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Quid Es Tu?, Quid es tu? – secundum

Quid es tu? – secundum

Quid Es Tū? - Secundum

Iōsēphus: Salvēte, audītōrēs! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus.

Lebbaeus: Salvēte, amīcī! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: Spērō vōs esse bene. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae.

Lebbaeus: rēctē, dīxistī! ut valēs hodiē, amīce?

Iōsēphus: valeō… et tū, Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: valeō bene.

Iōsēphus: ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar.”

Lebbaeus: Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar.”

Iōsēphus: Caesar?

Lebbaeus: [cōnstat] Caesar. Ō! Et Iōsēphus dīcit, “Caesar.”

Iōsēphus: Ita.

Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] bene. Hodiē, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis.

Iōsēphus: Quid est Lebbaeus? [rīdēns] Cognōscere volumus. Certē est homō, sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? Estne animal? Estne planta? Estne rēs? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. Quid es tū, Lebbaee?

[Mūsica cantat]

Iōsēphus: Esne tū animal?

Lebbaeus: Hodiē, amīce, ego nōn sum animal.

Iōsēphus: Tū nōn es animal. Esne tū plantā?

Lebbaeus: Certē, ego sum plantā, hodiē.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū arbor?

Lebbaeus: [rīdet] nōn sum arbor.

Iōsēphus: [exspīrat et Lebbaeus rīdet] esne tū maior quam mēnsā? -

Lebbaeus: -arbor! [rīdet]

Iōsēphus: dīxī arbor?

Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] nōn. Ego nōn sum maior quam arbor et ego nōn sum maior quam mēnsā.

Iōsēphus: Habitāsne in nātūrā?

Lebbaeus: [cōnstat] certē, habitō in nātūrā.

Iōsēphus: -aut, aut in mēnsā? [Lebbaeus susurrat] et in cēnā?

Lebbaeus: [susurrat] in cēnā?

Iōsēphus: in cēnā. In cēnā.

Lebbaeus: nōn.

Iōsēphus: minimē.

Lebbaeus: nōn, nōn habitō in cēnā. [Iōsēphus exspīrat] sed fortasse aliquandō ego habitō in mēnsā.

Iōsēphus: in mēnsā. [Lebbaeus cōnstat] Esne tū in ōllā?

Lebbaeus: Ōlla? Quid es ōlla?

Iōsēphus: Ōlla est vāsa.

Lebbaeus: Ō! Ōlla est vāsa! [rīdet] Āh. . .vāsa. . āh

Iōsēphus: tū būfō.

[Amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Āh. . . aliquandō in ō- ōllā. . . esne?

Iōsēphus: Ōllā. Ōllā.

Lebbaeus: Ōllā.

Iōsēphus: Ōllā.

Lebbaeus: Ego habitō aliquandō in ōllā.

Iōsēphus: Esne sectus?

Lebbaeus: Nōn sum.

Iōsēphus: Et tū es planta.

Lebbaeus: Es. Certē

Iōsēphus: Esne tū cibus?

Lebbaeus: Nōn. Nōn frequenter.

Iōsēphus: Nōn frequenter

Lebbaeus: Nōn frequenter ego sum - [Iōsēphus loquitur] - cibus.

Iōsēphus: - sed aliquandō -

Lebbaeus: cibus animalum. .ānī- estne animālium?

Iōsēphus: animālium.

Lebbaeus: cibus animālium - [Iōsēphus loquitur] - fortasse sum.

Iōsēphus: - Frequenter. Frequenter - tū es cibus animālium sed nōn cibus. . . cibus hominium.

Lebbaeus: Certē. Nōn frequenter.

Iōsēphus: Bene. Et aliquandō es tū in mēnsā.

Lebbaeus: [cōnstat] et in terrā. Et in terrā. In humō.

Iōsēphus: Ita.

Lebbaeus: Fortasse apud arborēs.

[Amīcī rīdent]

Iōsēphus: apud arborēs. Habitāsne inter arborēs?

Lebbaeus: ita. In multīs locīs ego habitō.

Iōsēphus: Et tū crēscis in. . .in terrā ipsa. Esne tū holerā?

Lebbaeus: Nōn sum holus. Nōn. nōn. . nōn sum holus. Nōn. . nōn sum frūctus.

Iōsēphus: Quem colōrem habēs?

Lebbaeus: Ego habeō multōs colōrēs sed amīce, ego multum bibō. Ego multum cōnsūmō.

Iōsēphus: Quid tū cōnsūmis? Quid tū bibis?

