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De Imitatione Christi, De Imitatione Christi: Liber Quartus 13-18

De Imitatione Christi: Liber Quartus 13-18

Cap. 13. Quod toto corde anima devota Christi unionem in Sacramento affectare debet.

1. Quis mihi det, Domine, ut inveniam te solum, ut aperiam tibi totum cor meum, ut fruar te sicut desiderat anima. Et jam nemo me despiciat, nec ulla creatura me moveat vel respiciat; sed tu solus mihi loquaris, et ego tibi, sicut solet dilectus ad dilectum, loqui et amicus cum amico convivari? Hoc oro, hoc desidero, ut tibi totus uniar, et cor meum ab omnibus creatis rebus abstraham; magisque per sacram Communionem, ac frequentem celebrationem cælestia et æterna sapere discam. At, Domine Deus, quando ero tecum totus unitus et absorptus, meique totaliter oblitus? Tu in me et ego in te et sic nos in unum pariter manere concede.

2. Vere, vere tu es dilectus meus, electus ex millibus, in quo complacuit animæ meæ habitare omnibus diebus vitæ suæ. Vere tu es pacificus meus, in quo pax summa et requies vera, extra quem labor et dolor et infinita miseria. Vere tu es Deus absconditus, et consilium tuum non est cum impiis, sed cum humilibus et simplicibus sermo tuus. O, quam suavis est, Domine, spiritus tuus, qui, ut dulcedinem tuam in filios demonstrares, pane suavissimo de cælo descendente illos reficere dignaris. Vere non est alia natio tam grandis, quæ habeat Deos appropinquante sibi, sicut tu, Deus noster, ades universis fidelibus tuis: quibus ob quotidianum solatium, et cor erigendum in cælum, te tribuis ad edendum et fruendum.

3. Quæ est enim alia gens tam inclyta, sicut plebs Christiana? Aut quæ creatura sub cælo tam dilecta ut anima devota, ad quam ingreditur Deus, ut pascat eam carne sua gloriosa? O, ineffabilis gratia. O, admirabilis dignatio. O, amor immensus, homini singulariter impensus. Sed quid retribuam Domino pro gratia ista? pro charitate tam eximia? Non est aliud quod gratius donare queam, quam ut cor meum Deo meo totaliter tribuam, et intime conjungam. Tunc exultabant omnia interiora mea, cum perfecte fuerit unita Deo anima mea. Tunc dicet mihi: Si tu vis esse mecum, ego volo esse tecum. Et ego respondebo illi: Dignare, Domine manere mecum, ego volo libenter esse tecum. Hoc est totum desiderium meum, ut cor meum tibi sit unitum.

Cap. 14. De quorumdam devotorum ardenti desiderio ad Corpus Christi.

1. Quam magna multitudo dulcedinis tuæ, Domine, quam abscondisti timentibus te. Quando recordor devotorum aliquorum ad Sacramentum tuum, Domine, cum magna devotione, et affectu accendentium, tunc sæpius in memetipso confundor et erubesco, quod ad altare tuum et sacræ Communionis mensam tam tepide et frigide accedo, quod ita aridus sine devotione et affectione cordis maneo, et quod non sum totaliter accensus, coram te, Deo meo, nec ita vehementer attractus et affectionatus, sicut multi devoti fuerunt, qui præ nimio desiderio Communionis et sensibili cordis amore a fletu non potuerunt se continere. Sed ore cordis et corporis pariter ad te, fontem vivum, medullitus inhiabant, suam esuriem non valentes aliter temperare nec satiare, nisi Corpus tuum cum omni jucunditate et spirituali aviditate accepissent.

2. O, vere ardens fides eorum probabile existens argumentum sacræ præsentiæ tuæ. Isti enim veraciter cognoscunt Dominum suum in fractione panis, quorum cor tam valide ardet in eis de Jesu ambulante cum eis. Longe, proh dolor, est a me sæpe talis affectus, et devotio tam vehemens ardor. Esto mihi propitius, bone Jesu, et dulcis et benigne; concede pauperi mendico tuo vel interdum modicum de cordiali affectione amoris tui in sacra Communione sentire, ut fides mea magis convalescat, spes in bonitate tua proficiat, et charitas semel perfecte accensa et cæleste manna experta, nunquam deficiat.

3. Potens est autem misericordia tua etiam gratiam desideratam mihi præstare, et in spiritu ardoris, cum dies beneplaciti tui adveniret, me clementissime visitare. Etenim licet tanto desiderio tam specialium devotorum tuorum non ardeo, tamen de gratia tua illius magni inflamati desiderii desiderium habeo: orans et desiderans omnium talium fervidorum amatorum tuorum participem me fieri, ac eorum sancto consortio annumerari.

Cap. 15. Quod gratia devotionis humilitate, et sui ipsius abnegatine acquiritur.

1. Oportet te devotionis gratiam instanter quærere, desideranter petere, patienter et fiducialiter exspectare, gratanter recipere, humiliter conservare, studiose cum ea operari, ac Deo tempus et modum supernæ visitationis, donec veniat, committere. Humiliare præcipue te debes, cum parum, aut nihil devotionis interius sentis, sed non nimium dejici, nec inordinate contristari. Dat sæpe Deus in uno brevi momento, quod longo negavit tempore. Dat quandoque in fine, quod in principio orationis distulit dare.

2. Si semper cito gratia daretur, et pro voto adesset, non esset infirmo homini bene portabile. Propterea in bona spe et humili patientia exspectanda est devotionis gratia. Tibi tamen, et peccatis tuis imputa, cum non datur vel etiam occulte tolitur. Modicum quandoque est quod gratiam impedit et abscondit, si tamen modicum et non potius grande dici debeatur, quod tantum bonum prohibet. Sed si hoc ipsum modicum vel grande amoveris et perfecte viceris, erit quod petiisti.

3. Statim namque ut te Deo ex toto corde tradideris, nec hoc vel illud pro tuo libitu seu velle quæsieris, sed integre te in illo posueris, unitum te invenies et pacatum, quia nihil ita tibi sapiet et placebit, sicut beneplacitum divinæ voluntatis. Quisquis ergo intentionem suam simplici corde sursum ad Deum levaverit, seque ab omni inordinato amore, seu displicentia cujuslibet rei creatæ evacuaverit, aptissimus gratiæ percipiendæ, ac dignus devotionis munere erit: dat enim Dominus ibi benedictionem suam, ubi vasa vacua invenerit, et quanto perfectius infimis quis renunciaverit, et magis sibi ipsi per contemtum sui moritur, tanto gratia celerius enit, copiosius intrat, et altius cor liberum elevat.

4. Tunc videbit et affluet et mirabitur et dilatabitur cor ejus in ipso, quia manus Domini cum illo est, et ipse se posuit totaliter in manu ejus usque in sæculum. Ecce sic benedicetur homo, qui quærit Deum in toto corde suo, nec in vanum accipit animam suam. Hic in accipiendo sacram Eucharistiam magnam promeretur divinæ unionis gratiam, quia non respicit ad propriam devotionem et consolationem, sed ad Dei gloriam et honorem.

