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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 019

董承同 楊奉 商量 好 , 請 獻帝 返去 洛陽 吖 。 但 係 李樂 唔 同意 喎 , 董承 就 對 李樂話 嘞 : 洛陽 本來 係 天子 建立 首都 嘅 地方 , 安邑 不過 係 個 小小 嘅 地頭 , 點容 得 落 皇上 嘅 御駕 呢 ? 而家 請 皇上 返去 洛陽 先至 係 正理 。 李樂話 : 噉 你 有 你 哋 送 皇上 去 啦 , 我 就 係 要 住 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 噉 你 唔 去 就罷 囉 , 董承 、 楊奉 就 護送 獻帝 起程 去 洛陽 嘞 喎 。 點 知 嗰 個 李 樂 暗中 派 人 去 勾結 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 約定 一齊 嚟 劫 駕 。 呢 個 陰謀 啊 穿 咗 煲 , 畀 董承 、 楊奉 、 韓暹 知道 咗 , 就 漏夜 佈置 好 軍隊 , 護送 獻帝 坐車 趕去 箕關 。 哈 , 呢 件 事 呀 , 又 調 轉頭 畀 李樂 探聽到 , 佢 都 唔 等 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 兵 到 , 自己 就 帶齊 本部 人馬 猛 咁 追 嘞 。 到 當晚 四 更 左右 , 追到 去 箕 山 , 即 係 喺 而 家 河南省 登封縣 東南 嘅 地方 。 追到 嘞 , 佢 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : 前 便 嘅 車架 唔 好行 喇 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 喺 處 ! 一時之間 , 山 上面 火光 四起 , 嚇 到 獻帝 呀 心驚膽跳 啊 。 楊奉 呢 佢 根據 情況 判斷 , 佢 話 : 嚟 嘅 係 李 樂 唧 , 唔 緊要 。 即刻 派 徐晃去 迎戰 。 李樂 親自出馬 , 兩個 一埋手 , 打 咗 只 係 一個 回合 , 李樂 就 畀 徐晃 一斧 斬落 馬 嘞 , 嗚呼哀哉 ! 徐晃 殺 散 咗 李 樂 嘅 人馬 , 於是 獻帝 嘅 車架 平安 噉 就 通過 咗 箕關 。 河內 太守 張楊 啊 , 喺 軹 道 呢 笪 地方 呢 , 帶齊 糧食 布匹 迎接 御駕 。 獻帝 呀 好 感動 , 即刻 封張 楊 做 大司馬 。 於是 張楊 呢 就 辭別 咗 獻帝 , 率 領軍 兵去 咗 野王 嗰 笪 地方 駐扎 喇 。 好 喇 , 當 獻帝 入到 洛陽 嘅 時候 , 嘩 ! 只見 一片 淒涼 景象 啊 ! 大家 都 記得 㗎 , 董卓 要 遷都 去 長安 嘅 時候 , 放大 火燒 毀 洛陽 𠺢 嘛 。 而家 洛陽 呀 , 宮殿 都 燒光 晒 , 街市 啊 荒蕪 零落 , 望 埋 去 呀 都 係 啲 野草 。 當年 皇宮 嘅 地方 , 只 係 剩落 一 埲 埲 嘅 爛 牆 斷壁 。 獻帝 就 叫 楊奉 暫時 起 啲 細間 簡陋 嘅 宮殿 住落 先 啦 噉 。 啲 文武百官 朝賀 皇帝 嘅 時候 啊 , 嘿嘿 , 就 噉 企 喺 啲 野草 荊棘 之中 咋 。 遷 咗 返 嚟 洛陽 , 獻帝 就 下令 , 將 原來 嘅 年號 啊 重新 改過 , 本來 呢 就 叫做 興平 嘅 , 而家 就 改 做 建安 元年 嘞 。 建安 元年 即 係 公元 一百九十六 年 啊 。 各位 , 從 我 哋 開始 講大破 黃巾 嗰 陣 計 起 呢 , 到 獻帝 還都 洛陽 呢 個 時候 止 , 已經 過 咗 去 十二個 年頭 㗎 喇 。 呢 一年 啊 又 係 大 災荒 , 當時 洛陽 嘅 居民 僅僅 係 得 返 幾百戶 人家 。 因為 冇 嘢 食 嘞 ,冚𠾴唥 都 出去 城外 剝 樹皮 、 掘 草根 嚟 食 。 朝廷 上 嘅 大臣 呀 , 尚書郎 以下 嘅 官員 都 要 自己 親自 出城 去 斬 柴 啊 。 好多 人 就 噉 喺 路邊 就 餓死 咗 。 漢朝 末年 , 國運 衰微 到 咗 呢 個 時候 , 已經 係 到 到極點 喇 。 太尉楊 彪 呢 , 就 早就 對 獻帝 建議 過 , 話 要 召 曹操 嚟 , 起兵 去 殺 咗 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 嚟 安定 朝廷 嘅 。 呢 而 家 佢 又 舊事重提 嘞 , 有 一日 , 楊彪 就 稟奏 獻帝 話 : 關於 召 曹操 嚟 京師 嘅 事 , 以前 陛下 曾經 落過 聖旨 㗎 喇 , 只 係 未曾 發出 唧 。 而家 曹操 喺 山東 兵 強將 盛 , 應該 快 啲 召 佢 入 朝 嚟 輔助 皇室 就 啱 咯 。 獻帝 話 嘞 : 以前 朕 既然 已經 落過 命令 就 得 啦 , 卿 又 何必 再 嚟 稟奏 呢 ? 而家 即刻 派 人 去 召 曹操 嚟 就 係 嘞 。 楊彪 奉 咗 聖旨 , 即刻 派 人 去 山東 召 曹操 。 曹操 喺 山東 嚟 吖 , 佢 聽聞 獻帝 已經 返到 洛陽 , 就 召集 一班 謀士 嚟 商量 嘞 。 荀彧 建議 話 : 舊時 晉文公 尊崇 周襄王 , 噉 啊 所有 嘅 諸侯 都 服 晒 佢 。 漢高祖 為 楚義帝 辦 喪事 , 噉 天下 嘅 人心 都 向 住 佢 。 而家 , 皇上 畀 啲 奸賊 趕到 到處 流亡 。 如果 將軍 你 喺 呢 個 時候 首先 率領 一支 仁義之師 擁護 皇上 , 順應 全國 嘅 願望 , 呢 件 事 一 做成 , 極 不 平凡 啊 ! 不過 噉 , 如果 唔 早日 落 決心 去 做 , 噉 人 哋 就 一定 會 做 先過 我 哋 㗎 喇 。 曹操 非常 同意 荀彧 呢 個 建議 。 正 係 要 準備 起兵 , 呢 一日 , 天使 帶住 聖旨 趕到 嚟 。 啱 晒 啦 , 曹操 接 咗 聖旨 , 定落 日期 就 興師 出發 喇 。 而家 講下 獻帝 , 佢 返 到 嚟 洛陽 啊 樣樣 都 唔 齊備 , 城牆 崩塌 , 要 修理 呢 又 缺乏 人力 同 材料 。 正 係 揦 手 唔 成 勢 嘅 時候 , 聽到 有 消息 話 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 兵馬 就 嚟 殺 到 喇 噉 , 獻帝 就 驚到 不得了 。 佢 就 問 楊 奉 話 嘞 : 去 山東 嘅 使者 仲 未曾 返 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 賊兵 又 到 咯 , 噉 點算 好 啊 ? 楊奉同 韓暹 就 話 嘞 : 臣 等 願同 賊兵 決一死戰 , 保衛 陛下 ! 董承話 嘞 : 唔 得 嘅 , 而家 啲 城牆 又 唔 堅固 , 軍兵 又 少 , 打 唔 贏 又會有 咩 後果 呢 ? 不如 請 皇上 去 山東 避開 下仲 安全 啊 ! 獻帝 覺得 董承 國舅 呢 個 辦法 仲 係 比較 實際 , 於是 即日 就 起程 去 山東 。 呢 , 皇帝 有 馬車 坐 , 但 係 嗰 班 大臣 就 冇 馬 騎 嘅 喎 , 就 唯有 人人 啊 跟 住 皇帝 架 車尾 步行 係 啦 。 出 咗 洛陽城 , 行 咗 冇 幾遠 , 只見 煙塵 滾滾 , 連日 頭都 遮住 咁 交關 。 鑼鼓 齊鳴 震天動地 , 嘩 , 無數 人馬 嚟 緊 啊 ! 當堂 嚇 到 皇帝 皇后 成身 打震講 唔 出 說話 。 忽然間 , 有 個人 騎住 馬 飛快 噉 跑過 嚟 , 哦 ! 原來 係 前 嗰 排 派 去 山東 嘅 使者 返 嚟 啊 ! 佢 去 到 獻帝 架車 前面 跪低 行禮 , 稟奏 話 : 恭喜 陛下 ! 曹將軍 率領 山東 全部 軍兵 奉旨 前 嚟 。 聽聞 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 賊兵 進犯 洛陽 , 故此 先 派 夏侯惇 做 先鋒 , 帶 上將 十名 、 精兵 五萬 趕 嚟 保駕 ! 哦 , 噉 呀 , 好 啊 ! 好 啊 ! 獻帝 個心 呀 噉 就 安樂 返 嘞 。 過 咗 無耐 , 夏侯惇 帶住 許褚 、 典韋 等等 嚟 到 見 駕 , 都 係 行軍 禮 。 獻帝 正話 慰問 完 佢 哋 , 有 報告 嚟 話 喺 正 東面 , 又 有 一路 軍馬 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 獻帝 就 即刻 叫 夏侯惇 去 探聽 一下 , 一陣 間 , 夏侯惇 返 嚟 報告 話 , 係 曹操 嘅 步兵 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 冇 幾耐 , 曹洪 、 李典 、 樂進 嚟 到 見 駕 。 報完 姓名 , 曹洪 就 稟奏 話 : 臣兄 知道 賊兵 逼近 , 怕 夏侯惇 獨力 難支 , 所以 又 派 臣 等 火速 趕 嚟 協助 啊 。 獻帝 好 感動 , 佢 話 : 啊 , 曹將軍 真 係 一心 為 國 嘅 忠臣 啊 ! 呢 個 時候 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 賊兵 大隊 嚟 到 嘞 ! 獻帝 呢 趟 就 唔 怕 喇 , 佢 命令 夏侯惇 分兩路 去 迎擊 。 夏侯惇 就 同 曹洪分 為 兩翼 , 馬軍先 出 , 步兵 跟 尾 就 全力 攻擊 。 一場 大戰 就 打 到 賊兵 一敗塗地 , 斬 咗 萬 幾個 首級 。 打勝 咗 仗 嘞 , 唔 使 走 佬 啦 , 於是 就 請 獻帝 返去 洛陽 。 夏侯惇 嘅 兵馬 就 喺 城外 駐扎 。 第 日 , 曹操 率領 大隊人馬 嚟 到 咯 。 佢 安好 營寨 之後 , 即刻 入城 去 朝見 皇帝 。 曹操 三跪九叩 行禮 : 臣 曹操 見 駕 , 願 皇上 萬歲 萬歲 萬萬歲 ! 賜卿 平身 。 平身 即 係 話 你 叩 完頭 唔 使 跪 喺 處 嘞 , 企 起身 啦 噉 解 。 呢 啲 呀 亦 係 皇帝 嘅 恩典 嚟 㗎 。 卿家 遠道 前 嚟 保駕 , 一路 辛苦 喇 。 臣 一向 蒙受 國恩 , 時刻 都 思念 報答 。 而家 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 罪惡貫盈 。 臣 有 精兵 二十幾萬 , 以 正義 之師 去 討伐 叛逆 , 必定 戰無不勝 。 請 陛下 保重 龍體 , 以 社稷 為重 啊 ! 獻帝 非常 歡喜 , 就 封 曹操 領 司隸校 尉假 節鉞錄 尚書 事 。 呢 個 官銜 即 係 點呢 ? 即 係 封 曹操 喺 軍事 上 有 生殺大權 , 同時 全面 掌握 朝政 。 而家 講下 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 佢 哋 見到 曹操 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 認 為 佢 嘅 兵馬 一定 疲倦 嘅 , 就 商量 想同 曹操 速戰速決 。 賈詡 勸 佢 哋 話 嘞 : 唔 好 啊 , 曹操 兵 精將勇 , 唔 夠 佢 打 㗎 , 不如 投降 佢 , 請求 赦罪 仲好 啦 。 李 傕 發火 嘞 : 咩 話 ? 你 敢滅 我 嘅 銳氣 , 我 殺 咗 你 ! 啊 真 係 掹 劍 出 嚟 要 斬 賈 詡 噃, 左右 啲 人 就 快 啲 攔住 , 勸 佢 唔 好 噉 啦 。 當晚 , 賈詡 諗 落 李 傕 、 郭汜 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 都 係 跟 唔 過 㗎 喇 , 單人 匹馬 就 趯 咗 返鄉 嘞 。 第 日 , 李 傕 嘅 軍馬 嚟 迎戰 曹操 。 曹操 首先 叫許 褚 、 曹仁 、 典韋 , 帶住 三百 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 去 李 傕 嘅 兵陣 衝 佢 三次 , 然後 自己 先至 佈陣 噃。 好 喇 , 兩 軍 對陣 , 李 傕 嘅 侄 李 暹 同 李 別 當先 出馬 。 都 未曾 開口 講 說話 唧 , 許褚 就 突然 飛馬 過去 , 一刀 就 先 斬 咗 李暹 。 哎呀 ! 李別 大吃一驚 , 慌 到 摏 咗 落馬 , 許褚 順手 一刀 亦 將 佢 斬 埋 , 挽住 兩個 人頭 跑 返回 陣 。 嘩 ! 厲害 啊 ! 曹操 摸 住許 褚 嘅 背脊 話 : 你 真 係 我 嘅 樊 噲 ! 樊噲 係 邊個 呢 ? 樊噲 係 漢朝 第一個 皇帝 漢高祖 劉邦 嘅 勇 將 。 喺 劉邦 打天下 嘅 時候 啊 , 曾經 有 好 幾次 喺 戰陣 當中 , 處境 十分 危險 , 就 係 樊噲 啊 靠 自己 嘅 勇猛 使到 劉邦 脫險 嘅 。 曹操 跟 住 命令 夏侯惇 帶兵 由 左 便 出擊 , 曹仁 帶兵 由右 便 出擊 , 曹操 親自 帶領 中軍 衝陣 。 咚咚 咚咚 咚咚 戰鼓 一響 , 三軍 一齊 出動 。 李 傕 嗰 啲 兵馬 點 頂得住 吖 , 打 到 大敗 , 搏命 咁 走 。 曹操 揸 住 寶劍 喺 手 嚟 , 親自 押陣 , 指揮 部隊 就 漏夜 追殺 。 李 傕 嘅 兵馬 被 殺 嘅 極 多 , 真 係 血流成河 啊 ! 至於 投降 個 呢 就 多 到計 唔 掂 嘞 。 李 傕 、 郭汜 一直 向 住 西 便 逃跑 , 嗰 種 慌張 狼狽 法 呀 , 嘿嘿 直情 好似 喪家之狗 啊 。 佢 兩個 嘢 知道 好事 多為 , 諗 落 投奔 人 哋 都 係 唔 肯 收留 㗎 嘞 , 就 唯有 上山 落草 做 其 山大王 係 啦 , 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 唔 講 佢 。 曹操 打 咗 勝仗 之後 , 收兵 返 嚟 , 依然 係 駐 扎 喺 洛陽城 外 。 楊奉同 韓暹 兩個 人 就 商量 話 嘞 : 而家 曹操 立 咗 大功 , 大權 由 佢 掌握 晒 , 以後 仲點 容得 落 我 哋 㗎 , 不如 行開 罷喇 。 於是 佢 哋 兩個 人 就 去 見 皇帝 , 藉口 話 去 追剿 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 就 帶 咗 本部 兵馬 去 咗 洛陽 以東 嘅 大梁 駐扎 , 即 係 而家 河南省 開封縣 嘅 地方 。 有 一日 , 獻帝 叫 人 去 曹操 軍營 , 就 召 曹操 入宮 去 商量 一 啲 事 。 曹操 聽見 話 天使 到 唄 , 就 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 啦 。 只見 呢 個人 生 得 眉清目秀 , 精神飽滿 。 曹操 個心 諗 嘞 : 而家 洛陽 災荒 咁 嚴重 , 上 至 大臣 , 下 至 百姓 , 個個 都 係 面黃肌瘦 , 何以 唯獨 呢 個人 咁 好 身子 呢 ? 曹操 好 奇怪 就 問 佢 話 嘞 : 足下 嘅 容顏 咁 豐滿 , 係 點 調理 嘅 呢 ? 我 冇 咩 其他 辦法 , 就 係 一向 都 食 白飯 , 已經 三十年 咯 。 哦 , 呵呵 , 足下 而家 係 乜嘢 職務 啊 ? 我 曾經 被 選為 孝廉 , 原來 係 袁紹 、 張 楊 嘅 從事 。 最近 聽 聞天子 還都 洛陽 , 特意 前 嚟 朝見 , 被 封為 正議 郎 。 我 係 濟 陰 定陶 人 , 姓 董 , 名昭 , 字公仁 。 聞名 好 耐 喇 , 咁 好彩 今日 能夠 喺 呢 處 見面 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 曹操 即刻 叫 人 擺酒 招待 , 又 介紹 佢 同 荀彧 會面 。 呢 陣時 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 , 有 一支 軍隊 向 住 東面 去 咗 , 唔 知 係 咩 人 。 曹操 話 : 再 去 探 清楚 。 遵命 ! 董昭話 嘞 : 呢 個實 係 李 傕 以前 嘅 部下 楊奉 同埋 韓暹 啦 , 因為 曹公 你 嚟 到 洛陽 , 所以 佢 哋 就 帶兵 去 大梁 啫 。 哦 ? 莫非 佢 哋 懷疑 我 曹操 咩 ? 佢 哋 都 係 啲 無 謀 之輩 , 曹公 你 唔 使 擔心 。 嗯 , 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 逃跑 咗 , 以後 會點 呢 佢 哋 ? 虎無爪 , 鳥無翼 , 唔 使 幾耐 , 佢 哋 一定 會 畀 曹公 你 擒獲 , 不必 介意 。 曹操 同 董昭越 傾 就 越 覺得 投機 , 好 啱 心水 , 就問 下 佢 有關 朝廷 大事 嘅 意見 。 董昭話 : 曹公 你 興 仁義之師 , 平定 暴亂 , 入朝 嚟 輔助 天子 , 呢 一步 可以 使 曹公 你 將來 成就 偉大 嘅 事業 。 不過 各鎮 諸侯 人 各 不同 , 心意 亦 唔 一樣 , 未必 個個 都 心悅誠服 嘅 , 所以 如果 留 喺 呢 一度 , 就 怕 有 啲 不便 。 唯有 請 皇上 移駕 遷 去 許都 , 呢 個 就 係 上策 。 當然 咯 , 朝廷 到處 流亡 咗 咁 長時間 , 新近 返到 嚟 京師 , 遠遠近近 都 喺 度 觀望 住 , 希望 能夠 有 一個 時期 嘅 安定 。 噉 而家 又 話 要 遷都 , 就 恐怕 大家 個心 又 會 唔 同意 嘅 。 哎 , 不過 講 到底 , 逢 係 做 非常 之事 就 會 有 非常 之 結果 , 請 將軍 決斷 啦 。 呢 一個 正 係 我 嘅 意思 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 不過 楊 奉 喺 大梁 , 朝廷 上 嘅 大臣 又 會 唔 會 有 乜嘢 其他 嘅 變亂 呢 ? 噉 好易 解決 唧 , 曹公 你 可以 寫封信 畀 楊奉 , 等 佢 安心 。 同時 對 啲 大臣 講明 白 , 就 話 京師 缺糧 , 所以 請 皇上 移 駕去 許都 。 許都 靠近 魯陽 , 喺 嗰 處 轉運 糧食 十分 方便 , 唔 使 擔心 缺糧 嘅 。 噉 啲 大臣 一聽 , 必定 歡歡喜喜 同意 嘅 。 曹操 真 係 高興 啊 ! 當董 昭 告別 嘅 時候 , 曹操 拉 住 佢 隻 手 話 : 以後 凡 係 我 有 乜嘢 想 做 嘅 , 都 要 請 董公 你 教 我 至 得 啊 , 吓 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 董昭 多謝 一番 就 告辭 返去 嘞 。 各位 , 董昭 建議 曹操 去 許都 吖 , 許都 就 係 許昌 , 喺 洛陽 嘅 東南方 , 即 係 而家 河南省 許昌縣 附近 。 噉 曹操 同 董昭 傾談 過 之後 , 佢 仲 同 佢 嗰 班 謀士 秘密 商量 過 遷都 嘅 事 。 當時 有個 大臣 係 好 識得 睇 天文 星象 嘅 , 佢 從 啲 星象 觀察 出 啊 , 大漢 嘅 氣數 呢 就 嚟 完 嘞 。 而 晉魏 呢 啲 地方 , 即 係 山西 、 河北 一帶 , 必定會 有 新 嘅 天子 出現 嘅 。 曹操 知道 咗 , 一方面 就 叫 人 去 講 佢 聽 , 叫 佢 千 祈 唔 好 到處 亂 咁 講 , 另一方面 , 曹操 就將 呢 一件 事講 畀 荀彧 聽 , 問 佢 有 乜嘢 意見 。 荀彧 話 嘞 : 漢朝 係 以 火得 王 , 而 曹公 你 是 土命 喎 。 許都 屬土 , 去 嗰 處 必定 興旺 , 火能 生土 , 土能 旺木 。 噉 啊 合晒 董 昭 嘅 說話 啊 , 將來 , 將來 曹公 你 一定 興旺發達 㗎 ! 各位 , 話 睇 下 天文 星象 就 睇 出邊 笪 地方 可以 出 皇帝 , 仲有 咩 金木水火土 五行 雙生 雙 剋 啊 等等 ,嚱! 呢 啲 都 係 古代 啲 人 啊 嘅 迷信 。 不過 嗰 陣 曹操 佢 哋 確係 噉 相信 嘅 就 係 喇 。 噉 聽 咗 咁 多 有利 嘅 意見 啊 , 曹操 就 下定決心 。 第 日 , 曹操 去 朝見 獻帝 , 佢 稟奏 話 : 洛陽 已經 荒廢 咗 咁 耐 , 好難 修葺 㗎 嘞 。 更 兼 轉運 糧食 非常 不便 , 許都 靠近 魯陽 , 城郭 宮室 , 錢糧 民物 , 樣樣 都 夠用 。 臣 嘅 意思 係 想 請 陛下 搬 去 許都 , 請 陛下 予以 同意 啦 。 獻帝 而家 乜嘢 都 指意 晒 曹操 㗎 嘞 , 梗 係 唔 敢 唔 同意 啦 。 噉 啊 文武百官 邊個 都 怕 曹操 嘅 權勢 , 亦 唔 敢 有 異議 , 於是 就 擇日 起程 。 到 咗 起程 嗰 日 , 曹操 率領 大軍 一路 護送 , 文武百官 都 跟隨 住 去 許都 。 行 咗 幾日 , 前 便 嚟 到 一個 高坡 , 忽然間 , 吶喊聲 一起 , 楊奉 、 韓暹 帶兵 攔住 去路 。 大將 徐晃 一馬當先 , 大聲 喝話 : 曹操 你 想 劫 駕去 邊處 ! 曹操 出馬 睇 下 , 咦 ? 見到 徐晃 威風凜凜 , 哦 , 係 個人 才 啊 ! 噉 曹操 叫許 褚 出馬 同 徐晃 交鋒 。 一個 使 大刀 , 一個 使大斧 , 打 咗 五十幾個 回合 , 不 分 勝敗 。 曹操 就 命令 打鑼 收兵 嘞 。 返到 大本營 , 曹操 召集 一班 謀士 商量 話 : 楊奉 、 韓暹 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 毫不 足道 , 之 徐晃 確係 一名 良將 啊 ! 我 唔 忍心 喺 戰陣 之上 殺 咗 佢 , 太 可惜 ! 呢 個人 應該 想法子 收 佢 過 嚟 , 各位 , 有 咩 好計 呢 ? 行軍 從事 滿寵 就 話 : 主公 唔 使 擔心 。 我 過去 同 徐晃 有 啲 交情 嘅 , 等 我 今晚 扮成 一個 小卒 , 偷偷地 去 佢 嘅 軍營 , 用 道理 嚟 說服 佢 , 包 佢 一定 傾心 嚟 歸降 嘅 。 曹操 好 歡喜 , 就 派 滿寵 去 嘞 。 當晚 , 滿寵 扮成 個 卒 仔 噉 模樣 , 混 咗 入 去 對方 嘅 軍隊 裏 便 , 偷偷 就 嚟 到 徐 晃 嘅 帳篷 前 便 。 只見 徐晃仲 係 着 住 盔甲 坐響 處 , 光光 猛猛 點着 蠟燭 。 滿寵 突然 行入 去 , 作個 揖 話 : 哈哈 老朋友 , 分別 以來 一向 都 好 吖 嘛 ? 徐晃 吃 咗 一驚 , 一下 扎起 , 望 咗 佢 一輪 。 