Lebbaeus: Aqua bibitur ā mē. [Iōsēphus cōnstat] Et. .et humus cōnsūmitur ā mē.

Iōsēphus: Esne flōs?

Lebbaeus: [exspīrat] Rēctē! Ego sum flōs.

Iōsēphus: Flōs. Quālis flōs?

Lebbaeus: Et. . et, et ego pāscō apēs. [facit sonum apis: bombītat]

Iōsēphus: Ō! Āpēs. Apēs. . apēs. . .

Lebbaeus: Ego dēlectō apēs.

[Amīcī cōnstant]

Iōsēphus: et apēs colligunt. . . āh quōmodo dīcitur “pollēn”?

Lebbaeus: Ō! Fortasse. . .fortasse aliī amīcī meī. . fortasse. .aliī flōrēs mordent hominēs, nōnne?

Iōsēphus: mordent hominēs? Hominēs. . .hominēs amīcōs tuōs mordent? [Lebbaeus cōnstat] et tū es flōs [Lebbaeus cōnstat] et et tū hominēs -- et tū apēs dēlectās.

Lebbaeus: [cōnstat] certē.

Iōsēphus: et quālis flōs es?

Lebbaeus: Quid? Quid . quid flōs tibi placet?

Iōsēphus: Esne tū rosā?

Lebbaeus: Certē. [Iōsēphus exclāmat] ego sum rosā.

Iōsēphus: Certē. Bene ego ēgī.

Lebbaeus: sed, amīce, tempus fugit.

Iōsēphus: Ō, tempus fugit. Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem flōris ēgit, partem rosae ēgit! Actor bonus erat. Nōnne cōnsentītis? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene respondit. Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis?

Lebbaeus: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

Iōsēphus: Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus!

Lebbaeus: grātiās plūrimās agimus, omnēs!

Iōsēphus: ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. Valēte!

Lebbaeus: in proximum!

[Mūsica cantat]

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Quid es tu? – secundum |||nach What|||"second" or "next" |||次 |||according to was bist du - zweite what are you - second qué vas a - segundo ce que vous êtes - deuxième che cosa siete - secondo あなたは何者ですか- によると 당신은 무엇입니까? - 에 따르면 o que você está - segundo что ты - второй Sen nesin - ikinci що ти? - другий 你是做什么的- 第二

**Quid Es Tū? What are you? - Secundum** nach According to - According to

**Iōsēphus**: Salvēte, audītōrēs! ||Zuhörer |Hello| Joseph: Greetings, listeners! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus. |||Josef name|to me||Joseph My name is Josephus.

**Lebbaeus**: Salvēte, amīcī! ||Freunde Lebbaeus: Hail, friends! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus. |||Lebbaeus And||"I am called"|Lebbaeus ||呼ばれる| And my name is Lebbaeus.

**Iōsēphus**: Spērō vōs esse bene. |ich hoffe|ihr||gut |"I hope"||to be| Joseph: I hope you are well. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae. dies||Aussage|unser|im Namen||||ich|Joseph||mein Freund||Lebbaeus|||| this||performance||name||||||||||we are|the teachers|| ||名作||||||||||||||| This is our catchphrase called "WHAT ARE YOU?" I, Josephus, and my friend, Lebbaeus, are masters of the Latin language. これは私たちのアクローマ「あなたは誰ですか?」です。私、ヨセフと私の友人レッバエウスはラテン語の教師です。

**Lebbaeus**: rēctē, dīxistī! ||du hast gesagt |correctly|you said |正しく|you said Lebbaeus: right, right! レッバエウス:その通り、言った通りだ! ut valēs hodiē, amīce? wie|wie geht es dir|heute|Freund that|"are you well"|today|friend How are you doing today, my friend? 今日は元気ですか、友よ?

**Iōsēphus**: valeō… et tū, Lebbaee? |ich bin gesund|||Lebbaeus ||||Lebbaee Josephus: Goodbye... and you, Lebba?

**Lebbaeus**: valeō bene. ||gut |I am well| Lebbaeus: I am well.

**Iōsēphus**: ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar.” |wie|ihr gehört habt|||||||| |"as" or "just as"|you heard||pronounces||ecclesiastical manner|ecclesiastical manner|"just as"||"Caesar" ||聞いた||発音する|||教会の||| Josephus: as you have heard, Lebbaeus pronounces words in an ecclesiastical manner: as the name "Caesar." ヨセフス:聞いた通り、レッバウスは教会のような方法で言葉を発音します:ちょうど「カエサル」という名前のように。

