Ozbiljan slučaj prugica
Cas sérieux rayures||
Ein ernster Fall der Streifen
A serious case of the stripes
Un caso grave de rayas
Un cas grave de rayures
Un caso grave delle strisce
Een ernstig geval van strepen
Poważny przypadek pasków
Um caso sério de listras
Серьезный случай полос
Ett allvarligt fall av ränderna
Ciddi bir şerit vakası
Napisao i ilustrirao David Shannon
Écrit par||illustré par||
Ali nikada ga nije zapravo jela.
Mais|jamais|le|ne l'a pas|en fait|
But she never actually ate it.
Maar ze heeft het eigenlijk nooit gegeten.
Svi njeni prijatelji su mrzili grah,
All her friends hated beans,
a ona se žarko željela uklopiti.
|||fervently||fit in
and she desperately wanted to fit in.
en ze wilde er heel graag bij horen.
Camilla je uvijek brinula o tome
Camilla always|||worried||
Camilla always worried about that
Camilla maakte zich daar altijd zorgen over
šta drugi ljudi misle o njoj.
what other people think about her.
wat andere mensen over haar denken.
Danas je bila zabrinuta čak
|||worried today|
She was even worried today
Ze maakte zich vandaag zelfs zorgen
i više nego inače.
and more than usual.
en meer dan normaal.
Bio je prvi dan škole i nije mogla
It was the first day of school and she couldn't
da odluči šta će da obuče.
Bilo je toliko ljudi koje bi
There were so many people who would
Er waren zoveel mensen die dat wel zouden doen
trebala zadiviti!
|to impress
should have amazed!
had zich moeten verbazen!
Isprobala je četrdeset i dvije haljine,
She tried on forty-two dresses,
Ze paste tweeënveertig jurken,
ali nijedna se nije činila dovoljno dobra.
but none seemed good enough.
maar geen enkele leek goed genoeg.
Na kraju je obukla lijepu crvenu haljinu
At the end she put on a beautiful red dress
i pogledala se u ogledalo.
and looked in the mirror.
Onda je vrisnula.
||she screamed
Njena Mama je utrčala u sobu,
|||ran into||
Her mom ran into the room,
pa je i ona vrisnula.
so she screamed too.
"O, nevjerovatno!"
viknula je.
"Potpuno si prekrivena prugicama!"
"Je zit helemaal onder de strepen!"
I tako je stvarno i bilo.
And so it really was.
En zo was het ook echt.
Camilla je bila prugasta od glave do pete.
Camilla was striped from head to toe.
Camilla was van top tot teen gestreept.
Izgledala je poput duge.
She looked like a rainbow.
Ze zag eruit als een regenboog.
Mama je pipkala Camilino čelo.
Mom felt Camila's forehead.
"Da li se osjećaš dobro?"
"Voel je je goed?"
pitala ju je Mama.
Mom asked her.
Moeder vroeg het haar.
"Osjećam se sasvim u redu",
"Ik voel me prima",
odgovorila je Camilla, "ali pogledaj me!"
||||look at|
antwoordde Camilla, "maar kijk mij aan!"
"Vrati se u krevet ovog trenutka",
"Go back to bed this minute,"
'Ga nu meteen weer naar bed'
naredila je njena Mama.
her mom ordered|||
her Mom ordered.
haar moeder heeft besteld.
"Nećeš danas ići u školu."
Camilli je laknulo.
||felt relieved
Nije željela propustiti prvi dan škole,
||miss out on|||
She didn't want to miss the first day of school,
Ze wilde de eerste schooldag niet missen,
ali se bojala šta će reći druga djeca.
but she was afraid of what the other children would say.
maar ze was bang voor wat de andere kinderen zouden zeggen.
I nije imala pojma šta da obuče
And she had no idea what to wear
En ze had geen idee wat ze moest dragen
s tim ludim prugicama.
with those crazy stripes.
met die gekke strepen.
Taj dan je doktor Bumble došao
Doctor Bumble came that day
da pregleda Camillu.
to examine Camilla.
"Vrlo neobično!"
uzviknuo je.
he shouted|
he exclaimed.
