Κοντά στο πηγάδι υπήρχαν τα ερείπια ενός παλιού πέτρινου τοίχου.
Close|to|well|there were|the|ruins||||
Near the well were the ruins of an old stone wall.
Perto do poço, havia as ruínas de um velho muro de pedra.
Όταν γύρισα από τη δουλειά μου, το άλλο βράδυ, είδα από μακριά τον μικρό μου πρίγκιπα καθισμένο εκεί πάνω, με τα πόδια κρεμασμένα.
Quando cheguei a casa do trabalho na noite seguinte, vi o meu pequeno príncipe sentado lá ao longe, com as pernas penduradas.
Και τον άκουσα που μιλούσε: «Δεν θυμάσαι πλέον;» έλεγε.
And I heard him speak: "Don't you remember anymore?" he was saying.
E ouvi-o falar: "Já não te lembras?", dizia ele.
«Δεν είναι ακριβώς εδώ!» Μια άλλη φωνή θα του απάντησε, αναμφίβολα, γιατί ξανάπε: «Ναι, ναι!
||||||||||undoubtedly||said again||
"It's not right here!" Another voice would answer him, no doubt, for he said again: “Yes, yes!
"Não é exatamente aqui!" Outra voz deve ter-lhe respondido, sem dúvida, porque ele voltou a dizer: "Sim, sim!
Η μέρα είναι σωστή, μα δεν είναι εδώ το μέρος…» Συνέχισα τον δρόμο μου προς τον τοίχο.
O dia é propício, mas este não é o lugar..." Continuei o meu caminho até à parede.
Ούτε έβλεπα ούτε άκουγα κανέναν.
I neither saw nor heard anyone.
Não vi nem ouvi ninguém.
Ωστόσο, ο μικρός πρίγκιπας ξανάπε: «…Ασφαλώς.
||||said again|surely
No entanto, o pequeno príncipe voltou a dizer: "...Claro.
Θα δεις πού αρχίζουν τα ίχνη μου πάνω στην άμμο.
You will see where my footprints begin on the sand.
Vão ver onde começam as minhas pegadas na areia.
Δεν έχεις παρά να με περιμένεις εκεί!
You can only wait for me there!
Tudo o que tens de fazer é esperar por mim lá!
Θα 'ρθω εκεί απόψε».
Estarei lá esta noite".
Ήμουν σε είκοσι μέτρα απόσταση από τον τοίχο, και ακόμα δεν έβλεπα τίποτα.
I was twenty meters away from the wall, and I still could not see anything.
Estava a vinte metros de distância da parede e continuava a não ver nada.
Ο μικρός πρίγκιπας είπε μετά από ένα μικρό διάστημα σιωπής: «Έχεις καλό δηλητήριο; Είσαι σίγουρο πως δεν θα με κάνεις να υποφέρω πολύ;» Σηκώθηκα αμέσως, με σφιγμένη καρδιά, χωρίς να καταλαβαίνω ακόμα.
The little prince said after a short period of silence: “Do you have good poison? Are you sure you won't make me suffer too much?” I stood up at once, with a heavy heart, still not understanding.
O pequeno príncipe disse, após um curto intervalo de silêncio: "Tens algum veneno bom? Tens a certeza de que não me vais fazer sofrer demasiado?
«Πήγαινε τώρα σπίτι…» είπε, «θέλω να ξανακατέβω!» Τότε χαμήλωσα κι εγώ τα μάτια προς τη βάση του τοίχου και αναπήδησα!
go||||||come down again||I lowered|||||||||||jumped
"Go home now," he said, "I want to go down again!" Then I lowered my eyes to the base of the wall and jumped!
"Agora vai para casa...", disse ele, "quero descer outra vez!"Depois, também eu baixei os olhos para a base do muro e saltei!
Ήταν εκεί κάτω, σηκωμένο προς τον μικρό πρίγκιπα, ένα από εκείνα τα Κ 26 77 κίτρινα φίδια που σε σκοτώνουν μέσα σε τριάντα δευτερόλεπτα.
It was down there, rising toward the little prince, one of those K 26 77 yellow snakes that kill you in thirty seconds.
Estava lá em baixo, levantada até ao pequeno príncipe, uma daquelas cobras amarelas K 26 77 que nos matam em trinta segundos.
