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BBC - 6 Minute English (YouTube), Why are motorbikes seen as masculine? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Why are motorbikes seen as masculine? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: And if I say to you, Sam, motorbike,

what do you think of?

Sam: Oh, I think of the film Easy Rider

with Jack Nicholson and

Peter Fonda cruising the

wide open spaces on powerful machines.

How about you, Neil?

Neil: Oh, well, I think of the young man on

a moped who delivers my pizzas.

Sam: Not quite the same image,

is it, really?

Neil: No, but in both cases we were

associating motorbikes with

male figures. Today we are

looking at women and bikes,

but before that, a quiz. In which decade

was the first mass-produced

motorcycle released? Was it:

a) the 1880s, b) the 1890s,

or c) the 1900s?

What do you think, Sam?

Sam: Tricky question! The 1880s

may be too early - so I think I'll play

it safe and go

for the middle option, the 1890s.

Neil: Well, we'll see if you're right

later in the programme.

Esperanza Miyake is the

author of a new study of

the 'gendered motorcycle' in film,

advertising and TV. She was interviewed

on BBC radio's Thinking Allowed

programme about the topic. First

she was asked about

the experience of travelling at

over 110 kph on a motorbike.

What world does she say you

are part of?

Esperanza Miyake: I think it

dissolves gender, race, all these

things stop mattering. It's

all about experience so car drivers, there's

a lot about enjoying the internal space of

the car, on the bike obviously

there's no interiority. You're

completely part of the exterior world.

Neil: So what world are you in

when travelling at speed on a motorbike?

Sam: The external world. Because

you are not inside a car your

experience is completely different.

On a bike you have no interiority.

That's the experience of being inside - but

I do have to say, although that is

a real word, it's not one I've ever

heard or used before!

Neil: No. Me neither. What she also says

is that travelling at speed

dissolves gender and race. It makes them

less important. When you dissolve

something you make it less strong.

Sam: In fact she says that at speed these

things stop mattering.

They stop having any

importance. If something doesn't matter,

it's not important at all.

Neil: Before that we said we usually

connect motorbikes with men.

Think bike, think bloke.

But what about women and bikes?

Esperanza Miyake goes on to talk

about the way women bikers

are usually shown in the media. How

many different types does she mention?

Esperanza Miyake: Generally there's

three types. So the first type

would be your typical

empowered female who's on

the motorbike. You do have that image

but having said that I

would also add that those images

appear typically very sexualised,

very stylised. So yes she's

empowered but she's in

a skintight catsuit. You also get another

type which is the female rider but

who's been masculinised.

She's kind of embodying a very masculine

kind of style.

And I think the third type is kind of silly,

giggly female on a scooter.

Neil: So she talked about three types of

representations, particularly

in movies. Sam, tell us more.

Sam: Yes, she first talked about

the empowered woman. This is a

character who has authority,

who has the power to drive the plot

and action and is not dependent

on a man to make decisions for her.

Neil: It seems like a positive image

but she does say that these

characters are often sexualised,

that is, presented in a way that might be

sexually appealing for a male audience.

Sam: The next character type

she mentions is a woman who is very

masculine. They embody

male characteristics, which means

they have and demonstrate many

typically male personality features.

Neil: And the final type she talked about

was showing women on bikes

as silly and giggly

riding scooters. So there don't seem to be

many really completely positive images of

women and motorcycles, at least not

in the popular media. Time to look

again at today's

vocabulary, but first, let's have the answer

to the quiz question. In which decade was

the first mass-produced motorcycle

released? Was it: a) the 1880s,

b) the1890s, or c) the 1900s?

What did you think, Sam?

Sam: I took a guess at the 1890s.

Neil: Well done, it was a good guess.

It was indeed the 1890s and

a bonus point if you knew that

it was 1894. OK, let's have

a quick reminder of today's words.

We started with the verb dissolves.

If something dissolves it gets

less strong, less immediate.

Sam: Then we had another verb,

to matter, something that matters

is important to someone.

Neil: What's the next word?

Sam: It was a rather uncommon word

to describe the experience

of being inside - interiority

Neil: Let's rush by that one and move on

to the next word, empowered.

Someone who is empowered

is in control of their own life.

When we talk about empowered women

we are talking about

women who are not dependent on men

or anyone else for the direction

of their lives, they

make their own choices.

Sam: Our next word was sexualised.

This is when something is given

a clearly sexual styling.

In the programme we heard that

women on motorcycles are often shown

in a sexualised way, dressed

in clothing, for example, that

makes them sexually attractive.

Neil: And finally there was to embody.

This means to be a clear

and obvious example of

something. So in movies

female bikers often embody male

characteristics, which means they

might dress or behave in a way

we would usually associate with men.

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye.

See you next time and until then you can

find us online and on our app.

Just search for BBC Learning English.

Bye for now!

Sam: Bye!