你 唔 係 滿伯寧 ? 咦 , 點解 嚟 到 呢 處 啊 ? 我而家 係 曹將軍 嘅 行軍 從事 , 今日 喺 戰陣 之上 見到 老朋友 , 有 啲 說話 想講 , 所以 特意 冒險 而 嚟 。 哦 ? 請 坐 , 搵 我 有 咩 事 呢 ? 徐公 , 你 本事 咁 高強 , 真 係 世間 少有 。 為 咩 事要 咁 委屈 自己 去 為 楊奉 、 韓暹 之流 效力 呢 ? 曹將軍 乃 係 當代 英雄 , 佢 對 人才 嘅 愛慕 同 敬重 天下 皆知 嘅 。 今日 喺 戰陣 之上 , 佢 見到 徐公 你 咁 英勇 , 十分 敬愛 ! 所以 佢 唔 忍心 派 健將 嚟 同 你 決 死戰 , 特意 叫 我 嚟 邀請 你 去 。 徐公 , 你 為 咩 唔 棄暗投明 , 去 建功立業 呢 ? 噉 嘛 ? 唉 , 我 都 知道 楊奉 、 韓暹 唔 係 做 得 成大 事業 嘅 人 , 不過 跟 咗 佢 咁 耐 咯 , 唔 忍心 離開 佢 啫 。 開講 都 有 話 : 良禽擇木 而棲 , 賢臣 擇主而事 吖 嘛 。 遇到 一位 值得 為 佢 效力 嘅 主公 , 噉 都 唔 把握 機會 由得 自己 錯過 咗 , 噉 就 唔 係 大丈夫 所為 ! 好 啦 , 我 聽 你 嘅 。 噉 好極 嘞 , 不如 索性 殺 咗 楊奉 、 韓暹 , 作為 覲見 嘅 禮物 , 好 唔 好 ? 噉 唔 得 , 我 係 佢 嘅 部下 , 部下 殺 主將 , 呢 啲 係 不 義 嘅 事 , 我決 唔 做 嘅 ! 哦 ! 徐公 你 真 係 個 義士 ! 於是 徐晃帶 埋 自己 嘅 親信 兵士 幾十人 , 漏夜 騎馬 去 投奔 曹操 。 呢 件 事 早就 有人 去 報告 楊奉 嘞 , 楊奉 嬲 到 不得了 , 親自 帶住 成千 馬 軍 嚟 追 , 大聲 叫喊 : 徐晃 你 個 反賊 咪 走 啊 ! 正 喺 度 追 緊 , 忽然間 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 山上山下 一齊 點起 火把 。 埋伏 喺 處 嘅 人馬 嘩 嗬 噉 湧出 嚟 , 曹操 親自 帶兵 , 一馬當先 衝出 嚟 , 大喝一聲 : 我 喺 呢 度 等候 好 耐 嘞 , 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 走 甩 啊 ! 哎呀 ! 楊奉 驚 啊 , 急急 想 收兵 返 轉頭 。 但 係 已經 畀 曹兵 氹 氹 𡃈 噉 圍住 嘞 , 睇 白 唔 得 掂 㗎 喇 , 好彩 韓暹 帶兵 嚟 救 噃。 噉 啊 兩 便 嘅 人馬 混戰 起上 嚟 , 楊奉 噉 先至 執返 條命 走 甩身 。 曹操 趁勢 猛攻 , 楊 、 韓 兩部 嘅 軍士 有 成 大半 人 投降 。 楊奉 、 韓暹 見到 勢窮力竭 嘞 , 只有 帶住 一班 殘兵 敗 卒 就 去 咗 投奔 袁術 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 曹操 得勝 收兵 回營 , 滿寵帶 徐晃 嚟 見 佢 。 曹操 得 咗 噉 樣 一員 戰將 , 十分 歡喜 , 待 佢 非常 之 優厚 。 噉 趕走 咗 楊奉 、 韓暹 就 再 冇 咩 阻力 嘞 , 於是 順順利利 噉 一直 將 獻帝 護送 到 去 許都 住落 。 跟 住 呢 就 大興土木 , 起返 啲 宮殿 樓台 , 建立 宗廟社稷 , 省台 司院 等等 。 噉 啊 省台 司院 呢 即 係 中央政府 以及 各部 嘅 衙門 啊 。 又 修理 好 城牆 倉庫 。 封董 承 佢 哋 十三個 人 做 列候 , 總之 就 係 賞功罰罪 啦 , 都 係 曹操 話 事 嘅 。 曹操 自己 封做 大將軍 、 武平侯 , 任命 荀彧 做 侍中 、 尚書令 , 荀攸做 軍師 , 郭嘉做 司馬 祭酒 , 劉曄 做 司空 倉 曹 掾 。 毛 玠 、 任峻 做 典農 中郎將 , 佢 哋 係 專管 催督 錢糧 嘅 。 又 任命 程昱 做 東平 相 , 范成 、 董昭 做 洛陽 令 , 滿寵 做 許都 令 , 以上 呢 啲 呢 都 係 文職 官員 嘞 。 武將 方面 呢 , 任命 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 、 曹仁 、 曹洪 做 將軍 , 呂虔 、 李典 、 樂進 、 于禁 、 徐晃 做 校尉 , 許褚 、 典韋 做 都尉 , 其餘 嘅 將士 各人 都 封 咗 官 。 從此 之後 啊 , 朝廷 嘅 重大 事情 都 要 首先 稟報 畀 曹操 聽 , 然後 先至 再 稟奏 天子 , 軍政 大權 就 全部 歸於 曹操 嘞 。

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董承同 楊奉 商量 好 , 請 獻帝 返去 洛陽 吖 。 Dong Cheng|Yang Feng|discuss|good|please|Emperor Xian|return|Luoyang|particle Dong Cheng and Yang Feng discussed it well, and they requested Emperor Xian to return to Luoyang. 但 係 李樂 唔 同意 喎 , 董承 就 對 李樂話 嘞 : ||Lee Lok|not|agree|sentence-final particle|Dong Sing|then|to||sentence-final particle However, Li Le disagreed, so Dong Cheng said to Li Le: 洛陽 本來 係 天子 建立 首都 嘅 地方 , 安邑 不過 係 個 小小 嘅 地頭 , 點容 得 落 皇上 嘅 御駕 呢 ? Luoyang|originally|is|emperor|established|capital|possessive particle|place|Anyi|but|is|classifier|small|possessive particle|local area||able to|descend|His Majesty|possessive particle|imperial carriage|question particle Luoyang was originally the place where the Son of Heaven established the capital, and Anyi is just a small territory. How can the Emperor's carriage be allowed to stay here? 而家 請 皇上 返去 洛陽 先至 係 正理 。 now|please|Emperor|return to|Luoyang|only then|is|right thing It is only right to invite the Emperor to return to Luoyang. 李樂話 : 噉 你 有 你 哋 送 皇上 去 啦 , 我 就 係 要 住 喺 呢 處 嚟 。 Lee Lok said|then|you|have|||send|the Emperor|go|particle indicating completion|I|just|am|want|live|at|this|place|come Li Le said: Then you all can send the Emperor back, but I want to stay here. 噉 你 唔 去 就罷 囉 , 董承 、 楊奉 就 護送 獻帝 起程 去 洛陽 嘞 喎 。 then|you|not|go|just forget it|particle indicating finality|Dong Cheng|Yang Feng|then|escort|Emperor Xian|depart|to|Luoyang|past action particle|particle indicating suggestion Then if you don't go, just forget it. Dong Cheng and Yang Feng will escort Emperor Xian to Luoyang. 點 知 嗰 個 李 樂 暗中 派 人 去 勾結 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 約定 一齊 嚟 劫 駕 。 ||||||secretly|sent|people|to|collude|||Guo Si|agreed|together|come|rob|carriage Little did they know that Li Le secretly sent people to collude with Li Jue and Guo Si, agreeing to come together to ambush the carriage. 呢 個 陰謀 啊 穿 咗 煲 , 畀 董承 、 楊奉 、 韓暹 知道 咗 , 就 漏夜 佈置 好 軍隊 , 護送 獻帝 坐車 趕去 箕關 。 this|measure word|conspiracy|particle|penetrate|past tense marker|pot|by|Dong Cheng|Yang Feng|Han Xian|know|past tense marker|then|all night|arrange|well|army|escort|Emperor Xian|ride in a vehicle|hurry to|Ji Pass This conspiracy was exposed, and Dong Cheng, Yang Feng, and Han Xian found out about it, so they quickly arranged their troops to escort Emperor Xian in a carriage to Jiguang. 哈 , 呢 件 事 呀 , 又 調 轉頭 畀 李樂 探聽到 , 佢 都 唔 等 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 兵 到 , 自己 就 帶齊 本部 人馬 猛 咁 追 嘞 。 ha|this|measure word for events|matter|particle|again|adjust|turn around|by|Li Le|found out|he|also|not|wait|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|possessive particle|troops|arrive|himself|then|bring along|headquarters|personnel|fiercely|so|chase|past tense particle Ha, this matter was also turned around and heard by Li Le. He didn't even wait for Li Jue and Guo Si's troops to arrive, and took his own men to chase after them fiercely. 到 當晚 四 更 左右 , 追到 去 箕 山 , 即 係 喺 而 家 河南省 登封縣 東南 嘅 地方 。 arrive|that night|four|watch|around|caught up to|to|||||at|||Henan Province|Dengfeng County|southeast|possessive particle|place By around the fourth watch of the night, they caught up to Jishan, which is in the southeastern part of Dengfeng County, Henan Province today. 追到 嘞 , 佢 大聲 噉 嗌 話 : 前 便 嘅 車架 唔 好行 喇 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 喺 處 ! caught up|past tense marker|he|loudly|like that|shouted|said|||possessive particle|vehicle|not||completed action particle|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|at|place Chasing after them, he shouted loudly: "The car in front is not moving, Li Jue and Guo Si are here!" 一時之間 , 山 上面 火光 四起 , 嚇 到 獻帝 呀 心驚膽跳 啊 。 in an instant|mountain|on|firelight|rising everywhere|||Emperor Xian|particle indicating surprise|terrified|particle indicating exclamation In an instant, flames erupted on the mountain, scaring Emperor Xian so much that his heart raced. 楊奉 呢 佢 根據 情況 判斷 , 佢 話 : 嚟 嘅 係 李 樂 唧 , 唔 緊要 。 Yang Feng|this|he|according to|situation|judgment|he|said|coming|possessive particle|is|Li|Le|Ji|not|important Yang Feng assessed the situation and said: "It's Li Leji coming, it's not a big deal." 即刻 派 徐晃去 迎戰 。 immediately|send||battle He immediately sent Xu Huang to engage in battle. 李樂 親自出馬 , 兩個 一埋手 , 打 咗 只 係 一個 回合 , 李樂 就 畀 徐晃 一斧 斬落 馬 嘞 , 嗚呼哀哉 ! Li Lok|personally took action|the two|joined forces|fought|past tense marker|only|was|one|round|Li Lok|then|was given|Xu Huang|one axe|struck down|horse|past tense marker|alas Li Le personally took the field, and after just one exchange, Xu Huang struck him down from his horse with an axe, alas! 徐晃 殺 散 咗 李 樂 嘅 人馬 , 於是 獻帝 嘅 車架 平安 噉 就 通過 咗 箕關 。 Xu Huang|killed|scattered|past tense marker|Li|Le|possessive particle|cavalry|so|Emperor Xian|possessive particle|chariot|safely|like that|then|passed|past tense marker|Jiguang Xu Huang killed the troops of Li Le, so the chariot of Emperor Xian passed through Jiguang safely. 河內 太守 張楊 啊 , 喺 軹 道 呢 笪 地方 呢 , 帶齊 糧食 布匹 迎接 御駕 。 Hanoi|governor|Zhang Yang|ah|at|cart|road|this|small|place|this|bring along|food|cloth|welcome|imperial carriage The governor of Hanoi, Zhang Yang, in this place on the road, brought food and cloth to welcome the imperial carriage. 獻帝 呀 好 感動 , 即刻 封張 楊 做 大司馬 。 Emperor Xian|ah|very|moved|immediately|Feng Zhang|Yang|made|Grand Marshal Emperor Xian was very touched and immediately appointed Zhang Yang as the Grand Marshal. 於是 張楊 呢 就 辭別 咗 獻帝 , 率 領軍 兵去 咗 野王 嗰 笪 地方 駐扎 喇 。 then|Zhang Yang|particle indicating a completed action|then|bid farewell to|past tense marker||||||Ye Wang|that|place|area|garrisoned|particle indicating completion So Zhang Yang bid farewell to Emperor Xian and led his troops to camp at Yewang. 好 喇 , 當 獻帝 入到 洛陽 嘅 時候 , 嘩 ! 只見 一片 淒涼 景象 啊 ! good|particle indicating completed action|when|Emperor Xian|arrived at|Luoyang|possessive particle|time|wow|only saw|a scene of|desolation|sight|ah Alright, when Emperor Xian entered Luoyang, wow! It was a scene of desolation! 大家 都 記得 㗎 , 董卓 要 遷都 去 長安 嘅 時候 , 放大 火燒 毀 洛陽 𠺢 嘛 。 everyone|all|remembers|question particle|Dong Zhuo|wants|to move the capital|to|Chang'an|possessive particle|time|greatly|fire|destroy|Luoyang|city|question particle Everyone remembers that when Dong Zhuo wanted to move the capital to Chang'an, he set fire to and destroyed Luoyang. 而家 洛陽 呀 , 宮殿 都 燒光 晒 , 街市 啊 荒蕪 零落 , 望 埋 去 呀 都 係 啲 野草 。 now|Luoyang|particle|palace|all|burned down|completely|market|particle|desolate|scattered|looking|towards|go|particle|all|are|particle|weeds Now in Luoyang, the palaces are all burned down, and the markets are desolate and in ruins, all you can see are wild grasses. 當年 皇宮 嘅 地方 , 只 係 剩落 一 埲 埲 嘅 爛 牆 斷壁 。 back then|palace|possessive particle|place|||remaining|one|||possessive particle|broken|wall|broken wall The place where the imperial palace used to be is now just a few crumbling walls and broken walls left. 獻帝 就 叫 楊奉 暫時 起 啲 細間 簡陋 嘅 宮殿 住落 先 啦 噉 。 Emperor Xian|then|ordered|Yang Feng|temporarily|build|some|small|shabby|possessive particle|palace|live|first|particle indicating suggestion|like that Emperor Xian asked Yang Feng to temporarily set up some small and simple palaces to live in for now. 啲 文武百官 朝賀 皇帝 嘅 時候 啊 , 嘿嘿 , 就 噉 企 喺 啲 野草 荊棘 之中 咋 。 the|civil and military officials|to pay respects in the morning|emperor|possessive particle|time|particle|chuckle|just|like that|stand|in|the|weeds|thorns|among|particle When the civil and military officials pay their respects to the emperor, they are just standing among the wild grasses and thorns. 遷 咗 返 嚟 洛陽 , 獻帝 就 下令 , 將 原來 嘅 年號 啊 重新 改過 , 本來 呢 就 叫做 興平 嘅 , 而家 就 改 做 建安 元年 嘞 。 