[Vancouver, Canada] — LingQ, the powerful language learning app developed by polyglot Steve Kaufmann, is excited to announce a ground-breaking new feature: content simplification powered by OpenAI.

App users typically learn from the large volume of lessons in LingQ’s library or from content they have found and imported from the web. With this release, if a lesson is a bit hard to understand, with one click a beginner-friendly language lesson can be created with simplified vocabulary and sentence structure. Now no target-language content is out of reach. This marks the first time this technology has been integrated into a language learning app.
LingQ is at the forefront of AI-supported language learning. In May of 2023 LingQ launched an integration with Whisper AI allowing learners to generate text from any audio file, including podcasts and audiobooks. Whisper AI supports 99 languages. LingQ continues to make language learning accessible and engaging.
"This opens up a vast treasure trove of content to beginner and intermediate learners who may have been unable to handle more advanced lessons before," said Mark Kaufmann, co-founder of LingQ. "This is just one more tool in the language learner’s arsenal to allow them to get closer to understanding and learning their target language. Either they can use the simplified version as their main lesson or first learn the simplified version then go back to the original with a solid foundation in the subject they are learning about. In either case, the learner now has the ability to pick content that they are interested in, that may be at a more advanced level and still use it to learn from. A massive step forward for content based language learners!"
AI-powered content simplification is now live and available to all users. To experience the future of language learning, download LingQ from the App Store or Google Play, or access it via your web browser.
For more information, visit https://www.lingq.com/en/press/about/.
Acerca de LingQ
Desde 2002, LingQ ha ayudado a millones de personas a aprender idiomas. Clasificada como la aplicación de idiomas más eficaz por un equipo independiente de investigadores de Compare Language Apps, el sistema basado en contenidos de LingQ ofrece 50 idiomas a estudiantes de todo el mundo. Con una de las bibliotecas de idiomas más grandes con contenido auténtico e interesante y miles de horas de lecciones de audio, hay algo para todos en LingQ. Los estudiantes también pueden personalizar su aprendizaje convirtiendo en lecciones cualquier contenido que encuentren en línea.
Los usuarios de LingQ tienen acceso a tutores en línea, un foro de comunidad lingüística global, intercambio comunitario de escritura y herramientas integradas de revisión de vocabulario SRS. Para garantizar el éxito y mantener a los alumnos comprometidos y motivados, LingQ mide todo en la página de estadísticas.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Elizabeth a través del correo elizabeth@lingq.com.
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