**Lebbaeus**: Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut nōmen “Caesar.” ||||words, speech|||"as"|| |||||||のように|| Lebbaeus: And Josephus pronounces the words in a classical manner: as the name "Caesar." レッバウス:そしてヨセフスは古典的な方法で言葉を発音します:ちょうど「カエサル」という名前のように。

**Iōsēphus**: Caesar? Josephus: Caesar? ヨセフス:カエサル?

**Lebbaeus**: __[cōnstat]__ Caesar. |it is known| Lebbaeus: [stands] Caesar. レビウス: [確かに] シーザー。 Ō! おお! Et Iōsēphus dīcit, “Caesar.” ||"says" or "is saying"| ||言う| And Josephus said, "Caesar." そしてヨセフは言う、「シーザー。」

**Iōsēphus**: Ita. Josephus: Yes. Джозефус: Да.

**Lebbaeus**: __[rīdēns]__ bene. Hodiē, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. Today||"part" or "role"|"I play"|"as"|word |||行う|のように| Today, I play the part as a vocabulary. 今日は、私は単語の一部を行います。 Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis. therefore||||||divine|You must |||||||しなければなりません Therefore, you and my friend must learn the word dīvīnā. したがって、あなたと私の友人は単語を推測しなければなりません。 Поэтому вам и моему другу придется использовать слово дивина.

**Iōsēphus**: Quid est Lebbaeus? Josephus: What is Lebbaeus? イエス: レバイウスとは何ですか? __[rīdēns]__ Cognōscere volumus. laughing|"To learn"|"we want to" |知る| [rīdēns] We want to know. [rīdēns] 私たちは知りたい。 Certē est homō, sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? ||a man||which|part||"plays" or "acts as" He is certainly a man, but what part does Lebbaeus play? 確かに彼は人間だが、レバウスはどの役割を演じているのか? Estne animal? |animal Is it an animal? これは動物ですか? Estne planta? Is it|plant Is it a plant? Estne rēs? |thing matter |事物 Is it a thing? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. ||you||| You and I will have to guess the vocabulary. Quid es tū, Lebbaee? |です|| What are you, Lebba?

__[Mūsica cantat]__ [sings music]

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū animal? Joseph: Are you an animal? イエス:君は動物なのか?

**Lebbaeus**: Hodiē, amīce, ego nōn sum animal. |today||||I am| Lebbaeus: Today, my friend, I am not an animal. レビ:今日は、友よ、私は動物ではない。

**Iōsēphus**: Tū nōn es animal. Josephus: You are not an animal. イエス:君は動物ではない。 Esne tū plantā? ||plant ||植物 Are you a plant?

**Lebbaeus**: Certē, ego sum plantā, hodiē. |certainly|||| Lebbaeus: Certainly, I am in the plant today.

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū arbor? |are you||tree |||木 Joseph: Are you a tree?

**Lebbaeus**: __[rīdet]__ nōn sum arbor. |laughs|||tree Lebbaeus: [laughs] I am not a tree.

**Iōsēphus**: __[exspīrat et Lebbaeus rīdet]__ esne tū maior quam mēnsā? |breath|||||||than|table ||||||||より| Josephus: [breathes out and Lebbaeus laughs] Are you older than Mēnsā? -

**Lebbaeus**: -arbor! |tree Lebbaeus: - a tree! __[rīdet]__ [laughs]

**Iōsēphus**: dīxī arbor? |I said|tree Josephus: Where is the tree?

**Lebbaeus**: __[rīdēns]__ nōn. Thaddeus|laughing| Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] nōn. Ego nōn sum maior quam arbor et ego nōn sum maior quam mēnsā. |||||||||||than|table |||||||||||テーブル| I am not greater than a tree, and I am not greater than a table.

**Iōsēphus**: Habitāsne in nātūrā? |"Do you live"||nature |||自然 Joseph: Do you live in nature?

**Lebbaeus**: __[cōnstat]__ certē, habitō in nātūrā. |||I dwell|| Lebbaeus: [It is certain] surely, I live in nature.

**Iōsēphus**: -aut, aut in mēnsā? |or|or||on the table |また|また|| Joseph: -either, or at the table? __[Lebbaeus susurrat]__ et in cēnā? |whispers|||at dinner ||||夕食 [Lebbaeus whispers] and at dinner?

