Jōhannēs discipulus est scholae secundāriae.
John|student|is|of the school|secondary
Jōhannēs ist Gymnasiast.
John is a high school student.
Multa pēnsa domestica sunt eī perficienda.
Many|tasks|domestic|are|to him|to be completed
Er hat viele Hausarbeiten zu erledigen.
He has many homework assignments to complete.
Ему предстоит выполнить много домашних дел.
Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.
Clara|is|student|of the university
Clara ist Studentin.
Clara is a university student.
Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt.
Also|of Clara|many|tasks|to be completed|are
Auch Clara hat viel zu tun.
Clara also has many assignments to complete.
Pēnsa nōn placent Jōhannī.
Thoughts|not|please|to Johann
John does not like assignments.
Пенса, пожалуйста, Джоханни.
Eī placet computātōriō lūdere.
||на компьютере|играть
He|likes|computer|to play
Er spielt gern mit dem Computer.
He likes playing on the computer.
Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
Clara|like|to read|and|to write
Clara likes reading and writing.
Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit.
Every day|task|he/she/it completes
Jeden Tag vervollständigt er die Pēnsa.
She completes her assignments every day.
Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.
Clara|is|sister|of John|older
Clara ist Johannes‘ ältere Schwester.
Clara is John's older sister.
Клара — старшая сестра Йоханнеса.
Semper facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.
Always|makes|so that|John|homework|domestic|his|may complete
завжди|робить|щоб||піклування|своїх домашніх|своїх|завершить
Er lässt Jōhannēs immer seine Hausarbeiten erledigen.
She always makes sure that John completes his homework.
Он всегда заставляет Йоханнеса выполнять домашние дела.
Haec est eadem fābula ā Jōhanne nārrāta.
||така ж||||
This is the same story told by John.
Ego sum discipulus scholae secundāriae.
I|am|student|of the school|secondary
Ich bin ein Gymnasiast.
I am a high school student.
Multa pēnsa domestica sunt mihi perficienda.
Many|tasks|domestic|are|to me|to be completed
Ich habe viele Hausarbeiten zu erledigen.
I have many homework assignments to complete.
Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.
Clara|is|student|of the university
Clara is a university student.
Etiam Clārae multa pēnsa perficienda sunt.
Also|of Clara|many|tasks|to be completed|are
Clara also has many assignments to complete.
Pēnsa mihi nōn placent.
thoughts|to me|not|please
I do not like assignments.
Mihi placet computātōriō lūdere.
to me|it is pleasing|with the computer|to play
I like playing on the computer.
Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
Clara|like|to read|and|to write
Clara likes reading and writing.
Cotīdiē pēnsa perficit.
Every day|task|he/she/it completes
She completes her assignments every day.
Clāra est soror mea major.
Clara is my older sister.
Semper facit ut pēnsa domestica mea perficiam.
Always|makes|so that|homework|domestic|my|I may complete
Er lässt mich immer meine Hausaufgaben erledigen.
She always makes sure I complete my homework.
1) Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae.
John|is|student|of the school|secondary
John is a high school student.
Estne Jōhannēs discipulus scholae secundāriae?
Is (he)|John|student|of the school|secondary
Is John a high school student?
Ita, Jōhannēs est discipulus scholae secundāriae.
Yes|John|is|student|of the school|secondary
Yes, John is a high school student.
2) Multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda.
Many|tasks|domestic|are|for John|to be completed
John has many homework assignments to complete.
Suntne multa pēnsa domestica Jōhannī perficienda?
Are there|many|tasks|household|to John|to be completed
Does John have many homework assignments to complete?
Ita, multa pēnsa domestica sunt Jōhannī perficienda.
Yes|many|tasks|domestic|are|to John|to be completed
Yes, John has many homework assignments to complete.
3) Clāra est discipula ūniversitātis.
Clara|is|student|of the university
Clara is a university student.
Estne Clāra discipula scholae secundāriae?
Is (she)|Clara|student|of the school|secondary
Is Clara a high school student?
Immō, Clāra nōn est discipula scholae secundāriae.
on the contrary|Clara|not|is|student|of the school|secondary
No, Clara is not a high school student.
Est discipula ūniversitātis.
She is|a student|of the university
She is a university student.
4) Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere.
to John|it pleases|with the computer|to play
John likes playing on the computer.
Placetne Jōhannī computātōriō lūdere?
Does it please|John|with the computer|to play
Does John like playing on the computer?
Ita, Jōhannī placet computātōriō lūdere.
Yes|to John|likes|computer|to play
Yes, John likes playing on the computer.
5) Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
The girls|like|to read|and|to write
Clara likes reading and writing.
Placetne Clārae pelliculās cīnēmatographicās spectāre?
Does it please|Clara|films|cinematic|to watch
Does Clara like watching movies?
Nōn, Clārae placent legere et scrībere.
No|Clara|like|to read|and|to write
No, Clara likes reading and writing.
6) Cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit.
Every day|Clara|tasks|completes
6) Jeden Tag führt Clara die Pēnsa durch.
Clara completes her assignments every day.
Cotīdiēne Clāra pēnsa perficit?
Does Clāra|Clāra|tasks|complete
Does Clara complete her assignments every day?
Ita, cotīdiē Clāra pēnsa perficit.
Yes|every day|Clara|tasks|completes
Yes, Clara completes her assignments every day.
7) Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.
Clara|is|sister|of John|older
Clara is John's older sister.
Suntne Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī?
Are John and Clara siblings?
Ita, Jōhannēs Clāraque cognātī sunt.
Yes|John|and Clara|are relatives|they are
Yes, John and Clara are siblings.
Clāra est soror Jōhannis major.
Clara|is|sister|of John|older
Clara ist Johannes‘ ältere Schwester.
Clara is John's older sister.
8) Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.
Clara|daily|makes|so that|Johannes|homework|domestic|his|may complete
Clara makes sure John completes his homework every day.
Facitne Clāra ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat?
Does it make|Clara|so that|Johannes|thought|domestic|his|may complete
Does Clara make sure John completes his homework?
Ita, Clāra cotīdiē facit ut Jōhannēs pēnsa domestica sua perficiat.
Yes|Clara|every day|makes|so that|Johannes|homework|domestic|his|completes
Yes, Clara makes sure John completes his homework every day.