Άρχισα να τρέχω προς τα εκεί, ψάχνοντας στην τσέπη μου για να βρω το πιστόλι μου, μα, με το θόρυβο που έκανα, το φίδι γλίστρησε μέσα στην άμμο και, χωρίς να βιάζεται, τρύπωσε μέσα στις πέτρες μ' έναν ανάλαφρο μεταλλικό κρότο.
||||||||||||||pistol|||||noise|||||slid|||||||was in a hurry|burrowed||||||light||noise
Comecei a correr em direção a ela, tirando a pistola do bolso, mas, com o barulho que fiz, a serpente deslizou para a areia e, sem pressa, deslizou por entre as pedras com um leve estrondo metálico.
Έφτασα στον τοίχο ακριβώς πάνω στην ώρα για να δεχτώ στην αγκαλιά μου τον μικρό μου πρίγκιπα, κάτασπρο σαν το χιόνι.
|||||||||accept||||||||pure white|||
I reached the wall just in time to receive my little prince in my arms, white as snow.
«Τι είναι πάλι αυτή η ιστορία!
“What is this story again!
"Que história é esta?
Μιλάς τώρα και με τα φίδια!» Έλυσα το αιώνιο κασκόλ του στο χρώμα του χρυσού.
||||||I untied||eternal||||||
You are talking to the snakes now! " I untied his eternal scarf in the color of gold.
Agora estás a falar com cobras!" Desamarrei-lhe o eterno lenço dourado.
Του έβρεξα τα μηνίγγια και του έδωσα να πιει.
|I rained||brain|||||
I wet his meninges and gave him a drink.
Molhei-lhe as meninges e dei-lhe de beber.
Και πλέον δεν τολμούσα τώρα να τον ρωτήσω τίποτα.
|||I was daring|||||
And now I did not dare to ask him anything.
E agora já não me atrevia a perguntar-lhe nada.
Με κοίταξε σοβαρά και πέρασε τα χέρια του γύρω στον λαιμό μου.
He looked at me seriously and put his arms around my neck.
Olhou para mim com seriedade e passou as mãos pelo meu pescoço.
Ένιωθα την καρδιά του να χτυπάει όπως η καρδιά ενός ετοιμοθάνατου πουλιού που το έχουν χτυπήσει με καραμπίνα.
I felt his heart beating like the heart of a dying bird that had been hit with a carbine.
Sentia o seu coração a bater como o de um pássaro moribundo atingido por um tiro de caçadeira.
Μου είπε: «Είμαι χαρούμενος που βρήκες τι έλειπε από τη μηχανή σου.
|||||||was missing||||
He told me: "I'm glad you found what was missing from your machine.
Disse-me: "Ainda bem que encontraste o que faltava na tua bicicleta.
Θα μπορέσεις να ξαναγυρίσεις στον τόπο σου…» «Πώς το ξέρεις;» Ερχόμουν ακριβώς για να του ανακοινώσω πως, πέρα από κάθε ελπίδα, τα είχα καταφέρει!
||||||||||I was coming|||||||||||||
You will be able to return to your place… "" How do you know? " I was just coming to tell him that, beyond all hope, I had succeeded!
Poderá voltar para a sua casa..." "Como é que sabe? "Vinha agora anunciar que, para além de toda a esperança, tinha conseguido!
Δεν απάντησε στην ερώτησή μου αλλά πρόσθεσε: «Κι εγώ γυρίζω σήμερα στον τόπο μου…» Ύστερα, μελαγχολικά: «Είναι πολύ πιο μακριά… είναι πολύ πιο δύσκολο…» Ένιωθα πως συνέβαινε κάτι παράξενο και ασυνήθιστο.
||||||||||||||then||||||||||||was happening||||unusual
He did not answer my question but added: "I am also returning to my place today..." Then, melancholy: "It is much further... it is much more difficult..." I felt that something strange and unusual was happening.
Não responde à minha pergunta, mas acrescenta: "Hoje também volto para a minha casa..." e depois, melancolicamente: "É muito mais longe... é muito mais difícil..." Senti que algo de estranho e insólito se passava.
Τον έσφιγγα στην αγκαλιά μου όπως ένα μικρό παιδάκι και όμως μου φαινόταν πως κατρακυλούσε κατακόρυφα σε μια άβυσσο χωρίς να μπορώ να κάνω τίποτα για να τον κρατήσω… Το βλέμμα του ήταν σοβαρό, χαμένο μακριά: «Έχω το αρνάκι σου.
|I squeezed|||||||||||||was falling|vertically|||abyss||||||||||keep||||||lost|||||
I held him in my arms like a little child and yet it seemed to me that he was plummeting into an abyss without being able to do anything to hold him... His gaze was serious, lost in the distance: "I have your little lamb.
