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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 17 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1

CHAPTER 17 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1


SEWARD'S DIARY--cont. When we arrived at the Berkely Hotel, Van Helsing found a telegram waiting for him.

"Am coming up by train.

Jonathan at Whitby. Important news. Mina Harker. The Professor was delighted.

"Ah, that wonderful Madam Mina," he said, "pearl among women! She arrive, but I cannot stay. She must go to your house, friend John. You must meet her at the station. Telegraph her en route so that she may be prepared. When the wire was dispatched he had a cup of tea.

Over it he told me of a diary kept by Jonathan Harker when abroad, and gave me a typewritten copy of it, as also of Mrs. Harker's diary at Whitby. "Take these," he said, "and study them well.

When I have returned you will be master of all the facts, and we can then better enter on our inquisition. Keep them safe, for there is in them much of treasure. You will need all your faith, even you who have had such an experience as that of today.

What is here told," he laid his hand heavily and gravely on the packet of papers as he spoke, "may be the beginning of the end to you and me and many another, or it may sound the knell of the UnDead who walk the earth. Read all, I pray you, with the open mind, and if you can add in any way to the story here told do so, for it is all important. You have kept a diary of all these so strange things, is it not so? Yes! Then we shall go through all these together when we meet. " He then made ready for his departure and shortly drove off to Liverpool Street. I took my way to Paddington, where I arrived about fifteen minutes before the train came in. The crowd melted away, after the bustling fashion common to arrival platforms, and I was beginning to feel uneasy, lest I might miss my guest, when a sweet-faced, dainty looking girl stepped up to me, and after a quick glance said, "Dr. Seward, is it not?

"And you are Mrs.

Harker!" I answered at once, whereupon she held out her hand. "I knew you from the description of poor dear Lucy, but .

" She stopped suddenly, and a quick blush overspread her face. The blush that rose to my own cheeks somehow set us both at ease, for it was a tacit answer to her own.

I got her luggage, which included a typewriter, and we took the Underground to Fenchurch Street, after I had sent a wire to my housekeeper to have a sitting room and a bedroom prepared at once for Mrs. Harker. In due time we arrived.

She knew, of course, that the place was a lunatic asylum, but I could see that she was unable to repress a shudder when we entered. She told me that, if she might, she would come presently to my study, as she had much to say.

So here I am finishing my entry in my phonograph diary whilst I await her. As yet I have not had the chance of looking at the papers which Van Helsing left with me, though they lie open before me. I must get her interested in something, so that I may have an opportunity of reading them. She does not know how precious time is, or what a task we have in hand. I must be careful not to frighten her. Here she is!

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CHAPTER 17 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 1 CAPÍTULO 17 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 1 CAPITOLO 17 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 1


SEWARD’S DIARY--cont. When we arrived at the Berkely Hotel, Van Helsing found a telegram waiting for him. Quando chegámos ao Hotel Berkely, Van Helsing encontrou um telegrama à sua espera.

"Am coming up by train. "Estou a chegar de comboio.

Jonathan at Whitby. Important news. Mina Harker. Mina Harker. The Professor was delighted. |||encantado O Professor ficou encantado.

"Ah, that wonderful Madam Mina," he said, "pearl among women! "Ah, essa maravilhosa Madame Mina", disse ele, "pérola entre as mulheres! She arrive, but I cannot stay. Ela chega, mas eu não posso ficar. She must go to your house, friend John. Ela tem de ir para tua casa, amigo João. You must meet her at the station. Tem de se encontrar com ela na estação. Telegraph her en route so that she may be prepared. Telegrafar-lhe durante o trajeto para que ela possa estar preparada. When the wire was dispatched he had a cup of tea. ||||versendet|||||| Quando o telegrama foi despachado, tomou uma chávena de chá.

Over it he told me of a diary kept by Jonathan Harker when abroad, and gave me a typewritten copy of it, as also of Mrs. Harker’s diary at Whitby. Por cima, falou-me de um diário escrito por Jonathan Harker quando estava no estrangeiro e deu-me uma cópia dactilografada do mesmo, bem como do diário da Sra. Harker em Whitby. "Take these," he said, "and study them well. "Pega nisto", disse ele, "e estuda-o bem.

When I have returned you will be master of all the facts, and we can then better enter on our inquisition. ||||||||||||||||||||Untersuchung ||||||||||||||||||||investigación detallada Quando eu voltar, terá conhecimento de todos os factos e poderemos então iniciar melhor a nossa inquisição. Keep them safe, for there is in them much of treasure. Guardai-os bem, pois há neles muito tesouro. You will need all your faith, even you who have had such an experience as that of today. Precisareis de toda a vossa fé, mesmo vós que tivestes uma experiência como a de hoje.

