Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1
Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen 1
Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal 1
Harry Potter et la pierre philosophale 1
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 1
Harry Potter en de Steen der Wijzen 1
Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal 1
Гарри Поттер и философский камень 1
Harry Potter och de vises sten 1
哈利·波特与魔法石 1
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1
הרי פוטר ואבן החכמים
Harry|Potter|and the stone|of wisdom
Harry|Potter|and the|Sorcerer's
المراسل وحجر الفيلسوف
Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Harry Potter in kamen modrosti
מעת, ג'יי קיי רולינג
От автора|Дж.||
|||J.K. Rowling
ماعت، جي كي رولينغ
von J.K. Rowling
by J.K. Rowling
avtor: J.K. Rowling
פרק אחת
Kapitel Eins
Chapter One
Poglavje ena
הילד שנשאר בחיים
Мальчик|который остался|в жизни
der Junge||
the boy|who stayed|alive
deček|ki je ostal|pri življenju
الصبي الذي نجا
Das Kind, das am Leben blieb
The Boy Who Lived
Deček, ki je preživel
אדון וגברת דרסלי, דיירי דרך פרייבט מספר 4
Mr|and Mrs|Dursley|residents of|Privet|Privet|number
gospod|in gospa|Dursley|najemniki|ulica|Privet|številka
السيد والسيدة دورسلي، المستأجرين للطريق الخاص رقم 4
Herr und Frau Dursley, Bewohner der Privatstraße Nummer 4
Мистер и миссис Дурсли, арендаторы дома № 4 по частной дороге.
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number 4 Privet Drive
Gospod in gospa Dursley, prebivalca Privatne ceste številka 4
ידעו לדווח בגאווה שהם נורמליים לגמרי
|докладывать|с гордостью||нормальные|
they knew|to report|with pride|that they|normal|completely
sie wissen|berichten||||
so vedeli|poročati|s ponosom|da so|normalni|povsem
||||completamente normales|
ידעו|to report|בגאווה|||
لقد عرفوا كيف يعلنون بفخر أنهم طبيعيون تمامًا
wussten stolz zu berichten, dass sie ganz normal sind
were proud to say that they were perfectly normal
so s ponosom poročali, da so povsem normalni
ותודה ששאלתם
|что спросили
and thank you|for asking
und danke|
in hvala|da ste vprašali
|Gracias por preguntar.
وشكرا على السؤال
Und danke, dass Sie gefragt haben
thank you very much.
in hvala, da ste vprašali
לא יעלה על הדעת כי מכל האנשים בעולם
not|will rise|on|the mind|that|from all|the people|in the world
ne|bo prišlo|na|pamet|da|od vseh|ljudi|na svetu
|No cabe en||||||
ولا ينبغي أن يعرف ذلك بين جميع الناس في العالم
Es ist unvorstellbar, dass ausgerechnet diese Menschen in seltsame oder mysteriöse Angelegenheiten verwickelt werden
They were convinced that they were not the sort of people
ni mogoče, da bi se med vsemi ljudmi na svetu
דווקא הם יסתבכו בפרשיות מוזרות או מסתוריות
specifically|they|will get entangled|in cases|strange|or|mysterious
prav|oni|bodo zapletli|v zadevah|čudnih|ali|skrivnostnih
بل سوف يتورطون في شؤون غريبة أو غامضة
oder in geheimnisvolle Angelegenheiten
Скорее они будут вовлечены в странные или загадочные дела.
who would get involved in anything strange or mysterious.
ravno oni zapletli v čudne ali skrivnostne zadeve
והרי הם פשוט לא סובלים שטויות מסוג זה
А ведь||||страдают|глупости||
and they|they|simply|not|tolerate|nonsense|of this type|this
||||No toleran|||
وهم لا يتسامحون مع هذا النوع من الهراء
Und sie ertragen einfach keinen Unsinn dieser Art.
And they simply cannot stand nonsense like this.
In ne prenesejo takšnih neumnosti.
מר דרסלי היה מנכ"ל של חברה בשם גראנינגס
||||||en nombre de|
g|Dursley|je||podjetja|podjetje|z imenom|Grunnings
كان السيد دورسلي مديرًا لشركة تدعى Grannings
Mr. Dursley war der Geschäftsführer einer Firma namens Grunnings.
Mr. Dursley was the CEO of a company called Grunnings.
Gospod Dursley je bil direktor podjetja z imenom Grunnings.
ליצור מקדחות
to create|drills
|Crear taladros
إنشاء التدريبات
Bohrer herstellen.
To create drills.
Izdelovati vrtalne naprave.
הוא היה איש גדל ממדים, בשרני וכמעט נטול צוואר
He|was|man|large|dimensions|fleshy|and almost|devoid of|neck
|||||||sin cuello|
On|je bil|moški|velik|dimenzij|mesnat|in skoraj|brez|vratu
He was a large man, beefy and almost neckless.
Bil je moški velike postave, mesnat in skoraj brez vratu.
למרות שדווקא היה לו שפה משמנת מדי
|что именно||||масляная|
although|that actually|had|to him|language|enriching|too much
kljub|da je pravzaprav|je imel|njemu|jezik|preveč stimulativen|preveč
Although he did have a very large mustache.
Čeprav je imel pravzaprav preveč masten naglas.
גברת דרסלי הייתה רזה ובלונדינית
Mrs|Dursley|was|thin|and blonde
gospa|Dursley|je bila|suha|in blond
Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde.
Gospa Dursley je bila suha in blond
ולה היה צוואר ארוך פי שניים מהאורך המקובל
||шея||||длине|принятый длины
and she|had|neck|long|times|two|than the length|normal
in je|imel|vrat|dolg|krat|dva|od dolžine|običajne
And she had a neck twice the length of a normal neck.
in imela je vrat, ki je bil dvakrat daljši od običajne dolžine
מה שהיה שימושי מאוד כי רוב זמנה עבר עליה
||полезный|||большую часть|||
what|was|useful|very|because|most|her time|passed|on her
kar|je bil|uporaben|zelo|ker|večina|časa|preživel|nad njo
This was very useful because she spent most of her time.
kar je bilo zelo koristno, saj je večino svojega časa preživela
והצצה מעל גדרות כדי לרגל אחר שכנים שלה
и заглянула||заборов||шпионить за||соседей|
and peeking|over|fences|in order to|spy|on|neighbors|her
in pogled|čez|ograje|da|vohuniti|za|sosedi|njene
Peering over fences to spy on her neighbors.
in kukala čez ograje, da bi vohunila za svojimi sosedi
לדרסלים היה תינוק ששמו דדלי
The Drasels|had|baby|whose name|Dudley
za Dursleye|je|dojenček|po imenu|Dudley
The Dursleys had a baby named Dudley.
Dursleyeva je imela dojenčka po imenu Dudley
ובעיניהם לא היה בעולם ילד מוצלח ממנו
в их глазах|||||успешный|
and in their eyes|not|was|in the world|child|successful|than him
in their eyes|not|was|in the world|child|successful|than him
And in their eyes, there was no child in the world more successful than him.
In njihovi očeh ni bilo na svetu uspešnega otroka kot je bil on.
דבר לא היה חסר לדרסלים
|||не хватало|
nothing|not|was|lacking|to the Drasels
The Drasels lacked nothing.
Drsalkam ni manjkalo nič.
אולם היה להם סוד
but|was|to them|secret
However, they had a secret.
Imeli pa so skrivnost.
והם חיו בפחד שמישהו יגלה אותו
and they|lived|in fear||would discover|him
in so|živeli|v strahu||odkrije|njega
And they lived in fear that someone would discover it.
In živeli so v strahu, da jo bo nekdo odkril.
הם חשבו שחייהם לא יהיו חיים
||||sein werden|
They|thought|their lives|not|would be|lived
Oni|so mislili|njihovo življenje|ne|bodo|življenje
They thought their lives would not be lives.
Mislili so, da njihova življenja ne bodo prava življenja.
ברגע שמישהו ישמע על משפחת פוטר
the moment||hears|about|family|Potter
The moment someone hears about the Potter family
Ko bo nekdo slišal o družini Potter
גברת פוטר הייתה אחותה של גברת דרסלי
Mrs|Potter|was|her sister|of|Mrs|Dursley
gospa|Potter|je bila|sestra|od|gospa|Dursley
Mrs. Potter was the sister of Mrs. Dursley
Gospa Potter je bila sestra gospe Dursley
אבל עברו שנים רבות מאז נפגשו לאחרונה
but|years|years|many|since|they met|recently
ampak|so minile|leta|mnoge|odkar|so se srečali|nazadnje
But many years have passed since they last met
Ampak minilo je mnogo let, odkar sta se nazadnje srečali
למעשה גברת דרסלי נהגה להעמיד פנים
На самом деле|||вела себя|притворяться|
actually|Mrs|Dursley|used|to put|on a face
v resnici|gospa|Dursley|je imela navado|da postavlja|obraz
In fact, Mrs. Dursley used to pretend
Dejansko je gospa Dursley pogosto delala, da nima sestre
כאילו בכלל אין לה אחות
as if|at all|doesn't have|her|sister
kot da|sploh|nima|nje|sestre
As if she didn't have a sister at all
Kot da sploh nima sestre
כי אחותה ובעלה הכלומניק
||и её муж|недоумок
because|her sister|and her husband|the good-for-nothing
ker|njena sestra|in njen mož|nesposobnež
Because her sister and her husband are the nobodies.
ker njena sestra in mož sta bila brezdelneža
היו האנשים הכי לא דרסלים בעולם
were|the people|the most|not|aggressive|in the world
so bili|ljudje|najbolj|ne|drsalci|na svetu
They were the most unremarkable people in the world.
so bili ljudje najbolj nesposobni na svetu
הדרסלים הצטמררו כשחשבו מה יגידו השכנים
the Drasels|shivered|when they thought|what|would say|the neighbors
Hadrasselim|so se zgrozili|ko so pomislili|kaj|bodo rekli|sosedje
The unremarkable people shuddered at the thought of what the neighbors would say.
nesposobni so se zgrozili, ko so pomislili, kaj bodo rekli sosedje
אם יום אחד הפוטרים יבואו לבקר ברחוב שלהם
||||||на улице|
if|day|one|the Poterim|come|to visit|in the street|their
če|dan|en|pottari|bodo prišli|obiskati|na ulici|njihov
If one day the notable ones came to visit their street.
če bodo en dan obiskali njihovo ulico
הדרסלים ידעו שגם לפוטרים נולד ילד קטן
The Drasels|knew|that also|the Pooters|was born|child|small
Hadrasselji|so vedeli|da tudi|Poterji|je rodil|otrok|majhen
The unremarkable people knew that even the notable ones had a small child.
nesposobni so vedeli, da se je tudi nesposobnim rodil majhen otrok
אבל הם מעולם לא ראו אותו
ampak|oni|nikoli|ne|so videli|njega
But they had never seen him.
Ampak ga nikoli niso videli
הילד היה סיבה נוספת להתרחק מהפוטרים
||собака||удаляться от|
The boy|was|reason|additional|to stay away|from the photographers
otrok|je|razlog|dodatna|da se oddalji|od pijančev
The boy was another reason to stay away from the Potters.
Fant je bil še en razlog, da bi se izognili Dursleyevim
הם לא רצו שדדלי יתחבר עם ילד כזה
They|not|wanted|that Dudley|would associate|with|child|like that
Oni|ne|so želeli|Šedadli|se druži|s|otrok|takšen
They didn't want Dudley to associate with a kid like that.
Niso želeli, da se Dudley druži s takim fantom
כשדרסלי ואשתו התעוררו בבוקר יום שלישי
Когда Дрессли||проснулись|||
When the Dursleys|and his wife|woke up|in the morning|day|Tuesday
ko se Dursley in njegova žena|in njegova žena|sta zbudila|zjutraj|dan|torek
When the Dursleys and his wife woke up on Tuesday morning.
Ko sta se Dursley in njegova žena zbudila v torek zjutraj
האפורורי והאפור שבו מתחיל סיפורנו
the grayish|and the gray|in which|begins|our story
aporuri|in sivo|v katerem|se začne|naša zgodba
The gray and dreary day begins our story.
Siva in siva, kjer se začne naša zgodba
לא היה זכר בשמיים המעוננים
not|was|memory|in the sky|the cloudy
ni|bilo|spomin|na nebu|oblačnih
There was no sign in the cloudy sky
Na oblačnem nebu ni bilo znaka
לכך שדברים מוזרים ומסתוריים
поэтому|что вещи||
to that|that things|strange|and mysterious
za to|da stvari|čudni|in skrivnostni
that strange and mysterious things
da se bodo zgodile čudne in skrivnostne stvari
עומדים להתרחש ברחבי המדינה
are about to|to occur|throughout|the country
se bodo|zgoditi|po|državi
were about to happen across the country.
po vsej državi
מר דרסלי פיזם לעצמו
Mr|Dursley|paid|to himself
g|Dursley|je priskrbel|sebi
Мистер Дурсль пробормотал про себя
Mr. Dursley muttered to himself
Gospod Dursley je mumljal sam sebi
בשעה שבחר עניבה משעממת במיוחד ללבוש לעבודה
when|he chose|tie|boring|especially|to wear|to work
ko|je izbral|kravato|dolgočasno|posebej|nositi|na delo
as he picked out a particularly boring tie to wear to work.
medtem ko je izbiral posebej dolgočasno kravato, da bi jo oblekel za delo
וגברת דרסלי רכלה באליצות
||провела|в бешенстве
and Mrs|Dursley|laughed|with glee
in gospa|Dursley|je rekla|z veseljem
And Mrs. Dursley was proud of it.
In gospa Dursley je bila vesela
וניסתה להכריח את דדלי המצווח
и пыталась|заставить|||пищащий
And she tried|to force|(object marker)|Dudley|who was yelling
in je poskušala|prisiliti|(neprevodna beseda)|Dudley|ki je cvilil
и пытался заставить Дадли визжать
And she tried to force Dudley, who was whining,
in poskušala je prisiliti Dudleyja, ki je vpil
להיכנס לכיסא התינוקות שלו
|в кресло|малышей|
to get in|to the car seat|infant|his
vstopiti|v otroški sedež|dojenčkov|njegov
to get into his baby seat.
da se usede v svoj otroški stolček
שניהם לא הבחינו בינשוף הזהוב
Both of them|did not|noticed|between the owl|the golden
Neither of them noticed the golden owl
Oba nista opazila zlatega sove
שחלף בתעופה על פני חלונם
пролетел|летя|||их окна
ki je preletel|v letalu|nad|njihovimi|okni
flying past their window.
ki je letela mimo njihovega okna
בשעה שמונה וחצי
at hour|eight|and a half
ob uri|osem|in pol
At eight thirty
Ob osmih in pol
מר דרסלי נטל את התיק שלו
g|Dursley|vzel|(neprevodna beseda)|torbo|njegovo
Mr. Dursley took his bag
Gospod Dursley je vzel svojo torbo
הדביק נשיקה חפוזה על לחייה של גברת דרסלי
приклеил||быстрая, мимолетная||щеку|||
planted|kiss|quick|on|her cheek|of|Mrs|Dursley
je dal|poljub|hiter|na|lice|gospe||Dursley
gave a quick kiss on Mrs. Dursley's cheek
in hitro poljubil gospo Dursley na lice
וניסה לנשק לפרידה גם את דדלי
и она попыталась||на прощание|||
and tried|to kiss|for Perida|also|the|Dadli
in je poskušal|poljubiti|Prido|tudi|(neprevodna beseda)|Dudley
and tried to kiss Dudley goodbye as well
ter poskušal poljubiti tudi Dudleya
אבל לא הצליח
but he didn't succeed
a mu ni uspelo
מפני שדדלי היה עסוק בלצרוח
because|Shadli|was|busy|with screaming
ker|Šedadli|je|zaposlen|z vikanjem
Because Dudley was busy screaming
Ker je Dudley bil zaposlen s kričanjem
ולהעיף את ארוחת הבוקר שלו לכל הכיוונים
и разбрасывать||||||направления
and to throw|the|breakfast|his|his|in all|directions
in odvrgel|(neprevodna beseda)|zajtrk|njegovega||vsa|smeri
and throwing his breakfast in all directions
in metanjem svojega zajtrka na vse strani
איזה מתוק התמוגג מר דרסלי ויצא מהבית
what|sweet|delighted|Mr|Dursley|and left|from the house
kakšen|sladek|se je razveselil|gospod|Dursley|in je odšel|iz hiše
How sweet Mr. Dursley was delighted and left the house
Kako sladko se je nasmehnil gospod Dursley in zapustil hišo
רק בקרן הרחוב הוא הבחין בסימן הראשון למשהו מוזר
|на углу|||заметил|знак||чем-то|
only|at the corner|of the street|he|noticed|in the first sign|first|of something|strange
samo|na vogalu|ulice|je|opazil|v znaku|prvi|za nekaj|čudnega
Only at the corner of the street did he notice the first sign of something strange
Šele na vogalu ulice je opazil prvi znak nečesa čudnega
חתולה שעיינה במפה
кошка|смотрела|в карте
The cat|that looked over|at the map
mačka|ki je gledala|v zemljevid
A cat reading a map
Mačka, ki je gledala na zemljevid
לרגע אחד מר דרסלי לא עיכל את מה שעיניו הראו לו
|||||осознал|||его глаза|показали|
for a moment|one|Mr|Dursley|not|processed|the|what|his eyes|showed|him
za trenutek|en|gospod|Dursley|ne|dojel|(neprevodna beseda)|kar|njegove oči|so pokazale|njemu
For a moment, Mr. Dursley did not process what his eyes were showing him.
Za trenutek g. Dursley ni mogel dojeti, kar so mu pokazale oči.
אך מיד הוא הסב את ראשו להביט שנית
but|immediately|he|turned|the|his head|to look|again
toda|takoj|on|je obrnil|(neprevodna beseda)|glavo|da pogleda|ponovno
Но тут же он повернул голову, чтобы посмотреть еще раз.
But immediately he turned his head to look again.
Toda takoj je obrnil glavo, da bi pogledal še enkrat.
בפינת דרך פריבט
на углу||приватный
at the corner|road|private
na vogalu|ceste|privat
At the corner of Privet Drive.
Na vogalu ulice Privet.
אכן עמדה חתולה מנומרת
Indeed, there stood a tabby cat.
Res je stala pegasta mačka.
אבל שום זכר למפה לא נראה
but|no|trace|to the map|not|appeared
ampak|noben|spomin|na zemljevid|ne|videti
But there was no sign of a map.
Toda nobenega znaka zemljevida ni bilo videti.
מה עלה על דעתו?
|||ему в голову
what|rose|on|his mind
kaj|je prišlo|na|njegov um
What crossed his mind?
Kaj mu je prišlo na misel?
זו בטח הייתה מין טעות אופטית
this|surely|was|kind of|mistake|optical
to|zagotovo|je bila|neka|napaka|optična
It must have been some kind of optical illusion.
To je zagotovo bila neka optična iluzija.
דַרְסְלי מיצמץ ובהה בחתולה.
ДАРСЛИ|моргнул|и смотрел|в кошке
Darsli|blinked|and stared|at the cat
Darsli|je trepnil|in strmel|v mačko
Darsli blinked and stared at the cat.
Darsli je zmahnil z očmi in strmel v mačko.
החתולה בהתה חזרה.
The cat|stared|back
The cat stared back.
Mačka je strmela nazaj.
ביציאה מהרחוב לכיוון העבודה
выхода|с улицы||
upon exiting|from the street|towards|work
ob izhodu|iz ulice|proti|delu
On the way out of the street towards work.
Pri izhodu s ceste proti službi.