**Lebbaeus**: __[susurrat]__ in cēnā? |||at dinner Lebbaeus: [whispers] at dinner?

**Iōsēphus:** in cēnā. ||dinner Joseph: at the dinner. In cēnā. |at dinner At the dinner.

**Lebbaeus:** nōn. Lebbaeus: no.

**Iōsēphus:** minimē. |not at all Josephus: at least. Джозефус: по крайней мере.

**Lebbaeus**: nōn, nōn habitō in cēnā. ||not|I live|"in"|at dinner Lebbaeus: No, I do not live at dinner. Леббей: Нет, я не живу за ужином. __[Iōsēphus exspīrat]__ sed fortasse aliquandō ego habitō in mēnsā. |"expires"||"perhaps"|"sometime" or "at some time"||live on|on|on a table Joseph breathes out, but perhaps someday I will dwell on the table. [Джозеф выдыхает] но, возможно, какое-то время я проживу в этом месяце.

**Iōsēphus:** in mēnsā. Joseph|| Joseph: on the table. __[Lebbaeus cōnstat]__ Esne tū in ōllā? |stands||||in the pot |||||すべてのこと |||||questo [Lebbaeus asks] Are you in the pot?

**Lebbaeus:** Ōlla? |Pot or jar Quid es ōlla? ||pot What is a pot?

**Iōsēphus:** Ōlla est vāsa. |Pot||cooking pot Joseph: A pot is a vessel.

**Lebbaeus:** Ō! Lebbaeus: Oh! Ōlla est vāsa! pot||vessel お鍋||器 All that is vāsa! __[rīdet]__ Āh. |Ah . .vāsa. dwelling abode . āh

**Iōsēphus:** tū būfō. Joseph||You toad ||buffone ||you are a buffoon Joseph: you are a toad.

__[Amīcī rīdent]__ [Friends laugh]

**Lebbaeus:** Āh. Lebbaeus: Ah. . . aliquandō in ō- ōllā. sometime||| いつか||| sometime in ō- ōllā. . . esne? are you? are you

**Iōsēphus:** Ōllā. |Olla Ōllā. Pot.

**Lebbaeus**: Ōllā.

**Iōsēphus:** Ōllā. |Olla Josephus: Ōllā.

**Lebbaeus**: Ego habitō aliquandō in ōllā. |||sometimes|| Lebbaeus: I sometimes live in a pot.

**Iōsēphus**: Esne sectus? ||"cut" or "circumcised" ||切られた ||czy jesteś cięty ||separato Josephus: Are you a follower? Джозефус: Ты последователь?

**Lebbaeus**: Nōn sum. Lebbaeus: I am not. Леббеус: Нет.

**Iōsēphus**: Et tū es planta. Josephus: And you are a plant. Джозефус: А ты растение.

**Lebbaeus**: Es. Lebbaeus: You are. Леббей: Да. Certē Certainly

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū cibus? |Are you||food |||食べ物 Josephus: Are you the food? Джозефус: Ты еда?

**Lebbaeus**: Nōn. Lebbaeus: No. Леббеус: Нет. Nōn frequenter. |Not often. |頻繁に |frequent Not often.

**Iōsēphus**: Nōn frequenter ||not often Josephus: Not often Джозефус: Не часто

**Lebbaeus**: Nōn frequenter ego sum - __[Iōsēphus loquitur]__ - cibus. ||||||speaks| Lebbaeus: I am not often - [Josephus speaking] - food.

**Iōsēphus**: - sed aliquandō - Josephus: - but for a while -

**Lebbaeus**: cibus animalum. |food of animals|animals' ||動物の Lebbaeus: animal food. .ānī- estne animālium? "ānī" in the context of "ānī- estne animālium?" translates to "of the animals."|"Is it"|of animals .ānī- is it an animal?

**Iōsēphus**: animālium. Josephus: animal.

**Lebbaeus**: cibus animālium - __[Iōsēphus loquitur]__ - fortasse sum. |||||perhaps| Lebbaeus: animal food - [Josephus speaks] - perhaps I am.

**Iōsēphus**: - Frequenter. Josephus: - Frequently. Джозефус: - Часто. Frequenter - tū es cibus animālium sed nōn cibus. ||||animals||| Often - you are animal food but not food. . . cibus hominium. food|"of humans" human food

**Lebbaeus**: Certē. |surely Lebbaeus: Certainly. Nōn frequenter. |frequently Not often.

**Iōsēphus**: Bene. |well Joseph: Well. Et aliquandō es tū in mēnsā. |"sometimes"||||on the table |時々|||| And sometimes you are in the month. А иногда ты в месяце.

