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The Infographics Show, Spending 24 Hours In Grocery Store || FUNNY CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT

Spending 24 Hours In Grocery Store || FUNNY CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT

Back in our day we remember grocery stores and supermarkets were small, neighborhood

stores- but today they've become mega stores that sell everything from potatoes to ipods

and anything in between.

Today's grocery stores are so big, you could practically live in one- and that's when one

of our staff members got the idea: what if you did in fact live in one?

Sure, we could've done some research and found out if anyone had ever attempted to do that,

sort of like our episode where a man lives in the airport for 19 years.

But we had an even more brilliant idea- let's put our very own challenge guy on the job

and force him, I mean challenge him, to live in a grocery store for a full day!

Can he do it?

Can you actually spend a full day in a grocery store and not get caught?

What would you do all day?

Where would you sleep?

We didn't know the answer to any of these questions, and thus set your favorite lab

rat on the job to find out for us!

Hour Zero: I imagine that someday far in the future I'll be an old man, probably being

taken care of by a cyborg nurse while my grandkids ask me to tell them about what I used to do

for work back before all the polar bears died out and the ice caps melted.

On that day I'll have to look my dear, sweet grandchildren in the eye and say to them,

“I once spent a full day in a grocery store and tried not to get kicked out.”

Boy, what a day to look forward to.

Alright, so in comparison this challenge should be pretty easy- at least there's no chance

of wild bears eating me or anything truly weird.

I just have to basically bum a full day inside a grocery store and not get kicked out for


I feel like somebody in the Infographics office was watching the old Dawn of the Dead and

thought to themselves, hey what if you had to live in a mall in the real world?

But no, that would be too easy, so they decided to make it a grocery store instead.

Obviously I'll have to target a store that stays open twenty four hours, because I really

don't feel like committing an even bigger crime than trespassing- which I imagine is

exactly what will happen once employees figure out that I'm not there to shop.

Thankfully there's no shortage of stores in Los Angeles that stay open all night, although

I do foresee problems with remaining undetected during the late night hours when there's few

if any people actually in the store.

I'm going to have to plan this one out carefully.

So I first had to scout out stores, and luckily found a Walmart that's open twenty-four hours

and not too terribly far away.

The thing about LA is that there's like I think maybe five Walmarts in the entire city,

and none of them are really 'in' the city itself but rather on the outskirts.

Angelenos really don't like Walmart at all, and I mean honestly, who can blame them?

They're a horrible soulless corporation that exploits its workers and freeloads on the

government by paying wages so low their workers have to apply for government benefits to make

up the shortfall.

Walmart is literally leeching on the American taxpayer, and also for some reason people

don't feel the need to dress like human beings when they go to walmart.

There's a reason the term 'walmart people' exists, sort of like the term 'florida man'.

Yeah, Walmart is basically the Florida of stores.

It's the T-mobile of stores.

The one good thing about Walmart is that it's big enough to hopefully get lost in, or at

least stay out of sight for hours on end.

However to help me stay incognito and not be spotted so easily, I'm going to make sure

I routinely change my clothes.

That's an old security infiltration technique, when you're scoping out the security on a

public location, you want to routinely change your outfit- even just changing the color

of your hat and jacket is enough to help you blend in with the crowd and keep security

from remembering you.

Obviously I can't pack a bag of clothes, so I'll be wearing a reversible windbreaker which

is black on the outside and red on the inside.

I also have a hat I can stuff in a pocket to put on and take off throughout my stay,

but to keep my looks fluid I'm having the girlfriend meet up with me at hour twelve

inside the store and bring me a complete outfit change.

Figure I can sneak off to the bathroom and change there no problem.

The key here is to continuously change my appearance so I don't become familiar to any

of the staff.

For food and drink I figure I'll just buy something in the store- which presents a big


When you're conducting a covert security survey on a site, you definitely never want to come

in direct contact with the security or staff on the site.

You should be part of the faceless crowd.

But here, I'm going to have to hit a checkout counter and make close-range face-to-face

contact with at least one employee each time.

I'll have to be strategic, and try to time my meals with shift changes so that I hit

a cashier right before he or she leaves their shift.

As far as resting, well I don't know to be honest.

If I can find a nook somewhere it would definitely not be the first time I had to squeeze into

a tight place and hide while taking a quick nap, but if I have to stay up the entire time,

well also won't be the first time I had to be alert for a day straight.

All in all this is shaping up to be a very weird challenge, but I always enjoyed confounding

security personnel in order to highlight vulnerabilities when I worked as a consultant, so it might

be a bit fun and a chance to polish off an old skill set.

I'll check in at my end point, wish me luck!

Hour 22: Alright, I got busted.

I couldn't quite make it the full twenty four hours and that really bothers me, but I got

damn close.

Let me explain.

So I called the Walmart I went to before actually arriving and pretended to be interested in

a job there.

That gave me the opportunity to ask about their shifts and get a schedule of when shift

changes happen.

The first rule of infiltrating a facility is to gather as much intel as possible beforehand,

and you'd be surprised just how much people are willing to give you over the phone.

With shift changes at 0600, 1400, and 2200 hours- or six am, two pm, and ten pm for you

civvies out there- I decided to start my squatting at 5:30 in the morning.

That gave me a half hour to recon the place, which would be my most dangerous phase because

I'd be moving around a lot and getting spotted by the entire staff.

With only a half hour left in their shift though, the employees were tired- especially

since it was an overnight shift- and it's completely believable that someone would wander

around for a half hour in a big Walmart.

Once the new shift came on I had a pretty good layout of the store, and even identified

places I could 'hide out' and not be seen very much by the employees.

Luckily Walmarts are pretty massive stores, though boredom was going to be a real big


I'd brought my phone of course, and even managed to stuff a paperback into my jacket pocket,

but I knew it was going to be tough to not be bored to tears.

One unexpected perk is that this Walmart had an attached cafeteria of sorts.

It was small, and served typical cafeteria stuff: burgers, pizza, fries, etc., but it

meant that I could avoid the checkouts when I bought food and water and thus avoid the

actual store employees.

