031 Pronomina - aliquis, aliqui, quidam, quisquam, ullus
Pronouns|someone|some|a certain|anyone|any
031 Pronomen – jemand, einige, einige, irgendjemand, irgendjemand
031 Pronouns - someone, some, some, anyone, any
031 Pronombres: alguien, algunos, algunos, cualquiera, cualquiera
031 Pronoms - quelqu'un, certains, certains, n'importe qui, n'importe qui
031 Pronomi - qualcuno, alcuni, qualcuno, chiunque, qualunque
031 代名詞 - 誰か、いくつか、いくつか、誰でも、どれでも
031 Voornaamwoorden - iemand, sommigen, sommigen, iedereen, wie dan ook
031 Pronomes - alguém, alguns, alguns, qualquer um, qualquer
031 Местоимения - кто-то, какой-то, какой-то, кто-нибудь, любой
031 Займенники - хтось, якийсь, якийсь, хтось, будь-який
Sunt quidam non re, sed nomine homines.
|certain people||thing|||
There are some people not in reality, but in name.
Hay algunas personas no realmente, pero sólo el nombre de los hombres.
In omnibus hominibus quiddam est, quo inter se similes sunt.
In all men there is something in which they are alike.
Est genus quoddam hominum in urbe Sparta, quod Hilotae vocatur.
|type|a certain||||||the Helots|
There is a certain class of men in the city of Sparta, which is called Helotes.
Eloquentiam recte quasi alumnam quandam constitutae civitatis vocant.
eloquence|rightly|as if|nurtured one|a certain|established||
They rightly call eloquence a kind of student of the established state.
Omnes homines quibusdam vitiis et virtutibus praediti sunt.
|||vices|||endowed with|
All men are endowed with certain vices and virtues.
Omnis lex aut iubet aliquid bonum aut vetat aliquid malum.
Every law either enjoins something good or forbids something evil.
Ob aliquod commodum qui verum dissimulat, mendaci par est.
||advantage|||hides the truth|liar||
He who conceals the truth for some advantage is equal to a liar.
Quid homini, in quo aliqui pudor, aliqua verecundia est, gravius est, quam si verbis eius fidem non habemus?
||||some|shame||modesty||more serious||||words||||
|||||||||||||||||tenemos fe en
What is worse for a man, in whom there is some shame, some shame, than if we have no faith in his words?
Nemo sine aliquo vitio est.
||some vice|fault|
No one is without some fault.
Ignavus exercitus ex hostibus victoriam non reportat, nisi quam fraudem, nisi quem dolum adhibet.
cowardly||||||brings back|||deceit|||trick|he employs
A lazy army does not bring victory from the enemy, unless it employs some sort of trickery or deceit.
Nuda fere sunt cacumina Alpium et si quid est pabuli, nivibus obrutum est.
Naked|||summits||||||of fodder|the snow|buried under snow|
The tops of the Alps are almost bare, and if there is any fodder, it is covered by snow.
Quo quis est modestior, eo carior est omnibus.
where|who||more modest||||
|||more modest||||
The more modest a person is, the more dear they are to everyone.
Hominum vix quisquam nonaginta annos complet.
Hardly any man reaches the age of ninety.
Noventa años, casi no hay direcciones.
Poena indigna dignitati hominis non nocet neque cuiquam dedecori est.
Unworthy punishment does not harm the dignity of a person, nor is it dishonorable to anyone.
Aetate aurea homines sine ulla lege fidem rectumque observabant.
|golden age||||law||and right|observed
In the golden age men observed faith and righteousness without any law.
Hostes irati saepe omnes captivos necant neque ulli militi temperant.
|angry|||the captives|kill||any|soldier|they spare
Enraged enemies often kill all the prisoners and do not control any of the soldiers.
Quis umquam ulli populo infensior fuit quam Hannibal Romanis?
|ever|any||more hostile||||
||||more hostile||||
Who was ever more hostile to any people than Hannibal to the Romans?
¿Quién fue más amargo hacia cualquier pueblo que Aníbal hacia los romanos?