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Latin Odyssey, Circe


On another island, Odysseus has sent a search party to find inhabitants. One of their number, Eurylochus, returns to tell what happened.

Eurylochus revenit et nuntiavit: “per silvam ambulabamus. subito domum magnam invenimus. aliquis in domo cantabat. ubi vocavimus, dea e domo venit et statim vocavit nos intrare. omnes comites cum dea intraverunt. ego autem periculum prosensi, itaque foris manebam. nunc omnes mortui sunt, nam nemo revenit e domo.

statim Ulixes gladium et arcum sustulit et rogavit, “Euryloche, ubi est via? necesse est mihi comites invenire et servare.” Eurylochus respondit: “te necabit! noli discedere!” Ulixes non Eurylochum audivit sed per silvam discessit. mox Mercurium deum invenit. Mercurius Ulixem salutavit: “salve, Ulixes, ubi iter facis? ubi erras? cupisne comites tuos servare? difficile erit! sed audi: recipe hoc - est herba quae te servabit ex periculo. nam dea artes magicas agit. haec artes comites tuos superaverunt. sed tu artes deae superabis hac cum herba. ubi te mutare in suem petit, deam oppugna. tum auxilium dabit tibi.”

Circe Enchantress or sorceress Passes

On another island, Odysseus has sent a search party to find inhabitants. On|alio|island|Ulysses|misit|miserat||quaerere|search party|ad|invenire|incolae On another island, Odysseus has sent a search party to find inhabitants. One of their number, Eurylochus, returns to tell what happened. Unus ex eis|of|their|group|Eurylochus|revertitur|to|narrāre|quid accidit|accidit

Eurylochus revenit et nuntiavit: “per silvam ambulabamus. Eurylochus returned and announced: "We were walking through the forest."|returns||"he announced"||"the forest"|we were walking Secure and reported back: "walking through the forest. Zabezpieczone i zgłoszone z powrotem: „spacer po lesie. subito domum magnam invenimus. suddenly|||"we found" a sudden, a great house, we have found. すぐに大きな家を見つけました。 nagle, wielki dom, znaleźliśmy. repente, uma grande casa, nós encontramos. aliquis in domo cantabat. someone||"in the house"|was singing Someone in the house singing. 家の中で誰かが歌っていました。 Ktoś w domu śpiewa. ubi vocavimus, dea e domo venit et statim vocavit nos intrare. when|we called|goddess|"from the"|from the house|came out||immediately|called us in|us|to enter When we called, the goddess came from the house and immediately called us to enter. 私たちが呼ぶと、女神が家から出てきてすぐに私たちを中に入れるように言いました。 gdzie zawołaliśmy, przyszedł z domu i zawołał do nas, abyśmy weszli do bogini. omnes comites cum dea intraverunt. ||with|goddess|entered All the companions entered with the goddess. すべての仲間たちは女神と一緒に入りました。 poszedł i wszedł z boginią wszystkich hrabiów. ego autem periculum prosensi, itaque foris manebam. |"however"|danger|I sensed|"and so"|outside|I was staying However, I sensed danger, and so I remained outside. しかし私は危険を感じ、したがって外に留まっていました。 Jestem jednak zagrożeniem ze strony Prosense, dlatego byłem na ulicach. nunc omnes mortui sunt, nam nemo revenit e domo. |all of them|"dead people"||for|no one|returns|from the house|house but now, all the men are dead, for no one comes back out of the house. 今、すべての人が死んでしまいました。というのも、家に戻ってくる者はいないからです。 ale teraz wszyscy ludzie nie żyją, bo nikt nie wychodzi z domu.

statim Ulixes gladium et arcum sustulit et rogavit, “Euryloche, ubi est via? "immediately" or "at once"||sword||"the bow"|"lifted up"||"he asked"|Eurylochus|||road, way, path Ulysses picked up the knife and bow and asked, "Eurylochus, where is the road? すぐにウリクスは剣と弓を取り上げて尋ねました、「エウリュロコス、道はどこですか?」 Ulisses podniósł nóż i łuk i zapytał: „Eurylochu, gdzie jest droga? necesse est mihi comites invenire et servare.” Eurylochus respondit: “te necabit! "necessary" or "it is necessary"||"for me"|companions|"to find"||protect/save/keep|"Eurylochus responded: 'He will kill you!'"|replied|you|"will kill you" My companions need to find and keep. " Eurylochos replied: "I'll kill you! 私は仲間を見つけて守らなければなりません。」エウリュロコスは答えました:「あなたを殺します! Moi towarzysze muszą znaleźć i zatrzymać. " Eurylochos odpowiedział: „Zabiję cię! noli discedere!” Ulixes non Eurylochum audivit sed per silvam discessit. "Do not"|"to leave"|||Eurylochus|"he heard"||||"went away" Do not leave! " Ulysses has not yet heard Eurylochum left through the wood. 立ち去らないでください!」ウリクスはエウリュロコスの言葉を聞かずに森を進んでいった。 Nie zostawiaj! " Ulisses nie słyszał jeszcze, jak Eurylochum wyszedł z lasu. mox Mercurium deum invenit. "soon"|Mercury the god|the god|"found" or "discovers" Mercury is just a god results. モックス、メルクリウム神を見つけた。 Merkury jest po prostu bogiem. Mercurius Ulixem salutavit: “salve, Ulixes, ubi iter facis? Mercury greeted Ulysses||greeted|Hello|||journey|"you make" Mercury Ulysses greeting: "Hello, Ulysses, where the way you do? メルクリウスはユリクセスに挨拶した:「こんにちは、ユリクセス、どこに行くのか?」 ubi erras? where|"you wander" where are you wrong? 迷っているのか? cupisne comites tuos servare? "Do you want"||your companions|to save do you want to save your companions? 仲間を守ることはできますか? cupisne twoich towarzyszy w pewnych sprawach? difficile erit! "It will be difficult!"|"will be" it will be difficult! 難しいでしょう! To będzie trudne! sed audi: recipe hoc - est herba quae te servabit ex periculo. "but"|"listen"|take this remedy|"this"|is|herb|which||"will save"|"from" or "out of"|danger But note: the recipient - is a plant which will save you from danger. でも聞いて:これを受け取って - これはあなたを危険から守る草です。 Ale uwaga: odbiorca - to roślina, która uchroni Cię przed niebezpieczeństwem. nam dea artes magicas agit. For|goddess|magical arts|magical arts|"practices" because she does magic skills. 神々の力は魔法を使う。 ponieważ posiada umiejętności magiczne. haec artes comites tuos superaverunt. "these" or "these things"|"these skills"|||have surpassed These skills than your companions. これらの力はあなたの仲間を超えました。 Te umiejętności niż twoi towarzysze. sed tu artes deae superabis hac cum herba. |you|skills|goddess's|"will surpass"|"with this"|| But you will overcome this goddess of arts and grass. しかし、あなたはこの草と一緒に女神の力を超越します。 Ale pokonasz tę boginię sztuki i trawy. ubi te mutare in suem petit, deam oppugna. ||"to change"||pig or swine|"seeks"|goddess|"attack" where it seeks to change you into a pig, fight the goddess. 彼は蛇から猪へと変身したとき、女神を攻撃せよ。 Kiedy w pośpiechu zmieniasz świnię, atak bogini. tum auxilium dabit tibi.” "then"|"help" or "assistance"|"will give"|"to you" then she will give you help. そのとき彼女は助けを与えるだろう。 a także pomóc ci dać. "