move|past tense marker|back|to|Luoyang|Emperor Xian|then|ordered|to|original|possessive particle|era name|sentence-final particle|again|changed|originally|this|then|called|Xingping|possessive particle|now|then|changed|to|Jian'an|first year|sentence-final particle After moving back to Luoyang, Emperor Xian ordered to change the original era name, which was originally called Xingping, to the first year of Jian'an. 建安 元年 即 係 公元 一百九十六 年 啊 。 Jian'an|first year|||AD|196|year|particle The first year of Jian'an is the year 196 AD. 各位 , 從 我 哋 開始 講大破 黃巾 嗰 陣 計 起 呢 , 到 獻帝 還都 洛陽 呢 個 時候 止 , 已經 過 咗 去 十二個 年頭 㗎 喇 。 everyone|from|||start|talking about the great defeat of|Yellow Turbans|that|time|calculation|starting|this|until|Emperor Xian||Luoyang|this|measure word|time|stop|already|passed|past tense marker|twelve|twelve|years|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action Everyone, from the time we started talking about the great defeat of the Yellow Turbans until now, when Emperor Xian is still in Luoyang, it has already been twelve years. 呢 一年 啊 又 係 大 災荒 , 當時 洛陽 嘅 居民 僅僅 係 得 返 幾百戶 人家 。 this|year|particle|again|is|great|famine|at that time|Luoyang|possessive particle|residents|only|is|have|back|a few hundred|households This year is also a great famine, and at that time, the residents of Luoyang only numbered a few hundred households. 因為 冇 嘢 食 嘞 ,冚𠾴唥 都 出去 城外 剝 樹皮 、 掘 草根 嚟 食 。 because|have not|thing|eat|past tense particle|whole family|all|go out|outside the city|peel|tree bark|dig|grass roots|come|eat Because there was nothing to eat, people went outside the city to peel bark and dig up roots to eat. 朝廷 上 嘅 大臣 呀 , 尚書郎 以下 嘅 官員 都 要 自己 親自 出城 去 斬 柴 啊 。 imperial court|above|possessive particle|ministers|sentence-final particle|secretary|below||officials|all|must|themselves|personally|leave the city|to|chop|firewood|sentence-final particle The ministers in the court, and the officials below the Minister of Works, all had to personally go out of the city to chop firewood. 好多 人 就 噉 喺 路邊 就 餓死 咗 。 many|people|just|like this|at|roadside|then|starve to death|past tense marker Many people just starved to death by the roadside. 漢朝 末年 , 國運 衰微 到 咗 呢 個 時候 , 已經 係 到 到極點 喇 。 Han Dynasty|late years|national fortune|decline|reach|past tense marker|this|measure word|time|already|is|reach|to the extreme|completed action marker In the late Han Dynasty, the national fortune had declined to this point, already at its extreme. 太尉楊 彪 呢 , 就 早就 對 獻帝 建議 過 , 話 要 召 曹操 嚟 , 起兵 去 殺 咗 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 嚟 安定 朝廷 嘅 。 |Biao|question particle|then|already|to|Emperor Xian|suggested|past tense marker|said|to|summon|Cao Cao|come|raise troops|to|||Li|Kuo||come|stabilize|court|possessive particle General Yang Biao had long suggested to Emperor Xian that he should summon Cao Cao to raise troops to kill Li Jue and Guo Si, to stabilize the court. 呢 而 家 佢 又 舊事重提 嘞 , 有 一日 , 楊彪 就 稟奏 獻帝 話 : this|||he|again|bringing up old matters|past tense marker|there is|one day|Yang Biao|then|reported to|Emperor Xian|said Now he brings up the old matter again, one day, Yang Biao reported to Emperor Xian saying: 關於 召 曹操 嚟 京師 嘅 事 , 以前 陛下 曾經 落過 聖旨 㗎 喇 , 只 係 未曾 發出 唧 。 regarding|summon|Cao Cao|to|capital|possessive particle|matter|previously|Your Majesty|once|issued|imperial decree|past action particle|completed action particle|||not yet|issued|order Regarding the matter of summoning Cao Cao to the capital, Your Majesty has previously issued a decree, but it has not yet been sent out. 而家 曹操 喺 山東 兵 強將 盛 , 應該 快 啲 召 佢 入 朝 嚟 輔助 皇室 就 啱 咯 。 now|Cao Cao|at|Shandong|soldiers||prosperous|should|quickly|more|summon|him|into|court|come|assist|royal family|then|right|particle indicating certainty Now that Cao Cao is strong and powerful in Shandong, it would be appropriate to summon him to assist the royal family as soon as possible. 獻帝 話 嘞 : 以前 朕 既然 已經 落過 命令 就 得 啦 , 卿 又 何必 再 嚟 稟奏 呢 ? Emperor Xian|said|past tense marker|previously|I (royal we)|since|already|issued|order|then|fine|sentence-final particle|you (a respectful term)|again|why|again|come|report|question particle Emperor Xian said: Since I have already issued the order, that should be enough. Why do you need to report this again? 而家 即刻 派 人 去 召 曹操 嚟 就 係 嘞 。 now|immediately|send|person|to|summon|Cao Cao|come|then|is|past tense particle It is best to send someone immediately to summon Cao Cao. 楊彪 奉 咗 聖旨 , 即刻 派 人 去 山東 召 曹操 。 Yang Biao|received|past tense marker|imperial edict|immediately|send|person|to|Shandong|summon|Cao Cao Yang Biao received the imperial decree and immediately sent someone to Shandong to summon Cao Cao. 曹操 喺 山東 嚟 吖 , 佢 聽聞 獻帝 已經 返到 洛陽 , 就 召集 一班 謀士 嚟 商量 嘞 。 Cao Cao|is|Shandong|from|particle|he|heard|Emperor Xian|already|returned to|Luoyang|then|gathered|a group of|strategists|to|discuss|past tense particle Cao Cao came from Shandong. Upon hearing that Emperor Xian had returned to Luoyang, he gathered a group of strategists to discuss. 荀彧 建議 話 : 舊時 晉文公 尊崇 周襄王 , 噉 啊 所有 嘅 諸侯 都 服 晒 佢 。 Xun Yu|suggested|said|in ancient times|Duke Wen of Jin|revered|King Xiang of Zhou|then|ah|all|possessive particle|feudal lords|all|submit|completely|him Xun Yu suggested that in the past, Duke Wen of Jin respected King Xiang of Zhou, and as a result, all the feudal lords submitted to him. 漢高祖 為 楚義帝 辦 喪事 , 噉 天下 嘅 人心 都 向 住 佢 。 Emperor Gaozu of Han|for|Emperor Yi of Chu|handle|funeral|then|the world|possessive particle|people's hearts|all|towards|directed|him Emperor Gao of Han held a funeral for the King of Chu, which won the hearts of the people across the land. 而家 , 皇上 畀 啲 奸賊 趕到 到處 流亡 。 now|the emperor|by|some|traitors|driven to|everywhere|exile Now, the emperor is being driven into exile by treacherous officials. 如果 將軍 你 喺 呢 個 時候 首先 率領 一支 仁義之師 擁護 皇上 , 順應 全國 嘅 願望 , 呢 件 事 一 做成 , 極 不 平凡 啊 ! if|general|you|at|this|measure word|time|first|leads|a|righteous army|supports|emperor|in accordance with|the whole country|possessive particle|wishes|this|measure word|matter|one|accomplished|extremely|not|ordinary|ah If you, General, were to lead a righteous army to support the emperor at this time, aligning with the wishes of the nation, this would be an extraordinary achievement! 不過 噉 , 如果 唔 早日 落 決心 去 做 , 噉 人 哋 就 一定 會 做 先過 我 哋 㗎 喇 。 but|like this|if|not|soon|make|determination|to|do|then|people|plural marker|then|definitely|will|do|surpass|I|we|particle|particle However, if we do not make a decision to act soon, others will definitely act before us. 曹操 非常 同意 荀彧 呢 個 建議 。 Cao Cao|very|agrees|Xun Yu|this|measure word|suggestion Cao Cao strongly agreed with Xun Yu's suggestion. 正 係 要 準備 起兵 , 呢 一日 , 天使 帶住 聖旨 趕到 嚟 。 just|is|need|prepare|to revolt|this|one day|angel|bringing|holy decree|arrived|here It was time to prepare for the uprising, and on that day, an angel arrived with the imperial decree. 啱 晒 啦 , 曹操 接 咗 聖旨 , 定落 日期 就 興師 出發 喇 。 right|completely|particle|Cao Cao|received|past tense marker|imperial decree||date|then|mobilize troops|depart|particle Exactly! Cao Cao received the decree and set a date to mobilize the troops. 而家 講下 獻帝 , 佢 返 到 嚟 洛陽 啊 樣樣 都 唔 齊備 , 城牆 崩塌 , 要 修理 呢 又 缺乏 人力 同 材料 。 now|talk about|Emperor Xian|he||||Luoyang|particle|everything|all|not|ready|city wall|collapsed|needs|repair|this|again|lacking|manpower|and|materials Now let's talk about Emperor Xian; when he returned to Luoyang, everything was in disarray, the city walls had collapsed, and there was a lack of manpower and materials to repair them. 正 係 揦 手 唔 成 勢 嘅 時候 , 聽到 有 消息 話 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 兵馬 就 嚟 殺 到 喇 噉 , 獻帝 就 驚到 不得了 。 just|is|raise|hand|not|able|situation|possessive particle|time|heard|have|news|saying|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|possessive particle|troops|then|come|kill|arrive|particle indicating completed action|like this|Emperor Xian|then|scared to|an extreme degree Just when things were getting out of hand, news came that the troops of Li Jue and Guo Si were coming to attack, and Emperor Xian was extremely frightened. 佢 就 問 楊 奉 話 嘞 : 去 山東 嘅 使者 仲 未曾 返 , 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 賊兵 又 到 咯 , 噉 點算 好 啊 ? he|then|asked|Yang|Feng|said|past tense marker|go|Shandong|possessive particle|messenger|still|not yet|return|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|possessive particle|bandit troops|again|arrive|sentence-final particle|then|how to deal with|good|question particle He asked Yang Feng, saying: The messenger to Shandong hasn't returned yet, and the bandits of Li Jue and Guo Si are already here, what should we do? 楊奉同 韓暹 就 話 嘞 : 臣 等 願同 賊兵 決一死戰 , 保衛 陛下 ! |Han Xian|then|said|past tense marker|I (a humble form of self-reference)|and others||enemy soldiers||to defend|Your Majesty Yang Feng and Han Xian said: We are willing to fight the bandits to the death to protect Your Majesty! 董承話 嘞 : 唔 得 嘅 , 而家 啲 城牆 又 唔 堅固 , 軍兵 又 少 , 打 唔 贏 又會有 咩 後果 呢 ? Dong Cheng said|past tense marker|not|possible|particle indicating possession|now|plural marker|city walls|again|not|strong|soldiers|again|few|fight|not|win||what|consequences|question particle Dong Cheng said: No, we can't. The city walls are not strong, and our troops are few. If we can't win, what will be the consequences? 不如 請 皇上 去 山東 避開 下仲 安全 啊 ! might as well|invite|Emperor|go|Shandong|avoid|next month|safe|ah It would be better to ask the Emperor to go to Shandong to avoid danger, that would be safer! 獻帝 覺得 董承 國舅 呢 個 辦法 仲 係 比較 實際 , 於是 即日 就 起程 去 山東 。 Emperor Xian|thought|Dong Cheng|imperial uncle|this|measure word|method|still|is|relatively|practical|so|on the same day|then|set off|to|Shandong Emperor Xian felt that Dong Cheng's method was more practical, so he set off for Shandong that very day. 呢 , 皇帝 有 馬車 坐 , 但 係 嗰 班 大臣 就 冇 馬 騎 嘅 喎 , 就 唯有 人人 啊 跟 住 皇帝 架 車尾 步行 係 啦 。 