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Oxford Online English, How to Use To Be in English - Using Be in English Grammar Lesson

How to Use To Be in English - Using Be in English Grammar Lesson


My name is Rheedan.

Welcome to Oxford Online English!

Today, you can learn about the most important verb in English: "to be."

You'll learn how to use "be" in simple sentences and questions.

The verb, "be," is everywhere in English.

We use it all the time, so you need to know how to use "be" correctly.

Do you know the sentence: "To be or not to be, that is the question."

It's from Shakespeare's "Hamlet."

It's only 10 words long and uses the word "to be" three times.

So if you want to speak well, practicing the verb "to be" will help your English.

How to use different forms of "be."

"Be" has different forms.

Let's look.

We say, "I am.

You are.

He/she/it is.

We are.

You are.

They are."

Do you know these forms?

If not, repeat them again and again until you know them perfectly.

Let's do it one more time.

"I am.

You are.

He/she/it is.

We are.

You are.

They are."

What about my brother?

My brother am?

My brother are?

My brother is?

Which is correct?

My brother = he.

My brother is.

What about the cups?

The cups am?

The cups are?

The cups is?

Which is correct?

The cups = they.

The cups are.

Next, let's look at how to make simple sentences with "be."

How can we use "be?"

There are many ways.

We can use "be" with a number: "I am 29 years old."

"You are 190 centimeters tall."

"It is 5:00."

We can use "be" with a noun, to say what something is: "He is a doctor."

"She is a student."

"It is a cookbook."

You can use "be" with an adjective, like hungry or quiet: "We are hungry."

"You are very quiet."

"They are German."

OK, what if you want to make a negative sentence?

It's easy to make negative sentences with "be."

Just add "not" after the verb.

"I am 29 years old --> I am not 29 years old."

"Sarah is a student --> Sarah is not a student."

"We are hungry --> We are not hungry."

What about, "He is a doctor."?

Can you make it negative?

"He is not a doctor."

Easy, right?


Let's look at how to make short forms, contractions, with "be."

When we speak, we often make short forms, also called contractions, with "be."

What am I talking about?

You saw the example: "I am 29 years old."

We don't usually say this.

We usually say, "I'm 29 years old."

"I'm" is a short form, or contraction.

We take two words and put them together.

This is easier to say.

Let's look at some more short forms with the verb "be."

"I am --> I'm."

"You are --> You're."

"He is --> He's."

"She is --> She's."

"It is --> It's."

"We are --> We're."

"They are --> They're."

You can also make short forms with nouns.

"Sarah is a student --> Sarah's a student."

"My camera is Japanese --> My camera's Japanese."

What about short forms with negatives?

Let's look.

"I am not --> I'm not."

"You are not --> You aren't; You're not."

"He is not --> He isn't; He's not."

"She is not --> She isn't; She's not."

"It is not --> It isn't; It's not."

"We are not --> We aren't; We're not."

"They are not --> They aren't; They're not."

Let's look at some examples: "I am not 29."

"I'm not 29."

"He is not a doctor."

"He isn't a doctor," or: "He's not a doctor."

OK, your turn.

"It is not a cookbook."

What are the two short forms?

"It isn't a cookbook," or: "It's not a cookbook."

Let's do one more: "They are not German."

Can you make the short forms?

"They aren't German," or: "They're not German."

When you speak English, remember to use short forms with "be."

You'll sound more natural.

Let's learn to do one more thing with "be."

Let's see how to use "be" to make simple yes/no questions.

Look at the sentence: "He is a doctor."

Can you make a yes/no question from this sentence?

"Is he a doctor?"

What happened?

We moved the verb "be" to the beginning.

Let's look at another example.

"Sarah is a student."

Can you make the question?

"Is Sarah a student?"

OK, one more, a bit different: "You are Italian."

Can you make the question?

"Are you Italian?"

The same thing happens.

Just move "be" to the beginning.

What about, "They are German?"

Can you make the question?

"Are they German?"

Same idea again.

Not too difficult, right?


Let's review what we've studied in this class.

Can you remember what you learned in this lesson?

We saw how to make simple sentences with "be," how to make short forms with "be," and how

to make simple questions with "be."

Remember, you can watch the video again to review the topic if you want to.