דרסלי המשיך לעקוב אחרי החתולה בראי מכוניתו
||следить за|||зеркало|его машины
Drasli|continued|to follow|after|the cat|in the mirror|his car
Dursley|je nadaljeval|slediti|za|mačka|v ogledalu|njegovega avtomobila
Dursley continued to follow the cat in his car's mirror.
Drsli je nadaljeval z opazovanjem mačke v ogledalu svojega avtomobila.
הוא ראה איך החתולה קוראת בשלט שעליו כתוב
|увидел||||на знаке||
He|saw|how|the cat|reads|on the sign|that has|written
On|je videl|kako|mačka|bere|na znaku|na katerem|je napisano
He saw how the cat was reading the sign that said.
Videla je, kako mačka gleda na znak, na katerem piše.
דרך פְּרִיווט
Privet Drive.
Pot po Privatu.
לא, לא קוראת בו
no|not|read|in it
ne|ne|berem|v njem
No, it wasn't reading it.
Ne, ne gleda vanj.
כי היא מסתכלת עליו
because|she|looks|at him
Because it was looking at him.
Ker gleda nanj.
הרי חתולים אינם מסוגלים לקרוא
after all|cats|are not|capable of|reading
Cats are not capable of reading.
Mačke ne morejo brati
לא שלטים ולא מפות
no|signs|and no|maps
ne|znaki|in ne|zemljevide
Neither signs nor maps.
ne znakov ne zemljevidov
מר דרסלי התנער
Mr|Dursley|shook off
g|Dursley|se je otresel
Mr. Dursley shook off.
Gospod Dursley se je stresel
קלות וחדל לחשוב על החתולה.
легко|и перестал|||
ease|and stopped|thinking|about|the cat
easily|and stopped|thinking|about|the cat
Easily and stopped thinking about the cat.
zlahka in prenehal razmišljati o mački.
בדרכו העירה
|в город
on his way|to the city
na poti|v mesto
On his way to town.
Na poti v mesto
הוא לא חשב על דבר מלבד
He|not|thought|about|thing|other than
On|ne|je mislil|na|stvar|razen
He thought of nothing but
Ni razmišljal o ničemer drugem kot
על משלוח גדול של מקדחות
a large shipment of drills
o velikem pošiljanju vrtalnikov
שכיווה לקבל מאוחר יותר באותו יום
that he hoped|to receive|later|more||day
da je upal|prejeti|pozneje|več||dan
that he hoped to receive later that day
ki jih je upal prejeti kasneje tistega dne
אבל בכניסה לעיר
|на входе|
but|at the entrance|to the city
ampak|ob vstopu|v mesto
but at the entrance to the city
ampak ob vstopu v mesto
המקדחות פרחו ממוחו
|вырвались|из его головы
The drills|flew away|from his mind
vrtalniki|so izginili|iz njegovega uma
the drills flew out of his mind
so vrtalniki izginili iz njegovega uma
בזמן שעמד בפקקים של הבוקר
while|he stood|in traffic|of|the morning
med|ko je stal|v zastojih|z|jutro
While he was stuck in the morning traffic
Medtem ko je stal v jutranjih zastojih
הוא לא היה יכול שלא להבחין
He|not|was|could|not|to notice
On|ne|je|mogel|da ne|opaziti
Он не мог не заметить
he couldn't help but notice
ni mogel spregledati
במספר הגדול של אנשים שהיו לבושים
in the number|large|of|people|who were|dressed
v številu|velik|od|ljudi|ki so bili|oblečeni
the large number of people who were dressed
velikega števila ljudi, ki so bili oblečeni
באופן מוזר ביותר
in a|strange|most
na način|čuden|najbolj
in a very strange manner
na zelo čuden način
אנשים עטויי גלימות
people wearing cloaks
ljudje v plaščih
מר דרסלי לא סבל אנשים שהתלבשו בבגדים מוזרים
Mr|Dursley|did not|tolerate|people|dressed|in clothes|strange
g g Drsley|Drsley|ne|prenašal|ljudje||v oblačilih|čudnih
Mr. Dursley did not tolerate people who dressed in strange clothes.
Gospod Dursley ni maral ljudi, ki so se oblačili v čudna oblačila.
האופנות המטורפות של הצעירים
the fashions|crazy|of|the youth
Безумная мода молодежи
The crazy fashions of the youth.
Nore modne smernice mladih.
הוא שיער שזו איזו אופנה טיפשית חדשה
|предположил|что это||||
He|thought|that this|some|fashion|stupid|new
on|je mislil|da je|neka|moda|neumna|nova
Он прокомментировал, что это какая-то глупая новая причуда.
He assumed it was some kind of silly new trend.
Domneval je, da gre za neko novo neumno modo.
אצבעותיו תופפו בעצבנות על ההגה
его пальцы|постукивали|в нервозности||руль
his fingers|tapped|nervously|on|the steering wheel
njegove prste|so tapkale|nervozno|na|volan
His fingers drummed nervously on the steering wheel.
Njegovi prsti so nervozno bobnali po volanu.
ומבטו נפל על קבוצה של קוקואים כאלה
and his gaze|fell|on|group|of|cuckoos|like these
in njegov pogled|je padel|na|skupina|od|kukavice|take
And his gaze fell on a group of those kooky people.
In njegov pogled je padel na skupino takšnih čudakov.
שעמדו ממש בקרבת מקום
that stood|right|near|place
so stali|prav|v bližini|kraju
They stood right nearby.
Stali so prav blizu.
הם התלחששו ביניהם בהתרגשות
|шептались||с волнением
They|whispered|to each other|with excitement
Oni|so pogovarjali na tiho|med seboj|z navdušenjem
They whispered to each other excitedly.
Šepetali so med seboj v vznemirjenju.
מר דרסלי נזעם לגלות
Mr|Dursley|angry|to discover
Mr. Dursley was furious to discover.
Gospod Dursley je bil jezen, ko je odkril.
שלפחות שניים מהם לא היו כלל צעירים
что бы хотя бы||||||
that at least|two|of them|not|were|at all|young
da vsaj|dva|od njih|ne|so|sploh|mladi
That at least two of them were not young at all.
Da vsaj dva od njih sploh nista bila mlada.
מה, האיש ההוא שם נראה מבוגר יותר אפילו ממנו
what|the man|that|over there|looks|older|more|even|than him
kaj|moški|tisti|tam|izgleda|starejši|bolj|celo|od njega
What, that man over there looks even older than him.
Kaj, tisti moški tam zgleda celo starejši od njega.
והוא עטוי גלימה בצבע ירוק איזמרגד!
and he|wearing|cloak|in color|green|emerald
in je|oblečen|plašč|v barvi|zelena|smaragdna
And he is wearing a cloak in emerald green!
In je oblečen v zeleni smaragdni plašč!
איזה חוצפה!
What audacity!
Kakšna drznost!
אבל אז עלה על דעתו של דרסלי
but|then|rose|on|his mind|of|Dursley
ampak|potem|je prišla|na|misel|od|Dursley
But then it occurred to Dursley
Ampak potem je Dursleyju prišla na misel
שמדובר כנראה באיזו הצגה מטופשת
that it is|probably|in some|play|stupid
da gre|verjetno|o neki|predstava|neumna
that this was probably some silly show
da gre verjetno za neko neumno predstavo
ברור שהאנשים האלה מנסים לגייס כספים לאיזושהי מטרה
||||собирать деньги|||цель
clear|that the people|these|are trying|to raise|funds|for some|purpose
jasno|da ljudje|ti|poskušajo|zbrati|denar|za neko|cilj
Clearly these people are trying to raise money for some cause
Seveda ti ljudje poskušajo zbrati denar za nek namen
כן, זה ההסבר
Yes, that's the explanation.
Da, to je razlaga
הפקק התקדם, ותוך דקות אחדות
||и через||
the traffic jam|moved forward|and within|minutes|a few
zastoj|se je premaknil|in v|minutah|nekaj
The traffic jam moved, and within a few minutes.
Zastojev se je premaknil, in v nekaj minutah
מר דרסלי הגיע לחניון של גראנינגס
Mr|Dursley|arrived|at the parking lot|of|Grunnings
g|Dursley|je prišel|na parkirišče|družine|Granger
Mr. Dursley arrived at the Grunnings parking lot.
gospod Dursley je prispel na parkirišče Grunnings
מחשבותיו היו טורדות שוב במקדחות.
мысли||беспокойства||в сверлах
his thoughts|were|disturbing|again|in drills
njegove misli|so|motile|spet|v mlinčkih
His thoughts were again troubled by drills.
Njegove misli so spet motile s svedri.
מר דרסלי נהג תמיד לשבת
Mr|Dursley|used|always|to sit
Mr. Dursley always used to sit.
Gospod Dursley je vedno sedel
כשגבו מופנה אל החלון במשרדו שבקומה התשיעית
Когда его спина|обращен|||в его офисе|в здании|девятый
when his back|is turned|to|the window|in his office|on the floor|ninth
ko je njegov hrbet|obrnjen|proti|oknu|v njegovem uradu||deveta
When his back was turned to the window in his office on the ninth floor
Ko je njegov hrbet obrnjen proti oknu v njegovem pisarni na devetem nadstropju
אלמלא כן, ודאי היה מתקשה עוד יותר להתרכז במחשבות על מקדחות באותו בוקר
Если бы не||точно||трудился|||сконцентрироваться|в мыслях||||
had it not been for|so|surely|he would|struggle|even|more|to concentrate|on thoughts|about|drills|that|morning
ne bi bilo|tako|zagotovo|bi|imel težave|še|bolj|osredotočiti|na misli|o|vrtalniki|tisti|jutro
Otherwise, he would surely have found it even harder to concentrate on thoughts about drills that morning
Sicer bi se zagotovo še težje osredotočil na misli o vrtalnikih tistega jutra
הוא לא ראה את הינשופים
He|did not|saw|the|owls
On|ne|je videl|(neprevodna beseda)|sove
He did not see the owls
Ni videl sova
שעפו הלוך ושוב לאור היום,
They flew|back|and forth|in the light|day
so leteli|naprej|nazaj|v svetlobi|dneva
that flew back and forth in the daylight,
ki so letele sem ter tja podnevi,
למרות שאנשים ברחוב דווקא הבחינו בהם
||||обратили внимание|в них
although||in the street|actually|noticed|in them
kljub temu da|da ljudje|na ulici|pravzaprav|so opazili|v njih
even though people on the street actually noticed them
čeprav so jih ljudje na ulici opazili
הם הצביעו והסתכלו פעורי פה כשינשוף אחר ינשוף
|проголосовали|смотрели|с открытыми ртами||||совершенно
They|voted|and looked|wide|mout|when an owl|another|owl
Oni|so glasovali|in gledali|odprtimi|usti|ko sova|za|sovo
They voted and looked on with their mouths agape as owl after owl
So so glasovali in gledali odprtih ust, ko je sova letela mimo druge sove.
חלפו בתעופה מעל לראשיהם.
пролетели|||над ними
passed|in flight|over|their heads
so preleteli|v letalu|nad|njihovimi glavami
flew overhead.
Preleteli so nad njihovimi glavami.
מרביתם לא זכו לראות ינשוף קודם לכן אפילו בלילה
Большинство из них||увидели||||ранее||
most of them|not|were fortunate|to see|owl|before||even|in the night
večina njih|ne|so imeli priložnost|videti|sova|prej|zato|celo|ponoči
Most of them had never seen an owl before, even at night.
Večina jih ni imela priložnosti videti sove prej, niti ponoči.
על מר דַרְסְלי, לעומתם,
|||в отличие от них
about|Mr|Dursley|in contrast to them
o|gospodu|Darsley|v nasprotju z njimi
Mr. Darsley, on the other hand,
Gospod Darsley pa je imel,
עבר בוקר שגרתי ונטול ינשופים לגמרי
||обычный|без сов||
passed|morning|routine|and devoid of|owls|completely
je minil|jutro|običajen|brez|sova|popolnoma
had a completely ordinary morning without any owls.
običajno jutro brez sov.
הוא צעק על חמישה אנשים שונים
On|je kričal|na|pet|ljudi|različni
He yelled at five different people.
Zagovoril je pet različnih ljudi
הוא עבר לכמה שיחות טלפון חשובות וצעק עוד קצת
||||||и закричал||
He|moved||conversations|phone|important|and yelled|more|a little
On|je imel|nekaj|pogovorov|po telefonu|pomembnih|in je kričal|še|malo
He moved on to a few important phone calls and yelled a bit more.
Prešel je na nekaj pomembnih telefonskih klicev in še malo zakričal
מצב רוחו היה מצוין עד להפסקת הצהריים
|его дух|||||
state|his mood|was|excellent|until|the break|lunch
His mood was excellent until lunchtime.
Njegovo razpoloženje je bilo odlično do kosila
כשהחליט לצאת ולהתרענן מעט בתיול אל הצד השני של הרחוב
когда решил||и освежиться|||||||
when he decided|to go out|and to refresh himself|a little|during the trip|to|side||of|the street
ko je odločil|oditi|in se osvežiti|malo|na sprehodu|na|stran|drugi|od|ulice
When he decided to go out and refresh himself with a walk to the other side of the street.
Ko se je odločil, da gre ven in se malo osveži na sprehodu na drugo stran ulice
כדי לקנות לו לחמניה במאפייה ממול
in order to|buy|for him|bun|at the bakery|across the street
da|kupi|njemu|žemlja|v pekarni|čez cesto
To buy himself a roll at the bakery across the street.
da si kupi žemljico v pekarni nasproti
הוא שכח לגמרי מהאנשים בגלימות
|забыл|||в мантиях
He|forgot|completely|about the people|in cloaks
On|je pozabil|popolnoma|na ljudi|v plaščih
He completely forgot about the people in cloaks.
Popolnoma je pozabil na ljudi v plaščih
עד אשר עבר על פני קבוצה כזאת שעמדה סמוך למאפייה
|который|||||||рядом с|
until|which|he passed|by|in front of|group|such|that was standing|near|to the bakery
do|ki|je šel|mimo|pred|skupina|taka|ki je stala|blizu|pekarne
Until he passed by a group that was standing near the bakery.
dokler ni šel mimo skupine, ki je stala blizu pekarne
הוא הביט להם בכעס כשעבר לאדם
|смотрел||с гневом||
He||at them|with anger|when he passed|by the man
On||jim|z jezo|ko je šel mimo|mimo človeka
He looked at them angrily as he passed by a man.
Z jezo jih je pogledal, ko je šel mimo človeka
הוא לא ידע למה אבל האנשים האלה גרמו לו להרגשת אי נוחות מסוימת
He|not|knew|why|but|the people|these|caused|him|to feeling|discomfort|comfort|certain
On|ne|je vedel|zakaj|ampak|ljudje|ti|so mu povzročili|mu|doživljanju|ne|udobja|določeno
He didn't know why, but these people made him feel a certain discomfort.
Ni vedel zakaj, a ti ljudje so mu povzročali določeno nelagodje
גם החבורה הזאת התלכששה לה בהתרגשות
|группа||встретилась||с волнением
also|the group|this|interacted|to her|with excitement
tudi|skupina|ta|je premikala|ji|z navdušenjem
This group was also buzzing with excitement.
Tudi ta skupina se je vznemirjeno gnetla
והוא לא ראה אצלם אפילו קופת תרומות אחת לרפואה
|||||коробка|пожертвования||для лечения
and he|not|saw|at their place|even|box|donations|one|for medicine
in ni|ne|videl|pri njih|niti|škatla|donacij|ena|za medicino
And he didn't see even one donation box for health among them.
In niso videli pri njih niti enega nabiralnika za zdravstvo
כשחלף על פניהם שוב בדרכו חזרה
когда он проходил|||||
when he passed|by|them|again|on his way|back
ko je minil|mimo|njihova obraza|spet|na svoji poti|nazaj
When he passed by them again on his way back.
Ko je spet šel mimo njih na poti nazaj
מחזיק סופגניה שמנה בתוך שקית
Holding a fat donut in a bag.
drži debelo krof v vrečki
הוא קלט כמה מילים משיחתם
|воспринял|||их разговора
He|understood|a few|words|from their conversation
On|je ujel|nekaj|besed|iz njihovega pogovora
He caught a few words from their conversation.
je ujel nekaj besed iz njihovega pogovora
הפוטרים נכון? ככה שמעתי
the answers|correct|like this|I heard
odpustki|pravilno|tako|sem slišal
The exempt ones, right? That's what I heard.
zdravniki, kajne? Tako sem slišal
כן הבן שלהם הרי
yes|the son|their|after all
Yes, their son after all.
Da, njihov sin.
מר דרסלי נעמד במקום
||встал на место|
Mr|Dursley|stood|in place
g|Dursley|je stal|na mestu
Mr. Dursley stood in place.
Gospod Dursley je stal na mestu.
הפחד הציף אותו
the fear|overwhelmed|him
Fear overwhelmed him.
Strah ga je preplavil.
הוא הפנם לבת שוב לעבר המלחששים
He|returned|to the daughter|again|towards|the whisperers
On|je spomnil||spet|v smeri|šepetajočih
He turned to his daughter again towards the whisperers.
Spet se je obrnil proti šepetajočim.
כאילו הוא רצה להגיד להם משהו
as if|he|wanted|to tell|them|something
kot da|on|je hotel|povedati|jim|nekaj
As if he wanted to say something to them.
Kot da bi jim hotel nekaj povedati.
אבל התחרט ברגע האחרון
but|he regretted|at the moment|last
ampak|je obžaloval|v trenutku|zadnjem
But he regretted it at the last moment.
Ampak se je v zadnjem trenutku premislil.
הוא חצה את הכביש כמו טיל
He|crossed|the||like|a missile
On|je prečkal|(neprevodna beseda)|cesto|kot|raketa
He crossed the street like a missile.
Prečkal je cesto kot izstrelek.
מייר אל משרדו גר במזכירה שלא תפריע לו
Meir|to|his office|lived|with the secretary|that she|would disturb|him
Mair|do|njegovo pisarno|živi|v tajnici|da ne|moti|njemu
He rushed to his office, hoping the secretary wouldn't disturb him.
Mira je v svoji pisarni, da ga tajnica ne moti.
זינק את הטלפון וכמעט שסיים לחייג את מספר הטלפון שלו בבית
поднял||||закончил|набирать номер|||||
jumped|the|phone|||||||his|at home
je zgrabil|(neprevodna beseda)|telefon|in skoraj|da je končal|klicati|(neprevodna beseda)|številko|telefona|njegove|doma
He grabbed the phone and almost finished dialing his home number.
Zgrabil je telefon in skoraj je končal s klicanjem svojega domačega telefonskega številke.
כששינה לו הסופדטו
Когда спал||сопровождающий сон
when the sleep|to him|the supervisor
ko je spremenil|mu|nadzornik
When the eulogy changed for him.
Ko mu je spremenil sprovod.
הוא השיב את השפורפרת אל קנה
On|je vrnil|(neprevodna beseda)|slušalka|na|cev
He returned the receiver to the cradle.
Vrnila je slušalko nazaj na nosilec.
וליטף את השפם שלו מהרהר
and stroked|the|mustache|his|pondering
in se dotaknil|(predlog)|brke|njegov|razmišlja
And stroked his mustache, pondering.
In pobožal je svoj brk, zamišljen.
לא, זו סתם מיבלת מצידו
|||пустая выходка|с его стороны
no|this|just|misunderstanding|on his part
ne|to|preprosto|zmedena|z njegove strani
No, it's just a wart on his part.
Ne, to je le preprosta bradavica z njegove strani.
פוטר זה לא שם כל כך יצא דופן
||||||вышел|необычный случай
Putter is not such an unusual last name.