this|emperor|has|carriage|to ride||is|||||||||||||||||||||sentence-final particle The emperor had a carriage to ride in, but the ministers had no horses, so everyone had to follow the emperor's carriage on foot. 出 咗 洛陽城 , 行 咗 冇 幾遠 , 只見 煙塵 滾滾 , 連日 頭都 遮住 咁 交關 。 exit|past tense marker|Luoyang city|walk|past tense marker|not|very far|only saw|dust|rolling|for several days||covered|so|busy After leaving Luoyang, they hadn't gone far when they saw clouds of dust rolling in, obscuring the view. 鑼鼓 齊鳴 震天動地 , 嘩 , 無數 人馬 嚟 緊 啊 ! gong and drum|sounding together|shaking heaven and earth|wow|countless|people and horses|coming|soon|particle indicating excitement The sound of drums and gongs shook the heavens, wow, countless troops were coming! 當堂 嚇 到 皇帝 皇后 成身 打震講 唔 出 說話 。 on the spot|scared|to|emperor|empress|whole body||not|out|talking At that moment, the emperor and empress were so frightened that they trembled and couldn't speak. 忽然間 , 有 個人 騎住 馬 飛快 噉 跑過 嚟 , 哦 ! 原來 係 前 嗰 排 派 去 山東 嘅 使者 返 嚟 啊 ! suddenly|there is|a person|riding|horse|very fast|like that|ran over|here|oh|originally|is|front|that|group|sent|to|Shandong|possessive particle|messenger|return|here|ah Suddenly, a person riding a horse came running quickly over, oh! It turns out to be the envoy sent to Shandong returning! 佢 去 到 獻帝 架車 前面 跪低 行禮 , 稟奏 話 : 恭喜 陛下 ! 曹將軍 率領 山東 全部 軍兵 奉旨 前 嚟 。 He|go|arrive|Emperor Xian||in front of|kneel down|pay respects|report|said|congratulations|Your Majesty|General Cao|lead|Shandong|all|soldiers|under imperial order|forward|come He knelt down in front of Emperor Xian's carriage and saluted, reporting: Congratulations, Your Majesty! General Cao is leading all the troops from Shandong as ordered. 聽聞 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 賊兵 進犯 洛陽 , 故此 先 派 夏侯惇 做 先鋒 , 帶 上將 十名 、 精兵 五萬 趕 嚟 保駕 ! hearing|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|possessive particle|bandit troops|invading|Luoyang|therefore|first|send|Xiahou Dun|act as|vanguard|bring|generals|ten|elite soldiers|fifty thousand|hurry|come|protect the emperor Hearing that the bandits Li Jue and Guo Si are invading Luoyang, we first sent Xiahou Dun as the vanguard, bringing ten generals and fifty thousand elite soldiers to rush over for protection! 哦 , 噉 呀 , 好 啊 ! 好 啊 ! 獻帝 個心 呀 噉 就 安樂 返 嘞 。 oh|like that|particle|good|particle|good|particle|Emperor Xian||particle|like that|then|peace|return|particle Oh, is that so? Good! Good! Emperor Xian's heart is now at ease. 過 咗 無耐 , 夏侯惇 帶住 許褚 、 典韋 等等 嚟 到 見 駕 , 都 係 行軍 禮 。 passed|past tense marker|not long|Xiahou Dun|brought|Xu Chu|Dian Wei|etc|come|to|see|carriage|all|are|marching|ceremony Not long after, Xiahou Dun arrived with Xu Chu, Dian Wei, and others to see the emperor, all performing military salutes. 獻帝 正話 慰問 完 佢 哋 , 有 報告 嚟 話 喺 正 東面 , 又 有 一路 軍馬 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 Emperor Xian|just saying|condolences|finished|he|they|there is|report|coming|saying|at|Zheng|east|also|there is|a continuous|cavalry|coming|arriving|particle indicating completion|like this Emperor Xian expressed his condolences to them, and there was a report saying that there was a troop of cavalry coming from the east. 獻帝 就 即刻 叫 夏侯惇 去 探聽 一下 , 一陣 間 , 夏侯惇 返 嚟 報告 話 , 係 曹操 嘅 步兵 嚟 到 喇 噉 。 Xian Di|then|immediately|called|Xiahou Dun|to|investigate|a little|a moment|later|Xiahou Dun|returned|here|report|said|is|Cao Cao|possessive particle|infantry|coming|arrived|particle indicating completed action|like this Emperor Xian immediately called for Xiahou Dun to investigate, and after a while, Xiahou Dun returned to report that it was Cao Cao's infantry that had arrived. 冇 幾耐 , 曹洪 、 李典 、 樂進 嚟 到 見 駕 。 not|long|Cao Hong|Li Dian|Le Jin|||see|carriage Before long, Cao Hong, Li Dian, and Le Jin came to see the emperor. 報完 姓名 , 曹洪 就 稟奏 話 : 臣兄 知道 賊兵 逼近 , 怕 夏侯惇 獨力 難支 , 所以 又 派 臣 等 火速 趕 嚟 協助 啊 。 finish reporting|name|Cao Hong|then|report|said|my brother|knows|bandit soldiers|approaching|afraid|Xiahou Dun|alone|difficult to withstand|so|again|send|I|others|urgently|hurry|here|assist|ah After reporting their names, Cao Hong then stated: "My brother knows that the enemy troops are approaching and is worried that Xiahou Dun cannot hold out alone, so he sent us here in haste to assist." 獻帝 好 感動 , 佢 話 : 啊 , 曹將軍 真 係 一心 為 國 嘅 忠臣 啊 ! Emperor Xian|very|moved|he|said|ah|General Cao|really|is|wholeheartedly|for|country|possessive particle|loyal minister|ah Emperor Xian was very touched and said: "Ah, General Cao is truly a loyal minister who cares for the country!" 呢 個 時候 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : 李 傕 、 郭 汜 嘅 賊兵 大隊 嚟 到 嘞 ! this|measure word for time|time|scout|came|report|said|Li|Jue|Guo|Si|possessive particle|bandit soldiers|large group|came|arrived|past tense particle At this time, the scout came to report that: Li Jue and Guo Si's bandit army has arrived! 獻帝 呢 趟 就 唔 怕 喇 , 佢 命令 夏侯惇 分兩路 去 迎擊 。 Xian Di|this|trip|then|not|afraid|particle indicating completed action|he|ordered|Xiahou Dun||to|counterattack Emperor Xian was not afraid this time, he ordered Xiahou Dun to split into two routes to confront them. 夏侯惇 就 同 曹洪分 為 兩翼 , 馬軍先 出 , 步兵 跟 尾 就 全力 攻擊 。 Xiahou Dun|then|together||as|two wings||advance|infantry|follow|behind|then|all out|attack Xiahou Dun and Cao Hong divided into two wings, with the cavalry leading the charge, followed by the infantry to attack with full force. 一場 大戰 就 打 到 賊兵 一敗塗地 , 斬 咗 萬 幾個 首級 。 a|great war|then|fought|until|enemy soldiers|utterly defeated|beheaded|past tense marker|ten thousand|several|heads A great battle ensued, resulting in the bandits' complete defeat, with over ten thousand heads cut off. 打勝 咗 仗 嘞 , 唔 使 走 佬 啦 , 於是 就 請 獻帝 返去 洛陽 。 win|past tense marker|battle|sentence-final particle|not|need|||sentence-final particle|so|then|invite|Emperor Xian|return|Luoyang Having won the battle, there was no need to flee, so they invited Emperor Xian to return to Luoyang. 夏侯惇 嘅 兵馬 就 喺 城外 駐扎 。 Xiahou Dun|possessive particle|troops|then|at|outside the city|stationed Xiahou Dun's troops are stationed outside the city. 第 日 , 曹操 率領 大隊人馬 嚟 到 咯 。 the|day|Cao Cao|led|large army|||particle indicating completed action The next day, Cao Cao led a large group of people to arrive. 佢 安好 營寨 之後 , 即刻 入城 去 朝見 皇帝 。 He|arrived safely|camp|after|immediately|entered the city|to|pay respects to|emperor After setting up the camp, he immediately entered the city to meet the emperor. 曹操 三跪九叩 行禮 : 臣 曹操 見 駕 , 願 皇上 萬歲 萬歲 萬萬歲 ! Cao Cao|three kneelings and nine knockings|performing a salute|subject||sees|imperial presence|wishes|Your Majesty|long live|long live|ten thousand years Cao Cao knelt three times and bowed nine times, saying: 'I, Cao Cao, see Your Majesty, may the Emperor live for ten thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand years!' 賜卿 平身 。 grant you|rise (to your feet) You may rise. 平身 即 係 話 你 叩 完頭 唔 使 跪 喺 處 嘞 , 企 起身 啦 噉 解 。 stand up|||saying|you|knock||||kneel|at|place|past tense particle|stand|up|particle|like this|understand To stand up means that you can stop kneeling after you have finished bowing your head. 呢 啲 呀 亦 係 皇帝 嘅 恩典 嚟 㗎 。 this|plural marker|question particle|also|is|emperor|possessive particle|grace|come| These are also the emperor's grace. 卿家 遠道 前 嚟 保駕 , 一路 辛苦 喇 。 your family|from afar|in front|come|protect|all the way|hard work|particle indicating completed action You have come a long way to protect me, it has been hard work. 臣 一向 蒙受 國恩 , 時刻 都 思念 報答 。 I (the subject pronoun for a servant or official)|always|have received|the grace of the country|at all times|all|think of|repaying I have always been blessed by the country's grace and I constantly think of how to repay it. 而家 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 罪惡貫盈 。 now|Li|Kuo||two|villains|are full of evil deeds Now, the two traitors Li Kuo and Guo Si have committed heinous crimes. 臣 有 精兵 二十幾萬 , 以 正義 之師 去 討伐 叛逆 , 必定 戰無不勝 。 I|have|elite soldiers|over two hundred thousand|with|righteous||go|subjugate|rebels|surely| I have over 200,000 elite soldiers, and with a righteous army, I will definitely win every battle against the rebels. 請 陛下 保重 龍體 , 以 社稷 為重 啊 ! please|Your Majesty|take care of|royal health|with|state||ah Please take care of your health, Your Majesty, and prioritize the state! 獻帝 非常 歡喜 , 就 封 曹操 領 司隸校 尉假 節鉞錄 尚書 事 。 Emperor Xian|very|happy|then|appoint|Cao Cao|commander||||Secretary|affairs Emperor Xian was very pleased and appointed Cao Cao as the Acting Chief of the Imperial Secretariat with the authority to command troops. 呢 個 官銜 即 係 點呢 ? 即 係 封 曹操 喺 軍事 上 有 生殺大權 , 同時 全面 掌握 朝政 。 this|measure word for nouns|official title|just|is|how about|||the title of|Cao Cao|at|military|on|has|power of life and death|at the same time|fully|control|court politics What does this title mean? It means that Cao Cao has the power of life and death in military matters, while also having full control over the court. 而家 講下 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 佢 哋 見到 曹操 咁 遠 嚟 到 , 認 為 佢 嘅 兵馬 一定 疲倦 嘅 , 就 商量 想同 曹操 速戰速決 。 now|talk about|Li|Que||they|plural marker|saw|Cao Cao|so|far|come|here|thought|that|his|possessive particle|troops|definitely|tired|possessive particle|then|discussed||Cao Cao|quick battle and quick resolution Now let's talk about Li Jue and Guo Si. They saw that Cao Cao had come from so far and believed that his troops must be tired, so they planned to quickly engage Cao Cao in battle. 賈詡 勸 佢 哋 話 嘞 : 唔 好 啊 , 曹操 兵 精將勇 , 唔 夠 佢 打 㗎 , 不如 投降 佢 , 請求 赦罪 仲好 啦 。 Jia Xu|advised|they|plural marker|said|past tense marker|||particle|Cao Cao|soldiers||||him|fight|particle|better to|surrender|him|request|pardon|even better|particle Jia Xu advised them, saying: "Don't do it, Cao Cao's troops are elite and brave, we can't defeat him. It's better to surrender to him and request a pardon instead." 李 傕 發火 嘞 : 咩 話 ? 