Want more practice?

Look at the full lesson on our website: www.oxfordonlineenglish.com.

That's the end of the lesson.

Thanks very much for watching.

I hope you found it useful.

See you next time!

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How to Use To Be in English - Using Be in English Grammar Lesson how|||||||||||Grammar| Wie man To Be auf Englisch verwendet - Be in der englischen Grammatik verwenden Lektion How to Use To Be in English - Using Be in English Grammar Lesson Cómo usar To Be en inglés - Cómo usar Be en una lección de gramática inglesa Comment utiliser To Be en anglais - Utilisation de Be en anglais - Leçon de grammaire anglaise Come usare To Be in inglese - Lezione di grammatica sull'uso di Be in inglese 英語でTo Beをどう使うか - 英文法レッスンでBeを使う 영어에서 To Be를 사용하는 방법 - 영어 문법 수업에서 Be를 사용하는 방법 Kaip vartoti To Be anglų kalba - Be anglų kalbos gramatikos pamoka Hoe gebruik je To Be in het Engels - Gebruik van Be in het Engels Grammaticales Jak używać To Be w języku angielskim - Używanie Be w języku angielskim Lekcja gramatyki Como usar To Be em inglês - Lição de gramática sobre como usar Be em inglês Как использовать To Be в английском языке - Урок грамматики английского языка по теме "Использование Be в английском языке İngilizcede To Be Nasıl Kullanılır - İngilizce Dilbilgisi Dersinde Be Kullanımı Як використовувати To Be в англійській мові - використання Be в англійській граматиці 如何在英语中使用 To Be - 在英语语法课程中使用 Be 如何在英語中使用 To - 在英語語法課中使用 Be

Hi. Hallo.

My name is Rheedan. |||Ридан |||My name's Rheedan. |||瑞丹

Welcome to Oxford Online English! ||牛津|在线| Welcome to Oxford Online English! オックスフォード・オンライン英会話へようこそ!

Today, you can learn about the most important verb in English: "to be." Today, you can learn about the most important verb in English: "to be." Oggi, puoi imparare il verbo più importante in inglese: "essere." 今日は、英語で最も重要な動詞について学びましょう:"be "である。 今天,你可以了解英语中最重要的动词:"to be."

You'll learn how to use "be" in simple sentences and questions. |||||||简单|句子||问题 Du lernst, wie man „be“ in einfachen Sätzen und Fragen verwendet. Imparerai come usare "essere" in frasi semplici e domande. 簡単な文章や質問での「be」の使い方を学びます。 你将学习如何在简单句子和问题中使用"be"。

The verb, "be," is everywhere in English. |动词|||到处|| ||||everywhere|| ||||en todas partes|| Das Verb „be“ ist überall im Englischen zu finden. Il verbo "essere" è ovunque in inglese. 動詞 "be "は英語にはどこにでもある。 动词"be"在英语中无处不在。

We use it all the time, so you need to know how to use "be" correctly. |||||||||||||||正确地 |||||||||||||||corretamente |||||||||||||||correctamente ||||||||||||||бути| 私たちはいつも "be "を使っているので、"be "の正しい使い方を知っておく必要がある。 我们一直在使用它,所以你需要知道如何正确使用 "be"。

Do you know the sentence: "To be or not to be, that is the question." ||||生存还是毁灭,这是个问题。||||||||||问题 ||||"Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage."|||||||||| Kennen Sie den Satz: "Sein oder Nichtsein, das ist hier die Frage." Conosci la frase: "Essere o non essere, questo è il problema." あるべきか、ないべきか、それが問題だ」。 이 문장을 아시나요? "될 것인가, 되지 않을 것인가, 그것이 문제입니다." Знаете ли вы фразу: "Быть или не быть - вот в чем вопрос". 你知道这句话吗:“生存还是毁灭,这就是问题。” 你知道这句话吗: "生存还是毁灭,这是一个问题。"

It's from Shakespeare's "Hamlet." |||Гамлет ||written by Shakespeare|Shakespearean tragedy |||Hamlet |||Hamlet ||莎士比亚的|哈姆雷特 ||Shakespeare| È tratta da "Amleto" di Shakespeare. シェイクスピアの『ハムレット』からだ。 Это из шекспировского "Гамлета". 这句话出自莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》。

