Višejezičnost boja | Ivana Jakovljev | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Multilingualism (1)|color (1)||Jakovljev (1)|TEDxNoviSad|
Mehrsprachige Farben | Ivana Jakovljev | TEDxNoviSad – YouTube
Multilingual colors | Ivana Jakovljev | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Colores multilingües | Ivana Jakovljev | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Colori multilingue | Ivana Jakovljev | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Cores multilíngues | Ivana Jakovljev | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Многоязычные цвета | Ивана Яковлев | TEDxNoviSad – YouTube
Çok dilli renkler | Ivana Jakovljev | TEDxNoviSad - YouTube
Prevodilac: Ivana Korom Lektor: Aleksandar Korom
Translator||Korom (1)|Editor||
Translator: Ivana Korom Lecturer: Aleksandar Korom
Ja se bavim istraživanjem boja
||I am engaged in|research|of colors
I do color research
i jednostavnim zadacima ispitujem kako ljudi vide boje.
|simple|tasks|I examine|||see|
and with simple tasks I examine how people see colors.
Ispitanicima pokazujem nekoliko boja i pitam ih da li mogu da ih razlikuju.
the examinees|I show|||||||||||distinguish
I show the respondents a few colors and ask them if they can tell them apart.
I oni to obično mogu bez problema.
And they can usually do it without a problem.
Onda sam ih jednom, onako usput, pitala: "Koja boja vam se najviše sviđa?"
||||just casually|by the way|||||||
Then once, just by the way, I asked them: "Which color do you like the most?"
i shvatila da veoma čudno odgovaraju:
|||||sehr seltsam passen
||||strangely|they respond
and realized that they answered very strangely:
"Desna, srednja, ona prva."
"Right, middle, first one."
Pa sam ih pitala: "Što mi ne kažete ime boje?"
So I asked them: "Why don't you tell me the name of the color?"
Na šta su oni govorili:
What did they say:
"Pa sve tri su narandžaste" ili: "Pa sve tri su tirkizne."
"Well, all three are orange" or: "Well, all three are turquoise."
Iako su moji ispitanici videli šest boja, oni su znali samo dva naziva.
Although my subjects saw six colors, they only knew the names of two.
Iz njihovih odgovora,
From their answers,
izgledalo je kao da kada počnemo da govorimo o bojama,
it looks|||||we start||||colors
it seemed like when we started talking about colors,
mi u jeziku smanjimo rezoluciju onoga što zapravo možemo da vidimo.
|||let's reduce|resolution|of it|||||
we in language reduce the resolution of what we can actually see.
Pa je tako sve ovo narandžasto, a sve ovo je tirkizno.
So all this is orange, and all this is turquoise.
I tako je počelo da me zanima pitanje
||||||interests me|
And so I became interested in the question
kakva je veza između boja i njihovih naziva,
what is the relationship between colors and their names,
odnosno kakva je veza između boja i jezika koji govorimo?
that is, what is the connection between colors and the language we speak?
Istraživanja pokazuju
Research shows
da ljudi mogu da vide više od dva miliona različitih nijansi.
that humans can see more than two million different shades.
Ali koliko naziva za boje znaju?
But how many color names do they know?
Ja sam se ovo pitala za govornike srpskog jezika,
I was wondering about Serbian speakers,
od kojih sam tražila da mi navedu sve nazive za boje koje znaju.
||||||they list||names||||
from whom I asked them to give me all the names for the colors they know.
I šta sam dobila?
And what did I get?
Pojavilo se 69 različitih naziva za boje u srpskom jeziku.
69 different names for colors appeared in the Serbian language.
Međutim, najveći broj naziva koje je navela jedna osoba je bio 36.
However, the largest number of names given by one person was 36.
A u proseu, ljudi su navodili po 16 naziva za boje.
||the prose|||listed||||
And in the prose, people listed 16 names for colors.
Znači, za dva miliona različitih nijansi mi koristimo samo 16 naziva.
So, for two million different shades, we use only 16 names.
Slični rezultati se dobijaju i u drugim jezicima.
Similar|results||are obtained||||languages
Similar results are obtained in other languages.
Obično se navodi između 10 i 20, a najviše do 50 različitih naziva.
||is stated|||||||
Usually between 10 and 20, up to 50 different names are listed.
Šta se ovde zapravo dešava?
What is actually going on here?