Poter ni tako nenavadno ime.
הוא היה משוכנע שיש הרבה אנשים עם שם משפחה פוטר
He|was|convinced|that there are|many|people|with|last|family|Potter
On|je|prepričan|da so|mnogi|ljudje|z|priimek|družina|Potter
He was convinced there are many people with the last name Putter.
Bil je prepričan, da je veliko ljudi s priimkom Poter.
שיש להם בן שקוראים לו הרי
that have|to them|son|that is called|to him|Harry
da imajo|njun|sin|ki se imenuje|njemu|Harei
that they have a son named Harry
da imajo sina, ki mu je ime Harry
הוא אף פעם אפילו לא ראה את הילד
On|nikoli|enkrat|celo|ne|videl|(neprevodna beseda)|deček
he has never even seen the child
nikoli ga niti ni videl
אולי קוראים לו הרווי או הרולד?
maybe|they call|him|Harvey|or|Harold
maybe his name is Harvey or Harold?
Mogoče mu je ime Harvey ali Harold?
אין טעם להדאיג סתם את גברת דרסלי
there is no|reason|to worry|unnecessarily|(object marker)|Mrs|Dursley
ni|smisla|skrbeti|brez razloga|gospodično|gospa|Dursley
there's no point in unnecessarily worrying Mrs. Dursley
Ni smisla, da bi brez razloga skrbeli gospo Dursley
היא תמיד נלחצת כשמזכירים את אחותה
She|always|gets stressed|when they mention|(definite article)|her sister
Ona|vedno|vznemirja|ko omenjajo|(neprevodna beseda)|njeno sestro
she always gets stressed when her sister is mentioned
vedno se razburka, ko omenjajo svojo sestro
והוא בכלל לא מאשים אותה
and he|at all|not|blames|her
in on|sploh|ne|obtožuje|nje
And he doesn't blame her at all.
In sploh je ne obtožuje
לו לא הייתה אחות כזאת
if|not|had|sister|like that
če|ne|bi imela|sestra|taka
If only there wasn't such a sister.
Če ne bi imela take sestre
ובכל זאת כל האנשים האלה באקלימות
and yet|this|all|the people|these|in the climate
in spite of it||all|people|these|in the climate
And yet all these people in the climate.
In kljub temu so vsi ti ljudje v okolju
אחר צהריים הוא התקשה יותר להתרכז במקדיחות
|||испытывал трудности|||
afternoon|noon|he|struggled|more|to concentrate|in the drills
popoldne|kosilo|on|je imel težave|bolj|osredotočiti se|v nalogah
In the afternoon he found it harder to concentrate on the drills.
Popoldne se je težje osredotočil na delo
כשיצא מהבניין בשעה חמש בערב
when he left|the building|at|five|in the evening
ko je odšel|iz stavbe|ob uri|petih|zvečer
When he left the building at five o'clock in the evening.
Ko je ob petih popoldne zapustil stavbo
הוא היה עדיין מודאג כל כך
On|je|še vedno|zaskrbljen|tako|zelo
He was still so worried
Še vedno je bil tako zaskrbljen
עד שבלי לשים לב
that without realizing it
da je brez da bi opazil
הוא נתקל במישהו שעמד ממש מחוץ לשער
He|encountered|in someone|who was standing|right|outside|to the gate
On|naletel|na nekoga|ki je stal|prav|zunaj|pri vratih
he bumped into someone who was standing right outside the gate
naletel na nekoga, ki je stal prav zunaj vrat
אני מצטער, הוא גר
I|am sorry|he|lives
I'm sorry, he lives
Opravičujem se, on živi
בזמן שהישיש הקטנטן מעד וכמעט נפל
while|the tiny old man||stumbled|and almost|fell
ko|starček|majhen|je spodrsnil|skoraj|padel
while the tiny old man stumbled and almost fell
medtem ko je majhen starček omahnil in skoraj padel
עברו כמה שניות לפני שדרסלי הבחין
passed|a few|seconds|before|Dudley|noticed
A few seconds passed before Dudley noticed.
Minilo je nekaj sekund, preden je Dursley opazil
כי האיש עותה גלימה סגולה
because|the man||cloak|purple
That the man was wearing a purple cloak.
da je moški oblečen v vijolično plašč
הוא כלל לא נראה מוטרד מזה שכמעט אפילו אותו הרצא
He|at all|not|seems|bothered|by this|that almost|even|him|lecture
On|sploh|ne|izgleda|zaskrbljen|od tega|da skoraj|celo|njega|prehitevanje
He didn't seem bothered at all that he almost ran him over.
Sploh ni izgledal zaskrbljen, da ga je skoraj povozil
להפך, בניו קרנו בחיוך רחב
|его сыновья|сияли|с улыбкой|
on the contrary|his sons|shone|with a smile|wide
nasprotno|njegovi sinovi|so zasijali|s širokim nasmehom|širokim
On the contrary, his sons beamed with wide smiles.
Nasprotno, njegovi sinovi so se smejali široko
הוא אמר בכל צו צפני שגרם לעוברי האורח להסתכל עליהם
|||приказом|всеобъемлющий|который заставил|прохожим|гость||
He|said|in every|command|of the passerby|that caused|to the passerby|the guest|to look|at them
On|je rekel|vsem|ukaz|skrivnostni|ki je povzročil|pešcem|mimoidočim|da gledajo|nanje
He spoke in a loud voice that made passersby look at them.
Rekel je z glasom, ki je pritegnil pozornost mimoidočih
אל תצטער, אדוני היקר
do not|regret|my dear|sir
Don't be sorry, my dear sir.
Ne obžaluj, dragi gospod
היום שום דבר אינו יכול להציב אותי
today|nothing|thing|not|can|to place|me
Today nothing can stand in my way.
Danes me nič ne more ustaviti
סוסו סמך, כי אתה יודע מי הוא וסוף סוף
Susu|was happy|because|you|know|who|he|and finally|end
Soso|se je naslonil|ker|ti|veš|kdo|je|in konec|konec
His horse leaned, because you know who he is and finally.
Njegov konj se zanaša, ker veš, kdo je in končno
אפילו מוגלגים כמוך צריכים לחגוק ביום המאושר והנפלא הזה
||||праздновать||счастливый день||
even|muggles|like you|need||on the day|happy|and wonderful|this
celo|mugglji|kot ti|morajo|praznovati|na dan|srečen|in čudovit|ta
Even muggles like you should celebrate on this happy and wonderful day.
Tudi mugli, kot si ti, morajo praznovati na ta srečen in čudovit dan
והאיש הזקן חיפק את מר דרסלי סביב ביתנו
and the man|old|hugged|(object marker)|Mr|Dursley|around|our house
in človek|star|objel|(neprevodna beseda)|gospod|Dursley|okoli|naš dom
And the old man hugged Mr. Dursley around our house.
In starček je objel gospoda Dursleyja okoli našega doma
והמשיך בדרכו
and continued|on his way
in je nadaljeval|po svoji poti
And he continued on his way.
In je nadal svojo pot
מר דרסלי נעמד במקומו ולא זז
Mr|Dursley|stood|in his place|and not|moved
g|Dursley|je stal|na svojem mestu|in ne|je premaknil
Mr. Dursley stood in his place and did not move.
Gospod Dursley je stal na svojem mestu in se ni premaknil
בזה הרגע חיבק אותו זר מוחלט
|||||абсолютный чужой
in this|moment|hugged|him|stranger|complete
v tem|trenutku|objel|njega|tujec|popoln
At that moment, a complete stranger hugged him.
V tem trenutku ga je objel popoln tujec
ונדמה היה לו שהוא גם קינה אותו מוגל או משהו כזה
and it seemed|was|to him|that he|also|mourning|him|something|or|something|like that
in se je zdelo|je bil|njemu|da je|tudi|jok|njega|morda|ali|nekaj|takega
And it seemed to him that he was also mourning him, a Muggle or something like that.
In zdelo se mu je, da ga je tudi žalil mugel ali kaj takega
הוא היה נסער, הוא נהיר אל מכוניתו והתחיל לנסוע הביתה
He|was|agitated|He|hurried|to|his car|and started|to drive|home
On|je|vznemirjen||odšel|do|njegovega avtomobila|in je začel|voziti|domov
He was agitated, he hurried to his car and started driving home.
Bil je vznemirjen, odšel je do svojega avtomobila in začel voziti domov
מקווה כל הזמן שהוא רק דמיין את הכל
hope|all|the time|that he|only|imagined|את|everything
upam|ves|čas|da je|samo|si predstavljal|vse|vse
I hope all the time that he just imagined everything.
Upam ves čas, da si je vse samo domišljal.
דבר שאף פעם לא קיבלו קודם לכן
stvar|ki še|nikoli|ne|so prejeli|prej|zato
Something that was never received before.
Stvar, ki je nikoli prej niso prejeli.
כי הרי הוא שונא אנשים שמדמיינים דברים
because|after all|he|hates|people|who imagine|things
saj|vendar|on|sovraži|ljudi|ki si predstavljajo|stvari
Because after all, he hates people who imagine things.
Saj sovraži ljudi, ki si domišljajo stvari.
כשחנה ליד מספר ארבע, הדבר הראשון שראה
когда Хана||||||
when she parked|next to|number|four|the thing|first|that he saw
ko je parkirala|ob|številka|štiri|stvar|prvi|ki jo je videl
When Hannah stood by number four, the first thing he saw.
Ko je Hana stala ob številki štiri, je bilo prvo, kar je videl.
וזה כלל לא שיפר את מצב רוחו
and this|at all|not|improved|(object marker)|mood|his spirit
in to|sploh|ne|izboljšal|njegov|stanje|duha
And it did not improve his mood at all.
In to sploh ni izboljšalo njegovega razpoloženja.
היה החתולה המנומרת שאותה ראה בבוקר
was|the cat|spotted|that he|saw|in the morning
je bil|mačka|pikasta|ki jo|je videl|zjutraj
It was the spotted cat that he saw in the morning.
bila je tigrasta mačka, ki jo je videl zjutraj
עכשיו עמדה החתולה על חומת החצר שלו
Now|stood|the cat|on|wall|the yard|his
zdaj|je stala|mačka|na|zidu|dvorišče|njegove
Now the cat was standing on the wall of his yard.
zdaj je mačka stala na zidu njegovega dvorišča
הוא היה משוכנע שזו אותה חתולה
He|was|convinced|that this|same|cat
On|je bil|prepričan|da je to|ista|mačka
He was convinced it was the same cat.
bil je prepričan, da je to ista mačka
הוא זיהה את הסימנים סביב עניה
He|identified|the||around|her eye
On|je prepoznal|(neprevodna beseda)|znake|okoli|Anja
He recognized the markings around her eyes.
prepoznal je znake okoli njenih oči
קשטה! קרא מר דרסלי בכל רם
Kasta|je klical|gospod|Dursley|vsako|glasno
Cursed! Mr. Dursley shouted loudly.
Krasno! je zaklical gospod Dursley na ves glas
החתולה לא זזה, היא רק תקעה בו מבט חמור
The cat|not|moved|she|only|gave|him|glance|serious
The cat didn't move, it just gave him a stern look.
Mačka se ni premaknila, le zresno ga je pogledala.
האם זו התנהגות נורמלית לחתולה?
Is this normal behavior for a cat?
Ali je to normalno vedenje za mačko?
תמה אמר דרסלי
je vprašal|je rekel|Dursley
Dursley wondered.
Se je vprašal Dursley.
מנסה להשתלט על עצמו, הוא פתח את הדלת ונכנס הביתה
trying|to control|on|himself|he|opened|the|door|and entered|home
poskuša|prevzeti|nad|seboj|on|odprl|(neprevodna beseda)|vrata|in vstopil|domov
Trying to compose himself, he opened the door and went inside.
Poskušajoč obvladati sebe, je odprl vrata in vstopil v hišo.
עדיין היה נחוש בדעתו לא לספר דבר לאשתו
||решительный|в своем мнении||||
still|was|determined|in his mind|not|to tell|anything|to his wife
še vedno|je bil|odločen|v svoji odločitvi|ne|povedati|stvar|svoji ženi
He was still determined not to tell his wife anything.
Še vedno je bil odločen, da ne pove nič svoji ženi.
הגבר דרסלי עבר יום שגרתי ונורמלי לגמרי
The man|Dursley|had|day|ordinary|and normal|completely
moški|Dursley|je imel|dan|običajen|in normalen|popolnoma
Mr. Dursley had a completely normal, routine day.
Moški Dursley je imel povsem običajen in normalen dan.
בערוכת הערב היא סיפרה לו על כל הבעיות שיש לגברת השכנה עם הבת שלה
At the dinner|evening|She|told|him|about|all|the problems|that she has|to the lady|neighbor|with|the daughter|her
na večerji|zvečer|ona|je povedala|njemu|o|vseh|težavah|ki ima|gospe|soseda|z|hčerko|njeno
At dinner, she told him about all the problems the neighbor lady had with her daughter.
Med večerjo mu je povedala o vseh težavah, ki jih ima soseda z njeno hčerko.
ועל זה שדדלי למד היום ביטוי חדש
And that Dudley learned a new phrase today.
In da se je Dudley danes naučil nove fraze.
לא רוצה
I don't want to.
Ne želim.
אמר דרסלי, ישתדל להתנהג כרגיל
|||вести себя|
said|Dursley|will try|to behave|normally
je rekel|Dursley|bo trudil|obnašati se|kot običajno
Mr. Dursley said, he would try to behave as usual.
Je rekel Dursley in se trudil obnašati kot običajno.
אחרי שדדלי הושקב לישון, הוא נכנס לסלון בדיוק בזמן
after|Dudley|was put|to sleep|he|entered|to the living room|just|in time
po|Dudley|je bil uspavan|za spanje|on|je vstopil|v dnevno sobo|ravno|pravočasno
After Dudley was put to bed, he entered the living room just in time
Ko je Dudley zaspal, je vstopil v dnevno sobo ravno pravočasno
לשמוע את ידיעה האחרונה בחדשות הערב
to hear|the|news|latest|in the news|evening
slišati|(neprevodna beseda)|novica|zadnja|v novicah|zvečer
to hear the latest news in the evening news
da bi slišal zadnjo novico v večernih novicah
ולבסוף, חובבי הציפורים ברחבי המדינה דיווחו כי היה נשופים
and finally|birdwatchers|the birds|across|the country|reported|that|there was|owls
in končno|ljubitelji|ptic|po|državi|so poročali|da|je bil|sove
And finally, bird watchers across the country reported that there were owls
In končno, ljubitelji ptic po vsej državi so poročali, da so bile sove
הפגינו היום התנהגות יוצאת דופן
so pokazali|danes|vedenje|izjemno|nenavadno
demonstrating unusual behavior today
danes v nenavadnem vedenju
למרות שהציפורים הלוצדות בלילה וכמעט אף פעם אינן נראות בשעות היום
although|that the birds|flying|at night|and almost|ever|time|are not|seen|in the hours|day
kljub temu da|da ptice|ki letijo|ponoči|in skoraj|niti|enkrat|niso|vidne|v urah|dneva
even though the nocturnal birds are rarely seen during the day.
kljub temu, da ptice lovijo ponoči in skoraj nikoli niso vidne podnevi
דווח על מאות תצפיות של ין שופים
Reports of hundreds of sightings of swallows
Poročali so o stotinah opazovanj jerebice, ki so letale v vse smeri po današnjem sončnem vzhodu.
שהתעופפו לכל הכיוונים אחרי זריחת השמש היום
которые летели||||восход||
that flew|in all|directions|after|sunrise|the sun|today
that flew in all directions after sunrise today
Strokovnjaki ne vedo razložiti, zakaj so jerebice nenadoma odstopile od svojih spalnih navad.
המומחים אינם יודעים להסביר מדוע חרגו פתאום הין שופים מנהגי השינה שלהם
эксперты||||Почему|вышли за пределы||||||
the experts|do not|know|to explain|why|deviated|suddenly|the|shofim|habits|sleep|their
strokovnjaki|ne|vedo|razložiti|zakaj|so odstopili|nenadoma|njihovi|psi|navade|spanja|njihovih
Experts do not know how to explain why the swallows suddenly deviated from their sleeping habits
Napovedovalec si je to dovolil.
הקריין הרשה לעצמו לכך
диктор|позволил себе||
The announcer|allowed|to himself|for that
The announcer allowed himself to say that
Zelo skrivnostno.
מסתורי ביותר
it is very mysterious
ועכשיו נעבור לתחזית מזג האוויר עם ג'ים מגפין
And now|we will move on|to the forecast|weather|the air|with|Jim|McPhee
in zdaj|bomo prešli|na napoved|vremena|zraka|z|Jim|McPhee
And now we turn to the weather forecast with Jim McPhee.
In zdaj preidimo na vremensko napoved z Jimom Magpijem
צפויות היום עוד מפולות ין שופים ג'ים?
Are there more landslides expected today, Jim?
Ali danes pričakujemo še več plazov, Jim?
למה אני אמת, דד? אמר החזאי
why|I|true|daddy|said|the weatherman
zakaj|sem|resnica|oče|je rekel|vremenar
Why am I telling the truth, Dad? said the forecaster.
Zakaj sem res, dedek? je rekel vremenar
על הין שופים אני לא יודע אבל לא רק הם התנהגו מוזר היום
about|the wine|shofim|I|not|know|but|not|only|they|behaved|strangely|today
o|hin|shofim|jaz|ne|vem|ampak|ne|samo|oni|so se obnašali|čudno|danes
I don't know about the landslides, but they weren't the only ones behaving strangely today.
O plazovih ne vem, ampak ne samo oni so se danes čudno obnašali
צופים מכל קצוות האנגליה ממחוזות כמו קנט, יורקשייר ודנדי
viewers|from all|corners|England|from counties|like|Kent|Yorkshire|and Dundee
gledalci|iz vseh|koncev|Anglije|iz okrožij|kot|Kent|Yorkshire|in Dundee
Viewers from all corners of England from counties like Kent, Yorkshire, and Dundee.
Opazovalci iz vseh koncev Anglije, iz okrožij kot so Kent, Yorkshire in Dundee
מצלצלים כל היום כדי לספר לי שבמקום הגשם שחזיתי אתמול הם היו עדים היום למטר של כוכבים
ringing|all|day|to|tell|me|that instead of|rain|I predicted|yesterday|they|were|witnesses|today|to a shower|of|stars
kličo|ves|dan|da|mi povejo|mi|da namesto|dež|ki sem napovedal|včeraj|oni|so|priče|danes|na dež|zvezd|zvezd
They are calling all day to tell me that instead of the rain I predicted yesterday, they witnessed a shower of stars today.
Zvonijo ves dan, da mi povedo, da namesto dežja, ki sem ga napovedal včeraj, so danes bili priče dežju zvezd.
אולי היו אנשים שהקדימו לחגוג את חג המדורות?
maybe|there were|people|who celebrated early|to celebrate|the|holiday|bonfires
morda|so|ljudje|ki so praznovali prej|praznovati|(neprevodna beseda)|praznik|kresov
Maybe there were people who celebrated the bonfire holiday early?
Morda so bili ljudje, ki so se odločili praznovati praznik kresov prej?
הוא יחול רק בעוד שבוע רבותיי אבל הערב אני יכול להבטיח לכם לילה גשום
It|will occur|only|in|a week|gentlemen|but|tonight|I|can|to guarantee|to you|night|rainy
On|bo veljal|samo|čez|teden|gospodje|ampak|nocoj|jaz|lahko|obljubim|vam|noč|deževen
It will only take place in a week, gentlemen, but tonight I can promise you a rainy night.