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Why are motorbikes seen as masculine? Listen to 6 Minute English - YouTube |||||男性化||||| |||||masculine||||| ||мотоцикли|||||||| ||as motos|||||||| |||||nam tính||||| Warum werden Motorräder als männlich angesehen? Hören Sie sich 6 Minuten Englisch an - YouTube ¿Por qué las motos se consideran masculinas? Escuchar 6 Minute English - YouTube Dlaczego motocykle są postrzegane jako męskie? Posłuchaj 6 minut po angielsku - YouTube Porque é que as motas são vistas como masculinas? Oiça 6 Minute English - YouTube Motosikletler neden erkeksi olarak görülüyor? 6 Minute English'i dinleyin - YouTube 为什么摩托车被视为男性化?听 6 分钟英语 - YouTube

Neil: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute

English. I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: And if I say to you, Sam, motorbike, ||もし||||||

what do you think of?

Sam: Oh, I think of the film Easy Rider

with Jack Nicholson and ||杰克·尼科尔森|

Peter Fonda cruising the ||巡航| ||driving around| ||巡航する| ||перебуваючи|

wide open spaces on powerful machines. laajoja||||| amplos|||||

How about you, Neil?

Neil: Oh, well, I think of the young man on

a moped who delivers my pizzas. |xe máy|||| |scooter|||| |ピザ配達員の原付|||| |o motorizado|||| |мопед||||піцці

Sam: Not quite the same image,

is it, really?

Neil: No, but in both cases we were |||中で||||

associating motorbikes with 将摩托车与|| linking|| асоціювання||

male figures. Today we are 男性の人物||||

looking at women and bikes, ||||自行车

but before that, a quiz. In which decade |||||||10年

was the first mass-produced |||em série|

motorcycle released? Was it: |lançada||

a) the 1880s, b) the 1890s,

or c) the 1900s?

What do you think, Sam?

Sam: Tricky question! The 1880s

may be too early - so I think I'll play |||aikaisin||||| ||||||||遊ぶ

it safe and go |安全に||

for the middle option, the 1890s.

Neil: Well, we'll see if you're right

later in the programme.

Esperanza Miyake is the |宫崎||

author of a new study of

the 'gendered motorcycle' in film, |gendered||| |a moto feminina||| |giới tính||| |性别化的||| |гендерний||| |ジェンダー化された|||

advertising and TV. She was interviewed

on BBC radio's Thinking Allowed ||广播的||

programme about the topic. First

she was asked about

the experience of travelling at

over 110 kph on a motorbike. |公里每小时||| |quilômetros por hora||| |kph|||

What world does she say you 何の|何の世界|||| Jaký svět říká, že jsi

are part of? jsou součástí?

Esperanza Miyake: I think it Esperanza Miyake: Myslím, že je to

dissolves gender, race, all these dissolves|||| dissolve a|gênero||| xóa bỏ|||| 溶解|||| розчиняє|||| liuottaa|sukupuoli||| 解消する|||| rozpouští pohlaví, rasu, všechny tyto

things stop mattering. It's ||importância| ||quan trọng| ||不再重要| ||мають значення| |気にしなくなる|重要になる| ||przestają mieć znaczenie| na věcech přestane záležet. Je to le cose smettono di avere importanza.

all about experience so car drivers, there's ||experience||||

a lot about enjoying the internal space of |||||sisäisestä|| hodně o užívání vnitřního prostoru

the car, on the bike obviously v autě, na kole samozřejmě

there's no interiority. You're ||interiority| ||interioridade| ||nội tâm| ||内心世界| ||інтеріорності| ||内面性がない| není tu žádná vnitřní atmosféra. Jste

completely part of the exterior world. ||||外部世界| ||||outside world| ||||外界の一部| ||||exterior do mundo| zcela součástí vnějšího světa.

Neil: So what world are you in Neil: V jakém světě se nacházíš?

when travelling at speed on a motorbike? ||||||motorbike při rychlé jízdě na motocyklu?

Sam: The external world. Because ||外部世界|| ||external|| ||外部の|| Sam: Vnější svět. Protože

you are not inside a car your

experience is completely different.

On a bike you have no interiority. ||||||внутрішнього світу ||||||interioridade Na kole nemáte žádný interiér.

That's the experience of being inside - but |その|||||

I do have to say, although that is 私は||||||| |||||embora||

a real word, it's not one I've ever skutečné slovo, není to slovo, které jsem kdy použil.

heard or used before!

Neil: No. Me neither. What she also says Neil: Ne. Já taky ne. Co také říká

is that travelling at speed |||速度で|

dissolves gender and race. It makes them |||raça|||

less important. When you dissolve ||||溶解

something you make it less strong. něco, co je méně silné.

Sam: In fact she says that at speed these ||実際に|||||| Sam: Ve skutečnosti říká, že při rychlosti těchto

things stop mattering. na věcech přestane záležet.

They stop having any Přestanou mít jakékoli

importance. If something doesn't matter, důležitost. Pokud na něčem nezáleží,

it's not important at all.

Neil: Before that we said we usually

connect motorbikes with men.

Think bike, think bloke. |||guy |||cara |||家伙 |||чоловік |||kaveri |||男の人 |||facet

But what about women and bikes?