It's only 10 words long and uses the word "to be" three times. |||||使用||是||||次 Es ist nur 10 Wörter lang und verwendet das Wort „to be“ dreimal. È lunga solo 10 parole e usa la parola "essere" tre volte. たった10語で、"to be "という単語が3回使われている。 길이는 10단어에 불과하며 '되다'라는 단어를 세 번 사용합니다. Он состоит всего из 10 слов и трижды использует слово «быть». Він складається лише з 10 слів і тричі використовує слово "бути". 它只有10个单词,并且使用了"to be"三次。

So if you want to speak well, practicing the verb "to be" will help your English. |||||||练习|||||||| |||||||practicando|||||||| Wenn Sie also gut sprechen möchten, hilft das Üben des Verbs „to be“ Ihrem Englisch. だから、上手に話したいなら、動詞 "to be "を練習することがあなたの英語力を伸ばすことになる。 所以如果你想说得好,练习动词"to be"将有助于你的英语。

How to use different forms of "be." ||||形式|| |||||of| ||||||היה beの使い分け。 如何使用"be"的不同形式。

"Be" has different forms. ||不同的|形式 |||formas verbais „Sein“ hat verschiedene Formen. "Be "にはさまざまな形がある。

Let's look. Lass uns schauen.

We say, "I am. 私たちはこう言う。 "네, 맞습니다.

You are. Du bist. 君は 맞습니다.

He/she/it is. 彼/それ/それ Ele/ela é.

We are. Wir sind. Noi siamo.

You are. Du bist. Tu sei. 君は

They are." Sie sind." Loro sono.

Do you know these forms? |||these| これらのフォームを知っていますか? 你知道这些表格吗?

If not, repeat them again and again until you know them perfectly. ||重复一次|||||||||完美地 ||||||||||them|flawlessly |||||||||||perfeitamente ||повторити||||||||| |||||||||||perfectamente そうでない場合は、完璧に理解できるまで何度も繰り返す。 如果不知道,就重复它们,一遍又一遍,直到你完美掌握。

Let's do it one more time. |||再一次|| ||lo||| Machen wir es noch einmal. もう1回やろう。 Давайте сделаем это еще раз. 我们再来一次。

"I am.

You are.

He/she/it is.

We are.

You are. Tu és.

They are."

What about my brother? |||兄弟 Was ist mit meinem Bruder? 我的兄弟怎么样?

My brother am? Mein Bruder bin? 弟が? Мой брат? 我兄弟是?

My brother are? Můj bratr je? Mein Bruder sind? 我兄弟是吗?

My brother is? Mein Bruder ist?

Which is correct? ||正确 どちらが正しいのか?

My brother = he. 弟=彼。

My brother is.

What about the cups? |||drinking vessels |||tazas |||as xícaras Was ist mit den Tassen?

The cups am? Die Tassen sind?

The cups are? |os copos| Die Becher sind?

The cups is? As chávenas são?

Which is correct?

The cups = they. |杯子| ||they |os copos|

The cups are. |杯子|

Next, let's look at how to make simple sentences with "be." ||||||||句子|| ||look||||||phrases|| 次に、"be "を使った簡単な文の作り方を見てみよう。 接下来,让我们看看如何用 "be" 构造简单句。

How can we use "be?" Wie können wir „sein“ verwenden? "be "をどう使うか? 我们如何使用 "be"?

There are many ways. |||方法 |||ways 方法はたくさんある。 有很多方法。

We can use "be" with a number: "I am 29 years old." ||||||数字|||| 私は29歳です」。 我们可以用 "be" 和一个数字:"我29岁。"

"You are 190 centimeters tall." ||厘米|高 ||centimeters|tall ||centímetros| ||centímetros| 「身長190センチ。 "Ваш рост 190 сантиметров". "你身高190厘米。"

"It is 5:00." 「5時だ "现在是5点。"