**Lebbaeus**: __[cōnstat]__ et in terrā. ||||on the earth Lebbaeus: [stands] and on the ground. Леббей: [стоит] на земле. Et in terrā. ||on the earth And in the ground. In humō. In the|On the ground. 中に|人間 |w ziemi In the soil В почве

**Iōsēphus**: Ita. Josephus: Yes.

**Lebbaeus**: Fortasse apud arborēs. |perhaps at the trees|"among"|trees ||przy| Lebbaeus: Perhaps near the trees. Леббей: Возможно, возле деревьев.

__[Amīcī rīdent]__ [Friends laugh] [Друзья смеются]

**Iōsēphus**: apud arborēs. |among|trees |のそばに| Joseph: among the trees. Джозеф: среди деревьев. Habitāsne inter arborēs? |among| Do you dwell among the trees?

**Lebbaeus**: ita. |yes so be it Lebbaeus: Yes. In multīs locīs ego habitō. ||places|| I have lived in many places.

**Iōsēphus**: Et tū crēscis in. |||"you grow in"| |||成長する| |||rosnąć| Josephus: And you grow up in . .in terrā ipsa. ||"in the land itself" ||それ自体 ||same .in the land itself. Esne tū holerā? ||vegetables ||病気 ||verdura Are you a vegetable? Ты дома?

**Lebbaeus**: Nōn sum holus. |||vegetable |||野菜 Lebbaeus: I am not a vegetable. Леббеус: Я не дурак. Nōn. No. nōn. . nōn sum holus. ||a vegetable Я не дурак. Nōn. . nōn sum frūctus. not||"I am not fruit." I am not frustrated.

**Iōsēphus**: Quem colōrem habēs? |"What"|| Josephus: What color will you have?

**Lebbaeus**: Ego habeō multōs colōrēs sed amīce, ego multum bibō. ||||colors|but|||a lot|drink Lebbaeus: I have many colors but my friend, I will drink a lot. Леббей: У меня много цветов, но, друг мой, я выпью много. Ego multum cōnsūmō. |a lot|"I consume much." I consume a lot. Я потребляю много.

**Iōsēphus**: Quid tū cōnsūmis? ||"you"|"are you consuming" Josephus: What do you eat? Иосиф Флавий: Что ты ешь? Quid tū bibis? ||"you drink" What will you drink? Что вы будете пить?

**Lebbaeus**: Aqua bibitur ā mē. |Water|is drunk|by|me Lebbaeus: Water is drunk by me. Леббей: Воду пьют изо рта. __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ Et. |stands| [Josephus states] And. .et humus cōnsūmitur ā mē. |"soil"|is consumed|by me| |土|消費される|| And the earth is consumed by me. .и почва поглощается ме.

**Iōsēphus**: Esne flōs? ||flower Joseph: Are you a flower? Джозеф: Ты цветок?

**Lebbaeus**: __[exspīrat]__ Rēctē! Lebbaeus: [breathes out] Right! Леббей: [выдыхает] Верно! Ego sum flōs. ||flower ||花 I am the flower. Я цветок.

**Iōsēphus**: Flōs. Josephus: Flos. Джозефус: Флос. Quālis flōs? What kind of?| What kind of flower? Что за цветок?

**Lebbaeus**: Et. Lebbaeus: And Леббей: И . et, et ego pāscō apēs. |||I feed|bees |||飼う|蜂 |||I feed| and, and I feed the bees. и, и я кормлю пчел. і я годую бджіл. __[facit sonum apis: bombītat]__ makes|sound|bee|buzzes [makes the sound of a bee: buzzes] [видає звук бджоли: дзижчить]

**Iōsēphus**: Ō! Josephus: Oh! Āpēs. "Bees." the animals Apēs. . apēs. . .

**Lebbaeus**: Ego dēlectō apēs. ||"I delight"|bees ||喜ばせる| Lebbaeus: I delight in bees. Леббеус: Я выбрал пчел. Леббе: Я вибрав бджіл.

__[Amīcī cōnstant]__ |stand firm |いる [Friends are constant] [Вони стоять як друзі]

**Iōsēphus**: et apēs colligunt. |||"gather" or "collect" |||集める Josephus: and bees gather. Иосиф Флавий: и они собирают пчел. . . āh quōmodo dīcitur “pollēn”? |"how"|"is it said"|"to be strong" |どうして|言われる|花粉 How do you say "pollen"? Как сказать «пыльца»? Як сказати "пилок"?

