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The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, YOUTH, 4. Claus

YOUTH, 4. Claus

Another day found Necile's bower the most popular place in the Forest. The nymphs clustered around her and the child that lay asleep in her lap, with expressions of curiosity and delight. Nor were they wanting in praises for the great Ak's kindness in allowing Necile to keep the babe and to care for it. Even the Queen came to peer into the innocent childish face and to hold a helpless, chubby fist in her own fair hand. "What shall we call him, Necile?" she asked, smiling. "He must have a name, you know." "Let him be called Claus," answered Necile, "for that means 'a little one.'" "Rather let him be called Neclaus," returned the Queen, "for that will mean 'Necile's little one.'" The nymphs clapped their hands in delight, and Neclaus became the infant's name, although Necile loved best to call him Claus, and in afterdays many of her sisters followed her example. Necile gathered the softest moss in all the forest for Claus to lie upon, and she made his bed in her own bower. Of food the infant had no lack. The nymphs searched the forest for bell-udders, which grow upon the goa-tree and when opened are found to be filled with sweet milk. And the soft-eyed does willingly gave a share of their milk to support the little stranger, while Shiegra, the lioness, often crept stealthily into Necile's bower and purred softly as she lay beside the babe and fed it. So the little one flourished and grew big and sturdy day by day, while Necile taught him to speak and to walk and to play. His thoughts and words were sweet and gentle, for the nymphs knew no evil and their hearts were pure and loving. He became the pet of the forest, for Ak's decree had forbidden beast or reptile to molest him, and he walked fearlessly wherever his will guided him. Presently the news reached the other immortals that the nymphs of Burzee had adopted a human infant, and that the act had been sanctioned by the great Ak. Therefore many of them came to visit the little stranger, looking upon him with much interest. First the Ryls, who are first cousins to the wood-nymphs, although so differently formed. For the Ryls are required to watch over the flowers and plants, as the nymphs watch over the forest trees. They search the wide world for the food required by the roots of the flowering plants, while the brilliant colors possessed by the full-blown flowers are due to the dyes placed in the soil by the Ryls, which are drawn through the little veins in the roots and the body of the plants, as they reach maturity. The Ryls are a busy people, for their flowers bloom and fade continually, but they are merry and light-hearted and are very popular with the other immortals. Next came the Knooks, whose duty it is to watch over the beasts of the world, both gentle and wild. The Knooks have a hard time of it, since many of the beasts are ungovernable and rebel against restraint. But they know how to manage them, after all, and you will find that certain laws of the Knooks are obeyed by even the most ferocious animals. Their anxieties make the Knooks look old and worn and crooked, and their natures are a bit rough from associating with wild creatures continually; yet they are most useful to humanity and to the world in general, as their laws are the only laws the forest beasts recognize except those of the Master Woodsman. Then there were the Fairies, the guardians of mankind, who were much interested in the adoption of Claus because their own laws forbade them to become familiar with their human charges. There are instances on record where the Fairies have shown themselves to human beings, and have even conversed with them; but they are supposed to guard the lives of mankind unseen and unknown, and if they favor some people more than others it is because these have won such distinction fairly, as the Fairies are very just and impartial. But the idea of adopting a child of men had never occurred to them because it was in every way opposed to their laws; so their curiosity was intense to behold the little stranger adopted by Necile and her sister nymphs. Claus looked upon the immortals who thronged around him with fearless eyes and smiling lips. He rode laughingly upon the shoulders of the merry Ryls; he mischievously pulled the gray beards of the low-browed Knooks; he rested his curly head confidently upon the dainty bosom of the Fairy Queen herself. And the Ryls loved the sound of his laughter; the Knooks loved his courage; the Fairies loved his innocence. The boy made friends of them all, and learned to know their laws intimately. No forest flower was trampled beneath his feet, lest the friendly Ryls should be grieved. He never interfered with the beasts of the forest, lest his friends the Knooks should become angry. The Fairies he loved dearly, but, knowing nothing of mankind, he could not understand that he was the only one of his race admitted to friendly intercourse with them. Indeed, Claus came to consider that he alone, of all the forest people, had no like nor fellow. To him the forest was the world. He had no idea that millions of toiling, striving human creatures existed. And he was happy and content. Some people have spelled this name Nicklaus and others Nicolas, which is the reason that Santa Claus is still known in some lands as St. Nicolas. But, of course, Neclaus is his right name, and Claus the nickname given him by his adopted mother, the fair nymph Necile.