Ta praznik bo šele čez teden dni, gospodje, a danes zvečer vam lahko obljubim deževno noč.
כבר דרסלי כפה במקומו
already|Darsley|pushed|in his place
že|Drasli|pritisnil|na njegovo mesto
Already Dursley forced him in his place.
Že Dursley je pritisnil na svoje mesto.
כוכבים נופלים בשמי בריטניה?
stars|fall|in the sky of|Britain
zvezde|padajo|na nebu|Britanija
Falling stars in the skies of Britain?
Zvezde padajo na britanskem nebu?
ין שופים מתעופפים לאור היום?
are|owls|flying|in the light|day
je|sove|letijo|v svetlobi|dneva
Are there owls flying in broad daylight?
Ali se čarovniki lete na dan?
אנשים מסתורים בגלימות בכל מקום?
People|hiding|in cloaks|everywhere|place
ljudje|skrivnostni|v plaščih|povsod|kraj
Are there people in cloaks everywhere?
Ljudje v plaščih povsod?
ולחשוש? לחשוש קטן על משפחת פוטר?
and to worry|to worry|little|about|family|Potter
in skrbeti|skrbeti|malo|o|družini|Potter
And to be concerned? To be a little concerned about the Potter family?
In strah? Majhen strah glede družine Potter?
גברת דרסלי הכנסה לסלון עם שני ספלים של תה
Mrs|Dursley|entered|the living room|with|two|cups|of|tea
gospa|Dursley|vnesla|v dnevno sobo|z|dva|skodelici|čaja|čaj
Mrs. Dursley entered the living room with two cups of tea.
Gospa Dursley je vstopila v dnevno sobo z dvema skodelicama čaja.
אין ברירה, הוא חייב לספר לה משהו
there is no|choice|he|must|to tell|to her|something
There is no choice, he has to tell her something.
Ni izbire, mora ji povedati nekaj.
הוא גחכך בגרונו בעצבנות
He|chuckled|in his throat|nervously
On|zarežal|v grlu|z živčnostjo
He chuckled nervously in his throat.
Zaskrbljeno je zaskrbljeno.
אהה, פתעוניה, יקירתי
ah|my surprise|my dear
aha|Patonia|my dear
Ah, suddenly, my dear.
Ah, presenečenje, moja draga.
לא שמעת במקרה מהחותך לאחרונה, נכון?
not|you heard||from the butcher|recently|right
ne|si slišal||od tasta|nazadnje|prav
You haven't heard from the aunt lately, have you?
Nisi slučajno slišala za svojega brata v zadnjem času, kajne?
כפי שציפה, גברת דרסלי נראתה מופתעת ומרוגזת
as|he expected|Mrs|Dursley|looked|surprised|and annoyed
kot|je pričakoval|gospa|Dursley|je izgledala|presenečena|in razburjena
As expected, Mrs. Dursley looked surprised and annoyed.
Kot je pričakoval, je gospa Dursley izgledala presenečena in razburjena.
אחרי הכל הם תמיד נהגו להעמיד פנים שאין לה חות
after|all|they|always|used|to pretend|faces|that she doesn't|to her|talent
po|vse|oni|vedno|so se obnašali|da postavijo|obraze|da nima|ji|hči
After all, they always pretended she didn't have an aunt.
Konec koncev so vedno delali, da se pretvarjajo, da nima brata.
לא, היא אמרה בכעס
no|she|said|in anger
ne|ona|je rekla|z jezo
No, she said angrily.
Ne, je rekla jezo.
ידיעות משונות בחלשות, מדמייאל מר דרסלי
news|strange||from Dudley|Mr|Dursley
novice|čudne||iz Dumbledorejeve|g|Dursley
Strange news in the weak, said Mr. Dursley.
Nenavadne novice v šibkih, gospod Dursley.
ין שופים, כוכבים, והיום היו בעיר המון אנשים שנראו מוזר
in|shofim|stars|and today|there were|in the city|a lot of|people|who looked|strange
je|šopki|zvezde|in danes|so bili|v mestu|množica|ljudi|ki so izgledali|čudno
There are owls, stars, and today there were a lot of people in the city who looked strange.
Bilo je čudnih ljudi, zvezd in danes je bilo v mestu veliko ljudi, ki so izgledali nenavadno.
נו אז מה? רגזה גברת דרסלי
well|so|what|was angry|Mrs|Dursley
So what? Mrs. Dursley was annoyed.
No in kaj? Gospa Dursley je bila razburjena.
טוב, רק חשבתי שאולי כל זה איכשהו מתקשר ל...
good|just|I thought|that maybe|all|this|somehow|relates|to
dobro|samo|sem mislil|da bi morda|vse|to|nekako|povezan|k
Well, I just thought that maybe all of this somehow connects to...
Dobro, samo sem pomislil, da bi morda vse to nekako bilo povezano z...
את יודעת, החברים שלה
you|know|the friends|her
You know, her friends
Veš, njeni prijatelji
גברת דרסלי שתתה את התיש עליו בשפתיים קפוצות
Mrs|Dursley|drank|the|tea|on him|with lips|pursed
gospa|Dursley|je pila|(neprevodna beseda)|pijačo|na njem|z ustnicami|stisnjenimi
Mrs. Dursley sipped her drink with pursed lips
Gospa Dursley je pila zmaja z napetimi ustnicami
מר דרסלי שקע לי מומעז לספר לה ששמע את השם פוטר
Mr|Dursley|sunk|to me|determined|to tell|her|that he heard|the||Potter
g|Dursley|je dal|mi|zmed|povedati|ji|da je slišal||ime|Potter
Mr. Dursley was horrified to hear the name Potter
Gospod Dursley je bil šokiran, ko ji je povedal, da je slišal ime Potter
הוא החליט שהוא אינו מומעז
He|decided|that he|is not|motivated
On|je odločil|da je|ni|omamljen
He decided he was not horrified
Odločil se je, da ni šokiran
ביקום זאת הוא אמר בשיא הטבעיות שהצליח לגייס
in the universe|this|he|said|in utmost|naturalness|that he managed|to recruit
v vesolju|to|je|rekel|v največji|naravnosti|ki je uspel|pridobiti
In this universe, he said with utmost naturalness that he managed to gather.
V tem vesolju je rekel z največjo naravnost, da mu je uspelo mobilizirati
הבן שלהם הוא בערך בן גילו של דדלי, לא?
The son|their|he|about|age|his age|of|Dudley|no
Their son is about Dudley's age, right?
Njihov sin je približno v Dudleyevi starosti, a ne?
נדמה לי, אמרה גברת דרסלי לא בשמחה
it seems|to me|said|Mrs|Dursley|not|happily
zdi|mi|je rekla|gospa|Dursley|ne|veselo
I think so, Mrs. Dursley said unhappily.
Zdi se mi, je rekla gospa Dursley brez veselja
מה שמו שוב? הווארד? לא?
what|his name|again|Howard|no
What was his name again? Howard? Right?
Kako mu je spet ime? Howard? A ne?
הרי, שם מגעיל והמוני אם תשאל אותי
after all|there|disgusting|and crowded|if|you ask|me
torej|tam|gnusen|in množičen|če|vprašaš|mene
After all, it's a disgusting and common name if you ask me.
Saj je to gnusno in množično ime, če mene vprašaš
אה, כן, אמר מר דרסלי, יבוא שוקע בקרבו
ah|yes|said|Mr|Dursley|will come|sinking|within him
ah|yes|said|Mr|Dursley|will come|sinking|within him
Ah, yes, Mr. Dursley said, a sinking feeling within him.
Ah, ja, je rekel gospod Dursley, bo prišel v njegovem srcu.
כן, אני בהחלט מסכים
da|jaz|zagotovo|se strinjam
Yes, I definitely agree.
Da, se popolnoma strinjam.
הוא לא אמר מילה על העניין בזמן שעלול למעלה להתכונן לשינה
He|not|said|word|about|the issue|while|that might||to prepare|for sleep
On|ne|je rekel|beseda|o|zadevi|ko|ki bi||pripravljal|za spanje
He didn't say a word about the matter while the possibility of going to sleep was looming.
Ni rekel besede o tem, medtem ko se je lahko pripravljal na spanje.
כשגברת דרסלי הייתה בחדר האמבטיה
when Mrs|Dursley|was|in the room|bathroom
ko je gospa|Dursley|je bila|v kopalnici|kopalnica
When Mrs. Dursley was in the bathroom.
Ko je gospa Dursley bila v kopalnici.
מר דרסלי חמק לעבר חלון חדר השינה וביטחו צרך חצר הבית
Mr|Dursley|sneaked|towards|window|room|the sleep|and his wife|yelled|yard|the house
g|Dursley|se je prikradel|proti|oknu|sobe|spanja|in njihova|potrebščina|dvorišče|hiše
Mr. Dursley sneaked toward the bedroom window and peered out into the yard.
Gospod Dursley se je prikradel do okna spalnice in zaskrbljeno pogledal na dvorišče.
חתולה עדיין עמדה שם
The cat|still|stood|there
mačka|še vedno|stala|tam
A cat was still standing there.
Mačka je še vedno stala tam.
היא עמדה והשקיפה על דרך בררת כאילו ציפתה למשהו
She|stood|and looked out|at|road|choice|as if|she was waiting|for something
Ona|je stala|in je opazovala|na|pot|izbire|kot da|je pričakovala|na nekaj
She stood and gazed at the chosen path as if she was waiting for something.
Stala je in opazovala pot, kot da je čakala na nekaj.
האם דמיינו מטעטע בו?
do|we imagined|a little child|in it
ali|smo si predstavljali|metate|vanj
Did we imagine a little one in it?
Ali smo si predstavljali, da je v tem?
האם לכל זה יש קשר כלשהו למשפחת פוטר?
does|to all|this|have|connection|any|to the family|Potter
ali|vsem|to|ima|povezava|kakršna koli|do družine|Potter
Does any of this have any connection to the Potter family?
Ali ima to kakršnokoli povezavo z družino Potter?
אם כן, אם מתפרסם שהם קרובי משפחה של זוג ש...
if|so|if|it is published|that they|relatives|family|of|couple|that
če|da|če|objavi|da so|krvni|sorodniki|od|par|ki
If so, if it is published that they are relatives of a couple that...
Če je tako, če se objavi, da so sorodniki para, ki...
זה יהיה פשוט בלתי מסבל
it|will be|simply|unbearably|tolerable
This will be simply unbearable.
To bo preprosto nevzdržno
הדרסלים יכנסו למיטה
The drasels|will enter|to bed
drsalci|bodo vstopili|v posteljo
The Dursleys will get into bed.
Durslijevi bodo šli v posteljo
גברת דרסלי נהרדמה מיד
Mrs|Dursley|fell asleep|immediately
gospa|Dursley|je zaspala|takoj
Mrs. Dursley fell asleep immediately.
Gospa Dursley je takoj zaspala
אבל מר דרסלי שחב במיטה ער
but|Mr|Dursley|who lay|in bed|awake
ampak|gospod|Dursley|ležal|v postelji|buden
But Mr. Dursley, who was still in bed, was awake.
Ampak gospod Dursley, ki je ležal v postelji, je bil buden
והפך את העניין בראשו
and turned|the|matter|in his head
invertil|predmetni člen|zadevo|v njegovi glavi
And he turned the matter over in his head.
in je obrnil zadevo v svoji glavi
מחשבתו האחרונה הייתה המחשבה המנחמת
his thought|last|was|the thought|comforting
njegova misel|zadnja|je bila|misel|tolažilna
His last thought was the comforting thought
Njegova zadnja misel je bila tolažilna misel
שאפילו אם הפוטרים אכן מעורבים בכל זה
that even|if|the exemptors|indeed|involved|in all|this
da celo|če|povišani|res|vključeni|vsem|tem
that even if the Dursleys were indeed involved in all this
da tudi če so Durslijevi res vpleteni v vse to
אין כל סיבה שהם יתקרבו אליו ואל גברת דרסלי
there is no|any|reason|that they|will get close||and to|Mrs|Dursley
ni|vsak|razlog|da se|približajo|||gospa|Dursley
there was no reason for them to get close to him and Mrs. Dursley
ni nobenega razloga, da bi se približali njemu in gospe Dursley
הפוטרים יודעים היטב מהדעתם שלו ושל פטוניה על אנשים כמותם
the Potters|know|well|from their opinion|his|and of|Petunia|about|people|like them
pottres|vedo|dobro|iz njihovega mnenja|njegove|in|Petunija|o|ljudeh|kot so oni
The Dursleys know very well what he and Petunia think of people like them
Durslijevi dobro vedo, kaj si on in Petunija mislita o ljudeh, kot so oni
הוא לא יכול לתאר לעצמו אותו ואת פטוניה מעורבים בהתרחשויות כאלו
He|not|can|to imagine|to himself|himself|and|Petunia|involved|in events|like these
On|ne|more|predstavljati|sebi|njega|in|Petunija|vpleteni|v dogodkih|takšnih
He couldn't imagine himself and Petunia being involved in such events
ni si mogel predstavljati sebe in Petunije vpletenih v takšne dogodke
הוא פייק והתהפך
he|fake|and turned over
on|lažnjak|in se obrnil
He is fake and has turned over.
On je lažnjak in se je obrnil
עלינו זה לא ישפיע
on us|this|not|will affect
na nas|to|ne|bo vplivalo
It will not affect us.
Na nas to ne bo vplivalo
כמה שהוא טעה
how|that he|was wrong
koliko|da je|zgrešil
How much he was wrong.
Kako zelo se je motil
מר דרסלי אמנם שקע לו בשינת רודה
Mr|Dursley|indeed|sank|to him|in sleep|oppressive
g g Drsley|Drsley|vendar|potopil|njemu|v spanju|trd
Mr. Dursley indeed sank into a deep sleep.
Gospod Dursley je resnično zaspal v trdnem spanju
אבל החתולה על החומה בחוץ שמרה על ערנות מוחלטת
but|the cat|on|the wall|outside|kept|on|alertness|complete
ampak|mačka|na|zidu|zunaj|je ohranjala|na|budnost|popolna
But the cat on the wall outside remained completely alert.
Toda mačka na zidu zunaj je ohranjala popolno budnost
היא עמדה דוממת כמו פסל
Ona|je stala|nepremično|kot|kip
She stood still like a statue.
Stala je nepremično kot kip.
עיניה מקובעות ללא מצמוץ אל הפינה הרחוקה של דרך פריבט
her eyes|fixed|without|blinking|to|the corner|distant|of|road|Privet
njene oči|uprte|brez|treptanja|v|kot|oddaljena|od|cesta|Privat
Her eyes fixed without blinking on the distant corner of Privet Road.
Njene oči so bile uprte brez trepljenja v oddaljenem kotu ceste Pribat.
הזהירה שברעידות לא תקפה אותה
warned|that in earthquakes|not|attacked|her
je opozorila|da v potresih|ne|napadla|nje
She warned that the tremors did not affect her.
Opozorila je, da je v tresljajih ni napadla.
כשנדרקה דלת של מכונית ברחוב הסמוך
when the door was slammed|door|of|car|in the street|nearby
ko je bila udarjena|vrata|od|avto|na ulici|bližnjem
When a car door slammed in the nearby street.
Ko se je vrata avtomobila zaprla na sosednji ulici.
ולא כששני הנשופים עטו מעליה
and not|when two|owls|swooped|above her
in ne|ko sta dva|sove|napadli|nad njo
And not when the two owls swooped over her.
In ne, ko sta se dva sove spustila nad njo.
למעשה, השעה הייתה כמעט חצות
in fact|the time|was|almost|midnight
v resnici|ura|je bila|skoraj|polnoč
In fact, the time was almost midnight.
Dejansko je bila ura skoraj polnoč
לפני שהחתולה זזה בכלל
before|the cat|moves|at all
pre|kočka|se poydila|sploh
Before the cat moved at all.
preden se je mačka sploh premaknila
איש הופיע בפינה שעליה השגיחה החתולה
A man|appeared|in the corner|that it|was watching|The cat
Moški|se je pojavil|v kotu|na katero|je pazila|mačka
A man appeared in the corner that the cat was watching.
Moški se je pojavil v kotu, ki ga je mačka opazovala
הוא הופיע בפתאומיות ובדממה כזו
He|appeared|suddenly|and in silence|such
On|se je pojavil|nenadoma|in tišini|taka
He appeared suddenly and in such silence.
Pojavil se je nenadoma in v takšni tišini
שהייתם חושבים כי הרגע האדמה פלתה אותו
you would|think|that|moment|the ground|dropped|him
bi|mislili|da|trenutek|zemlja|je pahnila|njega
You would think that just then the ground had swallowed him.
da bi pomislili, da ga je pravkar zemlja izpljunila
זנבה של החתולה זהה בעצבנות
her tail|of|the cat|is similar|in nervousness
rep|od|mačka|je podoben|v živčnosti
The cat's tail twitched nervously.
Rep mačke je nervozno podobna
ועיניה הצטמצמו
and her eyes|narrowed
in njen pogled|so se zožile
And her eyes narrowed.
in njene oči so se zožile
שום דבר דומה לא נראה מעולם בדרך פריבט
nothing|thing|similar|not|seen|ever|in a private|private
nič|stvar|podoben|ne|videl|nikoli|na način|privatno
Nothing similar had ever been seen on Privet Drive.
Nič podobnega nikoli ni bilo videti na način privat
הוא היה גבוה, רזה וזקן מאוד
He|was|tall|thin|and old|very
On|je bil|visok|suh|in star|zelo
He was tall, thin, and very old.
Bil je visok, suh in zelo star
אם לשפוט לפי שיערו וזקנו הכסופים
if|to judge|by|his hair||the gray
če|soditi|po|njegovih laseh||belih
If judged by his silver hair and beard.
