10A: A Trip to Oslo
10A: Eine Reise nach Oslo
10A: A Trip to Oslo
Forrige uke var det høstferie i Trondheim, og studentene på norskkurset hadde fri.
last|week|was|it|autumn break|in|Trondheim|and|the students|in|the Norwegian course|had|free
Last week there was autumn break in Trondheim, and the students in the Norwegian course had time off.
Tidlig torsdag morgen reiste Anna og Li til Oslo.
Early Thursday morning, Anna and Li traveled to Oslo.
De var der i fire dager og opplevde mye.
they|were|there|for|four|days|and|experienced|a lot
They were there for four days and experienced a lot.
Nå er de tilbake på Dragvoll og skal fortelle klassen sin om turen.
now|are|they|back|at|Dragvoll|and|will|tell|the class|their|about|the trip
Now they are back at Dragvoll and will tell their class about the trip.
Li begynner:
Li starts:
Li: Hei alle sammen!
Li: Hi everyone!
Anna og jeg vil gjerne fortelle dere om turen vår til Oslo.
Anna|and|I|want|gladly|tell|you|about|the trip|our|to|Oslo
Anna and I would like to tell you about our trip to Oslo.
Dere vet sikkert at Oslo er hovedstaden i Norge og ligger på Østlandet.
you|know|surely|that|Oslo|is|the capital|in|Norway|and|lies|on|Østlandet
You probably know that Oslo is the capital of Norway and is located in Eastern Norway.
Da vi kom til Oslo sentrum, gikk vi først til hovedgata som heter Karl Johans gate.
when|we|arrived|to|Oslo|center|walked|we|first|to|the main street|that|is called|Karl|Johans|street
When we arrived in downtown Oslo, we first went to the main street called Karl Johans gate.
I den ene enden av gata ligger Slottet der kongen og dronningen bor.
in|the|one|end|of|the street|lies|the Palace|where|the king|and|the queen|lives
At one end of the street is the Palace where the king and queen live.
På vei til Slottet så vi også Stortinget.
on|way|to|the Palace|saw|we|also|the Parliament
On the way to the Palace, we also saw the Parliament.
Stortinget er Norges nasjonalforsamling eller parlament.
the Storting|is|Norway's|national assembly|or|parliament
The Storting is Norway's national assembly or parliament.
Etter lunsj dro vi til Akershus festning.
After lunch, we went to Akershus Fortress.
Det er veldig fint å gå på tur der, og det er fin utsikt over Oslofjorden.
it|is|very|nice|to|walk|on|hike|there|and|it|is|nice|view|over|the Oslofjord
It is very nice to go for a walk there, and there is a great view over the Oslofjord.
Så gikk vi til Rådhuset.
then|went|we|to|the City Hall
Then we went to the City Hall.
Der deler man ut Nobels Fredspris i desember hvert år.
there|they give|one|out|Nobel's|Peace Prize|in|December|every|year
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded there every December.
I nærheten ligger også Nobels Fredssenter.
in|vicinity|is located|also|Nobel's|Peace Center
Nearby is also the Nobel Peace Center.
Det er kjempefine utstillinger der.
||sehr schöne||
it|is|really nice|exhibitions|there
There are really nice exhibitions there.
Vil du fortelle om resten av helga, Anna?
will|you|tell|about|the rest|of|the weekend|Anna
Would you like to tell us about the rest of the weekend, Anna?
Anna: Ja, gjerne.
Anna: Yes, please.
På fredag var vi på shopping, og om kvelden gikk vi på teater.
on|Friday|were|we|on|shopping|and|in|the evening|went|we|to|theater
On Friday we went shopping, and in the evening we went to the theater.
Vi så et stykke av Henrik Ibsen.
We saw a play by Henrik Ibsen.
Det var bra, men språket var litt vanskelig.
it|was|good|but|the language|was|a little|difficult
It was good, but the language was a bit difficult.
Vi gjorde veldig mye på lørdag og søndag.
We did a lot on Saturday and Sunday.
Jeg har ikke tid til å fortelle alt, men jeg kan anbefale dere å besøke Vigelandsparken hvis dere skal dra til Oslo.
I|have|not|time|to|to|tell|everything|but|I|can|recommend|you|to|visit|Vigeland Park|if|you|will|go|to|Oslo
I don't have time to tell you everything, but I can recommend that you visit Vigeland Park if you are going to Oslo.
Det er en park med mange flotte skulpturer.
It is a park with many beautiful sculptures.
Operahuset er også fantastisk.
the Opera House|is|also|fantastic
The Opera House is also fantastic.
Jeg likte arkitekturen veldig godt.
I|liked|the architecture|very|well
I really liked the architecture.
Oslo har dessuten mange fine museer.
Oslo also has many nice museums.
Vikingskipshuset var veldig interessant.
the Viking Ship Museum|was|very|interesting
The Viking Ship Museum was very interesting.
Her kan man se noen av de eldste vikingskipene i Norge.
here|can|one|see|some|of|the|oldest|Viking ships|in|Norway
Here you can see some of the oldest Viking ships in Norway.
Jeg likte også Munch-museet.
I also liked the Munch Museum.
Vet dere hvem Edvard Munch er?
know|you (plural)|who|Edvard|Munch|is
Do you know who Edvard Munch is?
Ken: Han er en berømt maler.
Ken: He is a famous painter.
A: Det er riktig.
A: That's correct.
Han har malt et bilde som er veldig kjent.
He has painted a picture that is very famous.
Vet du hva det heter?
know|you|what|it|is called
Do you know what it is called?
K: Ja, det heter The Scream på engelsk… Hva heter det på norsk?
K|yes|it|is called|the|Scream|in|English|what|is called|it|in|Norwegian
K: Yes, it is called The Scream in English... What is it called in Norwegian?
A: Det heter Skrik.
A|it|is called|Scream
A: It is called Skrik.
Jeg har bildet på PC-en min.
I|have|the picture|on|||my
I have the picture on my computer.
Jeg kan vise dere Skrik og noen av bildene fra Oslo.
I|can|show|you|The Scream|and|some|of|the pictures|from|Oslo
I can show you The Scream and some of the pictures from Oslo.
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