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YOUTH, 4. Claus JUVENTUD, 4. Claus GENÇLİK, 4. Claus 青年,4.克勞斯

Another day found Necile's bower the most popular place in the Forest. ||||झोपड़ी||||||| في يوم آخر، وجدت كوخ Necile هو المكان الأكثر شعبية في الغابة. The nymphs clustered around her and the child that lay asleep in her lap, with expressions of curiosity and delight. وتجمّعت الحوريات حولها والطفل الذي يرقد في حضنها، وعلى وجوهها تعبيرات الفضول والبهجة. Nor were they wanting in praises for the great Ak's kindness in allowing Necile to keep the babe and to care for it. كما أنهم لم يرغبوا في الثناء على لطف آك العظيم في السماح لنيسيل بالاحتفاظ بالطفل والعناية به. Even the Queen came to peer into the innocent childish face and to hold a helpless, chubby fist in her own fair hand. حتى الملكة جاءت لتنظر إلى الوجه الطفولي البريء وتمسك بيدها الجميلة بقبضة عاجزة وسمينة. "What shall we call him, Necile?" she asked, smiling. سألت وهي تبتسم. "He must have a name, you know." "Let him be called Claus," answered Necile, "for that means 'a little one.'" أجاب نيكيلي: «دعه يُدعى كلاوس، لأن معناه صغيرًا». "Rather let him be called Neclaus,"** returned the Queen, "for that will mean 'Necile's little one.'" ردت الملكة: "بدلاً من ذلك، دعه يُدعى نكلاوس، لأن ذلك يعني "ابن نقيل الصغير"." The nymphs clapped their hands in delight, and Neclaus became the infant's name, although Necile loved best to call him Claus, and in afterdays many of her sisters followed her example. وصفقت الحوريات بأيديهن ابتهاجًا، وأصبح نكلاوس هو اسم الرضيع، على الرغم من أن نيسيله كانت تحب أن تسميه كلاوس أكثر من غيره، وبعد ذلك حذت العديد من أخواتها حذوها. Necile gathered the softest moss in all the forest for Claus to lie upon, and she made his bed in her own bower. جمعت نيسيل الطحالب الناعمة في كل الغابة لينام عليها كلاوس، ورتبت سريره في تعريشتها الخاصة. Of food the infant had no lack. من الطعام لم يكن لدى الرضيع نقص. The nymphs searched the forest for bell-udders, which grow upon the goa-tree and when opened are found to be filled with sweet milk. بحثت الحوريات في الغابة عن ضرع الجرس الذي ينمو على شجرة الجوا وعندما يتم فتحه وجد أنه مملوء بالحليب الحلو. And the soft-eyed does willingly gave a share of their milk to support the little stranger, while Shiegra, the lioness, often crept stealthily into Necile's bower and purred softly as she lay beside the babe and fed it. وقد أعطت الحيوانات ذات العيون الناعمة نصيبًا من حليبها عن طيب خاطر لدعم الغريب الصغير، بينما كانت اللبؤة شيجرا تتسلل في كثير من الأحيان خلسة إلى تعريشة نيكيلي وتخرخر بهدوء وهي ترقد بجانب الطفل وتطعمه. So the little one flourished and grew big and sturdy day by day, while Necile taught him to speak and to walk and to play. وهكذا ازدهر الصغير وكبر وأصبح قويًا يومًا بعد يوم، بينما علمه نيسيل الكلام والمشي واللعب. His thoughts and words were sweet and gentle, for the nymphs knew no evil and their hearts were pure and loving. وكانت أفكاره وكلماته حلوة ولطيفة، لأن الحوريات لم يعرفن الشر وكانت قلوبهن نقية ومحبة. He became the pet of the forest, for Ak's decree had forbidden beast or reptile to molest him, and he walked fearlessly wherever his will guided him. لقد أصبح حيوان الغابة الأليف، لأن مرسوم آك منع الوحش أو الزواحف من