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Stanford Entrepreneurship corner, Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.4 Conduct a Pre-mortem Meeting

Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.4 Conduct a Pre-mortem Meeting

You should conduct a pre-mortem as opposed to a post-mortem. A post-mortem is something you do, obviously, after death. It's done to increase the peace of mind of the loved ones of the deceased. The problem with post-mortem is, duh, it's too late. There's another problem with post-mortem. Post-mortem in business is really too late because by the time a company implodes, most of the people have scattered to the winds. They're not going to stick around to the bitter end. And even if they stuck around, a post-mortem is very contentious. "You bozos wrote a piece of crap," as opposed to "You bozos couldn't market this brilliant piece of software that I created." A lot of finger pointing, a lot of angst and anger. I suggest you do a pre-mortem. The way a pre-mortem works is before you ship, you ask the team, "Let us pretend that our product, our company failed. We failed. Now, what are all the possible reasons we could have failed?" Lack of distribution, unsophisticated sales force, boggy software, unreliable cloud services, whatever it is. So, you come up with all these reasons. And then, in unemotional way, you talk about how you can eliminate each of those reasons. This is very different than pointing the finger thing, "Engineering is crap." What you're saying is, "This is a list of reasons. Let's conduct a pre-mortem so that we never conduct a post-mortem." Conduct a pre-mortem.

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Guy Kawasaki: Creating Enchantment No.4 Conduct a Pre-mortem Meeting |||||Yürütmek|||önceden ölüm analizi| |||魅力づくり|||||| Guy Kawasaki: Verzauberung schaffen Nr. 4 Führen Sie ein Pre-Mortem-Meeting durch Guy Kawasaki: Crear Encanto No.4 Realizar una Reunión Pre-mortem ガイ・カワサキ:魅力の創造 第4回 事前ミーティングを行う Guy Kawasaki: Criando Encantamento No.4 Realizar uma Reunião Pré-mortem Гай Кавасаки: Создавая чары № 4 Проведите предсмертную встречу Guy Kawasaki: Att skapa förtrollning nr 4 Genomför ett möte före dödsfallet Guy Kawasaki: Büyü Yaratmak No.4 Ölüm Öncesi Toplantı Yapın Гай Кавасакі: Створення зачарування №4 Проведення передсмертної наради 盖伊-川崎:创造魅力 No.4 召开事前会议 盖伊-川崎:创造魅力 No.4 召开事前会议

You should conduct a pre-mortem as opposed to a post-mortem. |||||死後の分析|||||| Debería realizar una autopsia previa en lugar de una autopsia posterior. Вам следует провести вскрытие до, а не после. 您應該進行事前剖析而不是事後剖析。 A post-mortem is something you do, obviously, after death. It's done to increase the peace of mind of the loved ones of the deceased. ||||||||||||||merhum Это делается для душевного спокойствия близких умершего. 這樣做是為了增加死者親人的內心平靜。 The problem with post-mortem is, duh, it's too late. There's another problem with post-mortem. |||||otopsi sonrası Post-mortem in business is really too late because by the time a company implodes, most of the people have scattered to the winds. |||||||çok geç||||||şirket|çöker||||||dağılıp gitmiş||| ||||||||||||||崩壊する||||||散り散りにな||| En las empresas, la autopsia llega demasiado tarde, porque cuando una empresa implosiona, la mayoría de las personas ya se han dispersado. Вскрытие в бизнесе происходит слишком поздно, потому что к тому времени, когда компания разваливается, большинство людей уже разбегаются по ветру. 企業的事後剖析確實太晚了,因為當公司崩潰時,大多數人已經四散了。 They're not going to stick around to the bitter end. ||||||sonuna kadar||acı son| No van a quedarse hasta el amargo final. Они не собираются держаться до победного конца. 他們不會堅持到最後。 And even if they stuck around, a post-mortem is very contentious. |||||||||||tartışmalı |||||||||||議論の余地 И даже если они остались, вскрытие очень спорно. 即使他們留下來,屍檢也是非常有爭議的。 "You bozos wrote a piece of crap," as opposed to "You bozos couldn't market this brilliant piece of software that I created." |aptallar|||||||||Siz aptallar||||||||||| |お前たち|||||くそったれ||||||||||||||| «Вы, болваны, написали кусок дерьма», в отличие от «Вы, болваны, не могли продать эту блестящую программу, которую я создал». “你們這些笨蛋寫了一堆廢話”,而不是“你們這些笨蛋無法推銷我創造的這款出色的軟體。” A lot of finger pointing, a lot of angst and anger. |||||çok fazla|||endişe ve öfke|| ||||||||不安|| Много указующих перстов, много раздражения и гнева. 很多指責,很多焦慮和憤怒。 I suggest you do a pre-mortem. Я предлагаю вам сделать пре-мортем. The way a pre-mortem works is before you ship, you ask the team, "Let us pretend that our product, our company failed. 事前剖析的工作方式是在發貨之前,你問團隊,「讓我們假裝我們的產品、我們的公司失敗了。 We failed. Now, what are all the possible reasons we could have failed?" Теперь, каковы все возможные причины, по которым мы могли потерпеть неудачу?» Lack of distribution, unsophisticated sales force, boggy software, unreliable cloud services, whatever it is. |||ilkel|||bataklık gibi||güvenilmez||hizmetler||| Falta de distribución, fuerza de ventas poco sofisticada, software poco fiable, servicios en la nube poco fiables, lo que sea. Pomanjkanje distribucije, neusposobljena prodajna sila, pomanjkljiva programska oprema, nezanesljive storitve v oblaku, kar koli že. So, you come up with all these reasons. And then, in unemotional way, you talk about how you can eliminate each of those reasons. |||Ve sonra, duygusuz bir şekilde, bu nedenlerin her birini nasıl ortadan kaldırabileceğinizi konuşursunuz.||||||||ortadan kaldırmak|||| This is very different than pointing the finger thing, "Engineering is crap." What you're saying is, "This is a list of reasons. Let's conduct a pre-mortem so that we never conduct a post-mortem." Давайте проведем предварительное вскрытие, чтобы потом никогда не проводить вскрытие". Conduct a pre-mortem.