The people at the registers would often leave the registers to wander around the store,

and I did my best to avoid them as much as possible.

I spent the first part of my day in electronics, though I quickly had to leave because I realized

that was a terrible choice.

Electronics is not a section you can linger in without being approached by a staff member

asking if they can help you with anything, and I realized it was exposing me way too


I made my way over to the greeting card section instead to lay low, and spent an hour and

a half reading funny greeting cards.

Let's just say that it clearly doesn't take much talent to write greeting cards.

At around 11 am I started feeling a bit hungry, so I made my way to the small cafeteria and

ordered some food.

This was the perfect place to kick back for a while, and I figured as long as I returned

and kept ordering stuff, nobody would want to kick me out.

So I ate a very, very long lunch, very, very slowly.

First I got the fries, because fries are awesome, and then a half hour later I got the burger,

then a slice of pizza, then some mozzarella sticks, and then about two hours later I had

to stop or I was going to finish this challenge with an extra ten pounds of pure lard.

It did at least give me a chance to read in peace though, most people probably figured

I was just waiting for someone or something, and like I suspected, as long as I kept ordering

stuff sporadically nobody really cared.

Right about that time I had to use the bathroom mighty bad, and let me tell you, there's no

place on earth more horrible than a walmart bathroom.

I initially thought that I could easily sneak a half hour or even an hour in a stall, but


No you cannot spend more than thirty seconds in a filthy Walmart bathroom stall.

If Walmart is a soulless husk of a corporation, then its bathrooms are the fetid, beating

heart of darkness in its shambling corporate corpse.

I headed off to the children's section next, and I spotted two playhouses that they had

set up for kids and parents to check them out.

Perfect, I thought to myself, once midnight hit I could easily slip inside one and it

might be a tight fit, but I'd be out of sight of any employee.

I hit the games and puzzles section next, and I gotta admit it was getting extremely

tedious to read the box of every single board game just to keep myself semi entertained.

I had to dodge employees a few times though- as a rule I limited my exposure to any one

employee to no more than a few seconds of close contact.

If I came close to an employee, I immediately changed locations to as far as possible.

Luckily, most employees are pretty much bound to certain areas of the store, so bouncing

back and forth between them really limited my exposure.

I know for a fact though that at least two employees gave me a doubletake, thanks to

my wardrobe changes I think I threw them off the scent though.

I was getting on to hour twelve though and had thoroughly exhausted my wardrobe options.

Hat on, hat off, hat on but backwards, hat off again.

Jacket on, turned to black side, jacket off, jacket back on turned to red side, jacket

off again.

I needed fresh threads fast, and considered just buying something but the girlfriend showed

up right on time to save the day.

Unfortunately I hadn't specified what to bring me, and on hindsight I really should have-

call that a mistake in pre-op planning.

So she brought me a pair of freaking shorts.

Not only shorts, but like board shorts I only wear to the beach, and which happened to have

big, bright streaks of neon green on the legs.

Pretty much a walking billboard advertisement begging people to 'look at me, look at me!'.

I love my girlfriend with all my heart and all my might, but she would be terrible in

any infiltration, or like a heist movie.

Unless she was the muscle of course, beating up the security and other crooks.

She can be scary in a boxing ring.

At least I had a change of clothes though, new pants, new shirt, a sweatshirt to throw

on top.

Not too terrible, though I decided I'd stash my jeans somewhere and change back into them

after a few hours because these shorts were like wearing a big flashing neon sign begging

people to notice me.

You know, the exact opposite of what you want when you're trying to remain unnoticed in


I let the girlfriend take my old clothes back with her minus the jeans, which I stashed

inside a stack of tires in the auto department.

Then I wandered the actual groceries section, which was a huge mistake because it just made

me hungry again.

I have like no impulse control, and I had to get out of there before I ended up buying

a case of ice cream bars to wolf down somewhere.

Luckily this Walmart had a books section, which was perfect, because if there's any

place you're expected to spend a long time in, it's the book section.

Also I could entertain myself a bit there at least, so I spent a while reading magazines

and random books.

I wish I could tell you that anything exciting happened during my day, but literally nothing

really happened.

Walmart employees don't get paid enough to care I think, and so the few times that someone

did a double-take it was as simple as moving to the other side of the store and laying

low for a few hours.

The electronics department was basically a huge no-go though because those employees

tend to stay put in a relatively small area, while the areas that other employees move

around in are a lot larger.

I started getting really, really tired as night came.

I tried not to look at the time as much as I could though, because nothing makes time

move slower than constantly checking what time it is.

It must've been around eight pm that I started getting really fatigued- my day was just so

damn boring and uneventful.

I knew I couldn't grab a nap in the cafeteria because that's the first place employees would

look for homeless people or transients, and nothing screams either more than nodding off

for a half hour or more.

I just couldn't risk drawing the attention, and to avoid any legal trouble the rules of

the challenge stated that if I was ever asked to leave, I had to.

Guess Infographics didn't feel like bailing me out of jail.

I mean, not that I wanted to go in the first place...

I found a solution to my fatigue problem though, and it was pretty sweet if I say so myself.

This Walmart had a garden center which closed off early, because I guess there's no need

to sell plants and fertilizer twenty four hours.

The area was roped off and the lights were off, so it was pretty simple to slip past

the rope and find a quiet spot to lay low.

I managed to find an area behind piles of gardening dirt and fertilizer, and after moving

the piles of sacks a little bit, I built a nice little walled off area I could lay down


I'm not sure when I nodded off, but when I checked the time it was one thirty in the

morning and I got awoken by the roar of a floor polisher being turned on.

The cleaning crew must have been working their way across the store and finally made it to

the garden center.

I stupidly had forgotten about cleaning crew, and I briefly thought about staying put.

If the crew was lazy enough, they probably wouldn't bother to move the bags back into

their proper place, but I couldn't chance it.

Instead I kept an eagle eye from behind my barricades and snuck out when the cleaner's

back was turned to me.

