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The Grammar Show, 22- Question Tags

22- Question Tags

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow!

I'm your host, Will!

Just try and contract me,

you'll see what happens!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight, we're going to ask you three questions about…

Question tags!

Those little auxiliary verb plus

pronoun combinations for checking and asking!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants!

Hello, all. My name's Liz!

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Felicia!

Nice to see you again, Liz!

This will be four in a row for you, won't it?

Win this one and you'll be our longest

running contestant, won't you?

This is Gameshow history, isn't it?

I'll do my best!

That's the spirit.

I might even let it help you.

OK. Let's get going, and don't forget

you can play along at home too.

Here comes round one!

Fingers on buzzers.

What is the basic rule for construction

of a question tag?

Use an auxiliary verb that

matches the main verb phrase,

but opposite – such as

positive to negative.

Then, add a pronoun that refers to the subject.


Well done! Let's get some practice.

I'll give you the sentence,

and you'll give me the question tag.

He can play football.

He can play football, can't he?


You didn't see James.

You didn't see James, did you?


She never cleans up.

She never cleans up, does she?


They have been to France

They've been to France, haven't they?


You hardly ever study.

You hardly ever study, do you?


I'm amazingly cool

I'm amazingly cool, aren't I?




You are amazingly cool, aren't you?

Also correct,

though factually inaccurate.

No bread or water for you tonight, Leslie!

Do your job!

That was good work, wasn't it?

Question tags are used to ask questions

or check information.

They are constructed by using

an auxiliary verb from the main verb phrase

and a pronoun referring to the subject.

If the main verb phrase is affirmative,

the question tag should be negative

and vice versa!

Well done, both of you.

10 points to Felicia and five to Liz.

What? Why five?

You're nearly our next champion.

You didn't think we were going to just give it to you,

did you?

Our last champion was so wonderful.

I'll never forget her.

Good old…


Mya! Mya.

Anyway, on to round two.

This is a triple threat round.

Three questions…

get them right all to score.

Question one:

What is the question tag for an imperative, such as:

‘Be quiet'?

Use a modal verb like ‘could' or ‘will'.

Be quiet, could you?


That's just rude!

Minus three points.

Question two:

What is the pronoun used in a question tag

for sentences using ‘there', such as:

‘There's no hope!'

We repeat the ‘there'.

There's no hope, is there?


You should never give up hope!

Minus 100 points for being a pessimist.

Last question:

What is the pronoun used in question tags

using words like ‘somebody' or ‘something'?

For ‘somebody' we use ‘they'.

Somebody wants me to win, don't they?

As for ‘something', we use ‘it'.

Something went wrong, didn't it?



Nice, nice, nice!

Imperatives have no auxiliary verb.

To make a question tag with one,

use a modal verb such as ‘could', ‘would' or ‘will',

but be careful of being impolite.

For sentences using ‘there' as a subject,

also use ‘there' in the question tag.

Finally, with words like ‘somebody', ‘everybody' and ‘nobody',

use ‘they'.

And for ‘something', ‘everything', and ‘nothing',

use ‘it'.

Well done,

Felicia! 60 points to you!

But I answered the questions!

Come on, champ!

No one likes a sore loser!

Suck it up a bit!

Yeah! Suck it up a bit, won't you?

No one likes a sore winner either, Felicia.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, sir.

On to our last question.

Is this question tag correct?

When would someone use it?

‘You're getting married, are you?'

Yes, it's correct. Double positive tags are possible.


Funny that… it's dropped out of my head.


They often express surprise or concern or

other emotional emphasis.

Very professionally done, champ.


I couldn't have put it better myself…

so I won't!

Double positive question tags are

common after affirmative sentences.

They are usually used as responses to something

that has just been said.

The speaker repeats the information they've just heard

and uses the tag to show interest, surprise, concern

or some other emotional emphasis.

Excellent work!

You're a fighter Liz.

That's why I'm giving you

minus 12 points.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points…

And the winner is…

Liz with 53.

Well done!

Here's what you've won!

It's a

boxing glove!

You're king of the world, champ!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Felicia…

you didn't really stand a chance, did you?

How does any of this make any sense?

It doesn't even matter!

Free the horses!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie!

Pa makha de kha Leslie!

See you next time.

