Chapter One.
Chapitre Un.|
Chapter One|
Erstes Kapitel.
Chapter One.
Capítulo primero.
Capítulo I.
Глава первая.
Birinci Bölüm.
Beginning—My early life and character—I thirst for adventure in foreign lands, and go to sea.
start||initial||and also|personality|||||||lands|and|I set sail|toward|ocean
|||||||tengo sed|||||||||
Začátek-Můj raný život a charakter-žízním po dobrodružství v cizích zemích a vydávám se na moře.
Beginning—My early life and character—I thirst for adventure in foreign lands, and go to sea.
Começo — minha infância e caráter — tenho sede de aventura em terras estrangeiras e vou para o mar.
Roving has always been, and still is, my ruling passion, the joy of my heart, the very sunshine of my existence.
wandering||||and||is|my|dominant|enthusiasm|||||||true essence|light of my life|||life
Podróżowanie zawsze było i nadal jest moją główną pasją, radością mojego serca, słońcem mojej egzystencji.
Roving sempre foi, e ainda é, minha paixão dominante, a alegria do meu coração, o sol da minha existência.
Бродячие всегда были и остаются моей главной страстью, радостью моего сердца, солнечным светом моего существования.
In childhood, in boyhood, and in man's estate I have been a rover; not a mere rambler among the woody glens and upon the hill-tops of my own native land, but an enthusiastic rover throughout the length and breadth of the wide, wide world.
|||jeunesse|||||||||aventurier passionné|||simple vagabond|promeneur||||vallées boisées||||||||||||||||||||||||
|||youthful years|||man's estate|condition|||||wanderer traveler||||||||narrow valleys|||||||||||||passionate|||||||||||
W dzieciństwie, w młodości i w wieku dojrzałym byłem włóczęgą; nie zwykłym wędrowcem wśród leśnych polan i na szczytach wzgórz mojej ojczystej ziemi, ale entuzjastycznym włóczęgą na całej długości i szerokości szerokiego, szerokiego świata.
Na infância, na meninice e na condição humana, fui um vagabundo; não um mero andarilho entre os vales arborizados e no topo das colinas de minha própria terra natal, mas um rover entusiasmado por todo o comprimento e largura do vasto mundo.
В детстве, в юности и во взрослой жизни я был путешественником; не просто бродягой среди лесных оврагов и на вершинах холмов моей родной земли, но и восторженным странником по всей широте и длине широкого, широкого мира.
It was a wild, black night of howling storm, the night on which I was born on the foaming bosom of the broad Atlantic Ocean.
Era una noche salvaje y negra de tormenta aullante, la noche en que nací en el espumoso seno del ancho Océano Atlántico.
To była dzika, czarna noc wyjącego sztormu, noc, w której urodziłem się na spienionym łonie szerokiego Oceanu Atlantyckiego.
Era uma noite selvagem e negra de tempestade uivante, a noite em que nasci no seio espumante do amplo oceano Atlântico.
Это была дикая, черная ночь завывающего шторма, ночь, в которую я родился на бурлящей поверхности широкого Атлантического океана.
My father was a sea-captain; my grandfather was a sea-captain; my great-grandfather had been a marine.
Meu pai era capitão do mar; meu avô era capitão do mar; meu bisavô tinha sido fuzileiro naval.
Мой отец был капитаном корабля; мой дедушка был капитаном корабля; мой пра-dедушка был моряком.
Nobody could tell positively what occupation his father had followed; but my dear mother used to assert that he had been a midshipman, whose grandfather, on the mother's side, had been an admiral in the Royal Navy.
||||||||||||||||||||||мидийский офицер||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||affirmer||||||enseigne de vaisseau||||||||||||||
Nikt nie potrafił powiedzieć, jaki zawód wykonywał jego ojciec, ale moja droga matka zwykła twierdzić, że był midszypmenem, którego dziadek ze strony matki był admirałem w Królewskiej Marynarce Wojennej.
Ninguém podia dizer com certeza que ocupação seu pai seguira; mas minha querida mãe costumava afirmar que ele fora aspirante, cujo avô, por parte de mãe, fora almirante da Marinha Real.