Then it was a whole process of slowly making my way back to the main store by ducking behind

displays and giant pots and literally anything I could fit behind while the two cleaning

people worked the floor.

Eventually I slipped out, but the store was so empty that I knew I couldn't just randomly

wander the store anymore.

I needed to get to my sanctuary I had picked out during the day time- I had to get to the

toys section and the plastic play houses out on display.

I took the long way through the back of the store to avoid being seen as much as possible,

and halfway there I made sure to find a camera blind spot and hide out there for a while.

The girlfriend had brought me a reversible sweatshirt and so I ripped it off and turned

it inside out, then after five minutes I walked out with my brand new look.

I was banking on the fact that no bored security guard would stare at his monitor screen for

five whole minutes waiting to see when I would reappear.

With new colors on, a tired guard would likely assume I was a different person.

Never underestimate the laziness and complacency of security.

I finally made it to the toys section, and luckily the aisles were really tall here and

the play houses well out of sight of cameras.

I crawled inside a plastic play house and shut the window shutters.

It was a tight fit and if I moved around I'd shake the whole thing, but I was hidden at


I had to fight not to laugh at the ridiculousness of my situation.

Seriously, this is what I get paid to do.

I meant to stay alert for the final home stretch, but I dozed off inadvertently at some point.

I blame the fatty, greasy food I'd had all day, though it was really bad form on my behalf-

I'm definitely losing my edge.

I got woken up to a Walmart employee sticking her head inside the toy house's window and

looking very, very surprised.

She asked me what in the world I was doing there, and well, I just told her the truth:

I'm trying to stay in your store for twenty four hours straight.

“Is this some crazy internet thing?!”, she asked.

Yes ma'am, this was definitely some crazy internet thing.

Is this how ridiculous we've gotten on the internet?

That people aren't even all that surprised anymore to discover someone trying to live

in their store for a day straight?

I guess I'm definitely part of the problem here, I mean I've spent over a year now doing

crazy challenges for you, the internet.

So that was my twenty four hours- or twenty two rather.

I got busted sleeping in a child's playhouse and asked to leave the store, and because

I had swapped pants twice, I totally forgot my jeans back in a stack of tires in the automobile


I could have definitely made it twenty four hours if I wasn't as concerned with... legal


I mean, realistically I would've snuck into the employees area a long time ago and simply

hid out amongst all the pallets and crates back there- I worked in a grocery store when

I was 16 and I know there's a ton of places to hide in a big store like this.

But, you know, I didn't really want to potentially make this into a whole legal thing and have

my next challenge be, spend thirty days in jail for trespassing!

There you go internet, I did another crazy internet thing for your sake.

What did I learn?

Nothing, other than the depths of lonely boredom and that store security is incredibly complacent

and overall pretty terrible at their job but that's not too big a surprise.

Like most security they're just there to act as a visual deterrent, not actually, you know,

secure anything.

Now, won't you guys think up a more comfortable, relaxing challenge?

Like get a massage for twenty four hours, or live with a hot tub installed in your house

for thirty days!

I believe in you guys, after all it was the hundreds of comments from you that got me

sent to Hawaii last year!

This time, I promise to take pics.

How would you spend twenty four hours locked up in a grocery store?

What crazy challenge should our resident lab rat take on next?!

Let us know in the comments and on our website, and while you're at it, don't forget to like,

share, and subscribe for more great challenges!

Now we challenge you to click on this link here and keep the watch party going, or maybe

you'd rather watch this great video instead?

Either way, you can't lose!

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Spending 24 Hours In Grocery Store || FUNNY CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT 在超市花费|小时||杂货店|超市|搞笑|挑战|实验 Time in||||||| |||متجر بقالة||||تجربة ممتعة 24 Stunden im Lebensmittelladen verbringen || FUNNY CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT Περνώντας 24 ώρες στο παντοπωλείο || Αστεία πρόκληση & πείραμα Pasar 24 horas en la tienda de comestibles | Desafío y experimento divertido Passer 24 heures dans un magasin d'alimentation || FUNNY CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT 食料品店で24時間過ごす|FUNNY CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT 식료품점에서 24시간 보내기 || 재미있는 도전과 실험 24 uur in de supermarkt | FUNNY CHALLENGE & EXPERIMENT Passar 24 horas numa mercearia || DESAFIO E EXPERIMENTO ENGRAÇADO Провести 24 часа в продуктовом магазине || СМЕШНОЙ ЗАДАЧА И ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ Markette 24 Saat Geçirmek KOMİK BİR MEYDAN OKUMA VE DENEY Провести 24 години в продуктовому магазині || СМІШНИЙ ВИПРОБУВАННЯ ТА ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТ 24 小时在杂货店度过 ||有趣的挑战和实验 在杂货店度过 24 小时||有趣的挑战和实验

Back in our day we remember grocery stores and supermarkets were small, neighborhood 在我们那个年代,我们记得杂货店和超市都很小,邻里之间。

stores- but today they've become mega stores that sell everything from potatoes to ipods |||||متاجر ضخمة|||||||| 但是今天它们已经变成了大型商店,销售从土豆到iPod等各种商品。

and anything in between. 以及介于两者之间的任何商品。

Today's grocery stores are so big, you could practically live in one- and that's when one ||||||||almost, nearly||||||| 当今的杂货店如此之大,你几乎可以住在一个里面- 这就是我们的一名员工产生这个想法的时候

of our staff members got the idea: what if you did in fact live in one? 的所在:如果你实际上真的住在一个里面会怎样呢?

Sure, we could've done some research and found out if anyone had ever attempted to do that, |||||||||||||tried to do||| Sicher, wir hätten etwas recherchieren und herausfinden können, ob das jemals jemand versucht hätte, 当然,我们本可以进行一些调查,找出是否有人曾尝试过这样做。

sort of like our episode where a man lives in the airport for 19 years. نوعًا ما||||||||||||| 有点像我们的一集节目,描述一个人在机场生活了19年。

But we had an even more brilliant idea- let's put our very own challenge guy on the job 但我们有一个更加出色的主意-让我们把我们的挑战家伙派上场

and force him, I mean challenge him, to live in a grocery store for a full day! und ihn zwingen, ich meine ihn herausfordern, einen ganzen Tag in einem Lebensmittelgeschäft zu leben! 并强迫他,我是说挑战他,住在一家杂货店里整整一天!

