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Fifty Famous Stories Retold by James Baldwin, 37. SOCRATES AND HIS HOUSE


THERE once lived in Greece a very wise man whose name was Socrates. Young men from all parts of the land went to him to learn wisdom from him; and he said so many pleasant things, and said them in so delightful a way, that no one ever grew tired of listening to him.

One summer he built himself a house, but it was so small that his neighbors wondered how he could be content with it.

"What is the reason," said they, "that you, who are so great a man, should build such a little box as this for your dwelling house?" "Indeed, there may be little reason," said he; "but, small as the place is, I shall think myself happy if I can fill even it with true friends."


THERE once lived in Greece a very wise man whose name was Socrates. Bir zamanlar Yunanistan'da, adı Socrates olan çok bilge bir adam yaşadı. 在希臘有一位名叫蘇格拉底的非常聰明的人。 Young men from all parts of the land went to him to learn wisdom from him; and he said so many pleasant things, and said them in so delightful a way, that no one ever grew tired of listening to him. 若者たちは、彼から知恵を学ぶために彼のところへ行きました。彼は非常に多くの楽しいことを話し、とても楽しい方法でそれらを言ったので、誰も彼の話を聞いて飽きませんでした。 Молодые люди со всех концов земли пошли к нему, чтобы узнать от него мудрость; и он сказал так много приятных вещей и сказал их так восхитительно, что никто никогда не уставал слушать его. Toprağın her yerinden genç erkekler, ondan bilgelik öğrenmek için ona gitti; ve çok hoş şeyler söyledi ve onları çok zevkli bir şekilde, hiç kimsenin onu dinlemekten yorulmadığını söyledi. 來自全國各地的年輕人去找他學習智慧;他說了很多愉快的事情,而且用非常令人愉悅的方式說出來,因此沒有人會因聽他說話而感到厭倦。

One summer he built himself a house, but it was so small that his neighbors wondered how he could be content with it. ある夏、彼は自分で家を建てましたが、あまりにも小さかったので、近所の人たちはどうして満足できるのか不思議に思っていました。 Однажды летом он построил себе дом, но он был настолько мал, что его соседи задавались вопросом, как он может быть доволен этим. Bir yaz kendine bir ev inşa etti, ama komşularının onunla nasıl yetinebildiğini merak etmesi çok küçüktü. 有一個夏天,他為自己蓋了一座小房子,但是它太小了,以至於他的鄰居們都覺得奇怪他怎麼會滿足於這麼小的空間。

"What is the reason," said they, "that you, who are so great a man, should build such a little box as this for your dwelling house?" "Jaký je důvod," řekli, "že ty, který jsi tak velký muž, bys měl postavit takovou malou krabičku, jako je tato, pro svůj obytný dům?" 彼らは言いました。 «В чем причина, - сказали они, - что вы, такой великий человек, должны построить такую маленькую коробочку, как эта, для вашего жилого дома?» “Sebebi nedir,” dediler, “siz, çok iyi bir erkek olan siz, eviniz için bu kadar küçük bir kutu inşa etmeli? "Indeed, there may be little reason," said he; "but, small as the place is, I shall think myself happy if I can fill even it with true friends." 「確かに、理由はほとんどないかもしれない」と彼は言った。 「でも、場所が狭いので、本当の友達でいっぱいになれたら幸せだと思います。」 "Действительно, может быть мало причин", сказал он; «Но, как бы мало это ни было, я буду счастлив, если смогу наполнить его даже настоящими друзьями». “Gerçekten, çok az sebep olabilir” dedi. "ama yer ne kadar küçükse, gerçek arkadaşlarla bile doldurabilirsem kendimi mutlu edeceğim." 「事實上,也許沒有太多理由,」他說;「但即使這個地方很小,如果我能讓它充滿真正的朋友,我會感到很幸福。」