6. Aeneid 1 418-436, Icebreaker 2
6. Aeneis 1 418-436, Eisbrecher 2
6. Aeneid 1 418-436, Icebreaker 2
6. Eneida 1 418-436, Rompehielos 2
6. Énéide 1 418-436, brise-glace 2
6. Eneide 1 418-436, Rompighiaccio 2
6. Eneida 1 418-436, Lodołamacz 2
6. Енеїда 1 418-436, Криголам 2
427 hic alii effodiunt portus;
here|others|"dig out"|harbors
428 hic alii locant
alta fundamenta theatris,
429 que excidunt immanes columnas rupibus,
and|they fall|huge|columns|from the cliffs
alta decora futuris scaenis.
430 qualis labor exercet apes
what kind of|work|does|the bees
nova aestate sub sole,
per florea rura
431 cum educunt
with|they lead out
fetus gentis adultos,
fetus|of the race|adults
432 aut cum stipant liquentia mella
or||they pack|liquid|honey
433 et distendunt cellas dulci nectare,
|they stretch|cells|sweet|nectar
434 aut accipiunt onera venientum,
or|they receive|burdens|coming
aut agmine facto
or|army|having been made
435 arcent a praesepibus fucos
they drive away||from the beehives|bumblebees
ignavum pecus:
436 opus fervet,
work|is in progress
que fragrantia mella redolent thymo.
and|fragrance|honey|are fragrant|thyme