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Youth by Isaac Asimov, CHAPTER XIII.


THE Merchant said, "Will we be taking off soon?" "Half an hour," said the Explorer. It was going to be a lonely trip back. All the remaining seventeen of the crew were dead and their ashes were to be left on a strange planet. Back they would go with a limping ship and the burden of the controls entirely on himself.

The Merchant said, "It was a good business stroke, not harming the young ones. We will get very good terms; very good terms." The Explorer thought: Business!

The Merchant then said, "They've lined up to see us off. All of them. You don't think they're too close, do you? It would be bad to burn any of them with the rocket blast at this stage of the game." "They're safe." "Horrible-looking things, aren't they?" "Pleasant enough, inside. Their thoughts are perfectly friendly." "You wouldn't believe it of them. That immature one, the one that first picked us up—" "They call him Red," provided the Explorer. "That's a queer name for a monster. Makes me laugh. He actually feels bad that we're leaving. Only I can't make out exactly why. The nearest I can come to it is something about a lost opportunity with some organization or other that I can't quite interpret." "A circus," said the Explorer, briefly. "What? Why, the impertinent monstrosity." "Why not? What would you have done if you had found him wandering on your native world; found him sleeping on a field on Earth, red tentacles, six legs, pseudopods and all?"

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THE Merchant said, "Will we be taking off soon?" Купець запитав: "Ми скоро злітаємо?" "Half an hour," said the Explorer. It was going to be a lonely trip back. Це була самотня подорож назад. All the remaining seventeen of the crew were dead and their ashes were to be left on a strange planet. Всі решта сімнадцять членів екіпажу загинули, а їхній прах мали залишити на чужій планеті. Back they would go with a limping ship and the burden of the controls entirely on himself. Назад вони поверталися з кульгавим кораблем і тягарем управління повністю на собі.

The Merchant said, "It was a good business stroke, not harming the young ones. Купець сказав: "Це був хороший бізнес-хід, який не зашкодив молодим. We will get very good terms;  very good terms." Ми отримаємо дуже хороші умови, дуже хороші умови". The Explorer thought: Business! Дослідник подумав: Бізнес!

The Merchant then said, "They've lined up to see us off. ||||||in a row|||| Купець сказав: "Вони вишикувалися в чергу, щоб провести нас. All of them. You don't think they're too close, do you? Ти не думаєш, що вони занадто близько, чи не так? It would be bad to burn any of them with the rocket blast at this stage of the game." Було б погано спалити когось із них ракетним вибухом на цьому етапі гри". "They're safe." "Horrible-looking things, aren't they?" "Жахливо виглядають, чи не так?" "Pleasant enough, inside. "Досить приємно всередині. Their thoughts are perfectly friendly." Їхні думки абсолютно дружні". "You wouldn't believe it of them. "Ви не повірите, що вони такі. That immature one, the one that first picked us up—" Той незрілий, той, що перший нас підібрав..." "They call him Red," provided the Explorer. "That's a queer name for a monster. "Це дивне ім'я для монстра. Makes me laugh. He actually feels  bad that we're leaving. Йому дуже шкода, що ми їдемо. Only I can't make out exactly why. Тільки я не можу зрозуміти, чому саме. The nearest I can come to it is something about a lost opportunity with some organization or other that I can't quite interpret." ||||||||||||||||||||||інтерпретувати Найближче, до чого я можу підійти, - це щось про втрачену можливість з якоюсь організацією, яку я не можу точно інтерпретувати". "A circus," said the Explorer, briefly. "What? Why, the impertinent monstrosity." Нахабна потвора". "Why not? What would you have done if you had found  him wandering on  your native world; found him sleeping on a field on Earth, red tentacles, six legs, pseudopods and all?" |||||||||||||||||||||||||||false feet|| ||||||||||||||||||||||||щупальця|||псевдоп||і все таке Що б ви зробили, якби знайшли його блукаючим у вашому рідному світі; знайшли його сплячим на полі на Землі, з червоними щупальцями, шістьма ногами, псевдоподами і всім іншим?"