你 敢滅 我 嘅 銳氣 , 我 殺 咗 你 ! Li|Jue|got angry|past tense particle|what|words|you||my|possessive particle|spirit|I|kill|past tense particle|you Li Jue got angry: "What did you say? If you dare to undermine my morale, I'll kill you!" 啊 真 係 掹 劍 出 嚟 要 斬 賈 詡 噃, 左右 啲 人 就 快 啲 攔住 , 勸 佢 唔 好 噉 啦 。 ah|really|is|draw|sword|out|here|need|kill|Jia|Xu||around|particle indicating plural|people|then|quickly|particle indicating degree|stop|advise|he|not|good|like that|particle indicating suggestion Ah, he really drew his sword to kill Jia Xu, and the people around him quickly stopped him, advising him not to do that. 當晚 , 賈詡 諗 落 李 傕 、 郭汜 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 都 係 跟 唔 過 㗎 喇 , 單人 匹馬 就 趯 咗 返鄉 嘞 。 that night|Jia Xu|thought|defeat|Li|Jue|Guo Si|these|particle indicating plural|like this|possessive particle|people|all|are|follow|not|able to|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|single person|alone|then|rushed||home|particle indicating completed action That night, Jia Xu thought that people like Li Jue and Guo Si were not to be followed anymore, so he left alone and returned home. 第 日 , 李 傕 嘅 軍馬 嚟 迎戰 曹操 。 the|day|Li|Jue|possessive particle|cavalry|come|to confront|Cao Cao The next day, Li Jue's cavalry came to confront Cao Cao. 曹操 首先 叫許 褚 、 曹仁 、 典韋 , 帶住 三百 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 去 李 傕 嘅 兵陣 衝 佢 三次 , 然後 自己 先至 佈陣 噃。 Cao Cao|first||Zhu|Cao Ren|Dian Wei|bringing|three hundred|armored|horses|troops|to|Li|Kuo|possessive particle|battle formation|charge|them|three times|then|himself|finally|set up camp|particle indicating realization or confirmation Cao Cao first ordered Xu Chu, Cao Ren, and Dian Wei to lead three hundred armored cavalry to charge at Li Jue's army three times, and then he himself set up the formation. 好 喇 , 兩 軍 對陣 , 李 傕 嘅 侄 李 暹 同 李 別 當先 出馬 。 ||two|armies|face off|Li|Kuo|possessive particle|nephew|Li|Hsien|and|Li|Pieh||take the lead Alright, the two armies faced off, and Li Jue's nephew Li Xian and Li Bie were the first to charge. 都 未曾 開口 講 說話 唧 , 許褚 就 突然 飛馬 過去 , 一刀 就 先 斬 咗 李暹 。 already|never|opened his mouth|to speak|talking|sound|Xu Chu|then|suddenly|galloping horse|went over|with one stroke|then|first|killed|past tense marker|Li Xian Before they even had a chance to speak, Xu Chu suddenly rode over and with one slash, he first beheaded Li Xian. 哎呀 ! 李別 大吃一驚 , 慌 到 摏 咗 落馬 , 許褚 順手 一刀 亦 將 佢 斬 埋 , 挽住 兩個 人頭 跑 返回 陣 。 oh no|Li Bie|was greatly startled|panicked|to the point of|fell|past tense marker|off the horse|Xu Chu|casually|one stroke|also|to take|him|killed|as well|holding|two|heads|ran|returned|camp Oh no! Li Bie was taken by surprise, panicked and fell off his horse, and Xu Chu swiftly followed up with another slash, taking his head as well, and ran back to the camp holding both heads. 嘩 ! 厲害 啊 ! 曹操 摸 住許 褚 嘅 背脊 話 : 你 真 係 我 嘅 樊 噲 ! wow|impressive|particle|Cao Cao|||Zhu|possessive particle|back|said|you|really|are|my|possessive particle|Fan|Kuai Wow! Impressive! Cao Cao patted Xu Chu on the back and said: You really are my Fan Kuai! 樊噲 係 邊個 呢 ? 樊噲 係 漢朝 第一個 皇帝 漢高祖 劉邦 嘅 勇 將 。 Fan Kuai|is|who|question particle|||Han Dynasty|first|emperor|Han Gaozu|Liu Bang|possessive particle|brave|general Who is Fan Kuai? Fan Kuai is the first general of the Han Dynasty's first emperor, Liu Bang. 喺 劉邦 打天下 嘅 時候 啊 , 曾經 有 好 幾次 喺 戰陣 當中 , 處境 十分 危險 , 就 係 樊噲 啊 靠 自己 嘅 勇猛 使到 劉邦 脫險 嘅 。 at|Liu Bang|unify the world|possessive particle|time|particle|once|had|||in|battle formation|among|situation|very|dangerous|then|was|Fan Kuai|particle|relying on|himself|possessive particle|bravery|caused|Liu Bang|to escape danger|possessive particle During Liu Bang's quest for power, there were several times in battle when the situation was extremely dangerous, and it was Fan Kuai's bravery that saved Liu Bang. 曹操 跟 住 命令 夏侯惇 帶兵 由 左 便 出擊 , 曹仁 帶兵 由右 便 出擊 , 曹操 親自 帶領 中軍 衝陣 。 Cao Cao|||order|Xiahou Dun|led the troops|from|left|side|attack|Cao Ren|||side|attack|Cao Cao|personally|led|central army|charge into battle Cao Cao then ordered Xiahou Dun to lead troops to attack from the left, while Cao Ren led troops to attack from the right, and Cao Cao personally led the central army into battle. 咚咚 咚咚 咚咚 戰鼓 一響 , 三軍 一齊 出動 。 sound of drums|||war drums||three armies|together|mobilize Boom boom boom boom boom, the war drums sounded, and the three armies moved together. 李 傕 嗰 啲 兵馬 點 頂得住 吖 , 打 到 大敗 , 搏命 咁 走 。 Li|Jue|that|plural marker|soldiers and horses|how|withstand|particle|fight|until|great defeat|risking their lives|so|ran away How could Li Jue's troops withstand this? They were defeated and fled for their lives. 曹操 揸 住 寶劍 喺 手 嚟 , 親自 押陣 , 指揮 部隊 就 漏夜 追殺 。 Cao Cao|holding|particle indicating action in progress|sword|at|hand|come|personally|lead the troops into battle|command|troops|then|through the night|pursuit Cao Cao held the precious sword in his hand, personally leading the charge and commanding the troops to pursue and kill through the night. 李 傕 嘅 兵馬 被 殺 嘅 極 多 , 真 係 血流成河 啊 ! 至於 投降 個 呢 就 多 到計 唔 掂 嘞 。 ||possessive particle|troops|passive marker|killed|possessive particle|extremely|many|||blood flowing like rivers|exclamatory particle|as for|surrender|measure word|question particle|then|many||not|able|past action particle Li Jue's troops suffered heavy casualties, truly a river of blood! As for those who surrendered, there were so many that they couldn't be counted. 李 傕 、 郭汜 一直 向 住 西 便 逃跑 , 嗰 種 慌張 狼狽 法 呀 , 嘿嘿 直情 好似 喪家之狗 啊 。 ||Guo Si|continuously|towards|residence|west|then|ran away|that|kind|panic|embarrassment|manner|particle|hehe|simply|looks like|a dog that has lost its home|particle Li Jue and Guo Si kept fleeing westward, in a state of panic and embarrassment, it was really like a dog whose owner had died. 佢 兩個 嘢 知道 好事 多為 , 諗 落 投奔 人 哋 都 係 唔 肯 收留 㗎 嘞 , 就 唯有 上山 落草 做 其 山大王 係 啦 , 呢 啲 呢 , 就 暫時 唔 講 佢 。 he|two|things|knows|good things|more for|think|down|seeking refuge|people|plural marker|all|are|not|willing|to take in|particle|particle|then|only|go up the mountain|become bandits|be|other|mountain king|is|particle|these|plural marker||then|temporarily|not|talk about|him The two of them knew that good things are few, and thought that even if they sought refuge with others, they wouldn't be welcomed, so they could only go up the mountain and become bandits, but let's not talk about that for now. 曹操 打 咗 勝仗 之後 , 收兵 返 嚟 , 依然 係 駐 扎 喺 洛陽城 外 。 Cao Cao|fought|past tense marker|victory|after|withdrew troops|returned|here|still|is|stationed|encamped|at|Luoyang city|outside After Cao Cao won the battle, he recalled his troops and still stationed them outside Luoyang. 楊奉同 韓暹 兩個 人 就 商量 話 嘞 : 而家 曹操 立 咗 大功 , 大權 由 佢 掌握 晒 , 以後 仲點 容得 落 我 哋 㗎 , 不如 行開 罷喇 。 |Han Xian|two|people|then|discussed|saying|past tense particle|now|Cao Cao|established|past tense particle|great achievement|great power|by|he|controlled|completely|in the future||allow|to fall|us|plural marker|question particle|might as well|leave|give up Yang Feng and Han Xian discussed: Now that Cao Cao has achieved great merit and holds all the power, how can we survive in the future? It would be better to leave. 於是 佢 哋 兩個 人 就 去 見 皇帝 , 藉口 話 去 追剿 李 傕 、 郭汜 , 就 帶 咗 本部 兵馬 去 咗 洛陽 以東 嘅 大梁 駐扎 , 即 係 而家 河南省 開封縣 嘅 地方 。 then|they|plural marker|two|people|then|go|see|emperor|excuse|said|to|pursue and kill|Li|Que||then|bring|past tense marker|main|troops|go|past tense marker|Luoyang||possessive particle|Daliang|stationed|that is|is|now|Henan Province|Kaifeng County|possessive particle|place So the two of them went to see the emperor, using the excuse of pursuing Li Jue and Guo Si, and took their troops to station in Daliang, east of Luoyang, which is now in Kaifeng County, Henan Province. 有 一日 , 獻帝 叫 人 去 曹操 軍營 , 就 召 曹操 入宮 去 商量 一 啲 事 。 there is|one day|Emperor Xian|called|someone|to go|Cao Cao|military camp|then|summoned|Cao Cao|into the palace|to|discuss|one|some|matters One day, Emperor Xian sent someone to Cao Cao's camp, summoning Cao Cao to the palace to discuss some matters. 曹操 聽見 話 天使 到 唄 , 就 請 佢 入 嚟 見面 啦 。 Cao Cao|heard|that|angel|arrived|song|then|invited|him|in|come|meet|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation When Cao Cao heard that the messenger had arrived, he invited him in to meet. 只見 呢 個人 生 得 眉清目秀 , 精神飽滿 。 only saw|this|person|||attractive features|full of vitality He saw that this person was handsome and spirited. 曹操 個心 諗 嘞 : 而家 洛陽 災荒 咁 嚴重 , 上 至 大臣 , 下 至 百姓 , 個個 都 係 面黃肌瘦 , 何以 唯獨 呢 個人 咁 好 身子 呢 ? Cao Cao||think|past tense marker|now|Luoyang|famine|so|serious|upper|to|ministers|lower|to|common people|everyone|all|is|emaciated|how|only|this|person|so|good|health|this Cao Cao thought: Now that Luoyang is suffering from such severe disasters, from high-ranking officials to common people, everyone is pale and emaciated. Why is it that this person is in such good health? 曹操 好 奇怪 就 問 佢 話 嘞 : 足下 嘅 容顏 咁 豐滿 , 係 點 調理 嘅 呢 ? Cao Cao|very|strange|then|asked|him|said|past tense marker|you (respectful)|possessive particle|appearance|so|full|is|how|maintained|possessive particle|question particle Cao Cao, feeling curious, asked him: Your appearance is so plump, how do you maintain it? 我 冇 咩 其他 辦法 , 就 係 一向 都 食 白飯 , 已經 三十年 咯 。 I|have not|any|other|way|just|am|always|all|eat|white rice|already|thirty years|particle indicating completed action I don't have any other methods; I have just been eating plain rice for the past thirty years. 哦 , 呵呵 , 足下 而家 係 乜嘢 職務 啊 ? oh|hehe|you|now|are|what|position|question particle Oh, haha, what position do you hold now? 我 曾經 被 選為 孝廉 , 原來 係 袁紹 、 張 楊 嘅 從事 。 I|once|passive marker|selected as|virtuous and honest person|originally|is|Yuan Shao|||possessive particle|subordinate I was once selected as a filial and incorrupt official, and I used to serve Yuan Shao and Zhang Yang. 