Agarrei-o nos braços como uma criança e, no entanto, parecia-me que ele estava a cair verticalmente num abismo sem poder fazer nada para o segurar... O seu olhar era sério, perdido na distância: "Tenho o teu cordeirinho.
Και έχω και το κουτί για το αρνάκι.
E eu tenho a caixa para o borrego.
Κι έχω και το φίμωτρο…» Και χαμογέλασε μελαγχολικά.
E eu tenho a mordaça..." e sorriu com saudade.
78 Περίμενα αρκετά.
78 I have waited long enough.
78 Já esperei tempo suficiente.
Ένιωθα πως συνερχόταν λίγο λίγο: «Μικρέ, φοβήθηκες…» Και βέβαια είχε φοβηθεί!
||was recovering||||you were afraid||||
I could feel him coming together little by little: "Little one, you were afraid..." And of course he was!
Senti que ele estava a voltar um pouco: "Rapaz, tiveste medo..." Claro que teve medo!
Μα χαμογέλασε γλυκά: «Θα φοβηθώ πολύ περισσότερο απόψε…» Πάλι ένιωσα να παγώνω απ' το αίσθημα του ανεπανόρθωτου.
But he smiled sweetly: "I will be much more afraid tonight..." Again I felt myself freezing from the feeling of the irreparable.
Mas ele sorriu docemente: "Esta noite terei muito mais medo..." Mais uma vez, senti-me gelar com a sensação de irreversibilidade.
Και κατάλαβα πως δεν άντεχα την ιδέα ότι δεν θα άκουγα ποτέ πια αυτό το γέλιο.
||||could bear|||||||||||
E apercebi-me que não conseguia suportar a ideia de que nunca mais iria ouvir aquele riso.
Ήταν για μένα σαν μια πηγή μέσα στην έρημο.
He was to me like a spring in the desert.
Foi como uma fonte no deserto para mim.
«Μικρέ, θέλω να σε ακούσω να γελάς πάλι…» Μα εκείνος μου είπε: «Απόψε θα συμπληρωθεί ένας χρόνος.
||||||laughing||||||||will be completed||
"Baby, I want to hear you laugh again..." But he said to me: "Tonight will be one year.
"Rapaz, quero ouvir-te rir outra vez...", mas ele disse-me: "Esta noite faz um ano.
Το αστέρι μου θα βρίσκεται ακριβώς πάνω απ' το μέρος όπου προσγειώθηκα πέρυσι».
||||||||||||last year
My star will be right over where I landed last year."
A minha estrela estará mesmo por cima do sítio onde aterrei no ano passado".
«Μικρέ, πες μου πως δεν είναι παρά ένα κακό όνειρο αυτή η ιστορία με το φίδι, το ραντεβού και το αστέρι…» Αλλά δεν απάντησε στην ερώτησή μου.
"Little one, tell me this story with the snake, the date and the star is just a bad dream." But he did not answer my question.
"Rapaz, diz-me que essa história da cobra, da tâmara e da estrela não passa de um sonho mau...", mas não respondeu à minha pergunta.
Μου είπε: «Αυτό που είναι σημαντικό, δεν φαίνεται…» «Φυσικά…» «Είναι όπως με το λουλούδι.
He said to me: "What is important, it is not seen..." "Of course..." "It is like the flower.
Ele disse: "O que é importante, tu não vês..." "Claro..." "É como uma flor.
Αν αγαπάς ένα λουλούδι που βρίσκεται σ' ένα αστέρι, είναι όμορφο τη νύχτα να κοιτάς τον ουρανό.
If you love a flower that is in a star, it is beautiful at night to look at the sky.
Se amas uma flor que está numa estrela, é bonito à noite olhar para o céu.
Όλα τα αστέρια είναι ανθισμένα.
Todas as estrelas estão a florir.
Όπως και με το νερό.
As with water.
Tal como acontece com a água.
Αυτό που μου έδωσες να πιω ήταν σαν μουσική χάρη στο μαγκάνι και το σκοινί… θυμάσαι… ήταν καλό».