„Nikad nisam vidio nešto slično.
||||like that
"I've never seen anything like it.
"Ik heb nog nooit zoiets gezien.
Imaš li kašalj, kihanje, sline, bolove,
||||nasal discharge|
Do you have a cough, sneeze, drool, pain,
jezu, vrućine, vrtoglavicu, pospanost,
chills, heat, dizziness, drowsiness,
otežano disanje il nekontrolirano trzanje?
difficult|breathing||uncontrolled twitching|twitching
difficulty breathing or uncontrollable twitching?
"Ne", odgovorila mu je Camilla.
'Nee,' antwoordde Camilla hem.
"Osjećam se sasvim u redu."
"Ik voel me prima."
Pa onda, "rekao je doktor Bumble,
Well then,' said Doctor Bumble,
"Welnu", zei dokter Bumble,
okrećući se Camillinoj mami,"
turning to|||
ne vidim nijedan razlog zašto sutra
I don't see any reason why tomorrow
Ik zie geen enkele reden waarom morgen
ne bi išla u školu.
she wouldn't go to school.
ze wilde niet naar school.
Evo masti koje bi trebale očistiti te
|the ointment|||||
Here are the fats that should cleanse you
Hier zijn de vetten die je zouden moeten reinigen
pruge za nekoliko dana.
stripes (1)|||
stripes in a few days.
Ako ne očiste, slobodno me nazovite."
||they clean|feel free||call me
If they don't clean up, feel free to call me."
Als ze niet opruimen, bel me dan gerust."
Reče doktor i onda je otišao.
Sljedeći dan je takođe bio katastrofa.
Svi su se u školi smijali Camilli.
|||||laughed at|
Zvali su je „Camilla Kreda“ i
They called her "Camilla Kreda" and
Ze noemden haar "Camilla Kreda" en
„Noć živih lizalica“.
|of the living|lollipops
"Night of living lollipops".
"Nacht van levende lolly's".
Trudila se svim silama da se ponaša
She tried|||her strength|||behave
She tried her best to behave
Ze deed haar best om zich te gedragen
kao da je sve normalno,
as if everything is normal
alsof alles normaal is
ali tokom jutarnje zakletve,
but during the morning oath,
maar tijdens de ochtendeed,
njene pruge su postale crvene, bijele i
her stripes became red, white and
haar strepen werden rood, wit en
plave, i bila je prekrivena zvijezdama!
||||covered|with stars
blue, and it was covered with stars!
blauw, en het was bedekt met sterren!
Ostala djeca su mislila da je to sjajno.
The other kids thought it was great.
Jedan je viknuo:
"Daj da vidimo malo ljubičastih tačkica!"
let's|||||little dots
"Let's see some purple dots!"
"Laten we een paar paarse stippen zien!"
Kad ono, Camilla je postala potpuno
Toen dat gebeurde, werd Camilla volledig
prekrivena ljubičastim tačkicama.
covered with||dots
Neko drugi je viknuo:
"Uzorak šahovnice!"
Sample|chessboard sample
"A checkerboard pattern!"
"Een schaakbordpatroon!"
i odmah su joj se pojavili kvadrati
and immediately squares appeared to her
na koži.
|the skin
Ubrzo su svi vikali različite oblike
Soon everyone was shouting different forms
i boje, a jadna Camilla se mijenjala brže
and colors, and poor Camilla was changing faster
nego što možete mijenjati kanale
than you can change channels
dan kun je van kanaal wisselen
na televizoru.
on the television.
Te noći je nazvao direktor škole,
That night the school director called,
gospodin Harms.
Mr. Harms.
"Žao mi je, gospođo Cream", rekao je.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Cream," he said.
„Morat ću vas zamoliti da Camillu zadržite
"I'll have to ask you to keep Camilla."
'Ik moet je vragen Camilla te houden.'
kod kuće.
Ona jednostavno previše odvlači
|||drags on
She's just too much of a drag
Ze is gewoon te veel een belemmering
pažnju, a i ostali roditelji su zvali da
attention, and the other parents called yes
aandacht, en de andere ouders riepen ja
se žale.
|complain (themselves)
they complain.
zij klagen.