Cap. 16. Quod necessitates nostras Christo aperire debemus et ejus gratiam postulare.

1. Dulcissime atque amantissime Domine, quem nunc devote desidero suscipere, tu scis infirmitatem meam et necessitatem quam patior, in quantis malis et vitiis jaceo; quam sæpe sum gravatus, tentatus, turbatus et inquinatus. Pro remedio ad te venio, pro consolatione et sublevamine te deprecor: ad omnia scientem loquor, cui manifesta sunt omnia interiora mea, et qui solus potes me perfecte consolare et adjuvare. Tu scis quibus bonis indigeo præ omnibus et quam pauper sum in virtutibus.

2. Ecce sto ante te pauper et nudus, gratiam postulans et misericordiam implorans: refice esurientem mendicum tuum, accende frigiditatem meam igne amoris tui, illumina cæcitatem meam claritate præsentiæ tuæ. Verte mihi omnia terrena in amaritudinem, omnia gravia et contraria in patientiam, omnia infima et creata in contemtum et oblivionem. Erige cor meum ad te in cælum, et ne dimittas me vagari super terram. Tu solus mihi ex hoc jam dulcescas usque in sæculum, quia tu solus cibus et potus meus, amor meus et gaudium meum, dulcedo mea et totum bonum meum.

3. Utinam me totaliter ex tua præsentia accends, comburas, et in te transmutes: ut unus tecum efficiar spiritus per gratiam internæ unionis, et liquefactionem ardentis amoris. Ne patiaris me jejunum et aridum a te recedere, sed operare mecum misericorditer, sicut sæpius expertus es cum Sanctis tuis mirabiliter. Quid mirum si totus ex te cognoscerem, et in me ipso deficerem, cum tu sis ignis semper ardens et nunquam deficiens, amor corda purificans et intellectum illuminans.

Cap. 17. De ardenti amore, et desiderio vehementi suscipiendi Christum.

1. Cum summa devotione et ardenti amore cum toto cordis affectu et fervore desidero te, Domine; quemadmodum multi Sancti et devotæ personæ in communicando et desideraverunt, qui tibi maxime in sanctitate vitæ placuerunt, et in ardentissima devotione fuerunt. O Deus meus, amor æternus, totum bonum meum, felicitas interminabilis: cupio te suscipere cum vehementissimo desiderio et dignissima reverentia, quam aliquis Sanctorum unquam habuit et sentire potuit.

2. Et licet indignus sum omnia illa sentimenta devotionis habere, tamen offero tibi totum cordis mei affectum, ac si omnia illa gratissime inflammata desideria solus haberem. Sed et quæcumque potest pia mens concipere et desiderare, hæc omnia tibi cum summa veneratione et intimo servore præbeo et offero. Nihil opto reservare mihi, sed me et omnia mea tibi sponte et libentissime immolare. Domine Deus meus, creator meus et redemtor meus, cum tali gratitudine, dignitate et amore, cum tali spe, fide, et puritate affecto te hodie suscipere, sicut te suscepti et desideravit sanctissima Mater tua, gloriosa Virgo Maria, quando Angelo evangelizanti sibi incarnationis tuæ mysterium humiliter et devote respondit: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum.

3. Et sicut beatus Præcursor tuus excellentissimus Sanctorum, Johannes Baptista, in præsentia tua lætabundus exultavit in gaudio Spiritus Sancti, dum adhuc maternis clauderetur visceribus. Et postmodum cernens inter homines Jesum ambulantem, valde se humilians, devoto cum affectu dicebat: Amicus autem sponsi, qui stat et audit cum gaudio, gaudet propter vocem sponsi: sic et ego magnis et sacris desideriis opto inflammari, et tibi ex toto corde me ipsum præsentare. Unde et omnium devotorum cordium jubilationes, ardentes affectus, mentales excessus, ac supernales illuminationes et cælica visiones tibi offero et exhibeo cum omnibus virtutibus et laudibus, ab omni creatura in cælo et in terra celebratis et celebrandis, pro me et omnibus mihi in oratione commendatis, quatenus ab omnibus digne lauderis, et in perpetuum glorificeris.

4. Accipe vota mea, Domine Deus meus, et desideria infinitæ laudationis et immensæ benedictionis, quætibi secundum multitudinem ineffabilis magnitudinis tuæ jure debentur. Hæc tibi reddo et reddere desidero per singulos dies et momenta temporum, atque ad reddendum mecum tibi gratias et laudes, omnes cælestes spiritus et cunctos fideles tuos precibus et affectibus invito et exoro.

5. Laudent te universi populi, tribus, et linguæ, et sanctum et mellifluum nomen tuum cum summa devotione et ardenti jubilatione magnificent. Et quicumque reverenter ac devote altissimum Sacramentum tuum celebrant et plena fide recipiunt, gratiam et misericordiam apud te invenire mereantur, et pro me peccatore suppliciter exorent. Cumque optata devotione ac fruibili unione potiti fuerint, et bene consolati, ac mirifice refecti de sacra mensa cælesti abscesserint mei pauperis recordari dignentur.

Cap. 18. Quod homo non sit curiosus scrutator Sacramenti, sed humilis imitator Christi, subdendo sensum suum sacræ fidei.

1. Cavendum est tibi a curiosa et inutili perscrutatione hujus profundissimi Sacramenti, si non vis in dubitationis profundum mergi. Qui scrutator est majestatis, opprimetur a gloria. Plus valet Deus operari, quam homo intelligere potest. Tolerabilis est pia et humilis inquisitio veritatis, parata semper doceri, et super sanas Patrum sententias studentis ambulare.

2. Beata simplicitas, quæ difficiles quæstionum relinquit vias, et plana ac firma pergit semita mandatorum Dei. Multi devotionem perdiderunt, dum altiora scrutari voluerunt. Fides a te exigitur et sincera vita, non altitudo intellectus, neque profunditas mysteriorum Dei. Si non intelligis nec capis quæ infra te sunt, quomodo comprehendes quæ supra te sunt. Subdere Deo et humilia sensum tuum fidei, et dabitur tibi scientiæ lumen, prout tibi fuerit utile et necessarium.

3. Quidam graviter tentantur de fide ac Sacramento, sed non est hoc ipsis imputandum, sed potius inimico. Noli curare, noli disputare cum cogitationibus tuis, nec ad immissas a diabolo disputationes et dubitationes responde. Sed crede verbis Dei. Crede Sanctis ejus et prophetis, et fugiet a te nequam inimicus. Sæpe enim ultum prodest, quod sustinet talia servus Dei. Nam infideles et peccatores non tentat, quos secure jam possidet: Fideles autem devotos variis modis tentat et vexat.

4. Perge ergo cum simplici et indubitata fide, et cum simplici reverentia ad Sacramentum accede. Quidquid intelligere non vales, Deo omnipotenti secure committe. Non fallit te Deus; fallitur qui sibi nimium credit. Graditur Deus cum simplicibus, revelat se humilibus, dat intellectum parvulis, aperit sensum puris mentibus, et abscondit gratiam curiosis et superbis. Ratio humana debilis est, et falli potest; fides autem vera falli non potest.