**Lebbaeus**: Ō! Lebbaeus| Lebbaeus: Oh! Fortasse. Perhaps. . .fortasse aliī amīcī meī. "perhaps"|other|friends|"of my" Perhaps some of my friends. .возможно, другому моему другу. .можливо ще одному моєму другу. . . fortasse. perhaps. .aliī flōrēs mordent hominēs, nōnne? "Other" or "some others"|flowers|bite|humans|"don't they" ||噛む|| ||bite|| .other flowers bite people, don't they? .люди кусают другие цветы, не так ли?

**Iōsēphus**: mordent hominēs? |"bite"|people |you bite| Josephus: do they bite men? Иосиф Флавий: они кусают людей? Hominēs. People. Humans. . .hominēs amīcōs tuōs mordent? |your friends|"your"|bite .do people bite your friends? .люди кусают твоих друзей? __[Lebbaeus cōnstat]__ et tū es flōs __[Lebbaeus cōnstat]__ et et tū hominēs -- et tū apēs dēlectās. |"is known"||||flower||||||||you|the bees|you delight |||||||||||人々||||楽しませる [Lebbaeus stands] and you are the flowers [Lebbaeus stands] and you are men -- and you are the chosen bees. [Леббей стоит] и вы — цветы [Леббей стоит] и оба мужчины — и вы — избранные пчелы.

**Lebbaeus**: __[cōnstat]__ certē. Lebbaeus: [constantly] certainly. Леббей: [постоянно] конечно.

**Iōsēphus**: et quālis flōs es? ||what kind|flower| Josephus: and what kind of flower are you? Иосиф Флавий: а что ты за цветок?

**Lebbaeus**: Quid? Lebbaeus: What? Quid . quid flōs tibi placet? what|flower|to you|"do you like" what flower do you like? какой цветок тебе нравится? яка квітка тобі подобається?

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū rosā? |||a rose Josephus: Are you a rose? Иосиф Флавий: Ты роза?

**Lebbaeus**: Certē. Lebbaeus| Lebbaeus: Certainly. __[Iōsēphus exclāmat]__ ego sum rosā. |exclaims||| [Josephus exclaims] I am the rose.

**Iōsēphus**: Certē. Josephus: Certainly. Bene ego ēgī. ||"I did well." ||した Well, I'm fine. Ну, я в порядке. Ну я в порядку.

**Lebbaeus**: sed, amīce, tempus fugit. |||time|"time flies" Lebbaeus: but, my friend, time flies. Леббей: Но, друг мой, время летит.

**Iōsēphus**: Ō, tempus fugit. ||time|time flies Josephus: Oh, time flies. Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem flōris ēgit, partem rosae ēgit! the listeners|||part of flower|"of the flower"|"acted as"||of the rose|performed |||花の一部||||| Listeners, today Lebbaeus ate part of the flower, ate part of the rose! Слушатели, сегодня Леббей съел часть цветка, съел часть розы! Actor bonus erat. The actor|good|was He was a good actor. Nōnne cōnsentītis? Surely|you agree |zgadzacie się Don't you agree? Вы не согласны? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene respondit. |many|questions|I asked|and|||responded |||尋ねた|||| You asked him many questions and Lebbaeus answered well. Вы задали ему много вопросов, и Леббей хорошо на них ответил. Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis? |word|"guessed" Will you listen, have you seen the word dīvīnā? Послушайте, вы видели слово дивина?

**Lebbaeus**: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse! |||correctly|have guessed correctly |私は希望する||| Lebbaeus: I hope you have understood correctly! Леббей: spērō vōs rēctē divinasse!

**Iōsēphus**: Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus! Joseph|Very well|you all heard||us|||to you|thank Josephus: You have listened very well and we thank you very much! Джозефус: Вы очень хорошо меня услышали, и мы вам большое спасибо!

**Lebbaeus**: grātiās plūrimās agimus, omnēs! |many thanks|very many thanks|we give|all of you Lebbaeus: We give many thanks to all! Леббеус: Мы всем большое спасибо!

**Iōsēphus**: ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. |performance|"our"|"finished" or "completed"| |私たちの喜び||終わり| Josephus: our performance has ended. Иосиф Флавий: Наша акроама закончена. Valēte! Farewell! さようなら Farewell!

**Lebbaeus**: in proximum! ||"next" or "near future" ||次の Lebbaeus: until next time!

__[Mūsica cantat]__ Music (1)| [sings music]