"What you gave me to drink was like music thanks to the manganese and the rope σαι remember… it was good".
O que me deste a beber era como música graças à manga e à corda... lembra-te... era bom".
«Φυσικά…» «Θα βλέπεις τη νύχτα τα αστέρια.
"Of course..." "You will see the stars at night.
"Claro..." "Verás as estrelas à noite.
Το δικό μου είναι πολύ μικρό για να σου δείξω πού βρίσκεται.
Mine is too small to show you where it is.
O meu é demasiado pequeno para vos mostrar onde está.
Είναι καλύτερα έτσι.
It's better that way.
É melhor assim.
Το αστέρι μου θα είναι για σένα ένα απ' όλα τα αστέρια.
My star will be for you one of all the stars.
79 Έτσι, θα σου αρέσει να τα κοιτάζεις όλα… Θα γίνουν όλα φίλοι σου… Κι ύστερα θα σου κάνω κι ένα δώρο…» Γέλασε πάλι.
79 That way, you'll love looking at them all... They'll all become your friends... And then I'll give you a present too...” He laughed again.
79 Então, vais gostar de olhar para tudo... Vão todos tornar-se teus amigos... E depois dou-te um presente..." riu-se de novo.
μικρέ, μικρέ, μου αρέσει να ακούω αυτό το γέλιο!» «Αυτό ακριβώς θα είναι το δώρο μου… θα είναι όπως και με το νερό…» «Τι θέλεις να πεις;» «Οι άνθρωποι έχουν αστέρια που δεν είναι τα ίδια.
little, little, I like to hear that laugh! " "This will be exactly my gift… it will be like water…" "What do you mean?" "People have stars that are not the same.
rapazinho, rapazinho, adoro ouvir esse riso!" "É exatamente isso que o meu presente vai ser... vai ser como a água..." "Como assim?" "As pessoas têm estrelas que não são iguais.
Γι' αυτούς που ταξιδεύουν, τα αστέρια είναι οδηγοί.
For those who travel, the stars are guides.
Para aqueles que viajam, as estrelas são guias.
Γι' άλλους δεν είναι παρά μικρά φωτάκια.
For others they are just small lights.
Para outros, não passam de pequenas luzes.
Γι' άλλους που είναι σοφοί, είναι προβλήματα.
For others who are wise, they are problems.
Para outros, que são sábios, são problemas.
Για τον επιχειρηματία μου, ήταν χρυσάφι.
Para o meu empresário, era ouro.
Μα όλα αυτά τα αστέρια σωπαίνουν.
|||||are silent
Mas todas estas estrelas estão silenciosas.
Εσύ θα έχεις αστέρια που δεν θα τα έχει κανένας».
You will have stars that no one will have ".
Terás estrelas que mais ninguém terá".
«Τι θέλεις να πεις;» «Όταν θα κοιτάζεις τον ουρανό, τη νύχτα, αφού θα κατοικώ σ' ένα από αυτά, αφού θα γελώ σ' ένα από αυτά, θα είναι τότε για σένα σαν να γελάνε όλα τα αστέρια.
"What do you want to say;" "When you look at the sky at night, after I will live in one of them, after I will laugh in one of them, then it will be for you as if all the stars are laughing.
"Quando olhares para o céu à noite, depois de eu habitar numa delas, depois de eu me rir numa delas, será então para ti como se todas as estrelas se rissem.
Εσύ θα έχεις αστέρια που θα ξέρουν να γελούν!» Και γέλασε πάλι.
You will have stars who know how to laugh!" And laughed again.
Terás estrelas que sabem rir!" e riu-se de novo.
«Και όταν θα παρηγορηθείς (πάντα παρηγορείται κανείς), θα είσαι ευχαριστημένος που με έχεις γνωρίσει.
|||be comforted||is comforted||||||||
"And when you are comforted (one is always comforted), you will be glad to meet me.
"E quando fores consolado (sempre se é consolado), ficarás contente por me teres conhecido.
Θα είσαι πάντοτε φίλος μου.
You will always be my friend.
Θα σου έρχεται να γελάσεις μαζί μου.
You will want to laugh with me.
Virão rir-se comigo.
Και θα ανοίγεις καμιά φορά το παράθυρό σου, έτσι, για ευχαρίστηση… Και οι φίλοι σου θα παραξενευτούν βλέποντας εσένα να γελάς κοιτάζοντας τον ουρανό.
||||||||||pleasure||||||will be surprised|||||||
And sometimes you will open your window, for fun… And your friends will be surprised to see you laughing looking at the sky.