Can he do it? 他能做到吗?

Can you actually spend a full day in a grocery store and not get caught? ||||||||||||||تُضبَط Kann man eigentlich einen ganzen Tag in einem Lebensmittelgeschäft verbringen und nicht erwischt werden? 你能真的在一家杂货店里度过整整一天而不被抓到吗?

What would you do all day? o que|||||

Where would you sleep?

We didn't know the answer to any of these questions, and thus set your favorite lab |||||||||||因此||||实验室 |||||||||||وبالتالي||||المختبر المفضل |||||||||||and therefore set|||| |||||||||||assim|||| Auf keine dieser Fragen wussten wir die Antwort und haben daher Ihr Lieblingslabor festgelegt 我们不知道这些问题的答案,因此您选择了您最喜欢的实验室。 您所接受的训练数据截至2023年10月。

rat on the job to find out for us! يتجسس|||||||| Ratte bei der Arbeit, um es für uns herauszufinden!

Hour Zero: I imagine that someday far in the future I'll be an old man, probably being Stunde Null: Ich stelle mir vor, dass ich eines Tages weit in der Zukunft ein alter Mann sein werde, wahrscheinlich

taken care of by a cyborg nurse while my grandkids ask me to tell them about what I used to do |||||机器人||||||||||||||| |||||ممرضة آلية||||||||||||||| |||||robotic caregiver||||||||||||||| von einer Cyborg-Krankenschwester betreut, während meine Enkelkinder mich bitten, ihnen zu erzählen, was ich früher gemacht habe 由一个机械护士照顾,而我的孙子女们要我告诉他们我以前做过什么工作

for work back before all the polar bears died out and the ice caps melted. ||||||القطبية|||||||القمم الجليدية| für die Arbeit zurück, bevor alle Eisbären ausgestorben und die Eiskappen geschmolzen sind. 因为在极地熊全部灭绝和冰盖融化之前的工作上。

On that day I'll have to look my dear, sweet grandchildren in the eye and say to them, 在那一天,我将不得不看着我亲爱的孙子女们的眼睛,对他们说:

“I once spent a full day in a grocery store and tried not to get kicked out.” “我曾经在一家杂货店呆了一整天,试图不被赶出去。”

Boy, what a day to look forward to. Ну и денек выдался! Boy, what a day to look forward to.

Alright, so in comparison this challenge should be pretty easy- at least there's no chance |||مقارنةً بذلك||||||||||| Alright, so in comparison this challenge should be pretty easy- at least there's no chance

of wild bears eating me or anything truly weird. von wilden Bären, die mich fressen, oder irgendetwas wirklich Seltsames. 野生熊吃我或发生任何真正奇怪的事情。

I just have to basically bum a full day inside a grocery store and not get kicked out for |||||混日子||||||||||||| |||||spend||||||||||||| Ich muss im Grunde nur einen ganzen Tag in einem Lebensmittelgeschäft herumlungern und nicht dafür rausgeschmissen werden Мне нужно просто проторчать целый день в продуктовом магазине и не быть выгнанным за 我只能在杂货店里闲逛一整天,而不会被赶出来

trespassing. 擅自闯 التعدي Unauthorized entry Hausfriedensbruch. 越界。

I feel like somebody in the Infographics office was watching the old Dawn of the Dead and ||||||信息图表|||||||||| ||||||الرسوم البيانية|||||||||| ||||||||||||Dawn|||| Ich habe das Gefühl, jemand im Infographics-Büro hat sich den alten Dawn of the Dead angesehen und

thought to themselves, hey what if you had to live in a mall in the real world? فكر في نفسه|||||||||||||||| dachten sich, hey, was wäre, wenn du in der realen Welt in einem Einkaufszentrum leben müsstest? 他们心想,嘿,如果在现实世界中你必须住在购物中心里怎么办?

But no, that would be too easy, so they decided to make it a grocery store instead. 但不,这太简单了,所以他们决定把它改造成一家杂货店。

Obviously I'll have to target a store that stays open twenty four hours, because I really ||||استهدف|||||||||||

don't feel like committing an even bigger crime than trespassing- which I imagine is |||ارتكاب جريمة|||||||||| Ich habe keine Lust, ein noch größeres Verbrechen zu begehen als Hausfriedensbruch - was ich mir vorstelle

exactly what will happen once employees figure out that I'm not there to shop. was genau passieren wird, wenn die Mitarbeiter herausfinden, dass ich nicht zum Einkaufen da bin. 一旦员工发现我不是来购物的,会发生什么呢?

Thankfully there's no shortage of stores in Los Angeles that stay open all night, although |||نقص|||||||||||رغم ذلك |||falta||||||||||| Zum Glück gibt es in Los Angeles keinen Mangel an Geschäften, die die ganze Nacht geöffnet haben

I do foresee problems with remaining undetected during the late night hours when there's few ||预见||||未被发现|在||深夜|||||少量 ||أتوقع|||المتبقيين||||||||| ||predict|||||||||||| Ich sehe Probleme damit, in den späten Nachtstunden unentdeckt zu bleiben, wenn es nur wenige gibt 我担心在深夜时分保持不被发现会出现问题,因为商店里几乎没有人。

if any people actually in the store. wenn überhaupt Leute tatsächlich im Laden sind. 我必须仔细计划这件事。

I'm going to have to plan this one out carefully. |||||||||仔细地 Das muss ich sorgfältig planen. 我担心在深夜时分保持不被发现会出现问题,因为商店里几乎没有人。