Mi veliki broj sličnih nijansi koje možemo da vidimo
We a large number of similar shades that we can see
grupišemo u jednu kategoriju boja kojoj dajemo naziv.
we group|||category|||give|name
we group into one category of colors to which we give a name.
Ovo je stvar takozvane kognitivne ekonomije.
This is a matter of the so-called cognitive economy.
Naš kognitivni sistem ima ograničen kapacitet,
Our cognitive system has a limited capacity,
i teži da veliki broj informacija kojima smo izloženi svake sekunde
|tends||||information|||exposed to||second
and tends to the large amount of information we are exposed to every second
svede na manji broj grupa koje je onda lakše pamtiti i obrađivati.
reduces to|||||||||remembering||process
reduce to a smaller number of groups, which are then easier to remember and process.
Pa tako kaže:
So he says:
"OK, nek' mi sve ovo bude zeleno, a nek' mi svi crnogorci budu lenji,
"OK, let all this be green to me, and let all Montenegrins be lazy to me,
jer ko će, zaboga, obrađivati informaciju o svakom crnogorcu posebno?!"
|||for heaven's sake||information|||Montenegrin|individually
because who, for God's sake, will process the information about each Montenegrin separately ?! "
Sa stanovišta uštede energije, ovaj princip je odličan.
|точки зрения||||||
|the standpoint of|energy savings|||principle||
From an energy saving standpoint, this principle is great.
Sa stanovišta istinitosti i političke korektnosti, ne baš uvek.
|point of view|truth||political|correctness|||
From the point of view of truthfulness and political correctness, not always.
Ovakva kognitivna ekonomija ima još jednu veoma važnu posledicu.
This type|cognitive||||||important|consequence
This kind of cognitive economy has another very important consequence.
A to je laka i uspešna komunikacija.
And that is easy and successful communication.
Na primer, ako vam neko kaže: "Molim te, dodaj mi plavu jaknu",
For example, if someone says to you, "Please pass me the blue jacket,"
vi ćete tu poruku razumeti
|||the message|understand that
you will understand that message
čak iako tu konkretnu nijansu jakne nikada ranije niste videli.
even though you've never seen that particular shade of jacket before.
Ili ako vam se, kojim slučajem desi
|||||by chance|
Or if it happens to you, by any chance
da po prvi put u životu treba da deaktivirate bombu,
||||||||deactivate|the bomb
that for the first time in your life you need to defuse a bomb,
i neko vam kaže: "Ne presecaj crvenu žicu",
and someone tells you: "Don't cut the red wire",
vama je jasno koje žice treba da se klonite.
it is clear to you which wires you need to stay away from.
Ali šta ako tu rečenicu izgovara, na primer, Mel Gibson u američkom filmu?
||||sentence|speaks|||Mel Gibson|Gibson||American|film
But what if that sentence was uttered by, for example, Mel Gibson in an American film?
Da li je ta njegova "red wire" ista ona "crvena žica" koju vi zamišljate?
|||that|||red wire|same||red|wire|||imagine
Is this "red wire" of his the same "red wire" that you imagine?
Zašto je ovo zanimljivo?
Why is this interesting?
Na svetu se govori oko 6.500 različitih jezika
|the world||speaks|||
There are about 6,500 different languages spoken in the world
i pitanje je da li svi ti jezici na isti način grupišu onih dva miliona nijansi.
and the question is whether all these languages group those two million shades in the same way.
Ako govorite još neki jezik osim srpskog, čini vam se da da.
|||||other than||||||that too
If you speak a language other than Serbian, you seem to.
Crveno je isto što i "red", isto što i "rojo", isto što i "piroš".
Red is the same as "red", the same as "rojo", the same as "pirosh".
Upravo ovo lako prevođenje naziva sa jezika na jezik
This very easy translation of names from language to language
je dovelo do najpoznatijeg istraživanja naziva za boje
|led to||most famous|research|||
led to the most famous research on color names
koje je sprovedeno na 98 svetskih jezika.
conducted in 98 world languages.
Glavni zaključak ovog istraživanja je bio
The main conclusion of this research was
da svi jezici prolaze kroz iste faze razvoja rečnika boja,
|||go through|||stages|development|of vocabulary|
that all languages go through the same stages of color vocabulary development,
završavajući sa istih 11 osnovnih naziva za boje.
concluding with||the same|basic|||
ending with the same 11 basic color names.