Никто не мог с уверенностью сказать, какой профессией занимался его отец; но моя дорогая мама всегда утверждала, что он был мичманом, чьим дедом по материнской линии был адмирал Королевского флота.
At any rate, we knew that as far back as our family could be traced, it had been intimately connected with the great watery waste.
W każdym razie wiedzieliśmy, że tak daleko wstecz, jak można było prześledzić naszą rodzinę, była ona ściśle związana z wielkimi wodnymi odpadami.
De qualquer forma, sabíamos que, desde que nossa família podia ser rastreada, ela estava intimamente ligada ao grande deserto aquoso.
В любом случае, мы знали, что на протяжении всей истории нашей семьи она была тесно связана с великим водным пространством.
Indeed, this was the case on both sides of the house; for my mother always went to sea with my father on his long voyages, and so spent the greater part of her life upon the water.
Rzeczywiście, tak było po obu stronach domu; ponieważ moja matka zawsze wypływała w morze z moim ojcem podczas jego długich rejsów, a więc większą część swojego życia spędziła na wodzie.
Действительно, это было так с обеих сторон семьи; потому что моя мама всегда ходила в море с моим отцом на его долгих рейсах и таким образом провела большую часть своей жизни на воде.
Thus it was, I suppose, that I came to inherit a roving disposition.
Tak oto|||||||||odziedziczyć||wędrowny|usposobienie wędrowca
Przypuszczam, że w ten sposób odziedziczyłem wędrowne usposobienie.
Soon after I was born, my father, being old, retired from a seafaring life, purchased a small cottage in a fishing village on the west coast of England, and settled down to spend the evening of his life on the shores of that sea which had for so many years been his home.
||||||||||||морской жизни||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wkrótce po tym, jak się urodziłem, mój ojciec, będąc już w podeszłym wieku, wycofał się z życia na morzu, kupił mały domek w wiosce rybackiej na zachodnim wybrzeżu Anglii i osiadł, by spędzić wieczór swojego życia nad brzegiem morza, które przez tyle lat było jego domem.
Вскоре после моего рождения мой отец, будучи пожилым, ушел из морской жизни, купил небольшой домик в рыбацкой деревне на западе Англии и поселился, чтобы провести вечер своей жизни на берегах того моря, которое на протяжении многих лет было его домом.
It was not long after this that I began to show the roving spirit that dwelt within me.
|||muito tempo||||||||||||||
Немного времени спустя я начал проявлять бродяжнический дух, который жил во мне.
For some time past my infant legs had been gaining strength, so that I came to be dissatisfied with rubbing the skin off my chubby knees by walking on them, and made many attempts to stand up and walk like a man—all of which attempts, however, resulted in my sitting down violently and in sudden surprise.
||od jakiegoś czasu|||||||nabierały|siła|||||||||ocieranie||||||||chodzeniu na czworakach||ich|||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Od jakiegoś czasu moje dziecięce nogi nabierały siły, tak że nie byłem zadowolony z ocierania skóry z moich pulchnych kolan przez chodzenie po nich i podejmowałem wiele prób wstania i chodzenia jak mężczyzna - wszystkie te próby kończyły się jednak gwałtownym i nagłym zaskoczeniem.
В течение некоторого времени мои детские ноги набирали силу, так что мне стало не нравиться стереть кожу с моих пухлых колен, ходя на них, и я сделал множество попыток встать и ходить как человек - все эти попытки, однако, заканчивались тем, что я резко садился и неожиданно удивлялся.
One day I took advantage of my dear mother's absence to make another effort; and, to my joy, I actually succeeded in reaching the doorstep, over which I tumbled into a pool of muddy water that lay before my father's cottage door.
Ah, how vividly I remember the horror of my poor mother when she found me sweltering in the mud amongst a group of cackling ducks, and the tenderness with which she stripped off my dripping clothes and washed my dirty little body!
Ach, jak żywo pamiętam przerażenie mojej biednej matki, gdy znalazła mnie moknącego w błocie wśród grupy gdaczących kaczek, i czułość, z jaką zdjęła moje ociekające ubranie i umyła moje brudne małe ciało!