5. Omnis ratio et naturalis investigatio fidem sequi debet, non præcedere, nec infringere. Nam fides et amor ibi maxime præcellunt, et occultis modis in hoc sanctissimo et superexcellentissimo Sacramento operantur. Deus æternus, et immensus, infinitæque potentiæ, facit magna et inscrutabilia in cælo et in terra; nec est investigatio mirabilium opera ejus. Si talia essent opera Dei, ut facile ab humana ratione caperentur, non essent mirabilia nec inscrutabilia dicenda.

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De Imitatione Christi: Liber Quartus 13-18 Of|Imitation|Christ|Book|Fourth Über die Nachahmung Christi: Buch vier 13-18 De la Imitación de Cristo: Libro Cuarto 13-18 De l'imitation du Christ : Livre Quatre 13-18 Sull'imitazione di Cristo: libro quarto 13-18 Over de navolging van Christus: boek vier 13-18 Sobre a Imitação de Cristo: Livro Quatro 13-18 Of the Imitation of Christ: Book Four 13-18

Cap. Chapter Chapter. 13. 13. Quod toto corde anima devota Christi unionem in Sacramento affectare debet. That|whole|heart|soul|devoted|of Christ|union|in||to desire|ought That a devoted soul should desire union with Christ in the Sacrament with all its heart.

1\\. 1. Quis mihi det, Domine, ut inveniam te solum, ut aperiam tibi totum cor meum, ut fruar te sicut desiderat anima. Who|to me|may give|Lord|that|I may find|you|alone|that|I may open|to you|whole|heart|my|that|I may enjoy|you|as|desires|soul Who will give me, Lord, that I may find you alone, that I may open to you my whole heart, that I may enjoy you as my soul desires. Et jam nemo me despiciat, nec ulla creatura me moveat vel respiciat; sed tu solus mihi loquaris, et ego tibi, sicut solet dilectus ad dilectum, loqui et amicus cum amico convivari? And|already|no one|me|despise|nor|any|creature|me|move|or|look at|but|you|alone|to me|speak|and|I|to you|as|is accustomed|beloved|to|beloved|to speak|and|friend|with|friend|to live together And now let no one despise me, nor let any creature move or regard me; but may you alone speak to me, and I to you, as the beloved speaks to the beloved, and as a friend dines with a friend? Hoc oro, hoc desidero, ut tibi totus uniar, et cor meum ab omnibus creatis rebus abstraham; magisque per sacram Communionem, ac frequentem celebrationem cælestia et æterna sapere discam. This|I pray|this|I desire|that|to you|wholly|I may be united|and|heart|my|from|all|created|things|I may be abstracted|and more|through|sacred|Communion|and|frequent|celebration|heavenly|and|eternal|to understand|I may learn This I pray, this I desire, that I may be wholly united to you, and that my heart may be withdrawn from all created things; and more so, through sacred Communion, I may learn to taste the heavenly and eternal. At, Domine Deus, quando ero tecum totus unitus et absorptus, meique totaliter oblitus? But|Lord|God|when|I will be|with you|wholly|united|and|absorbed|and of me|totally|forgotten But, Lord God, when will I be wholly united and absorbed in you, and completely forget myself? Tu in me et ego in te et sic nos in unum pariter manere concede. You|in|me|and|I|in|you|and|thus|we|in|one|together|to remain|grant You in me and I in you, and thus grant that we may remain together as one.

2\\. 2\. Vere, vere tu es dilectus meus, electus ex millibus, in quo complacuit animæ meæ habitare omnibus diebus vitæ suæ. Truly||you|are|beloved|my|chosen|from|thousands|in|whom|pleased|soul|my|to dwell|all|days|of life|his Truly, truly you are my beloved, chosen from thousands, in whom my soul has delighted to dwell all the days of her life. Vere tu es pacificus meus, in quo pax summa et requies vera, extra quem labor et dolor et infinita miseria. truly|you|are|peaceful|my|in|whom|peace|greatest|and|rest|true|outside|whom|labor|and|pain|and|infinite|misery Truly you are my peace, in whom there is supreme peace and true rest, outside of whom there is labor and pain and infinite misery. Vere tu es Deus absconditus, et consilium tuum non est cum impiis, sed cum humilibus et simplicibus sermo tuus. truly|you|are|God|hidden|and|counsel|your|not|is|with|wicked|but|with|humble|and|simple|word|your Truly you are the hidden God, and your counsel is not with the wicked, but with the humble and simple is your word. O, quam suavis est, Domine, spiritus tuus, qui, ut dulcedinem tuam in filios demonstrares, pane suavissimo de cælo descendente illos reficere dignaris. O|how|sweet|is|Lord|spirit|your|who|in order to|sweetness|your|in|children|you might demonstrate|bread|most sweet|from|heaven|descending|them|to refresh|you deem worthy O, how sweet is, Lord, your spirit, who, in order to show your sweetness to the children, deigns to refresh them with the sweetest bread descending from heaven. Vere non est alia natio tam grandis, quæ habeat Deos appropinquante sibi, sicut tu, Deus noster, ades universis fidelibus tuis: quibus ob quotidianum solatium, et cor erigendum in cælum, te tribuis ad edendum et fruendum. Truly|not|is|another|nation|so|great|which|has|Gods|approaching|to itself|as|you|God|our|you are present|to all|faithful|your|to whom|for|daily|comfort|and|heart|to be lifted|in|heaven|you|you grant|for|eating|and|enjoying Truly, there is no other nation so great, that has gods so near to it, as you, our God, are present to all your faithful: to whom, for daily comfort and to lift their hearts to heaven, you grant to eat and enjoy.

3\\. 3. Quæ est enim alia gens tam inclyta, sicut plebs Christiana? What|is|for|another|nation|so|illustrious|as|people|Christian For what other people is so renowned, as the Christian people? Aut quæ creatura sub cælo tam dilecta ut anima devota, ad quam ingreditur Deus, ut pascat eam carne sua gloriosa? Or|which|creature|under|heaven|so|beloved|as|soul|devoted|to|whom|enters|God|to|feed|her|flesh|his|glorious Or what creature under heaven is so beloved as the devoted soul, to which God enters, to feed it with his glorious flesh? O, ineffabilis gratia. O|ineffable|grace O, ineffable grace. O, admirabilis dignatio. O|admirable|dignity O, admirable condescension. O, amor immensus, homini singulariter impensus. O|love|immeasurable|to man|uniquely|bestowed O, immense love, uniquely bestowed upon man. Sed quid retribuam Domino pro gratia ista? But|what|shall I repay|to the Lord|for|grace|this But what shall I return to the Lord for this grace? pro charitate tam eximia? for|charity|so|exceptional for such extraordinary charity? Non est aliud quod gratius donare queam, quam ut cor meum Deo meo totaliter tribuam, et intime conjungam. It is not|is|another|that|more pleasing|to give|I can|than|that|heart|my|to God|my|totally|I may give|and|intimately|I may join There is nothing more gracious that I can give than to dedicate my heart entirely to my God, and to unite it intimately. Tunc exultabant omnia interiora mea, cum perfecte fuerit unita Deo anima mea. Then|rejoiced|all|innermost parts|my|when|perfectly|had been|united|to God|soul|my Then all my innermost being rejoiced, when my soul was perfectly united with God. Tunc dicet mihi: Si tu vis esse mecum, ego volo esse tecum. Then|he will say|to me|If|you|want|to be|with me|I|want|to be|with you Then He will say to me: If you wish to be with me, I want to be with you. Et ego respondebo illi: Dignare, Domine manere mecum, ego volo libenter esse tecum. And|I|will answer|to him|Deign|Lord|to stay|with me|I|want|gladly|to be|with you And I will answer Him: Lord, deign to stay with me, I willingly want to be with you. Hoc est totum desiderium meum, ut cor meum tibi sit unitum. This|is|whole|desire|my|that|heart|my|to you|be|united This is all my desire, that my heart may be united to you.