Boje se da bi te pruge mogle
They are afraid that those stripes might
Ze zijn bang dat die strepen dat wel zullen doen
biti zarazne."
Camilla se toliko stidjela.
|||was embarrassed
Nije mogla vjerovati da se prije dva dana
She couldn't believe that two days ago
Dat kon ze twee dagen geleden nog niet geloven
svima sviđala.
everyone liked her.
iedereen vond haar leuk.
A sada niko nije želio biti u istoj sobi
En nu wilde niemand meer in dezelfde kamer zijn
s njom.
Njen tata se trudio da se osjeća bolje.
Her dad tried to make her feel better.
Haar vader probeerde haar een beter gevoel te geven.
"Mogu li nekako pomoći,
"Can I help somehow,
"Kan ik op de een of andere manier helpen,
nešto ti donijeti dušo?” pitao je.
||bring you|sweetheart||
get you something honey?” he asked.
Haal je iets lieverd?” hij vroeg.
"Ne, hvala", uzdahnula je Camilla.
||Camilla sighed||
Ono što je zaista željela je da pojede
What she really wanted was to eat
Wat ze echt wilde, was eten
veliki tanjir graha, ali dovoljno su joj
a big plate of beans, but they are enough for her
een groot bord bonen, maar dat is genoeg voor haar
se smijali za jedan dan.
laughed for a day.
een dag gelachen.
"Hmm, pa, da, vidim", promrmljao je doktor
"Hmm, well, yes, I see," muttered the doctor
Bumble kad je gospodin Cream nazvao
Bumble toen meneer Cream belde
de volgende dag.
„Mislim da bi bilo najbolje
"I think it would be best
da dovedem Specijaliste.
|to bring|
to bring Specialists.
Dolazimo odmah."
we arrive|
We're coming right away."
Otprilike sat vremena kasnije,
About an hour later,
doktor Bumble je stigao sa četiri osobe
Dr. Bumble arrived with four people
Dokter Bumble arriveerde met vier mensen
u dugim bijelim kaputima.
Predstavio ih je porodici Cream.
he introduced|||the Cream family|
He introduced them to the Cream family.
Hij stelde ze voor aan de familie Cream.
"Ovo su doktor Grop, doktor Sponge,
doktor Cricket i doktor Young."
Onda su Specijaliste počeli da pregledaju
Then the Specialists began to examine
Toen begonnen de specialisten te onderzoeken
Stiskali su i pipkali,
they squeezed|||touched
They squeezed and groped,
Ze kneep en betastte,
tapkali i testirali.
tapped and tested.
getapt en getest.
Bilo je vrlo neugodno.
It was very uncomfortable.
Het was erg ongemakkelijk.
"Pa, nisu zaušnjaci",
"Well, it's not mumps,"
"Nou, het is geen bof,"
zaključio je doktor Grop.
Dr. Grop concludeerde.
"Ili ospice", rekao je doktor Sponge.
|or hospice||||
"Or measles," said Doctor Sponge.
"Definitivno ne vodene kozice",
"Definitely not chicken pox,"
'Zeker geen waterpokken'
rekao je doktor Cricket.
"Niti je sunčica" rekla je doktorica Young
||little sun||||
"Nor is a sunflower," said Dr. Young
'Een zonnebloem ook niet,' zei dr. Young
"Moraš da piješ ove tablete",
'Je moet deze pillen slikken'
rekli su Specijaliste.
Svaki od njih joj je pružio bočicu
Each of them handed her a bottle
Ieder van hen overhandigde haar een fles
napunjenu tabletama različitih boja.
gevuld met pillen van verschillende kleuren.
"Uzmi po jednu od njih prije spavanja",
"Take one of these before bed,"
'Neem er één voor het slapengaan'
rekao je doktor Grop.
Zatim su uredno izašli u redu,
||in an orderly manner|they exited||
Then they came out neatly in line,
Toen kwamen ze keurig in de rij,
a za njima doktor Bumble.
followed by Doctor Bumble.
gevolgd door dokter Bumble.
