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Emma by Jane Austen, Volume 2. Chapter 12.

Volume 2. Chapter 12.

One thing only was wanting to make the prospect of the ball completely satisfactory to Emma--its being fixed for a day within the granted term of Frank Churchill's stay in Surry; for, in spite of Mr. Weston's confidence, she could not think it so very impossible that the Churchills might not allow their nephew to remain a day beyond his fortnight. But this was not judged feasible. The preparations must take their time, nothing could be properly ready till the third week were entered on, and for a few days they must be planning, proceeding and hoping in uncertainty--at the risk--in her opinion, the great risk, of its being all in vain.

Enscombe however was gracious, gracious in fact, if not in word. His wish of staying longer evidently did not please; but it was not opposed. All was safe and prosperous; and as the removal of one solicitude generally makes way for another, Emma, being now certain of her ball, began to adopt as the next vexation Mr. Knightley's provoking indifference about it. Either because he did not dance himself, or because the plan had been formed without his being consulted, he seemed resolved that it should not interest him, determined against its exciting any present curiosity, or affording him any future amusement. To her voluntary communications Emma could get no more approving reply, than,

"Very well. If the Westons think it worth while to be at all this trouble for a few hours of noisy entertainment, I have nothing to say against it, but that they shall not chuse pleasures for me.--Oh! yes, I must be there; I could not refuse; and I will keep as much awake as I can; but I would rather be at home, looking over William Larkins's week's account; much rather, I confess.--Pleasure in seeing dancing!--not I, indeed--I never look at it--I do not know who does.--Fine dancing, I believe, like virtue, must be its own reward. Those who are standing by are usually thinking of something very different." This Emma felt was aimed at her; and it made her quite angry. It was not in compliment to Jane Fairfax however that he was so indifferent, or so indignant; he was not guided by her feelings in reprobating the ball, for she enjoyed the thought of it to an extraordinary degree. It made her animated--open hearted--she voluntarily said;--

"Oh! Miss Woodhouse, I hope nothing may happen to prevent the ball. What a disappointment it would be! I do look forward to it, I own, with very great pleasure." It was not to oblige Jane Fairfax therefore that he would have preferred the society of William Larkins. No!--she was more and more convinced that Mrs. Weston was quite mistaken in that surmise. There was a great deal of friendly and of compassionate attachment on his side--but no love.

Alas! there was soon no leisure for quarrelling with Mr. Knightley. Two days of joyful security were immediately followed by the over-throw of every thing. A letter arrived from Mr. Churchill to urge his nephew's instant return. Mrs. Churchill was unwell--far too unwell to do without him; she had been in a very suffering state (so said her husband) when writing to her nephew two days before, though from her usual unwillingness to give pain, and constant habit of never thinking of herself, she had not mentioned it; but now she was too ill to trifle, and must entreat him to set off for Enscombe without delay.

The substance of this letter was forwarded to Emma, in a note from Mrs. Weston, instantly. As to his going, it was inevitable. He must be gone within a few hours, though without feeling any real alarm for his aunt, to lessen his repugnance. He knew her illnesses; they never occurred but for her own convenience.

Mrs. Weston added, "that he could only allow himself time to hurry to Highbury, after breakfast, and take leave of the few friends there whom he could suppose to feel any interest in him; and that he might be expected at Hartfield very soon." This wretched note was the finale of Emma's breakfast. When once it had been read, there was no doing any thing, but lament and exclaim. The loss of the ball--the loss of the young man--and all that the young man might be feeling!--It was too wretched!--Such a delightful evening as it would have been!--Every body so happy! and she and her partner the happiest!--"I said it would be so," was the only consolation. Her father's feelings were quite distinct. He thought principally of Mrs. Churchill's illness, and wanted to know how she was treated; and as for the ball, it was shocking to have dear Emma disappointed; but they would all be safer at home. Emma was ready for her visitor some time before he appeared; but if this reflected at all upon his impatience, his sorrowful look and total want of spirits when he did come might redeem him. He felt the going away almost too much to speak of it. His dejection was most evident. He sat really lost in thought for the first few minutes; and when rousing himself, it was only to say,

"Of all horrid things, leave-taking is the worst." "But you will come again," said Emma. "This will not be your only visit to Randalls." "Ah!--(shaking his head)--the uncertainty of when I may be able to return!--I shall try for it with a zeal!--It will be the object of all my thoughts and cares!--and if my uncle and aunt go to town this spring--but I am afraid--they did not stir last spring--I am afraid it is a custom gone for ever." "Our poor ball must be quite given up." "Ah! that ball!--why did we wait for any thing?--why not seize the pleasure at once?--How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation!--You told us it would be so.--Oh! Miss Woodhouse, why are you always so right?" "Indeed, I am very sorry to be right in this instance. I would much rather have been merry than wise." "If I can come again, we are still to have our ball. My father depends on it. Do not forget your engagement." Emma looked graciously.