Cap. Chapter Cap. 14. 14. De quorumdam devotorum ardenti desiderio ad Corpus Christi. From|certain|of the devout|burning|desire|to|Body|of Christ On the fervent desire of certain devotees for the Body of Christ.

1\\. 1. Quam magna multitudo dulcedinis tuæ, Domine, quam abscondisti timentibus te. how|great|multitude|sweetness|of you|Lord|how|you have hidden|to those fearing|you How great is the multitude of your sweetness, Lord, which you have hidden from those who fear you. Quando recordor devotorum aliquorum ad Sacramentum tuum, Domine, cum magna devotione, et affectu accendentium, tunc sæpius in memetipso confundor et erubesco, quod ad altare tuum et sacræ Communionis mensam tam tepide et frigide accedo, quod ita aridus sine devotione et affectione cordis maneo, et quod non sum totaliter accensus, coram te, Deo meo, nec ita vehementer attractus et affectionatus, sicut multi devoti fuerunt, qui præ nimio desiderio Communionis et sensibili cordis amore a fletu non potuerunt se continere. When|I remember|of the devout|some|to|Sacrament|your|Lord|with|great|devotion|and|affection|of those who are inflamed|then|often|in|myself|I am confused|and|I am ashamed|that|to|altar|your|and|sacred|Communion|table|so|lukewarmly|and|coldly|I approach|that|so|dry|without|devotion|and|affection|of the heart|I remain|and|that|not|I am|totally|inflamed|before|you|God|my|nor|so|vehemently|attracted|and|affected|as|many|devout|were|who|through|excessive|desire|of Communion|and|sensible|of the heart|love|from|weeping|not|they could|themselves|contain When I remember some devotees at your Sacrament, Lord, with great devotion and the affection of those who are on fire, then I often feel ashamed and embarrassed within myself, that I approach your altar and the table of sacred Communion so tepidly and coldly, that I remain so dry without devotion and affection of heart, and that I am not completely on fire before you, my God, nor so strongly drawn and affected, as many devotees have been, who, because of their excessive desire for Communion and the sensible love of their hearts, could not contain their tears. Sed ore cordis et corporis pariter ad te, fontem vivum, medullitus inhiabant, suam esuriem non valentes aliter temperare nec satiare, nisi Corpus tuum cum omni jucunditate et spirituali aviditate accepissent. But|mouth|of the heart|and|of the body|equally|towards|you|fountain|living|from the marrow|they were thirsting|their|hunger|not|able|otherwise|to control|nor|to satisfy|unless|Body|your|with|all|joy|and|spiritual|eagerness|they had received But with the mouth of the heart and body alike they longed for you, the living fountain, deeply thirsting, unable to temper or satisfy their hunger in any other way, except by receiving your Body with all joy and spiritual eagerness.

2\\. 2. O, vere ardens fides eorum probabile existens argumentum sacræ præsentiæ tuæ. O|truly|burning|faith|of them|probable|existing|argument|sacred|presence|of you O, truly burning faith of theirs, a probable proof of your sacred presence. Isti enim veraciter cognoscunt Dominum suum in fractione panis, quorum cor tam valide ardet in eis de Jesu ambulante cum eis. These|for|truly|know|Lord|their|in|breaking|of bread|of whom|heart|so|strongly|burns|in|them|about|Jesus|walking|with|them For they truly know their Lord in the breaking of the bread, whose heart burns so strongly within them from Jesus walking with them. Longe, proh dolor, est a me sæpe talis affectus, et devotio tam vehemens ardor. Far|alas|pain|is|from|me|often|such|affection|and|devotion|so|vehement|passion Alas, such a feeling is often far from me, and devotion is such a vehement ardor. Esto mihi propitius, bone Jesu, et dulcis et benigne; concede pauperi mendico tuo vel interdum modicum de cordiali affectione amoris tui in sacra Communione sentire, ut fides mea magis convalescat, spes in bonitate tua proficiat, et charitas semel perfecte accensa et cæleste manna experta, nunquam deficiat. Be|to me|gracious|good|Jesus|and|sweet|and|kindly|grant|to the poor|beggar|your|or|sometimes|a little|of|cordial|affection|love|your|in|holy|Communion|to feel|so that|faith|my|more|may grow stronger|hope|in|goodness|your|may progress|and|charity|once|perfectly|kindled|and|heavenly|manna|experienced|never|may fail Be favorable to me, good Jesus, sweet and kind; grant to your poor beggar, even if only occasionally, a little of the heartfelt affection of your love in the holy Communion, so that my faith may grow stronger, my hope may progress in your goodness, and charity, once perfectly kindled and having experienced heavenly manna, may never fail.

3\\. 3\. Potens est autem misericordia tua etiam gratiam desideratam mihi præstare, et in spiritu ardoris, cum dies beneplaciti tui adveniret, me clementissime visitare. Powerful|is|however|mercy|your|also|grace|desired|to me|to grant|and|in|spirit|fervor|when|day|of favor|your|would arrive|me|most mercifully|to visit Your mercy is indeed powerful enough to grant me the grace I desire, and to visit me most kindly in the spirit of fervor when the day of your good pleasure arrives. Etenim licet tanto desiderio tam specialium devotorum tuorum non ardeo, tamen de gratia tua illius magni inflamati desiderii desiderium habeo: orans et desiderans omnium talium fervidorum amatorum tuorum participem me fieri, ac eorum sancto consortio annumerari. for indeed|although|such great|desire|so|special|devotees|of yours|not|I burn|nevertheless|from|grace|your|of that|great|inflamed|desire|desire|I have|praying|and|desiring|of all|such|fervent|lovers|of yours|participant|me|to become|and|of them|holy|fellowship|to be numbered For although I do not burn with such a great desire as those of your special devotees, I still have the desire of that great inflamed longing from your grace: praying and longing to be made a participant among all such fervent lovers of yours, and to be counted among their holy company.

