог -- Боже мій -- не відображається на зображеннях спринклерів. Nhưng Chúa -- Chúa ơi -- không xuất hiện trên những hình ảnh phun nước. He got a few more powerful ways than that to do whatever he wants to do. |||||puissantes|||||||||| |||||||do que|||||||| But He doesn’t do miracles just to show off. ||||miracles|||| ||||miracles||||

Second thing is, if God ever asks you a question, He already knows the answer. ||||||te pose|||||||| Obviously, if He’s God, then that would mean that when He asks the question, it’s for your benefit, not His. |||||||||||pose|||||||| So, He’s going, "What’s in your hand?" Now, what was in Moses' hand? Тепер, що було в руці Мойсея? Well, it was a shepherd’s staff. ||||Hirten-|Hirtenstab ||||belonging to the shepherd| Now, follow me on this. |suis|||

This staff represented three things about Moses' life. ||représentait||||| Cây gậy này tượng trưng cho ba điều về cuộc đời của Môi-se. First, it represented his identity. ||représentait||identité Đầu tiên, nó đại diện cho danh tính của anh ấy. He was a shepherd. |||berger |||sheep herder |||pastor It’s the symbol of his own occupation. ||symbole||||occupation ||||||Beruf I am a shepherd. |||牧羊人 |||người chăn cừu It’s a symbol of his identity, his career, his job. Đó là biểu tượng cho danh tính, sự nghiệp, công việc của anh ấy. Second, it’s a symbol of not only his identity, it’s a symbol of his income, because all of his assets are tied up in sheep. |||||||||||||||||||biens|||||moutons |||||||||||||||||||Vermögenswerte||||| |||||||||||||||||||assets||||| ||||||||||||||renda|||||||amarrados||| Thứ hai, nó không chỉ là biểu tượng cho danh tính của anh ta mà còn là biểu tượng cho thu nhập của anh ta, bởi vì tất cả tài sản của anh ta đều gắn liền với đàn cừu. In those days nobody had bank accounts, or American Express cards, or hedge funds. |||||de banque|||American|Express|cartes||fonds de couverture|fonds ||||||Konten|||||||Fonds ||||||||||||investment fund| ||||||||||||fondos de cobertura| У ті часи ніхто не мав банківських рахунків, чи карток American Express, чи хедж-фондів. Your assets are tied up in your flocks. |||||||troupeaux |||||||Herden |||||||livestock or animals |||||||ganados |||||em||rebanhos Твоє майно прив’язане до отар. So it’s a symbol of his identity, and it’s a symbol of his income. And the third thing: it’s a symbol of his influence. What do you do with a shepherd’s staff? Was macht man mit einem Hirtenstab? Що ви робите з пастушим посохом? Well, you know, you move sheep from point A to point B with it, by hook or by crook. ||||||||||||||||||crochet |||||||||||||||Haken|||Betrüger |||||||||||||||by any means|||trick ||||||||||||||||||como sea |||||||||||||||de qualquer jeito|||de qualquer jeito Damit kann man Schafe von A nach B bringen, auf Biegen und Brechen. Ну, ви знаєте, ви переміщаєте овець з пункту А в пункт Б з ним, правдами і неправдами. You pull them or you poke them, one or the other. |||||pousse||||| |||||stichst||||| |||||prod||||| |||||picas||||| |||||cutucar||||| Ви їх тягнете або тицяєте, одне чи інше. So, He’s saying, "You’re going to lay down your identity. ||||||poser||| ||||||deitar||| Er sagt also: "Du wirst deine Identität ablegen. Vì vậy, Ngài đang phán: “Các ngươi sẽ tiết lộ danh tính của mình. What’s in your hand? You’ve got identity, you’ve got income, you’ve got influence. What’s in your hand?" And He’s saying, "If you lay it down, I’ll make it come alive. ||||||||||||vivre Und er sagt: "Wenn du es hinlegst, werde ich es lebendig machen. I’ll do some things you could never imagine possible." And if you’ve watched that movie, "Ten Commandments," all of those big miracles that happen in Egypt are done through this staff. ||||||||||||||||l'Égypte||||| ||||||||||||Wunder|||||||||Stab Und wenn Sie den Film "Die zehn Gebote" gesehen haben, dann werden all die großen Wunder, die in Ägypten geschehen, durch diesen Stab bewirkt. І якщо ви дивилися той фільм «Десять заповідей», всі ці великі чудеса, які відбуваються в Єгипті, відбуваються завдяки цьому персоналу. Và nếu bạn đã xem bộ phim đó, "Mười điều răn," tất cả những phép lạ lớn xảy ra ở Ai Cập đều được thực hiện thông qua cây gậy này. Last year, I was invited to speak at NBA All-Stars game. ||||invité||||NBA||| ||||||||NBA-All-Star-Spiel||| And so, I’m talking to the players, because most of the NBA teams, NFL teams and all the other teams have done this 40 Days of Purpose, based on the book. ||||||||||||équipes|NFL|de la