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Society and people, The Time Change

The Time Change

Todd: Now Steven, I'm single and, but you are married and you are a father, correct? Steven: That is correct, yeah.

Todd: OK.

I'm just curious. What is it like being a father?

Steven: Ah, right.

OK, well, I think if I first of all talk about what it was like not being a father, being me and not being a father. I think I used to make the most of my free time, well in fact I didn't make the most of my free time. I was a very lazy person. I was an incredible time waster, so I would have all of this free time to make use of and I would probably just sit in front of the TV, or I'd probably go to a pub and drink, but anyway I took my time for granted. I thought I have this time. It wasn't such a precious thing for me. I had so much of it. Once I became a father, suddenly my time disappeared but strangely enough, now that I've become a father and I've, it's taught me to appreciate the time I have. My time is now very limited. My work has become busier but I actually make much more use of my time now than when I did so much of it. It's kind of strange. Todd: And how many children do you have?

Steven: Ah, two.


Todd: Oh, two boys.

Steven: Yep, they're both still very young. They keep us very busy. The eldest is four and the youngest is three.

Todd: Wow!

Steven: So they need, they still need quite a lot of attention.

Todd: Yeah, so when you first have kids do you lose a lot of sleep?

I'm always worried that I won't be able to sleep. Steven: Well, something that carried over from my previous lifestyle was an ability to sleep very well, and, um, fortunately I have a very understanding wife so if the children woke up, yeah, well because I had to work my wife was, my wife tended to be responsible.

She would look after the children if they woke up during the evening, during the night, sorry, and I'm such a good sleeper that even if they were crying incredibly loudly I could just go back to sleep. I don't think there are many fathers like me. I've spoken to some other fathers and they don't have the same talent as I do. Todd: Oh, well, thanks Steven.

The Time Change Die Zeitumstellung El cambio de hora Le changement d'heure 時間の変化 A mudança de hora Sprememba časa 時代變遷

Todd: Now Steven, I'm single and, but you are married and you are a father, correct? Steven: That is correct, yeah.

Todd: OK.

I'm just curious. Samo radoveden sem. What is it like being a father? Kako je biti oče?

Steven: Ah, right.

OK, well, I think if I first of all talk about what it was like not being a father, being me and not being a father. Ok, bem, acho que se antes de tudo eu falar sobre como é não ser pai, ser eu e não ser pai. Če najprej spregovorim o tem, kako je bilo, ko nisem bil oče, ko sem bil jaz in nisem bil oče. I think I used to make the most of my free time, well in fact I didn't make the most of my free time. Ich denke, dass ich früher das Beste aus meiner Freizeit gemacht habe, nun ja, eigentlich habe ich nicht das Beste aus meiner Freizeit gemacht. Acho que costumava aproveitar ao máximo meu tempo livre, bem, na verdade eu não aproveitava ao máximo meu tempo livre. Mislim, da sem včasih prosti čas izkoristil najbolje, pravzaprav ga nisem izkoristil najbolje. Sanırım eskiden boş zamanımı en iyi şekilde değerlendirirdim, aslında boş zamanımı en iyi şekilde değerlendirmezdim. I was a very lazy person. ||||paresseux| Bil sem zelo len. I was an incredible time waster, so I would have all of this free time to make use of and I would probably just sit in front of the TV, or I'd probably go to a pub and drink, but anyway I took my time for granted. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||considéré comme acquis Ich war ein unglaublicher Zeitverschwender, also hatte ich all diese freie Zeit, die ich nutzen konnte, und ich würde wahrscheinlich nur vor dem Fernseher sitzen oder ich würde wahrscheinlich in eine Kneipe gehen und trinken, aber auf jeden Fall nahm ich meine Zeit als selbstverständlich hin. Eu era uma perda de tempo incrível, então eu teria todo esse tempo livre para usar e provavelmente apenas me sentaria em frente à TV, ou provavelmente iria a um pub e beberia, mas de qualquer maneira eu levei meu tempo É garantido. Neverjetno sem zapravljal čas, zato sem imel ves ta prosti čas, ki sem ga lahko izkoristil, in verjetno sem samo sedel pred televizorjem ali pa sem šel v gostilno in pil, a vseeno sem svoj čas jemal kot samoumeven. İnanılmaz bir zaman harcayıcısıydım, bu yüzden değerlendirmem gereken tüm bu boş zamana sahip olurdum ve muhtemelen sadece televizyonun önünde otururdum ya da muhtemelen bir bara gider ve içerdim, ama her neyse, zamanımı hafife alırdım. I thought I have this time. Achei que tivesse esse tempo. Mislil sem, da tokrat imam. It wasn't such a precious thing for me. Não foi uma coisa tão preciosa para mim. To zame ni bila tako dragocena stvar. Для мене це не було такою цінною річчю. I had so much of it. Eu tive muito disso. Imel sem ga toliko. Once I became a father, suddenly my time disappeared but strangely enough, now that I've become a father and I've, it's taught me to appreciate the time I have. Depois que me tornei pai, de repente meu tempo desapareceu, mas por incrível que pareça, agora que me tornei pai e me tornei, isso me ensinou a valorizar o tempo que tenho. Ko sem postal oče, je moj čas nenadoma izginil, a nenavadno je, da me je to naučilo ceniti čas, ki ga imam. My time is now very limited. Moj čas je zdaj zelo omejen. My work has become busier but I actually make much more use of my time now than when I did so much of it. Meu trabalho ficou mais ocupado, mas na verdade eu uso muito mais meu tempo agora do que quando fazia tanto. Moje delo je postalo bolj naporno, vendar zdaj veliko bolje izkoristim svoj čas kot takrat, ko sem ga veliko delal. It's kind of strange. É meio estranho. To je nenavadno. Todd: And how many children do you have? Todd: Koliko otrok imate?