E, por vezes, abre a janela, só por prazer... E os seus amigos vão ficar surpreendidos ao vê-lo rir enquanto olha para o céu.
Τότε θα τους πεις: ναι, τα αστέρια με κάνουν πάντα να γελάω!
Then you will tell them: yes, the stars always make me laugh!
Και θα σε περάσουν για τρελό.
And they will drive you crazy.
E eles vão pensar que és maluco.
Θα σου έχω σκαρφιστεί έτσι μια άσχημη βρωμοδουλειά…» Και γέλασε πάλι.
|||scarfed||||dirty job|||
I'll have done you a nasty dirty job like that…” And he laughed again.
Terei inventado um trabalho sujo e desagradável para ti assim..." e riu-se de novo.
«Θα είναι σαν να σου έχω δώσει, αντί γι' αστέρια, ένα σωρό κουδουνάκια που ξέρουν να γελούν…» Και γέλασε για ακόμη μια φορά.
"It will be as if I have given you, instead of stars, a bunch of bells that know how to laugh…" And he laughed once more.
"Será como se eu vos tivesse dado, em vez de estrelas, um monte de sinos que sabem rir..." e riu-se mais uma vez.
Έπειτα σοβάρεψε πάλι: «Απόψε, ξέρεις, μην έρθεις».
|he became serious|||||come
Depois voltou a dizer: "Esta noite, já sabes, não venhas".
«Δεν θα σ' εγκαταλείψω».
"Não te vou abandonar."
80 «Θα φαίνομαι άρρωστος… Θα φαίνομαι λιγάκι σαν ετοιμοθάνατος.
|||||||about to die
80 "Vou parecer doente... Vou parecer um pouco um moribundo.
Έτσι είναι.
So is.
É assim que as coisas são.
Μην έρθεις να το δεις αυτό, δεν αξίζει τον κόπο…» «Δεν θα σ' εγκαταλείψω».
Don't come and see this, it's not worth it…” “I won't leave you”.
Não venhas ver isto, não vale a pena..." "Não te vou deixar".
Όμως ανησυχούσε.
|was worried
Mas ele estava preocupado.
«Στο λέω αυτό… εξαιτίας του φιδιού.
"I'm telling you this because of the snake.
"Estou a dizer-vos isto... por causa da cobra.
Δεν πρέπει να σε δαγκώσει… Τα φίδια είναι μοχθηρά.
It should not bite you… Snakes are vicious.
Não devia morder-te... As cobras são ferozes.
Μπορεί να σε δαγκώσει έτσι, για ευχαρίστηση…» «Δεν θα σ' εγκαταλείψω».
He can bite you like that, for pleasure…” “I won't leave you.”
Ele pode morder-te assim, por prazer..." "Eu não te vou entregar".
Μα κάτι τον καθησύχασε: «Είναι αλήθεια πως δεν τους απομένει δηλητήριο για δεύτερη δαγκωνιά…» Εκείνη τη νύχτα δεν τον είδα που ξεκίνησε.
But something reassured him: "It is true that they have no poison left for a second bite…" That night I did not see him start.
Mas algo o tranquilizou: "É verdade que não têm veneno para uma segunda dentada..." Nessa noite, não o vi começar.
Το έσκασε αθόρυβα.
|it burst|silently
He popped it quietly.
Fugiu sem fazer barulho.
Όταν κατάφερα να τον φτάσω, βάδιζε αποφασιστικά, με γρήγορο βήμα.
||||reach|was walking|decisively|||
When I managed to catch up with him, he was walking decisively, with a quick step.
Quando consegui alcançá-lo, ele estava a caminhar com determinação, com um passo rápido.
Μου είπε μονάχα: «Α!
He only said to me: "Ah!
Ele só me disse: "Ah!
Εδώ βρίσκεσαι…» Και μ' έπιασε από το χέρι.
Here you are… »And he took me by the hand.
Aqui tens..." e agarrou na minha mão.
Στεναχωριόταν όμως ακόμη: «Λάθος έκανες.
was getting upset||||
But he was still sad: "You made a mistake.
Mas não deixa de estar triste: "Cometeste um erro.
Θα πονέσεις.
|you will hurt
You will hurt.