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22- Question Tags |질문 태그 22- Frage-Tags 22- Etiquetas de preguntas 22- Étiquettes de questions 22- Tag domande 22- 質問タグ 22- 질문 태그 22- Znaczniki pytań 22- Etiquetas de perguntas 22- Теги вопросов 22- Soru Etiketleri 22- Теги запитань 22- 问题标签 22-問題標籤

Hello, and welcome to today's Grammar Gameshow! Bonjour et bienvenue dans le Grammar Gameshow d'aujourd'hui !

I'm your host, Will! Je suis votre hôte, Will ! Ben senin ev sahibinim, Will!

Just try and contract me, Essayez juste de me contracter, 私と契約してみて、 Sadece dene ve benimle sözleşme yap, 試著跟我簽約吧

you'll see what happens! vous verrez ce qui se passe ! Ne olacağını göreceksiniz!

And of course, let's not forget Leslie, Et bien sûr, n'oublions pas Leslie,

our all-knowing voice in the sky. notre voix omnisciente dans le ciel. Gökyüzündeki her şeyi bilen sesimiz.

Hello, everyone!

Tonight, we're going to ask you three questions about…

Question tags! Balises de questions ! Soru etiketleri!

Those little auxiliary verb plus Ces petits verbes auxiliaires plus Şu küçük yardımcı fiil artı

pronoun combinations for checking and asking! |代词组合|||| |조합|||| combinaisons de pronoms pour vérifier et demander ! kontrol etmek ve sormak için zamir kombinasyonları!

OK! Now, let's meet our contestants! D'ACCORD! Maintenant, rencontrons nos concurrents !

Hello, all. My name's Liz!

And contestant number two?

It's nice to meet you. I'm Felicia! ||||||菲莉西亚 ||||||Félicia ||||||만나서 반가워요. 저는 펠리시아예요! Ravi de vous rencontrer. Je suis Félicia !

Nice to see you again, Liz!

This will be four in a row for you, won't it? Ce sera quatre d'affilée pour vous, n'est-ce pas ? Bu senin için üst üste dört olacak, değil mi?

Win this one and you'll be our longest Gagnez celui-ci et vous serez notre plus long Bunu kazan ve en uzun süre bizim ol.

running contestant, won't you? concursante, ¿no? candidat à la course, n'est-ce pas ? koşan yarışmacı, değil mi?

This is Gameshow history, isn't it? C'est l'histoire de Gameshow, n'est-ce pas ? Bu Gameshow tarihi, değil mi?

I'll do my best! Je ferai de mon mieux!

That's the spirit. C'est l'idée. İşte ruh bu. 就是那種精神。

I might even let it help you. Puede que incluso deje que te ayude. Je pourrais même le laisser vous aider. Sana yardım etmesine bile izin verebilirim. 我甚至可以讓它幫助你。

OK. Let's get going, and don't forget D'ACCORD. Allons-y, et n'oublie pas TAMAM. Hadi gidelim, ve unutma

you can play along at home too. vous pouvez aussi jouer à la maison. evde de oynayabilirsiniz.

Here comes round one! Voici le premier tour ! İşte birinci raunt geliyor!

Fingers on buzzers. Parmaklar zillerde.

What is the basic rule for construction İnşaat için temel kural nedir

of a question tag? bir soru etiketinin?

Use an auxiliary verb that Şöyle bir yardımcı fiil kullanın

matches the main verb phrase, correspond à la phrase verbale principale,

but opposite – such as mais à l'opposé - comme ama tam tersi - örneğin

positive to negative.

Then, add a pronoun that refers to the subject. Ardından, özneye atıfta bulunan bir zamir ekleyin.


Well done! Let's get some practice. Aferin sana! Biraz pratik yapalım.

I'll give you the sentence, Je vais vous donner la phrase,

and you'll give me the question tag. ve bana soru etiketini vereceksin.

He can play football. Futbol oynayabilir.

He can play football, can't he? Il peut jouer au football, n'est-ce pas ? Futbol oynayabilir, değil mi?


You didn't see James.

You didn't see James, did you? Vous n'avez pas vu James, n'est-ce pas ? James'i görmedin, değil mi?


She never cleans up. ||nettoie| ||청소하다| Elle ne nettoie jamais. Ela nunca limpa. Hiç temizlik yapmaz. Вона ніколи не прибирає.

She never cleans up, does she? 她從不打掃,是嗎?


They have been to France Ils sont allés en France Fransa'ya gittiler 他們去過法國

They've been to France, haven't they? Fransa'ya gittiler, değil mi? 他們去過法國,不是嗎?