Če sodimo po njegovih sivih laseh in bradi
ששניהם היו ארוכים מספיק
that both|were|long|enough
da sta oba|so|dolgi|dovolj
Both were long enough
Oba sta bila dovolj dolga
כדי לדחוף אותם מתחת לחגורה שלו
to|push|them|under|to the belt|his
to push them under his belt
da ju potisne pod njegov pas
הוא לבש חלוק ארוך, פלימה סגולה שנגעה בקרקע
He|wore|robe|long|plume|purple|that touched|the ground
On|je nosil|haljo|dolg|perje|vijolična|ki je dotaknila|tla
He wore a long robe, a purple cloak that touched the ground
Nosil je dolg plašč, vijolično plašč, ki je segal do tal
ומגפיים ממקבים גבוהים ואבזמים
and boots|from high heels|high|and buckles
in visokimi škornji|z zaponkami|visokimi|in zaponkami
and high, shiny boots with buckles
in visoke škornje z zaponkami
עיניו הכחולות היו בהירות, בועקות ומבריקות
his eyes|blue|were|bright|sparkling|and shining
njegove oči|modre|so|svetle|žive|in sijoče
His blue eyes were bright, bubbling, and sparkling
Njegove modre oči so bile svetle, mehurčkaste in sijoče
מאחורי זגוגיות משקפיים בצורת חרמשים
behind|lenses|glasses|in the shape of|sickles
za|stekli|očala|v obliki|srpov
Behind the lenses of glasses shaped like sickles
Za stekli očal v obliki srpa
והפועה היה ארוך ומעוקל
and the howl|was|long|and curved
inštrument|je|dolg|in zavit
and the nose was long and curved
in njegov nos je bil dolg in ukrivljen
כאילו הוא נשבר לפחות פעמיים
as if|he|broke|at least|twice
kot da|on|je zlomljen|vsaj|dvakrat
as if it had broken at least twice
kot da se je zlomil vsaj dvakrat
שמו של האיש היה אלבוס דאמבלדור
His name|of|the man|was|Albus|Dumbledore
The man's name was Albus Dumbledore
Ime moškega je bilo Albus Dumbledore
אלבוס דאמבלדור נהג כאילו
Albus|Dumbledore|acted|as if
Albus|Dumbledore|je ravnal|kot da
Albus Dumbledore acted as if
Albus Dumbledore se je obnašal kot da
הוא אינו מודע לכך שברחוב שאליו הרגע הגיע
He|is not|aware|to that|that street|to which|just|arrived
On|ni|zavedan|temu|da na ulici|na katero|pravkar|prispel
He is unaware that the street he just arrived at
Nima zaveda, da na ulici, kamor je pravkar prišel
שום דבר עכרוך בו, אכל בשמו וקלה במגפיו
nothing|thing|disturbing|in it|ate|in his name|and finished|in his boots
nič|stvar|zmeda|v njem|jedel|v njegovem imenu|in končal|v njegovih škornjih
Nothing is welcome there, he ate in its name and finished in his boots
ni ničesar, kar bi ga motilo, jedel je v njegovem imenu in se končal v njegovih škornjih
לא יתקבל בברכה
not|will be received|with welcome
ne|bo sprejet|z dobrodošlico
Will not be received with joy
ne bo sprejeto z dobrodošlico
הוא היה עסוק מדי בלחטט בגלימתו
He|was|busy|too|to fidget|with his robe
On|je bil|zaposlen|preveč|da se praska|v svoji halji
He was too busy rummaging through his cloak
bil je preveč zaposlen, da bi se premetaval v svoji plašču
מחפש משהו
I am looking for|something
Looking for something
iskal je nekaj
אבל בכל זאת נראה שהוא מרגיש שמישהו מסתכל עליו
but|still||he feels|that he|feels|that someone|is looking|at him
ampak|vse||zdi se|da se|počuti||gleda|nan
But still, it seems that he feels someone is watching him.
Ampak kljub temu se zdi, da čuti, da ga nekdo opazuje.
כי לפתע הרים את מבטו והביט בחתולה
because|suddenly|raised|(object marker)|his gaze|and he looked|at the cat
ker|nenadoma|je dvignil|(neprevodna beseda)|njegov pogled|in je pogledal|v mačko
Because suddenly he raised his gaze and looked at the cat.
Kajti nenadoma je dvignil pogled in pogledal mačko.
שעדיין באתה בו מהצד השני של הרחוב
that still||to him|from the side|other|of|the street
da še||v njem|z strani|druge|od|ulice
That was still staring at him from the other side of the street.
Ki ga je še vedno gledala s druge strani ulice.
משום מה, דמותה של החתולה שיישאה אותו
for some|reason|her figure|of|the cat|that carried|him
zakaj|stvar|podoba|od|mačka|ki ga je nosila|njega
For some reason, the image of the cat captivated him.
Iz nekega razloga je bila podoba mačke, ki ga je nosila.
הוא צחקק ומלמל
He|chuckled|and mumbled
On|se je zasmejal|in mumljal
He chuckled and mumbled.
Zasmejal se je in mumljal.
איך לא ניחשתי
how|not|I guessed
kako|ne|sem uganil
How did I not guess?
Kako nisem uganil
הוא מצא את מה שחיפש בתוך כיסו הפנימי
He|found|the|what|he was looking for|inside|his pocket|inner
On|našel|(neprevodna beseda)|kar|je iskal|v|njegovem žepu|notranjem
He found what he was looking for inside his inner pocket.
Našel je tisto, kar je iskal, v svojem notranjem žepu
זה נראה כמו מצאת סיגרות כסוף
it|looks|like|you found|cigarettes|silver
It looked like he found silver cigarettes.
Izgledalo je kot najdba srebrnih cigaret
הוא פתח את המכסה, הרים אותו באוויר ולחץ על המתג
He|opened|the||lifted|it|in the air|and pressed|on|the switch
On|odprl|(neprevodna beseda)|pokrov|dvignil|ga|v zraku|in pritisnil|na|stikalo
He opened the lid, lifted it into the air, and pressed the switch.
Odprl je pokrov, ga dvignil v zrak in pritisnil na stikalo
פנס הרחוב הקרוב אליו, קבע בכל צפצוף קטן
streetlight|the street|near|to him|determined|with every|beep|small
svetilka|ulica|blizu|do njega|je določil|ob vsakem|pisk|majhen
The nearby streetlight responded to every little beep.
Ulična svetilka blizu njega se je pri vsakem majhnem pisku prižgala
הוא לחץ עליו שוב, והפנס הבא בתור היווהב וקבע
He|pressed|on him|again|and the flashlight|next|in line||and determined
On|pritisnil|nanj|spet|in svetilka|naslednji|v vrsti|je bil|in določil
He pressed it again, and the next flashlight was established.
Pritisnil ga je znova, in naslednja svetilka je bila vklopljena
פריסר פעמים הוא לחץ על המאמאם
several|times|he|pressed|on|the button
He pressed the button several times.
Štirikrat je pritisnil na gumb
עד ששני האורות היחידים שנותרו בכל הרחוב
until||the lights|only|that remained|in every|street
do|da sta dva|luči|edini|ki so ostale|vsa|ulica
Until the only two lights left in the entire street.
Dokler sta ostali edini dve luči na celi ulici
היו זוג נצנוצים זהירים רחוקים
there were|a pair|twinkles|cautious|distant
so bili|par|utripanja|previdni|oddaljeni
Were a pair of distant, faint flashes.
bili par oddaljenih bleščic
וזה נעשה לחתולה שצפתה בו
and this|was done||that watched|it
in to|je bilo narejeno||ki je gledala|v njem
And it became for the cat that watched him.
in to je postalo mački, ki ga je opazovala
אילו מישהו היה מציץ מחלונו באותה שעה
if|someone|were|peeking|from his window|at that|hour
če|nekdo|bi|pokukal|iz njegovega okna|ob tisti|uri
If someone had peeked through their window at that time
Če bi kdo pokukal skozi okno ob tistem času
אפילו הייתה זאת גברת דרסלי, חדה את העיניים
celo|je bila|ta|gospa|Dursley|ostra|predmetni|oči
even if it was Mrs. Dursley, sharp-eyed
tudi če bi bila to gospa Dursley, ki je ostrila oči
הוא לא היה רואה דבר מן המתרחש של המדרכה
He|not|would|see|anything|of|the events|on|the sidewalk
they would not have seen anything happening on the sidewalk
ne bi videl ničesar od dogajanja na pločniku
דמבלדור הכניס את המאמאם, חזרה לכיס גלימתו
Dumbledore|put|the||back|into the pocket|his cloak
Dumbledore|je vzel|(neprev)|mamam|nazaj|v žep|njegovega plašča
Dumbledore put the muggle back into the pocket of his cloak
Dumbledore je vzel mačka nazaj v svoj plašč
והתחיל ללכת לכיוון בית מספר ארבע
and he started|to walk|towards|house|number|four
in začel|hoditi|v smeri|hiša|številka|štiri
and started walking towards number four
in se začel pomikati proti hiši številka štiri
שם התיישב על החומה לצד החתולה
there|sat|on|the wall|next to|the cat
tam|je sedel|na|zidu|ob|mački
There he sat on the wall next to the cat.
Tam se je usedel na zid ob mački.
הוא לא הביט בה, אבל אחרי רגע דיבר אליה
He|not||at her|but|after|a moment|spoke|to her
On|ne||vanjo|ampak|po|trenutku|je govoril|z njo
He didn't look at her, but after a moment he spoke to her.
Ni je pogledal, a po trenutku ji je spregovoril.
מי היה מנחש שיפגוש אותך כאן, פרופסור מגונגל?
who|would be|guessing|that would meet|you|here|Professor|McGonagall
kdo|bi|uganil|da te sreča|tebe|tukaj|profesor|McGonagall
Who would have guessed he would meet you here, Professor McGonagall?
Kdo bi si mislil, da te bo srečal tukaj, profesorica McGonagall?
הוא פנה לחייכל החתולה המנומרת, אבל זו נעלמה
He|turned|to the smile|the cat|the spotted|but|she|disappeared
On|je nagovoril|k hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihih|||||
He turned to the smiling tabby cat, but she had disappeared.
Obrnila se je k mački s pegami, a ta je izginila.
מקומה הוא מצא את עצמו מחייכל אישה חמורת סבר
from his place|he|found|himself||smiling|woman|serious|expression
iz svojega mesta|on|našel|(neprevodna beseda)|sebe|nasmejan|ženska|resna|izraz
In her place, he found himself smiling at a stern-looking woman.
Na njenem mestu se je znašel pred resno žensko.
שרכיבה משקפיים מרובעים בדיוק כצורת הסימנים
that wears|glasses|square|exactly|like the shape of|the signs
ki nosi|očala|kvadratna|natančno|kot oblika|znakov
That she wore square glasses exactly in the shape of the signs
Da nosi kvadratne očala, ki so točno v obliki znakov
שהיו סביב עיניה של החתולה
that were|around|her eyes|of|the cat
ki so bili|okoli|njene oči|od|mačke
that were around the cat's eyes
ki so bili okoli oči mačke
גם היא עתתה גלימה בצבע הזמרגד
also|she|wore|cloak|in the color of|the emerald
tudi|ona|oblekla|plašč|v barvi|smaragdnozeleni
She also wore a cloak in the color of emerald
Tudi ona je nosila plašč v barvi smaragda
שערה שחור היה מתוח ועסוף בפקעת הדוקה
hair|black|was|taut|and gathered|in a bun|tight
las|črn|je|napet|in zvezan|v snope|tesno
Her hair was black, pulled back and gathered in a tight bun
Njeni lasje so bili črni, zategnjeni in zbrani v tesen vozel
היא נראתה המותרדת למדי
She|looked|somewhat distracted|very
Ona|je izgledala|zaskrbljena|precej
She looked quite disheveled
Izgledala je precej zmedena
איך ידעת שזו אני? שאלה
how|did you know|that this|is me|question
kako|si vedel|da sem|jaz|vprašanje
How did you know it was me? Question
Kako si vedel, da sem to jaz? Vprašanje
כברתיה, פרופסור
I recognized you, Professor
Prepoznala sem te, profesor
מעולם לא ראיתי חתולה שיושבת בכיפאון מוחלט כל כך
never|not|I saw|cat||in complete stillness|absolute|so|much
nikoli|ne|videl|mačka|ki sedi|v miru|popoln|tako|tako
I've never seen a cat sitting so completely still
Nikoli nisem videla mačke, ki bi tako popolnoma mirno sedela
גם אתה היית קופה לובילית היום שלם בישיבה על חומה
also|you|were|cash register|mobile|today|whole|in sitting|on|wall
tudi|ti|si bil|blagajna|vodilna|danes|cel|v sedenju|na|zidu
You were also a lead monkey today, sitting on a wall all day
Tudi ti si bil danes cel dan opica, ki sedi na zidu
אמרה פרופסור מגונגל
je rekla|profesor|McGonagall
Professor McGonagall said
je rekla profesorica McGonagall
יום שלם? במקום לחגוג?
day|whole|instead of|to celebrate
A whole day? Instead of celebrating?
Celo dan? Namesto da bi praznovali?
אני עברתי אולי מאה חגיגות ומסיבות בדרך לכאן
I|have passed|maybe|a hundred|celebrations|and parties|on the way|here
jaz|sem prešel|morda|sto|praznovanj|in zabav|na poti|sem
I have probably been to a hundred celebrations and parties on the way here.
Morda sem doživel sto praznovanj in zabav na poti sem sem.
פרופסור מגונגל משכה בהפה בכעס
Professor|Magongal|pulled|by the mouth|in anger
profesor|McGonagall|je potegnila|z usti|v jezi
Professor McGonagall tugged at her lip in anger.
Profesorica McGonagall je jezno potegnila z usti.
כן, כן, כולם חוגים להם ללא ספק
yes|yes|everyone|celebrates|for themselves|without|doubt
Yes, yes, everyone is definitely celebrating.
Ja, ja, vsi praznujejo brez dvoma.
היא אמרה בקוצר רוח
She|said|with impatience|spirit
Ona|je rekla|z nečim|potrpljenjem
She said impatiently.
Je rekla z nestrpnostjo.
היית מצפה שהם יהיו זהירים עדיין
you would|expect|that they|would be|careful|still
bi|pričakoval|da bodo|bili|previdni|še vedno
You would expect them to be careful still.
Pričakoval bi, da bodo previdni.
לא, אפילו עמוג לגים שמו לב שמשהו קורה
no|even|ambiguous|to the kids|they noticed|to|that something|is happening
ne|celo|neumen|ljudje|so opazili|srce|da se nekaj|dogaja
No, even the vague ones noticed that something was happening.
Ne, celo nejasni ljudje so opazili, da se nekaj dogaja.
זה היה בחדשות שלהם
it|was|in the news|their
to|je bil|v novicah|njihovih
It was in their news.
To je bilo v njihovih novicah.
היא סימנעה בראשה לכיוון חלון הסלון המוכשך של משפחת דרצלי
She|signaled|with her head|towards|window|the living room|darkened|of|the family|Darzeli
Ona|je pokazala|z glavo|v smeri|okno|dnevne sobe|temno|od|družine|Draceli
She nodded her head towards the darkened living room window of the Dursley family.
Zamahnila je z glavo proti temnemu oknu dnevne sobe družine Dracley.
שמעתי, להקות שלי הנשופים, כוכבים נופלים
I heard|bands|my|the owls|stars|falling
slišal sem|skupine|moji|sove|zvezde|padajo
I heard, my owl bands, falling stars.
Slišal sem, moje jate sove, padajoče zvezde.
נו, הם לא טיפשים גמורים
Well, they are not complete fools.
No, niso popolni neumniki.
היה ברור שהם ישימו לב למשהו
was|clear|that they|will pay|attention|to something
je bil|jasno|da bodo|opazili|pozornost|na nekaj
It was clear that they would notice something.
Bilo je jasno, da bodo opazili nekaj.
כוכבים נופלים בקנט
stars|fall|in the cant
zvezde|padajo|v Kantu
Falling stars in Kent.
Zvezde padajo v Kantu.
אני מוכנה להתערב שזה היה דדה לוס דיגל
I|am ready|to bet|that it|was|Dada|the|Digal
jaz|pripravljena|staviti|da je to|bil|Dada|Los|Digal
I am ready to bet that it was Dada Los Digal.
Pripravljena sem staviti, da je bil to Deda Luz Digl.
אף פעם לא היה לו יותר מילאי שכל
never|time|not|had|to him|more|meaningful|intelligence
He never had more than a little sense.
Nikoli ni imel več kot malo pameti.
זה לא מפתיעה במיוחד
It's not particularly surprising.
To ni posebej presenetljivo
אמר דאמבלדור בעדינות
je rekel|Dumbledore|nežno
Dumbledore said gently.
je nežno rekel Dumbledore
כבר 11 שנים כמעט
It's been almost 11 years.
že skoraj 11 let
ולא היו לנו הזדמנויות לחגוג
and not|there were|to us|opportunities|to celebrate
in nismo|imeli|nam|priložnosti|praznovati
And we haven't had opportunities to celebrate.
in nismo imeli priložnosti za praznovanje
אני יודעת, אמר פרופסור מגון הגל בעצפנות
I|know|said|Professor|Magon|the Gal|in a whisper
jaz|vem|je rekel|profesor|Magon|Hegel|v ironiji
I know, Professor McGonagall said sulkily.
vem, je z jezo rekla profesorica McGonagall
אבל זו לא סיבה לרדת מהפסים
but|this|not|reason|to get off|off the rails
ampak|to|ne|razlog|pasti|z tirnic
But that's not a reason to go off the rails.
Ampak to ni razlog, da bi izgubili nadzor.
אנשים מתנהגים בחוסר אחראיות ממש
People|behave|with lack of|responsibility|really
People are behaving very irresponsibly.
Ljudje se obnašajo izjemno neodgovorno.
יוצאים לרחובות לאור היום
We go out|to the streets|in the light|of day
gremo ven|na ulice|v svetlobi|dneva
They are going out into the streets in broad daylight.
Iščejo na ulice podnevi.
אפילו לא מתלבשים בבגדים של מוגלגים
even|not|dress|in clothes|of|muggles
celo|ne|oblačijo|v oblačilih|od|mugljevcev
They don't even dress in ragged clothes.
Niti se ne oblačijo v oblačila, ki bi jih zaščitila.
מפיצים שמועות
spread rumors|
They are spreading rumors.
Širijo govorice.
היא זרקה מבט צידי חד וחטוף לכיוונו של דאמבלדור
She|threw|glance|sideways|sharp|quick|in the direction of|of|Dumbledore
Ona|je vrgla|pogled|stranski|oster|hiter|v njegovo smer|od|Dumbledore
She threw a sharp and quick sideways glance at Dumbledore.
Zavrgla je oster in hiter stranski pogled proti Dumbledorju.
כשאמרה את המשפט הזה
when she said|the|sentence|this
ko je rekla|ta|stavek|ta
When she said that sentence.
Ko je izrekla to poved.
כאילו כיוודה שהוא יספר לה משהו
as if|he intended|that he|would tell|her|something
kot da|je pričakovala|da bo|povedal|ji|nekaj
As if she aimed for him to tell her something.
Kot da je pričakovala, da ji bo povedal nekaj.
אבל הוא לא סיפר
ampak|on|ne|je povedal
But he didn't tell.
Ampak ni ji povedal.
ולכן המשיכה ואמרה
and therefore|she continued|and said
in zato|je nadaljevala|in rekla
And so she continued and said.
Zato je nadaljevala in rekla.
יופי של דבר זה היה
lepota|od|stvar|to|je bilo
That was a beautiful thing.
To je bilo lepo
ובמקום שבו כנראה יסתלק לא סופית
and in the place|where|probably|will depart|not|permanently
in the place|where|probably|will depart|not|permanently
And in a place where he will probably not disappear completely.
In na mestu, kjer se očitno ne bo dokončno umaknil
אתה יודע מי
You know who.
Veš kdo
המוגלגים יגלו עלינו את הכל
Muggles|will discover|about us|the|everything
moglejci|bodo razkrili|o nas|vse|vse
The Muggles will find out everything about us.
Mugli nas bodo razkrili vse
אני יכולה להניח שהוא
I|can|assume|that he
jaz|lahko|predvidevam|da je on
I can assume that he.
Lahko predpostavljam, da je on
באמת יסתלק? דאמבלדור?
really|will leave|Dumbledore
resnično|bo odšel|Dumbledore
Will he really leave? Dumbledore?
Ali se bo res umaknil? Dumbledore?
בהחלט נראה שכן
It certainly seems so.
Zagotovo izgleda tako
אמר דאמבלדור
je rekel|Dumbledore
Dumbledore said.
je rekel Dumbledore
ויש על מה לסמוח
and there is|on|what|to rejoice
in je|o|kaj|veseliti se
And there is reason to rejoice.
in je razlog za veselje
אפשר להציע לך קרמבו?
can|to offer|to you|Krembo
Can I offer you a Krembo?
Lahko ti ponudim kremšnite?
קרמ... מה?
Krem... what?
Krem... kaj?
קרמבו זה מין ממתק של מוגלגים
Krembo is a type of candy for kids.
Krembo je nekakšna sladkarija iz marshmallowov
שאני די מכבב
that I|pretty|like
da|precej|imam rad
I quite like it.
ki mi je kar všeč
לא תודה
no|thank you
No thanks.