Osnovni nazivi su oni koje govornici često koriste
|basic names||||speakers||
The basic names are those that speakers often use
i oni koji se lako komuniciraju.
and those who communicate easily.
Govornici ih lako imenuju,
Speakers easily name them,
i odlično se slažu oko toga kako oni izgledaju.
and they agree excellently on what they look like.
Tih 11 osnovnih naziva u srpskom jeziku bi bili:
These 11 basic colors in the Serbian language would be:
plavo, crveno, žuto, zeleno, crno, belo,
blue, red, yellow, green, black, white,
sivo, roze, ljubičasto, narandžasto i braon.
gray, pink, purple, orange, and brown.
Ali da li su se ovi nazivi pojavili u mojoj studiji?
But did these names appear in my study?
Absolutely (1)
To zaista jesu bili najčešće korišćeni nazivi.
||they||most commonly|used|
These really were the most commonly used names.
Ali pogledajte ove nazive koji su se javili na dnu liste,
||||that|||appeared||bottom of|
But take a look at these names that appeared at the bottom of the list,
kao što je purpurna, ružičasta, azurna, metalik.
such as purple, pink, azure, metallic.
To su takozvani neosnovni nazivi za boje.
These are the so-called non-basic names for colors.
Njih govornici srpskog retko koriste
Serbian speakers rarely use them
i kod njih postoji veoma loš konsenzus oko toga kako one zapravo izgledaju.
There is a very poor consensus among them about what they actually look like.
Ima li ovo ikakve veze s našim svakodnevnim životom?
Does this have any connection to our daily lives?
Nedavno je u novinama objavljen članak
Recently|||the newspaper|published|an article
An article was recently published in the newspaper
o tome kako je jedan Beograđanin imao problem -
about how a Belgrader had a problem -
ili što bi novine rekle "pakao" -
or as the newspapers would say "hell" -
da registruje motor,
|to register|engine
to register a motorcycle,
jer u policiji nisu mogli da se dogovore koju boju da upišu u dozvolu.
||the police|||||||||write||the permit
because the police could not agree on which color to enter in the license.
Posle dugog većanja upisali su "žuta",
|long|discussion|they wrote||yellow(1)
After much deliberation, they entered "yellow",
a prema podacima proizvođača, u pitanju je neka platinasta metalik,
||the data|manufacturer||question|||platinum|
and according to the manufacturer, it's a platinum metallic,
koja vuče na svetlo-braon.
which pulls on light brown.
Kontroleri na tehničkom pregledu su odbili da upišu žuta,
controllers (1)||technical|inspection||refused||write down|
The controllers at the technical inspection refused to enter the yellow,
jer je njima to više ličilo na neku nijansu ljubičaste.
because to them it looked more like a shade of purple.
Laughter (1)
Vlasniku ovog motora ova situacija sigurno nije bila zabavna kao meni,
the owner||engine||||||funny||
The owner of this motorcycle surely did not find this situation as amusing as I did,
ali ovo je zaista odličan primer toga
but this is really a great example of that
kakva je veza između boja i jezika koji govorimo.
what is the connection between colors and the language we speak.
Boja motora na slici se u srpskom jeziku opisuje neosnovnim nazivima,
|||the picture|||||is described|non-standard|terms
The color of the engine in the picture is described in Serbian with non-basic names,
kod kojih, kao što sam vam rekla, a registracija ovog motora je i potvrdila,
||||||||registration|||||confirmed it
which, as I told you, is confirmed by the registration of this engine.
postoji urnebesno loš konsenzus oko toga kako one zapravo izgledaju.
there is a hilariously poor consensus on what they actually look like.
Ako još uvek niste sasvim uvereni zašto je ovo važno,
If you are still not completely convinced why this is important,
zamislite istu ovu situaciju, samo u malo drugačijem kontekstu.
imagine the same situation, just in a slightly different context.
Zamislite da pilot dobije instrukciju
||the pilot||instruction
Imagine that a pilot receives instructions
da počne da sleće kada se upali platinasta lampica.
|||land|when||turns on|platinum|light indicator
to start landing when the platinum light comes on.
Ne bi baš bilo zgodno da on 45 minuta veća o tome
It wouldn't be very convenient if he talked about it for 45 minutes
da li to njemu ipak vuče na svetlo-ljubičasto.
does it still attract him to light purple?