What is here told," he laid his hand heavily and gravely on the packet of papers as he spoke, "may be the beginning of the end to you and me and many another, or it may sound the knell of the UnDead who walk the earth. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Totenläuten||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||death bell||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Toque de difuntos||||||| O que aqui é dito", colocou a mão pesada e gravemente sobre o maço de papéis enquanto falava, "pode ser o princípio do fim para ti, para mim e para muitos outros, ou pode soar o toque de finados que andam na Terra. Read all, I pray you, with the open mind, and if you can add in any way to the story here told do so, for it is all important. Leiam tudo, peço-vos, com o espírito aberto e, se puderem acrescentar algo à história aqui contada, façam-no, pois tudo isto é importante. You have kept a diary of all these so strange things, is it not so? Escreveu um diário de todas estas coisas tão estranhas, não é verdade? Yes! Sim! Then we shall go through all these together when we meet. Então, quando nos encontrarmos, vamos analisar tudo isto em conjunto. "  He then made ready for his departure and shortly drove off to Liverpool Street. " Em seguida, preparou a sua partida e dirigiu-se rapidamente para Liverpool Street. I took my way to Paddington, where I arrived about fifteen minutes before the train came in. Dirigi-me a Paddington, onde cheguei cerca de quinze minutos antes da chegada do comboio. The crowd melted away, after the bustling fashion common to arrival platforms, and I was beginning to feel uneasy, lest I might miss my guest, when a sweet-faced, dainty looking girl stepped up to me,  and after a quick glance said, "Dr. Seward, is it not? |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||zierlich||||||||||||||||| A multidão foi-se dissipando, com a agitação habitual nas plataformas de chegada, e eu começava a sentir-me inquieto, com receio de perder o meu convidado, quando uma rapariga de rosto doce e aspeto delicado se aproximou de mim e, após um rápido olhar, disse: "Dr. Seward, não é?

"And you are Mrs.

Harker!" I answered at once, whereupon she held out her hand. ||||tras lo cual||||| Respondi de imediato, ao que ela me estendeu a mão. "I knew you from the description of poor dear Lucy, but . "Conhecia-o pela descrição da pobre Lucy, mas .

"  She stopped suddenly, and a quick blush overspread her face. ||||||Erröten||| " Ela parou de repente, e um rápido rubor tomou conta do seu rosto. The blush that rose to my own cheeks somehow set us both at ease, for it was a tacit answer to her own. O rubor que me subiu às faces tranquilizou-nos a ambos, pois era uma resposta tácita à sua própria resposta.

I got her luggage, which included a typewriter, and we took the Underground to Fenchurch Street, after I had sent a wire to my housekeeper to have a sitting room and a bedroom prepared at once for Mrs. Harker. Fui buscar a bagagem dela, que incluía uma máquina de escrever, e apanhámos o metro para Fenchurch Street, depois de eu ter enviado um telegrama à minha governanta para que preparasse imediatamente uma sala de estar e um quarto para a Sra. Harker. In due time we arrived. In|||| Chegámos a tempo.

She knew, of course, that the place was a lunatic asylum, but I could see that she was unable to repress a shudder when we entered. Ela sabia, evidentemente, que se tratava de um manicómio, mas vi que não conseguiu reprimir um arrepio quando entrámos. She told me that, if she might, she would come presently to my study, as she had much to say. ||||||||||gegenwärtig||||||||| Disse-me que, se pudesse, viria de seguida ao meu gabinete, pois tinha muito para me dizer.

So here I am finishing my entry in my phonograph diary whilst I await her. Por isso, aqui estou eu a terminar a minha entrada no meu diário fonográfico enquanto a espero. As yet I have not had the chance of looking at the papers which Van Helsing left with me, though they lie open before me. Als|||||||||||||||||||||||| Ainda não tive oportunidade de ver os papéis que Van Helsing me deixou, embora estejam abertos diante de mim. I must get her interested in something, so that I may have an opportunity of reading them. Tenho de fazer com que ela se interesse por alguma coisa, para que eu possa ter a oportunidade de os ler. She does not know how precious time is, or what a task we have in hand. Ela não sabe como o tempo é precioso, nem a tarefa que temos em mãos. I must be careful not to frighten her. ||||||erschrecken| Here she is!