Cap. Chapter Ch. 15. 15. Quod gratia devotionis humilitate, et sui ipsius abnegatine acquiritur. Which|by grace|of devotion|humility|and|of self|himself|self-denial|is acquired This grace of devotion is acquired through humility and self-denial.

1\\. 1. Oportet te devotionis gratiam instanter quærere, desideranter petere, patienter et fiducialiter exspectare, gratanter recipere, humiliter conservare, studiose cum ea operari, ac Deo tempus et modum supernæ visitationis, donec veniat, committere. It is necessary|you|of devotion|grace|urgently|to seek|earnestly|to ask|patiently|and|confidently|to wait|gratefully|to receive|humbly|to keep|diligently|with|it|to work|and|to God|time|and|manner|heavenly|visitation|until|he comes|to commit You must earnestly seek the grace of devotion, desire to ask for it, patiently and confidently await it, gratefully receive it, humbly preserve it, diligently work with it, and commit to God the time and manner of heavenly visitation, until it comes. Humiliare præcipue te debes, cum parum, aut nihil devotionis interius sentis, sed non nimium dejici, nec inordinate contristari. to humble|especially|yourself|ought|when|little|or|nothing|devotion|inwardly|you feel|but|not|too much|discouraged|nor|inordinately|to be saddened You should especially humble yourself when you feel little or no devotion within, but do not become too dejected or excessively saddened. Dat sæpe Deus in uno brevi momento, quod longo negavit tempore. He gives|often|God|in|one|brief|moment|which|long|denied|time God often gives in one brief moment what He has denied for a long time. Dat quandoque in fine, quod in principio orationis distulit dare. He gives|sometimes|in|end|what|in|beginning|of the speech|he delayed|to give Sometimes He gives at the end what He delayed to give at the beginning of the prayer.

2\\. 2. Si semper cito gratia daretur, et pro voto adesset, non esset infirmo homini bene portabile. If|always|quickly|grace|were given|and|for|prayer|were present|not|would be|weak|man|well|bearable If grace were always given quickly and were present according to one's wish, it would not be bearable for a weak man. Propterea in bona spe et humili patientia exspectanda est devotionis gratia. Therefore|in|good|hope|and|humble|patience|to be awaited|is|of devotion|grace Therefore, the grace of devotion must be awaited in good hope and humble patience. Tibi tamen, et peccatis tuis imputa, cum non datur vel etiam occulte tolitur. to you|however|and|sins|your|impute|when|not|is given|or|even|secretly|is taken away However, attribute it to yourself and your sins, when it is not given or is even secretly taken away. Modicum quandoque est quod gratiam impedit et abscondit, si tamen modicum et non potius grande dici debeatur, quod tantum bonum prohibet. little|sometimes|is|which|grace|hinders|and|hides|if|however|little|and|not|rather|great|to be said||which|only|good|prohibits Sometimes it is a small thing that hinders and hides grace, if indeed it should be called small and not rather great, which only prohibits such good. Sed si hoc ipsum modicum vel grande amoveris et perfecte viceris, erit quod petiisti. But|if|this|very|little|or|great|you remove|and|perfectly|you conquer|it will be|what|you sought But if you remove this very small or great thing and perfectly conquer it, there will be what you have sought.

3\\. 3\. Statim namque ut te Deo ex toto corde tradideris, nec hoc vel illud pro tuo libitu seu velle quæsieris, sed integre te in illo posueris, unitum te invenies et pacatum, quia nihil ita tibi sapiet et placebit, sicut beneplacitum divinæ voluntatis. Immediately|for|as soon as|you|to God|from|whole|heart|have entrusted|nor|this|or|that|for|your|own desire|or|will|have sought|but|wholly|you|in|Him|have placed|united|you|will find|and|peaceful|because|nothing|so|to you|will be wise|and|will please|as|good pleasure|divine|will For as soon as you have completely entrusted yourself to God with all your heart, and have not sought this or that according to your own desire or will, but have placed yourself wholly in Him, you will find yourself united and at peace, for nothing will taste or please you as much as the good pleasure of divine will. Quisquis ergo intentionem suam simplici corde sursum ad Deum levaverit, seque ab omni inordinato amore, seu displicentia cujuslibet rei creatæ evacuaverit, aptissimus gratiæ percipiendæ, ac dignus devotionis munere erit: dat enim Dominus ibi benedictionem suam, ubi vasa vacua invenerit, et quanto perfectius infimis quis renunciaverit, et magis sibi ipsi per contemtum sui moritur, tanto gratia celerius enit, copiosius intrat, et altius cor liberum elevat. whoever|therefore|intention|his|simple|heart|upward|to|God|has lifted|and himself|from|all|disordered|love|or|dislike|of any|thing|created|has emptied|most apt|grace|to be received|and|worthy|of devotion|gift|will be|gives|for|the Lord|there|blessing|his|where|vessels||he will find|and|the more|perfectly|worldly things|one|has renounced|and|more|to himself|himself|through|contempt|of himself|dies|so much|grace|more quickly|shines|more abundantly|enters|and|higher|heart|free|lifts Whoever therefore raises his intention simply to God with a pure heart, and frees himself from all disordered love or displeasure for any created thing, will be most suitable for receiving grace and worthy of the gift of devotion: for the Lord gives His blessing where He finds empty vessels, and the more perfectly one renounces the lowly things, and the more one dies to oneself through contempt of oneself, the more swiftly grace shines forth, the more abundantly it enters, and the more deeply it elevates the free heart.

4\\. 4. Tunc videbit et affluet et mirabitur et dilatabitur cor ejus in ipso, quia manus Domini cum illo est, et ipse se posuit totaliter in manu ejus usque in sæculum. Then|he will see|and|he will abound|and|he will marvel|and|he will be enlarged|heart|his|in|him|because|hand|of the Lord|with|him|is|and|he|himself|placed|totally|in|hand|his|until|in|eternity Then he will see and will abound and his heart will marvel and be enlarged in Him, because the hand of the Lord is with him, and he has placed himself entirely in His hand forever. Ecce sic benedicetur homo, qui quærit Deum in toto corde suo, nec in vanum accipit animam suam. Behold|thus|shall be blessed|man|who|seeks|God|with|whole|heart|his|nor|in|vain|takes|soul|his Behold, thus will the man be blessed who seeks God with all his heart, nor does he take his soul in vain. Hic in accipiendo sacram Eucharistiam magnam promeretur divinæ unionis gratiam, quia non respicit ad propriam devotionem et consolationem, sed ad Dei gloriam et honorem. Here|in|receiving|sacred|Eucharist|great|merits|divine|union|grace|because|not|looks|to|personal|devotion|and|consolation|but|to|God|glory|and|honor Here, in receiving the sacred Eucharist, he greatly merits the grace of divine union, because he does not look to his own devotion and consolation, but to the glory and honor of God.

Cap. Chapter Cap. 16. 16. Quod necessitates nostras Christo aperire debemus et ejus gratiam postulare. Which|necessities|our|to Christ||we must|and|his|grace|to ask We must open our necessities to Christ and ask for His grace.