最近 聽 聞天子 還都 洛陽 , 特意 前 嚟 朝見 , 被 封為 正議 郎 。 recently|heard|the Emperor||Luoyang|specially|forward|come|audience|was|conferred as|right discussion|gentleman Recently, I heard that the Emperor is still in Luoyang, and I specially came to pay my respects, being appointed as a regular official. 我 係 濟 陰 定陶 人 , 姓 董 , 名昭 , 字公仁 。 I|am|济|阴|定陶|person|surname|Dong|| I am from Jiyin, Dingtao, my surname is Dong, my name is Zhao, and my courtesy name is Gongren. 聞名 好 耐 喇 , 咁 好彩 今日 能夠 喺 呢 處 見面 啊 ! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 famous|very|long|particle|so|fortunately|today|able to|at|this|place|meet|particle|hahaha|hahaha|hahaha I have been famous for a long time, and how fortunate it is to be able to meet here today! Hahaha hahaha hahaha. 曹操 即刻 叫 人 擺酒 招待 , 又 介紹 佢 同 荀彧 會面 。 Cao Cao|immediately|ordered|people|to prepare a banquet|to entertain|also|introduced|he|with|Xun Yu|meeting Cao Cao immediately called for a banquet to entertain, and also introduced him to meet Xun Yu. 呢 陣時 , 有人 嚟 報告 話 , 有 一支 軍隊 向 住 東面 去 咗 , 唔 知 係 咩 人 。 ||someone|came|report|said|there is|a|army|towards|facing|east|went|past tense marker|||is|what|people At this moment, someone came to report that a troop was heading east, but it is unknown who they are. 曹操 話 : 再 去 探 清楚 。 Cao Cao|said|again|go|investigate|clearly Cao Cao said: Go investigate clearly again. 遵命 ! at your command Understood! 董昭話 嘞 : 呢 個實 係 李 傕 以前 嘅 部下 楊奉 同埋 韓暹 啦 , 因為 曹公 你 嚟 到 洛陽 , 所以 佢 哋 就 帶兵 去 大梁 啫 。 Dong Zhao said|past tense marker|this||is|Li|Kuo|previously|possessive particle|subordinate|Yang Feng|and|Han Xian|sentence final particle|because|Lord Cao|you|||Luoyang|so|they|plural marker|then|led troops|to|Daliang|only Dong Zhao said: These are actually Li Jue's former subordinates Yang Feng and Han Xian. Because you, Cao Gong, have come to Luoyang, they have brought troops to Daliang. 哦 ? 莫非 佢 哋 懷疑 我 曹操 咩 ? oh|could it be that|he|plural marker|doubt|I|Cao Cao|question particle Oh? Could it be that they suspect me, Cao Cao? 佢 哋 都 係 啲 無 謀 之輩 , 曹公 你 唔 使 擔心 。 they|plural marker|all|are|some|without|strategy|people|Lord Cao|you|not|need|worry They are all people without strategy, so you don't need to worry, Cao Gong. 嗯 , 李 傕 、 郭汜 兩個 奸賊 逃跑 咗 , 以後 會點 呢 佢 哋 ? hmm|Li|Jue|Guo Si|two|traitors|escape|past tense marker|in the future||question particle|they|plural marker Hmm, Li Jue and Guo Si, those two traitors have escaped. What will happen to them in the future? 虎無爪 , 鳥無翼 , 唔 使 幾耐 , 佢 哋 一定 會 畀 曹公 你 擒獲 , 不必 介意 。 a tiger without claws|a bird without wings||||||definitely|will|be|Cao Gong|you|captured|no need to|worry Without claws, the tiger; without wings, the bird. It won't be long before they are captured by Cao Gong, so there's no need to worry. 曹操 同 董昭越 傾 就 越 覺得 投機 , 好 啱 心水 , 就問 下 佢 有關 朝廷 大事 嘅 意見 。 Cao Cao|with|Dong Zhao|talk|then|more|felt|opportunistic|very|right|mindset||about|he|regarding|court|important matters|possessive particle|opinions The more Cao Cao talked with Dong Zhao, the more he felt it was opportunistic, very much to his liking, so he asked him for his opinions on important matters of the court. 董昭話 : 曹公 你 興 仁義之師 , 平定 暴亂 , 入朝 嚟 輔助 天子 , 呢 一步 可以 使 曹公 你 將來 成就 偉大 嘅 事業 。 Dong Zhao said|Lord Cao|you|promote|righteous army|pacify|rebellion|enter the court|to|assist|Son of Heaven|this|step|can|make|Lord Cao|you|in the future|achieve|great|possessive particle|career Dong Zhao said: "Cao Gong, you raise a righteous army to quell the rebellion and come to assist the Son of Heaven. This step can help you achieve great things in the future." 不過 各鎮 諸侯 人 各 不同 , 心意 亦 唔 一樣 , 未必 個個 都 心悅誠服 嘅 , 所以 如果 留 喺 呢 一度 , 就 怕 有 啲 不便 。 however|each town|feudal lords|people|each|different|intentions|also|not|the same|not necessarily|everyone|all|completely convinced|particle indicating possession|so|if|stay|at|this|place|then|afraid|have|some|inconveniences However, the various lords of the different regions have different thoughts, and their intentions are not the same. Not everyone may be sincerely submissive, so if you stay here, there might be some inconveniences. 唯有 請 皇上 移駕 遷 去 許都 , 呢 個 就 係 上策 。 only|please|Your Majesty|move|relocate|to|Xu City|this|measure word|then|is|best strategy The only option is to request the Emperor to move to Xu Capital, this is the best strategy. 當然 咯 , 朝廷 到處 流亡 咗 咁 長時間 , 新近 返到 嚟 京師 , 遠遠近近 都 喺 度 觀望 住 , 希望 能夠 有 一個 時期 嘅 安定 。 of course|particle indicating certainty|imperial court|everywhere|exile|past tense marker|so|long time|recently|returned to|come|capital|far and near|all|at|particle indicating location|observing|continuous aspect marker|hope|can|have|a|period|possessive particle|stability Of course, the court has been in exile for such a long time, and has only recently returned to the capital, everyone is watching from afar, hoping for a period of stability. 噉 而家 又 話 要 遷都 , 就 恐怕 大家 個心 又 會 唔 同意 嘅 。 like this|now|again|say|want|move the capital|then|I fear|everyone|hearts|again|will|not|agree|particle Now to say that we want to move the capital again, I fear that everyone will not agree. 哎 , 不過 講 到底 , 逢 係 做 非常 之事 就 會 有 非常 之 結果 , 請 將軍 決斷 啦 。 ah|but|talk|in the end|whenever|is|do|extraordinary||then|will|have|extraordinary|possessive particle|result|please|general|decide|particle indicating suggestion or urging action Ah, but ultimately, when it comes to extraordinary matters, there will be extraordinary results, please make the decision, General. 呢 一個 正 係 我 嘅 意思 啊 ! this|one|exactly|is|I|possessive particle|meaning|ah particle This is exactly my intention! 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 hahaha|hahaha|hahaha|hahaha Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha. 不過 楊 奉 喺 大梁 , 朝廷 上 嘅 大臣 又 會 唔 會 有 乜嘢 其他 嘅 變亂 呢 ? but|Yang|serve|at|Daliang|court|on|possessive particle|minister|again|will|not|will|have|anything|other|possessive particle|disturbances|question particle However, will Yang Feng in Daliang, the ministers in the court, have any other disturbances? 噉 好易 解決 唧 , 曹公 你 可以 寫封信 畀 楊奉 , 等 佢 安心 。 like this|very easy|solve|issue|Lord Cao|you|can|write a letter|to|Yang Feng|let|him|feel at ease That's easy to solve, Cao Gong, you can write a letter to Yang Feng to reassure him. 同時 對 啲 大臣 講明 白 , 就 話 京師 缺糧 , 所以 請 皇上 移 駕去 許都 。 at the same time|to|particle indicating plural|ministers|||then|said|the capital|is short of grain|so|request|His Majesty|move||Xudu At the same time, make it clear to the ministers, saying that the capital is short of grain, so please ask the Emperor to move to Xudu. 許都 靠近 魯陽 , 喺 嗰 處 轉運 糧食 十分 方便 , 唔 使 擔心 缺糧 嘅 。 Xu Du|near|Lu Yang|at|that|place|transportation|food|very|convenient|not|need|worry|food shortage|particle Xudu is close to Luyang, and it is very convenient to transport grain there, so there is no need to worry about a grain shortage. 噉 啲 大臣 一聽 , 必定 歡歡喜喜 同意 嘅 。 then|plural marker|ministers|upon hearing|definitely|happily|agree|particle indicating certainty So when the ministers heard this, they would definitely agree happily. 曹操 真 係 高興 啊 ! 當董 昭 告別 嘅 時候 , 曹操 拉 住 佢 隻 手 話 : 以後 凡 係 我 有 乜嘢 想 做 嘅 , 都 要 請 董公 你 教 我 至 得 啊 , 吓 。 Cao Cao|really|is|happy|ah||Zhao|farewell|possessive particle|time||pull|hold|him|measure word for hands|hand|said|in the future|every|is|I|have|anything|want|do|possessive particle|all|must|please|Mr Dong|you|teach|me|until|able|ah|huh Cao Cao was really happy! When Dong Zhao was saying goodbye, Cao Cao held his hand and said: From now on, whatever I want to do, I will ask you, Dong Gong, to teach me how to do it. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 。 Hahaha|Hahaha Hahahaha. 董昭 多謝 一番 就 告辭 返去 嘞 。 Dong Zhao|thank you|once|then|take my leave|go back|past tense particle Dong Zhao thanked him and then took his leave. 各位 , 董昭 建議 曹操 去 許都 吖 , 許都 就 係 許昌 , 喺 洛陽 嘅 東南方 , 即 係 而家 河南省 許昌縣 附近 。 everyone|Dong Zhao|suggested|Cao Cao|to go|Xu Du|particle|Xu Du|just|is|Xuchang|at|Luoyang|possessive particle|southeast|that is|is|now|Henan Province|Xuchang County|nearby Everyone, Dong Zhao suggested that Cao Cao go to Xuchang, which is Xuchang in present-day Henan Province, located southeast of Luoyang. 噉 曹操 同 董昭 傾談 過 之後 , 佢 仲 同 佢 嗰 班 謀士 秘密 商量 過 遷都 嘅 事 。 then|Cao Cao|with|Dong Zhao|talked|past|after|he|still|with|him|that|group|strategists|secretly|discussed|past|moving the capital|possessive particle|matter After Cao Cao had a conversation with Dong Zhao, he secretly discussed the matter of relocating the capital with his group of strategists. 當時 有個 大臣 係 好 識得 睇 天文 星象 嘅 , 佢 從 啲 星象 觀察 出 啊 , 大漢 嘅 氣數 呢 就 嚟 完 嘞 。 at that time|there was a|minister|was|very|knowledgeable|reading|astronomy|celestial phenomena|possessive particle|he|from|plural marker|celestial phenomena|observation|out|ah|Han dynasty|possessive particle|fortune|question particle|then|come|end|past tense particle At that time, there was a minister who was very knowledgeable in astronomy and astrology. He observed from the stars that the fate of the Han dynasty was coming to an end. 而 晉魏 呢 啲 地方 , 即 係 山西 、 河北 一帶 , 必定會 有 新 嘅 天子 出現 嘅 。 and|Jin and Wei|these|plural marker|regions|||Shanxi|Hebei|area||have|new|possessive particle|emperor|appear|possessive particle And in the regions of Jin and Wei, which are in Shanxi and Hebei, a new emperor would definitely emerge. 曹操 知道 咗 , 一方面 就 叫 人 去 講 佢 聽 , 叫 佢 千 祈 唔 好 到處 亂 咁 講 , 另一方面 , 曹操 就將 呢 一件 事講 畀 荀彧 聽 , 問 佢 有 乜嘢 意見 。 Cao Cao|knew|past tense marker|on one hand|then|ordered|people|to|tell|him|heard|told|him|a thousand|to pray|not|well|everywhere|randomly|like that|talk|on the other hand|||this|one||to|Xun Yu|heard|asked|him|has|what|opinion Cao Cao learned about this and on one hand, he sent someone to tell him to be careful not to spread this information everywhere. On the other hand, Cao Cao shared this matter with Xun Yu and asked for his opinion. 