You hardly ever study. |quasi mai|| Vous n'étudiez presque jamais. Neredeyse hiç çalışmıyorsun. 你幾乎不學習。

You hardly ever study, do you? Vous n'étudiez presque jamais, n'est-ce pas ?


I'm amazingly cool |incroyablement| |정말로| |incredibilmente| je suis incroyablement cool İnanılmaz derecede havalıyım.

I'm amazingly cool, aren't I?




You are amazingly cool, aren't you?

Also correct, Bu da doğru,

though factually inaccurate. ||inexact ||사실과 다른 anche se|| bien que factuellement inexact. gerçekte yanlış olsa da. 儘管事實上不準確。

No bread or water for you tonight, Leslie! Pas de pain ni d'eau pour toi ce soir, Leslie ! Bu gece sana ekmek ve su yok, Leslie!

Do your job! Fais ton travail!

That was good work, wasn't it? C'était du bon travail, n'est-ce pas ? İyi işti, değil mi?

Question tags are used to ask questions Les balises de question sont utilisées pour poser des questions

or check information. veya bilgileri kontrol edin.

They are constructed by using Ils sont construits en utilisant Kullanılarak inşa edilirler

an auxiliary verb from the main verb phrase un verbe auxiliaire de la phrase verbale principale

and a pronoun referring to the subject. ve özneye atıfta bulunan bir zamir.

If the main verb phrase is affirmative,

the question tag should be negative le question tag doit être négatif

and vice versa! ||反之亦然 ||et vice versa |그리고 반대도 마찬가지!|그리고 반대도!

Well done, both of you. Bravo, tous les deux.

10 points to Felicia and five to Liz.

What? Why five? Ne? Neden beş?

You're nearly our next champion. Tu es presque notre prochain champion. Neredeyse bir sonraki şampiyonumuz olacaksın.

You didn't think we were going to just give it to you, No pensarías que te lo íbamos a dar así como así, Tu ne pensais pas qu'on allait juste te le donner, Sana öylece vereceğimizi düşünmedin herhalde,

did you? as tu?

Our last champion was so wonderful. Notre dernier champion était si merveilleux. Son şampiyonumuz çok harikaydı.

I'll never forget her. Je ne l'oublierai jamais. Onu asla unutmayacağım.

Good old… Bon vieux… Eski güzel.

Mya? Mya ?

Mya! Mya. Mya ! Mya.

Anyway, on to round two. Quoi qu'il en soit, place au deuxième tour. Neyse, ikinci raunda geçelim.

This is a triple threat round. |||triple|| |||트리플|| ||||minaccia| Il s'agit d'un tour triple menace. Bu üçlü bir tehdit turu.

Three questions…

get them right all to score. obtenez-les bien tous pour marquer. skor yapmak için hepsini doğru yapın.

Question one:

What is the question tag for an imperative, such as: |||||||명령문의 질문 태그|| Quel est le mot-clé d'un impératif, tel que : Gibi bir emir cümlesi için soru etiketi nedir? 祈使句的問號是什麼,例如:

‘Be quiet'? 'Soyez silencieux'? "Sessiz ol" mu?

Use a modal verb like ‘could' or ‘will'. Utilisez un verbe modal comme 'pourrait' ou 'volera'. 'Could' veya 'will' gibi bir modal fiil kullanın.

Be quiet, could you? Taisez-vous, pourriez-vous ? Sessiz olur musun?


That's just rude! C'est juste impoli ! Bu çok kaba! 這太粗魯了!

Minus three points. Moins trois points.

Question two:

What is the pronoun used in a question tag Quel est le pronom utilisé dans une question tag Soru etiketinde kullanılan zamir nedir

for sentences using ‘there', such as: ||||come| pour les phrases utilisant 'là', telles que : 'orada' kelimesinin kullanıldığı cümleler için, örneğin:

‘There's no hope!' 'Il n'y a aucun espoir!'

We repeat the ‘there'. Nous répétons le "là". "Orada" kelimesini tekrarlıyoruz.

There's no hope, is there? Il n'y a pas d'espoir, n'est-ce pas ?


You should never give up hope! Il ne faut jamais perdre espoir ! Umudunuzu asla kaybetmemelisiniz!

Minus 100 points for being a pessimist. |||||悲观者 Moins 100 points pour être pessimiste. 悲觀主義者扣 100 分。

Last question:

What is the pronoun used in question tags Soru etiketlerinde kullanılan zamir nedir

using words like ‘somebody' or ‘something'? en utilisant des mots comme « quelqu'un » ou « quelque chose » ?