1\\. 1. Dulcissime atque amantissime Domine, quem nunc devote desidero suscipere, tu scis infirmitatem meam et necessitatem quam patior, in quantis malis et vitiis jaceo; quam sæpe sum gravatus, tentatus, turbatus et inquinatus. Most sweet|and|Most loving|Lord|whom|now|devoutly|I desire|to receive|you|know|infirmity|my|and|necessity|which|I suffer|in|how many|evils|and|vices|I lie|how|often|I am|burdened|tempted|disturbed|and|stained Sweetest and most loving Lord, whom I now devoutly desire to receive, You know my weakness and the necessity I suffer, in how many evils and vices I lie; how often I have been burdened, tempted, troubled, and defiled. Pro remedio ad te venio, pro consolatione et sublevamine te deprecor: ad omnia scientem loquor, cui manifesta sunt omnia interiora mea, et qui solus potes me perfecte consolare et adjuvare. For|remedy|to|you|I come|for|consolation|and|relief|you|I beseech|to|all|knowing|I speak|to whom|manifest|are|all|inner things|my|and|who|alone|you can|me|perfectly|to console|and|to help I come to you for remedy, I beseech you for consolation and relief: I speak to the one who knows all, to whom all my innermost thoughts are clear, and who alone can perfectly console and help me. Tu scis quibus bonis indigeo præ omnibus et quam pauper sum in virtutibus. You|know|by whom|goods|I am in need of|before|all|and|how|poor|I am|in|virtues You know what goods I need above all and how poor I am in virtues.

2\\. 2\. Ecce sto ante te pauper et nudus, gratiam postulans et misericordiam implorans: refice esurientem mendicum tuum, accende frigiditatem meam igne amoris tui, illumina cæcitatem meam claritate præsentiæ tuæ. Behold|I stand|before|you|poor man|and|naked|grace|asking|and|mercy|imploring|refresh|hungry|beggar|your|kindle|coldness|my|fire||of you|illuminate|blindness|my|clarity|of presence|your Behold, I stand before you poor and naked, asking for grace and imploring mercy: refresh your hungry beggar, ignite my coldness with the fire of your love, illuminate my blindness with the brightness of your presence. Verte mihi omnia terrena in amaritudinem, omnia gravia et contraria in patientiam, omnia infima et creata in contemtum et oblivionem. Turn|to me|all|earthly|into|bitterness|all|heavy|and|contrary|into|patience|all|lowly|and|created|into|contempt|and|oblivion Turn all earthly things to bitterness for me, all heavy and contrary things to patience, all lowly and created things to contempt and oblivion. Erige cor meum ad te in cælum, et ne dimittas me vagari super terram. Raise|heart|my|towards|you|in|heaven|and|not|let|me|wander|upon|earth Lift my heart to you in heaven, and do not let me wander upon the earth. Tu solus mihi ex hoc jam dulcescas usque in sæculum, quia tu solus cibus et potus meus, amor meus et gaudium meum, dulcedo mea et totum bonum meum. You|alone|to me|from|this|already|may sweeten|until|in|eternity|because|you|alone|food|and|drink|my|love|my||joy|my|sweetness|my||whole|good|my You alone may sweeten me from now until eternity, for you alone are my food and drink, my love and my joy, my sweetness and all my good.

3\\. 3\. Utinam me totaliter ex tua præsentia accends, comburas, et in te transmutes: ut unus tecum efficiar spiritus per gratiam internæ unionis, et liquefactionem ardentis amoris. O that|me|totally|from|your|presence|kindles||and|in|you|transforms|so that|one|with you|may become|spirit|through|grace|internal|union|and|liquefaction|burning|love Would that you would completely ignite me from your presence, burn me, and transform me into you: that I may become one spirit with you through the grace of internal union, and the melting of ardent love. Ne patiaris me jejunum et aridum a te recedere, sed operare mecum misericorditer, sicut sæpius expertus es cum Sanctis tuis mirabiliter. Do not|allow|me|hungry|and|thirsty|from|you|to depart|but|work|with me|mercifully|as|often|you have experienced|are|with|Saints|your|wonderfully Do not allow me to depart from you hungry and dry, but work with me mercifully, as you have often done wonderfully with your Saints. Quid mirum si totus ex te cognoscerem, et in me ipso deficerem, cum tu sis ignis semper ardens et nunquam deficiens, amor corda purificans et intellectum illuminans. what|wonder|if|whole|from|you|I would know|and|in|me|myself|I would fail|since|you|are|fire|always|burning|and|never|failing|love|hearts|purifying|and|understanding|illuminating What is surprising if I were to know everything from you, and I were to fail in myself, since you are a fire always burning and never failing, love purifying hearts and illuminating the mind.

Cap. Chapter Chapter. 17. 17. De ardenti amore, et desiderio vehementi suscipiendi Christum. Of|burning|love|and|desire|vehement|receiving|Christ On burning love, and the vehement desire to receive Christ.

1\\. 1. Cum summa devotione et ardenti amore cum toto cordis affectu et fervore desidero te, Domine; quemadmodum multi Sancti et devotæ personæ in communicando et desideraverunt, qui tibi maxime in sanctitate vitæ placuerunt, et in ardentissima devotione fuerunt. When|utmost|devotion|and|burning|love|with|whole|heart|affection|and|fervor|I desire|you|Lord|just as|many|Saints|and|devoted|persons|in|communion|and|desired|who|to you|most|in|holiness|life|pleased|and|in|most ardent|devotion|were With the utmost devotion and fervent love, with all the affection of my heart and intense desire, I long for you, Lord; just as many Saints and devout persons have desired and communicated with you, who have pleased you most in the holiness of life, and have been in the most ardent devotion. O Deus meus, amor æternus, totum bonum meum, felicitas interminabilis: cupio te suscipere cum vehementissimo desiderio et dignissima reverentia, quam aliquis Sanctorum unquam habuit et sentire potuit. O|God|my|love|eternal|whole|good|my|happiness|unending|I desire|you|to receive|with|most vehement|desire|and|most worthy|reverence|than|anyone|of the Saints|ever|had|and|to feel|could O my God, eternal love, my whole good, endless happiness: I wish to receive you with the most vehement desire and the most worthy reverence that any of the Saints ever had and could feel.