We can use "be" with a noun, to say what something is: "He is a doctor." ||||||名词|||||||||医生 we|are|use|be|with|a|noun|to|say|what||is|it||a|doctor ||||||名詞||||||||| ||||||іменник||||||||| Possiamo usare "essere" con un sostantivo, per dire cosa è qualcosa: "Lui è un dottore." 彼は医者だ。 "그는 의사입니다."와 같이 어떤 것을 말할 때 명사와 함께 "be"를 사용할 수 있습니다. Podemos usar "be" com um substantivo, para dizer o que algo é: "He is a doctor". 我们可以用“是”加名词,来说明某物是什么:“他是医生。”

"She is a student." |||学生 "Lei è una studentessa." “她是学生。”

"It is a cookbook." |||кулинарная книга |||recipe book |||livro de receitas |||Kochbuch |||libro di cucina |||这是一本食谱。 |||料理本 |||libro de cocina "È un libro di cucina." "料理本です" “这是一本食谱。”

You can use "be" with an adjective, like hungry or quiet: "We are hungry." ||||||descriptive word||||||| ||||||||||quiet||| ||||||형용사||||||| ||||||形容词||饿||安静||| ||||||прикметник||||||| ||||||形容詞||||||| ||||||||hambriento||||| Puoi usare "essere" con un aggettivo, come affamato o tranquillo: "Noi siamo affamati." "be "はhungryやquietのように形容詞と一緒に使うことができる。 你可以将 "be" 用于形容词,如饥饿或安静:"我们很饿。"

"You are very quiet." |||安静 |||ruhig |||тихий "Sei molto tranquillo." 「とても静かだ "你非常安静。"

"They are German." ||德国人 "Loro sono tedeschi." "彼らはドイツ人だ" "他们是德国人。"

OK, what if you want to make a negative sentence? では、否定的な文章を作りたい場合は? 好的,如果你想要造一个否定句呢?

It's easy to make negative sentences with "be." ||||否定|句子|| |fácil|||||| "be "で否定文を作るのは簡単だ。 用"be"动词造否定句很简单。

Just add "not" after the verb. 動詞の後に "not "をつけるだけでいい。 只需在动词后面加上"not"。

"I am 29 years old --> I am not 29 years old." "私は29歳です→私は29歳ではありません" "Tenho 29 anos --> não tenho 29 anos".

"Sarah is a student --> Sarah is not a student." |||学生||||| "サラは学生だ→サラは学生ではない"

"We are hungry --> We are not hungry." "お腹が空いている→お腹は空いていない"

What about, "He is a doctor."? what||||| 彼は医者だ」というのは? 那怎么样,"他是医生。"?

Can you make it negative? ||||否定 ネガティブにできるか? 你能把它变成否定句吗?

"He is not a doctor." 「彼は医者ではない "他不是医生。"

Easy, right? Einfach richtig?

Good. いいね。

Let's look at how to make short forms, contractions, with "be." ||||||||contractions avec "être"|| ||||||||short forms|| ||||||||contrações|| ||||||||Verkürzungen|| ||||||||축약형|| |||||||形式|缩写形式|| ||||||||短縮形|| ||||||||contracciones|| Schauen wir uns an, wie man Kurzformen, Kontraktionen, mit „be“ macht. Vediamo come creare forme brevi, contrazioni, con "be". では、"be "を使った短縮形、短縮語の作り方を見てみよう。 "be"로 짧은 형태인 축약어를 만드는 방법을 살펴 보겠습니다. Przyjrzyjmy się, jak tworzyć krótkie formy, skróty ze słowem „być”. 让我们看看如何用“be.”来制作缩写。

When we speak, we often make short forms, also called contractions, with "be." ||||||||||rút gọn|| ||||||||||Verkürzungen|| ||||||||||сокращения|| ||||||||||缩写|| Wenn wir sprechen, machen wir oft Kurzformen, auch Kontraktionen genannt, mit „be“. 우리는 말할 때 종종 "be"를 사용하여 축약이라고도 하는 짧은 형태를 만듭니다. 当我们说话时,我们经常用“be.”来制作缩写,也称为缩合形式。

What am I talking about? Wovon rede ich? De que é que estou a falar? 我在说什么?