NFL|||||équipes|||||||||| |||||||||||||NFL-Teams|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||National Football League|||||||||||||||| Und so spreche ich mit den Spielern, denn die meisten NBA-Teams, NFL-Teams und alle anderen Teams haben diese 40 Days of Purpose auf der Grundlage des Buches durchgeführt. І тому я звертаюся до гравців, тому що більшість команд НБА, команд НФЛ та всіх інших команд зробили ці 40 днів мети, засновані на книзі. Và vì vậy, tôi đang nói chuyện với các cầu thủ, bởi vì hầu hết các đội NBA, NFL và tất cả các đội khác đã thực hiện 40 Ngày Mục Đích này, dựa trên cuốn sách. And I asked them, I said, "What’s in your hand? So, what’s in your hand?" I said, "It’s a basketball, and that basketball represents your identity, who you are. ||||basketball||||représente||||| Tôi nói, "Đó là một quả bóng rổ, và quả bóng rổ đó đại diện cho danh tính của bạn, bạn là ai. You’re an NBA player. Bạn là một cầu thủ NBA. It represents your income. You’re making a lot of money off that little ball. |||||||||balle Bạn đang kiếm được rất nhiều tiền từ quả bóng nhỏ đó. And it represents your influence. And even though you’re only going to be in the NBA for a few years, you’re going to be an NBA player for the rest of your life. ||obwohl||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und auch wenn du nur ein paar Jahre in der NBA spielen wirst, wirst du für den Rest deines Lebens ein NBA-Spieler sein. Và mặc dù bạn chỉ mới tham gia NBA được vài năm, nhưng bạn sẽ là cầu thủ NBA trong suốt quãng đời còn lại của mình. And that gives with you enormous influence. ||donne|||| So, what are you going to do with what you’ve been given? " Was werden Sie also mit dem tun, was Sie bekommen haben?" And I guess that’s the main reason I came up here today, to all of you very bright people at TED, is to say, "What’s in your hand?" |||||||||||||||||brillants|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||pessoas brilhantes|||||||||| Und ich denke, das ist der Hauptgrund, warum ich heute hierher gekommen bin, zu all den klugen Leuten bei TED, um zu sagen: "Was habt ihr in der Hand?" Và tôi đoán đó là lý do chính khiến tôi đến đây hôm nay, với tất cả các bạn, những người rất thông minh ở TED, là để nói, "Bạn có gì trong tay?" What do you have that you’ve been given? Was haben Sie, was man Ihnen gegeben hat? Что у тебя есть, что тебе дали? Bạn có gì mà bạn được cho? Talent, background, education, freedom, networks, opportunities, wealth, ideas, creativity. ||||réseaux||richesse|| ||||connections|||| |background||liberdade|redes||riqueza|| Tài năng, lý lịch, giáo dục, tự do, mạng lưới, cơ hội, sự giàu có, ý tưởng, sự sáng tạo. What are you doing with what you’ve been given? Was machen Sie mit dem, was Sie bekommen haben? Bạn đang làm gì với những gì bạn được cho? That, to me, is the primary question about life. |||||principale||| Đối với tôi, đó là câu hỏi đầu tiên về cuộc sống. That, to me, is what being purpose-driven is all about. ||||||Zweck|||| ||||||being driven by purpose|||| Das ist es, was für mich Zielstrebigkeit ausmacht. Đối với tôi, đó chính là mục đích hướng tới. In the book I talk about how you’re wired to do certain things, you’re shaped. ||||||||programmé|||certaines|||façonné ||||||||veranlagt|||||| ||||||||programado|||||você está|moldado In dem Buch spreche ich darüber, wie man für bestimmte Dinge verdrahtet ist, wie man geformt wird. В книге я говорю о том, как вы настроены делать определенные вещи, вы в форме. У книзі я розповідаю про те, як ви налаштовані робити певні речі, ви сформовані. Trong cuốn sách tôi nói về việc bạn được buộc phải làm những việc nhất định như thế nào, bạn được định hình như thế nào. This little cross takes spiritual gifts, heart, ability, personality and experiences. |||prend|||||personnalité|| ||symbol|||||||| |||||Gaben||||| |||||dons||||| Dieses kleine Kreuz braucht geistige Gaben, Herz, Fähigkeiten, Persönlichkeit und Erfahrungen. Cây thánh giá nhỏ này đòi hỏi những ân tứ thuộc linh, tấm lòng, khả năng, nhân cách và kinh nghiệm. These things shape you. ||forment| ||moldam| And if you want to know what you ought to be doing with your life, you need to look at your shape. ||||||||devez||||||||||||| ||||||||deveria||||||||||||| Und wenn Sie wissen wollen, was Sie mit Ihrem Leben anfangen sollen, müssen Sie sich Ihre Form ansehen. Và nếu bạn muốn biết bạn nên làm gì với cuộc đời mình, bạn cần nhìn vào hình dáng của mình. What am I wired to do? |||programmé|| Wozu bin ich verdrahtet? Что я должен сделать? Tôi có dây để làm gì? Why would