Ne hvala
אמרה פרופסור מגון הגל בקרירות
said|professor|Magon|the wave|coldly
je rekla|profesor|Magon|HaGal|hladno
Professor Magon the Gal said coldly.
je rekla profesorica Magon hladno
כאילו לא חשבה שזרקה מתאים לקרמבוים
as if|not|she thought|that she threw|suitable|for Kremboim
kot da|ne|je pomislila|da je vrgla|primeren|za Krembovce
As if she didn't think that throwing was suitable for the marshmallows.
Kot da ni pomislila, da je vrgla v kremšnite.
כפי שאמרתי, אפילו אם אתה יודע מי באמת נעלם
as|I said|even|if|you|know|who|really|disappeared
kot|sem rekel|celo|če|ti|veš|kdo|res|izginil
As I said, even if you know who really disappeared.
Kot sem rekel, celo če veš, kdo je resnično izginil.
גברתי הפרופסור
my lady|the professor
Madam Professor.
Gospa profesorica.
אישה נבונה כמותך
woman|wise|like you
ženska|modra|kot ti
A wise woman like you.
Pametna ženska, kot ste vi.
יכולה כמובן לקרוא לו בשמו
can|of course|to call|him|by his name
lahko|seveda|pokliče|njemu|po imenu
Can of course call him by his name.
Lahko ga seveda pokličete po imenu.
הטעות הזו של אתה יודע מי
the mistake|this|of|you|know|who
This mistake of you-know-who
Ta napaka, ki jo poznaš.
כבר 11 שנה שאני מנסה לשכנע את כולם
already|year|that I|try|to convince|(object marker)|everyone
For 11 years I have been trying to convince everyone
Že 11 let poskušam prepričati vse.
לקרוא לו בשמו האמיתי
to call|him|by his name|the true
klicati|njemu|po imenu|resničnemu
to call him by his real name
Da ga imenujejo z njegovim pravim imenom.
אבית עברה בפניה
Abit|passed|in front of her
Abit|passed|in front of her
Abit passed in front of her
Abit je šel mimo nje.
של הפרופסור מגון הגל
of|the professor|from Magon|the wave
od|profesor|iz Magona|Hegel
of Professor Magon the Wave
profesorja Magon Hagal
אבל נראה שדאמבלדור שהיה עסוק בניסיון
but|seems|that Dumbledore|was|busy|in the attempt
ampak|se zdi|da je Dumbledore|ki je bil|zaposlen|v poskusu
but it seems that Dumbledore, who was busy trying
Ampak zdi se, da je Dumbledore, ki je bil zaposlen s poskusom
להפריד בין שני קרמבואים שנדבקו זה לזה
to separate|between|two|kramboos|that stuck|this|to each other
ločiti|med|dva|karambole|ki so se lepljali|to|drugemu
to separate two caramel candies that were stuck to each other
ločiti dva karamba, ki sta se držala skupaj
לא שם לב
did not notice
ni opazil
זה תמיד נעשה כל כך מבלבל
to|vedno|se zgodi|vse|tako|zmedeno
it always gets so confusing
Vedno je tako zmedeno
כשאומרים אתה יודע מי
when they say|you|know|who
ko rečejo|ti|veš|kdo
When they say you know who
Ko rečejo, veš kdo
אף פעם לא ראיתי סיבה לפחד
never|time|not|I saw|reason|to be afraid
nikoli|enkrat|ne|sem videl|razlog|za strah
I never saw a reason to be afraid
Nikoli nisem videla razloga za strah
לומר את שמו של וולדמורד
to say|the|his name|of|Voldemort
reči|(neprevodna beseda)|ime|od|Voldemort
to say the name of Voldemort
izgovoriti njegovo ime, Voldemorta
אני מודעת לזה
I|am aware|of this
I am aware of that
Zavedam se tega
אמרה פרופסור מגון הגל
said|professor|from Magon|the wave
je rekla|profesor|Magon|HaGal
Professor McGonagall said
je rekla profesorica McGonagall
ספק פתיישת, ספק מתפעלת
doubt|you will open||you will be surprised
Supplier of the punch, supplier of the operator
Dobavitelj je odprt, dobavitelj je navdušen
אבל אצלך זה סיפור אחר
but|with you|this|story|different
ampak|pri tebi|to|zgodba|drugačen
But with you, it's a different story
Ampak pri tebi je to druga zgodba
כולם יודעים שאתה היחידי שממנו אתה יודע
everyone|knows|that you|the only one||you|know
vsi|vedo|da si|edini||ti|veš
Everyone knows you are the only one from whom you know
Vsi vedo, da si edini, od katerega veš
טוב נו וולדמורד היה מפחד
Well, Voldemort would be afraid
No, Voldemort bi se bal
את מחמיאה לי
you|complimenting|to me
You are flattering me
Hvališ me
אמר דאמבלדור בכל שלב
said|Dumbledore|at every|stage
je rekel|Dumbledore|v vsakem|koraku
Dumbledore said at every stage
je rekel Dumbledore v vsakem koraku
לוולדמורד היו כוחות שלי
Voldemort|had|powers|of mine
Voldemort|je imel|moči|moje
If Voldemort had my powers
če bi Voldemort imel moje moči
לא יהיו אף פעם
not|will be|ever|time
There would never be any
nikoli ne bi bilo
רק בגלל שאתה יותר מדי
samo|zaradi|da si|preveč|preveč
Just because you are too much
samo zato, ker si preveč
נו, הגון
Well, decent
no, pošten
מכדי לנצל אותם
in order to|exploit|them
da bi|izkoristil|jih
In order to take advantage of them
Da bi jih izkoristil
נזל שחשוך לא סמקתי כל כך
Nazal|that it was dark|not|I blushed|so|much
Nizal|da je temno|ne|sem pordečil|tako|zelo
I didn't blush so much since it was dark
Nisem se tako rdečil, ker je bilo temno
מאז שגברת פומפרי אמרה לי
since|that Mrs|Pumpery|told|me
odkar|da gospa|Pomprey|je rekla|mi
Since Mrs. Pomfrey told me
Odkar mi je gospa Pomfrey rekla
שהיא אוהבת את מחממי האוזניים החדשים שלי
that she|loves|the|ear warmers|ears|new|my
da ona|ljubi|(neprevodna beseda)|grelci|ušesa|novi|moji
that she likes my new ear warmers
da ima rada moje nove ušesne grelce
פרופסור מגון הגל העיף המבט חד
Professor|Magon|the wave|lifted|the gaze|sharp
Professor McGonagall shot a sharp glance
Profesor McGonagall je z ostrim pogledom preletel val
לעבר דאמבלדור ואמרה
towards|Dumbledore|and she said
proti|Dumbledore|in je rekla
Towards Dumbledore and said
K Dumbledoreju in je rekla
אין שופים זה עוד כלום
there are no|judges|this|yet|nothing
This is nothing yet
to ni še nič
לעומת השמועות שמתעופפות להן
compared to|the rumors|that fly around|for them
v primerjavi s|govorice|ki letijo|jim
Compared to the rumors that are flying around
v primerjavi z govoricami, ki krožijo
אתה יודע מה כולם אומרים?
Do you know what everyone is saying?
Veš, kaj vsi pravijo?
על הסיבה להיעלמות שלו ומה עצר אותו בסוף?
about|the reason|for disappearance|his|and what|stopped|him|in the end
o|razlogu|za izginotje|njegove|in kaj|ustavil|njega|na koncu
About the reason for his disappearance and what stopped him in the end?
O razlogu za njegovo izginotje in kaj ga je na koncu ustavilo?
נראה היה כאילו בזאת
seemed|was|as if|by this
se je zdelo|bilo|kot da|s tem
It seemed as if this was it.
Zdi se, da je s tem
הגיע פרופסור מגון הגל
arrived|professor|from Magon|the Gal
je prišel|profesor|z Magona|Hagal
Professor Magon the Wave had arrived.
prispel profesor Magon Gal
והיא יודעת שהעניינה אותה יותר מכל
and she|knows|that interested her|her|more|than anything
in ona|ve zna|da jo zanima|ona|bolj|od vseh
And she knows that it mattered to her more than anything.
in ona ve, da jo je to bolj kot karkoli drugega
הסיבה האמיתית שבגללה
the reason|real|that
The real reason why.
pravi razlog, zakaj
המתין היום שלם על החומה הקרה והקשה
waited|today|whole|on|the wall|cold|and hard
je čakal|danes|cel|na|zidu|hladnem|in trdem
He waited all day on the cold, hard wall.
je danes Shalem čakal na hladnem in trdem zidu
היא תקעה בו את המבט
She|fixed|in him|the|
Ona|je zabila|vanj|(neprevodna beseda)|pogled
She fixed him with a gaze
Zabodla mu je pogled
הכי נוקב מכל המבטים שתקעה בו
the most|piercing|of all|the glances|she shot|at him
najbolj|prodoren|od vseh|pogledov|ki so mu zabila|vanj
the most piercing of all the gazes she fixed on him
najbolj prodoren od vseh pogledov, ki jih je vanj zabodla
עד לאותו רגע
up until that moment
do tistega trenutka
בין אם בתור חתולה ובין אם בתור אישה
whether|if|as|cat|and whether|if|as|woman
whether as a cat or as a woman
bodisi kot mačka bodisi kot ženska
היה ברור שלא לא קשר למה שכולם אומרים
was|clear|that not|not|connection|to what|that everyone|says
je|jasno|da ne|ni|povezava|zakaj|kar vsi|pravijo
it was clear that it had nothing to do with what everyone was saying
je bilo jasno, da to nima zveze s tem, kar vsi pravijo
היא לא תאמין לסיפור
She|not|will believe|to the story
Ona|ne|bo verjela|zgodbi
She won't believe the story
Ne bo verjela zgodbi
לפני שתשמע מפיו של דאמבלדור
before|you hear|from his mouth|of|Dumbledore
preden|da slišiš|iz njegovih ust|od|
before she hears it from Dumbledore's mouth
preden jo sliši iz Dumbledorovih ust
שזו האמת
that this|is the truth
da je|resnica
that this is the truth
da je to resnica
אבל דאמבלדור היה עסוק בלבחור לעצמו קרמבו נוסף
but|Dumbledore|was|busy|in choosing|for himself|cream puff|another
ampak|Dumbledore|je|zaposlen|z izbiro|sebi|kremšnita|dodatni
but Dumbledore was busy choosing another marshmallow for himself
Ampak Dumbledore je bil zaposlen z izbiro še enega kremšnite
ולא ענה
and not|answered
in ni|odgovoril
and did not respond
in ni odgovoril
מה שהם אומרים
What they are saying
Kaj pravijo
אתה יודע מה זה?
Do you know what that is?
Veš, kaj je to?
זה שאתמול בלילה וולדמורד הופיע במחתש גודריק
this|that yesterday|at night|Voldemort|appeared|in the valley|Godric
to|da|ponoči|Voldemort|se je pojavil|v kraterju|Godrick
It's that last night Voldemort appeared in Godric's Hollow
Da je včeraj zvečer Voldemort prišel v Godrikov kotel
הוא הלך לשם כדי למצוא את הפוטרים
He|walked|there|in order to|to find|the|
On|je šel|tja|da|najde|(neprevodna beseda)|pottrebi
He went there to find the Potters
Šel je tja, da bi našel Potterje
השמועה אומרת
the rumor|says
The rumor says
Govori se
שלילי וג'יימס פוטר
negative|and James|Potter
negativni|in James|Potter
Negative and James Potter
Negativno in James Potter
הם... שהם...
oni|da so
They... they...
Oni... oni...
they died
so umrli
so umrli
דאמבלדור הקין את ראשו
Dumbledore|je prikimal|svoj|glavo
Dumbledore shook his head
Dumbledore je prikimal z glavo
פרופסור מגון הגל הזדעזע
Professor|Magon|the wave|was shocked
profesor|Magon|Hagal|je bil šokiran
Professor McGonagall was shocked
Profesor McGonagall je bila šokirana
לילי וג'יימס?
Lily|and James
Lily|and James
Lily and James?
Lili in James?
אני לא מאמינה, אני לא רציתי להאמין
I|not|believe|||wanted|to believe
jaz|ne|verjamem|||sem hotela|verjeti
I can't believe it, I didn't want to believe it
Ne morem verjeti, nočem verjeti
אוי אלבוס
Oh Albus
O, Albus
דאמבלדור ראשית יד וטפח על כתפה
Dumbledore|first|hand|and patted|on|her shoulder
Dumbledore|najprej|roka|in plosknil|na|ramo
Dumbledore gently patted her shoulder
Dumbledore ji je najprej prijel za roko in jo pobožal po rami
אני יודע
I know
אני יודע
I know
אמר בכבדות
je rekel|počasi
He said heavily
je rekel težko
הקולה של פרופסור מגון הגל רעד
The voice|of|Professor|Magon|the wave|trembled
glas|od|profesor|Magon|val|je zvenel
Professor Magon the Gale's voice trembled
glas profesorja Magona se je tresel
when the attraction
ko je nadaljevala
As she continued
ko je nadaljeval
וזה עוד לא הכל
and this|yet|not|everything
in to|še|ne|vse
And that's not all
in to še ni vse
הם אומרים שהוא ניסה להרוג את הבן של הפוטרים
They|say|that he|tried|to kill|the||of|the shooters
Oni|pravijo|da je on|poskušal|ubiti|(neprevodna beseda)|sina|od|pijančev
They say he tried to kill the son of the Potters.
Pravijo, da je poskušal ubiti sina Potterjevih.
the mountains
After all,
אבל הוא לא הצליח
he didn't succeed.
ni mu uspelo.
וולדמורד לא הצליח
Voldemort didn't succeed
Voldemortu ni uspelo.
להרוג את הילד הקטנטן הזה
to kill|(object marker)|the child|tiny|this
ubiti|(neprevodna beseda)|dečka|majhnega|tega
in killing that little boy.
Ubijati tega majhnega otroka.
אף אחד לא יודע למה או איך
No one knows why or how
Nihče ne ve zakaj ali kako
אבל הם אומרים שכשהוא לא הצליח
but|they|say|that when he|not|succeeded
ampak|oni|pravijo|da ko on|ne|uspel
but they say that when he failed
Ampak pravijo, da ko mu ni uspelo
להרוג את הרי פוטר
to kill|the|Harry|Potter
ubiti|(neprevodna beseda)|Harry|Potter
to kill Harry Potter
ubiti Harryja Potterja
כוחות הכסם שלו נשברו איכשהו
powers||his|were broken|somehow
moči|čarovnije|njegove|so se zlomile|nekako
his magical powers somehow broke
so se njegovi čarovniški moči nekako zlomile
ולכן הוא נעלם
and therefore|he|disappeared
in zato|on|je izginil
and that's why he disappeared
in zato je izginil
דאמבלדור הנהן בעצב
Dumbledore|prikimal|s žalostjo
Dumbledore nodded sadly.
Dumbledore je žalostno prikimal.
זה... זה נכון?
Is... is that true?
To... to je res?
דמגמה פרופסור מגון הגל
Professor McGonagall said.
Damega profesor Magonagal.
אחרי כל מה שהוא עשה
po|vsa|kar|kar je|naredil
After everything he did,
Po vsem, kar je storil.
כל האנשים שהרג הוא לא צליח
all|the people|that he killed|he|not|succeeded
vse|ljudje|ki jih je ubil|on|ne|uspel
all the people he killed, he didn't succeed.
Vse ljudi, ki jih je ubil, ni uspel.
להרוג ילד קטן?
to kill|child|small
To kill a little child?
Ubiti majhnega otroka?
זה פשוט מדהים
It's simply amazing
To je preprosto neverjetno
לחשוב שמכל הדברים זה מה שעצר אותו
to think||things|this|what|stopped|him
To think that out of all things, this is what stopped him
Misliti, da je to, kar ga je ustavilo, izmed vseh stvari
אבל איך בשם שמיים
but|how|in the name of|heavens
ampak|kako|v imenu|
But how in God's name
Ampak kako, v imenu nebes,
הצליח הרי להחזיק מעמד?
succeeded|after all|to hold|out
did he manage to hold on?
je uspel vzdržati?
אפשר רק לנחש
it is possible|only|to guess
We can only guess
Lahko samo ugibamo
אמר דאמבלדור
je rekel|Dumbledore
Dumbledore said
je rekel Dumbledore
אולי אף פעם לא נדע
maybe|ever|time|not|we will know
morda|nikoli|enkrat|ne|bomo vedeli
Maybe we'll never know
Morda nikoli ne bomo vedeli
הפרופסור מגון הגל
the professor|Magon|Hegel
Professor McGonagall
profesor McGonagall
שלפה מטפחת אחריו
She pulled out|a handkerchief|behind him
potegnila|robec|za seboj
pulled out a handkerchief behind him
je potegnila robec za seboj
והחלה למחות את הדמעות מתחת למשקפיה
and she began|to wipe|the||from under|her glasses
in začela|brisati|(neprevodna beseda)|solze|pod|njenimi očali
And she began to wipe the tears from under her glasses.
In začela je brisati solze pod svojimi očali
דאמבלדור משך משיכה ארוכה
Dumbledore took a long breath.
Dumbledore je potegnil dolg vzdih
באפו, הוציא מתוך כיסו
in his nose|he took out|from within|his pocket
v njegovem nosu|je vzel|iz|njegovega žepa
In his nose, he pulled out from his pocket.
iz nosu, vzel iz svojega žepa
שעון מוזהב ובחן אותו
watch|gold-plated|and examined|it
ura|zlat|in je pregledal|njega
A golden watch and examined it.
zlato uro in jo pregledal
זה היה שעון מוזר ביותר
It was a very strange watch.
To je bila zelo čudna ura
היו לו 12 מחוגים
had|to him|hands
He had 12 dials
Imel je 12 kazalcev
אבל לא היו עליו מספרים
but|not|were|on it|numbers
ampak|ne|so|na njem|številke
But there were no numbers on them
Ampak ni imel številk
במקום זה כוכבי לכת קטנים
in this place|this|planets|small|small
na mestu|to|zvezde|planeti|majhni
Instead, small planets
Namesto tega so bili majhni planeti
חגו בתוכו
his holiday|within him
praznik|v njem
Orbiting inside it
ki so krožili okoli njega
אולם דאמבלדור כנראה בכל זאת הצליח לקרוא אותו
but|Dumbledore|probably|at all||succeeded|to read|him
However, Dumbledore apparently managed to read it after all
Vendar je Dumbledore očitno vseeno uspel prebrati to
כי הוא השיב את השעון לכיסו ואמר
because|he|returned|the||to his pocket|and said
ker|je|vrnil|(neprevodna beseda)||v svoj žep|in je rekel
Because he put the watch back in his pocket and said
Kajti je vrnil uro v žep in rekel
הגריד מאחר
the grid|is late
The grid is late
Grid zamudi
אני מניח שהוא זה שאמר לך שאני נמצא כאן, נכון?
I|assume|that he|the one|who told|you|that I|am|here|right
jaz|domnevam|da je on|tisti||ti|da sem|prisoten|tukaj|prav
I assume he is the one who told you I am here, right?
Predvidevam, da je on tisti, ki ti je rekel, da sem tukaj, kajne?