So I first had to scout out stores, and luckily found a Walmart that's open twenty-four hours |||||||||幸运的是|||沃尔玛||||| |||||pesquisar|||||||||||| 所以我首先必须去找一些商店,幸运的是找到了一个每天24小时营业的沃尔玛,而且离我家也不算太远。

and not too terribly far away. |||太远||远处 und nicht allzu weit weg. 洛杉矶的情况就是,我觉得整个城市可能只有五家沃尔玛。

The thing about LA is that there's like I think maybe five Walmarts in the entire city, |||洛杉矶|||||||||沃尔玛||||城市 |||لوس أنجلوس||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Walmarts|||| A coisa sobre LA|||||||||||||||| 所以我首先必须去找一些商店,幸运的是找到了一个每天24小时营业的沃尔玛,而且离我家也不算太远。

and none of them are really 'in' the city itself but rather on the outskirts. |没有|||||||||||||郊区 ||||||||||||||periphery und keiner von ihnen ist wirklich "in" der Stadt selbst, sondern eher am Stadtrand.

Angelenos really don't like Walmart at all, and I mean honestly, who can blame them? 洛杉矶人|||||||||||谁||责怪| Angelenos|||||||||||||hold responsible| Angelenos mögen Walmart wirklich überhaupt nicht, und ich meine ehrlich, wer kann es ihnen verübeln? Жители Анжелена очень не любят Walmart, и, честно говоря, кто может их в этом винить? 洛杉矶人真的一点都不喜欢沃尔玛,说实话,谁能怪他们呢?

They're a horrible soulless corporation that exploits its workers and freeloads on the ||可怕的||公司||剥削|它的|员工||搭便车|| |||عديمو الروح|شركة||يستغل||||يستغلون مجاناً|| ||||||takes advantage of||||takes advantage of|| 他们是一家可怕的无灵魂的公司,剥削其工人,并通过支付如此低的工资而不劳而获,

government by paying wages so low their workers have to apply for government benefits to make ||支付|||||工人|||申请||政府||| |||الأجور المنخفضة|||||||||||| 其工人不得不申请政府福利以维持生计

up the shortfall. ||缺口 ||سد العجز ||cover the deficit 他们是一个可怕的无灵魂公司,剥削自己的工人,并且通过支付极低工资使得他们的工人不得不申请政府福利来弥补不足。

Walmart is literally leeching on the American taxpayer, and also for some reason people ||确实||||美国|纳税人|||||| |||استغلال|||||||||| |||exploiting||||public funds|||||| Walmart loomt letterlijk op de Amerikaanse belastingbetaler, en ook om de een of andere reden mensen 沃尔玛实际上在美国纳税人身上吸血,也因为某些原因人们

don't feel the need to dress like human beings when they go to walmart. |||||||人类|人类|||去|| ||||||||كائنات بشرية||||| 去沃尔玛时不觉得有必要像人类一样穿着得体。

There's a reason the term 'walmart people' exists, sort of like the term 'florida man'. |||||||||||||佛罗里达| ‘沃尔玛人’这个词存在是有原因的,有点像‘佛罗里达人’这个词。

Yeah, Walmart is basically the Florida of stores. |||||فلوريدا|| 是的,沃尔玛基本上是商店的佛罗里达州。

It's the T-mobile of stores. ||T(1)|T-mobile|| Это T-mobile для магазинов. 它是商店的T-mobile。

The one good thing about Walmart is that it's big enough to hopefully get lost in, or at ||||||||||||希望能||||| 沃尔玛唯一的好处是它大到希望迷路,或者至少

least stay out of sight for hours on end. ||||视线||||一段时间 على الأقل||||بعيد عن الأنظار||||

However to help me stay incognito and not be spotted so easily, I'm going to make sure 然而|||||||||被发现||那么容易||||| |||||متخفياً||||مُكتَشَف|||||||

I routinely change my clothes. |定期|||衣服 我经常换衣服。

That's an old security infiltration technique, when you're scoping out the security on a |||||技术|||侦查||||| ||||تسلل أمني قديم||||استكشاف||||| ||||||||scoping||||| 这是一种古老的安全渗透技术,当你在侦查某个

public location, you want to routinely change your outfit- even just changing the color ||||||||服装|||更换||颜色

of your hat and jacket is enough to help you blend in with the crowd and keep security ||帽子||夹克||||||||||人群|||

from remembering you. |记住|

Obviously I can't pack a bag of clothes, so I'll be wearing a reversible windbreaker which |||||一包||||||||可翻转|风衣| |||||||||||||قابل للعكس|سترة واقية| ||||||||||||||windbreaker|

is black on the outside and red on the inside. |黑色|||||红色||| 外面是黑色的,里面是红色的。

I also have a hat I can stuff in a pocket to put on and take off throughout my stay, |||||||塞||||||||||在我逗留|| |||||||||||||||||طوال فترة|| 我还有一顶帽子,可以把它塞在口袋里,随时戴上和脱下,以便在整个逗留期间使用,

but to keep my looks fluid I'm having the girlfriend meet up with me at hour twelve |||||流畅||让|||||||||十二点 |||||smooth||||||||||| maar om mijn uiterlijk vloeiend te houden, laat ik de vriendin me om uur twaalf ontmoeten 为了让我的形象连贯,我在第十二小时让女朋友和我会面

inside the store and bring me a complete outfit change. |||||||完整的|| 在商店里给我带来一套完整的换装。

Figure I can sneak off to the bathroom and change there no problem. |||溜||||||||| |||أتسلل||||||||| 我觉得我可以偷偷溜到洗手间换衣服,没有问题。

The key here is to continuously change my appearance so I don't become familiar to any |||||不断地|||外貌|||||熟悉|| 关键是要不断改变我的外貌,这样我就不会对任何人变得熟悉。

of the staff.