2\\. 2\. Et licet indignus sum omnia illa sentimenta devotionis habere, tamen offero tibi totum cordis mei affectum, ac si omnia illa gratissime inflammata desideria solus haberem. And|although|unworthy|I am|all|those|feelings|of devotion|to have|nevertheless|I offer|to you|whole|of heart|my|affection|and|if|all|those|most gratefully|inflamed|desires|alone|I would have And although I am unworthy to have all those feelings of devotion, I still offer you all the affection of my heart, as if I alone had all those most gratefully inflamed desires. Sed et quæcumque potest pia mens concipere et desiderare, hæc omnia tibi cum summa veneratione et intimo servore præbeo et offero. But|and|whatever|can|pious|mind||and|desire|these|all|to you|with|utmost|reverence|and|sincere|servitude|I offer|and| But whatever pious mind can conceive and desire, I offer and present all these to you with the utmost veneration and intimate fervor. Nihil opto reservare mihi, sed me et omnia mea tibi sponte et libentissime immolare. Nothing|I wish|to reserve|for myself|but|me|and|all things|my|to you|willingly|and|most gladly|to sacrifice I wish to reserve nothing for myself, but to willingly and gladly offer myself and all that is mine to you. Domine Deus meus, creator meus et redemtor meus, cum tali gratitudine, dignitate et amore, cum tali spe, fide, et puritate affecto te hodie suscipere, sicut te suscepti et desideravit sanctissima Mater tua, gloriosa Virgo Maria, quando Angelo evangelizanti sibi incarnationis tuæ mysterium humiliter et devote respondit: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum. Lord|God|my|creator|my|and|redeemer|my|with|such||dignity|and|love|with|such|hope|faith|and|purity|I feel|you|today|to receive|as|you|received|and|desired|most holy|Mother|your|glorious|Virgin|Mary|when|Angel|announcing|to her|of the incarnation|your|mystery|humbly|and|devoutly|responded|Behold|handmaid|of the Lord|let it be|to me|according to|word|your Lord my God, my creator and my redeemer, with such gratitude, dignity, and love, with such hope, faith, and purity, I wish to receive you today, as your most holy Mother, the glorious Virgin Mary, received and desired you when she humbly and devoutly responded to the Angel announcing the mystery of your incarnation: Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to your word.

3\\. 3\. Et sicut beatus Præcursor tuus excellentissimus Sanctorum, Johannes Baptista, in præsentia tua lætabundus exultavit in gaudio Spiritus Sancti, dum adhuc maternis clauderetur visceribus. And|as|blessed|Precursor|your|most excellent|of Saints|John|the Baptist|in|presence|your|joyfully|exulted|in|joy|Spirit|Holy|while|still|maternal|was enclosed|in the womb And just as your most excellent Precursor among the Saints, John the Baptist, rejoiced in your presence, exulting in the joy of the Holy Spirit, while still enclosed in his mother's womb. Et postmodum cernens inter homines Jesum ambulantem, valde se humilians, devoto cum affectu dicebat: Amicus autem sponsi, qui stat et audit cum gaudio, gaudet propter vocem sponsi: sic et ego magnis et sacris desideriis opto inflammari, et tibi ex toto corde me ipsum præsentare. And|afterwards|seeing|among|men|Jesus|walking|very|himself|humbling|devoted|with|affection|was saying|The friend|however|of the bridegroom|who|stands|and|hears|with|joy|rejoices|because of|voice|of the bridegroom|thus|and|I|great|and|sacred|desires|wish|to be inflamed|and|to you|from|whole|heart|myself|myself|to present And afterwards, seeing Jesus walking among men, greatly humbling himself, he said with devoted affection: The friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly at the bridegroom's voice: so I too wish to be inflamed with great and sacred desires, and to present myself to you with all my heart. Unde et omnium devotorum cordium jubilationes, ardentes affectus, mentales excessus, ac supernales illuminationes et cælica visiones tibi offero et exhibeo cum omnibus virtutibus et laudibus, ab omni creatura in cælo et in terra celebratis et celebrandis, pro me et omnibus mihi in oratione commendatis, quatenus ab omnibus digne lauderis, et in perpetuum glorificeris. whence|and|of all|devoted|hearts|jubilations|burning|affections|mental|excesses|and|heavenly|illuminations|and|celestial|visions|to you||and|I exhibit|with|all|virtues|and|praises|by|every|creature|in|heaven|and|in|earth|celebrated|and|to be celebrated|for|me|and|all|to me|in|prayer|commended|so that|by|all|worthily|you are praised|and|in|forever|you are glorified Therefore, I offer and present to you the jubilations of all devoted hearts, burning affections, mental ecstasies, as well as heavenly illuminations and celestial visions, along with all virtues and praises, celebrated and to be celebrated by every creature in heaven and on earth, for myself and for all those commended to you in prayer, so that you may be worthy of all praise and glorified forever.

4\\. 4. Accipe vota mea, Domine Deus meus, et desideria infinitæ laudationis et immensæ benedictionis, quætibi secundum multitudinem ineffabilis magnitudinis tuæ jure debentur. Receive|vows|my|Lord|God|my|and|desires|infinite|praise|and|immense|blessing|which to you|according to|multitude|ineffable|greatness|your|justly| Receive my vows, Lord my God, and the desires of infinite praise and immense blessing, which are justly owed to you according to the multitude of your ineffable greatness. Hæc tibi reddo et reddere desidero per singulos dies et momenta temporum, atque ad reddendum mecum tibi gratias et laudes, omnes cælestes spiritus et cunctos fideles tuos precibus et affectibus invito et exoro. These|to you|I return|and|to return|I desire|through|each|days|and||of time|and|for|returning|with me|to you|thanks|and|praises|all|heavenly|spirits|and|all|faithful|your|prayers|and|affections|I invite|and|I beseech I return these to you and desire to return them every day and moment of time, and to give thanks and praises to you, I invite and beseech all heavenly spirits and all your faithful ones with prayers and affections.

5\\. 5. Laudent te universi populi, tribus, et linguæ, et sanctum et mellifluum nomen tuum cum summa devotione et ardenti jubilatione magnificent. Let them praise|you|all|peoples|tribes|and|languages|and|holy|and|sweet-sounding|name|your|with|utmost|devotion|and|burning|jubilation|magnify May all peoples, tribes, and languages praise you, and may they magnify your holy and sweet name with the utmost devotion and fervent jubilation. Et quicumque reverenter ac devote altissimum Sacramentum tuum celebrant et plena fide recipiunt, gratiam et misericordiam apud te invenire mereantur, et pro me peccatore suppliciter exorent. And|whoever|reverently|and|devoutly|most high|Sacrament|your|celebrate|and|full|faith|receive|grace|and|mercy|with|you|to find|may deserve|and|for|me|sinner|humbly|may pray And whoever reverently and devoutly celebrates your most high Sacrament and receives it with full faith, may they deserve to find grace and mercy with you, and may they humbly intercede for me, a sinner. Cumque optata devotione ac fruibili unione potiti fuerint, et bene consolati, ac mirifice refecti de sacra mensa cælesti abscesserint mei pauperis recordari dignentur. And when|desired|devotion|and|fruitful|union|having obtained|they have been|and|well|consoled|and|wonderfully|refreshed|from|sacred|table|heavenly|they may depart|my|poor|to remember|may they deign And when they have obtained the desired devotion and fruitful union, and have been well consoled and wonderfully refreshed from the sacred heavenly table, may they deign to remember my poor self.

Cap. Chapter Cap. 18. 18. Quod homo non sit curiosus scrutator Sacramenti, sed humilis imitator Christi, subdendo sensum suum sacræ fidei. That|man|not|be|curious|scrutinizer|of the Sacrament|but|humble|imitator|of Christ|submitting|understanding|his|sacred|faith That man should not be a curious investigator of the Sacrament, but a humble imitator of Christ, submitting his understanding to the sacred faith.