"Such a fortnight as it has been!" he continued; "every day more precious and more delightful than the day before!--every day making me less fit to bear any other place. Happy those, who can remain at Highbury!" "As you do us such ample justice now," said Emma, laughing, "I will venture to ask, whether you did not come a little doubtfully at first? Do not we rather surpass your expectations? I am sure we do. I am sure you did not much expect to like us. You would not have been so long in coming, if you had had a pleasant idea of Highbury." He laughed rather consciously; and though denying the sentiment, Emma was convinced that it had been so.

"And you must be off this very morning?" "Yes; my father is to join me here: we shall walk back together, and I must be off immediately. I am almost afraid that every moment will bring him." "Not five minutes to spare even for your friends Miss Fairfax and Miss Bates? How unlucky! Miss Bates's powerful, argumentative mind might have strengthened yours." "Yes--I have called there; passing the door, I thought it better. It was a right thing to do. I went in for three minutes, and was detained by Miss Bates's being absent. She was out; and I felt it impossible not to wait till she came in. She is a woman that one may, that one must laugh at; but that one would not wish to slight. It was better to pay my visit, then"-- He hesitated, got up, walked to a window.

"In short," said he, "perhaps, Miss Woodhouse--I think you can hardly be quite without suspicion"-- He looked at her, as if wanting to read her thoughts. She hardly knew what to say. It seemed like the forerunner of something absolutely serious, which she did not wish. Forcing herself to speak, therefore, in the hope of putting it by, she calmly said,

"You are quite in the right; it was most natural to pay your visit, then"-- He was silent. She believed he was looking at her; probably reflecting on what she had said, and trying to understand the manner. She heard him sigh. It was natural for him to feel that he had cause to sigh. He could not believe her to be encouraging him. A few awkward moments passed, and he sat down again; and in a more determined manner said,

"It was something to feel that all the rest of my time might be given to Hartfield. My regard for Hartfield is most warm"-- He stopt again, rose again, and seemed quite embarrassed.--He was more in love with her than Emma had supposed; and who can say how it might have ended, if his father had not made his appearance? Mr. Woodhouse soon followed; and the necessity of exertion made him composed.

A very few minutes more, however, completed the present trial. Mr. Weston, always alert when business was to be done, and as incapable of procrastinating any evil that was inevitable, as of foreseeing any that was doubtful, said, "It was time to go;" and the young man, though he might and did sigh, could not but agree, to take leave. "I shall hear about you all," said he; "that is my chief consolation. I shall hear of every thing that is going on among you. I have engaged Mrs. Weston to correspond with me. She has been so kind as to promise it. Oh! the blessing of a female correspondent, when one is really interested in the absent!--she will tell me every thing. In her letters I shall be at dear Highbury again." A very friendly shake of the hand, a very earnest "Good-bye," closed the speech, and the door had soon shut out Frank Churchill. Short had been the notice--short their meeting; he was gone; and Emma felt so sorry to part, and foresaw so great a loss to their little society from his absence as to begin to be afraid of being too sorry, and feeling it too much.

It was a sad change. They had been meeting almost every day since his arrival. Certainly his being at Randalls had given great spirit to the last two weeks--indescribable spirit; the idea, the expectation of seeing him which every morning had brought, the assurance of his attentions, his liveliness, his manners! It had been a very happy fortnight, and forlorn must be the sinking from it into the common course of Hartfield days. To complete every other recommendation, he had almost told her that he loved her. What strength, or what constancy of affection he might be subject to, was another point; but at present she could not doubt his having a decidedly warm admiration, a conscious preference of herself; and this persuasion, joined to all the rest, made her think that she must be a little in love with him, in spite of every previous determination against it.