God wire you to do something and then not have you do it? |||programmer||||||||||| |||programar||||||||||| Warum sollte Gott Ihnen einen Auftrag erteilen und ihn dann nicht ausführen? Tại sao Chúa ra lệnh cho bạn làm điều gì đó và sau đó bạn lại không làm điều đó? If you’re wired to be an anthropologist, you’ll be an anthropologist. ||||||||||anthropologue ||||||first mention|||| If you’re wired to be an underseas explorer, you’ll be an undersea explorer. |||||||explorateur|||||explorateur ||||||undersea|||||oceanic| |||||||||||submarino| Якщо ви готові бути підводним дослідником, ви будете підводним дослідником. If you’re wired to make deals, you make deals. ||||||||affaires Wenn Sie darauf eingestellt sind, Geschäfte zu machen, machen Sie Geschäfte. If you’re wired to paint, you paint. ||||||peindre

Did you know that God smiles when you be you? |||||sourit|||| ||||||quando||| Wussten Sie, dass Gott lächelt, wenn Sie Sie selbst sind? When my little kids were little -- they’re all grown, now I have grandkids -- I used to go in and sit on the side of their bed, and I used to watch my kids sleep. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||dormir ||||||sie sind||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||nietos||||||||||||||||||||| Als meine kleinen Kinder noch klein waren - sie sind alle erwachsen, jetzt habe ich Enkelkinder - setzte ich mich immer an die Seite ihres Bettes und sah meinen Kindern beim Schlafen zu. Khi những đứa con nhỏ của tôi còn nhỏ -- chúng đều đã lớn, bây giờ tôi có cháu -- Tôi thường đến ngồi bên giường chúng và nhìn chúng ngủ. And I just watched their little bodies rise and lower, rise and lower. |||||||se lever||descendre||| Und ich sah zu, wie sich ihre kleinen Körper hoben und senkten, hoben und senkten. І я просто спостерігав, як їхні тільця піднімаються й опускаються, піднімаються й опускаються. Và tôi chỉ quan sát cơ thể nhỏ bé của chúng nhô lên và hạ xuống, nhô lên và hạ xuống. And I would look at them, this is not an accident. Und ich würde sie mir ansehen, das ist kein Zufall. Rise and lower. subir|| And I got joy out of just watching them sleep. |||de la joie|||||| |||alegria|||||| Und es hat mir Freude gemacht, ihnen beim Schlafen zuzusehen. Và tôi thấy vui khi được ngắm họ ngủ. Some people have the misguided idea that God only gets excited when you’re doing, quote, "spiritual things," like going to church or helping the poor, or, you know, confessing or doing something like that. ||||fausse||||||||||||||||||||||||se confesser||||| ||||fehlgeleitete||||||||||||||||||||||||beichten||||| ||||equivocada||||||||||||||||||||||||confesando||||| |||as|equivocada||||||||||algumas pessoas têm a ideia equivocada de que Deus só fica animado quando você está fazendo, entre aspas, "coisas espirituais", como ir à igreja ou ajudar os pobres, ou, sabe, confessar ou fazer algo assim.||||||||||||||||||| Деякі люди мають хибну думку, що Бог радіє лише тоді, коли ти робиш, цитую, «духовні речі», наприклад, ходиш до церкви чи допомагаєш бідним, або, знаєш, сповідаєшся чи робиш щось подібне. Một số người có ý tưởng sai lầm rằng Chúa chỉ phấn khích khi bạn làm, trích dẫn, "những việc tâm linh", như đi nhà thờ hoặc giúp đỡ người nghèo, hoặc, bạn biết đấy, xưng tội hoặc làm điều gì đó tương tự. The bottom line is, God gets pleasure watching you be you. ||conclusion|||||||| ||||||||あなた|| Das Entscheidende ist, dass Gott Freude daran hat, dich so zu sehen, wie du bist. Why? He made you. And when you do what you were made to do, He goes, "That’s my boy. Und wenn du tust, wozu du geschaffen wurdest, sagt er: "Das ist mein Junge. That’s my girl. You’re using the talent and ability that I gave you." So my advice to you is, look at what’s in your hand -- your identity, your influence, your income -- and say, "It’s not about me. ||||||||||||||||||y||||| ||conselho|||||||||||identidade||||renda|||||| Mein Rat an Sie lautet also: Sehen Sie sich an, was Sie in der Hand haben - Ihre Identität, Ihren Einfluss, Ihr Einkommen - und sagen Sie: "Es geht nicht um mich. Vì vậy, lời khuyên của tôi dành cho bạn là, hãy nhìn vào những gì trong tay bạn -- danh tính, tầm ảnh hưởng, thu nhập của bạn -- và nói, "Không phải về tôi. It’s about making the world a better place. " Đó là về việc làm cho thế giới trở thành một nơi tốt đẹp hơn. " Thank you.

http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/lang/eng/rick_warren_on_a_life_of_purpose.html |||||||||||||||Zweck des Lebens| |||||page number|||English||||||||page number