Ovo se naravno ne događa,
This of course does not happen,
jer mi istražujemo vezu između boja i jezika,
||we investigate|relationship||||
because we are exploring the connection between colors and language,
i znamo koje boje treba da budu svetla na semaforu, saobraćajni znaci,
|||||||lights||traffic light|traffic|traffic signs
and we know which colors should be the lights on the traffic light, traffic signs,
signali na komandnim tablama,
signals (1)||command|tables
signals on dashboards,
kako bismo uspešno preneli i razumeli poruku.
|in order to|successfully|conveyed||understand|
in order to successfully convey and understand the message.
Ali korišćenje naziva za boje ne pospešuje samo komunikaciju,
|the use of|||||enhances||communication
But using color names not only enhances communication,
već se ispostavlja da utiče na nešto mnogo bazičnije.
||turns out||affects||||more basic
but it turns out to affect something much more basic.
Na to koliko brzo reagujemo i to na nivou milisekundi.
|||how fast|we react||||the level of|milliseconds
How quickly we react and that at the level of milliseconds.
Ako pokažete ljudima dve boje i pitate da li mogu da ih razlikuju,
|you show|||||||||||tell apart
If you show people two colors and ask if they can tell them apart,
oni će biti brži u davanju odgovora
they will be faster in giving an answer
ako te dve boje u jeziku koji oni govore imaju različite nazive,
if those two colors have different names in the language they speak.
na primer plava i zelena,
for example blue and green,
nego ako imaju isti naziv, ne primer dve različite nijanse plave,
but if they have the same name, not for example two different shades of blue,
čak i ako objektivnim merama kontrolišete razlike između ovih boja.
even if you control for the differences between these colors by objective measures.
Ovaj efekat se zove kategorička percepcija boja.
This effect is called categorical color perception.
I ako govorimo o jeziku koji ima različite nazive za plavu i zelenu,
And if we talk about a language that has different names for blue and green,
kao što je srpski, kao što je engleski,
like Serbian, like English,
onda važi ovaj primer koji sam navela.
then this example I mentioned applies.
Međutim, ako odete u Namibiju,
However, if you go to Namibia,
kao što su radili istraživači sa univerziteta u Eseksu,
||||researchers||the university||Essex University
as researchers from the University of Essex did,
i tamo pronađete Himba pleme,
||you find|Himba tribe|tribe
and there you find the Himba tribe,
videćete da oni za plavu i zelenu koriste jedan naziv.
you will see|||||||||
you will see that they use the same name for blue and green.
Stoga oni nisu brži u razlikovanju plavih od zelenih nijansi.
Therefore, they are not faster at distinguishing blue from green shades.
Njima je to ista boja, samo različite nijanse.
To them, it's the same color, just different shades.
Ili ako odete u neku zemlju mediteranske regije,
Or if you go to a country in the Mediterranean region,
kao što je na primer Grčka,
like, for example, Greece,
tamo ćete sresti govornike
you will meet the speakers there
koji često koriste dva različita naziva za plavu.
who often use two different names for blue.
Što ne čudi, imajući u vidu srećne okolnosti u kojima žive.
||surprises|considering||consideration of|happy|circumstances||which|
Which is not surprising, considering the happy circumstances in which they live.
Istraživanja sa univerziteta u Lankasteru su potvrdila
Research||||Lancaster University||confirmed
Research from Lancaster University has confirmed
da su ovi govornici zaista efikasniji u razlikovanju plavih nijansi
|||||more efficient||distinguishing||
that these speakers are indeed more efficient at distinguishing blue hues
za koje imaju različite nazive.
for which they have different names.
Mi u srpskom jeziku takođe imamo još jedan naziv za plavo
In the Serbian language, we also have another name for blue
koji koristimo da opišemo tamno plave nijanse, a to je teget.
|||we describe|dark||shades||||navy blue
which we use to describe dark blue shades, and that is navy.
Takođe imamo i naziv za tamno crveno, bordo,
We also have a name for dark red, burgundy,
koji su moji ispitanici veoma često navodili.
which my respondents often mentioned.
Mene su ovi nazivi posebno zainteresovali.
|||||interested me
These names particularly interested me.
Da li to što ih koristimo znači i da smo brži u razlikovanju plavih,
Does the fact that we use them mean that we are faster in distinguishing blue,
odnosno crvenih nijansi?
as opposed to red shades?