التحرش به، وسار بلا خوف أينما قادته إرادته. Presently the news reached the other immortals that the nymphs of Burzee had adopted a human infant, and that the act had been sanctioned by the great Ak. في الوقت الحاضر وصلت الأخبار إلى الخالدين الآخرين بأن حوريات بورزي قد تبنت طفلاً بشريًا، وأن هذا الفعل قد وافق عليه آك العظيم. Therefore many of them came to visit the little stranger, looking upon him with much interest. ولذلك جاء كثيرون منهم لزيارة الغريب الصغير، ونظروا إليه باهتمام كبير. First the Ryls, who are first cousins to the wood-nymphs, although so differently formed. أولًا Ryls، وهم أبناء عمومة من حوريات الغابة، على الرغم من اختلاف تكوينهم. For the Ryls are required to watch over the flowers and plants, as the nymphs watch over the forest trees. لأن Ryls مطالبون بمراقبة الزهور والنباتات، كما تراقب الحوريات أشجار الغابة. They search the wide world for the food required by the roots of the flowering plants, while the brilliant colors possessed by the full-blown flowers are due to the dyes placed in the soil by the Ryls, which are drawn through the little veins in the roots and the body of the plants, as they reach maturity. The Ryls are a busy people, for their flowers bloom and fade continually, but they are merry and light-hearted and are very popular with the other immortals. عائلة Ryls أشخاص مشغولون، لأن أزهارهم تتفتح وتتلاشى باستمرار، لكنهم مرحون وخفيفو القلب ويحظون بشعبية كبيرة لدى الخالدين الآخرين. Next came the Knooks, whose duty it is to watch over the beasts of the world, both gentle and wild. بعد ذلك جاءت عائلة نوكس، التي من واجبها مراقبة حيوانات العالم، اللطيفة والبرية. The Knooks have a hard time of it, since many of the beasts are ungovernable and rebel against restraint. ||||||||||||||||||नियंत्रण يواجه The Knooks وقتًا عصيبًا في هذا الأمر، نظرًا لأن العديد من الوحوش لا يمكن السيطرة عليها وتتمرد على ضبط النفس. But they know how to manage them, after all, and you will find that certain laws of the Knooks are obeyed by even the most ferocious animals. لكنهم يعرفون كيفية إدارتها، بعد كل شيء، وستجد أن بعض قوانين Knooks تطيعها حتى أكثر الحيوانات شراسة. Their anxieties make the Knooks look old and worn and crooked, and their natures are a bit rough from associating with wild creatures continually; yet they are most useful to humanity and to the world in general, as their laws are the only laws the forest beasts recognize except those of the Master Woodsman. مخاوفهم تجعل عائلة نوكس تبدو قديمة ومتهالكة ومعوجة، وطبيعتهم قاسية بعض الشيء بسبب الارتباط بالمخلوقات البرية باستمرار؛ ومع ذلك فهي مفيدة للغاية للإنسانية وللعالم بشكل عام، حيث أن قوانينها هي القوانين الوحيدة التي تعترف بها وحوش الغابة باستثناء قوانين سيد الحطاب. Then there were the Fairies, the guardians of mankind, who were much interested in the adoption of Claus because their own laws forbade them to become familiar with their human charges. ثم كانت هناك الجنيات، حراس البشرية، الذين كانوا مهتمين جدًا بتبني كلوز لأن قوانينهم الخاصة تمنعهم من التعرف على اتهاماتهم الإنسانية. There are instances on record where the Fairies have shown themselves to human beings, and have even conversed with them; but they are supposed to guard the lives of mankind unseen and unknown, and if they favor