荀彧 話 嘞 : 漢朝 係 以 火得 王 , 而 曹公 你 是 土命 喎 。 Xun Yu|said|past tense marker|Han Dynasty|is|by||king|but|Lord Cao|you|are||sentence-final particle Xun Yu said: The Han dynasty rose to power through fire, while you, Cao Gong, are of the earth element. 許都 屬土 , 去 嗰 處 必定 興旺 , 火能 生土 , 土能 旺木 。 Xu Du|belongs to Earth|go|that|place|definitely|prosper|Fire can||Earth can| Xu Du is a land that will definitely prosper if you go there. Fire can generate earth, and earth can nourish wood. 噉 啊 合晒 董 昭 嘅 說話 啊 , 將來 , 將來 曹公 你 一定 興旺發達 㗎 ! like that|particle|all together|Dong|Zhao|possessive particle|words|particle|future|future|Lord Cao|you|definitely|prosperous and successful|particle So, all of Dong Zhao's words are true. In the future, you, Cao Gong, will definitely prosper! 各位 , 話 睇 下 天文 星象 就 睇 出邊 笪 地方 可以 出 皇帝 , 仲有 咩 金木水火土 五行 雙生 雙 剋 啊 等等 ,嚱! 呢 啲 都 係 古代 啲 人 啊 嘅 迷信 。 everyone|to say|to look|at|astronomy|astrological signs|then|||suitable|place|can|produce|emperor|and also|what|the five elements|five elements|mutual generation|||particle|etc|exclamation particle||particle indicating plural|||||people|particle|possessive particle|superstition Everyone, by looking at the astronomical star positions, we can see which places can produce emperors, and also the interactions of the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, etc. These are all superstitions of ancient people. 不過 嗰 陣 曹操 佢 哋 確係 噉 相信 嘅 就 係 喇 。 but|that|time|Cao Cao|he|they|definitely|like this|believe|past tense marker|only|is|completed action particle However, back then, Cao Cao and his people truly believed in this. 噉 聽 咗 咁 多 有利 嘅 意見 啊 , 曹操 就 下定決心 。 then|heard|past tense marker|so|many|beneficial|possessive particle|opinions|sentence-final particle|Cao Cao|then|made a firm decision After hearing so many favorable opinions, Cao Cao made up his mind. 第 日 , 曹操 去 朝見 獻帝 , 佢 稟奏 話 : 洛陽 已經 荒廢 咗 咁 耐 , 好難 修葺 㗎 嘞 。 the|day|Cao Cao|went|to see|Emperor Xian|he|reported|said|Luoyang|already|abandoned|past tense marker|so|long||restore|sentence-final particle|past action marker On that day, Cao Cao went to see Emperor Xian, and he reported that: Luoyang has been abandoned for so long, it is very difficult to repair. 更 兼 轉運 糧食 非常 不便 , 許都 靠近 魯陽 , 城郭 宮室 , 錢糧 民物 , 樣樣 都 夠用 。 even more|also|transportation|food|very|inconvenient|Xudu|near|Luyang|city walls|palaces|money and grain|people's goods|everything|all|sufficient Moreover, transporting food is extremely inconvenient; Xudu is close to Luyang, and the city walls, palaces, money, and resources are all sufficient. 臣 嘅 意思 係 想 請 陛下 搬 去 許都 , 請 陛下 予以 同意 啦 。 I|possessive particle|meaning|is|want|to request|Your Majesty|move|to|Xudu|please|Your Majesty|grant|approval|sentence-final particle My suggestion is to ask Your Majesty to move to Xudu, and I hope Your Majesty will agree. 獻帝 而家 乜嘢 都 指意 晒 曹操 㗎 嘞 , 梗 係 唔 敢 唔 同意 啦 。 Emperor Xian|now|anything|all|implied|completely|Cao Cao|particle|particle|certainly|is|not|dare|not|agree|particle Emperor Xian now relies entirely on Cao Cao, so he certainly did not dare to disagree. 噉 啊 文武百官 邊個 都 怕 曹操 嘅 權勢 , 亦 唔 敢 有 異議 , 於是 就 擇日 起程 。 then|ah|civil and military officials|who|all|fear|Cao Cao|possessive particle|power|also|not|dare|have|dissent|so|then|choose a day|set out Thus, all the civil and military officials were afraid of Cao Cao's power and did not dare to voice any objections, so they chose a day to set out. 到 咗 起程 嗰 日 , 曹操 率領 大軍 一路 護送 , 文武百官 都 跟隨 住 去 許都 。 arrive|past tense marker|departure|that|day|Cao Cao|led|army|all the way|escort|civil and military officials|all|followed|continuous aspect marker|go|Xu Du On the day of departure, Cao Cao led the army to escort, and all the civil and military officials followed to Xudu. 行 咗 幾日 , 前 便 嚟 到 一個 高坡 , 忽然間 , 吶喊聲 一起 , 楊奉 、 韓暹 帶兵 攔住 去路 。 walk|past tense marker|several days|before|then|||a|high slope|suddenly|shouting|together|Yang Feng|Han Xian||blocked|path After a few days of travel, they arrived at a high slope, and suddenly, shouts erupted as Yang Feng and Han Xian blocked the way. 大將 徐晃 一馬當先 , 大聲 喝話 : 曹操 你 想 劫 駕去 邊處 ! General|Xu Huang|leading the charge|loudly|shouted|Cao Cao|you|want|seize||where The general Xu Huang took the lead and shouted loudly: "Cao Cao, where do you want to take the carriage?" 曹操 出馬 睇 下 , 咦 ? 見到 徐晃 威風凜凜 , 哦 , 係 個人 才 啊 ! Cao Cao|to come out|to see|down|eh|saw|Xu Huang|imposing|oh|is|that person|talented|ah Cao Cao came out to take a look, and saw Xu Huang looking imposing, thinking, oh, what a talented person! 噉 曹操 叫許 褚 出馬 同 徐晃 交鋒 。 then|Cao Cao||Zhu|to go into battle|with|Xu Huang|to clash So Cao Cao called Xu Chu to go out and confront Xu Huang. 一個 使 大刀 , 一個 使大斧 , 打 咗 五十幾個 回合 , 不 分 勝敗 。 one|wielding|broadsword|one||fought|past tense marker|over fifty|rounds|not|determine|victory or defeat One used a big sword, and the other used a big axe, fighting for over fifty rounds, with no clear winner. 曹操 就 命令 打鑼 收兵 嘞 。 Cao Cao|then|ordered|to beat the drum|to withdraw the troops|past tense marker Cao Cao then ordered the drums to signal the troops to withdraw. 返到 大本營 , 曹操 召集 一班 謀士 商量 話 : return to|base camp|Cao Cao|gathered|a group of|strategists|discussed|matter Back at the main camp, Cao Cao gathered a group of strategists to discuss. 楊奉 、 韓暹 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 毫不 足道 , 之 徐晃 確係 一名 良將 啊 ! Yang Feng|Han Xian|these|particle indicating plural|like this|possessive particle|people|not at all|worth mentioning|particle indicating possession|Xu Huang|really is|a|good general|particle indicating exclamation People like Yang Feng and Han Xian are not worth mentioning, but Xu Huang is indeed a good general! 我 唔 忍心 喺 戰陣 之上 殺 咗 佢 , 太 可惜 ! I|not|heartless|at|battlefield|on|kill|past tense marker|him|too|pity I can't bear to kill him on the battlefield; it would be too regrettable! 呢 個人 應該 想法子 收 佢 過 嚟 , 各位 , 有 咩 好計 呢 ? this|person|should|think of a way|bring|him|over|here|everyone|have|what|good plan|question particle This person should think of a way to bring him over, everyone, what good ideas do we have? 行軍 從事 滿寵 就 話 : 主公 唔 使 擔心 。 marching|engaged in|Man Chong|then|said|lord|not|need|worry The general from the army, Man Choi, said: "My lord, don't worry." 我 過去 同 徐晃 有 啲 交情 嘅 , 等 我 今晚 扮成 一個 小卒 , 偷偷地 去 佢 嘅 軍營 , 用 道理 嚟 說服 佢 , 包 佢 一定 傾心 嚟 歸降 嘅 。 I|in the past|with|Xu Huang|had|a little|friendship|possessive particle|let|I|tonight|disguise as|a|pawn|secretly|go|his|particle indicating action completion||||||||||||| I have some connections with Xu Huang in the past, let me disguise myself as a lowly soldier tonight, sneak into his camp, and persuade him with reason; I guarantee he will be willing to surrender. 曹操 好 歡喜 , 就 派 滿寵 去 嘞 。 Cao Cao|very|happy|then|sent|Man Chong|to|past tense marker Cao Cao was very pleased and sent Man Choi to do it. 當晚 , 滿寵 扮成 個 卒 仔 噉 模樣 , 混 咗 入 去 對方 嘅 軍隊 裏 便 , 偷偷 就 嚟 到 徐 晃 嘅 帳篷 前 便 。 that night|Man Chong|disguised as|a|||like|appearance|mixed|past tense marker|into|the|enemy|possessive particle|army|inside|then|secretly|immediately|came|to|Xu|Huang|possessive particle|tent|in front of|then That night, Man Choi disguised himself as a soldier and mixed into the enemy's army, secretly arriving at Xu Huang's tent. 只見 徐晃仲 係 着 住 盔甲 坐響 處 , 光光 猛猛 點着 蠟燭 。 only saw|Xu Huang|is|||armor|sitting|place|brightly|fiercely|lit|candle I saw Xu Huang sitting there in armor, fiercely lighting candles. 滿寵 突然 行入 去 , 作個 揖 話 : 哈哈 老朋友 , 分別 以來 一向 都 好 吖 嘛 ? Man Chung|suddenly|walked in|to|made a|bow|said|haha|old friend|separation|since|always|all|well|particle|particle Suddenly, Man Chong walked in, bowed and said: "Haha, old friend, it's been a while, how have you been?" 徐晃 吃 咗 一驚 , 一下 扎起 , 望 咗 佢 一輪 。 Xu Huang|eat|past tense marker|a fright|suddenly|jumped up|looked|past tense marker|he|a round Xu Huang was startled, immediately stood up, and looked at him for a moment. 你 唔 係 滿伯寧 ? 咦 , 點解 嚟 到 呢 處 啊 ? you|not|are|Man Pak Ning|eh|why|||||particle Aren't you Man Bo Ning? Huh, why have you come here? 我而家 係 曹將軍 嘅 行軍 從事 , 今日 喺 戰陣 之上 見到 老朋友 , 有 啲 說話 想講 , 所以 特意 冒險 而 嚟 。 I now|am|General Chao|possessive particle|march|engaged in|today|at|battlefield|on|saw|old friend|have|some|words|want to say|so|intentionally|taking a risk|and|came I am currently serving as General Cao's military aide. Today, I saw an old friend on the battlefield and wanted to say a few words, so I took the risk to come here. 哦 ? 請 坐 , 搵 我 有 咩 事 呢 ? oh|please|sit|find|I|have|what|matter|question particle Oh? Please sit down, what brings you to me? 徐公 , 你 本事 咁 高強 , 真 係 世間 少有 。 Mr Xu|you|ability|so|outstanding|||in the world|rare Xu Gong, your skills are truly exceptional, rare in this world. 為 咩 事要 咁 委屈 自己 去 為 楊奉 、 韓暹 之流 效力 呢 ? serve||||||||||and the like|work for|question particle Why do you have to put yourself in such a difficult position to serve people like Yang Feng and Han Xian? 曹將軍 乃 係 當代 英雄 , 佢 對 人才 嘅 愛慕 同 敬重 天下 皆知 嘅 。 General Cao|is|is|contemporary|hero|he|towards|talent|possessive particle|admiration|and|respect|the world|all know|possessive particle General Cao is a hero of our time, and his admiration and respect for talent is known throughout the world. 今日 喺 戰陣 之上 , 佢 見到 徐公 你 咁 英勇 , 十分 敬愛 ! today|at|battlefield|on|he|saw|Xu Gong|you|so|brave|very|respectful Today on the battlefield, he saw how brave you are, Xu Gong, and he holds you in great esteem! 所以 佢 唔 忍心 派 健將 嚟 同 你 決 死戰 , 特意 叫 我 嚟 邀請 你 去 。 so|he|not|heartless|send|strong player|to come|with|you|decide|fight to the death|specifically|asked|me|to come|invite|you|go So he can't bear to send his best troops to fight you to the death, and specially asked me to invite you. 