1\\. 1. Cavendum est tibi a curiosa et inutili perscrutatione hujus profundissimi Sacramenti, si non vis in dubitationis profundum mergi. must be avoided|is|to you|from|curious|and|useless|inquiry|of this||Sacrament|if|not|you wish|in|doubt|deep|to be submerged You must beware of curious and useless investigation of this most profound Sacrament, if you do not wish to be submerged in the depths of doubt. Qui scrutator est majestatis, opprimetur a gloria. He who|investigator|is|of majesty|will be overwhelmed|by|glory He who investigates majesty will be overwhelmed by glory. Plus valet Deus operari, quam homo intelligere potest. More|is worth|God|to work|than|man|to understand|is able God's ability to act is worth more than what man can understand. Tolerabilis est pia et humilis inquisitio veritatis, parata semper doceri, et super sanas Patrum sententias studentis ambulare. Tolerable|is|pious|and|humble|inquiry|of truth|ready|always|to be taught|and|upon|sound|of the Fathers|opinions|students|to walk A tolerable and humble inquiry into the truth is pious, always ready to be taught, and walks upon the sound opinions of the Fathers.

2\\. 2. Beata simplicitas, quæ difficiles quæstionum relinquit vias, et plana ac firma pergit semita mandatorum Dei. Blessed|simplicity|which|difficult|questions|leaves|ways|and|straight|and|firm|continues|path|commandments|of God Blessed simplicity, which leaves behind the difficult paths of questions, and continues on the plain and firm way of God's commandments. Multi devotionem perdiderunt, dum altiora scrutari voluerunt. Many|devotion|lost|while|higher things|to investigate|they wanted Many have lost their devotion while they wished to explore higher matters. Fides a te exigitur et sincera vita, non altitudo intellectus, neque profunditas mysteriorum Dei. Faith|from|you|is required|and|sincere|life|not|height|of understanding|nor|depth|of mysteries|of God Faith is required from you and a sincere life, not the height of understanding, nor the depth of the mysteries of God. Si non intelligis nec capis quæ infra te sunt, quomodo comprehendes quæ supra te sunt. If|not|you understand|nor|you grasp|what|below|you|are|how|will you comprehend|what|above|you|are If you do not understand or grasp what is below you, how will you comprehend what is above you? Subdere Deo et humilia sensum tuum fidei, et dabitur tibi scientiæ lumen, prout tibi fuerit utile et necessarium. To submit|to God|and|humble|understanding|your|of faith|and|will be given|to you||light|as|to you|will be|useful|and|necessary Submit to God and humble your mind in faith, and the light of knowledge will be given to you, as it will be useful and necessary for you.

3\\. 3\. Quidam graviter tentantur de fide ac Sacramento, sed non est hoc ipsis imputandum, sed potius inimico. Some|seriously|are tempted|concerning|faith|and|Sacrament|but|not|is|this|to them|to be imputed|but|rather|to the enemy Some are gravely tempted regarding faith and the Sacrament, but this should not be attributed to them, but rather to the enemy. Noli curare, noli disputare cum cogitationibus tuis, nec ad immissas a diabolo disputationes et dubitationes responde. Do not|worry|do not|argue|with|thoughts|your|nor|to|sent|by|devil|disputes|and|doubts|respond Do not worry, do not argue with your thoughts, nor respond to the disputes and doubts sent by the devil. Sed crede verbis Dei. But|believe|words|of God But believe the words of God. Crede Sanctis ejus et prophetis, et fugiet a te nequam inimicus. Believe|in His saints|His|and|prophets|and|will flee|from|you|worthless|enemy Believe His saints and prophets, and the wicked enemy will flee from you. Sæpe enim ultum prodest, quod sustinet talia servus Dei. Often|for|revenge|is beneficial|because|endures|such things|servant|of God For often it is beneficial to avenge what the servant of God endures. Nam infideles et peccatores non tentat, quos secure jam possidet: Fideles autem devotos variis modis tentat et vexat. For|unbelievers|and|sinners|not|tempts|whom|securely|already|possesses|Believers|but|devoted|various|ways|tempts|and|harasses For he does not tempt the unbelievers and sinners, whom he already securely possesses: but he tempts and harasses the faithful and devoted in various ways.

4\\. 4\. Perge ergo cum simplici et indubitata fide, et cum simplici reverentia ad Sacramentum accede. Proceed|therefore|with|simple|and|undoubted|faith|and|with|simple|reverence|to|Sacrament|approach Therefore, proceed with simple and undoubted faith, and approach the Sacrament with simple reverence. Quidquid intelligere non vales, Deo omnipotenti secure committe. Whatever|to understand|not|are able|to God|almighty|safely|commit Whatever you cannot understand, securely entrust it to Almighty God. Non fallit te Deus; fallitur qui sibi nimium credit. Not|deceives|you|God|is deceived|who|to himself|too much|trusts God does not deceive you; it is he who trusts too much in himself who is deceived. Graditur Deus cum simplicibus, revelat se humilibus, dat intellectum parvulis, aperit sensum puris mentibus, et abscondit gratiam curiosis et superbis. God advances|God|with|the simple|reveals|himself|to the humble|gives|understanding|to the little ones|opens|sense|to the pure|minds|and|hides|grace|to the curious|and|to the proud God walks with the simple, reveals Himself to the humble, gives understanding to the little ones, opens the mind to the pure, and hides grace from the curious and proud. Ratio humana debilis est, et falli potest; fides autem vera falli non potest. Reason|human|weak|is|and|to be deceived|can|faith|however|true|to be deceived|not|can Human reason is weak and can be deceived; true faith, however, cannot be deceived.

5\\. 5\. Omnis ratio et naturalis investigatio fidem sequi debet, non præcedere, nec infringere. Every|reason|and|natural|inquiry|faith|to follow|ought|not|to precede|nor|to infringe Every reason and natural investigation must follow faith, not precede it, nor infringe upon it. Nam fides et amor ibi maxime præcellunt, et occultis modis in hoc sanctissimo et superexcellentissimo Sacramento operantur. For|faith|and|love|there|most|excel|and|hidden|ways|in|this|most holy|and|superexcellent|| For faith and love excel there most, and work in hidden ways in this most holy and supremely excellent Sacrament. Deus æternus, et immensus, infinitæque potentiæ, facit magna et inscrutabilia in cælo et in terra; nec est investigatio mirabilium opera ejus. God|eternal|and|immense|and infinite|power|does|great|and|inscrutable|in|heaven|and|in|earth|nor|is|investigation|of wonders|works|his The eternal and immense God, of infinite power, does great and inscrutable things in heaven and on earth; nor is there any investigation of His marvelous works. Si talia essent opera Dei, ut facile ab humana ratione caperentur, non essent mirabilia nec inscrutabilia dicenda. If|such|were|works|of God|so that|easily|by|human|reason|could be comprehended|not|would be|wonderful things|nor|inscrutable|to be said If such were the works of God, that they could be easily grasped by human reason, they would not be called marvelous or inscrutable.

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