Da bih to ispitala,
|||I investigate
To examine it,
morala sam prvo da proverim da li mi, govornici srpskog jezika,
I had to first check whether we, speakers of the Serbian language,
znamo šta su teget i bordo,
we know what navy blue and burgundy are,
ili su ti nazivi nejasni, kao platinum i metalik.
||||unclear||platinum (1)||
or are those names unclear to you, like platinum and metallic.
Da bih to ispitala, svojim ispitanicima sam veliki broj puta
|||I would test||||||
To investigate this, I have asked my respondents a large number of times
pokazivala pojedinačne plave i crvene nijanse
showed individual shades of blue and red
i tražila od njih da ih imenuju.
and asked them to name them.
I šta se desilo?
And what happened?
Ispitanici su bili veoma konzistentni u svojim odgovorima,
The respondents were very consistent in their answers,
i pokazali su veoma visok nivo slaganja
|they showed||||level|agreement
and they showed a very high level of agreement
oko toga gde prestaje plavo, a počinje teget,
about where blue ends and navy begins,
odnosno gde prestaje crveno, a počinje bordo.
that is, where red ends and burgundy begins.
Dakle, teget i bordo jesu zgodne boje za motorna vozila,
|||||suitable|||motor vehicles|vehicles
So, navy and burgundy are convenient colors for motor vehicles,
ukoliko želite jednostavnu registraciju u ovoj zemlji,
if you want a simple registration in this country,
doduše nije da je to baš jedini uslov.
although it is not the only condition.
Ali da li korišćenje ovih naziva dovodi do onog finog ubrzanja u reagovanju
||||||leads to||that|nice|acceleration||reaction
But does using these names lead to that nice acceleration in response
koje sam vam spominjala?
that I mentioned to you?
To sam ispitivala veoma jednostavnim zadatkom.
||I was testing|||task
I tested that with a very simple task.
Ispitanicima sam prikazivala tri kvadrata
||showed||squares (1)
I showed the respondents three squares
i tražila sam od njih da mi kažu
and I asked them to tell me
koji od dva donja kvadrata je isti kao gornji: levi ili desni.
which of the two lower squares is the same as the upper: left or right.
Nikakve nazive za boje nisam spominjala, od njih nisam tražila da imenuju boje,
I didn't mention any names for the colors, I didn't ask them to name the colors,
samo mi recite koji od dva donja kvadrata je isti kao gornji.
||tell me|||||||||
just tell me which of the two lower squares is the same as the upper one.
Šta se desilo?
What happened?
Ispitanici su bili za 100 milisekundi brži
The subjects were 100 milliseconds faster
ako su na ekranu bila prikazana dva teget i jedan plavi kvadrat,
|||the screen||displayed||||||square
if two dark and one blue square were displayed on the screen,
nego ako su na ekranu bili prikazani različiti teget
than if different tegets were shown on the screen
ili različiti plavi kvadrati.
or different blue squares.
Time je kategorička percepcija boja
This is the categorical perception of colors
po prvi put demonstrirana i na srpskom jeziku.
demonstrated for the first time in the Serbian language.
Ista stvar se desila i sa bordo i crvenim nijansama,
The same thing happened with burgundy and red shades,
međutim, time je kategorička percepcija boja u ovoj vrsti zadataka
however, it is categorical color perception in this type of task
po prvi put demonstrirana na crvenim nijansama u bilo kom jeziku.
demonstrated for the first time on red shades in any language.
Ali zašto nama ovi nazivi uopšte ubrzavaju reagovanje?
||||||speed up|reaction
Setite se one kognitivne ekonomije koju sam pominjala na početku.
Setite (1)|||||||mentioned||
Nama jezik pomaže da grupišemo stvari iz okruženja na optimalan način
||helps|||||the environment||optimal way|
Language helps us to group things from the environment in an optimal way
i da njima efikasno baratamo.
|||efficiently|we handle
and to handle them effectively.
Pa tako, ako ste Eskim,
||||an Eskimo
So, if you're an Eskimo,
onda vam je zgodno da znate više naziva za različite vrste snega
then it is convenient for you to know more names for different types of snow
i da te vrste dobro razlikujete.
and to distinguish between these types well.
Ako ste sudija na izložbama pasa, onda je super da znate nazive rasa,
||judge||dog shows|dog shows|||||||
If you are a judge at dog shows, then it is great to know the names of the breeds,
i da ih dobro razlikujete.
and to distinguish them well.