Esperanza Miyake goes on to talk

about the way women bikers ||||骑士

are usually shown in the media. How

many different types does she mention?

Esperanza Miyake: Generally there's

three types. So the first type

would be your typical

empowered female who's on có quyền lực||| empowered||| 力を得た女性||| mulher empoderada que está em|||

the motorbike. You do have that image

but having said that I

would also add that those images

appear typically very sexualised, |||tình dục hóa |||性别化的 非常に性的に見える|||性的に強調された |||sexualizada |||сексі

very stylised. So yes she's |stylized||| |estilizada||| |cách điệu||| |风格化的||| |стилізований||| |非常に様式化された|||

empowered but she's in уповноважена|||

a skintight catsuit. You also get another |tight-fitting|catsuit|||| |justa ao corpo|macacão justo|||| |mặc bó sát|bộ đồ liền thân|||| |紧身||||| |облягаючий|костюм|||| ||haalari|||| |ぴったりした|全身タイツ||||

type which is the female rider but

who's been masculinised. ||男性化的 ||masculinized ||男性化された ||masculinizado ||маскулінізований

She's kind of embodying a very masculine |||embodying||| |||encarnando||| |||thể hiện||| |||体现||| |||ilmentaa||| |||体現している|||

kind of style.

And I think the third type is kind of silly, |||||||||ばかげている

giggly female on a scooter. giggly|||| risonha|||| 咯咯笑的|||| смішна|||| nauravainen|||| スクーターで笑う女性|||| chichotliwa||||

Neil: So she talked about three types of

representations, particularly representations| representações| các biểu diễn| 表现| esitykset| 表現、特に|

in movies. Sam, tell us more.

Sam: Yes, she first talked about

the empowered woman. This is a |赋权的|||| |управляюча||||

character who has authority,

who has the power to drive the plot |||||||plot |||||物語を動かす||物語を進める

and action and is not dependent |||||依赖的 |||||залежною

on a man to make decisions for her. ||||決定する||| 让一个男人为她做决定。

Neil: It seems like a positive image 尼尔:这似乎是一个积极的形象。

but she does say that these 但她确实说这些

characters are often sexualised, |||sexualizadas

that is, presented in a way that might be

sexually appealing for a male audience. 性吸引||||| 性的に|性的魅力|||男性向け|男性視聴者向け сексуально|||||

Sam: The next character type

she mentions is a woman who is very

masculine. They embody ||embody ||encarnam ||thể hiện ||体现了 ||ilmentavat ||体現する

male characteristics, which means

they have and demonstrate many

typically male personality features. |||traits |||特徴 |||características

Neil: And the final type she talked about

was showing women on bikes

as silly and giggly |||giggly |おかしくて笑う||

riding scooters. So there don't seem to be |скутери|||||| |as patinetes||||||

many really completely positive images of

women and motorcycles, at least not ||バイク||| ||as motocicletas||| ||мотоцикли|||

in the popular media. Time to look

again at today's

vocabulary, but first, let's have the answer

to the quiz question. In which decade was

the first mass-produced motorcycle

released? Was it: a) the 1880s,

b) the1890s, or c) the 1900s?

What did you think, Sam?

Sam: I took a guess at the 1890s. ||推測した|||||

Neil: Well done, it was a good guess. ||||||良い|

It was indeed the 1890s and

a bonus point if you knew that

it was 1894. OK, let's have

a quick reminder of today's words. 簡単な|簡単な||||

We started with the verb dissolves. |||||дозволяє

If something dissolves it gets

less strong, less immediate.

Sam: Then we had another verb,

to matter, something that matters

is important to someone.

Neil: What's the next word?

Sam: It was a rather uncommon word |||||不常见| |||||珍しい| |||||pouco comum|

to describe the experience

of being inside - interiority |||інтеріорність

Neil: Let's rush by that one and move on |急いで行こう|||||||

to the next word, empowered. ||||уповноважений ||||empoderado

Someone who is empowered |||empoderado

is in control of their own life.

When we talk about empowered women ||||уповноважених|

we are talking about

women who are not dependent on men

or anyone else for the direction

of their lives, they

make their own choices. 選択する|||

Sam: Our next word was sexualised.

This is when something is given ||何かが与えられる時|||

a clearly sexual styling. ||性别| |||стиль

In the programme we heard that

women on motorcycles are often shown

in a sexualised way, dressed

in clothing, for example, that

makes them sexually attractive.

Neil: And finally there was to embody. ||||||represent ||||||encarnar

This means to be a clear これ|||||

and obvious example of

something. So in movies

female bikers often embody male |||ucieleśniają| |||втілюють| |as motociclistas||| ženy motorkářky často ztělesňují muže

characteristics, which means they

might dress or behave in a way

we would usually associate with men.

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye.

See you next time and until then you can

find us online and on our app. locate|||||| ||オンラインで|||| знайти||||||

Just search for BBC Learning English.

Bye for now! tạm biệt||

Sam: Bye!