"I certainly must," said she. "This sensation of listlessness, weariness, stupidity, this disinclination to sit down and employ myself, this feeling of every thing's being dull and insipid about the house!--I must be in love; I should be the oddest creature in the world if I were not--for a few weeks at least. Well! evil to some is always good to others. I shall have many fellow-mourners for the ball, if not for Frank Churchill; but Mr. Knightley will be happy. He may spend the evening with his dear William Larkins now if he likes." Mr. Knightley, however, shewed no triumphant happiness. He could not say that he was sorry on his own account; his very cheerful look would have contradicted him if he had; but he said, and very steadily, that he was sorry for the disappointment of the others, and with considerable kindness added,

"You, Emma, who have so few opportunities of dancing, you are really out of luck; you are very much out of luck!" It was some days before she saw Jane Fairfax, to judge of her honest regret in this woeful change; but when they did meet, her composure was odious. She had been particularly unwell, however, suffering from headache to a degree, which made her aunt declare, that had the ball taken place, she did not think Jane could have attended it; and it was charity to impute some of her unbecoming indifference to the languor of ill-health.

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Volume 2. Chapter 12. Band 2. Kapitel 12. Том 2. Глава 12.

One thing only was wanting to make the prospect of the ball completely satisfactory to Emma--its being fixed for a day within the granted term of Frank Churchill's stay in Surry; for, in spite of Mr. Weston's confidence, she could not think it so very impossible that the Churchills might not allow their nephew to remain a day beyond his fortnight. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||two weeks 唯一的一件事就是想讓艾瑪對舞會的前景完全滿意——它被定在弗蘭克·邱吉爾在薩裡逗留期間的一天;因為,儘管韋斯頓先生很有信心,但她也不認為邱吉爾一家不可能允許他們的侄子在兩週後多留一天。 But this was not judged feasible. |||||possible to achieve 但這被認為不可行。 The preparations must take their time, nothing could be properly ready till the third week were entered on, and for a few days they must be planning, proceeding and hoping in uncertainty--at the risk--in her opinion, the great risk, of its being all in vain. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||doubtful situation||||||||||||||| 準備工作必須花時間,直到第三週才開始,任何事情都無法做好準備,在接下來的幾天裡,他們必須在不確定的情況下計劃、進行和希望——冒著風險——在她看來,這是巨大的風險,一切都是徒勞無功的。

Enscombe however was gracious, gracious in fact, if not in word. 然而,恩斯庫姆卻很和藹可親,即使不是口頭上,也確實是和藹可親。 His wish of staying longer evidently did not please; but it was not opposed. 顯然,他想要停留更長時間的願望並不令人滿意。但沒有人反對。 All was safe and prosperous; and as the removal of one solicitude generally makes way for another, Emma, being now certain of her ball, began to adopt as the next vexation Mr. Knightley's provoking indifference about it. |||||||||||concern|||||||||||||||||||annoyance|||annoying||| Either because he did not dance himself, or because the plan had been formed without his being consulted, he seemed resolved that it should not interest him, determined against its exciting any present curiosity, or affording him any future amusement. 要不是因為他自己不跳舞,就是因為這個計畫是在沒有徵求他意見的情況下制定的,他似乎決心不讓自己對它感興趣,決心不讓它激起任何當前的好奇心,也不為他提供任何未來的樂趣。 To her voluntary communications Emma could get no more approving reply, than,

"Very well. If the Westons think it worth while to be at all this trouble for a few hours of noisy entertainment, I have nothing to say against it, but that they shall not chuse pleasures for me.--Oh! yes, I must be there; I could not refuse; and I will keep as much awake as I can; but I would rather be at home, looking over William Larkins's week's account; much rather, I confess.--Pleasure in seeing dancing!--not I, indeed--I never look at it--I do not know who does.--Fine dancing, I believe, like virtue, must be its own reward. Those who are standing by are usually thinking of something very different." This Emma felt was aimed at her; and it made her quite angry. It was not in compliment to Jane Fairfax however that he was so indifferent, or so indignant; he was not guided by  her feelings in reprobating the ball, for  she enjoyed the thought of it to an extraordinary degree. ||||||||||||||||angry|||||||||condemning||||||||||||| 然而,他如此冷漠或如此憤慨,並不是對簡·費爾法克斯的恭維。他並沒有因為她的感情而譴責這個舞會,因為她非常喜歡這個想法。 It made her animated--open hearted--she voluntarily said;--