Jer ako, kao ja, niste, onda to neće biti slučaj.
Because if, like me, you're not, then that won't be the case.
[Mali beli pas]
[little white dog]
Ako ste okruženi plavetnilom,
||surrounded by|the blueness
If you are surrounded by blue,
zgodno vam je da možete precizno da komunicirate o plavim nijansama.
it is convenient for you to be able to communicate accurately about shades of blue.
Ali to ne znači da ljudi vide drugačije.
But that doesn't mean people see it differently.
Ili vide bolje.
Or they see better.
Oni samo jesu ili nisu naučili klasifikaciju.
They just did or didn't learn the classification.
Setite se onog primera sa početka,
Remember that example from the beginning,
mi ovde vidimo tri boje, ali znamo jedan naziv.
Here we see three colors, but we know one name.
Međutim, neki slikar, moler, grafički dizajner
||painter|painter|graphic designer|graphic designer
However, some painter, decorator, graphic designer
ovde zna možda bolju klasifikaciju nego ja.
here might know a better classification than I do.
Dakle, jezik nama pomaže da organizujemo našu mentalnu sliku sveta
So, language helps us organize our mental image of the world
na način koji je nama najpotrebniji i najkorisniji.
|||||most necessary||most useful
in a way that is most necessary and useful to us.
A zašto mi onda klasifikujemo teget i bordo?
And why do we then classify navy blue and burgundy?
Na ovo pitanje nemam odgovor, ali bih volela da ga saznam.
||||answer|||||it|find out
I don't have an answer to this question, but I would love to find out.
Naime, postoji hipoteza istraživača iz Estonije
||hypothesis (1)|researcher (1)||Estonian researchers
Namely, there is a hypothesis from researchers in Estonia
da se više naziva za crveno često koristi u zemljama sa komunističkom prošlošću.
that more names for red are often used in countries with a communist past.
Isto tako, pričali su mi o pionirskim teget uniformama i teget suknjama -
||they told||||pioneer||uniforms|||skirts
Likewise, they told me about the pioneer navy blue uniforms and navy blue skirts -
moguće da je to razlog zašto se naziv teget
it is possible that this is the reason why the term navy blue
i dalje često koristi u srpskom jeziku.
is still frequently used in the Serbian language.
Međutim, odgovore na ova pitanja moram potražiti u nekoj budućoj saradnji
However, I must seek answers to these questions in some future collaboration
sa istoričarima, lingvistima,
|with historians|linguists
with historians, linguists,
ili doduše bilo kim, koga uspem da ubedim
or|||||I manage||I convince
or indeed anyone I can manage to convince
da su teget i bordo neizmerno zabavne stvari.
that navy blue and burgundy are immensely fun things.
Na kraju, spomenula bih još jednu veoma važnu stvar.
||I would mention||||||
In the end, I would mention one more very important thing.
Ako jezik utiče na to kako razlikujemo boje,
||||||we distinguish|
If language influences how we distinguish colors,
kako onda boje razlikuju ljudi koji govore više od jednog jezika?
How do people who speak more than one language distinguish colors?
Postojećih istraživanja na ovu temu je veoma malo,
There is very little existing research on this topic,
i sva su imala isti problem:
and they all had the same problem:
dostupnost dvojezičnih govornika.
availability of|bilingual speakers|speakers
the availability of bilingual speakers.
Mi smo u Vojvodini okruženi ljudima
We are surrounded by people in Vojvodina
koji od rođenja govore još neki jezik osim srpskog:
who have spoken another language besides Serbian since birth:
rusinski, rumunski, slovački, mađarski.
Rusyn language|Romanian|Slovak|
Rusyn, Romanian, Slovak, Hungarian.
Ja sam odabrala da radim sa dvojezičnim govornicima mađarskog i srpskog jezika
||chosen||||bilingual|speakers|Hungarian language|||
I chose to work with bilingual speakers of Hungarian and Serbian.
jer mi ova kombinacija jezika omogućava fantastično poređenje.
because this combination of languages allows me fantastic comparison.
Za razliku od srpskog,
Unlike Serbian,
u mađarskom jeziku ne postoji poseban termin za tamno plavo,
in the Hungarian language there is no special term for dark blue,
već se koristi složenica - tamno plavo.
|||compound word||
but a compound is used - dark blue.