Te noći Camilla je uzela lijekove.
Camilla took her medicine that night.
Camilla nam die avond haar medicijnen in.
Imale su grozan ukus.
Ze smaakten vreselijk.
Kad se probudila sutradan ujutro,
jeste se osjećala drugačije,
did you feel different
voelde je je anders
ali kad se obukla, odjeća joj je bila
but when she got dressed, her clothes were
Pogledala se u ogledalo i tamo je ugledala
She looked in the mirror and saw her there
zureći nazad u nju, ogromnu, raznobojnu
staring back at her, huge, colorful
naar haar terugstarend, enorm, veelkleurig
tabletu s njenim vlastitim licem.
a tablet with her own face.
een tablet met haar eigen gezicht.
Doktor Bumble je dojurio čim ga je gospođa
Dr. Bumble rushed over as soon as the lady saw him
Dr. Bumble snelde naar hem toe zodra de dame hem zag
Cream nazvala.
Crème gebeld.
Ali ovaj put, umjesto Specijalista,
Ali this|||instead of|
doveo je Stručnjake.
brought in||
Doktor Gourd i gospodin Mellon
bili su najbolji naučni umovi u zemlji.
waren de beste wetenschappelijke geesten van het land.
Opet su Camillu pipkali i gnjavili,
Camilla was groped and harassed again,
gledali i slušali.
Stručnjaci su zapisali puno nekih brojeva.
Experts wrote down a lot of numbers.
Deskundigen hebben veel cijfers opgeschreven.
Zatim su se zbili u jedan ćošak i šaptali.
|||huddled together|||corner||whispered
Then they huddled in a corner and whispered.
Toen zaten ze ineengedoken in een hoek en fluisterden.
Konačno je doktor Gourd progovorio.
Finally Dr. Gourd spoke.
"To bi mogao biti virus",
"It could be a virus,"
najavio je s autoritetom.
he announced|||
he announced with authority.
kondigde hij met gezag aan.
Odjednom su se po Camilli pojavile
Suddenly they appeared after Camilla
Plots verschenen ze achter Camilla aan
čupave male loptice poput virusa.
fluffy|small male||like the|
shaggy little balls like viruses.
ruige kleine balletjes zoals virussen.
"Ili možda neki oblik bakterija",
"Or maybe some form of bacteria,"
rekao je gospodin Mellon.
Odma je Camilla izrasla repiće poput
|||grew up|little tail|
Immediately Camilla grew turnips like
Onmiddellijk groeide Camilla als rapen
"Ili bi to mogle biti gljive",
"Or it could be mushrooms,"
dodao je doktor Gourd.
Istog trenutka je Camilla postala
prekrivena gljivicama različitih boja.
covered with|||
covered with fungi of different colors.
bedekt met schimmels van verschillende kleuren.
Stručnjaci su pogledali Camillu,
the experts|||
The experts looked at Camilla,
pa jedan u drugog.
then into each other.
dan in elkaar.
"Moramo ponovo analizirati ove brojeve
"We have to analyze these numbers again
‘We moeten deze cijfers opnieuw analyseren
u laboratoriju", objasnio je doktor Gourd.
"Nazvat ćemo vas kad nešto saznamo."
call|||||we find out
"We'll call you when we find out."
'We bellen je als we erachter komen.'
Ali stručnjaci nisu imali pojma šta joj je
|the experts|||idea|||
But the experts had no idea what was wrong with her
Maar de experts hadden geen idee wat er met haar aan de hand was
i još gore,
and worse,
en erger,
nisu imali lijeka.
they had no medicine.
Vijest se širila tako brzo i daleko o
The news spread so fast and far
Het nieuws verspreidde zich zo snel en ver
Camilli da su i novinari saznali za nju.
||||the journalists|found out||
Camilla that the journalists also found out about her.
Camilla dat de journalisten ook over haar te weten kwamen.