Steven: Ah, two.


Todd: Oh, two boys.

Steven: Yep, they're both still very young. They keep us very busy. Zelo nas zaposlujejo. The eldest is four and the youngest is three. Najstarejši je star štiri leta, najmlajši pa tri.

Todd: Wow!

Steven: So they need, they still need quite a lot of attention. Steven: Então eles precisam, eles ainda precisam de bastante atenção. Steven: Torej potrebujejo, še vedno potrebujejo precej pozornosti.

Todd: Yeah, so when you first have kids do you lose a lot of sleep? Todd: Sim, então quando você tem filhos pela primeira vez, você perde muito sono? Todd: Ja, ko imaš prvič otroke, ali veliko spiš?

I'm always worried that I won't be able to sleep. Estou sempre preocupado em não conseguir dormir. Vedno me skrbi, da ne bom mogla spati. Steven: Well, something that carried over from my previous lifestyle was an ability to sleep very well, and, um, fortunately I have a very understanding wife so if the children woke up, yeah, well because I had to work my wife was, my wife tended to be responsible. Steven: Bem, algo que herdou do meu estilo de vida anterior foi a capacidade de dormir muito bem e, um, felizmente eu tenho uma esposa muito compreensiva, então se os filhos acordassem, sim, porque eu tinha que trabalhar, minha esposa estava, minha esposa tendia a ser responsável. Steven: Na srečo imam zelo razumevajočo ženo, tako da če so se otroci zbudili, je bila moja žena odgovorna, ker sem moral delati. Steven: Önceki yaşam tarzımdan kalan bir şey çok iyi uyuyabilmekti ve neyse ki çok anlayışlı bir eşim var, bu yüzden çocuklar uyandığında, evet, çalışmak zorunda olduğum için eşim sorumluluk alma eğilimindeydi.

She would look after the children if they woke up during the evening, during the night, sorry, and I'm such a good sleeper that even if they were crying incredibly loudly I could just go back to sleep. ||||||||||||||||||||||dormeur||||||||||||||| Ela cuidaria das crianças se acordassem durante a noite, durante a noite, desculpe, e eu durmo tão bem que mesmo que elas chorassem muito alto eu poderia simplesmente voltar a dormir. Skrbela je za otroke, če so se zbudili zvečer, ponoči, oprostite, in jaz sem tako dobra spalna oseba, da sem lahko, tudi če so neverjetno glasno jokali, spet zaspala. Вона доглядала за дітьми, якщо вони прокидалися ввечері, вночі, вибачте, а я так добре сплю, що навіть якщо вони неймовірно голосно плакали, я могла просто повернутися до сну. I don't think there are many fathers like me. Mislim, da ni veliko očetov, kot sem jaz. I've spoken to some other fathers and they don't have the same talent as I do. Govoril sem z nekaterimi drugimi očeti, ki nimajo enakega talenta kot jaz. Я розмовляв з деякими іншими отцями, і вони не мають такого таланту, як я. Todd: Oh, well, thanks Steven.