Jōhannēs discipulus est scholae secundāriae.
John|student|is|of the school|secondary
Jōhannēs ist Gymnasiast.
John is a high school student.
Multa pēnsa domestica sunt eī perficienda.
Many|tasks|domestic|are|to him|to be completed
Er hat viele Hausarbeiten zu erledigen.
He has many homework assignments to complete.
Ему предстоит выполнить много домашних дел.
Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.
Clara|is|student|of the university
Clara ist Studentin.
Clara is a university student.
Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt.
Also|of Clara|many|tasks|to be completed|are
Auch Clara hat viel zu tun.
Clara also has many assignments to complete.
Pēnsa nōn placent Jōhannī.
The thoughts|not|please|to John
John does not like assignments.
Пенса, пожалуйста, Джоханни.
Eī placet computātōriō lūdere.
He|likes|computer|to play
Er spielt gern mit dem Computer.
He likes playing on the computer.
Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
Clara|like|to read|and|to write
Clara likes reading and writing.
Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit.
Every day|task|he/she/it completes
Jeden Tag vervollständigt er die Pēnsa.
She completes her assignments every day.
Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.
Clara|is|sister|of John|older
Clara ist Johannes‘ ältere Schwester.
Clara is John's older sister.
Клара — старшая сестра Йоханнеса.
Semper facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.
Always|makes|so that|John|homework|domestic|his|may complete
Er lässt Jōhannēs immer seine Hausarbeiten erledigen.
She always makes sure that John completes his homework.
Он всегда заставляет Йоханнеса выполнять домашние дела.
Haec est eadem fābula ā Jōhanne nārrāta.
This is the same story told by John.
Ego sum discipulus scholae secundāriae.
I|am|student|of the school|secondary
Ich bin ein Gymnasiast.
I am a high school student.
Multa pēnsa domestica sunt mihi perficienda.
Many|tasks|domestic|are|to me|to be completed
Ich habe viele Hausarbeiten zu erledigen.
I have many homework assignments to complete.
Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.
Clara|is|student|of the university
Clara is a university student.
Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt.
Also|of Clara|many|tasks|to be completed|are
Clara also has many assignments to complete.
Pēnsa mihi nōn placent.
thoughts|to me|not|please
I do not like assignments.
Mihi placet computātōriō lūdere.
to me|it is pleasing|with the computer|to play
I like playing on the computer.
Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
Clara|likes|to read|and|to write
Clara likes reading and writing.
Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit.
Every day|task|he/she/it completes
She completes her assignments every day.
Clāra est soror mea major.
Clara is my older sister.
Semper facit ut pēnsa domestica mea perficiam.
Always|makes|so that|tasks|household|my|I may complete
Er lässt mich immer meine Hausaufgaben erledigen.
She always makes sure I complete my homework.
1) Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae.
John|is|student|of the school|secondary
John is a high school student.
Estne Jōhannēs discipulus scholae secundāriae?
Is (he)|John|student|of the school|secondary
Is John a high school student?
Ita, Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae.
Yes|John|is|student|of the school|secondary
Yes, John is a high school student.
2) Multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda.
Many|tasks|domestic|are|for John|to be completed
John has many homework assignments to complete.
Suntne multa pēnsa domestica Jōhannī perficienda?
Are there|many|tasks|household|to John|to be completed
Does John have many homework assignments to complete?
Ita, multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda.
Yes|many|tasks|domestic|are|to John|to be completed
Yes, John has many homework assignments to complete.
3) Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.
Clara|is|student|of the university
Clara is a university student.
Estne Clāra discipula scholae secundāriae?
Is (she)|Clara|student|of the school|secondary
Is Clara a high school student?
Immō, Clāra nōn est discipula scholae secundāriae.
Indeed|Clara|not|is|student|of the school|secondary
No, Clara is not a high school student.
Est discipula ūniversitātis.
She is|a student|of the university
She is a university student.
4) Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere.
to John|it pleases|with the computer|to play
John likes playing on the computer.
Placetne Jōhannī computātōriō lūdere?
Does it please|John|with the computer|to play
Does John like playing on the computer?
Ita, Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere.
Yes|to Johann|likes|computer|to play
Yes, John likes playing on the computer.
5) Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
Clara|likes|to read|and|to write
Clara likes reading and writing.
Placetne Clārae pelliculās cīnēmatographicās spectāre?
Does it please|Clara|movies|cinematic|to watch
Does Clara like watching movies?
Nōn, Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
No|Clara|like|to read|and|to write
No, Clara likes reading and writing.
6) Cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit.
6) Jeden Tag führt Clara die Pēnsa durch.
Clara completes her assignments every day.
Cotīdiēne Clāra pēnsa perficit?
Does Clāra|Clāra|tasks|complete
Does Clara complete her assignments every day?
Ita, cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit.
Yes|every day|Clara|tasks|completes
Yes, Clara completes her assignments every day.
7) Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.
Clara|is|sister|of John|older
Clara is John's older sister.
Suntne Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī?
Are|John|and Clara|relatives
Are John and Clara siblings?
Ita, Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī sunt.
Yes|John|and Clara|are related|they are
Yes, John and Clara are siblings.
Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.
Clara|is|sister|of John|older
Clara ist Johannes‘ ältere Schwester.
Clara is John's older sister.
8) Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.
Clara|daily|makes|so that|Johannes|tasks|domestic|his|may complete
Clara makes sure John completes his homework every day.
Facitne Clāra ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat?
Does it make|Clara|so that|Johannes|thought|domestic|his|may complete
Does Clara make sure John completes his homework?
Ita, Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.
Yes|Clara|every day|makes|so that|Johannes|homework|domestic|his|completes
Yes, Clara makes sure John completes his homework every day.