"Oh! Miss Woodhouse, I hope nothing may happen to prevent the ball. What a disappointment it would be! I do look forward to it, I own, with  very great pleasure." It was not to oblige Jane Fairfax therefore that he would have preferred the society of William Larkins. No!--she was more and more convinced that Mrs. Weston was quite mistaken in that surmise. |||||||||||||||assumption There was a great deal of friendly and of compassionate attachment on his side--but no love. |||||||||empathetic|||||||

Alas! there was soon no leisure for quarrelling with Mr. Knightley. Two days of joyful security were immediately followed by the over-throw of every thing. A letter arrived from Mr. Churchill to urge his nephew's instant return. 邱吉爾先生寄來一封信,敦促他的侄子立即返回。 Mrs. Churchill was unwell--far too unwell to do without him; she had been in a very suffering state (so said her husband) when writing to her nephew two days before, though from her usual unwillingness to give pain, and constant habit of never thinking of herself, she had not mentioned it; but now she was too ill to trifle, and must entreat him to set off for Enscombe without delay. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||reluctance||||||||||||||||||||||||waste time|||||||||||

The substance of this letter was forwarded to Emma, in a note from Mrs. Weston, instantly. 這封信的實質內容立即透過韋斯頓夫人的便條轉發給艾瑪。 As to his going, it was inevitable. He must be gone within a few hours, though without feeling any real alarm for his aunt, to lessen his repugnance. ||||||||||||||||||||disgust 他必須在幾個小時內離開,儘管不要對他的阿姨感到任何真正的驚慌,以減輕他的反感。 He knew her illnesses; they never occurred but for her own convenience.

Mrs. Weston added, "that he could only allow himself time to hurry to Highbury, after breakfast, and take leave of the few friends there whom he could suppose to feel any interest in him; and that he might be expected at Hartfield very soon." This wretched note was the finale of Emma's breakfast. 這可憐的音符是艾瑪早餐的結局。 When once it had been read, there was no doing any thing, but lament and exclaim. 讀完之後,除了感嘆和感嘆之外,什麼也沒做。 The loss of the ball--the loss of the young man--and all that the young man might be feeling!--It was too wretched!--Such a delightful evening as it would have been!--Every body so happy! 丟了球——失去了年輕人——以及年輕人可能感受到的一切!——太悲慘了!——這本來是一個多麼令人愉快的夜晚!——每個人都那麼高興! and she and her partner the happiest!--"I said it would be so," was the only consolation. ||||||||||||||||comforting remark 她和她的伴侶是最幸福的!—「我說過會這樣的」是唯一的安慰。 Her father's feelings were quite distinct. He thought principally of Mrs. Churchill's illness, and wanted to know how she was treated; and as for the ball, it was shocking to have dear Emma disappointed; but they would all be safer at home. ||mainly||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Emma was ready for her visitor some time before he appeared; but if this reflected at all upon his impatience, his sorrowful look and total want of spirits when he did come might redeem him. ||||||||||||||||||||||||complete|||||||||excuse| 在訪客出現之前,艾瑪已經做好了迎接他的準備。但如果這完全反映了他的不耐煩,那麼當他來的時候他悲傷的表情和完全沒有精神可能會救贖他。 He felt the going away almost too much to speak of it. His dejection was most evident. |sadness||| 他的沮喪最為明顯。 He sat really lost in thought for the first few minutes; and when rousing himself, it was only to say, |||||||||||||bringing himself|||||| 在最初的幾分鐘裡,他真的陷入了沉思。當他清醒過來時,他只是說:

"Of all horrid things, leave-taking is the worst." ||terrible|||||| “在所有可怕的事情中,告別是最糟糕的。” "But you will come again," said Emma. "This will not be your only visit to Randalls." "Ah!--(shaking his head)--the uncertainty of when I may be able to return!--I shall try for it with a zeal!--It will be the object of all my thoughts and cares!--and if my uncle and aunt go to town this spring--but I am afraid--they did not stir last spring--I am afraid it is a custom gone for ever." "Our poor ball must be quite given up." "Ah! that ball!--why did we wait for any thing?--why not seize the pleasure at once?--How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation!--You told us it would be so.--Oh! |||||||||||enjoy||||||||||||||||||||| Miss Woodhouse, why are you always so right?" "Indeed, I am very sorry to be right in this instance. I would much rather have been merry than wise." "If I can come again, we are still to have our ball. My father depends on it. Do not forget your engagement." Emma looked graciously.

