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Society and people, Who do you admire?

Who do you admire?

Todd: OK, Matt, I thought we would talk about people that we admire and the qualities about them that we admire. So, first we're both sports fans. Who is an athlete that you admire? Matt: Athlete that I admire? I would have to say Jackie Robinson, would come to mind, just because the barriers he had to overcome and the things that he experienced, that people after him... Todd: OK, can you... a lot of people might not know who Jackie Robinson is. Matt: Oh, sure, yeah, I'm sorry. Jackie Robinson was the first black man, the first man to break the quote-unquote color barrier in baseball and he was in 1947 brought in to the Major Leagues from the Negro Leagues which were at that time the only place where blacks or colored athletes were allowed to play baseball, so the first three years he endured an enormous amount of racism and hatred and he had to basically bite his lip and wasn't able to seek revenge or fight for three years, so yeah, just what he went through, above and beyond just playing the game was something that I always admired in him. Todd: Yeah, a special guy. Definitely. How about in movies is there an actor that you admire? Matt: You know, I mean, I love so many actors and actresses in different roles. I think just in the interviews that I've seen, I really like Johnny Depp because he can play different characters and he's not afraid to play off the wall characters or even bit parts or small roles that other main actors probably would not be interested in and he definitely, he brings humor to every dramatic role that he does. And just being in LA, I had a chance to see him film the movie Blow for about a week and just to see his demeanor on and off the set and he was not superficial or tough to deal with at all just from an outside perspective, he seemed like a really down-to-earth , cool guy, so I've always admired him. Todd: Well, what is your favorite Johnny Depp movie? Matt: I'd have to say, well, the first Pirate, Pirate's of the Caribbean Movie, the first one was fantastic, his role in that, and yeah, that's probably my favorite.

Who do you admire? Wen bewundern Sie? ¿A quién admira? 誰を尊敬していますか? Quem é que admira? Ким ви захоплюєтеся? 你欣赏谁?

Todd: OK, Matt, I thought we would talk about people that we admire and the qualities about them that we admire. Todd: Tamam, Matt, hayran olduğumuz insanlar ve onların hayran olduğumuz özellikleri hakkında konuşacağımızı düşündüm. So, first we’re both sports fans. Who is an athlete that you admire? Matt: Athlete that I admire? I would have to say Jackie Robinson, would come to mind, just because the barriers he had to overcome and the things that he experienced, that people after him... Aklıma Jackie Robinson geliyor, çünkü aşmak zorunda kaldığı engeller ve yaşadığı şeyler, ondan sonraki insanların... Todd: OK, can you... a lot of people might not know who Jackie Robinson is. Matt: Oh, sure, yeah, I’m sorry. Jackie Robinson was the first black man, the first man to break the quote-unquote color barrier in baseball and he was in 1947 brought in to the Major Leagues from the Negro Leagues which were at that time the only place where blacks or colored athletes were allowed to play baseball, so the first three years he endured an enormous amount of racism and hatred and he had to basically bite his lip and wasn’t able to seek revenge or fight for three years, so yeah, just what he went through, above and beyond just playing the game was something that I always admired in him. ||||||||||||||||engel|||||||getirildi|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||nefret ve ırkçılık||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jackie Robinson war der erste Schwarze, der erste Mann, der die Farbschranke im Baseball durchbrach, und er wurde 1947 von den Negro Leagues in die Major Leagues geholt, die damals der einzige Ort waren, an dem Schwarze oder farbige Athleten Baseball spielen durften. Die ersten drei Jahre musste er also eine enorme Menge an Rassismus und Hass ertragen, und er musste sich im Grunde auf die Lippe beißen und war drei Jahre lang nicht in der Lage, sich zu rächen oder zu kämpfen. Jackie Robinson, beyzbolda tırnak içinde renk engelini aşan ilk siyah adamdı ve 1947 yılında, o zamanlar siyahların ya da siyahi sporcuların beyzbol oynamasına izin verilen tek yer olan Negro Liglerinden Major Liglere getirildi, Bu yüzden ilk üç yıl muazzam miktarda ırkçılık ve nefrete katlandı ve temelde dudağını ısırmak zorunda kaldı ve üç yıl boyunca intikam alamadı veya savaşamadı, bu yüzden evet, sadece oyunu oynamanın ötesinde ve ötesinde yaşadıkları, onda her zaman hayran olduğum bir şeydi. Todd: Yeah, a special guy. Definitely. How about in movies is there an actor that you admire? Matt: You know, I mean, I love so many actors and actresses in different roles. |||||||||||aktrisler||| Matt: Weißt du, ich meine, ich liebe so viele Schauspieler und Schauspielerinnen in verschiedenen Rollen. I think just in the interviews that I’ve seen, I really like Johnny Depp because he can play different characters and he’s not afraid to play off the wall characters or even bit parts or small roles that other main actors probably would not be interested in and he definitely, he brings humor to every dramatic role that he does. |||||||||||||Johnny Depp||||||||||||||||||hatta|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| In den Interviews, die ich gesehen habe, denke ich, dass ich Johnny Depp wirklich mag, weil er verschiedene Charaktere spielen kann und sich nicht scheut, schräge Charaktere oder sogar kleine Rollen zu spielen, an denen andere Hauptdarsteller wahrscheinlich nicht interessiert wären, und er bringt definitiv Humor in jede dramatische Rolle, die er spielt. Sanırım sadece izlediğim röportajlarda Johnny Depp'i gerçekten seviyorum çünkü farklı karakterleri oynayabiliyor ve diğer ana oyuncuların muhtemelen ilgilenmeyeceği sıra dışı karakterleri, hatta küçük rolleri veya küçük rolleri oynamaktan korkmuyor ve kesinlikle yaptığı her dramatik role mizah katıyor. And just being in LA, I had a chance to see him film the movie Blow for about a week and just to see his demeanor on and off the set and he was not superficial or tough to deal with at all just from an outside perspective, he seemed like a really down-to-earth , cool guy, so I’ve always admired him. |||||||||||||||||||||||||tavırları||||||||||yüzeysel||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und als ich in L.A. war, hatte ich die Gelegenheit, ihn eine Woche lang bei den Dreharbeiten zum Film Blow zu sehen, und ich konnte sein Verhalten am und abseits des Sets beobachten, und er war überhaupt nicht oberflächlich oder hart im Nehmen, nur von außen betrachtet, schien er ein wirklich bodenständiger, cooler Typ zu sein, und deshalb habe ich ihn immer bewundert. Los Angeles'tayken, Blow filminin çekimlerini yaklaşık bir hafta boyunca izleme şansım oldu ve setteki ve set dışındaki tavırlarını görme şansım oldu ve dışarıdan bakıldığında hiç de yüzeysel ya da başa çıkılması zor biri değildi, gerçekten ayakları yere basan, havalı bir adam gibi görünüyordu, bu yüzden ona her zaman hayranlık duydum. Todd: Well, what is your favorite Johnny Depp movie? Matt: I’d have to say, well, the first Pirate, Pirate’s of the Caribbean Movie, the first one was fantastic, his role in that, and yeah, that’s probably my favorite. |||||||||Karayip Korsanları|||Karayipler'in||||||||||||||||