Part 1. Chapter 26.
Primera parte. Capítulo 26.
Parte 1. Capítulo 26.
第 1 部分.第 26 章.
In the morning Konstantin Levin left Moscow, and towards evening he reached home.
On the journey in the train he talked to his neighbors about politics and the new railways, and, just as in Moscow, he was overcome by a sense of confusion of ideas, dissatisfaction with himself, shame of something or other.
But when he got out at his own station, when he saw his one-eyed coachman, Ignat, with the collar of his coat turned up; when, in the dim light reflected by the station fires, he saw his own sledge, his own horses with their tails tied up, in their harness trimmed with rings and tassels; when the coachman Ignat, as he put in his luggage, told him the village news, that the contractor had arrived, and that Pava had calved,—he felt that little by little the confusion was clearing up, and the shame and self-dissatisfaction were passing away.
||||||||||||||||Ignat||||||||||||dim|||||||||||||||||tails|||||tack and gear|trimmed||||tassels||||||||||||||||||contractor|||||Pava||calved||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||atlı araba||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mais quand il est sorti à son propre poste, quand il a vu son cocher borgne, Ignat, le col de son manteau retroussé; quand, dans la faible lumière réfléchie par les feux de la gare, il vit son propre traîneau, ses propres chevaux avec la queue attachée, dans leur harnais garni d'anneaux et de pompons; quand le cocher Ignat, en mettant ses bagages, lui annonça les nouvelles du village, que l'entrepreneur était arrivé et que Pava avait vêlé, - il sentit que peu à peu la confusion s'éclaircissait, la honte et le mécontentement décédaient.
He felt this at the mere sight of Ignat and the horses; but when he had put on the sheepskin brought for him, had sat down wrapped up in the sledge, and had driven off pondering on the work that lay before him in the village, and staring at the side-horse, that had been his saddle-horse, past his prime now, but a spirited beast from the Don, he began to see what had happened to him in quite a different light.
Il le sentit à la simple vue d'Ignat et des chevaux; mais quand il eut revêtu la peau de mouton qui lui avait été apportée, s'était assis enveloppé dans le traîneau, et s'était éloigné en réfléchissant au travail qui se trouvait devant lui dans le village, et en regardant le cheval de côté, c'était sa selle. -horse, passé son apogée maintenant, mais une bête fougueuse du Don, il a commencé à voir ce qui lui était arrivé sous un tout autre jour.
He felt himself, and did not want to be any one else.
All he wanted now was to be better than before.
In the first place he resolved that from that day he would give up hoping for any extraordinary happiness, such as marriage must have given him, and consequently he would not so disdain what he really had.
En premier lieu, il résolut qu'à partir de ce jour, il renoncerait à espérer un bonheur extraordinaire, tel que le mariage a dû lui donner, et par conséquent il ne dédaignerait pas autant ce qu'il avait réellement.
Secondly, he would never again let himself give way to low passion, the memory of which had so tortured him when he had been making up his mind to make an offer.
Deuxièmement, il ne se laisserait plus jamais aller à la basse passion, dont le souvenir l'avait tant torturé lorsqu'il s'était décidé à faire une offre.
Then remembering his brother Nikolay, he resolved to himself that he would never allow himself to forget him, that he would follow him up, and not lose sight of him, so as to be ready to help when things should go ill with him.
Alors, se souvenant de son frère Nikolay, il se résolut à ne jamais se permettre de l'oublier, à le suivre et à ne pas le perdre de vue, afin d'être prêt à l'aider quand les choses iraient mal avec lui.
And that would be soon, he felt.
Then, too, his brother’s talk of communism, which he had treated so lightly at the time, now made him think.
He considered a revolution in economic conditions nonsense.
Il considérait une révolution des conditions économiques comme un non-sens.
But he always felt the injustice of his own abundance in comparison with the poverty of the peasants, and now he determined that so as to feel quite in the right, though he had worked hard and lived by no means luxuriously before, he would now work still harder, and would allow himself even less luxury.
Mais il a toujours senti l'injustice de sa propre abondance par rapport à la pauvreté des paysans, et maintenant il a déterminé cela afin de se sentir tout à fait dans le droit, bien qu'il ait travaillé dur et vécu nullement luxueusement auparavant, il travaillerait maintenant encore plus dur, et s'autoriserait encore moins de luxe.
And all this seemed to him so easy a conquest over himself that he spent the whole drive in the pleasantest daydreams.
With a resolute feeling of hope in a new, better life, he reached home before nine o’clock at night.
The snow of the little quadrangle before the house was lit up by a light in the bedroom windows of his old nurse, Agafea Mihalovna, who performed the duties of housekeeper in his house.