אמר הפרופסור מגון הגל
said|the professor|from Magon|the wave
je rekel|profesor|iz Magona|Hegel
Said Professor Magon the Gale
je rekel profesor Magon Gal
ואני מניחה שאתה לא מתכוון לספר לי
and I|assume|that you|not|intend|to tell|me
in jaz|domnevam|da ti|ne|nameravaš|povedati|meni
And I assume you don't intend to tell me
In predvidevam, da mi ne nameravaš povedati
למה באת לכאן מכל המקומות
why|you came|here|from all|places
zakaj|si prišel|sem|iz vseh|krajev
why you came here of all places
zakaj si prišel sem iz vseh mest
באתי להביא את הרי
I came|to bring|the|mountains
prišel sem|prinesti|(neprevodna beseda)|hribi
I came to bring Harry
Prišel sem, da prinesem Heryja
לבית דודיו, הם קרובי המשפחה
to the house|of his uncles|they|close|family
v hišo|strici|oni|bližnji|družina
to his uncles' house, they are the only relatives
k njegovim stricem, so edini sorodniki
היחידים שנותרו לו
the only ones|that remained|to him
edini|ki so ostali|njemu
he has left.
ki so mu ostali
אתה לא מדבר...
You are not talking...
Ne govoriš...
לא יכול להיות שאתה מדבר על האנשים שגרים כאן
not|can|be|that you|are talking|about|the people|who live|here
ne|more|biti|da ti|govoriš|o|ljudje|ki živijo|tukaj
It can't be that you are talking about the people who live here
Ne more biti, da govoriš o ljudeh, ki tukaj živijo
קרא הפרופסור מגון הגל
The professor read|the professor|from the book|Hegel
je prebral|profesor|iz knjige|Hegela
Professor Magon is reading
Profesor je prebral Magonov val
מזנקת על רגליה
jumps|on|her feet
Jumping to her feet
Skoči na noge
ומורה על בית מספר 4
and indicates|on|house|number
in učitelj|na|hiša|številka
And pointing to house number 4
In pokaže na hišo številka 4
דאמבלדור אל תעשה את זה! צפיתי עליהם כל היום
Dumbledore|not|do|this|it|I watched|them|all|day
Dumbledore|ne|naredi|to|to|sem gledal|nanje|ves|dan
Dumbledore, don't do this! I've been watching them all day.
Dumbledore, ne delaj tega! Opazoval sem jih ves dan.
אי אפשר למצוא שני אנשים יותר שונים מאיתנו
it|is possible|to find|two|people|more|different|than us
ni|mogoče|najti|dva|ljudje|bolj|različni|od naju
You can't find two people more different than us.
Nemogoče je najti dva človeka, ki sta si bolj različna od naju.
ויש להם כזה מין ילד
and there is|to them|such|kind|child
in imajo|njim|tak|vrsta|otrok
And they have this kind of kid.
In imata takega otroka.
ראיתי אותו מכניס ביתות לאימא שלו
I saw|him|putting|bets|to his mom|his
sem videl|njega|vnaša|ključe|mami|njegove
I saw him putting kicks into his mom.
Videla sem ga, kako je vnašal gole v svojo mamo.
מקצה הרחוב ועד לכאן
from the end|of the street|up to|here
od roba|ulice|do|sem
From the end of the street to here.
Od konca ulice do sem.
וצורח שתקנה לו מבטקים
and screaming|that you buy|for him|notebooks
in kriči||njemu|očala
And he screams that you should buy him a house.
in kriči, naj mu kupi vstopnice
שהרי פוטר יעבור לגור כאן?
since|Poter|will move|to live|here
saj|Poter|bo preselil|živeti|tukaj
After all, will the exemption move here?
saj bo Poter lahko tukaj živel?
זה המקום הכי טוב בשבילו
this|place|most|good|for him
This is the best place for him.
To je najboljše mesto zanj
אמר דאמבלדור בנחישות
je rekel|Dumbledore|odločno
Dumbledore said firmly.
je odločilno dejal Dumbledore
דודתו ודודו יוכלו להסביר לו הכל כשהגדל
his aunt|and his uncle|will be able|to explain|to him|everything|when he grows up
njegova teta|in njegov stric|bosta lahko|razložila|njemu|vse|ko odraste
His aunt and uncle will be able to explain everything to him when he grows up.
njegova teta in stric mu bosta lahko vse razložila, ko odraste
כתבתי להם מכתב
I wrote|to them|a letter
sem napisal|jim|pismo
I wrote them a letter
Napisal sem jim pismo
A letter?
חזרה פרופסור מגון הגל
return|professor|from Magon|the wave
se je vrnil|profesor|iz Magona|val
Professor McGonagall returned
Vrni se, profesor McGonagall
בקול חלוש והתיישבה שוב על החומה
in a voice|weak|and she sat down|again|on|the wall
z glasom|šibkim|in se je ponovno usedla|ponovno|na|zidu
in a weak voice and sat down again on the wall
Z rahlim glasom se je spet usedla na zid
נו באמת דאמבלדור
come on|really|Dumbledore
Come on, Dumbledore
No, resno, Dumbledore
אתה חושב שאת כל זה אפשר להסביר במכתב?
You|think|that you|all|this|possible|to explain|in a letter
ti|misliš|da|vse|to|mogoče|razložiti|v pismu
Do you think all of this can be explained in a letter?
Misliš, da je vse to mogoče razložiti v pismu?
האנשים האלה לעולם לא יצליחו להבין אותו
The people|these|ever|not|will succeed|to understand|him
ljudje|ti|nikoli|ne|bodo uspeli|razumeti|njega
These people will never be able to understand him.
Ti ljudje nikoli ne bodo uspeli razumeti njega
הוא היה מפורסם
He was famous.
Bil je slaven
A legend.
אני לא הופתע אם היום הזה יוכר בעתיד
I|not|will be surprised|if|day|this|will be recognized|in the future
jaz|ne|presenečen|če|dan|ta|bo priznan|v prihodnosti
I wouldn't be surprised if this day is recognized in the future.
Ne bi me presenetilo, če bo ta dan priznan v prihodnosti
בתור יומו של הרי פוטר
On the day of Harry Potter
Kot dan Harryja Potterja
יכתבו על הרי ספרים
they will write|on|mountains|books
bodo pisali|o|gorah|knjigah
Books will be written about Harry
bodo pisali o Harryju knjige
כל ילד בעולם שלנו ידע את שמו
every|child|in the world|our|will know|the|his name
vsak|otrok|v svetu|našem|bo vedel|svoj|ime
Every child in our world will know his name
vsak otrok v našem svetu bo poznal njegovo ime
אמר דאמבלדור
je rekel|Dumbledore
Dumbledore said
je rekel Dumbledore
ושלח אליה מבט רציני מעל למשקפי החרמי שלו
and sent|her|glance|serious|over|the glasses|his dark|own
in je poslal|njo|pogled|resen|nad|očali|sončna|njegova
And he sent her a serious look over his horn-rimmed glasses.
In ji poslal resen pogled čez svoje sončne očala.
דבר כזה יכול לעלות לראש של ילד קטן
thing|like this|can|to rise|to the head|of|child|small
stvar|tak|lahko|pride|v glavo|od|otrok|majhen
Such a thing can go to a small child's head.
Takšna stvar lahko pride v glavo majhnemu otroku.
להיות מפורסם עוד לפני שהוא יודע
to be|famous|yet|before|he|knows
biti|slaven|še|preden|da on|ve
To be famous before he even knows.
Biti znan še preden ve,
ללכת או לדבר
to walk|or|to talk
How to walk or talk.
kako hoditi ali govoriti.
מפורסם בגלל אירוע שהוא אפילו לא זוכר
famous|because of|event|that he|even|not|remembers
Famous because of an event he doesn't even remember.
Znana zaradi dogodka, ki se ga niti ne spomni.
את לא רואה שהרבה יותר טוב יהיה בשבילו להיות מבודד מכל זה?
You|not|see||more|good|will be|for him|to be|isolated|from all|this
ti|ne|vidi||bolj|dobro|bo|zanj|biti|izoliran|od vsega|tega
Don't you see that it would be much better for him to be isolated from all this?
Ali ne vidiš, da bi bilo zanj veliko bolje, da je izoliran od vsega tega?
עד שיגדל
until|he grows up
dokler|ne bo odrasel
Until he grows up
Dokler ne odraste
ויהיה מסוגל להתמודד עם הכל
and will be|able|to cope|with|everything
in bo|sposoben|spoprijeti se|z|vsem
And is able to cope with everything
in ne bo sposoben spoprijeti se z vsem
פרופסור מגונגל
Professor McGonagall
Profesor McGonagall
בטחה את פיה
she trusted|her|mouth
Surely you understand this
Zagotovo je zaprla usta
si tekmovala
je pogoltnila
ואז אמרה
and then|she said
potem|je rekla
and then said
in potem rekla
כן, כן אתה צודק כמובן
yes||you|are right|of course
da||ti|imaš prav|seveda
yes, yes you are right of course
da, da, seveda imaš prav
אבל איך הילד יגיע לכאן דאמבלדור?
but|how|the child|will arrive|here|Dumbledore
but how will the boy get here Dumbledore?
ampak kako bo otrok prišel sem, Dumbledore?
היא בכנה את גליומתו פתאום
She|in her behavior|the|his revelation|suddenly
Ona|v resnici|njegov|razodetja|nenadoma
She suddenly reveals her glory.
Nenadoma ga je izpostavila.
כאילו חשבה שאולי הוא מסתיר את הרי בתוכה
as if|thought|that maybe|he|hides|the|pregnancy|within her
kot da|je mislila|da bi morda|on|skriva|(neprevodna beseda)|nosečnost|v sebi
As if she thought maybe he is hiding the mountains within her.
Kot da je pomislila, da morda skriva gore v sebi.
הגרין מביא אותו
the green|brings|him
The green brings him.
Green ga prinaša.
אתה חושב שזה בטוח
Do you think it's safe?
Misliš, da je to varno?
להפקיד בידיו של הגרין
to deposit|in the hands of|of|the green
položiti|v njegove roke|od|Green
To entrust him to the green.
Zaupati ga Greenovim rokam.
משימה חשובה כל כך?
Such an important mission?
Tako pomembna naloga?
אני הייתי מפקיד
I|was|would deposit
I would entrust
Jaz bi zaupal
בידי הגרין את חיי
in my hands|the green|(object marker)|my life
v rokah|Green|moje|življenje
my life to Green
svoje življenje Grinu
אמר דאמבלדור
je rekel|Dumbledore
Dumbledore said
je rekel Dumbledore
לא שאני מנסה להגיד שאין לו כוונות טובות
not|that I|am trying|to say|that there are not|to him|intentions|good
ne|da|poskušam|reči|da nima|njemu|nameni|dobri
Not that I'm trying to say he doesn't have good intentions.
Ne da bi želel reči, da nima dobrih namenov
אמרה פרופסור מגונגל באי חשק
said|professor|McGonagall|with a|lack of enthusiasm
je rekla|profesor|McGonagall|v|volja
Professor Magongal said with reluctance
je rekla profesorica Magongal brez volje
אבל אי אפשר להעמיד פנים
but|it|possible|to pretend|faces
But you can't pretend
ampak ni mogoče delati, kot da
שהוא לא חסר אחריות
that he|not|lacks|responsibility
da je|ne|pomanjkljiv|odgovornosti
that he is not irresponsible
ni brez odgovornosti
הרי יש לו נטייה למה זה?
after all|has|to him|tendency|to why|this
After all, he has a tendency for what?
saj ima nagnjenje k temu?
רעש של טרטור עמום
The sound of a dull rumble
hrup tleskanja
הפרת אדמומה סביבם
the river|reddish|around them
prekinjanje|rdečica|okoli njih
A reddish violation around them
Rdeča pregrada okoli njih
הרעש הלך וגבר בזמן שהשניים
the noise|went|and increased|as|the two
hrup|je šel|in naraščal|medtem ko|sta bila dva
The noise grew louder as the two
Hrup je naraščal, medtem ko sta se dva
הביטו ימינה ושמאלה
look|to the right|and to the left
poglejte|desno|in levo
Looked right and left
gledala desno in levo
וחיפשו את הרכב הקרב
And they searched|the|vehicle|combat
In so iskali|(neprev)|vozilo|boja
And searched for the combat vehicle
in iskala bojno vozilo
הרעש גאה עד לשעגה
the noise|rose|to|a roar
hrup|ponosno|do|v krik
The noise swelled to a roar
Hrup je dosegel do oglašanja
כשהם הרימו את מבטיו השמיים
when they|raised|the|gaze|the sky
ko so|dvignili|(neprevodna beseda)|pogled|nebo
When they lifted their gaze to the sky
Ko so dvignili pogled proti nebu
והופנוע אדיר ממדים
and the motorcycle|massive|dimensions
in motorno kolo|ogromno|dimenzije
and a giant motorcycle
in ogromen motocikel
צנח מהאוויר ונחת על הכביש לרגליהם
fell|from the sky|and landed|on|the road|at their feet
je padel|iz zraka|in pristal|na|cesto|pred njihovimi nogami
plummeted from the air and landed on the road at their feet
je padel iz zraka in pristal na cesti pred njimi
ואם ההופנוע נראה ענקי
and if|the motorcycle|looks|huge
in če|motorno kolo|izgleda|ogromno
and if the motorcycle looked huge
in če se je motocikel zdel ogromen
זה עוד כלום
that's nothing yet
to še ni nič
לעומת האדם שרחב עליו
compared to|the person|who drove|on it
v primerjavi z|človek|ki je vozil|nad njim
Compared to the person he was broad on
v primerjavi z človekom, ki je bil širok zanj
הוא היה גבוה כמעט
he was almost tall
bil je skoraj visok
כפליים מאדם רגיל
twice|than a person|normal
dvakrat|od običajnega|človeka
twice as much as an average person
dvakrat več kot običajen človek
ורחב לפחות פי חמישה
and wide|at least|times|five
in širok|vsaj|krat|pet
and at least five times as wide
in širok vsaj petkrat
הוא פשוט נראה יותר מדי גדול
he simply looked too big
preprosto je izgledal prevelik
וכל כך פרוע
And so wild
In tako divje
וכך ארוך של שיער וזקן שחור
and so|long|of|hair|and beard|black
in tako|dolg|z|lasje|brada|črn
And so long of hair and black beard
in tako dolgi lasje in črna brada
הסתיר את מרבית פניו
hid|the|most|of his face
je skril|(neprevodna beseda)|večino|njegovega obraza
He hid most of his face
so skrili večino njegovega obraza
היו לו כפות ידיים בגודל של מחוותות
had|to him|palms|hands|the size of|of|shovels
so|to him|palms|hands|in size|of|shovels
He had hands the size of shovels
Imel je dlani velikosti lopat
ורגליו במגפי האור שלהם
and his feet|in the boots|light|their
in njegovi nogi|v čevljih|svetlobe|njihovih
And his legs in their light boots
in noge v njihovih svetlobnih čevljih
נראו כמו דולפינים קטנים
so videti|kot|delfini|majhni
They looked like small dolphins.
Izgledali so kot majhni delfini
בעזרותיו העצומות והשריריות
with his tremendous and muscular help||
z njegovimi pomočmi|ogromnimi|in mišičastimi
With his enormous and muscular arms.
s svojimi ogromnimi in mišičastimi rokami
הוא החזיק חבילה של סמיכות
On|je držal|paket|od|odej
He held a bundle of blankets.
je držal paket odej
the grid
The grid.
אמר דמבלדור בהנחת רווחה
said|Dumbledore|with a sense of|relief
je rekel|Dumbledore|z|olajšanjem
Dumbledore said with a sigh of relief.
je rekel Dumbledore z olajšanjem
סוף סוף
ואיפה השגת את ההופנוע הזה?
and where|did you get|the|motorcycle|this
in kje|si dobil|ta|motor|ta
And where did you get this motorcycle?
In kje si dobil to motorno kolo?
אני בהשאלה לקחתי אותו
I|in borrowing|took|him
jaz|v najemu|sem vzel|njega
I borrowed it
Vzel sem ga v najem
אדוני פרופסור דמבלדור כבודו
my lord|Professor|Dumbledore|your honor
gospod|profesor|Dumbledore|vaša čast
Sir Professor Dumbledore, your honor
Gospod profesor Dumbledore, vaša čast
אמר הענק וטיפס בזהירות
said|the giant|and climbed|carefully
je rekel|velikan|in se je povzpel|previdno
said the giant and climbed carefully
je rekel velikan in previdno splezal
אל הקרקע בזמן שדיבר
to|the ground|while|he was talking
na|tla|medtem ko|je govoril
To the ground while he spoke
Na tla, ko je govoril
זה סירוס בלק הצעיר
this|castration|Black|the young
This is the castration of the young black
To je kastracija mladega črnega konja
הוא נתן לי בהשאלה אותו
He|gave|to me|on loan|it
On|je dal|mi|v posojilo|njega
He lent it to me
Posodil mi ga je
עכשיו הוא אצלי כבודו
now|he|with me|your honor
zdaj|je|pri meni|njegova čast
Now he is with me, your honor
Zdaj je pri meni, vaša čast
לא היו שום בעיות אני מקווה?
ne|so bili|nobene|težave|jaz|upam
There were no problems, I hope?
Upam, da ni bilo nobenih težav?
לא כבודו הבית הוא נרס כמעט לגמרי
not|your honor|the house|it|destroyed|almost|completely
ne|njegova čast|hiša|je|uničena|skoraj|popolnoma
His honor, the house is almost completely destroyed.
Ni čast, hiša je skoraj popolnoma uničena
אבל אני הצלחתי לחלץ אותו
but|I|succeeded|to rescue|him
ampak|jaz|sem uspel|rešiti|njega
But I managed to rescue him.
Ampak uspelo mi je, da sem ga rešila
לפני שהמוגלגים הם התחילו
before|the Mongols|they|started
pred|da so mugli|oni|začeli
Before the Muggles started.
Preden so mugli začeli
למלא את המקום
to fill|the|place
napolniti|določni člen|prostor
To fill the place.
Polniti prostor
הוא נרדם בזמן שהיינו תסים שם
He|fell asleep|while|we were|flying|there
On|je zaspal|medtem ko|ko smo bili|na poti|tja
He fell asleep while we were flying there.
Zaspal je, medtem ko smo bili tam
מעל בריסטול
above|bristol board
Above the Bristol
Nad bristolom
דמבלדור והפרופסור מגונגל
Dumbledore|and Professor|McGonagall
Dumbledore|in profesor|McGonagall
Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall
Dumbledore in profesor McGonagall
גארו מעל חבילת הסמיכות
remove|from above|package|the proximity
Garu above the blanket package
Garu nad paketom odej
בתוכה ניתן היה להבחין בקושי
within her|could|be|to notice|with difficulty
v njej|mogoče|je|opaziti|s težavo
Inside it, one could barely notice
V njej je bilo mogoče opaziti težave
בפעות הישן שנת ישרים
in the sideburns|the old|year|of the righteous
v prehodih|stare|leto|pravičnih
the old effects of the straight years
V starem učinku, ki je bil pravilen
מבאת לפלומת השיער
you brought||of hair
si prinesla||las
You came to the tuft of hair
prinesla je v plamen las
השחורה כלילה שכיסתה את מצחו
the black|Kallila|that covered|the|forehead
črna|čelada|ki je pokrila|(neprevodna beseda)|čelo
the black one that covered his forehead
črne kot noč, ki je pokrivala njegovo čelo
הם יכלו להבחין בחתך
They|could|to notice|in the cut
Oni|so mogli|opaziti|v rezu
They could notice a cut
lahko so opazili rez
בעל צורה משונה
in a strange shape
s čudno obliko
משוננת כמו ברק
jagged like lightning
zobato kot strela
שם הוא?
Where is he?
Kje je?
לחשע פרופסור מגונגל
to the professor|professor|from Magongal
לחשע|profesor|iz Magongla
Professor McGonagall said.
Rekel je profesor McGonagall
כן, אמר דמבלדור
da|je rekel|Dumbledore
Yes, Dumbledore said.