Skupili su se sa svih kanala pred njenom
They gathered from all channels in front of her
Ze verzamelden zich vanuit alle kanalen voor haar
kućom, da urade izvještaje o
||they make|reports|
home, to make reports about
thuis, om reportages over te maken
"Bizarnom slučaju nevjerovatnog
‘Een bizar geval van het ongelooflijke
mijenjajućeg djeteta".
changing child".
veranderend kind".
Uskoro se pojavila ogromna gomila
Soon a huge crowd appeared
ljudi u njenom dvorištu.
Onda su im počeli dolaziti svaka vrsta
Then all sorts of people started coming to them
liječnika od psihologa,
alergologa, travara, nutricionista,
vidovnjaka, vračara, gurua,
psychics, witch doctors, gurus,
pa čak i veterinara.
|||veterinarian (1)
and even a veterinarian.
Svaki takozvani lijek je samo doprinosio
|so-called||||contributing to
Every so-called medicine only contributed
Ieder zogenaamd medicijn droeg daar alleen maar aan bij
neobičnom izgledu jadne Camille,
to poor Camille's unusual appearance,
aan het ongewone uiterlijk van de arme Camille,
toliko da ju je sad već bilo teško
so much so that it was already difficult for her
zozeer zelfs dat het al moeilijk voor haar was
Proklijala je korijenje i bobice kristale
Sprouted||the roots||berries|
She sprouted roots and berry crystals
Ze ontkiemde wortels en bessenkristallen
i perje pa čak i dugački krzneni rep.
and feathers and even a long furry tail.
en veren en zelfs een lange harige staart.
Ali ništa nije uspjelo.
Jednog dana, žena koja je sebe nazvala
One day, a woman who called herself
Op een dag belde een vrouw zichzelf
ekološkim terapeutom, je tvrdila da
ecological|||she claimed|
environmental therapist, claimed that
milieutherapeut, beweerde dat
može izliječiti Camillu.
kan Camilla genezen.
"Zatvori oči", rekla je.
"Udahni duboko i postani jedno sa
"Breathe deeply and become one with
svojom sobom."
"Nisi to trebala reći", zastenjala je
||||she murmured|
"You shouldn't have said that," she moaned
‘Dat had je niet moeten zeggen,’ kreunde ze
Polako se počela topiti u zidove svoje
|||melt into||walls|
She slowly began to melt into her walls
Ze begon langzaam in haar muren te smelten
Njen krevet se pretvorio u ogromna usta,
komoda joj je postala nos,
the chest of drawers became her nose,
a dvije slike oči.
Terapeutica je vrisnula i pobjegla iz kuće
||screamed||ran away||
The therapist screamed and ran out of the house
De therapeut schreeuwde en rende het huis uit
"Šta ćemo sad da radimo?"
"What are we going to do now?"
"Wat gaan we nu doen?"
povikala je gospođa Cream.
called out|||
cried Mrs. Cream.
"Samo se pogoršava i pogoršava!"
||getting worse||
"Het wordt steeds erger en erger!"
Počela je jecati.
||to sob
She started sobbing.
Ze begon te snikken.
U tom je trenutku gospodin Cream
At that moment, Mr. Cream
začuo tiho kucanje na ulaznim vratima.
heard a soft knock on the front door.
Kad ih je otvorio,
When he opened them,
tamo je stajala starica koja je bila
|||old woman|||
there stood an old woman who was
punašna i slatka poput jagode.
plump and sweet like a strawberry.
"Oprostite", rekla je vedro.
Excuse me|||cheerfully
"Excuse me," she said brightly.
"Ali mislim da mogu pomoći."
Ušla je u Camilinu sobu i
pogledala oko sebe.
looked around.
"Nevjerovatno", rekla je odmahujući glavom
"Amazing," she said, shaking her head
„Ovo što imamo ovdje je ozbiljan slučaj
"What we have here is a serious case
Jedan od najgorih koje sam
One of the worst I've ever been
ikada vidjela! "
ever seen! "
Iz torbe je izvadila posudu punu
|||took out|a container|
She took out a full container from her bag
zelenih zrna graha.
green beans.
"Evo", rekla je.
"Ovo bi trebalo da uspije."
"This should work."
"Je li to magični grah?"