You saw the example: "I am 29 years old." |бачив|||||| Sie haben das Beispiel gesehen: "Ich bin 29 Jahre alt." 私は29歳です。

We don't usually say this. Normalerweise sagen wir das nicht. 普段はこんなことは言わない。

We usually say, "I'm 29 years old." |||мені|| 私たちは通常、"私は29歳です "と言う。

"I'm" is a short form, or contraction. ||||||short form ||||||contração ||||||Verkürzung ||||||축약형 ||||||缩写形式 ||||||skrócona forma ||||||短縮形 |||corta|||contracción „Ich bin“ ist eine Kurzform oder Kontraktion. "I'm "は短縮形、つまり縮約形だ。

We take two words and put them together. |||||把|| |||単語|||| |pegamos|||||| 私たちは2つの言葉を組み合わせて使う。 Берем два слова и соединяем их. 我们把两个词放在一起。

This is easier to say. Das ist einfacher gesagt. この方が言いやすい。 Это проще сказать. 这更容易说。

Let's look at some more short forms with the verb "be." Schauen wir uns einige weitere Kurzformen mit dem Verb „be“ an. 動詞 "be "を使った短い形をもう少し見てみよう。 让我们来看一些带动词“是”的简短形式。

"I am --> I'm." "私は→私は"

"You are --> You're." ||你是 ||ти

"He is --> He's." ||він "彼は→彼は"

"She is --> She's." ||вона "Ela é --> Ela é."

"It is --> It's." ||це

"We are --> We're." ||We are ||ми ||nós estamos

"They are --> They're." ||вони

You can also make short forms with nouns. |||||||名词 |できる|||||| |||||||sustantivos Sie können auch Kurzformen mit Substantiven bilden. 名詞で短い形を作ることもできる。 你也可以用名词来缩写。

"Sarah is a student --> Sarah's a student." 莎拉|||学生||| ||||Sarah is|| ||||Сара|| "サラは学生だ→サラは学生だ" "莎拉是一个学生 --> 莎拉是一个学生的缩写。"

"My camera is Japanese --> My camera's Japanese." |相机||||相机的| |||||camera's| |cámara||japonesa||de la cámara| |||||камера| "Meine Kamera ist japanisch --> Meine Kamera ist japanisch". "La mia macchina fotografica è giapponese --> La mia macchina fotografica è giapponese." "私のカメラは日本人です→私のカメラは日本人です" "我的相机是日本制造的 --> 我的相机的缩写是日本制造的。"

What about short forms with negatives? |||||否定形式 |||||negations Was ist mit Kurzformen mit Verneinungen? Che dire delle forme brevi con le negazioni? 否定を伴う短縮形は? 带有否定形式的简短形式呢?

Let's look. Lass uns schauen. Diamo un'occhiata. 我们来看看。

"I am not --> I'm not." |||I am|not |||я| "我不是 --> 我不是。"

"You are not --> You aren't; You're not." |||你|不是|| ||||не|| 「あなたはいない→あなたはいない。

"He is not --> He isn't; He's not." "Ele não é --> Ele não é; Ele não é".

"She is not --> She isn't; She's not." ||||не||

"It is not --> It isn't; It's not." |||||вона|

"We are not --> We aren't; We're not." |||||ми| 「We are not --> We aren't; We're not."

"They are not --> They aren't; They're not." "他们不是 --> 他们不是; 他们不是。"

Let's look at some examples: "I am not 29." 让我们看一些例子: "我不是29岁。"

"I'm not 29." "我不是29岁。"

"He is not a doctor."

"He isn't a doctor," or: "He's not a doctor."

OK, your turn. ||轮到你 ||sua ||lượt OK, du bist dran. よし、君の番だ。 好的,轮到你了。

"It is not a cookbook." ||||食谱 「料理本ではない "这不是一本食谱。"

What are the two short forms? Какие две краткие формы? 这两个简写是什么?

"It isn't a cookbook," or: "It's not a cookbook." "料理本ではない"、あるいは "料理本ではない"。 "Não é um livro de receitas", ou: "Não é um livro de receitas". "这不是一本食谱," 或者:"它不是一本食谱。"

Let's do one more: "They are not German." もう1つ。"彼らはドイツ人ではない"。 再来一个:"他们不是德国人。"

Can you make the short forms? ショートフォームは作れるか? 你能把缩写形式做出来吗?