Da, je rekel Dumbledore
הצלקת הזאת יישאר לו לנצח
the scar|this|will remain|to him|forever
brazgotina|ta|bo ostala|njemu|za vedno
That scar will stay with him forever.
Ta brazgotina mu bo ostala za vedno
אתה לא יכול לטפל בזה
You|not|can|to handle|this
ti|ne|moreš|obvladati|s tem
You can't deal with that.
Ne moreš se s tem ukvarjati
איכשהו דמבלדור?
Somehow Dumbledore?
Kako nekako Dumbledore?
אפילו יכולתי, לא הייתי עושה זאת
even|I could|not|I would|do|that
celo|bi mogel|ne|bi|naredil|tega
Even if I could, I wouldn't do it.
Tudi če bi lahko, tega ne bi storil.
צלקות יכולות להיות דבר שימושי ביותר
Scars can be a very useful thing.
Brazgotine so lahko zelo uporabne.
לי עצמי יש צלקת מעל ברך שמאל
to me|myself|has|scar|above|knee|left
I myself have a scar above my left knee.
Sam imam brazgotino nad levim kolenom.
בצורת מפה מדויקת של הרכבת התחתית של לונדון
in the form of|map|accurate|of|the train|underground|of|London
v obliki|zemljevid|natančna|o|vlak|podzemna|o|London
In the shape of an exact map of the London Underground.
V obliki natančne karte londonskega podzemlja.
נו טוב, עבר אותו אליי, אגריד
well|okay|passed|him|to me|Hagrid
no|dobro|je prenesel|njega|k meni|Hagrid
Well, pass him to me, Hagrid.
No dobro, prenesi ga k meni, Hagrid.
הגיע הזמן לגמור כאן
it has arrived|time|to finish|here
je prišel|čas|končati|tukaj
It's time to finish this here.
Prišel je čas, da to končamo.
דמבלדור אסף את הרי לזרועותיו
Dumbledore|gathered|the|Harry|into his arms
Dumbledore|ujel|(neprevodna beseda)|Harry|v svoje roke
Dumbledore gathered Harry into his arms.
Dumbledore je vzel Harryja v objem.
ופנה לכיוון ביתם של הדרסלים
and turned|towards|their home|of|the Drasels
in se je obrnil|v smeri|njihov dom|od|Drasli
And turned towards the Dursleys' home.
In se obrnil proti domu Dursleyjev.
אני יכול...
I can...
להיפרד ממנו, אדוני, כבודו?
to part|from him|my lord|your honor
ločiti|od njega|gospod|vaša čast
To part with him, sir, your honor?
Se posloviti od njega, gospod?
ניקש אגריד
je vprašal|Hagrid
Hagrid asked
Nekaj je bilo
ורכין את ראשו הגדול והפרוע מעל הרי
and bowed|his|head|big|and wild|over|mountains
in nagne|(neprevodna beseda)|njegova glava|velika|in divja|nad|hribi
and bowed his large, wild head over the mountains
in sklonil je svojo veliko in razmršeno glavo nad
והטלון השיקה שהייתה בוודאי
and the falcon|launched|that was|certainly
in the talon|launched|that was|certainly
and the mist that was certainly
in kaplja, ki je bila zagotovo
סעירה ומדגדגת במיוחד
stormy|and tickling|especially
divja|in srbeča|posebej
stormy and particularly ticklish
viharno in posebej srbeča
ואז פתאום, אגריד פלט יללה
and then|suddenly|Hagrid|let out|howl
in potem|nenadoma|Hagrid|je izdal|krik
And then suddenly, Hagrid let out a howl
In potem nenadoma, Hagrid je zavpil
של כלב פצוע
of an injured dog
kot ranjen pes
השתיקה פרופסור מגונגל
the silence|professor|from Muggles
Professor McGonagall silenced
tišina je prekinil profesor McGonagall
אתה תאיר את כל המוגלגים!
you|will illuminate|the|all|muggles
ti|boš osvetlil|vse||muglije
You will alert all the Muggles!
osvetlil boš vse mugle!
ס... סליחה
|excuse me
S... sorry
O... Opravičujem se
בב אגריד מוציא מכיסה מטפחת מנוקדת
in the|Hagrid|takes out|from his pocket|handkerchief|dotted
v|Hagrid|potegne|iz žepa|robec|pikast
In the bag, Hagrid takes out a dotted handkerchief
V Agridu potegne iz žepa pikčasto robec
וטומן בה את פניו
and burying|in it|the|his face
in burying|in it|the|his face
and buries his face in it
in si ga pokrije z obrazom
אבל זה כי אני פ... פ... פשוט לא אומ...
But it's because I... I... just can't...
Ampak to je zato, ker jaz p... p... preprosto ne z...
מאד בזה...
very|in this
zelo|v tem
elo dobro v tem...
לילי וג'יימס הם מתים ו...
Lily|and James|they|are dead|and
Lily|and James|they|are dead|and
Lily and James are dead and...
Lily in James sta mrtva in...
אריה, מסכן, הוא הולך לגור עם מוגלגים
Arie|poor thing|he|is going|to live|with|nerds
Arie|poor|he|is going|to live|with|Moglagim
Poor Harry, he is going to live with Muggles
Arija, ubogi, bo živel z mugli
כן, כן
Yes, yes
Ja, ja
זה בהחלט מאוד עצוב
It is definitely very sad
To je zagotovo zelo žalostno
אבל אתה חייב להשתלט על עצמך, אגריד
but|you|must|to control|on|yourself|Hagrid
But you have to pull yourself together, Hagrid
Ampak moraš obvladati sebe, Hagrid
או שיגלו אותנו
or|they will exile|us
ali|nas bodo izgnali|nas
Or they will reveal us
ali pa nas bodo odkrili
לחשה פרופסור מגונגל
je zašepetala|profesor|McGonagall
Professor McGonagall whispered
je zašepetala profesorica McGonagall
תופחת בחשה של זרועו של אגריד
slaps|stirring|of|his arm|of|Hagrid
udarila|mešanica|od|njegovega podlahti|od|Hagrid
patting Hagrid's arm
se je dotaknila z roko Hagridovega roka
בזמן שדמבלדור טיפס מעל הגדר
while|Dumbledore|climbed|over|the fence
ko|Dumbledore|je plezal|čez|ograjo
while Dumbledore climbed over the fence
medtem ko je Dumbledore plezal čez ograjo
הגינה הנמוכה
the garden|low
the low garden
nizki vrt
והלך עד לדלת הכניסה
and he walked|until|to the door|entrance
in je šel|do|do vrat|vhod
And he walked up to the entrance door.
in je šel do vhodnih vrat
הוא הניח את הרי בעדינות
On|je položil|(neprevodna beseda)|knjige|nežno
He gently placed the mountain down.
nežno je položil hribe
על מפתן הדלת
on|threshold|the door
On the threshold of the door.
na prag vrat
הוציא מכתב מתוך גלימתו
took out|letter|from within|his cloak
je vzel|pismo|iz|njegovega plašča
He took a letter out of his cloak.
vzel je pismo iz svojega plašča
דחף אותו בין הסמיכות של הרי
pushed|him|between|the proximity|of|the mountains
He pushed it between the folds of the mountain.
in ga potisnil med hribe
ואז שב אל השניים האחרים
and then|he returned|to|the two|others
in potem|se je vrnil|k|dvema|drugim
And then he returned to the other two.
In se je vrnil k obema ostalima
דקת מימה
minute|from water
minuta|od vode
A moment later.
Minuto kasneje
עמדו שלושתם והביטו בחבילה הקטנה
They stood|all three|and looked|at the small package|the small
so stali|trije|in so gledali|na paket|majhen
The three of them stood and looked at the small package.
Vsi trije so stali in gledali v majhen paket
כתפיו של אגריד רטטו
his shoulders|of|Hagrid|trembled
njegove ramena|od|Hagrid|so se tresla
Hagrid's shoulders trembled.
Hagridova ramena so se tresla
הפרופסור מגונגל
the professor|McGonagall
Professor McGonagall.
Profesorica McGonagall
מצמצה בעיניה בהצבנות
blinked|with her eyes|in annoyance
je trepnila|z očmi|z jezo
She blinked her eyes in annoyance.
Zasvetila je z očmi v jezi
והנצנוץ שבדרך כלל ריצד
and the sparkle|that usually|generally|flickered
in the sparkle|on the way|usually|flickered
And the sparkle that usually shimmered
in iskrica, ki je običajno žarela
בתוך עיניו של דמבלדור
inside|his eyes|of|Dumbledore
in Dumbledore's eyes
v očeh Dumbledoreja
was fixed.
je bila odločena
נו טוב
Well, okay.
No, dobro
אמר דמבלדור לבסוף
je rekel|Dumbledore|končno
Dumbledore said at last
je rekel Dumbledore na koncu
זהו זה, אין לנו מה להישאר כאן
that's it|this|there is no|to us|what|to stay|here
to je|to|ni|nam|kaj|ostati|tukaj
That's it, we have no reason to stay here
to je to, nimamo več razloga, da ostanemo tukaj
עכשיו כבר אפשר להצטרף לחגיגות
now|already|possible|to join|to the celebrations
zdaj|že|mogoče|pridružiti se|praznovanju
Now we can join the celebrations
zdaj se že lahko pridružimo praznovanju
אמר אגריד בכל חנוק למדי
said|Hagrid|in every|choked|somewhat
je rekel|Hagrid|vsem|zadušen|dokaj
Hagrid said somewhat choked up
je rekel Hagrid nekoliko zadušeno
אני עכשיו צריך להחזיר לסיריוס את האופנוע שלו
I|now|need|to return|to Sirius|the||his
jaz|zdaj|moram|vrniti|Siriju|(neprevodna beseda)|motor|njegov
I now need to return Sirius his motorcycle.
Zdaj moram vrniti Siriusov motor.
אלה טוב לנו גבירתי פרופסור מגונגל
these|good|for us|my lady|professor|McGonagall
to|good|for us|my lady|professor|McGonagall
These are good for us, Madam Professor McGonagall.
To je dobro za nas, gospa profesorica McGonagall.
אדוני פרופסור דמבלדור כבודו
my lord|Professor|Dumbledore|your honor
gospod|profesor|Dumbledore|vaša čast
Sir Professor Dumbledore, your honor.
Gospod profesor Dumbledore, vaša čast.
כשהוא מנגב את עיניו הזולגות בשרבול מילו
when he|wipes|the|his eyes|that are flowing|with the sleeve|of Milo
ko on|obriše|(neprevodna beseda)|njegove oči|ki tečejo|v rokavu|Milo
As he wipes his tearful eyes with Milo's sleeve.
Ko si briše solzne oči z Miliinim rokavom.
דיפס, אגריד חזרה אל האופנוע
Dips|Hagrid|returned|to|the motorcycle
Dips, Hagrid returned to the motorcycle.
Hagrid se je vrnil k motorju.
והתניעה את המנוע
and started|the|engine
in je zagnala|(neprevodna beseda)|motor
and started the engine
in poganjal motor
הוא עלה השמיים הבשעגע
He|ascended|to heaven|the one who is in distress
on|se je povzpel|nebo|v nebesih
he rose into the troubled skies
se je dvignil v nebo
ונעלם לתוך הלילה
and disappeared|into|the night
in je izginil|v|noč
and disappeared into the night
in izginil v noč
להתראות בקרוב פרופסור מגונגל
see you|soon|Professor|Magongal
na svidenje|kmalu|profesor|Mgonagal
see you soon Professor McGonagall
Se vidimo kmalu, profesor McGonagall
אמר דמבלדור בתנועת הראש קלה
said|Dumbledore|with a gesture|head|slight
je rekel|Dumbledore|z gibanjem|glave|rahlo
Dumbledore said with a slight nod of his head
je rekel Dumbledore z rahlim prikimavanjem
הפרופסור מגונגל כינחה את הפה בתגובה
the professor|Magongal|silenced|the||in response
profesor|McGonagall|je zaprl|(neprevodna beseda)|usta|v odgovoru
Professor McGonagall closed her mouth in response.
Profesor Magongal je zaprl usta v odgovoru.
דמבלדור הסתובב והתחיל ללכת
Dumbledore|turned|and started|to walk
Dumbledore|se obrnil|in začel|hoditi
Dumbledore turned around and started to walk.
Dumbledore se je obrnil in začel hoditi.
בפינת הרחוב נעצר ושלף את המאמאם הכסוף
at the corner of|the street|he stopped|and drew|the||silver
na vogalu|ulice|ustavil|in potegnil|(neprevodna beseda)|mamam|srebrn
He stopped at the corner of the street and drew out the silver wand.
Na vogalu ulice se je ustavil in potegnil ven srebrno maam.
הוא לחץ עליו פעם אחת ודריסה על כדורים של אור
He|pressed|on him|once|one|and ran over|on|balls|of|light
On|pritisnil|nanj|enkrat|enkrat|in je zgnil|na|krogle|od|svetloba
He pressed it once and stomped on balls of light.
Enkrat je pritisnil nanj in stopil na kroglice svetlobe.
אף הוא חזרה אל פנסי הרחוב
also|he|returned|to|streetlights|the street
tudi|on|se vrnila|k|svetilkam|ulice
He also returned to the streetlights.
Tudi se je vrnila k uličnim svetilkam.
כך שרחוב פריבט הוא ער לפתע באורק טמטם
so|that the street|private|he|awake||in a state of|confusion
tako|da je ulica|Privat|on|budan||u svetlobi|zmeda
Thus, Privet Street is suddenly awake in the dim light.
Tako je ulica Privat nenadoma oživela v svetlobi tmit.
והוא הספיק להבחין בחתולה מנומרת
and he|managed|to notice|in the cat|spotted
in je|uspel|opaziti|v mački|z vzorcem
And he managed to notice a spotted cat.
In uspelo mu je opaziti pegasto mačko.
שחמקה ונעלמה מעבר לפינה
slipped away|and disappeared|around|the corner
je ušla|in izginila|za|vogalom
That slipped away and disappeared around the corner.
Ki je ušla in izginila za vogalom.
בקצה הרחוק של הרחוב
at the end|far|of|the street
na koncu|daljnem|od|ulice
At the far end of the street.
Na drugem koncu ulice.
בקושי היה יכול עוד לראות את חבילת הסמיכות
barely|was|could|anymore|to see|the|package|blanket
komaj|je|mogel|še|videti|(neprevodna beseda)|paket|odeje
He could barely see the bundle of blankets anymore.
Komaj je še lahko videl paket odej.
על מפתנו של בית מספר 4
on|the doorstep|of|house|number
At the doorstep of house number 4
Na pragu hiše številka 4
בהצלחה ארי מלמל
good luck|Ari|mumbled
Good luck, Ari mumbled
Srečno, je mumljal Ari
הוא הסתובב על עקביו ונעלם ברשוש גלימה
He|turned|on|his heels|and disappeared|in a flash|cloak
On|se je obrnil|na|petah|in je izginil|v senci|plašča
He turned on his heels and disappeared into the folds of his cloak
Obrnil se je na petah in izginil v šumu plašča
רוח קלה בחשה בשיחים המטופחים של דרך טריבט
wind|light|stirred|in the bushes|well-groomed|of|road|Tribet
veter|lahka|je pihala|v grmovju|negovanih|od|cesta|Tribet
A light breeze stirred the well-kept bushes of Tribet Road
Lahek veter je pihal skozi negovane grmovje ob Trivetski poti
ששכבה דוממת וסדורה תחת השמיים האפלים
that lay|still|and orderly|under|the skies|dark
ki je ležala|tiho|in urejena|pod|nebesi|temnimi
Which lay silent and orderly under the dark skies
ki je tiho in urejeno ležala pod temnimi nevihtnimi oblaki
ונראתה כמו המקום האחרון שאתה מצפה
and looked|like|the place|last|that you|expect
in je izgledala|kot|mesto|zadnji|ki ga|pričakuješ
And it looked like the last place you would expect
In izgledalo je kot zadnje mesto, ki ga pričakuješ
שיקרו בו דברים מדהימים
there were said|in it|things|amazing
so se zgodile|v njem|stvari|neverjetne
amazing things to happen
da se tam dogajajo neverjetne stvari
הריפוטר התהפך בתוך חבילת הסמיכות שלו
the Harry Potter||inside|package|blankets|his
Harry Potter|se prevrnil|v|paket|odeje|njegove
Harry Potter flipped inside his blanket bundle
Harry Potter se je prevrnil v svojem kupu odej
מבלי להתעורר
without|waking up
brez|da se zbudi
without waking up
brez da bi se zbudil
יד קטנה אחת נחזה במכתב של עצידו
hand|small|one|was seen|in the letter|of|his friend
roka|majhna|ena|videna|v pismu|od|Azzido
One small hand was seen holding a letter from his father
Ena majhna roka je bila vidna na pismu njegovega očeta
והוא המשיך לישון
and he|continued|to sleep
in je|nadalil|spati
And he continued to sleep
In je nadal spal
בלי שיהיה לו מושג שהוא מיוחד
without|he will have|to him|idea|that he|special
brez|da bo|njemu|pojma|da je|poseben
without having any idea that he was special
brez da bi imel predstavo, da je poseben
בלי שידע שהוא מפורסם
without|him knowing|that he|is famous
brez|da ve|da je|znan
without knowing that he was famous
brez da bi vedel, da je znan
בלי שידע שעוד כמה שעות
without|he knew|that in|a few|hours
brez|da ve|da|nekaj|ur
without knowing that in a few hours
brez da bi vedel, da ga čez nekaj ur
יאירו אותו צבחותיה של גברת דרסלי
he would be awakened by the shouts of Mrs. Dursley
zbudijo kriki gospe Dursley
שתפתח את הדלת
that you will open|the|door
da odpreš|(neprevodna beseda)|vrata
to open the door
da odpre vrata
כדי להעמיד בחוץ את בקבוקי החלב הריקים
to|put|outside|the|bottles|of milk|empty
da|postaviti|zunaj|(neprevodna beseda)|steklenice|mleko|prazne
to put the empty milk bottles outside
da postavi prazne steklenice mleka zunaj
ושאת השבועות הקרובים
and the carrying|of the weeks|upcoming
in carrying|tedni|ki se približujejo
and that in the coming weeks
in da bo v naslednjih tednih
הוא יעביר בה להצוות ולהידקר
He|will transfer|in her|to be assigned|and to be stabbed
On|bo prenesel|v njej|uskladiti|in biti ranjen
he will be transferred there to be assigned and stabbed
to prenesel v opremljanje in vbode
על ידי בן דודו דדלי
by|the hand of|son|his uncle|Dudley
by his cousin Dudley
s strani svojega bratranca Dudleyja
הוא לא היה יכול לדעת
He|not|was|could|to know
He could not have known
Ni mogel vedeti
שבאותו רגע ממש
that very|moment|just
v tistem trenutku|trenutku|res
that at that very moment
da v tistem trenutku
אנשים שהתכנסו בחשי
People||in secret
ljudje||v tišini
people who had gathered quietly
so se ljudje, ki so se zbrali v tišini
בכל רחבי המדינה
throughout|wide|the country
po vseh|širjah|države
all over the country
po vsej državi
הרימו כוסיות ואמרו בשקט
raised|shot glasses|and said|quietly
dvignili|kozarce|in rekli|tiho
were raising glasses and saying quietly
dvignili kozarce in tiho rekli
לחיי הריפוטר
to the life of|Harry Potter
na zdravje|Harry Potter
To the life of Harry Potter
Na zdravje Harryju Potterju
הילד שנשאר בחיים
the boy|who stayed|alive
deček|ki je ostal|pri življenju
The boy who lived
Fant, ki je preživel
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