La neige du petit quadrilatère devant la maison était éclairée par une lumière dans les fenêtres de la chambre de son ancienne infirmière, Agafea Mihalovna, qui exerçait les fonctions de femme de ménage dans sa maison.
他的老护士阿加菲亚·米哈洛夫娜 (Agafea Mihalovna) 的卧室窗户照亮了屋前小四合院的积雪,她在家里担任管家的职责。
She was not yet asleep.
Kouzma, waked up by her, came sidling sleepily out onto the steps.
Kouzma, réveillée par elle, s'avança d'un air endormi sur les marches.
A setter bitch, Laska, ran out too, almost upsetting Kouzma, and whining, turned round about Levin’s knees, jumping up and longing, but not daring, to put her forepaws on his chest.
|female hunting dog|bitch|Laska|||||upsetting|||whining||||||||||||||||front paws|||
|setter|dişi|||||||||||||||||||||cesaret eden||||ön ayaklarını|||
Une garce de setter, Laska, a couru aussi, bouleversant presque Kouzma, et gémissant, s'est retournée autour des genoux de Levin, sautant et désirant, mais sans oser, mettre ses pattes avant sur sa poitrine.
"You’re soon back again, sir," said Agafea Mihalovna.
"I got tired of it, Agafea Mihalovna.
With friends, one is well; but at home, one is better," he answered, and went into his study.
Avec des amis, on va bien; mais à la maison, on est mieux », répondit-il, et il entra dans son bureau.
The study was slowly lit up as the candle was brought in.
L'étude s'est lentement éclairée au fur et à mesure que la bougie était apportée.
The familiar details came out: the stag’s horns, the bookshelves, the looking-glass, the stove with its ventilator, which had long wanted mending, his father’s sofa, a large table, on the table an open book, a broken ash tray, a manuscript book with his handwriting.
Les détails familiers ressortaient : les cornes de cerf, les étagères, le miroir, le poêle avec son ventilateur, qui depuis longtemps avait besoin d'être raccommodé, le canapé de son père, une grande table, sur la table un livre ouvert, un cendrier cassé, un livre manuscrit avec son écriture.
As he saw all this, there came over him for an instant a doubt of the possibility of arranging the new life, of which he had been dreaming on the road.
En voyant tout cela, un instant, un doute s'empara de lui sur la possibilité d'aménager la nouvelle vie dont il avait rêvé sur la route.
All these traces of his life seemed to clutch him, and to say to him: "No, you’re not going to get away from us, and you’re not going to be different, but you’re going to be the same as you’ve always been; with doubts, everlasting dissatisfaction with yourself, vain efforts to amend, and falls, and everlasting expectation, of a happiness which you won’t get, and which isn’t possible for you."
||||||||sıkı sıkı tutmak||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||olduğun|||||||||||||||||||||
Toutes ces traces de sa vie semblaient le saisir, et lui dire: "Non, tu ne vas pas t'éloigner de nous, et tu ne vas pas être différent, mais tu vas être pareil comme vous l'avez toujours été; avec des doutes, une insatisfaction éternelle envers vous-même, de vains efforts pour vous amender, et des chutes, et une attente éternelle d'un bonheur que vous n'obtiendrez pas, et qui n'est pas possible pour vous. "
This the things said to him, but another voice in his heart was telling him that he must not fall under the sway of the past, and that one can do anything with oneself.
Voilà ce que lui disaient les choses, mais une autre voix dans son cœur lui disait qu'il ne devait pas tomber sous l'emprise du passé, et qu'on peut tout faire avec soi-même.
Tai jam pasakė, bet kitas balsas jo širdyje jam pasakė, kad jis neturi pakliūti į praeitį ir kad viską gali padaryti su savimi.
And hearing that voice, he went into the corner where stood his two heavy dumbbells, and began brandishing them like a gymnast, trying to restore his confident temper.
|||||||||||||||||waving energetically||||||||||
Et en entendant cette voix, il entra dans le coin où se tenaient ses deux lourds haltères, et commença à les brandir comme un gymnaste, essayant de lui redonner confiance.
There was a creak of steps at the door.
Il y eut un grincement de pas à la porte.
He hastily put down the dumbbells.
The bailiff came in, and said everything, thank God, was doing well; but informed him that the buckwheat in the new drying machine had been a little scorched.
|court officer||||||||||||||||grain crop||||drying||||||slightly burned
|icra memuru||||||||||||||||karabuğday||||||||||
L'huissier est entré et a dit que, grâce à Dieu, tout allait bien; mais l'informa que le sarrasin dans la nouvelle machine de séchage avait été un peu brûlé.
This piece of news irritated Levin.
The new drying machine had been constructed and partly invented by Levin.