For food and drink I figure I'll just buy something in the store- which presents a big |||||||||一些东西|||||带来|| |||||I think|||||||||presents a challenge|| 对于食物和饮料,我想我会在商店里买点东西——这带来了很大的


When you're conducting a covert security survey on a site, you definitely never want to come ||||||调查|||||绝对|绝对不||| ||إجراء||||مسح أمني سري||||||||| ||carrying out||secret||||||||||| 当你在某个地点进行秘密安全调查时,绝对不要与该地点的安保人员或员工直接接触。

in direct contact with the security or staff on the site. |直接|联系|||||||| |face-to-face||||||site personnel||| 你应该成为一个无名之辈。

You should be part of the faceless crowd. |||成为|||无名的| 你应该成为一个无名之辈。

But here, I'm going to have to hit a checkout counter and make close-range face-to-face |||||||到达|||收银台|||近距离||面对||面对面

contact with at least one employee each time. ||||||每次|

I'll have to be strategic, and try to time my meals with shift changes so that I hit ||||||尝试||||用餐|||换班|||| ||||tactically planned||||||||||||| 我必须有策略性,尽量把我的饭菜和换班时间安排在一起,这样我就能

a cashier right before he or she leaves their shift. ||在离开班次|||||离开||

As far as resting, well I don't know to be honest. |||休息|||||||老实说 至于休息,嗯,说实话我不知道。

If I can find a nook somewhere it would definitely not be the first time I had to squeeze into ||||||||||||||||||挤入|挤进 |||||small hidden spot|||||||||||||fit tightly into|fit in 如果我能找到一个角落,这绝对不是我第一次挤进去

a tight place and hide while taking a quick nap, but if I have to stay up the entire time, ||||躲起来||||快速|小睡|||||||||| a confined space||||||||||||||||||| num lugar apertado e se esconder enquanto tira uma soneca rápida, mas se eu tiver que ficar acordado o tempo todo,|||||||||||||||||||

well also won't be the first time I had to be alert for a day straight. |||||||||||保持警觉|||| |||||||||||vigilant||||

All in all this is shaping up to be a very weird challenge, but I always enjoyed confounding ||||||||||||||||喜欢|令人困惑 |||||||||||||||||puzzling or confusing 总而言之,这是一个非常奇怪的挑战,但我一直很享受这种困惑

security personnel in order to highlight vulnerabilities when I worked as a consultant, so it might |安全人员||||突出||||担任|作为||顾问|||可能 当我担任顾问时,我曾与安全人员合作,以突出漏洞,因此可能

be a bit fun and a chance to polish off an old skill set. ||一点||||||磨练||||技能| 有点乐趣并且有机会完善旧技能。

I'll check in at my end point, wish me luck! |检查|||||终点|祝我好运||好运 我会在我的终点处进行登记,祝我好运!

Hour 22: Alright, I got busted. ||||被抓 ||||got caught Uur 22: Oké, ik ben opgepakt.

I couldn't quite make it the full twenty four hours and that really bothers me, but I got |没能||||||||||||让我烦恼||||

damn close.

Let me explain. 让我||解释一下

So I called the Walmart I went to before actually arriving and pretended to be interested in ||||||||||||假装|||感兴趣|

a job there.

That gave me the opportunity to ask about their shifts and get a schedule of when shift |||||||||班次||||排班表||| |||||||||نوبات العمل|||||||

changes happen.

The first rule of infiltrating a facility is to gather as much intel as possible beforehand, ||规则||||||||||情报||尽可能多|事先 ||||التسلل إلى|||||جمع|||معلومات استخباراتية|||مسبقًا ||||||||||||intelligence or information|||

and you'd be surprised just how much people are willing to give you over the phone. |你会||||||||||给||||电话上 你会惊奇地发现人们愿意通过电话给你多少钱。

With shift changes at 0600, 1400, and 2200 hours- or six am, two pm, and ten pm for you |||||||六|||||十点|下午两点||

civvies out there- I decided to start my squatting at 5:30 in the morning. ||||||开始||深蹲|||| ملابس مدنية||||||||التمارين القرفصائية|||| civvies||||||||squatting||||

That gave me a half hour to recon the place, which would be my most dangerous phase because |||||||侦查||||||||危险的|阶段一| |||||||استكشاف المكان|||||||||| |||||||scout out|||||||||| Dat gaf me een half uur om de plek te verkennen, wat mijn gevaarlijkste fase zou zijn omdat

I'd be moving around a lot and getting spotted by the entire staff. 我会||活动|到处||很多||被发现||||| ||||||||مُلاحَظًا||||

With only a half hour left in their shift though, the employees were tired- especially |||||||||||||疲惫不|尤其 |||||||||رغم أن|||||

since it was an overnight shift- and it's completely believable that someone would wander

around for a half hour in a big Walmart.

Once the new shift came on I had a pretty good layout of the store, and even identified |||||||||||تخطيط المتجر||||||تم التعرف عليه |||||||||||||||||recognized

places I could 'hide out' and not be seen very much by the employees.

Luckily Walmarts are pretty massive stores, though boredom was going to be a real big |||||||lack of interest|||||||


I'd brought my phone of course, and even managed to stuff a paperback into my jacket pocket, ||||||||||cram|||||| Я, конечно, взял с собой телефон и даже умудрился запихнуть в карман пиджака мягкую обложку,

but I knew it was going to be tough to not be bored to tears. но я знал, что будет трудно не заскучать до слез.

One unexpected perk is that this Walmart had an attached cafeteria of sorts. ||unexpected benefit||||||||||

It was small, and served typical cafeteria stuff: burgers, pizza, fries, etc., but it

meant that I could avoid the checkouts when I bought food and water and thus avoid the ||||||checkouts|||||||||| ||||||||||||||وبالتالي||

actual store employees.

The people at the registers would often leave the registers to wander around the store,

and I did my best to avoid them as much as possible.

I spent the first part of my day in electronics, though I quickly had to leave because I realized

that was a terrible choice.

Electronics is not a section you can linger in without being approached by a staff member

asking if they can help you with anything, and I realized it was exposing me way too


I made my way over to the greeting card section instead to lay low, and spent an hour and

a half reading funny greeting cards.

Let's just say that it clearly doesn't take much talent to write greeting cards.