Vai doer.
Θα φαίνομαι σαν ετοιμοθάνατος και δεν θα είναι αλήθεια…» Εγώ σώπαινα.
I will look like I am dying and it will not be true… »I was silent.
Vou parecer que estou a morrer e não vai ser verdade..." Fiquei em silêncio.
“You understand.
Είναι πολύ μακριά.
Δεν μπορώ να πάρω μαζί μου αυτό το σώμα.
I can not take this body with me.
Não posso levar este corpo comigo.
Είναι πολύ βαρύ».
Εγώ σώπαινα.
Έχασε λίγο το κουράγιο του.
he lost|||courage|
He lost a little of his courage.
Perdeu um pouco a coragem.
Μα έκανε μια προσπάθεια ακόμα: «Θα είναι όμορφα, ξέρεις.
But he made another effort: "It will be beautiful, you know.
Mas fez mais uma tentativa: "Vai ser bonito, sabes?
Θα κοιτάζω κι εγώ τα αστέρια.
I will look at the stars too.
Eu também estarei a olhar para as estrelas.
Όλα τα αστέρια θα είναι πηγάδια μ' ένα σκουριασμένο μαγκάνι.
Todas as estrelas serão poços com um manganês ferrugento.
Όλα τα αστέρια θα μου δίνουν να πιω…» Εγώ σώπαινα.
All the stars will give me a drink… »I was silent.
Todas as estrelas me vão dar de beber..." Fiquei em silêncio.
«Θα είναι τόσο διασκεδαστικό!
"Vai ser muito divertido!
Θα έχεις πεντακόσια εκατομμύρια 81 κουδουνάκια, θα έχω πεντακόσια εκατομμύρια πηγές…» Και σώπασε κι αυτός, επειδή έκλαιγε… «Έτσι είναι.
|||||||||||was silent||||was crying||
You will have five hundred million 81 bells, I will have five hundred million sources… »And he was silent too, because he was crying…« That's right.
Terás quinhentos milhões de 81 sinos, eu terei quinhentos milhões de fontes..." e calou-se também, porque estava a chorar... "É verdade.
Άφησέ με να κάνω ένα βήμα μόνος μου».
"Let me take a step alone."
Deixa-me dar um passo sozinho".
Και κάθισε γιατί φοβόταν.
And he sat down because he was afraid.
E sentou-se porque tinha medo.
Είπε ακόμα: «Ξέρεις… το λουλούδι μου… είμαι υπεύθυνος γι' αυτό!
Ele também disse: "Sabes... a minha flor... eu sou responsável por ela!
Κι είναι τόσο λεπτοκαμωμένο!
E é tão fino!
Είναι τόσο απλοϊκό.
It is so simplistic.
É tão simplista.
Έχει τέσσερα ανώφελα αγκάθια για να αμυνθεί ενάντια στον κόσμο…» Κι εγώ κάθισα καθώς δεν μπορούσα πια να σταθώ όρθιος.
He has four useless thorns to defend himself against the world… »And I sat down as I could no longer stand.
Tem quatro espinhos inúteis para se defender do mundo..." e sentei-me porque já não conseguia estar de pé.
Είπε: «Να… Αυτό είναι όλο…» Δίστασε λιγάκι ακόμα κι ύστερα σηκώθηκε.
|||||hesitated|||||got up
He said, "Yes, that's all." He hesitated a little and then got up.
Ele disse: "Bem... É tudo..." Hesitou um pouco mais e depois levantou-se.
Έκανε ένα βήμα.
Εγώ δεν μπορούσα να κουνηθώ.
I could not move.
Não me conseguia mexer.
Δεν είδα τίποτα πέρα από μια κίτρινη αστραπή κοντά στον ουρανό.
I saw nothing but a yellow lightning near the sky.
Não vi nada para além de um relâmpago amarelo perto do céu.
Έμεινε για μια στιγμή ακίνητος.
Ficou imóvel por um momento.
Δεν φώναξε.
He didn't shout.
Ele não gritou.
Έπεσε απαλά, όπως πέφτει ένα δέντρο.
It fell gently, as a tree falls.
Caiu suavemente, como uma árvore cai.
Και δεν έκανε καθόλου θόρυβο χάρη στην άμμο.
||||noise|thanks to||
And it made no noise at all thanks to the sand.
E não fez qualquer ruído graças à areia.