Ali kao i u srpskom, postoji naziv bordo.
But as in Serbian, there is the term bordo.
Ono što mi je uzorak govornika iz Vojvodine dodatno omogućio,
||||sample|speaker||Vojvodina|additionally|enabled me
What my sample speaker from Vojvodina additionally enabled me,
jeste da direktno suprotstavim dva jezička aspekta
is that I can directly oppose two linguistic aspects.
koja na taj način nisu ispitivana u prethodnim studijama,
|||||examined||previous studies|studies
which were not examined in previous studies in this way,
a to je da radim sa govornicima
and that is to work with speakers
koji ceo svoj život žive na teritoriji svog drugog jezika,
who have lived their whole lives in the territory of their second language,
ali u svakodnevnim aktivnostima češće govore svoj maternji jezik, mađarski.
||daily|activities|more often|||||
but in daily activities they more often speak their native language, Hungarian.
I šta sam dobila?
And what did I get?
Nije bilo ubrzanja u razlikovanju plavih nijansi.
There was no acceleration in distinguishing shades of blue.
Teget nije relevantna kategorija boja
||relevant category|category|
Navy blue is not a relevant color category
za govornike koji češće govore mađarski
|||more often||
for speakers who more frequently speak Hungarian
iako žive na teritoriji gde se govori srpski.
even though they live in an area where Serbian is spoken.
Ali bordo jeste, postoji i u mađarskom.
But burgundy does exist, and there is also a term for it in Hungarian.
Dakle, onaj jezik koji češće koristimo dominantno organizuje našu sliku sveta.
Thus, the language we use more frequently predominantly organizes our view of the world.
Štaviše, u mađarskom jeziku postoji još jedan naziv za tamno crvene nijanse,
Moreover, in the Hungarian language, there is another term for dark red shades.
a to je voroš.
|||a fool
and that is a demon.
Da li to znači da su govornici mađarskog brži
Does that mean that Hungarian speakers are quicker
i u razlikovanju tamno crvenih nijansi?
in distinguishing dark red shades?
Ja jesam izmerila takvo ubrzanje.
|I have|I measured|such|acceleration (1)
I have measured such acceleration.
Ali ovo je tek početak u ispitivanju
|||only|||the investigation
But this is just the beginning of the investigation
rečnika boja u jezicima koji se govore u Vojvodini,
of the color vocabulary in the languages spoken in Vojvodina,
tako da još uvek imam nešto više pitanja nego objašnjenja.
so I still have a few more questions than explanations.
Upravo u nastavku ovih istraživanja sa dvojezičnim govornicima
||the continuation|||||
Right in the continuation of this research with bilingual speakers
sam imala priliku da razgovaram sa velikim brojem stručnjaka
|||||||number of|
I had the opportunity to talk to a large number of experts
na najvećoj evropskoj konferenciji sa vizuelnu percepciju.
|largest|European|the conference||visual perception|visual perception
at the largest European conference on visual perception.
Svi ljudi sa kojima sam pričala
|||||I talked
All the people I spoke to
su bili oduševljeni činjenicom da se u Vojvodini govori
||excited|the fact|||||
were thrilled with the fact that in Vojvodina they speak
toliko različitih jezika,
so many different languages,
i da postoji takvo kulturno bogatstvo
and that there is such cultural wealth
koje nam omogućava da ispitamo zaista finese u jeziku,
||it allows||examine||subtleties||
that allows us to explore the really fine nuances in the language,
kao jedinstvenom simboličkom sistemu ljudi.
as a unique symbolic system of humanity.
I način na koji jezik organizuje našu mentalnu sliku sveta,
and the way language organizes our mental image of the world,
i način na koji mi na taj svet reagujemo.
and the way we react to that world.
Stoga bih ovu svoju današnju priču
Therefore, I would conclude this story of mine today
oko toga kakva je veza između boja i jezika koji govorimo
about the relationship between colors and the language we speak
završila sledećom rečenicom:
finished|the following|sentence(1)
with the following sentence:
Ovakvu raznobojnost jezika, odnosno višejezičnost boja,
This kind of colorfulness of language, or multilingualism of colors,
u kojoj imamo sreće da živimo, smo dužni da čuvamo,
|||luck||||obliged||we keep
which we are fortunate to live in, we are obliged to preserve,
inače će sve biti sivo.
otherwise everything will be gray.
Thank you.
Applause (1)