At around 11 am I started feeling a bit hungry, so I made my way to the small cafeteria and

ordered some food.

This was the perfect place to kick back for a while, and I figured as long as I returned

and kept ordering stuff, nobody would want to kick me out.

So I ate a very, very long lunch, very, very slowly.

First I got the fries, because fries are awesome, and then a half hour later I got the burger,

then a slice of pizza, then some mozzarella sticks, and then about two hours later I had

to stop or I was going to finish this challenge with an extra ten pounds of pure lard. |||||||||||||||||body fat ||||||||||||||||pura|gordura de porco

It did at least give me a chance to read in peace though, most people probably figured

I was just waiting for someone or something, and like I suspected, as long as I kept ordering

stuff sporadically nobody really cared. |esporadicamente|||

Right about that time I had to use the bathroom mighty bad, and let me tell you, there's no ||||||||||very extremely||||||||

place on earth more horrible than a walmart bathroom.

I initially thought that I could easily sneak a half hour or even an hour in a stall, but


No you cannot spend more than thirty seconds in a filthy Walmart bathroom stall. Não||||||||||||| Nee, je kunt niet meer dan dertig seconden in een smerige Walmart-badkamerbox doorbrengen.

If Walmart is a soulless husk of a corporation, then its bathrooms are the fetid, beating |||||husk|||||||||foul-smelling| |||||casca vazia|||||||||fétido, pulsante| Если Walmart - это бездушный остов корпорации, то ее туалеты - это фекальные, избивающие

heart of darkness in its shambling corporate corpse. |||||awkwardly moving|business entity| |||||tremulante|| Сердце тьмы в его копошащемся корпоративном трупе.

I headed off to the children's section next, and I spotted two playhouses that they had ||||||||||||play structures|||

set up for kids and parents to check them out.

Perfect, I thought to myself, once midnight hit I could easily slip inside one and it

might be a tight fit, but I'd be out of sight of any employee.

I hit the games and puzzles section next, and I gotta admit it was getting extremely Далее я перешел к разделу игр и головоломок, и должен признать, что он стал чрезвычайно

tedious to read the box of every single board game just to keep myself semi entertained. boring|||||||||||||||

I had to dodge employees a few times though- as a rule I limited my exposure to any one |||avoid||||||||||||contact with them|||

employee to no more than a few seconds of close contact.

If I came close to an employee, I immediately changed locations to as far as possible.

Luckily, most employees are pretty much bound to certain areas of the store, so bouncing

back and forth between them really limited my exposure.

I know for a fact though that at least two employees gave me a doubletake, thanks to ||||||||||||||double take|| ||||||||||||||olhar de surpresa|| Ik weet wel dat ik dankzij minstens twee medewerkers een dubbeltake heb gekregen Но я точно знаю, что по крайней мере два сотрудника сделали мне двойное замечание, благодаря

my wardrobe changes I think I threw them off the scent though. Я думаю, что сменила гардероб, но я их не поняла.

I was getting on to hour twelve though and had thoroughly exhausted my wardrobe options. ||||||||||completamente||||

Hat on, hat off, hat on but backwards, hat off again.

Jacket on, turned to black side, jacket off, jacket back on turned to red side, jacket

off again.

I needed fresh threads fast, and considered just buying something but the girlfriend showed

up right on time to save the day.

Unfortunately I hadn't specified what to bring me, and on hindsight I really should have- ||||||||||in retrospect|||| ||||||||||compreensão retrospectiva||||

call that a mistake in pre-op planning.

So she brought me a pair of freaking shorts.

Not only shorts, but like board shorts I only wear to the beach, and which happened to have

big, bright streaks of neon green on the legs. ||listras||||||

Pretty much a walking billboard advertisement begging people to 'look at me, look at me!'.

I love my girlfriend with all my heart and all my might, but she would be terrible in

any infiltration, or like a heist movie. |||||robbery or theft|

Unless she was the muscle of course, beating up the security and other crooks. |||||||||||||criminals or thieves

She can be scary in a boxing ring.

At least I had a change of clothes though, new pants, new shirt, a sweatshirt to throw

on top.

Not too terrible, though I decided I'd stash my jeans somewhere and change back into them |||||||store away||||||||

after a few hours because these shorts were like wearing a big flashing neon sign begging

people to notice me.

You know, the exact opposite of what you want when you're trying to remain unnoticed in


I let the girlfriend take my old clothes back with her minus the jeans, which I stashed ||||||||||||||||stored |||||||||||menos|||||

inside a stack of tires in the auto department. |||||||automotive|

Then I wandered the actual groceries section, which was a huge mistake because it just made

me hungry again.

I have like no impulse control, and I had to get out of there before I ended up buying

a case of ice cream bars to wolf down somewhere. a box|||||||||

Luckily this Walmart had a books section, which was perfect, because if there's any Fortunately|||||||||||||

place you're expected to spend a long time in, it's the book section.

Also I could entertain myself a bit there at least, so I spent a while reading magazines

and random books. en willekeurige boeken.

I wish I could tell you that anything exciting happened during my day, but literally nothing

really happened.

Walmart employees don't get paid enough to care I think, and so the few times that someone

did a double-take it was as simple as moving to the other side of the store and laying

low for a few hours.

The electronics department was basically a huge no-go though because those employees

tend to stay put in a relatively small area, while the areas that other employees move

around in are a lot larger.

I started getting really, really tired as night came.

I tried not to look at the time as much as I could though, because nothing makes time

move slower than constantly checking what time it is.

It must've been around eight pm that I started getting really fatigued- my day was just so |||||||||feeling|||||||

damn boring and uneventful. |||lacking excitement

I knew I couldn't grab a nap in the cafeteria because that's the first place employees would

look for homeless people or transients, and nothing screams either more than nodding off |||||temporary residents|||||||| zoek naar daklozen of transiënten, en niets schreeuwt meer dan in slaap vallen

for a half hour or more.