"Such a fortnight as it has been!" he continued; "every day more precious and more delightful than the day before!--every day making me less fit to bear any other place. Happy those, who can remain at Highbury!" "As you do us such ample justice now," said Emma, laughing, "I will venture to ask, whether you did not come a little doubtfully at first? |||||sufficient|||||||||||||||||||| 「既然你現在對我們如此公正了,」艾瑪笑著說,「我鬥膽問一下,你一開始來的時候是不是有點懷疑? Do not we rather surpass your expectations? ||||exceed|| 難道我們不想超越您的期望嗎? I am sure we do. I am sure you did not much expect to like us. You would not have been so long in coming, if you had had a pleasant idea of Highbury." He laughed rather consciously; and though denying the sentiment, Emma was convinced that it had been so. |||self-aware||||||||||||| 他很有意識地笑了。儘管艾瑪否認了這種感覺,但她確信事實確實如此。

"And you must be off this very morning?" "Yes; my father is to join me here: we shall walk back together, and I must be off immediately. I am almost afraid that every moment will bring him." "Not five minutes to spare even for your friends Miss Fairfax and Miss Bates? How unlucky! Miss Bates's powerful, argumentative mind might have strengthened yours." |||debate-oriented||||| 貝茨小姐強大而好辯的頭腦可能會增強你的頭腦。” "Yes--I  have called there; passing the door, I thought it better. It was a right thing to do. I went in for three minutes, and was detained by Miss Bates's being absent. She was out; and I felt it impossible not to wait till she came in. She is a woman that one may, that one  must laugh at; but that one would not wish to slight. |||||||||||||||||||disrespect It was better to pay my visit, then"-- He hesitated, got up, walked to a window.

"In short," said he, "perhaps, Miss Woodhouse--I think you can hardly be quite without suspicion"-- 「簡而言之,」他說,「也許,伍德豪斯小姐——我認為你不可能毫無懷疑」—— He looked at her, as if wanting to read her thoughts. She hardly knew what to say. It seemed like the forerunner of something absolutely serious, which she did not wish. ||||precursor||||||||| 這似乎是某種絕對嚴肅的事情的先兆,但她並不希望如此。 Forcing herself to speak, therefore, in the hope of putting it by, she calmly said,

"You are quite in the right; it was most natural to pay your visit, then"-- He was silent. She believed he was looking at her; probably reflecting on what she had said, and trying to understand the manner. 她相信他正在看著她;但事實並非如此。可能是在反思她所說的話,並試著理解她的態度。 She heard him sigh. It was natural for him to feel that he had  cause to sigh. He could not believe her to be encouraging him. A few awkward moments passed, and he sat down again; and in a more determined manner said,

"It was something to feel that all the rest of my time might be given to Hartfield. My regard for Hartfield is most warm"-- He stopt again, rose again, and seemed quite embarrassed.--He was more in love with her than Emma had supposed; and who can say how it might have ended, if his father had not made his appearance? Mr. Woodhouse soon followed; and the necessity of exertion made him composed. ||||||||effort||| 伍德豪斯先生很快也跟了上去。努力的必要性使他鎮靜下來。

A very few minutes more, however, completed the present trial. 然而,幾分鐘後,本次審判就完成了。 Mr. Weston, always alert when business was to be done, and as incapable of procrastinating any evil that was inevitable, as of foreseeing any that was doubtful, said, "It was time to go;" and the young man, though he might and did sigh, could not but agree, to take leave. |||aware|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 韋斯頓先生在要做生意時總是保持警惕,並且無法拖延任何不可避免的災難,也無法預見任何可疑的情況,他說:“是時候離開;”年輕人雖然可能嘆了口氣,也確實嘆了口氣,但還是得同意告辭。 "I shall hear about you all," said he; "that is my chief consolation. ||||||||||||comfort 「我會聽聽你們所有人的情況,」他說。 「這是我最大的安慰。 I shall hear of every thing that is going on among you. I have engaged Mrs. Weston to correspond with me. 我已聘請韋斯頓太太與我通信。 She has been so kind as to promise it. Oh! the blessing of a female correspondent, when one is really interested in the absent!--she will tell me every thing. |||||female writer|||||||||||||| 當一個人真正對缺席的事情感興趣時,一位女記者的祝福!—她會告訴我一切。 In her letters I shall be at dear Highbury again." A very friendly shake of the hand, a very earnest "Good-bye," closed the speech, and the door had soon shut out Frank Churchill. 一次非常友好的握手,一次非常真誠的“再見”,演講結束了,門很快就把弗蘭克·邱吉爾關在了外面。 Short had been the notice--short their meeting; he was gone; and Emma felt so sorry to part, and foresaw so great a loss to their little society from his absence as to begin to be afraid of being too sorry, and feeling it too much.