some people more than others it is because these have won such distinction fairly, as the Fairies are very just and impartial. هناك حالات مسجلة أظهرت فيها الجنيات أنفسهن للبشر، بل وتحدثت معهم؛ لكن من المفترض أن يحرسوا حياة البشر غير المرئية والمجهولة، وإذا كانوا يفضلون بعض الناس أكثر من الآخرين فذلك لأنهم حصلوا على هذا التمييز بشكل عادل، حيث أن الجنيات عادلة وغير متحيزة للغاية. But the idea of adopting a child of men had never occurred to them because it was in every way opposed to their laws; so their curiosity was intense to behold the little stranger adopted by Necile and her sister nymphs. لكن فكرة تبني طفل من الرجال لم تخطر على بالهم أبدًا لأنها كانت تتعارض بكل الطرق مع قوانينهم؛ لذلك كان فضولهم شديدًا لرؤية الغريب الصغير الذي تبنته نيسيل وأختها الحوريات. Claus looked upon the immortals who thronged around him with fearless eyes and smiling lips. ||||||भीड़ लगाई|||||||| نظر كلاوس إلى الخالدين الذين احتشدوا حوله بأعين شجاعة وشفاه مبتسمة. He rode laughingly upon the shoulders of the merry Ryls; he mischievously pulled the gray beards of the low-browed Knooks; he rested his curly head confidently upon the dainty bosom of the Fairy Queen herself. ركب ضاحكًا على أكتاف ريلز المرح؛ لقد قام بشكل مؤذ بسحب اللحى الرمادية لنوك ذات الحواجب المنخفضة ؛ أراح رأسه المجعد بثقة على حضن الملكة الجنية نفسها. And the Ryls loved the sound of his laughter; the Knooks loved his courage; the Fairies loved his innocence. وكان آل ريلز يحبون صوت ضحكته؛ أحب آل نوك شجاعته. أحب الجنيات براءته. The boy made friends of them all, and learned to know their laws intimately. وكوّن الصبي صداقات معهم جميعًا، وتعلم معرفة قوانينهم عن كثب. No forest flower was trampled beneath his feet, lest the friendly Ryls should be grieved. لم يتم دهس أي زهرة غابة تحت قدميه، خشية أن يحزن ريلز الودودون. He never interfered with the beasts of the forest, lest his friends the Knooks should become angry. لم يتدخل أبدًا مع وحوش الغابة، خشية أن يغضب أصدقاؤه آل نوك. The Fairies he loved dearly, but, knowing nothing of mankind, he could not understand that he was the only one of his race admitted to friendly intercourse with them. لقد أحب الجنيات كثيرًا، لكنه لم يكن يعرف شيئًا عن الجنس البشري، ولم يستطع أن يفهم أنه كان الوحيد من عرقه الذي سمح له بالاتصال الودي معهن. Indeed, Claus came to consider that he alone, of all the forest people, had no like nor fellow. في الواقع، وصل كلاوس إلى الاعتقاد بأنه وحده، من بين جميع سكان الغابة، ليس لديه مثل أو زميل. To him the forest was the world. He had no idea that millions of toiling, striving human creatures existed. لم يكن لديه أي فكرة عن وجود الملايين من المخلوقات البشرية الكادحة والمجتهدة. And he was happy and content. وكان سعيدًا وراضيًا. ** Some people have spelled this name Nicklaus and others Nicolas, which is the reason that Santa Claus is still known in some lands as St. قام بعض الأشخاص بتهجئة هذا الاسم نيكلاوس والبعض الآخر نيكولاس، وهذا هو السبب في أن سانتا كلوز لا يزال يُعرف في بعض البلدان باسم القديس يوحنا. Nicolas. نيكولاس. But, of course, Neclaus is his right name, and Claus the nickname given him by his adopted mother, the fair nymph Necile. ولكن، بالطبع، نيكلاوس هو اسمه الصحيح، وكلاوس هو اللقب الذي أطلقته عليه والدته بالتبني، الحورية الجميلة نيكيلي.