"They aren't German," or: "They're not German." "彼らはドイツ人ではない"、あるいは "彼らはドイツ人ではない"。 "他们不是德国人," 或者说:"他们不是德国人。"

When you speak English, remember to use short forms with "be." Wenn Sie Englisch sprechen, denken Sie daran, Kurzformen mit „be“ zu verwenden. 英語を話すときは、"be "を使った短縮形を使うことを忘れないでください。 说英语时,记得用 "be" 的缩写形式。

You'll sound more natural. |听起来||自然 you will||| Sie klingen natürlicher. Вы будете звучать более естественно. 你会听起来更自然。

Let's learn to do one more thing with "be." Lass uns lernen, noch etwas mit „be“ zu machen. 让我们学习用 "be" 再做一件事。

Let's see how to use "be" to make simple yes/no questions. ||||||||简单||| 让我们看看如何使用 "be" 来制作简单的是/否问题。

Look at the sentence: "He is a doctor." 看看这个句子:"他是一个医生。"

Can you make a yes/no question from this sentence? Kannst du aus diesem Satz eine Ja/Nein-Frage machen? Consegues fazer uma pergunta de sim/não a partir desta frase? 你能从这个句子中构造一个是/否问题吗?

"Is he a doctor?" |||医生 "他是医生吗?"

What happened? 发生了什么?

We moved the verb "be" to the beginning. |||||||开头 動詞 "be "を先頭に移動させた。

Let's look at another example. 我们来看另一个例子。

"Sarah is a student." |||学生 "莎拉是个学生。"

Can you make the question? 你能提出这个问题吗?

"Is Sarah a student?"

OK, one more, a bit different: "You are Italian." |||||不同|||你是意大利人。 じゃあ、もうひとつ、ちょっと違うのを。"あなたはイタリア人です"。 Хорошо, еще один, немного другой: «Вы итальянец». 好的,再来一个,有点不同:"你是意大利人。"

Can you make the question? 質問できますか? 你能把这个变成问题吗?

"Are you Italian?" 「イタリア人ですか? "És italiano?" "你是意大利人吗?"

The same thing happens. Dasselbe passiert. Succede la stessa cosa. 同じことが起こる。 То же самое происходит. 同样的事情发生了。

Just move "be" to the beginning. basta||||| 只需将"be"移动到开头。

What about, "They are German?" Was ist mit "Sie sind Deutsche?" "彼らはドイツ人だ "というのは? 那"他们是德国人?"怎么样?

Can you make the question? 質問できますか?

"Are they German?"

Same idea again. 同样的|| misma|| Опять та же идея. 又是同样的想法。

Not too difficult, right? not||| 不是太难,对吧?

Okay. 好的。

Let's review what we've studied in this class. |复习|||||| ||||estudado||| このクラスで勉強したことを復習しよう。 Давайте повторим, что мы изучали на этом уроке. 让我们复习一下我们在这门课上学过的内容。

Can you remember what you learned in this lesson? このレッスンで学んだことを思い出せますか? Consegues lembrar-te do que aprendeste nesta lição? 你能记得你在这节课上学到的内容吗?

We saw how to make simple sentences with "be," how to make short forms with "be," and how ||||||句子||||||||||| ||||fazer||||||||||||| 我们看到了如何用 "be" 造简单句,如何用 "be" 造短形式,以及如何

to make simple questions with "be." |||问题|| um einfache Fragen mit "be" zu stellen. 用 "be" 来提出简单问题。

Remember, you can watch the video again to review the topic if you want to. |||看|||||||主题|||| ||||||||||tópico 1|||| 记住,如果你想复习这个主题,你可以再次观看视频。

Want more practice? もっと練習したい? 想要更多练习吗?

Look at the full lesson on our website: www.oxfordonlineenglish.com. |||||||||оксфордский онлайн английский| |||||||||oxfordonlineenglish|com |||||||||牛津在线英语| ウェブサイトwww.oxfordonlineenglish.com。 在我们的网站上查看完整课程:www.oxfordonlineenglish.com。

That's the end of the lesson. 这节课到此结束。

Thanks very much for watching. ご視聴ありがとうございました。 非常感谢您的观看。

I hope you found it useful. ||你|||有用 나는||||| お役に立てたなら幸いです。 我希望您觉得这很有用。

See you next time! それではまた次回! Até à próxima!