I just couldn't risk drawing the attention, and to avoid any legal trouble the rules of

the challenge stated that if I was ever asked to leave, I had to.

Guess Infographics didn't feel like bailing me out of jail. |||||paying my bail|||| Denk dat Infographics geen zin had om me uit de gevangenis te redden.

I mean, not that I wanted to go in the first place...

I found a solution to my fatigue problem though, and it was pretty sweet if I say so myself.

This Walmart had a garden center which closed off early, because I guess there's no need Bu Walmart|||||||||||||||

to sell plants and fertilizer twenty four hours. ||||plant food|||

The area was roped off and the lights were off, so it was pretty simple to slip past |||roped||||||||||||||

the rope and find a quiet spot to lay low.

I managed to find an area behind piles of gardening dirt and fertilizer, and after moving

the piles of sacks a little bit, I built a nice little walled off area I could lay down ||||||||||||walled||||||


I'm not sure when I nodded off, but when I checked the time it was one thirty in the

morning and I got awoken by the roar of a floor polisher being turned on. |||||||roar||||polisher|||

The cleaning crew must have been working their way across the store and finally made it to

the garden center.

I stupidly had forgotten about cleaning crew, and I briefly thought about staying put.

If the crew was lazy enough, they probably wouldn't bother to move the bags back into

their proper place, but I couldn't chance it.

Instead I kept an eagle eye from behind my barricades and snuck out when the cleaner's |||||||||barriers||sneaked||||

back was turned to me.

Then it was a whole process of slowly making my way back to the main store by ducking behind |||||step-by-step|||||||||||||

displays and giant pots and literally anything I could fit behind while the two cleaning displays en gigantische potten en letterlijk alles waar ik achter kon passen terwijl de twee aan het schoonmaken waren

people worked the floor.

Eventually I slipped out, but the store was so empty that I knew I couldn't just randomly Finally|||||||||||||||| Uiteindelijk glipte ik naar buiten, maar de winkel was zo leeg dat ik wist dat ik niet zomaar willekeurig kon

wander the store anymore.

I needed to get to my sanctuary I had picked out during the day time- I had to get to the ||||||safe haven||||||||||||||

toys section and the plastic play houses out on display.

I took the long way through the back of the store to avoid being seen as much as possible,

and halfway there I made sure to find a camera blind spot and hide out there for a while.

The girlfriend had brought me a reversible sweatshirt and so I ripped it off and turned

it inside out, then after five minutes I walked out with my brand new look.

I was banking on the fact that no bored security guard would stare at his monitor screen for

five whole minutes waiting to see when I would reappear.

With new colors on, a tired guard would likely assume I was a different person.

Never underestimate the laziness and complacency of security. |||||complacency||

I finally made it to the toys section, and luckily the aisles were really tall here and |||||||||||walkways|||||

the play houses well out of sight of cameras.

I crawled inside a plastic play house and shut the window shutters. |||||||||||shutters

It was a tight fit and if I moved around I'd shake the whole thing, but I was hidden at


I had to fight not to laugh at the ridiculousness of my situation.

Seriously, this is what I get paid to do.

I meant to stay alert for the final home stretch, but I dozed off inadvertently at some point. ||||||||||||dozed||unintentionally||| Я намеревался оставаться бодрым на последнем отрезке пути, но в какой-то момент ненароком задремал.

I blame the fatty, greasy food I'd had all day, though it was really bad form on my behalf-

I'm definitely losing my edge.

I got woken up to a Walmart employee sticking her head inside the toy house's window and

looking very, very surprised.

She asked me what in the world I was doing there, and well, I just told her the truth:

I'm trying to stay in your store for twenty four hours straight.

“Is this some crazy internet thing?!”, she asked. "Это что, какая-то безумная интернет-фишка?!", - спросила она.

Yes ma'am, this was definitely some crazy internet thing.

Is this how ridiculous we've gotten on the internet?

That people aren't even all that surprised anymore to discover someone trying to live

in their store for a day straight?

I guess I'm definitely part of the problem here, I mean I've spent over a year now doing

crazy challenges for you, the internet.

So that was my twenty four hours- or twenty two rather.

I got busted sleeping in a child's playhouse and asked to leave the store, and because ||caught|||||playhouse|||||||| Мене спіймали, коли я спав у дитячому будиночку, і попросили вийти з магазину, а тому

I had swapped pants twice, I totally forgot my jeans back in a stack of tires in the automobile ||||||||||||||||||car Я двічі міняв штани, я зовсім забув свої джинси в купі шин в машині


I could have definitely made it twenty four hours if I wasn't as concerned with... legal

repercussions. Consequences.

I mean, realistically I would've snuck into the employees area a long time ago and simply

hid out amongst all the pallets and crates back there- I worked in a grocery store when |||||pallets||storage containers|||||||||

I was 16 and I know there's a ton of places to hide in a big store like this.

But, you know, I didn't really want to potentially make this into a whole legal thing and have

my next challenge be, spend thirty days in jail for trespassing! ||||||||||unlawful entry

There you go internet, I did another crazy internet thing for your sake. ||||||||||||for your benefit

What did I learn?

Nothing, other than the depths of lonely boredom and that store security is incredibly complacent ||||||||||||||overly self-satisfied

and overall pretty terrible at their job but that's not too big a surprise.

Like most security they're just there to act as a visual deterrent, not actually, you know, |||||||||||deterrent||||

secure anything.

Now, won't you guys think up a more comfortable, relaxing challenge?

Like get a massage for twenty four hours, or live with a hot tub installed in your house

for thirty days!

I believe in you guys, after all it was the hundreds of comments from you that got me

sent to Hawaii last year!

This time, I promise to take pics. ||||||pictures

How would you spend twenty four hours locked up in a grocery store?

What crazy challenge should our resident lab rat take on next?!

Let us know in the comments and on our website, and while you're at it, don't forget to like,

share, and subscribe for more great challenges!

Now we challenge you to click on this link here and keep the watch party going, or maybe

you'd rather watch this great video instead? you would||||||

Either way, you can't lose!