The bailiff had always been against the drying machine, and now it was with suppressed triumph that he announced that the buckwheat had been scorched.
L'huissier avait toujours été contre la machine à sécher, et maintenant c'était avec un triomphe contenu qu'il annonçait que le sarrasin avait été brûlé.
Levin was firmly convinced that if the buckwheat had been scorched, it was only because the precautions had not been taken, for which he had hundreds of times given orders.
He was annoyed, and reprimanded the bailiff.
But there had been an important and joyful event: Pava, his best cow, an expensive beast, bought at a show, had calved.
||||||||||||||expensive||bought|||||given birth
"Kouzma, give me my sheepskin.
And you tell them to take a lantern.
I’ll come and look at her," he said to the bailiff.
The cowhouse for the more valuable cows was just behind the house.
|barn for cows||||||||||
De koeienstal voor de waardevollere koeien lag net achter de stal.
Walking across the yard, passing a snowdrift by the lilac tree, he went into the cowhouse.
Traversant la cour, passant devant une congère près du lilas, il entra dans la vacherie.
Lopend over het erf, langs een sneeuwjacht bij de seringenboom, ging hij de koeienstal binnen.
There was the warm, steamy smell of dung when the frozen door was opened, and the cows, astonished at the unfamiliar light of the lantern, stirred on the fresh straw.
Il y avait une odeur chaude et fumante de bouse quand la porte gelée était ouverte, et les vaches, étonnées de la lumière inconnue de la lanterne, remuaient sur la paille fraîche.
He caught a glimpse of the broad, smooth, black and piebald back of Hollandka.
|||glimpse|||||||spotted or multicolored|||Hollandka
Il aperçut le dos large, lisse, noir et pie de Hollandka.
Berkoot, the bull, was lying down with his ring in his lip, and seemed about to get up, but thought better of it, and only gave two snorts as they passed by him.
Berkoot, le taureau, était couché, son anneau à la lèvre, et semblait sur le point de se lever, mais pensa mieux et n'émit que deux grognements en passant près de lui.
Pava, a perfect beauty, huge as a hippopotamus, with her back turned to them, prevented their seeing the calf, as she sniffed her all over.
Pava, une beauté parfaite, énorme comme un hippopotame, le dos tourné vers eux, les empêchait de voir le veau, alors qu'elle la reniflait partout.
Levin went into the pen, looked Pava over, and lifted the red and spotted calf onto her long, tottering legs.
||||pen||||||||||||||unsteady or shaky|
Levin entra dans l'enclos, regarda Pava et souleva le veau rouge et tacheté sur ses longues jambes chancelantes.
Pava, uneasy, began lowing, but when Levin put the calf close to her she was soothed, and, sighing heavily, began licking her with her rough tongue.
Pava, inquiète, commença à beugler, mais quand Levin mit le mollet près d'elle, elle fut apaisée et, en soupirant fortement, se mit à la lécher avec sa langue rugueuse.
Pavaikštaudama Pava ėmė loti, bet kai Levinas priglaudė veršį prie savęs, ji nuramino ir sunkiai atsidususi ėmė ją laižyti grubiu liežuviu.
The calf, fumbling, poked her nose under her mother’s udder, and stiffened her tail out straight.
||clumsily searching|poked||||||udder||stiffened||||
Le veau, tâtonnant, passa son nez sous le pis de sa mère et raidit sa queue droite.
"Here, bring the light, Fyodor, this way," said Levin, examining the calf.
"Like the mother!
though the color takes after the father; but that’s nothing.
Very good.
Long and broad in the haunch.
Long et large dans le cuissot.
Vassily Fedorovitch, isn’t she splendid?"
he said to the bailiff, quite forgiving him for the buckwheat under the influence of his delight in the calf.
"How could she fail to be?
"Comment a-t-elle pu ne pas l'être?
Oh, Semyon the contractor came the day after you left.
Oh, Semyon, l'entrepreneur est venu le lendemain de votre départ.
You must settle with him, Konstantin Dmitrievitch," said the bailiff.
Vous devez régler avec lui, Konstantin Dmitrievitch, »dit l'huissier.
"I did inform you about the machine."
This question was enough to take Levin back to all the details of his work on the estate, which was on a large scale, and complicated.
Cette question suffisait à ramener Levin à tous les détails de son travail sur le domaine, qui était à grande échelle et compliqué.
He went straight from the cowhouse to the counting house, and after a little conversation with the bailiff and Semyon the contractor, he went back to the house and straight upstairs to the drawing room.
Il alla directement de la vache au comptoir, et après une petite conversation avec l'huissier et Semyon l'entrepreneur, il retourna à la maison et monta directement au salon.