"Is that a magic bean?"
upitala je gospođa Cream.
"O, ne", odgovori ljubazna starica.
"Oh, no," answered the kind old woman.
“To ne postoji.
"That doesn't exist.
Ovo je obični jednostavni grah.
This is a simple simple bean.
Kladim se da bi htjela da pojedeš malo,
I bet||||||you eat|
I bet you'd like to eat some,
Ik wed dat je graag wat wilt eten,
zar ne? "
Is it? "
upitala je Camillu.
she asked Camilla.
Camilla je više od svega željela da
Camilla wanted more than anything to
pojede veliku gomilu graha,
eat a big pile of beans,
ali se i dalje bojala da to prizna.
|||||||admit it
but she was still afraid to admit it.
maar ze was nog steeds bang om het toe te geven.
rekla je.
"Niko ne voli grah, pogotovo ne ja!"
||||especially not||
"No one likes beans, especially not me!"
"Niemand houdt van bonen, vooral ik niet!"
"O, ne", rekla je starica tužno.
"Oh, no," said the old woman sadly.
"Izgleda da sam pogriješila."
|||made a mistake
"Looks like I made a mistake."
"Het lijkt erop dat ik een fout heb gemaakt."
Vratila je grah u torbu i krenula
She put the beans back in her bag and set off
prema vratima da izađe.
towards the door to get out.
Camilla je gledala staricu kako se
Camilla watched the old woman
Taj grah bi bio tako jako ukusan.
Those beans would be so very tasty.
A i da joj se svi smiju zato što ga jede,
And that everyone laughs at her because she eats it,
En dat iedereen haar uitlacht omdat ze het eet,
ne bi bilo ništa,
there would be nothing
er zou niets zijn
naspram svega što joj se desilo u zadnjih
in light of|||||happened||
against everything that happened to her recently
tegen alles wat haar de laatste tijd is overkomen
nekoliko dana.
couple of days.
Napokon nije mogla da izdrži više.
Finally||||take it|
Finally, she couldn't take it anymore.
Uiteindelijk kon ze het niet meer aan.
"Hang on!"
"Wacht even!"
povikala je.
she shouted|
ze riep.
"Istina je ...
"Het is waar ...
Ja stvarno volim da jedem grah."
"Tako sam i mislila", rekla je starica
s osmijehom.
|with a smile
Uzela je šaku graha i strpala ga
||a handful|||shoved it|
She took a handful of beans and stuffed them
Camilli u usta.
"Mmmm", reče Camilla
"Mmmm," Camilla said
Odjednom su grane,
Suddenly the branches,
perje i zakrivljeni repovi
feathers and curved tails
počeli nestajati.
|begin to disappear
started to disappear.
Onda se cijela soba vrtjela uokolo.
Then the whole room spun around.
Toen draaide de hele kamer rond.
Kad je stala,
When she stopped,
Toen ze stopte,
Camilla je stajala u sredini,
Camilla stood in the middle,
potpuno normalnog izgleda,
completely normal looking,
kao da se ništa nije dogodilo.
as if nothing had happened.
"Izliječena sam!"
I am healed|
"I am cured!"
viknula je od dragosti.
she shouted with joy.
"Da", rekla je starica.
Znala sam da se nalaziš negdje tu unutra
||||you are|||
I knew you were in there somewhere
Ik wist dat je daar ergens was
Potapšala je Camillu po glavi.
Zatim je izašla napolje i nestala u
||went out|outside|||
Then she went outside and disappeared into the
gomili ljudi.
a lot of|
Poslije, Camilla nije bila potpuno ista.
Neka djeca u školi su govorili da je čudna
Some kids at school said she was weird
ali nju nimalo nije bilo briga.
but she didn't care at all.
maar het maakte haar helemaal niets uit.
Jela je sav grah koji je poželjela
She ate all the beans she wanted
i nikada više nije imala problema
and she never had any more problems
sa prugicama.
|with stripes
Hvala vam što ste čitali sa nama!
Nemojte zaboraviti da kliknete
kako biste bili obaviješteni
o novim pričama kada ih objavimo.
Ćao Klinci