For ‘somebody' we use ‘they'. Pour 'quelqu'un' nous utilisons 'ils'. "Birisi" için "onlar" kullanırız.

Somebody wants me to win, don't they? Quelqu'un veut que je gagne, n'est-ce pas ? Birileri kazanmamı istiyor, değil mi?

As for ‘something', we use ‘it'. Quant à 'quelque chose', nous utilisons 'ça'. 'Bir şey' için ise 'o'yu kullanırız.

Something went wrong, didn't it? Quelque chose s'est mal passé, n'est-ce pas ?



Nice, nice, nice!

Imperatives have no auxiliary verb. 命令句|||| Impératifs|||| 명령문은 조동사가 없다.|||| Emir kiplerinin yardımcı fiili yoktur. 祈使句沒有助動詞。

To make a question tag with one,

use a modal verb such as ‘could', ‘would' or ‘will',

but be careful of being impolite. |||||不礼貌 |||||scortese ama kabalığa karşı dikkatli olun.

For sentences using ‘there' as a subject,

also use ‘there' in the question tag.

Finally, with words like ‘somebody', ‘everybody' and ‘nobody',

use ‘they'.

And for ‘something', ‘everything', and ‘nothing',

use ‘it'.

Well done,

Felicia! 60 points to you!

But I answered the questions! Ama soruları cevapladım!

Come on, champ! ||champion ||힘내, 챔프! ||campione Hadi, şampiyon! 加油,冠軍!

No one likes a sore loser! ||||상처받은|패배자 ||||perdente che si| Kimse kaybedenleri sevmez! 沒有人喜歡一個痛苦的失敗者!

Suck it up a bit! ¡Chúpate esa! Biraz içine çek! 吸一點吧!

Yeah! Suck it up a bit, won't you? Evet! Biraz içine çek, olur mu?

No one likes a sore winner either, Felicia. Kimse küskün bir kazananı sevmez, Felicia. Також ніхто не любить хворих переможців, Фелісія. 沒有人喜歡痛苦的勝利者,費莉西亞。

Yes, sir.

Sorry, sir.

On to our last question.

Is this question tag correct?

When would someone use it? Birisi bunu ne zaman kullanabilir?

‘You're getting married, are you?' "Evleniyorsun, değil mi? “你要結婚了,是嗎?”

Yes, it's correct. Double positive tags are possible. Evet, bu doğru. Çift pozitif etiketler mümkündür.


Funny that… it's dropped out of my head. Çok komik... Aklımdan çıkmış.


They often express surprise or concern or Genellikle şaşkınlıklarını, endişelerini ya da

other emotional emphasis. diğer duygusal vurgular.

Very professionally done, champ. Çok profesyonelce yapılmış, şampiyon.


I couldn't have put it better myself… Yo no podría haberlo dicho mejor... Ben bile daha iyi ifade edemezdim. 我自己無法說得更好......

so I won't!

Double positive question tags are

common after affirmative sentences.

They are usually used as responses to something Genellikle bir şeye yanıt olarak kullanılırlar

that has just been said. que se acaba de decir. az önce söylenenler.

The speaker repeats the information they've just heard Konuşmacı az önce duydukları bilgiyi tekrarlar

and uses the tag to show interest, surprise, concern

or some other emotional emphasis.

Excellent work!

You're a fighter Liz. 莉茲,你是個鬥士。

That's why I'm giving you

minus 12 points.

And that brings us to the end of today's

Grammar Gameshow.

Let's count out the points…

And the winner is…

Liz with 53.

Well done!

Here's what you've won!

It's a

boxing glove! |gant de boxe 권투 글러브| Boks eldiveni! 拳擊手套!

You're king of the world, champ! Sen dünyanın kralısın, şampiyon!

We'll see you again next week,

where you can play for another prize.

And Felicia…

you didn't really stand a chance, did you? hiç şansın yoktu, değil mi? 你真的沒有機會,對嗎?

How does any of this make any sense? ¿Qué sentido tiene todo esto? Bunların ne anlamı var?

It doesn't even matter! Fark etmez bile!

Free the horses!

It looks like we'll need another contestant.

Thanks for joining us.

Say goodbye Leslie!

Pa makha de kha Leslie! Pas|manger||| |막아||카페에서| Pa makha de kha Leslie!

See you next time.