It was a sad change. They had been meeting almost every day since his arrival. Certainly his being at Randalls had given great spirit to the last two weeks--indescribable spirit; the idea, the expectation of seeing him which every morning had brought, the assurance of his attentions, his liveliness, his manners! ||||||||||||||unexplainable|||||||||||||||confidence||||||| 當然,他在蘭德爾斯的經歷為過去兩週帶來了巨大的精神——難以形容的精神;每天早晨所帶來的這個想法、對見到他的期待、他的關注、他的活力、他的行為的保證! It had been a very happy fortnight, and forlorn must be the sinking from it into the common course of Hartfield days. ||||||||sad||||||||||||| To complete every other recommendation, he had  almost told her that he loved her. What strength, or what constancy of affection he might be subject to, was another point; but at present she could not doubt his having a decidedly warm admiration, a conscious preference of herself; and this persuasion, joined to all the rest, made her think that she  must be a little in love with him, in spite of every previous determination against it. ||||steadfastness||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 他可能受到什麼樣的力量,或是什麼樣的持續的感情,是另一回事了。但目前她無法懷疑他對自己懷有明顯的熱烈欽佩,一種有意識的偏愛。這種說服,再加上其他一切,讓她覺得自己一定有點愛他,儘管之前她曾多次下定決心反對這一點。

"I certainly must," said she. "This sensation of listlessness, weariness, stupidity, this disinclination to sit down and employ myself, this feeling of every thing's being dull and insipid about the house!--I must be in love; I should be the oddest creature in the world if I were not--for a few weeks at least. |||lack of energy|||||||||||||||||||lacking interest||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 「這種無精打采、疲倦、愚蠢的感覺,這種不願坐下來工作的感覺,這種房子裡的一切都枯燥無味的感覺!——我一定是戀愛了;如果我不是——至少有幾個星期是這樣。 Well! evil to some is always good to others. I shall have many fellow-mourners for the ball, if not for Frank Churchill; but Mr. Knightley will be happy. 即使沒有弗蘭克·邱吉爾,我也會有很多人來哀悼這場舞會。但奈特利先生會很高興的。 He may spend the evening with his dear William Larkins now if he likes." Mr. Knightley, however, shewed no triumphant happiness. 然而,奈特利先生並沒有表現出勝利的喜悅。 He could not say that he was sorry on his own account; his very cheerful look would have contradicted him if he had; but he said, and very steadily, that he was sorry for the disappointment of the others, and with considerable kindness added, 他不能為自己說對不起;他不能因為自己的緣故而感到抱歉。如果他真的這麼做的話,他那非常愉快的表情就會與他相矛盾。但他非常堅定地表示,他對其他人的失望感到抱歉,並補充了相當的善意,

"You, Emma, who have so few opportunities of dancing, you are really out of luck; you are very much out of luck!" It was some days before she saw Jane Fairfax, to judge of her honest regret in this woeful change; but when they did meet, her composure was odious. |||||||||||||||||||||||||calmness||detestable Het duurde een paar dagen voordat ze Jane Fairfax zag, om te oordelen over haar oprechte spijt in deze jammerlijke verandering; maar toen ze elkaar ontmoetten, was haar kalmte verfoeilijk. 幾天后,她才見到簡·費爾法克斯,對這一悲慘的變化感到由衷的遺憾。但當他們真正見面時,她的鎮定卻令人厭惡。 She had been particularly unwell, however, suffering from headache to a degree, which made her aunt declare, that had the ball taken place, she did not think Jane could have attended it; and it was charity to impute some of her unbecoming indifference to the languor of ill-health. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||attribute to||||improper||||fatigue||| 然而,她身體特別不好,頭痛到一定程度,這讓她姨媽宣稱,如果舞會舉行,她認為簡不可能參加;她認為簡不可能參加舞會。把她不合時宜的冷漠歸咎於健康欠佳的倦怠,這也是一種仁慈。