[Vancouver, Canada] — LingQ, the innovative language learning platform known for its immersive approach, is excited to reveal the addition of Punjabi.

With over 125 million speakers worldwide, Punjabi is spoken by communities across India, Pakistan, and the global diaspora. The language is an invaluable addition to LingQ’s growing language libraries and opens doors for learners to connect with millions of speakers worldwide.
Punjabi learners on LingQ can combine interactive lessons, personalized vocabulary tools, a community of engaged native speakers and the latest AI-powered tools for a comprehensive, immersive experience. Learners will have the opportunity to gain proficiency in reading, listening, speaking, and the Shahmukhi alphabet that Punjabi uses.
“Punjabi is spoken by more than 100 million people and is closely related to languages spoken by many hundreds of millions of people in South Asia, all with a rich history,” said LingQ CEO Steve Kaufmann. “For us at LingQ, being based in the Vancouver area, we are especially pleased to make Punjabi the 50th language that we offer to our users, since there are so many Punjabi speakers who live here.”
With LingQ's interactive content, learners will be exposed to the nuances of Punjabi, from formal phrases to colloquial expressions, allowing them to develop real-world language skills.
Punjabi is the 50th language available to study on LingQ. Lessons are available on LingQ’s website and apps now.
For more information, visit https://www.lingq.com.
Acerca de LingQ
Desde 2002, LingQ ha ayudado a millones de personas a aprender idiomas. Clasificada como la aplicación de idiomas más eficaz por un equipo independiente de investigadores de Compare Language Apps, el sistema basado en contenidos de LingQ ofrece 50 idiomas a estudiantes de todo el mundo. Con una de las bibliotecas de idiomas más grandes con contenido auténtico e interesante y miles de horas de lecciones de audio, hay algo para todos en LingQ. Los estudiantes también pueden personalizar su aprendizaje convirtiendo en lecciones cualquier contenido que encuentren en línea.
Los usuarios de LingQ tienen acceso a tutores en línea, un foro de comunidad lingüística global, intercambio comunitario de escritura y herramientas integradas de revisión de vocabulario SRS. Para garantizar el éxito y mantener a los alumnos comprometidos y motivados, LingQ mide todo en la página de estadísticas.
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Elizabeth a través del correo elizabeth@lingq.com.
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