From this time forth my rambles became more frequent and, as I grew older, more distant, until at last I had wandered far and near on the shore and in the woods around our humble dwelling, and did not rest content until my father bound me apprentice to a coasting-vessel and let me go to sea.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||brzeg|||||||skromny|domostwo||nie spocząłem|||||||||||||||||||
For some years I was happy in visiting the seaports, and in coasting along the shores, of my native land.
My Christian name was Ralph; and my comrades added to this the name of Rover, in consequence of the passion which I always evinced for travelling.
Rover was not my real name; but as I never received any other, I came at last to answer to it as naturally as to my proper name.
And as it is not a bad one, I see no good reason why I should not introduce myself to the reader as Ralph Rover.
My shipmates were kind, good-natured fellows, and they and I got on very well together.
|camarades de bord||||||||||||||
They did, indeed, very frequently make game of and banter me, but not unkindly; and I overheard them sometimes saying that Ralph Rover was a “queer, old-fashioned fellow.” This, I must confess, surprised me much; and I pondered the saying long, but could come at no satisfactory conclusion as to that wherein my old-fashionedness lay.
|||||||||taquiner||||pas méchamment|||entendu|||||||||étrange|||||||||||||||||||||||||||dans lequel|||vieillot|
It is true I was a quiet lad, and seldom spoke except when spoken to.
|||||||jeune homme||rarement|||||
Moreover, I never could understand the jokes of my companions even when they were explained to me, which dulness in apprehension occasioned me much grief.
However, I tried to make up for it by smiling and looking pleased when I observed that they were laughing at some witticism which I had failed to detect.
||||||||||||||||||||||trait d'esprit||||||
I was also very fond of inquiring into the nature of things and their causes, and often fell into fits of abstraction while thus engaged in my mind.
But in all this I saw nothing that did not seem to be exceedingly natural, and could by no means understand why my comrades should call me “an old-fashioned fellow.”
|||||||||||||extrêmement naturel|||||||||||||||||
Now, while engaged in the coasting trade I fell in with many seamen who had travelled to almost every quarter of the globe; and I freely confess that my heart glowed ardently within me as they recounted their wild adventures in foreign lands—the dreadful storms they had weathered, the appalling dangers they had escaped, the wonderful creatures they had seen both on the land and in the sea, and the interesting lands and strange people they had visited.
But of all the places of which they told me, none captivated and charmed my imagination so much as the Coral Islands of the Southern Seas.
They told me of thousands of beautiful, fertile islands that had been formed by a small creature called the coral insect, where summer reigned nearly all the year round, where the trees were laden with a constant harvest of luxuriant fruit, where the climate was almost perpetually delightful; yet where, strange to say, men were wild, bloodthirsty savages, excepting in those favoured isles to which the Gospel of our Saviour had been conveyed.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chargés||||récolte||||||||||délicieux|||||||||assoiffés de sang|sauvages sanguinaires|excepté dans||||||||||||||
These exciting accounts had so great an effect upon my mind that, when I reached the age of fifteen, I resolved to make a voyage to the South Seas.
I had no little difficulty, at first, in prevailing on my dear parents to let me go; but when I urged on my father that he would never have become a great captain had he remained in the coasting trade, he saw the truth of what I said and gave his consent.
My dear mother, seeing that my father had made up his mind, no longer offered opposition to my wishes.
“But, oh Ralph!” she said on the day I bade her adieu, “come back soon to us, my dear boy; for we are getting old now, Ralph, and may not have many years to live.”
I will not take up my readers' time with a minute account of all that occurred before I took my final leave of my dear parents.
Suffice it to say that my father placed me under the charge of an old messmate of his own, a merchant captain, who was on the point of sailing to the South Seas in his own ship, the Arrow .
suffire|||||||||||||||camarade de bord|||||||||||||||||||||||
My mother gave me her blessing and a small Bible; and her last request was that I would never forget to read a chapter every day and say my prayers, which I promised, with tears in my eyes, that I would certainly do.
Soon afterwards I went on board the Arrow , which was a fine, large ship, and set sail for the islands of the Pacific Ocean.