徐公 , 你 為 咩 唔 棄暗投明 , 去 建功立業 呢 ? Mr Xu|you|for|what|not|abandon darkness and seek light|go|achieve success in career|question particle Xu Gong, why don't you abandon the dark and seek the light, to achieve great things? 噉 嘛 ? 唉 , 我 都 知道 楊奉 、 韓暹 唔 係 做 得 成大 事業 嘅 人 , 不過 跟 咗 佢 咁 耐 咯 , 唔 忍心 離開 佢 啫 。 like this|question particle|sigh|I|also|know|Yang Feng|Han Xian|not|is|do|able||career|possessive particle|person|but|follow|past tense marker|he|so|long|sentence-final particle|not|heart to|leave|him|only Is that so? Sigh, I know that Yang Feng and Han Xian are not capable of achieving great things, but I've followed them for so long, I can't bear to leave them. 開講 都 有 話 : 良禽擇木 而棲 , 賢臣 擇主而事 吖 嘛 。 starting to talk|all|have|saying|||wise minister||particle|particle As the saying goes: good birds choose the right tree to perch on, and wise ministers choose the right lord to serve. 遇到 一位 值得 為 佢 效力 嘅 主公 , 噉 都 唔 把握 機會 由得 自己 錯過 咗 , 噉 就 唔 係 大丈夫 所為 ! encounter|a|worthy|to|him|serve|possessive particle|lord|then|also|not|seize|opportunity|allow|oneself|miss|past tense marker|then|then|not|is|great man|action If you encounter a worthy lord to serve, and still let the opportunity slip away, then that is not what a great man would do! 好 啦 , 我 聽 你 嘅 。 ||I|hear|you|possessive particle Alright, I will listen to you. 噉 好極 嘞 , 不如 索性 殺 咗 楊奉 、 韓暹 , 作為 覲見 嘅 禮物 , 好 唔 好 ? like this|extremely good|particle indicating completed action|might as well|simply|kill|past tense marker|Yang Feng|Han Xian|as||possessive particle|gift||| Then that's great, how about we just kill Yang Feng and Han Xian as a gift for the meeting, okay? 噉 唔 得 , 我 係 佢 嘅 部下 , 部下 殺 主將 , 呢 啲 係 不 義 嘅 事 , 我決 唔 做 嘅 ! like this|not|||||possessive particle||||||||||||||| No way, I am their subordinate. It's unjust for a subordinate to kill their commander, I absolutely won't do that! 哦 ! 徐公 你 真 係 個 義士 ! oh|Mr Xu|you|||a|righteous person Oh! Xu Gong, you are truly a righteous man! 於是 徐晃帶 埋 自己 嘅 親信 兵士 幾十人 , 漏夜 騎馬 去 投奔 曹操 。 then||along|his own|possessive particle|trusted|soldiers||in the night|rode|to|defect to|Cao Cao So Xu Huang took several dozen of his trusted soldiers and rode through the night to join Cao Cao. 呢 件 事 早就 有人 去 報告 楊奉 嘞 , 楊奉 嬲 到 不得了 , 親自 帶住 成千 馬 軍 嚟 追 , 大聲 叫喊 : 徐晃 你 個 反賊 咪 走 啊 ! this|classifier for events|matter|long ago|someone|to go|report|Yang Feng|past tense marker|Yang Feng|angry|to|extremely|personally|lead|thousands|horses|army|to come|chase|loudly|shout|Xu Huang|you|classifier for people|rebel|don't|run|exclamatory particle This matter was reported to Yang Feng a long time ago, and Yang Feng was furious, personally leading thousands of cavalry to chase, shouting loudly: Xu Huang, you traitor, don't run away! 正 喺 度 追 緊 , 忽然間 轟 噉 一聲 炮響 , 山上山下 一齊 點起 火把 。 right|at|place|chasing|continuous action particle|suddenly|with a bang|like that|one sound|cannon sound||together|lighted|torches Just as they were chasing, suddenly there was a loud cannon sound, and torches were lit up on the mountains. 埋伏 喺 處 嘅 人馬 嘩 嗬 噉 湧出 嚟 , 曹操 親自 帶兵 , 一馬當先 衝出 嚟 , 大喝一聲 : 我 喺 呢 度 等候 好 耐 嘞 , 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 走 甩 啊 ! ambush|at|place|possessive particle|troops|wow|oh|like that|surged out|here|Cao Cao|personally|led the troops|leading the charge|charged out|here|shouted loudly|I|at|this|place|waiting|very|long|particle indicating completed action|not|very|let|them|plural particle|||ah The ambushed troops surged out, and Cao Cao personally led his soldiers, charging out in front, shouting: I have been waiting here for a long time, don't let them escape! 哎呀 ! 楊奉 驚 啊 , 急急 想 收兵 返 轉頭 。 oh no|Yang Feng|scared|ah|urgently|wants|retreat|return|turn around Oh no! Yang Feng was scared and hurriedly wanted to retreat. 但 係 已經 畀 曹兵 氹 氹 𡃈 噉 圍住 嘞 , 睇 白 唔 得 掂 㗎 喇 , 好彩 韓暹 帶兵 嚟 救 噃。 ||already|by|Cao's soldiers|tricked||||surrounded|past tense marker|see|clearly|not|able|handle|question particle|completed action particle|fortunately|Han and Xian|led troops|come|rescue|particle indicating suggestion or realization But they were already surrounded by Cao's troops, and it was clear that there was no way out. Fortunately, Han Xian came with troops to rescue. 噉 啊 兩 便 嘅 人馬 混戰 起上 嚟 , 楊奉 噉 先至 執返 條命 走 甩身 。 like this|ah|two|convenient|possessive particle|people and horses|chaotic battle|up|come|Yang Feng|like this|only then|retrieve||run|escape In this chaotic battle, Yang Feng managed to escape with his life. 曹操 趁勢 猛攻 , 楊 、 韓 兩部 嘅 軍士 有 成 大半 人 投降 。 Cao Cao|take advantage of the situation|fierce attack|Yang|Han|two factions|possessive particle|soldiers|have|almost|more than half|people|surrendered Taking advantage of the situation, Cao Cao launched a fierce attack, and more than half of the soldiers from Yang and Han's forces surrendered. 楊奉 、 韓暹 見到 勢窮力竭 嘞 , 只有 帶住 一班 殘兵 敗 卒 就 去 咗 投奔 袁術 , 呢 啲 呢 就 唔 講 佢 嘞 。 Yang Feng|Han Xian|saw|in a desperate situation|past tense marker|only|bringing|a group of|remnants of soldiers|defeated|soldiers|then|went|past tense marker|seek refuge with|Yuan Shu|particle indicating a question|||then|not|mention|him|past tense marker Seeing that they were at the end of their rope, Yang Feng and Han Xian could only lead a group of remaining soldiers to seek refuge with Yuan Shu, and we won't discuss them further. 曹操 得勝 收兵 回營 , 滿寵帶 徐晃 嚟 見 佢 。 Cao Cao|victorious|withdraw troops|return to camp||Xu Huang|come|see|him Cao Cao, having won, recalled his troops to the camp, and Man Chao brought Xu Huang to see him. 曹操 得 咗 噉 樣 一員 戰將 , 十分 歡喜 , 待 佢 非常 之 優厚 。 Cao Cao|got|past tense marker|such|appearance|a|warrior|very|happy|treat|him|extremely|possessive particle|generous Cao Cao was very pleased to have gained such a warrior and treated him exceptionally well. 噉 趕走 咗 楊奉 、 韓暹 就 再 冇 咩 阻力 嘞 , 於是 順順利利 噉 一直 將 獻帝 護送 到 去 許都 住落 。 then|drove away|past tense marker|Yang Feng|Han Xian|then|again|no|any|resistance|sentence-final particle|so|smoothly|like that|continuously|to escort|Emperor Xian|escorting|to|go|Xu Du|settled So, after driving away Yang Feng and Han Xian, there was no more resistance, and they smoothly escorted Emperor Xian to Xudu. 跟 住 呢 就 大興土木 , 起返 啲 宮殿 樓台 , 建立 宗廟社稷 , 省台 司院 等等 。 ||this|then|extensive construction|rebuild|plural marker|palaces|towers|establish||provincial governor|administrative offices|etc Then they began large-scale construction, rebuilding the palaces and towers, establishing ancestral temples and state shrines, and the provincial government offices, etc. 噉 啊 省台 司院 呢 即 係 中央政府 以及 各部 嘅 衙門 啊 。 like this|particle|provincial government|judicial system|particle|that is|is|central government|and|various departments|possessive particle|offices|particle The provincial government offices refer to the central government and the various departments. 又 修理 好 城牆 倉庫 。 again|repair|good|city wall|warehouse They also repaired the city walls and warehouses. 封董 承 佢 哋 十三個 人 做 列候 , 總之 就 係 賞功罰罪 啦 , 都 係 曹操 話 事 嘅 。 Director Fung|Cheng|he|they|thirteen|people|do|line up|in short|just|is|reward and punishment|particle|all|is|Cao Cao|said|matters|possessive particle Dong Cheng was appointed along with his thirteen men as marquises, in short, it was about rewarding merit and punishing crimes, all under Cao Cao's orders. 曹操 自己 封做 大將軍 、 武平侯 , 任命 荀彧 做 侍中 、 尚書令 , 荀攸做 軍師 , 郭嘉做 司馬 祭酒 , 劉曄 做 司空 倉 曹 掾 。 Cao Cao|himself|appointed as|Grand General|Marquis of Wuping|appointed|Xun Yu|as|Palace Attendant|Minister of Personnel||military strategist||General|Grand Scholar|Liu Ye|as|Minister of Works|Cang|Cao|assistant Cao Cao appointed himself as the Grand General and Marquis of Wuping, and appointed Xun Yu as the Palace Attendant and Minister of Personnel, Xun You as the Military Strategist, Guo Jia as the Chief of Staff, and Liu Ye as the Minister of Works. 毛 玠 、 任峻 做 典農 中郎將 , 佢 哋 係 專管 催督 錢糧 嘅 。 Mao|Jie||serve as|Chief of Agriculture|Middle General|they|plural marker|are|specifically in charge of|collecting and supervising|taxes|possessive particle Mao Jie and Ren Jun were appointed as the Commanders of the Agricultural Department, and they were responsible for overseeing the collection of taxes. 又 任命 程昱 做 東平 相 , 范成 、 董昭 做 洛陽 令 , 滿寵 做 許都 令 , 以上 呢 啲 呢 都 係 文職 官員 嘞 。 again|appointed|Cheng Yu|to be|Dongping|governor|Fan Cheng|Dong Zhao|to be|Luoyang|magistrate|Man Chong|to be|Xudu|magistrate|above|these|plural marker|these|all|are|civil|officials|past action marker He also appointed Cheng Yu as the Governor of Dongping, Fan Cheng and Dong Zhao as the Prefects of Luoyang, and Man Chong as the Prefect of Xudu; all of these were civil officials. 武將 方面 呢 , 任命 夏侯惇 、 夏侯淵 、 曹仁 、 曹洪 做 將軍 , 呂虔 、 李典 、 樂進 、 于禁 、 徐晃 做 校尉 , 許褚 、 典韋 做 都尉 , 其餘 嘅 將士 各人 都 封 咗 官 。 military generals|aspect|question particle|appointed|Xiahou Dun|Xiahou Yuan|Cao Ren|Cao Hong|to be|general|Lyu Qian|Li Dian|Le Jin|Yu Jin|Xu Huang|to be|cavalry commander|Xu Chu|Dian Wei|to be|infantry commander|the rest|possessive particle|soldiers|each person|all|conferred|past tense marker|official position On the military side, he appointed Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan, Cao Ren, and Cao Hong as generals, and Lü Qian, Li Dian, Le Jin, Yu Jin, and Xu Huang as lieutenants, while Xu Chu and Dian Wei were appointed as captains, and the other soldiers were all given titles. 從此 之後 啊 , 朝廷 嘅 重大 事情 都 要 首先 稟報 畀 曹操 聽 , 然後 先至 再 稟奏 天子 , 軍政 大權 就 全部 歸於 曹操 嘞 。 from now on|after|ah|court|possessive particle|major|matters|all|must|first|report|to|Cao Cao|hear|then|only then|again|report to|emperor|military and political|power|then|all|belong to|Cao Cao|sentence-final particle From then on, all major matters of the court had to be reported to Cao Cao first, and only then could they be reported to the Emperor; all military and political power was concentrated in Cao Cao.

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